Download - Small Business Marketing fears- What Are You So Afraid Of?

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Have you ever been afraid of something? So afraid that at times it consumes you?

What Are You So Afraid Of?Small Business Marketing Fears

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Have you ever been afraid of something?

So afraid that at times it consumes you?

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Are you afraid of never making your goals in your


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Are you afraid of not being as successful?

Are you afraid of not doing everything perfectly?

Are you afraid of marketing ?

Are you afraid of the future of your business?

Are you afraid of your clients?

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 ”Why so many loaded questions,” you might be asking.

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Fear is debilitating…

It eats at your


It tears at your strengths and it

makes your weaknesses palpable.

Fear makes us vulnerable!

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So what are you doing to Overcome the Fears that lurk in your mind about your Business and it’s


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Let me illustrate with a story…

The day my husband was teaching our daughter how

to body board.

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There was one wave that was a little bigger. My daughter rode it victoriously until another wave came

following quickly behind.

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…And Panic Set In!

It overtook her board and her little body.

She tumbled to the shore.

She was tossed in the confusion of it all.

She grasped for the strength to stand up.

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As we rinsed her sand filled hair and suit with buckets of water and calmed her nerves she exclaimed that

there was NO way she was going back on the bodyboard – EVER!

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We gently told her she would never have to go back on the bodyboard.

It was her choice.

But we tried to help her remember that she had enjoyed it before.

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Just like my little girl, WE CAN RIDE THE WAVES OF SUCCESS IN OUR BUSINESSESS, little and big.

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We can experience triumphs and set backs; or call them failures.

But the one thing that truly defines our business…

it’s potential

it’s successit’s growth

Is how we Face the Fear …

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For a time,Our daughter drew back and resigned herself to building sand castles and playing in the sand.

As I helped her,I noticed that she began again to watch the children and families out playing in the waves.

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She had, of course,

experienced successes

there in the waves many times before.

She knew what it felt


I could tell she was

yearning for the

experience again and she could see that others were

succeeding at it too.

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In her simple little way, she stood up, marched

to the edge of the water, flailed her arms high up in the air and loudly and

boldly decreed: “I am not afraid of anything!”

Her little mind was formulating her future.

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She got her board and

was out with her dad once

again until she

rediscovered the joy of

being out in the waves

with a board and her dad.

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She had some gentle coaxing and encouragement from family, much like we receive from colleagues

and other in business.

She realized the power of facing her fears BEFORE she fed them for TOO long.

At the time, my daughter was 4 years old.

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So, whatever your fears are that are holding you back, remember this

young girl.

Take strength from her decision to face her fears and apply it in

your own life.

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Your business WILL have a future, a powerful future, if you will stand up and face those things that are fearful to you.

If you don’t have the confidence, then find it in your support systems.

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If you don’t find it there, move on until you find a group of like-minded strengthening


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You will be victorious when you resolve not to stay in the sand!

Grab that bull by the horns and hang on for the ride.

Rock those fears. Face them.

Now go forth and MAXthat!