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• The most common misconception of business owners is that they don’t need an IT support for small business companies to help them grow at the beginning. They may only require an IT support once they are fully established and are already full grown with more employees, higher income profit and expanding business locations.

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• This is where most small companies often fail. Once the business is operational and growing, you need an IT partner that will foresee all the technicalities your company will be facing and avoid it before happening and may give alternatives to make sure it will not affect the business. There are various reasons to keep an IT services for your small business:

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SMOOTH BUSINESS OPERATION• Most companies don’t hire an IT support for small

business because of the thought that they can handle any technological failures easily. Some just rely technical troubleshooting to someone who may have seen it online or just a techie individual. It all sums up to the fact that small businesses do not want to pay extra cost for what they consider not an essential requirement for their growth.

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• What they are missing is the advantage that having an IT services small business can resolve any technical issues right away or with a proper diagnosis that can be avoided later on. This then can save them a lot of time to focus on the business rather than figuring out how to troubleshoot an employee’s desktop.

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• Start up owners just go on buying systems or any IT products that they think can be helpful to their business operations but just end up in the warehouse, untouched. While other cases, buying an obsolete system which is way cheaper but more complicated to troubleshoot in case and may just end up buying a new one instead.

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• This is another misconception that owners think that have saved a lot but practically not. Upon business establishment, your IT support can suggest devices that are essential for the company’s daily operations and needs. Most devices such as desktops can run for a good four or five year life span. Thus having an IT support for small business can be more beneficial since they know where to buy good quality products and may be cheaper cost since they can easily converse with the supplier or vendors.

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• Using cracked software can be very harmful to your system and business. Usually the programs and software run by small businesses are sometimes pirated without their knowledge or may have not been aware of. This will put your business at more risks since licensing is very critical especially in business-related software. Most licensed software have complex technicalities that often left unread or skipped but may do a great deal if pondered upon. Having an IT support specialist can free your mind from all these software issues. They can readily install, troubleshoot and run the software with full ease and can customize it based on its usage.

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• Frauds, scams and phishing often target small businesses and are usually injected in emails. Protect your business by securing all your company mails with the help of IT support.

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• They can secure your company server and all important information without being victimized. Don’t just rely on your website’s hosting and free email set up. Though they have customer support, they cannot go through in-depth troubleshooting if something comes up, they can only provide you general support.

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ADVANTAGES OF IT SUPPORT• Small businesses should

focus on how to grow, expand and maximize their company’s potentials. Leave the technology issues to the experts. It should not be an issue that the company may fail all because of technology failures.

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• It should be a part of the business plan to find the right IT services small business that can partner your business and achieve success. Planning is the best factor, always plan ahead and anticipate all the things that may hinder your small business in becoming big and successful.

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