Download - SLAV social networks to build knowledge

  • 1. Social networks to build knowledge, collegiality and community
    Judith WayJudith Way
    Kew High School

2. What is a social network?
A group of individuals with connections to other social worlds is likely to have access to a wider range of information.
3. Why social networking?
4. Putting it together in a PLN
5. What is a PLN?
6. What can a PLN do for me?
7. Why do I need a PLN?
Developing a personal learning network has never been so important. Networking is a powerful way of having the best and most relevant resources come to you.
Tania Sheko. Victorian teacher librarian and Google Certified Educator
8. Why do I need a PLN?
9. Why do I need a PLN?
10. Why do I need a PLN?
11. How do I start a PLN?
Youve already got one.
We just need to add to it.
SLAV and SLV run a formal program in developing your PLN.
12. Developing your PLN
13. Which tools should I use?
14. Which tools should I use?
15. Which tools should I use?
16. Which tools should I use?
17. Fallacies about Twitter
You have to follow Britney Spears, Shane Warne and Liz Hurley
People tweet what they ate for breakfast (okay, some people do, but not many)
You have to read every tweet in your inbox
18. Facts about Twitter
Personalise your learning
No two Twitter feeds will ever be the same as no two people are exactly the same
Follow and unfollow people according to your needs
More powerful if you tweet interesting links
Engaging in conversations is vital
19. Twitter tips

  • You must fill out your profile asap before you follow anyone 20. Add a picture or avatar asap 21. Add a background to your Twitter page 22. # catalogue your tweets (great for library people), so use these accordingly 23. Find people to follow by searching #

Twitter tips
24. Twitter tips

  • Useful # for school libraries include #austl #tlchat #vicpln #slav 25. You can use apps like Tweetdeck to help you organise your feed

Twitter tips
26. Start connecting today
27. Start connecting today
28. Start connecting today
29. Start connecting today
30. Tweetdeck
31. Tweetdeck
32. Tweetdeck
33. Which tools should I use?
34. Which tools should I use?
35. Which tools should I use?
36. Which tools should I use?
37. Which tools should I use?
38. RSS feeds
39. Where do I find RSS feeds?
40. Where do I find RSS feeds?
41. Where do I find RSS feeds?
42. Which tools should I use?
43. Which tools should I use?
44. Which tools should I use?
45. Which tools should I use?
46. Which tools should I use?
47. Which tools should I use?
48. Which tools should I use?
49. Its all about community
50. Building community
51. A final word from Linda Amos
52. How can I make it work for me?
Dont be a slave to your PLN. Have some downtime
Change your mindset
What you give = what you get
Relationships are vital
Try to enhance online relationships with f2f
Share, share, share!
Build your community
Choose what works for you and go for it
53. If it all gets too much!
54. Any questions?
55. Contact me
Twitter: @judithway
56. All images CC licenced or used with permission
Slides 1 & 6 by the author
Slide 3 with permission from the author
Slide 5
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
57. All images CC licenced or used with permission
Slide 13
Slide 16
Slide 30
58. All images CC licenced or used with permission
Slide 34
Slide 49