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Player Homes

The Asteria

Skyrim Mods The Asteria



For the Dragonborn that has everything, we have the most ostentatious Skyrim home possible. The Asteria is an enormous floating Dwemer airship that hovers near Riverwood. As you can see it looks magnificent from the outside, but the interior is also meticulously designed and stocked everything a budding Dragonborn could need. There are smithing facilities and archery targets on deck and an on board hydroponics facility for all your alchemical needs. There’s even a book on the bedside table detailing the history of the vessel.

Build your own home



Who needs Hearthfire when you have mods? Supernastypants' Build Your Own Home mod actually came before Bethesda's official add on, and offers many of the same features. There's only one plot of land, just outside the Abandoned Prison, but you can build a wide variety of homes there. It's all modular, so you can create anything from a simple shack to a towering fortress, with a four different themes for the interior that can be mixed and matched throughout. Add the Adopt Children mod and you've basically recreated Hearthfire, only for free.

Dragon Falls Manor

Skyrim Mods Dragon Falls Manor



Page 2: skyrim mods : Player Homes

If you find The Asteria a tad over the top, modder Mattcm919 has also produced a more lore friendly alternative in Dragon Falls Manor. This luxorious mansion house is perched on the edge of a waterfall, and is ever bit as detailed and comprehensive as its airborne counterpart. There's a smithy, mannequins, weapon plaques, gardens, alchemy tables and fully stocked bookshelves. It really feels like the fully functioning home of an accomplished adventurer.

Deus Mons


Deus Mons is one of the biggest and most spectacular Skyrim homes available. It's a huge Dwemer castle built into a mountain peak just south of the Throat of the World. It's epic, you have to defeat a Dragon just to get the front door key. Conquer the beast and you'll have a castle fit for a Dovaking. Of course having such an enormous building to yourself can be lonely, which is why Deus Mons' creators have included the option to populate it with cooks, blacksmiths, bards and other NPC servants, as befits a player of your station.

Gypsy Eyes Caravan


The Gypsy Eyes Caravan is a novel concept, it’s a home that journeys with you. When packed up, the caravan acts as a cart pulled by your horse, allowing you to ride it to your destination without needing to fast travel. When you decided to turn in for the night, however, the caravan gradually unpacks into a fully functional bedroom and campsite, complete with pull out forge for the blacksmith on the go.