Download - Slinger Book Two- Strange Bonds by Ben Lyle Bedard — Book Preview

  • 7/27/2019 Slinger Book Two- Strange Bonds by Ben Lyle Bedard Book Preview






    B L A Z E V O X [ B O O K S ]

    Buffalo, New York

  • 7/27/2019 Slinger Book Two- Strange Bonds by Ben Lyle Bedard Book Preview


    Slinger Book Two: Strange Bondsby Ben Lyle Bedard Copyright 2013Published by BlazeVOX [books]

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproducedwithout the publishers written permission, except for briefquotations in reviews.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Cover Art and Illustrations by Dan MaddenInterior design and typesetting by Geoffrey Gatza

    First EditionISBN: 978-1-60964-159-7Library of Congress Control Number: 2013947205

    BlazeVOX [books]131 Euclid AveKenmore, NY 14217

    [email protected]

    p u b l i s h e r o f w e i r d l i t t l e b o o k s BlazeVOX [ books ]

  • 7/27/2019 Slinger Book Two- Strange Bonds by Ben Lyle Bedard Book Preview


  • 7/27/2019 Slinger Book Two- Strange Bonds by Ben Lyle Bedard Book Preview




    There she is. Damodara. Golden planet of the Qing

    Mei system. From a million or so miles out, she shines like

    the eye of a cat at night, all a-glimmer with promise. She

    seems like something you could slip into your pocket and feel

    mighty good about holding to from time to time when life

    dulls down. She sure is a sight to see. Especially for eyes

    more accustomed to that brown blur that Earth turned into in

    her old age. Or to the aching blackness of space that weighs

    on a heart just to think on. That golden sphere, streaked with

    white clouds, crossed by an elegant loop of ice at its waist,

    seems like some bountiful harvest that all you got to do is

    reach out and take hold on, and all your life will be just as

    sweet as a spoonful of kulfi.

    Course aint nothing what it seems to be. On the

    edges of Damodara there glimmers a few thousand ships

    belonging to the Rama Corporation, set as it as on the

    domination and ownership of said planet whose strange

    geologic history has made it a wealth of rare metals. The

    Rama Corp is there a-massing for war, as is their wont. For it

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    is true that the Rama Corporation by sheer power has

    dominated a goodly portion of the galaxy from here back

    Earth-ward, about half to be exact. They aint much

    accustomed to being denied their whims, of which there sure

    are a fair amount.

    But being denied they are, and by the Gaozu. They sit

    out there in the darkness striking now and again, determined

    as they are to keep the Rama Corp from the metal mentioned

    back a piece. To simplify matters, its easy to think that

    whatever the Rama dont own, the Gaozu got. As you might

    well imagine, especially if you are familiar with human beings,

    this aint made for the most peaceful state of things. Both

    Gaozu and Rama Corp argue that they own the golden planet

    of Damodara and all the metals therein located. Hell, aint

    that a bind?

    This is why the night sky sparkles so about the planet

    as these two set to brawling. Aint no use to fret on it or dwell

    about the golden setting wherein these two groups of humans

    set to killing each other. Its the way of human beings to

    make a hell out of their paradises. You might sooner empty

    the oceans with a teaspoon than change that nature, all right.

    To hell with them Ramas and Gaozus then.

    Let us swoop down to said planet. Down over the

    plains where the drip mice scurry under the chub grass and

    the chatter grass speaks in the breeze. Over the packs of

    howlers and the herd of Neegoh, up by the glacier-fed river,

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    all milky color, then smack dab to the mountains. There

    through a whirling storm, the mountain passes seem a wild

    and unforgiving place, cold as hell and getting colder. Snow

    whirls against the rocky mountain side where grows nothing

    but lichen-like creatures, microscopic beasts that learnt to

    feed on not much more than rock and air. In the right light,

    those beasts set to glowing. But aint no one concerned now

    with them.

    There was a sight too much pain to think.

    So it was for the Kid who lay broken up on a ledge

    having been tossed over the side of the icy cliff by the Slinger,

    for reasons he imagined were reasonable. The Kid were a

    lean one, owned a dusty blond head of hair, and under the

    right circumstances, would put a light into a womans eye.

    Now, though, broken as he were, upon the ledges of that

    mountain, he werent so great to look upon, nor did he think

    on such things. Truth was he werent sure what he was

    thinking. He werent sure how long hed been there neither,

    having woke up to a world of pain. What werent hurting

    were freezing cold. He gave out a sob at first, thinking he was

    dead, sure as shit. The freezing wind tussled his hair. Hell,

    thought he, I aint ever thought Id die like this, out in the

    cold, broken up bad in a storm. To be honest, the Kid never

    thought much about how he would die to begin with. Didnt

    seem likely. Even when he been shot and bleeding, he always

    assumed hed make it, for he was that young and the power of

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    life in him were strong enough to convince him that death

    werent real the way he was. But now, laying there in the

    cold, maybe with his back broken, the ledge of the cliff too far

    up to climb to, the Kid came face to face with death. And it

    werent a pretty face, not by far. In the eyes of that face saw

    he eternity and his place in it werent exactly transparent.

    What the hell would come of him when he closed his eyes for

    the final time? He werent sure if hed just vanish from the

    planet or become love itself, like the Crotuses thought. Or

    maybe those Christians were right with their baby god and

    hed end up in a heaven of childhood just dancing about and

    drinking sweet drinks and sucking at candy and, well, fishing

    too, he imagined. Or maybe the Hindus were right and hed

    just end up coming back a snake or something. Though, the

    Kid thought, on this planet, who knows what hed end up

    being? Drip mouse? Mud puppy? Neegoh? Ice ghee?

    Dizang, but there was no way to tell what death would bring

    to him! The Kid werent no sinner, so he werent afraid of

    hell. But when he thought of that, he saw in his memory,

    bright-clear like it were happening again, his rifle leveling

    steady against a man and the shot ringing out and the Laycroft

    holding to his hip for a second before falling down. Then he

    felt again the glory he felt at shooting that man. But now he

    was plumb ashamed of that feeling. No one should be

    shooting no one. It werent right. And he thought of that

    man he shot and wondered if he died and if he did, did that

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    hardly keep track of all the stupidity flowing through him

    then. Damn it, he sobbed. Goddamn it, wept he. Mai

    chod. Then he got to laughing looking up at that ledge on

    cause of it being so far away and the stars seemed to shine like

    that were funny. Laughing hurt quite a bit though so he

    stopped that. Shit, he said. Shit. He breathed hard

    through his clenched teeth, which made a hissing sound.

    Then he grunted and put a hand to the wall and smiled

    through those ivories of his cause he knew pulling would hurt

    like hell. He pulled. He were right. It did hurt like hell. The

    pain went through him first like a shock and then like a

    glowing fire been sparked all through his legs. But he lifted

    anyway and threw up his other hand and then he were

    screaming and he clung to the wall and somehow was on his

    feet and knew that only one of his legs were broken and the

    other were just in freezing pain and cut up some from the

    rocks. Well, he reflected, whilst his body burned about him

    in pain, my back aint busted. That was a blessing, he

    supposed. He had a warm feeling of thankfulness for his

    intact spine, which were a strange feeling to have while

    trapped on a ledge during a storm with nothing but a

    thousand feet of air behind you and a wall that didnt seem

    likely youd be able to scale in front of you, but there it was.

    The feeling of blessing werent with him long, just a

    momentary flash of warmth upon him, blown away like the

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    frigid wind now trying to snuff him out, candle-like. Then it

    were time to climb before he got to thinking too much on it.

    The Kid threw up both arms with a groan and then

    pulled. His foot at the end of his unbroken leg searched

    around for a hold, but finding none, he slid back, his broken

    leg coming up hard on ice and gave him a jolt that felt like

    hed been stabbed in the heart. Inarticulate screaming shook

    him like it werent him doing it. Then he cleared some and

    found himself hissing through clenched teeth and heard that

    he was cursing. That pain had nearly knocked him out of

    himself. If he fainted from it, hed topple down through that

    abyss about him and either land down a bit farther, ledge-

    caught and broke even worse, or hed keep right on going

    through that gray air and into the chasm and never return no

    more. But that werent something to think on either because

    there was no choice, no matter the danger, except if it were

    dying. And dying, he saw, werent a choice at all but just

    what happened when you didnt fight. And hell be damned

    but he werent dying that a-way. So if he fell, he fell, and that

    was all that could be thought about that. He flung his hands

    up again, his jaw clenched up tight and set to pulling himself

    up. This time his foot caught. His broken leg, dragged and

    scraping against the snow-blown ledge, gave out such a pain

    that he felt sick to his stomach from it but his hold was certain

    for now. He smiled and then looked down. Hed moved

    maybe a foot up that wall. Looking up to the far world of the

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    top of the ledge, which might have been heaven it were so far

    away, he could only give out a laugh. A horrible laugh it was

    though, full of death. Hed never heard himself laugh so and

    put a stop to it. He supposed there werent no use thinking

    on it or the top of that ledge nor the bottom of the abyss.

    What the hell good did it do but fill one with hope and

    despair? What were the use of that? So the Kid were set on

    only thinking about the next climb.

    Climb he did, one pull at a time, to the tune of the

    pain about him. The wind whirled about him and he began

    thinking that what he really had to worry on now was that he

    was slowly freezing to death. Already he werent really feeling

    his hands, nor his feet. He was only hoping they were

    clinging to the wall like he told them to. Each second he was

    out there he knew he was coming closer to dying. The Kid

    knew too that if he couldnt get up that ledge, hed soon lose

    all control of his hands and then he was a goner. So he had

    to hurry, which was a hard thing to think on because hurrying

    would likely lead to a mistake, but not hurrying would kill

    him. It was hard to think that if he werent broke up so bad,

    hed just climb up that ledge lickety-split and be done with it.

    Never had space seemed to the Kid such a difficult thing to

    possess nor in its extension so mysterious. Hand over hand,

    he climbed, trying to think only of the climb, the handholds,

    the footholds, but his mind were wandering awful. He kept

    thinking of his Ma telling him not to leave and him saying to

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    her he had to find his own way and she tearing up so that his

    heart would break. Then he werent thinking of nothing but

    her face and that was hurtful. He started sobbing and saying

    he was coming home, Ma. His mother said to him, come

    home to me, and he said to her, I am Ma, I am right now.

    And her face was shining in him like a thing made of bright

    love and the Kid was weeping now and saying he was sorry,

    Ma, sorry he ever left, sorry hed ever listened to Pa, and that

    he never belonged no where if he couldnt see his poor ole

    Ma. Then there was a burst of pain so awful he cried out and

    found himself down at the bottom of the ledge again. Hed

    fallen to where hed started except now he was numb from

    cold and there was a voice in him saying what use had been

    all that pain? Now that hed fallen through that space, where

    did all that toil and hardship go? No where! Like it never

    been! Just waste. And that voice found that warmly

    humorous and laughing come up out of him, but not bitter

    like before. It was warm and seeped through his body like a

    heated bath. The Kid laughed under that ledge in his

    growing warmth and he thought to himself suddenly, yup,

    thats how you do die freezing all right, just as warm as can

    be, aint that strange? But the thought shook him and he

    seemed to remember that he werent supposed to die like this.

    Well, he reflected, I guess no one could choose the manner of

    their dying. He thought hed die struggling, but it sure did

    seem he was going to die laughing. Aint that a bitch? He

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    Anna set to telling Leo about Horizon, the drip mouse.

    Shed just started in such a way as to have the children

    Horizon saved from starving to death as well as from being

    eaten by the great howlers get themselves captured up by bad

    folk when Leo interrupted. I dont want Horizon to be

    here, said he. Horizon deserves better.

    It were awful pathetic to see Leos swimming eyes in

    that dim light concerned for that fictional mouse and what he

    did and did not deserve, so Anna nodded and agreed that this

    werent no place for such a virtuous drip mouse as Horizon.

    Chrissy who was sitting next to her was in agreement.

    I think Horizon shouldnt be here neither, said she.

    This goddamn place aint fit for no one.

    Which was painful true. The innards of the Bradger

    compound were lit by a single yellow light that more

    reminded them of the gloom than provided light. They lived

    in cages, the bars going up to the ceiling. There were about a

    dozen or so of these cages, each holding women of all ages.

    Must have been about thirty of them in that space, but you

    wouldnt know it. Their food was drugged up so that the

    women spent their time either sleeping or staring outward.

    Anna remembered that feeling and knew how Soma worked

    and she remembered how she had shook and cried and

    screamed when shed weaned herself off it and the creatures

    that crawled about her then and she trembled to think that

    shed have to do that again. It were bad enough when you

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    didnt know how bad it was going to get. But shed been

    lucky, as it goes. Theyd decided to keep her lucid so she

    could look after Leo and hed have a better chance of living in

    that jail. He were still young enough to sell off to a mining

    ship where hed go down in some hold and probably never

    emerge again until he were a grown man, old enough to be set

    to harder work. Then he wouldnt be much more than an


    Anna werent thinking of that now. Right now Leo

    would have to stay alive and then shed worry more about

    what came next.

    She also had to think of Chrissy. Seen the way the

    guards put their eyes to her though she werent more than a

    child and didnt show no sign of being a woman. Anna knew

    that didnt matter to those black-hearted sons a bitches. So

    the food they gave to Chrissy, Catherine ate, and Anna halved

    her meal with the girl, which meant she was terrible hungry

    all the time. Catherine thus double drugged slumped up

    against the metal wall sleeping all the time except if it were to

    wake up to more eating. Anna couldnt think on what she was

    doing to Catherine. If she didnt die from the Soma, shed

    have a hell of time leaving that drugged blur. Maybe dying

    would be a blessing, though. None of it would matter a damn

    anyway if they couldnt get free. Catherine will be better off

    dead, thought Anna, if they was to stay here to get sold off by

    those goddamn Bradgers to some whorehouse or, even worse,

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    to some pleasure ship in orbit. Those places. Anna knew

    those places.

    Anna, said Chrissy. Is Leo going to die? She

    asked this question frequently.

    No, answered she.

    Said Chrissy in return: Well, how do you know? He

    looks awful sick. You always say he wont, but how do you


    Because I aint letting him die, said Anna in return.

    Now be quiet. I dont want no one hearing you talking.

    Youre supposed to be drugged up, remember?


    Anna hugged her to her body. Thats all right, she

    said. She kissed the top of her head and her thin warm hair

    stuck to her lips and Anna most died from the feeling of

    tenderness for that child. It burnt in her hot and turned to a

    rage that she kept down only through a mighty effort. It was a

    rage that were capable of a good amount of killing, and she

    knew it and hid it down to use later on. If ever the chance

    come, hell would look paradise to these sons a bitches when

    she was through with them.

    Chrissy seemed to sense that rage. Its all right,

    whispered the girl in Annas ear. SHELL save us. That

    she was the Slinger whom they had not seen since their

    capture. Anna cringed to think on what they were doing with

    her, that beautiful graceful Slinger all drugged up and

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    helpless somewhere. It would be lucky they didnt tear her to

    pieces in their need to get at that untouchable grace. Shiva

    keep her, thought Anna. And she were a sight grateful she

    herself was only passable beauteous. It was a hell of a world

    for beauty to be in, that were certain. But she didnt say

    nothing to Chrissy. The girl needed some kind of hope out


    For Anna it were the Kid. He hadnt been strangled

    with Calder and Gregory. He was out there somewhere. And

    there was no way he was letting the Bradgers keep the

    Slinger. Anna doubted he thought much of her or the

    children, but hed sooner kill himself dead than leave the

    Slinger. Look how he almost got himself killed just to get her

    horse back, and that was when everyone thought she was

    dead and gone. Though Jack too had escaped that death, she

    reckoned he was halfway back to Earth now. Probably on a

    pleasure ship too, the son of a bitch, easing his way home on

    the money hed made selling the caravans. She didnt put no

    doubt to it. Jack were a normal kind of man, selfish, arrogant,

    and as unfeeling as a fish. Which were none too kind to

    fishes, she reflected. Didnt make no sense, really, making

    such heartless creatures as men. Anna reckoned that were

    good proof that there werent no god or, if there were, he

    were a man himself and life werent nothing but a joke to him,

    to which woman was a punch line. Anna had had about

    enough of being a joke. She could forgive life for what it

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    done to her, but there werent no forgiving for what it was set

    to doing to Leo and Chrissy. It would not be. Not while she


    If she had hope, it sure didnt rest with Jack, that

    being the main point. The Kid were the origin and end of

    what little hope she had. Anna might be terrible unschooled,

    she couldnt even read for crissakes, but she werent stupid.

    She knew what lay in store for them, had listened when it was

    important all her life, even in those years she were drugged

    up senseless on Soma. These Bradgers wouldnt be no

    different. She and the other women would be sold off to

    nearby towns or maybe the Bradgers had their own

    whorehouses set here and there on Damodara. A few others

    might get swept off the planet altogether to get sold in larger

    markets. Anna figured Slinger would be one of those. One

    thing Anna was certain theyd do was set to breaking them up

    as soon as they could. These bastards didnt like any of their

    new whores to have any connections to their other life. Made

    for trouble. Anna had heard long stories of sisters separated

    and daughters from mothers and old friends from each other.

    In them stories the women got reunited often, but that

    werent how it was really. People got ripped from each other

    and that was the end. First chance they got, Anna reckoned,

    theyd be separating them. Already theyd taken Tina and the

    Slinger, both of them being worth more money than the

    average woman. Anna couldnt think of the impending

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    drugged food, their bodies already learning how to cry out for

    Soma. Johnny and Garland started at one end while Tooth

    walked straight toward the cage where Anna watched him,

    carrying a tray of undrugged food for Anna.

    Come and get it, growled Tooth, walking toward her.

    I aint going to spoon feed you.

    Wheres the medicine I asked for? asked Anna

    imperiously, giving him the level of her chin.

    We aint giving you no medicine, said Tooth. I told

    you that plain last time. That kid either dies or he dont die.

    Thats the end of it. He handed her the dish through the

    bars. Fuck sakes, woman, he continued. How many times

    I got to tell you that? He glared at her, but then his eyes

    wandered down to linger on Chrissys blonde hair and his

    mouth opened a bit like he were thirsty of a sudden. Anna

    yanked the dish from him.

    All right then, Anna snapped. Get me some

    bandages and something to clean him up with.

    Tooth looked away from Chrissy and glared back at

    her. Anna could tell he hadnt been told not to, maybe even

    been told to do it once in a while, but he were too lazy, maybe

    didnt want Leo to live for some damn reason. Or just didnt

    give a damn enough to make the effort. Anna felt a rage in

    her light up, but she fought it down. That a boys life should

    depend only on one mans laziness was the worse feeling she

    ever had. She grit her teeth and tried on a smile.

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    Come on, she said in a voice she meant to be nice,

    but came out shaky. We sure would appreciate it.

    Tooth grunted. I dont run errands for no whore, he

    said, but it werent biting, but like sulking cause he knew that

    was exactly what he did. But Anna couldnt push him, or hed

    let Leo die just for spite. It were delicate.

    Please? wheedled she. Wed be awful grateful to

    you. She turned her head so that her neck went bare to him,

    but just a little so that he wouldnt feel manipulated. But even

    that were too much.

    Tooth looked at her and frowned. I dont care if you

    are grateful, he said. I got other things to do, you know. I

    aint got all day to run errands for no whore.

    Anna swallowed down her anger. Tooth watched her

    and scratched at his scraggly face. Anna leaned up against the

    bars close to him so that she could smell his stink which made

    her furious, but she hid it up close to her. She put out her

    hand to touch his that were all dirt and fingernails. Tooths

    hand clutched her arm.

    Dont you fool with me, whore, he said. But Anna

    just smiled at him, letting her body be numb to his touch as

    men like him enjoyed their women, all mindless pliant flesh,

    and he clutched harder. His mouth came open and breathed

    through his rubble of teeth.

    Please? Anna begged.

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    Tooth pushed her away with his hand, but she kept on

    her smile and just to see her stumble back made him happy,

    she could see that. I dont know, he said. I might find the


    Anna smiled like hed blessed her for all time.

    I aint promising nothing, Tooth said hurriedly. Im

    just saying I might find the time later. Dont you set your

    heart on it.

    Thank you, said Anna, clasping her hands together

    and keeping her head low and working hard to keep her

    thoughts and feelings down. I sure do appreciate it.

    Yeah, well, said Tooth, trailing off. His eyes swung

    back down to Chrissy and it was good he didnt see the flash

    then in Annas eyes to see him thus put eye to the girl.

    Hey! cried Johnny from the other end of the room.

    Hey! Tooth looked over.


    One of them up and died, said he. One of the little

    ones too! Gus aint going to be happy! Tooth stalked over

    toward him without giving another glance to Anna. Johnny

    kept talking. I told them they were putting too much Soma

    in that food! I told them so! You heard me, didnt you? I

    said it plain as day.

    Naw, that aint it, Johnny, said Tooth. Livia knows

    her business, I reckon. Someone was feeding that girl from

    their own meal. Tooth turned to face all the cages. We

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    done told you to eat naught but your share, didnt we? Now

    look what you done? But most of the ears were numb to the


    Shit, said Johnny. They aint listening. Anna

    watched as Johnny walked inside the cage and came out again

    with the body of a young girl, just beginning puberty by the

    stretched look of her. Anna grit her teeth watching that

    scene, but then turned away. Too much anger would kill her

    mind. She sat back down next to Chrissy and held her head

    to her lap to keep her from looking. The girl had seen her

    share of misery. She didnt need to see more.

    Johnny left the room with the dead girl, leaving Tooth

    with Garland. When they came to their cage, Garland walked

    inside with the meal trays, her body moving awkwardly. She

    put a tray in Catherines lap who just stared at her wide-eyed.

    Then she put a tray down beside Chrissy. A smile come to

    her face and she leaned over and patted her blonde hair.

    Oh, aint she pretty? She looked at Anna with a wide smile,

    her large eyes all a-glitter.

    Anna felt her stomach turn at Garland. It was like she

    was the angel of death, though Anna knew it werent

    Garlands fault what they set her to doing.

    Hurry up, goddamn it! snapped Tooth.

    So Garland hurried, but such hurrying caused a

    stumble or two and when she about fell out of the cage, Tooth

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    gave her a cuff on the back of the head that made her stumble

    down to her knees.

    Dont talk to them, he hissed. Damn it, Garland,

    why dont you listen?

    Sorry, Garland said, lifting herself up.

    I got better things to do then cuff you around all day,

    you know that?

    Sorry, said the girl, fumbling with the cart.

    Chrissakes, Garland, continued Tooth. You aint

    got but one or two rules to follow. You cant even do that.

    You sure are one dumb fucking slut, aint you Garland?

    Yeah, Garland said. She shut the cover on the cart

    and started wheeling it toward the door with Tooth following

    cursing her all the way when Johnny came in the door. He

    walked past them and paused for a second.

    What you swearing up a storm for? Johnny asked.

    Fucking Garland been pawing at the girls again,

    growled Tooth.

    Well, shit, said Johnny. Why dont you let Garland

    be? I dont see why you always cuffing at her anyway. Im

    getting tired of watching it.

    How she going to learn if we dont teach her?

    Teach her what? asked Johnny, walking toward

    Annas cage. She does her job bettern you do, thats for

    sure. Johnny turned and dumped some bandages and

    ointments on the floor of Annas cage without so much as

  • 7/27/2019 Slinger Book Two- Strange Bonds by Ben Lyle Bedard Book Preview


  • 7/27/2019 Slinger Book Two- Strange Bonds by Ben Lyle Bedard Book Preview


  • 7/27/2019 Slinger Book Two- Strange Bonds by Ben Lyle Bedard Book Preview


    He dug himself a little burrow in the sand and crept down

    into it just for the joy of it. And when the roof came in on him, he

    scurried out and shook himself free of the sand. The two children

    were running up and down the sand, laughing and throwing mud

    at each other. Horizon felt like hed done well by them two. Hed

    led them this far, and they hadnt been killed. Nor had they starved

    to death. They were strange, helpless creatures, but they were full

    of life and joy and so they deserved to live. And as long as he was

    around, Horizon would see to it that they did, no matter if there

    were storms or floods or all manner of disasters.

    But for now, standing there by the sea, with the children

    playing about him, for once, Horizon had nothing to worry about.

    He found a nice patch of delicious samudra beera and sat down

    among them and ate them one by one until his belly swelled up and

    he dozed off, one contented and satisfied drip mouse.