Download - skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

Page 1: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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SKULLDREDfantasy miniatures skirmish game

Beta Playtest Edition


SKULLDREDfantasy miniatures skirmish game

Page 2: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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Designed, written and illustrated by:

David KingOur heroic play-testers, error swatters and nit pickers:

Andy Skinner, Kathryn King, Thantsants, James (aka Pathfinder Dubstyles), Don Janus

Dave Kings Bederken Miniatures available from

Check out the latest Skulldred stuff at...


Copyright 2010, 2011 Dave King. All Rights Reserved. Skulldred, Bederken and Derkeness are trademarks of David King (King. David (Sole Trader) Australia. ABN: 15587788294) Bederken is a registered trademark of David King.

This edition is for play testing purposes only. The author grants the right to make copies of this edition for personal use only. This work, text and artworks remains copyright of the author. It may not be published or sold in this or any modified or translated form without written consent of the author. If you have

paid for this edition, please contact the author immediately.

If you love the game, please buy the commercial version when it is available to help encourage independent games... and help pay for Daves miniature addiction.

Photos are for demonstration purposes for this playtest edition, and will be replaced for the commercial version. No challenge to the copyright status of the companies who produce the miniatures shown is intended.

Reaper miniatures are awesome, and are available from Reaper miniatures webstore.

SKULLDREDfantasy miniatures skirmish game

Page 3: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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“You know that excitement of the craps shoot? That moment that dice settles and you instantly know everything hangs on that spinning die... that is what Skulldred is about. Its bringing that 'hangs on a dice roll' excitement to skirmish gaming!”

WelcomeHey folks, welcome to Skulldred!

First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving feedback, suggestions and posting battle reports. Without your time and dedication, Skulldred would not be the sleek beast its shaping up to be!

Dave King


This rule set came about thanks to a really bad case of flu.Pumped full of medication, with nothing to do but lay on my couch next to my wargaming table, I passed the time trying to play some solo skirmish games. Since my mind refused to juggle or hold even simple numbers, the experience really highlighted the basic mechanics of a lot of games that I took for granted where pointlessly taxing on the brain.

So I made up some rules I could play.

After I recovered I decided to take a good hard look at the available game systems and create something that would be really fun, flexible and free from brain tax.

PlaytestingSkulldred is currently in BETA – which means the rules are not finished and need to be play tested.

That is hopefully where you come in. Print and distribute the game to your gaming circle and set up some games, play the living crap out of it and then let me know how it went - flick me an email ([email protected]) if you have any feedback whatsoever (Please add the word SKULLDRED to the title so that I can easily filter the emails into a folder. I get a looooooot of emails) or better yet, post up a battle report!

Let me know what you like it, if anything bothers you or if there is anything missing you really need for your gaming. And hey, spread the word!

You can find links to the Skulldred community, rules revisions and ideas and all that stuff at

What is Skulldred?Skulldred is a miniatures skirmish game built on some core principles that make it extremely light on mental arithmetic, but still offers a rich, deep strategic game.

Skulldred follows my deep belief that a good game is one designed to be playable even when drunk. Not that you need to be drunk to appreciate the rules - since modern life is so hectic, most of us only get time to game in the evening after a hard days work. Crunching numbers is the last thing we want to do.

No mental arithmetic is required at any stage. All numbers are tallied by totting up dice into your hand. You only ever add dice to your hand, never subtract. There are no tables to cross index and you never need to hunt through an army list for obscure rules.

In Skulldred, the moment the dice hit the table you know the result. Every calculated risk hangs on a dice roll so you can have breathtaking tension. Many systems get you to roll a dice, then add modifiers to the total- taking away the instant gratification of a cliffhanger roll.

Skulldred is designed to be engaging at all times. You can stay interacting with the game when its not your turn, strategically restoring and sacrificing wounded troops, buffing characters and rolling dice for your side of the combat.

Finally, Skulldred is also all-inclusive. The recent trend in gaming is limitation. Games want to force players to use predefined characters and buy books and specific carded miniatures to get the statistics and rules. Ironically for fantasy, there is less and less room for imagination. Skulldred allows you to use any models from any range, at any scale. You can convert your minis and use the size of bases you prefer. You can mix and match fantasy races and creatures into your war band without limitation.

Sound good?

Then welcome to the party!

Version notesFlipped dice-level rules integrated.

Stupid wildside renamed hold.

Tweaked some prices (magic, movement, acrobatics, blink).

Long strike rules changed back to separate dice.

Some move rules moved back to terrain section

Swing around called Swingback

Shooters have heavy damage rule

What is Skulldred?

Page 4: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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Basic GameEverything you need to dive right in

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Basic Game

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The basic concept“Skulldred is a light hearted game of adventure and imagination. The best attitude to play with is that each game is a story, with everyone playing contributing. The challenge is to defeat your opponent in a gentlemanly way, so that you all walk away from the table with a smile.”

OverviewSkulldred is requires two or more players to play. Each should have around five to twenty miniatures each. The aim of the basic tournament game is to slay all your opponents force or chase them all off the table.

Skulldred may also be played in scenario, dungeon bash and cooperative games where each player has a goal to achieve, such as find the treasure or race to a magic altar.

Each player builds a warband made up of several colourful characters gathered around a leader.

Each model has a cost in gold pieces depending on how skilled, strong and powerful their are. Both players adjust their forces to cost about the same about before the game begins.

The game begins by all players walking their opponents through their warband, pointing to each model and describing its abilities. A set of cards noting these down can be filled in and placed on the table edge, so everyone is clear on what models can do.

Setting up the game tableThe game is designed to work on a relatively small table- about the size of a regular 6' x 4' gaming mat, though a larger playing table works.

It is best to have lots of scenic items such as obstacles, trees, standing stones, buildings and rivers to play around as this can greatly richen the tactical choices of the game. Fighting in Skulldred tends to move around the table a bit, like a swashbuckling adventure- and forcing opponents into terrain features is an aspect of the game..

After discussing warbands, the players then set up the table by taking turns placing scenery and discussing its effect on the game, making sure its fairly balanced and the function of each piece is clearly understood by all.

The players then deploy their warbands, starting with the team with the highest cost in gold. Roll a dice to determine who goes first if the sides are balanced.

One player deploys his warband's commander character within 1 long span of the table edge (see measurements below) and then deploys the rest of his models within 1 long span of the leader.

The opposing player then deploys his troops on the opposite side of the table, using the same rules. No model must begin closer than 1 long span from an enemy model.

Reserve and Discard ZoneEach player must have a space designated on the table to place counters, cards and spells that they currently have but that are not present in the battle. This is called the reserve.

When spells and counters are used, and when models are killed, they are moved to the discard zone. (usually off the table, or back in the box). Items in the discard zone cannot be returned during the game.

Dreadskull countersDreadskull counters represent the vital essence of the warband. Its morale, stamina, courage and any blessings from their deities.

Both players start with the agreed amount of Dreadskull counters each. These are placed on the table where everyone can see them.

Short games = 6 DreadskullsMedium games = 12 DreadskullsLong game = 20+ Dreadskulls

In combat, models can be downed by an attack. This effectively puts them out of action, making them more vulnerable to being killed by opponents. You can imagine that they are stunned, staggered or wounded in some way.

To indicate a model is downed, the owner takes a Dreadskull counter and places it next to the model on the table.

A prototype resin Dreadskull counter.

Print your own Dreadskull counter

The basic concept

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SacrificingA payer may restore a downed model back into the action by sacrificing it's Dreadskull. The player announces he is doing so, and moves the Dreadskull counter into the discard pile.

The player may also sacrifice the model instead, and return the Dreadskull back to his active pile. The poor model dies from its wounds and is removed from the table.

Whenever a downed model dies, its Dreadskull returns to the active pile, and can be spent immediately if the player wishes.

Sacrificing may also be done at any moment in the game, including during the other players turn. Once a player has finished sacrificing, play returns to where it left off.

When a player attacks a downed model, they must ask its owner if they would like to restore or sacrifice the model before the attack is rolled. The opponent cannot then change his mind. If the opponent chooses to sacrifice the player, the attacker automatically kills the downed model and its Dreadskull is returned to its owners hand.

Dreadskulls can also be spent to add extra bonus dice to help pass critical dice rolls. More on that later.

Once all Dreadskulls are gone, the warband is tiring and morale is low. Their gods have abandoned them to fate. All downed results become instant kills.

ActivatingPlayers take turns to be in control of the game. During a players turn, they may move all, some or none of the models in their warband. Each model is activated, performs one or more actions, and then is deactivated. Once deactivated, a model cannot be reactivated on the same turn.

The Action DiceThe action dice is a specially marked six sided dice. You easily can make one by putting stickers on a regular D6 dice.

The action dice has four faces to show how many action points (AP) a model has to play with. These faces are 1, 2 , 2 and 3. The two remaining faces are marked with a symbol of your choosing to indicate 'wild' sides. More on this later.

The action dice is given to the player who is in control. Once his turn is over, or the player passes- the action dice is passed to the next player.

After the player announces which model he is activating, they roll the action dice .

Players can spend the models action points to perform actions, such as move, shoot, hide, attack or cast spells. Some actions require more than one action point to perform, such as running across difficult ground or breaking off from combat.

The player may spend the action points in any order, declaring the action, performing the action, then declaring the next, and so on.

You can perform combinations of actions in any order, so you could move, move, shoot, or move, shoot, move, or shoot, move, move- for example.

Once a model runs out of action points, attacks someone in hand to hand or is wounded its turn ends. All remaining action points are discarded.

The player may then select another model to activate.

Activator stonesFor large games with lots of models, its a good idea to limit the number of models a player can activate during their turn.

We suggest using brightly coloured counters or gaming stones to mark models that have acted. Once all the players stones are down, they are scooped up and control passes to the next player.

Six is a good number for games with 15 or more figures per side.

The Action Dice. Beotch.

Leaders and Wild actionsOne important aspect of the game is keeping control over your warband and inspiring them to great feats using leaders.

When a wild result is rolled on the action dice and a model is within range, the leader inspires them to perform 3 actions.

The basic concept

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If there is no leader within range, or the leader is downed or busy fighting, then the model behaves badly.

Each model has a wild side behaviour type. Some wild sides are useful (but make the model more expensive), others are bad, (which makes the model cheaper). Behaviours such as going berserk, collapsing in a heap, acting stupidly or going foetal are all examples.

It is a good idea to have at least one leader in the team, though it is not compulsory. You may have several.

DiceSkulldred uses regular d6 dice for determining the results of all actions. Each player will need around six dice, but its best to have a good handful.

Players tot dice into their hand for any strategic bonuses they have... the more dice in hand, the better.

The aim of all dice rolls is to get as low as possible. A 1 is always a 'hit', a 6 is always a 'miss'. You must roll equal to, or lower than your required target number to hit. For combat, this is the models SIZE score, for shooting, its the targets SIZE score, for magic, its the models magic score.

In the case of an attack, both players roll dice at the same time and compare the results. The winner is the one with the most hits.

Bonus diceWhen a model has a strategic advantage, its chances are improved by adding 'bonus dice' to the players hand. For example, you could get bonus dice for better footing, advantage of ground or if the opponent is being assaulted by several opponents at once.

Any penalties in Skulldred are handled by adding dice to the opponents hand. You only add dice to your hand, never subtract.

Winning a combat rollThe amount of hits the winner of the combat beats the looser by is called the margin. This determines how effective the attack was.

On a draw, the model that performed the attack action gets to swing around - repositioning itself touching anywhere on its targets base. This represents a little swashbuckling.

With a margin of 1, the winner can either swing around, or choose to force the model to recoil- either knocking them away or driving them back.

If the margin is the same as the models To Kill attribute, the model is killed is removed from play. Dreadskulls cannot save a killed model.

Any blow with a margin greater than 1, but not enough to kill the opponent causes a downed result. Remember, this effectively puts the model out of the game unless a dreadskull is sacrificed.

Winning the gameWhen all the members of a Warband have been slain or have fled from the table, the game is won.

If the game becomes deadlocked, the players compare the price values of those they have slain. The winner is the one who has killed the highest value in gold.

The basic concept

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Core RulesRules in More Detail


Core Rules

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MiniaturesThere are no solid restrictions on what may be used to represent models. Counters, cardboard cut outs or any miniatures from any manufacturer can represent a warband. The only rule is that your opponent must easily be able to differentiate and recognise models with different attributes.

The miniature is a visual representation of the character in general. The models exact pose and weaponry has no effect on the game. For example a miniature that is sculpted in a crouching position has no advantage over a miniature that is standing, in terms of cover. By the same token, an orc miniature holding two great axes is just as deadly as an orc miniature holding a dagger and shield if they both represent a standard orc warrior.

The important part of the model is the position and size of the base. Situations involving line of sight, such as spells and shooting are resolved using the footprint of a models base, not the position of the head on the figure.

Basing your figures

Each base containing miniatures is referred to as a model or unit. You may have as many miniatures on a base as you like- but the whole thing lives and dies as a single unit. A horse and rider is considered one model. If the base is destroyed, everything on it is removed from play.

Round bases are the best type for playing skirmish games, as they allow a model to be turned freely when tightly clustered and you get a perfectly even distance for all measurements in all directions.

There is nothing stopping you playing with square or hex bases.

To regulate base sizes in tournament a supply of round card, MDF or acrylic bases that you can blu-tac your models to to even up sides. You can also use this solution if your models are mounted on square bases.

Base size restrictions

A model may be mounted on any size of base you like, however it does impact the game. A larger base gives a model a greater travel distance, at the cost of manoeuvrability and vulnerability. Only models touching your base can attack you, and you will find it harder to move around models and avoid obstacles as no part of your base may pass through an obstacle along its path. Also, having a larger base makes partial line of sight possible, so your model must tuck itself back further if you want to be in full cover.The rules limit you to being able to place your models only where the base will fit. In the example of mounting a single sprite on a large base, it would not be able to stand under narrow doorways, even though common sense would say the model could. The golden rule, however is THE BASE IS THE MODEL.

Measurements and scale

Standard base-width

All measurements in the game are made using measuring sticks based on multiples of a standard base-width. This is simply the diameter of the sort of base everyone mounts a regular humanoid on at the scale you are playing.

• Span = 3 standard bases. This is the most common measurement in the game.

• Long Span = 9 man bases. This is normally used to check ranges. Aka triple span.

• Fast span = 5 man bases. This is only needed if you intend to field fast moving troops such as horses.

For 10mm, 15mm and 20mm scales, most gamers mount their humanoid figures on a small coins, such as the Australian 5 cent. These are 20mm in diameter, making a span 20mm. Since you can now get 20mm plastic bases, 20 mm is a good standard base diameter. In 25 to 30mm scale, humanoids usually get a 25mm, (1 inch) or a 30mm “lipped” base. For all figures in this scale, use 1 inch as the standard base. For 50mm scale miniatures use 4cm.

All measurements are arbitrary, and you will find that so long as all players are using the same sticks, you can vary the lengths to suit your gaming table sizes.

Making measuring sticks

You can make measuring sticks using stiff card, bamboo skewers, plastic card or wood strips. A practical tool is a triangle with one edge a span, and the other a long span. You can also make an 'L' card with standard base width ad (see diagram).

Two typical measuring cards

For that WWII tactical board style you can also attach a span rod to the end of a triple span rod to make a T bar.


Pre-measuring is legal. Any player may measure a distance at any time during the game to help formulate their strategy.

When measuring ranges both models bases must fall partially inside the range. Distances are measured parallel to the table plane. The height of the model and its elevation are always ignored.

Measurements and scale

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A sample Skulldred character card.

Model attributesEach model is defined by six attributes. In all cases, the higher the attribute, the better the model is. A player need only note the attributes it does have, so if any are ranked at zero, the box can be left blank.

Combat, Shoot and Magic DiceThe first three are the 'dice' scores; Combat dice, Shoot dice and magic dice. This is simply the number of dice the player rolls when testing any of these powers.

If a model has zero on any of these attributes, the model cannot perform the action at all- even if any bonus dice are awarded to that ability.

LevelA models level reflects how trained it is in combat.

SizeEvery model has a size rating, which reflects its physical bulk, power and strength. Humanoids (from Dwarfs through to Black Orcs) are assumed to be size 3. Giants would be size 5 creatures.

Size is used as a target number for shooting rolls, making bigger creatures easier to hit.

Combat dice is based on size, so bigger creatures do more damage.

To Kill (T)The To Kill Attribute is, unsurprisingly, the number of hits needed to kill the model.

To Kill = SIZE + armour bonus.

Small and tiny creatures both recoil on 1, die on 2. They only become downed when they cannot recoil.

Models with the “Vulnerable” ability die if beaten by any score. They never recoil or become downed. They just pop.

Roll equal to or under size to shoot

Model attributes

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LstrikeA models Lstrike score is the level of skill the model has using long strike weapons, such as whips, pole arms, tail lashes and chains. This is used instead of the normal combat level when making long strikes. (See page 21.)

WildsideThe wildside of a model is how it behaves when out of its leaders influence. This is discussed in detail in the warband building section. (See page 44.)

CostEvery model has a cost in gold pieces (Gp). The more powerful the model, the more expensive they are to field in the game.

AbilitiesA model may also have a number of special abilities such as special attacks, movement rules, weaponry or defences. These can be purchased for gold. (See making warbands for more details. Page 44.)

Action list

Movement actions


Move 1 Model moves up to 1 span.

Creep 1 Model moves forward its own base width. Push the model so its back is touching where its front was. A model may creep across difficult ground and across treacherous ground without taking damage. Hidden models remain hidden if creeping.

Move (difficult)

2 Model may move 1 span across difficult ground.

Fly 1 Model must have fly ability. Model takes to the sky. Place a flying counter next to the model. A flying models counter is removed on activation unless its first action is to fly. Ground models must ask if they may attack, otherwise must wait for the flyer to attack them. Flying creatures can be shot or targeted by magic. See fly for more details.

Disengage 2 Ground based models must disengage to step away from an attacker. Move them back from their attacker up to its own base width. They may then move as normal. They may end a disengage action engaged to another model. Flying creatures engaged on the ground may disengage into flying position.

Attack actions


Melee Attack

1 Model initiates an attack on an engaged opponent. Attacking deactivates the model.

Charged Attack

3 Model powers up in some way and launches an attack gaining +1 combat dice. Model must start turn not engaged.

Action list

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Shoot actions


Shoot 1 Model fires a ranged weapon at opponent. Must have an aim score of 1 or greater to shoot. A model may shoot as many times as its weapons RATE OF FIRE per turn- this defaults to 1 for fantasy games. The model may melee attack on the same turn it shoots.

Aim 1 Model spends one action aiming a shot. Adds one bonus dice for each aim action to a subsequent attack during the same activation.

Reload 2 Model reloads or clears a jammed weapon so it may fire again. Remove reload counter



Hide 1 Model switches to hidden status. Must be in contact with a scenic object that has been agreed in advance can be hidden in, such as a tree or bush. A hidden model cannot be targeted until he is spotted or revealed by making an action other than spot, remove poison, search or creep.

Spot close 1 Model removes hidden counter from enemy within line of sight within long range.

Spot far 2 Model removes hidden counter from enemy within line of sight outside of long range.

Rally 1 Model recovers from panic. Must be 1 long span from an enemy. Automatic if within 1 span of a leader.

Search 2 Model searches a 'searchable' scene feature it is in base contact with, and may draw a treasure card from the mission deck. Item may only be searched once.

Use 1 + Model activates a feature on the board, such as open a door, climbs a ladder, pulls a switch to lower a portcullis. Complex use actions can be accumulated across several rounds (a model may need a total of eight actions to use a standing stone to summon a demon.)

Sorcery actions


Cast spell 1+ Player may activate a spell using 1, 2 or 3 actions. Actions spent = target number of roll.

Place portal 1 Player places a portal. (See sorcery)

MovementWhen standing on open ground, a regular model can travel 1 span in a straight line. You may ONLY move in straight lines. To go around a corner you must make several moves. Use a measuring stick as a rail to check along the path.

Models can only travel in a straight line per action.

Some slower creatures may only make a certain amount of move actions per turn. Since a model can only travel in straight lines, this makes slow creatures less manoeuvrable.

FacingThe direction the model is looking is not important in the basic game. The character is assumed to be looking around at all times. Models may be turned at any time, usually to face an attacker or help indicate which direction they are shooting.

Regular Move Action (1 ap)Model may leapfrog a span stick or less in a straight line.Place a span stick against the models base, and hop the model to the opposite side, so that the back of the base is touching. Larger based models travel further- but this is balanced by them being easier to draw line of sight to in shooting.

Model hops a span stick.

If the model has the 'fast' ability, use a 'fast span' stick instead. Models with the 'Slow' ability may only use 2 move actions per activation. Models with the very slow ability may only use one.


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Move Difficult Ground (2ap)Difficult ground represents unstable, slippery surfaces, wading through water, deep mud or dense vegetation. Models passing through it are slowed down dramatically and attacking a model on difficult ground yields a 1 dice footing advantage in combat.

If the model starts its action standing on a zone of the game board assigned as difficult ground it costs 2 action points to perform a regular move.

If a model starts its action on regular ground but passes into difficult ground along its path, it may travel no further than with its back edge touching the border of the difficult ground. On its next action, since it starts on difficult ground, regular moves costs 2 action points to perform.

Creep (1 ap) & other base width movesA creep action allows the model to travel over trecherous ground (fireswamps, quicksand, spiked pits) without coming to harm. A model that is hidden using a hide counter may move using creep actions and not reveal themselves.

To make a creep move- push the model so that the back of the base is touching where the front was.

Base width move

Being forced backSometimes in combat, or with some spells , a model may be pushed or knocked back. The model must make a base width move. This is as with creep. If the models have different sized bases, the model only has to move the smaller base width of the two. If the bases are rectangular, use the longest edge length of a model as its base width.

Moving to a legal spaceA model MUST move to a space that is big enough to FULLY accommodate its base. A model may not end overlapping any other figures base.

It may touch a base, but must never overlap it.

A model may not travel across an enemy base at any point in its movement. Downed models are ignored, and may be crossed over.

Base path may not cross an enemy base. Use stick as rail

A model MAY pass through 1 friendly models base, but NEVER pass through 2 or more.

You may not pass through 2 friends

FlyingA flying model may use the 'fly' action for 1 AP to take off. Place a flying counter next to it.

Flying creatures may start the game with the flying marker in place if they wish.

When a model is flying, it cannot be targeted by ground melee attacks unless the owning player agrees to the challenge.


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Flying models gain 1 melee dice against ground models UNLESS they have long strike. Flying models may engage flying models and do not need to disengage before moving away. Flying models may fire over terrain that would usually block LOS. Models defending a wall still gain their cover bonus, unless the flying model is also in base contact with the wall. Flying models loose their flying status if they become downed as a result of combat. Flying models do not have to land to attack a ground object.

Moving rectangular bases

If you wish to play using elements mounted on strips, or use figures mounted on rectangular bases, such as those on a vehicle, war machine or huge dragon, you must measure using 'ELEMENT' rules.Elements have an obvious front facing edge. This will give you left and right sides, the corners of which are important.

Identifying corners on rectangular or multi based elements

Imagine the movement, then pick and measure from the corner that travels the furthest. Notice if that point is on the left or right of the model relative to its front facing. The model may jump left to left, or right to right. NEVER left to right.

A left corner to a left corner, a right to a right. D crosses left to right so is an illegal move.

Lets say a dragon is backing away and tilting back. The nearest corner that will swing the furthest is on the back, left of the base. The dragon can hop a measuring stick from its left back corner to its left back, or left front corner.

Facing is not important with round or square bases, but with rectangular bases it is important. An element may only turn if it can pivot freely around a single point on its base and not be blocked by models or obstacles. This costs 1 action. A model can swing as part of its move action, so long as the furthest moving point complies with the above rules.

Forced marchingOn large gaming tables, models may force march before coming within 1 long span of an enemy, mission objective or searchable item.

When force marching, models move 1 long span per move, instead of their regular movement distance.

The moment any members of the army come within 1 long span, forced marches are disabled for the rest of the game.

Shared movementAny model may donate action points to other models within base range (its own) for movement based actions only. This model does not have to be leader to do so.

You may give up to three actions.

Once a model is moved with this rule, it is considered to have had its turn and may not activate until next turn.

This tactic can be used to stop groups without a leader falling prey to wild rolls by sticking close together.


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Line of sightWhen placing a model into cover from another model, a player should announce that this is their intention, so the opponent can agree to a placing is exact. It is assumed that the model is smart enough to get out of line of sight correctly!Line of sight is based on bases from the top down, parallel to the table. Imagine a laser beam extending upwards from the dead centre of the models base. If you can draw a straight line between the beams without hitting a zone occupied by a scenic feature, the model has clear line of sight. For large rectangular bases, this is any middle of any edge.

If you cannot do the beam test from the centres, but can do it from any point of the base to any other point on the base, the models have partial line of sight- they can see and target each other, but cover is in the way and will effect the dice rolls.

Another way to look at it is that a model is behind cover if more than half of its base is behind the feature from where the shooter is standing, because its imaginary centre is obstructed.

The warrior has clear line of sight to Goblin A.She has partial line of sight to goblin B. (Her centre point cannot see his but

her base can draw a line to his base). She has no line of sight to goblin C as no part of her base can draw a line to



EngagingModels in base contact with an enemy are said to be engaged in combat, or simply just 'engaged'. Models that are not engaged are referred to in these rules as 'free'.

You can imagine models engaged in combat as trading blows the moment they touch. It is not until one model performs an attack action that a possible decisive even happens in that combat. Therefore, whilst engaged, models are assumed to entirely focused on fighting. This restricts the actions they can perform whilst engaged. To move away from a combat a player must perform a disengage action or be knocked away as a result of an attack.

Models remain engaged even if they are accidentally nudged, its important to place them back into engagement.

Since it is important to clarify which models are engaged in combat, players should announce if they intend to move close to a model, but not engage. A reasonable gap should be left between models that are not engaged.

To aid in clarification, players can agree to nudge models around a little if fights get bunched up or model protrusions such as long


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sword cause issues. In the example of two clusters of figures bunched up that are divided down the middle, the players agree to nudge one entire group of figures a little to the left for clarification.

Base to base contact. Models engaged in combat.

Models are both free.Often miniatures have protrusions that overhang their bases, and this can make placing them difficult. If the base can fit, and the model can legally move enough to be in engagement, the models become engaged. Place the miniature as close as possible and announce that it is engaged. A disc the size of a base is handy to place where the model actually is meant to be.

Engage RequestIf a player finds a model cannot move far enough to engage an opponent, he may make an engage request. If the opponent agrees, the player is allowed to move the remaining distance via the shortest line and place the models in combat.An opponent never has to agree if he feels it strategically unsound.It is merely a way to get to the juicy combat quickly.

Playing loose engagement stylePlayers can agree at the start of the game to allow a small gap (1cm) between models to count as engaged. All other models may not move to a space within this range, and must keep clearly outside (3cm minimum). This can be useful if models have large overhangs and players are worried about scratching models.

Disengage (2 AP)To disengage the player must spend 2 action points. The disengaging model is moved so that it is clearly no longer engaged with the currently engaged enemy bases. This move can be no further than its own base width. The disengaged model may then perform the remainder of its actions freely. A disengage action can move a model directly into engagement with one or more opponents.

Engagement and flying

When a flying model comes into base contact with a ground based model, they are not engaged until the flying model makes an attack action or lands.

A standing model engaged in combat that can fly model may use a disengage action to take off. This costs 2 AP. A flying counter is placed next to the model. The flyer may vertically disengage without moving away.

Attack (1ap)A model may attack any engaged opponent for 1 AP.

Once an attack is called, both opponents take up their models combat dice into their hand.

Bonus dice are gained for special abilities, charging attacks or strategic positioning. Each models adds one dice for each of the following conditions...

Advantage of ground If standing on higher ground than your foe. On a ledge, dais, up stairs, uphill.

Surprise attack! If attacker started turn with a 'hidden' counter or with no line of sight to victim.

Gang up Add 1 dice for each friend engaged with your opponent up to a maximum of 3.

Charged attack See charge attack rules.

Downed If target is downed.

Leaping attack! If attack happens directly after jumping off a ledge.

Better footing 1 dice if target is on difficult ground.2 dice if on treacherous ground.

Flying If you are flying and your foe is on ground.

Players discuss any bonus dice conditions in a gentlemanly manner, then tot up the bonus dice into their hand.

Both players roll their total hand of combat dice.

Any dice that roll higher than the models level score are discarded. The remaining dice are called 'hits'. Both players announce their total hits.

Damage resultsThere are four damage results. Swash, Recoil, Down and Kill.

Deduct the loser's hits from the winners hits to get the total damage margin.


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If the margin equals or beats the victims To Kill score, the model is instantly slain.

Otherwise if the margin is 1, the looser recoils and if the margin is 2 or more, the model is struck down.

A draw results in a swingback.

= SwingbackAttacker may swing around (see below)

RecoilLoose must recoil or become downed

DownLoser is struck down

KillLooser is killed if margin equals or beats 'To Kill' score

Being off guard hurts

Off guardIf every dice rolled fails to score a hit, the player announces that the model is off-guard. They have messed up and allowed their opponent a huge opening. The winner of the combat doubles its hits.

If both models are off-guard, nothing happens that turn; the warriors fight poorly, trading blows to no effect.

Example: A sprite attacks a giant spider. The spider rolls 6 dice, but unfortunately rolls all fails. The sprite only has 2 dice, but rolls hits on both. The sprite doubles its hits to 4- matching the Bull Shrikes 'To Kill' score. The Sprite catches the spider off guard, and gets its short sword into the beasts underbelly!

Swingback (draw)A swash buckling result.

The attacking model gets the advantage and can use it to gain a better footing.

The model that performed the attack action may be repositioned to a new position touching the defenders base. It must be able to legally stand on the spot, and it must remain engaged with the attacker.

Move the model directly to the new spot, ignoring obstacles and enemies. The model is assumed to have passed under, over or through the attacker in best swashbuckling style. The attacker may step up or down one scenery level as part of this move- jumping onto a table or dias.

The model must have been able to move to the new location had all other models not been present. For example, a huge dragon fighting a model in a small doorway could not swing to be behind the doorway because it could not normally fit through that door.

Use swashbuckle to gain height advantage, escape being pressed against walls, seek cover from spells and get safely out of difficult or treacherous terrain or swarms of enemies.

Recoil resultWhen defeated by 1 dice, the winners blow sends the looser staggering back.The loosing model must perform a legal recoil move or it becomes automatically downed on the spot. It can also be called dodging.

After the defender is knocked back, the winner may elect to press forward. The model is moved in a straight line towards the recoiling foe until it once again is engaged. If the attacker cannot make a equivalent of a legal normal move to do this he cannot press. Bad or treacherous ground, gore counters or crossing an enemy base will stop the attacker from pressing. It is legal to 'scrape off' an attacker by recoiling behind a friend.


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Recoiling correctly

A model in base contact with a friendly model can recoil through them if their base is no bigger than the required distance. Alternatively, the player may move one second model back one base width and move the recoiling model into its place. This simulates the recoiling character slamming into his friend.

The winning player may grant some license to the loosing player in positioning his knocked back model if he thinks the outcome is more fun or tactically sound. For example, he may allow the defender to stagger back further, pass through one of his bases, fall over a low wall or onto a ledge.

Goblin A may not recoil back because he is sandwiched between goblin B and the wall. He is not touching goblin B, so cannot hop him. If the Amazon's player gives permission, goblin A may be thrown over the wall instead and

recoil back one base width from there.

Down ResultA model that is struck by 2 or more hits, but not enough to equal or beat the To Kill value of the model, are downed.

A downed model has been injured, winded, petrified, groined, confused or stunned.

A downed model is temporarily out of the game- they cannot perform any actions and may only join in a combat if they are attacked. They cannot gain footing or press an attack. They do not count in gang ups. Models can shoot them, attack them, move and recoil over them. Opponents do not need to disengage from a downed model. You may not stand on a space occupied by a downed models base.

Downed models are marked by taking one Dreadskull counter from the players active pile and placing it next to the model. Some people like to gently place their miniatures on their sides or replace them with a wounded miniature, though it is important to remember that the downed model still effectively takes up the same base space as when its standing.

A player may announce he is instantly restoring the model. The Dreadskull counter is then sacrificed instead to the discard pile and the model remains healthy and standing.

Otherwise the downed model stays where it fell until it is killed or the player restores or sacrifices the model.

Once a player has depleted all his Dreadskulls, all downed results are kills. It gets really bloody at the end of the game, as battle weariness takes its toll!

Models with a To Kill score of 1 or 2 do not become downed by a blow directly, they either recoil or die. If they cannot recoil, they become downed.

Shaking off a downed result

When a downed result is received, a player may discard 1 Dreadskull instantly shake it off and ignore the result.

Kill result

A model hit with enough hits to match its To Kill score is instantly slain. Remove the model from the table into the discard zone.

Slain models cannot be saved by spending a Dreadskull. Its gone. Too late. Say goodbye.Downed models that are slain return their Dreadskull to the active Dreadskull pile of its owner. It is not lost.

In campaign play, the model may not be actually 'dead', but for this battle it is considered dead. It may return in the next game if the house rules for the campaign allow it.


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Choosing a lesser evilThe winner of a melee may elect to downgrade the damage he has done and pick a lower option if it is strategically favourable.

So if he has scored a recoil, he may elect to swing around to gain better footing instead, or just stay engaged without knocking back the enemy.

Think of the damage result as a menu to strategically pick from.

Ganging upWhen a model is engaged with more than one enemy, its opponents gain +1 'gang up' dice in combat per opponent, up to a maximum bonus of 3 dice.

All Goblins get +2 gang up dice against Amazon 1.Amazon 1 & 2 both get +1 gang up dice against goblin C

Charged attack (3ap)Models can spend 3ap to make a charged attack- representing either a charge, battlecry, swoop, flying kick or some form of magical 'charging up' of an arcane martial power or weapon.

A charged attack gains 1 dice to their hand.

To perform a charged attack, the player first announces it, then moves the model into base contact with the target using any of the one AP movement actions the model can normally perform (leap, move, fly, creep etc). The cost of this movement is included in the 3 AP for the charged attack.

The attacker MUST begin the activation free from any engagement. He may not charge attack a model he is already engaged with.

Keep fighting challengeAfter a combat is resolved the combat ends. However, if both models are still standing, either player can announce they would like to keep fighting. If the other player agrees, the combat between the models continues and another attack is rolled. Do not adjust the bonus dice, just roll the same dice again. (so a surprise attack, charge attack or beserk attack keeps its bonus dice)

ShootingFiring a bow, throwing a fireball and lobbing an axe are all classed as shooting.

Shooting works exactly like combat, however the defender may not hurt the attacker as a result of the shot. Damage results are the same, except that the attacker may not swingback as a result of a draw.

The shooting player rolls their models shoot dice, aiming to get equal to, or lower than, its opponents size score to score a hit.

The defender rolls its combat dice against its level as with normal combat. The reflects skill in dodging and how much damage its body can absorb from a shot.

There is no maximum range for a shot. However, if you are playing on a large game table and this feels unrealistic, agree to a measurement before the game begins.

Dodging (recoiling from a shot)

If the shooter beats its targets hits by 1, the defender must 'dodge'. This is exactly like a normal recoil, except the model must move a base width in any direction except in a direct line towards the attacker. Dodging sideways and diagonally forward is acceptable. The model also recoils the smaller of the models base distance as in combat.

Shoot (1ap)A shoot action costs 1 action point.

Shoot actions may be performed in any order and do not deactivate a model as with melee attacks. A model may shoot and melee attack on the same turn.

A model may may shoot for any one of its actions. It could, for example, move, shoot, move or shoot, move, attack.

A model may shoot as many times as its weapons rate of fire is allowed. For fantasy games, this defaults to 1.


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Shooting dice

Point blank +1 dice if Targets base falls within 1 span.

Firing down + 1 dice if they are on a higher level than target.

Aiming +1 dice per aim action.

Surprise shot! +1 dice if they begin their turn hidden from targets sight, either blocked by terrain or using hide counter.

Defending vs. shot dice

Small +1 dice if size 1.

Distant +1 if base falls outside 1 long span.

Soft cover +1 dice per obstacle if line of sight between base centres passes through Low walls, graves, bushes, fences.

Hard cover +2 if in base to base contact behind a a low wall, building corner, battlement or through a window.

Reload (1ap)

If the shooter rolls ALL fails, its weapon has jammed or dropped its ammo or other mistake that prevents it from firing. Place a reload counter next to the model. The model must perform a reload action for 2 ap to remove the counter before it can shoot again.

Heavy weaponsLarge creatures carry larger weapons.

If the attackers size is larger than the opponent, they do heavy damage. Add 1 hit to the result if they win by more than a draw.

Shooting restrictionsShooters are limited to the targets they can pick.

Targeting engaged models

A model may never target a model that is engaged by a member of its warband.

Targeting closest, biggest models only

A model may only shoot the nearest visible enemy of a size category that it can draw line of sight to. A model cannot shoot a smaller creature if a bigger one is closer.

Therefore, a model that can see one small (size 1) creature, behind which is one large (size 4) and behind that is one huge (size 5) can target any of the models. A shooter facing three dwarves with a giant behind it can either target the closest dwarf, or the giant.If a giant is standing closer to the shooter and a dwarf- the shooter cannot target the dwarf.

A model may also choose between the nearest ground based model, or the nearest flying model of the same size class. In all cases if multiple targets are at the same range, the player may pick which one to fire on.

Targeting hidden models

A model with a 'hidden' counter cannot be targeted. A player must reveal it with a spot action first.

Targeting downed models

A downed model may be targeted, but only if it is closer than a standing opponent of any size.

Firing over modelsA model may not fire through friendly models except if they are in base contact with the model, and that model is not engaged in combat.

A model can always fire over a downed model, no matter what it s size. A model may fire over any model one size smaller than the target (even if engaged), they do, however count as soft cover.

Each level of higher ground adds one to the size of a model for determining if it can be fired over. If the shooter is on higher ground, deduct one size per level.

Concentrated volley fireSeveral shooters may gang up and simultaneously shoot at a single target when in the presence of any free leader on their side.

The leader MUST have partial line of sight to the target for any shooter to use a volley attack.

The player selects one of the shooters to be the lead shooter and activates it, performing any actions such as disengage, aim and move. Once the lead shooter is ready to fire, the player announces a volley and selects which other shooters join in. The shooters joining the volley must have not been activated, must be within 1 span from at least one other in the volley, must be under the influence of the same leader.

The lead shooter then rolls to hit as usual, adding +1 dice from each of his shooters, up to a total of +5. The lead shooter may not get a point blank bonus.

The defender gets to use the best case scenario for his bonus dice. If a volley contains 6 archers with a clear shot, and one with 2 cases of soft cover, then the defender can add 2 dice to his defence hand as if all have.


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Hidden models are instantly revealed if they take part in a volley. They deactivate after firing and may not be activated this turn.

Corners as coverModels are assumed to be using the cover around them to their best advantage and shooting around it whenever possible. In that spirit, if a model is touching the corner of a building or pillar but has its base poking around so it can draw line of sight to a foe, it is treated as in cover- gaining 2 dice to its defence just like being pressed in against a low wall.

The model must be on one side of the corner to take advantage of the 2 bonus cover dice. Therefore it must be in base contact with one of the flats of the walls, rather than touching just the tip where they meet. Imagine a diagonal line coming off the tip. The defender is not in cover if the attacker is on his side of the line.

HidingHidden units may not be shot or have spells target them directly.

Any unit in contact with piece of scenery that can be hidden in, may hide for 1 action point. The player places a 'hidden' counter next to the model. Remove the counter once spotted.

Low walls, bushes, corn fields, marshes and trees should always count as hide-able.

A hidden model may remain hidden if they perform keep watch and sneak actions. Otherwise they are revealed. Remove the counter.

A unit that starts its turn hidden attacks at +1 dice for surprise for its first attack.

Spotting hidden models

• Models with a clear line of sight coming within 1 span of hidden units automatically spot them.

• A model may perform a spot action to reveal a hidden unit in line of sight by spending 1 action point if they are within 1 long span, or 2 if they are beyond 1 long span.

Hiding in plain sight

• Players may decide during the walk through that models may hide anywhere on the board.

• This represents a more complex environment than can be reasonably represented on the tabletop, such as tall grass or trenches. It may also reflect the use of petty magic to hide and natural camouflage.

Long strikeWhips, flails, spears and other Pole arms are covered with the long strike ability. The model may target enemies who fall within 1 span from its base edge.

Long strikers may not long strike when engaged and must use their combat level as normal. Likewise, they use their combat dice and level when being shot at.

A long strike is a separate form of attack action, and use the long strike level as a target number instead of the combat level. All the usual combat dice and bonus dice are used.

A model defending against a long strike uses combat dice as per usual, but may gain soft and hard cover bonuses, as if being shot.

Pull in

As with shooting, the long striker may not be injured as a result of the long strike action against a non-long striking model. However, if the long striker scores an 'offguard' result, and the opponent hits, the opponent may select to 'pull in' the long striker.

The pulled in long striker must move its model into engagement with its target, suffering all terrain effects in between.

Long strike vs. Long strike

A long striker may use its long strike OR its combat level when fighting a long striker and both may be harmed as a result.

Long striking Higher ground

A long strike may target someone up to 2 levels higher if they are within 1 standard base distance (like standing at the bottom of a ledge stabbing up).

Wild sides

LeadersA model may only lead if is not hidden or downed. If the leader has no line of sight, he may command units whose bases fall partially within 1 span of a point on his base. If the leader has line of sight, he may command a unit 1 long span away.

Leaders always read WILD SIDES as 3 actions.

Leader arise!

When a players last leader dies, a player may elect to elevate another to the role. To do so the player must sacrifice one entire turn without activating any of its models.

Wild sides

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The newly elected leader gains the leadership ability for the rest of the game. Leaders always treat wilds as 3 actions, and give that to all in range. This is often well worth the sacrifice.

PanicModels with panic wildside are subject to panic when a wild result is rolled and they out of a leaders influence.

When a model panics place a panic counter next to them.

A panicking model can make 3 move actions, including taking to flight. The model must end its turn one span away from the nearest enemy or automatically become downed.

They may not perform any other actions whilst in a panic. If attacked, they may defend themselves, but cannot harm their opponent. If they win, they simply disengage or stand still.

Once a model is within the range of a leader again, it stops panicking.

If the model cannot end its turn 1 span from an enemy, but within 1 span of a table edge, it flees off the table and is lost.

If the model starts its turn outside 1 long span of the nearest enemy, it rallies if it can roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the action dice. If it rolls wild, and is not in range of a leader, it stays panicked.

SummonedSummoned creatures are not fielded at the start of the game. A sorcerer must summon them through a portal. This effectively protects the summoned being and allows them to be teleported into a tactically sound position.

The player must start with a sorcerer on the table at the start of play to have summoned creatures.

If a summoned creature is not fielded when the game is won, its value in gold still counts towards the victory.

Summoned creatures can represent raising of the dead from the battlefield if necromancy is your thing.

RespawnersHordes of inexhaustible beings that just keep coming and coming from god knows where.

When slain, all respawner models not in play may be returned to the game table by sacrificing a full turn. No models may have been activated when this is announced.

Respawners must be assigned a master before play. This model is the reason the respawners are in the battle. This model does not have to be a sorcerer, but someone the creature feels bound to. When this model is killed, the respawners are removed from play and may not be re-summoned for rest of the game.

The re-spawning model appears on the table edge or entry door where the master began. If its master is a sorcerer, it may either appear on the table edge or appear through a portal (see Using Portals p35).

All re-spawning units are treated as vulnerable, and so instantly die when beaten in any dice roll. A dreadskull cannot be spent saving a respawner from a downed result.

Respawners may not have magic, may not have any power over level 1 and may only have one ability.

When a respawner rolls a wild on its action dice whilst not under the influence of any leaders, It gets 1 action.

BuffsA buff is a bonus dice given by one model to another while they are in range. An example would be a magic familiar that gives magical power to its sorcerer, an inspiring hero, bard or standard bearer.

Generally a model must specifically name the model its buffing, and the bonus dice it gives, either magic, combat or shooting.

Regardless of its source, the maximum buffs a model can receive to any roll is 3.

A buff can never give dice to an ability that is zero. So for example, a magic buff does not effect non magic users- it doesn't suddenly grant them the ability to use magic.

Winning the game


Deadlocks can happen in situations where an action on either side would mean defeat.

For example, if a flying model that survives against a ground based troop that refuses to land. A sniper in a tower against wolves that cannot climb ladders. Two wizards at either ends of the table who refuse to come within range of each other.

If the game is deadlocked, the value of the remaining characters in gold are compared. The winner is the one with the greater sum of treasure and models killed worth.

This also works if the game session has run out of time and you need to work out a winner before packing up.

Last man standing rule

The last model standing from a team reads all wild results as 3 actions.

Total Pandemonium

If all the models on the team are in a panic, total pandemonium is called and the game is lost.

Shake handsPlayers should shake hands at the end of the game.

Winning the game

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Barbarian Princess Nym

Sample Game

Jack is fielding a warband of amazons lead by the barbarian princess Nym. Her force comprises of two shield maidens and an archer.

Her opponent is Pete, his warband comprises of a hobgoblin champion as leader, a mutant goblin hero with a big hook, and a large bugbear.

Both players have 3 Dreadskull tokens each.

First round(Demonstrating basic actions and movement)

Jack's turn

He decides her archer and leader should go for the high ground- a ruin overlooking the battlefield. The shield maidens will hold their ground and block the goblins from reaching the archer.

Jack: “ I activate Bella, my archer.”

Jack rolls the action dice and gets 2 actions. He moves Bella 1 span stick towards the ruins. He decides to move again- closing the distance to the stairs leading to the ruin. Since Bella has had two points worth of actions, she deactivates. Jack cannot user her again until his next round.

Jack: “I activate Braza, this sword mistress here.”

Pete: “Nice model.”

Jack: “Thanks Pete- I converted it from a couple of different competing figure ranges. And hey, look, still tournament legal. Okay, Braza needs some actions. ”

Jack rolls the action dice for Braza. She gets 3 action points.

Jack places the span stick and hops Braza so she is between the enemy and the stairwell. This costs 1 action point, leaving her with 2 action points left.

Jack: “ I am happy with her position, so I discard the remaining points and deactivate her. "

Jack rolls the action dice for Kedra. The dice lands on one of the specially marked wild faces.

Jack: “Wild! But Princess Nym is in leadership range, see, so wild means 3 actions. I am just going to move Kedra up to stand next to Braza, and I end her turn. Finally Princess Nym.”

Jack rolls the action dice and scores another wild. Leaders always read wilds as 3 actions.

Jack: “right, I am basically just going to run her up next to the archer. Using two actions, and hold. Right, that's me done. Here's the action dice Pete.'

Pete: “Thanks.”

The action dice is a special dice marked 1, 2, 2, 3 and 2 'wild symbols'. You can make one with stickers and a regular dice.

Pete's Turn

Pete measures how far his warriors are from the shield maiden, and sees he will need two actions to get into combat.

Pete: “Okay, I move Brugo, my hobgoblin champion.”

Pete rolls the action dice and gets a 1.

Sample Game

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Pete: “Great start. Okaaaay, I cannot get close enough to fight, but I can make it to cover against that pesky archer of yours. I am going to move him here... is that out of line of sight in your opinion?'

Jack: “Totally. For now.”

Pete places the span stick and moves Brugo behind a pillar.

Pete: “Okay, so its Bob the Bugbears go next.”

Pete rolls the action dice. It rolls wild.

Pete: “oh.... brilliant. I just moved my leader out of range, didn't I?'

Jack: “Sure did. But hey, he is totally in cover.”

A wild result when not within range of a leader means the Bugbear falls back on its 'wild' trait- which in this case is 'stupid'.

Pete: “dduuuuuuhhhh. Okay, so he cannot move this turn because he is prone to stupidity. It's madhook fishfaces go.'

Pete moves the goblin 1 span out of the line of sight of the archer.

Jack: “Hey bucko, you didn't roll the action dice.”

Pete: “I don't have to, see because he is in range and sight of his leader- so no matter what I roll I will get one action.”

Jack: “Fair point. “

Pete: “Back to your girlies. Here's the action dice.”

Second round(Demonstrating basic combat and shooting)

Jack's turn

Jack: “Okay, I will start with Bella the archer.”

Jack rolls the action dice. He gets 2 actions.

Jack: “Bella aims for the bugbear for her first action, then fires for her second.

Jack starts totting up dice on the table.

Jack: “ Bella has 3 shoot dice. She gets a bonus dice for aiming. Four dice for me. ”

Pete: “Is that bush in the line of sight?”

Jack: “Oh yeah. Okay, you get a bonus dice for soft cover.”

Pete: “So adding that to my bugbears four combat dice that's five dice baby. That arrows going nowhere.”

One all dice are in hand, the target numbers need to be announced.

The bugbear is classed as size 4 (large), so Bella hits on 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Jack: “ Bella hits on 4”

Pete: “Bob the Bugbear is veteran, so hits on 3”

Jack: “ Okay, lets roll!”

Jack: “four hits!”

Pete: “Oh crap. Only two hits.”

Jack has beaten Pete by 2 hits, so has scored a 'downed' result. This means the model is either staggered, stunned, wounded or generally unable to fight.

Pete “Crap. Okay, he goes down.”

Pete places one of his three Dreadskull counters next to the bugbear to indicate it is downed.

Jack: “Seriously? Your just going to leave him down?”

Pete:”No, on second thoughts I will restore him.”

Pete takes the Dreadskull token and tosses it into the discard pile. He now has 2 dreadskulls left, but his Bugbear is back in action.

You can either discard the dreadskull counter, or discard the downed model to return the dreadskull to your hand. This simulates the model finally dying from its wounds. You can do this at any stage in the game, even on your opponents turn. A key aspect of the game is managing where these points are spent restoring downed models and also adding bonus dice to important rolls.

Pete: “The bugbear snaps the arrow off and with a roar, staggers to its feet.”

Jack: “One point down. Nice opening volley. Okay, so next up I think Braza is going to act. ”

Sample Game

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Jack rolls the action dice, scoring a wild. Since Braza is in range and sight of her leader, she gets 3 actions.

Jack: “ Nice. Okay, I am going to charge at your bugbear. I move for 2 actions... here, then.... here. Which puts me into base contact with your Bugbear.”

Models in base contact are 'engaged in combat' or just 'engaged'. They can be visualised as locked together trading ineffective blows.

Jack: “I will skip her third action.”

Pete:”Your not attacking?”

Jack: “No, because... I activate Kedra and hopefully she can team up in kicking that bugbears rear. If I attack now, I take a bigger risk.”

When several models are engaged with the same target, the models gain a 'gang up' bonus dice for each additional model, up to a maximum of 3 dice.

Jack rolls the action dice. He gets another wild result. Again, Kedra gets 3 action points because she is being commanded by Princess Nym.

Jack:” I run her up to engage the bugbear using two moves, and for my third action attack”

Jack: “ Kedra is a veteran, she hits on 3. With 3 combat dice. No bonuses.”

Jack rolls 3 dice and gets a 2, 1 and 6.

Jack: “Two hits!”

Pete:” Bugbear is a veteran too- has four dice, hits on 3. I need 2 hits. No bonus dice.”

Pete lets the dice trickle from his hand one by one.

Pete:” Miss. Miss. Come on! Hit! Okay, I need one more hit... come on baby...”

Pete rolls a miss.

Pete: 'Crap.”

Jack:” Beat you by 1.”

Jack has won the battle by a 'recoil' result... but he has several strategic options here. He could knock the opponent back, drive them back or 'gain advantage'- which allows him to move his model to another place touching the bugbears base, potentially gaining a better position. Jack decides the best thing to do is keep the bugbear as far back from his archer as possible.

Jack: “I knock you back.”

Pete moves the Bugbear back from the shield maidens according to the recoil rules. A player ALWAYS moves his own models.

Jack: “Okay, I skip Princess Nyms turn, she holds her ground.”

Pete's turn

Pete: “Okay, so I activate Madhook Fishface.”

Pete rolls the action dice. He gets 3 action points to spend.

Pete: “I move him out from behind the pillar, then run him over to Kedra. For my third action I attack.”

Pete could have left Madhook engaged with Kedra, then ran the bugbear in to give it a bonus dice in combat without risking Madhook, but Pete realises the Bugbear may act stupid again this round and presses the attack

Pete: “Madhook has 2 combat dice. He also ran out of cover, so gets a surprise-attack bonus dice. 3 dice all up. I am a tyro, so hit on a 2 or less.”

Pete rolls 2, 1, 6. 2 hits.

Jack:” Uh oh. Kedra is a veteran so hits on a 3 with 3 dice.”

Jack rolls 6, 6 and 4.

Pete: “No hits! You dropped your guard dude!”

Jack:”What's that mean again?”

Pete: “I double my hits because you fail to defend yourself. That's four hits baby!”

Kedra only has a To Kill of 3, so a result of 4 kills her instantly. Because she is dead, not downed, Jack cannot spend a Dreadskull restoring her. She is lost from the game. Jack removes Kedra from the table.

Pete: “Whilst Madhook guts the amazon like a fish, cackling with glee, and juggles her intestines, my Hobgoblin jumps into the battle.”

Sample Game

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Pete rolls the action dice. He rolls a 2.

Pete: “I make two moves, engaging your shield maiden. Now for the bugbear- who is now in range of the Hobgoblin.”

Jack:” yep, but the hobgoblin is engaged in combat, so is too busy to lead, remember?”

Pete: “Oh crap- I have done it again!”

Pete rolls the action dice. He rolls a 2.

Pete: “Yes! I move him back into base contact with the shield maiden, then attack. Since the Hobgoblins also fighting her, I get a gang up bonus dice. That's 5 dice again.”

Jack rolls a 1 and a 1.

Jack: ” Cats eyes! Two hits!”

Pete rolls the dice one by one this time...

Pete: “ Hit, Hit- that's a draw. Miss. Hit- that a knockback... and....”

Jack: “Just roll the dice already!”

Pete:” A hit!- Your downed!”

Jack: “I sacrifice a skull to restore her!”

Third round(Charge attacks, gang ups, sacrificing)

Jack's turn

Jack: “Okay, enough of this... I activate the Barbarian Princess.”

Jack rolls the action dice, scoring a wild. The princess, being a leader, gets 3 points.

Jack moves her twice, engaging Madhook from behind.

Jack: “I attack. Hits on 5, but she has 5 combat dice. Two hits. How about that?”

Pete: “Madhooks got 2 dice. Is small, so hits on 2.”

Jack: “Oh wait, since Braza isn't downed, she counts as a gang up. I should have rolled an extra dice. Aaaand, its a hit!.”

Pete: “ I rolled two hits, but you beat me by 1. ”

Jack: “I gain advantage... so I swing around back here so my archer can get a clear shot at your back if you knock me away or down me.”

Pete: “A cunning stunt.”

Jack: “ I skip. Your go.”

Pete's turn

Pete: ”My hobgoblin goes first. I attack."

Pete rolls the action dice. But then realises he does not need to. Leaders always act, and an attack requires just 1 action point.

Pete: ”My hobgoblin rolls 4 dice, plus a gang up dice for the bugbear, so that's 5 dice. I also spend a dreadskull for an extra dice. That's 6 dice.”

Jack: “I spend one myself, so I have 6 dice.”

Pete:”Okay, lets see what she's got. You roll first.”

Jack: “She hits on a 3. 1, 4, 4, 6 and 3. Two hits.”

Pete: “The hobgoblins six dice come up.... .”

Pete rolls all the dice at once and gets 4 hits. He beats Jack by 2.

Braza is downed.

Jack: “The hobgoblin takes her legs out, and she stays down.”

Jack places his last remaining Dreadskull next to the fallen Braza.

Pete:”My Bugbear is up now. Since Braza is downed, I will try my luck getting a few extra action points to do a charged attack”

Sample Game

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Charged attacks cost 2 action points, but can only be done when a model is not engaged. Since a downed model no longer counts as being engaged, the Bugbear could charge attack the Princess. That could be bad news.

Pete rolls the action dice, and gets a 3.

Pete:” three actions. I move here... then charge attack the princess!”

Jack: “Crap. Okay, lets party. My princess gets 5 dice, hits on 3.”

Pete:”I get four dice, one for gang up from the hobgoblin, and one for charging. Six dice. Hear that... six dice. You are toast.”

Jack:” Bring it on!”

Jack rolls 2 hits. Pete rolls four. Pete wins by 2, a downed result.

Pete: “I down your princess! Since you dont have any dreadskulls left, a downed result is a KILL.”

Jack: “No wait. I sacrifice Braza and claim back her Dreadskull. She dies from bloodloss. I then spend my dreadskull restoring the princess.”

Jack removes the fallen Braza and her dreadskull to the discard area of the table.

Pete: “Down to the wire here now! Its not looking good for the princess against a hobgoblin AND a bugbear and your out of Dreadskulls!”

Third round(The battle is won)

Jack's turn

Jack:”Really? Well, lets see what the action dice says.”

Jack rolls a 2.

Jack: “ I disengage from the fight, for 2 action points. Princess leaps back and calls to her archer...”

Jack moves the model back a base width from the hobgoblin.

Jack rolls a wild.

Jack: “...who, inspired by her leader takes two aims and shoots the hobgoblin- who, since he is no longer engaged, can be targeted.”

Pete: “Uh oh”.

Jack:” I get 3 dice, plus... advantage of ground and two aims... that gives me 6 dice. I hit on a... 3, because Bella is veteran. You roll first... I want to savour this.”

Pete: “The hobgoblin get 4 dice... and uh... oh. Just 4 dice. But I hit on a 5.”

Pete rolls 1 hit. Jack rolls 4 hits.

Jack: “ I win by 3. The archer hits you in the back of the neck, shattering your vertebrae. Your hobgoblin leader drops dead.”

Pete: “You dirty, sneaky little... “

Jack: “Watch it... this is a PG rated tutorial. Its your turn.”

Jack hand him the action dice... with a wry smile.

Pete's Turn

Pete:” I swear to god dude, if I roll a wild and my bugbear acts stupidly I am going to loose it.”

Jack: “Just roll the dice.”

Pete looses it.

Sample Game

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TerrainUsing Scenic Features

Defend your rear passage.


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Scenic featuresScenic features are vital to a good skirmish game Although you can slug it out between two warbands on a flat surface, a few well placed obstacles can open up a world of winning strategies and fun scenarios.

Pre-game Walk ThroughBefore play starts, each scenery item placed on the table needs to be clearly identified for what it represents in game terms. This is called the walk-through.

One player should point at each feature and announce what it represents, and the other should agree, or make suggestions. Gaps between features should also be discussed.

Example: Can a miniature walk down the gap, what size models can squeeze through, can a shooter draw line of sight through it or does it count as light cover?

Game-play may only begin once the walk-through is completed and both players are happy they know what the playing field means and understand exactly where they can and cannot place figures.

Placing terrainDepending on the scenario you are playing, you can place terrain a number of ways.

• In a basic battle, one player may set up the board, and then designate two deployment zones. The players then roll dice to see who gets which zone.

• If time is not a problem, players can play a two games, switching deployment zones each match.

• Players pick a table edge to deploy. Each scenery item is then diced for, and the winner gets to place it on the table on his side of the centre line.

Tips for scenic features

IconsAn icon is a scenic item which effects the scenery around it to a set distance.

Instead of representing every tree in a forest, a single disc of card or MDF board with a few trees placed on it can act as a forest icon. Any model standing entirely within, say, 1 span from the base of the tree marker is considered to be in woods, in light cover and may hide.

Example iconsGraveyard: Models within 1 span of a gravestone icon are technically in the graveyard. Graveyards may be hidden in, and offer light cover in all directions. Models must be in base contact with a grave icons base board to search a grave for items.

Spooky Cornfield: Models within 1 span of a corn marker are considered to be in the cornfield. Models may not draw line of sight at all to any model within the corn field that is size 4 or smaller. No model may shoot inside the cornfield. All models of size 4 or less inside the cornfield will automatically panic at the start of their activation unless they are within 1 span of a friendly model.

Fleshworm pits: Models within 1 span of a worm pit icon are standing in soil infested with flesh eating grubs. Any model downed upon the soil will automatically be dragged under the surface and the bones spat out a moment later.

Swamp: Models within 1 span of a swap icon are standing in difficult ground. Any models of size 4 or less hiding or searching run a 1 in 6 risk of getting dragged under and eaten by a swamp dweller.

Fog icon: Models within 1 span of the fog icon are considered to be in thick fog. You may not draw any line of sight through fog.

Climbing over sceneryModels may only cross or step up onto a scenic object they are in base contact with at the start of their action.

If a movement action intersects an obstacle the model must stop at the point its base touches the obstacle. The model must spend another action to climb over or onto it, and a third to move onwards.

hills, stairs and ramps

Models may use regular moves to move up rolling hills, stairs or a ramps. The model does not have to stop when it encounters staris, ramps or hills.

Steep hills may be a game feature and count as difficult ground when moving uphill but not down. This must be agreed upon during the walk-through at the start of the game to be in effect.

Climbing over scenery

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Model uses 1 action to move to obstacle and 1 to climb over.


A model in base contact with a ladder of any length can reach the top, regardless of length, using 1 move action.

You may decide that animals without hands, such as dogs, cannot climb ladders in your games during the walk-through- however the default is to allow all to do so in order to make game boards flexible.

Tip: If you decided animals without hands cannot climb ladders during the walk through - give them a +1 armour bonus to compensate for not being able to reach all areas of the map.

Unstable model footingIf a models base can fit in a space, but placing the model there is impractical, (the model is at risk of falling over or if the model itself cannot fit under an archway)the model is legally allowed to move to that spot.

Use a counter or plastic base to represent the figure temporarily whilst it is standing there,

Remember, a miniature is a representation of the character- the base is the important game factor. If the base fits and the space is designated somewhere you can stand, the model can stand there.

Designating some features to now allow models of a certain size in hit dice is acceptable. Some doors may not let large or huge creature through. Some holes in walls may only let size 1 figures through.

Fighting over a low wall

Low wallsStone wall, low hedge row, palisade, fenceLow walls count as soft cover (+1 defence) if it obstructs full line of sight. If a model is in base contact with the low wall it counts as hard cover and gains +2 defence dice against shots that draw line of sight across it. A defender cannot count the low wall as soft cover if the model shooting is in contact with it.

A model in base contact with the wall may attack opponents in base contact with the opposite side if they are within 1 standard base width of the attack. However the opponents are not considered engaged directly. Either may move away without needing to disengage, and a model attacking over a wall does not count in a gang up.

A model touching a low wall may climb over it for 1 action. They are placed touching the opposite side of the wall, at any point within 1 base distance. If the model base is smaller than the thickness of the wall, the model is placed as near to as possible.

A model may only climb over the wall if they can land in a valid space. They can land directly engaged with an enemy.

Impassable groundThis scenic item cannot be crossed by any but flying or burrowing units.

Impassable ground

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Raised areasStep, plynth, dias, table, bed, small cliff, barrow

Scenery that raises or lowers the height of the playing field should be given a height in levels during the walk-through.

A model can climb onto a one level object it is in base contact with for 1 action point. It cannot normally climb directly onto a level 2 feature.

When a model is in contact with the lip of a raised or sunken area, it may attack models standing on the ledge in the same manner as fighting over a wall. Models standing on a wall gain +1 combat or shooting dice when attacking models on a level below (advantage of height).

A model may use a move action to leap off a raised area. They do not need to be on the lip, and may travel their normal span distance measured horizontally to the table. This leap can carry them over any models who are smaller than their size plus the height of the raised area. They may land directly into engagement with an enemy and gain a leap attack bonus of +1 combat dice).

A model forced to dodge off a ledge is placed at the bottom of the lip, or as near to it as possible.

Models that fall suffer an attack with 1 hit per level. So a model falling 2 levels must roll at least 2 hits to land unharmed.

Models that voluntarily do this as part of a move action may ignore level 1 falls.

Mia Longblade is driven back by the goblins attack and he closes. Mia then knocks him back 1 base width. He falls.

Raised areas

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Treacherous groundThorn bushes, spiked pits, ankle breakers, quicksand, evil treesTreacherous ground attacks models that have been knocked into, fallen into or move through its marked boundary.

A model first moving into treacherous ground may not move further than the back of their base against the boundary. This triggers an attack.

Treacherous ground scores 1 hit automatically. The player must equal or beat this to proceed unharmed. If they drop their guard, they take double damage (2 hits).

Any further moves with the exception of creep trigger a further injury test. Taking off also triggers an attack.

Small units are good at moving through treacherous ground and do not trigger an attack if they make a cautious move action (2ap).

Tiny units may move, land and take off freely through Treacherous Ground, but must suffer the attack if they are knocked into or teleport into it.

Playing on gridsIf you wish to play on grid paper, hex paper or printed dungeon plans use the following rules. You old school thing, you.

• A square represents 1 base. Therefore a span is a 3 square move, a fast span 5 and a long span 9.

• You do not have to move in a straight line. You can hop diagonally, and go around objects in a single move.

• You may not hop diagonally between two opponents.

• Difficult or Creep actions move 1 square.

• Knock back or disengage moves 1 square.

Doors & DoorwaysDoors are given a size rating corresponding with the height of the creature it usually permits. Heavy doors get +1, barricaded doors +2.

Models 1 size larger than a doorway must stop a move action at the lip of a door. They may not recoil or dodge through it. They may squeeze through the doorway for 1 action, and be placed on the touching the opposite side.

Models 2 sizes larger than a doorway cannot pass.

A closed door must be used to either open or shut it. Moving to the opposite side is considered part of the use action. To open a door and close it behind a model costs 2 actions (open/move through for 1ap and close for 1ap).

Locked doors need a key, or can be destroyed. Magically locked doors need a magician to open them, which it may do within 1 span from the door.

To destroy a doorDoors may be destroyed by beating its size with a melee attack, or by using a ranged weapon that has more combat dice than the doors size.

Up to 3 models (if they can contact the model) may gang up on a regular door.

Battling through a doorA door is braced when a model is in base contact with it. Opponents may not open the door until they best the bracing model in combat.

Models in base contact with the door can fight, any friendly models in base contact with the door or the attacker can help push. Each adds +1 dice, like a gang up.

On a draw, the door holds. If one side wins by the To Kill score of the defender the door gives and they are instantly slain. If one side wins by less, the door is open and the defender and anyone blocking his path are moved back to allow the attacker through. The attacker is placed on the other side of the door. It is considered open.

A downed opponent is killed by a door opening into them.

TrapsA trap is given a fixed number of hits, and is deemed one shot or self resetting. Any model passing onto the trap zone is attacked. Unless discussed in the walk-through, any unit in base contact with the trap may disarm it for 3 actions.

It's a trap!


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Finding ItemsGraves, treasure chests, bushes and ruins.

This type of feature yields items when searched. Some are good, some are bad. It really enriches a game to have several places that can be raided, especially when a model gets stranded away from the action and has nothing to do.

Prepare some cards with items on them that give bonuses to the game. A unit may spend 2 action points searching the item to get a treasure card. Randomly mix in some treasure cards with a few traps and monsters.

Found items are held by the model who found it, but may be passed to another in base contact for 1 action point. Item may be dropped at any time without cost. Items may be picked up for 1 action by anyone in base contact.

Typical itemsImprovised Weaponry +1 combat dice when played.

Discard after one use.A little drop of poison +2 combat dice to an attack.

Discard after use.Health vial Play immediately to ignore one

downed or killed result.Old Armour Turn 1 lost combat result into a draw.

Discard after one use.Good weapon +1 combat dice to holder.Old weapon +1 combat dice. Discard after

inflicting 1 downed result or a kill.Orb of Vision Enemy may not hide or gain surprise

dice whilst in play. Destroyed when owner is downed, or killed.

Flagon of ale Morale up! Dreadskull +2Plentiful Food Morale up! Dreadskull +1Gold Gold! It's gold I tells ye!Necromancers candle Respawn a dead model into base

contact with the carrier. Discard after use.

Booby trap Become downed.Crown of control Whilst worn, gain leader ability. All

models on team are always considered under leadership even when out of line of sight or range.When owner is downed, or killed, winner of combat gains this item.

Ye Gunne of Certaine Doome Model may use perform a shoot 5, level 5 shoot action once. Discard after fired.

Mimic Monster Chest Spawn mimic monster (SZ:3 C:3 L: 3). At start of any turn, find closest model on either team and the opponent to that model's player controls mimic for that round.

Bucket load of experience points

User gains either a combat, magic or shoot dice for the rest of the game. May raise zero ability to 1. Discard after use.

Zombies. I hate these guys. Curses! Spawn 1d6 zombies (stats in quickstart cards- + steadfast). At start of any turn, find closest model on either team and the opponent to that model's player controls zombies for that round.

Glove of nasty, tricksyness Take one item from an opponent in LOS within 1 span of user. Discard gloves after use.

Hidden passage Once card is used, move model up to 1 long span in any direction ignoring scenery. Tunnel collapses or locks afterwards. Discard after use.

Nine and a ninth league boots Model uses the next move size up whilst holding. From span to fast span to long span. If long span ignore.

Ring of invisibility Model is always hidden and cannot be targeted by shooting or magic. Gains +1 dice in melee. User goes all pale and creepy afterwards and starts talking with himself.

Wings of steel Model cannot be shot, but can no longer fly whilst wearing.

Bones of lucksiness Re-roll a bad hand. Discard after use.

Shield of er... shielding Model cannot be killed by a blow. May be killed when downed.

This is my boom stick.

Finding Items

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Pssst... Wanna see a trick?


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Kiss my orbs of destruction.

SorceryAll magic in Skulldred is expressed purely by its end effect, rather than specific fantasy magic spells. For example, raising a zombie and summoning an animal both basically transport a reserve model into play, and thus are no different in terms of game mechanics. In this way, no race is limited to the spell effects it can use.

As with all things Skulldred, you bring the imagination in naming your invocations.

SorcerersThe word 'Sorcerer' is used to describe all magic users - enchanted beings, witches, warlocks, mages, magical creatures, psychics or clerics. Any model with a magic dice score is defined as a sorcerer and may cast spells and summon portals.

Models with a magic score of zero cannot be buffed to have one during the game.

Magic missiles and Magical duelsMagical missiles are things such as electrical arcs, blazing skulls, ghostly wasps or fireballs. Magic missiles do not count as sorcery and may be performed during normal actions as a 'shoot' action. There is no difference between magic missiles and normal shooting weapons in game terms.

Sorcerers never need to 'reload' their magic missiles if they fail to hit on all shoot dice.

If a sorcerer shoots at another sorcerer, the defender may either choose to use combat score to defend or declare a magical duel. The player does not need to roll a shoot action- instead both sorcerers roll their magic dice against their own size. No bonus dice are granted for cover, etc. Only magic dice buffs can be included.

BOTH models can be harmed as a result of the duel. (See Optional rules appendix for toading and pushy magic duals.)

Magic duel recoils are in a direct straight line back from the opponent- not in an arc.

Buying spellsEach magic user has a number of spells purchased for it during warband creation. The spell cards are placed next to the sorcerers character card so the opponent can see them clearly.

Place any spell effect models you may have in the reserve pile along with any summoned creatures, portal markers and snack food.

Spell types'One shot' spells have been used once they are discarded. You may buy multiples of one shot spells.

'Magic power' spells are not discarded and may be used endlessly during the game.

'Maintained' spells take the full concentration of the sorcerer to keep the effect happening. If the sorcerer performs any actions, is engaged, moved, panicked, teleported, is attacked or hit with a shot, the spell is broken.

Casting spellsOnce per turn, a sorcerer can elect to cast a spell.

The player takes up the models magic dice, then adds any bonus dice for buffs to their hand.

The more time taken casting the spell, the more likely the sorcerer is to succeed. Therefore, the target number for magic rolls is the number of action points the sorcerer spent casting the spell. This means magic rolls normally only hit on a 1, 2 or 3. Magic is a fickle thing.

Each spell has a difficulty rating called a To Cast. This is the number of hits on the magic dice needed to cast the spell.

If a spell has several casting options, each with a different To Cast Score, the player must declare which option is being selected first. If the roll fails, he cannot take the lesser option.

If the sorcerer rolls enough hits, the spell is cast and the effect takes place immediately. Once resolved, the caster may continue spending actions, casting more spells if he so desires.

If the sorcerer does not roll enough hits, the spell fails and the sorcerer deactivates.


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Miscast and BackfireIf the spell is miscast by failing to score hits equal to the spells To Cast score, the spell card stays in the models hand. The portal is considered unused.

If the sorcerer rolls fails on all dice, the sorcerers magic backfires. The spell being used is lost into the discard pile (one shot and magic powers). Model turns into a toad (size 1, magic 0, shoot 0, combat dice as normal, none of their abilities, ability water borne, leap 1). A sorcerer may untoad self at the cost of 3 actions.

Place a toad counter next to the model or replace with a toad or suitable 'backfired wizard' model.

Splitting Magic DiceA sorcerer can cast a single target spell on multiple targets, splitting the magic dice between them. The sorcerer rolls each group of dice separately. Any group that score enough hits, get the spell effect. Each group must be rolled and applied. The moment a group of dice fails, the magic users turn ends.

Portal counters

PortalsSpells can either be cast through the spell caster itself, or via one of the warband's magic portal counters. Portal counters act as a point for measuring area effects, and is the target position for teleporting summoned creatures to.

Placing portalsFor 1 action point, a sorcerer can place a portal counter on the game table, anywhere in clear line of sight. Each warband may only have 3 portals in play at any given moment in the game. If a sorcerer tries to cast a fourth, one of the other three must be instantly removed.

Portal counters must be placed in a legal space like any other model. Portals may not be placed in mid air or hanging off a drop. They may be placed over treacherous or difficult terrain. They cannot overlap another model or portal.

Portals are considered obstacles. Models in base contact may pass through. A model must never stand on or overlap a portal. Portals count as soft cover.

Portal counters stay in play until the last sorcerer on a warband is destroyed, or the portal counter it is dispelled or destroyed.

A sorcerer may dispel any of its portal markers at any stage on its turn. This does not count as an action. It must occur during the sorcerers activation though before the next model is activated.

Dispelled portals can be played immediately or placed back in reserve. A sorcerer does not need to be able to see its warband's portal to close it.

A portal may not be summoned within 1 span of another friendly portal or in base contact with an enemy portal.

Portal sizesPortals may freely vary from between 1 standard base width up to 3 standard base widths (3” at 28m scale). The larger the portal, the wider the spell effect, however the less places it can be validly placed.

Preparing portal markersA player using sorcerers must have some portal markers prepared at the start of a battle and set aside in reserve. A player may have several sizes of portals prepared, but may only have 3 in reserve per sorcerer on the warband.

So, for example, a player may elect to have his necromancer have one big and two small, 2 big and 1 small, three small, or three big. If he had an orc shaman as well, he could have 3 more portals of varying sizes.

Once set aside in the reserve area, this choice is locked for the game. If the players have forgotten to lock their portal sizes at the start of the game, they must field small only.

Making portal models is a fun hobby project. The only rule is that it must have a round base within the size restrictions. Other than that you have total free reign to display how your sorcerers awesome arcane might rips into reality!

There are some cool miniatures out there that work well as portal markers... you can use Reaper bat swarms, pillars of evil, flaming orbs or skeletons crawling out of the ground.

Another cool trick is to cut a styrene or plastic sphere in half and paint lightening and clouds on it. Think of the cool things you could do with clear resin and LEDs!


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Using portalsA portal may only be used by its owning player. The active sorcerer must have partial line of sight to the portal to use it to cast a spell or summon models.

Portal counters may not be used on the same turn they are placed. It is still forming and drawing power from beyond.

The opponent therefore gets his turn to strategically react to the portal, by moving troops out of the way or rushing to hold, attack or dispel it. Since several portals may be in play at once, the opponent must guess which ones the opponent is going to use, and which ones are distractions.

Once a portal is used, it is removed back to the reserve at the end of the sorcerers activation. That means a sorcerer can use the portal for several spells on his turn before it closes.

Measuring area effectsSpell area effects are measured from the edge of the portal marker or sorcerers base. Models that cannot draw partial line of sight to the source base because hard cover is blocking the way are ignored.

Attacking and holding a portalA model with a magic score can hold a portal by simply being in base-to-base contact with it. Whilst held, enemy sorcerers cannot use that portal to summon effects or creatures through it.

Any model with a magic score may attack or shoot the portal. Portals have a SIZE of 1. The portal needs an attack causing 1 hits or more to close. Surprise attacks, advantage of ground etc do not effect portals. Charged attacks do.

Sorcerers gain +1 dice when shooting or attacking a portal.

The portal also gets additional bonus automatic hits from the opponent being out of range or being behind cover as with normal shooting. Portals are assumed to be regular size in regards of shooting and are visible in the dark or through fog or smoke.

When no sorcerers are left all the warbands portals are removed.

Spell book

TeleportalCost: 2Magic power

To Cast 2:

Sorcerer may teleport to any portal in partial line of sight. Place sorcerer in base contact with portal. Target must be a portal, not a sorcerer.The portal is considered used and dissipates at the end of the sorcerers activation.

SummonCost: Free. All magic users may summon.Magic power

To Cast 2:

Sorcerer teleports any or all creatures from the reserve pile into base contact with any combination of portals on the table.A summoned model must have a valid place to stand in order to teleport. The portals used must all be in line of sight of the sorcerer.Once a portal has had creatures summoned through it is considered used and will be removed at the end of the sorcerers activation. A summoned creature cannot activate on the turn it is summoned, but is in play, and so may defend itself.

Dispel portalCost: 1Magic power

To Cast 2:

Sorcerer can remove one enemy portal. Portal must be in partial line of sight.

BlastCost: 8One shot.To Cast: varies

Must be cast through a portal, not a sorcerer.Portal explodes. Any model within 1 span of the edge of the portal is knocked back so its base is 1 span from the nearest edge of the portals base in a direct line from the centre of the portal.

Subjects take 1 hit per To Cast (so to cast 6 causes six hits, but needs six hits to succeed.). May use combat dice or magic dice to resist. Use own size as target number. Cover and soft cover and each level higher or lower than portal adds 1 dice. Hidden models gain +1 dice against blast. Models protected if behind Force wall (wall or door) spell.

ControlCost: 10One shot

To Cast 4:

Sorcerer activates an opponents model and may use it to perform 1 action. Subjects highest dice ability score must be less than the sorcerers magic dice. Subject may not be a sorcerer.

Spell book

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The controlled model is technically on sorcerers side for the move- so may not pass through it enemy models (those on its original team). Controlling an enemy does not make them switch sides, so does not end the game if it is the last man standing. A model may attack itself, rolling both sides of the attack.

EntrapCost: 2One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 2:

Single subject within 1 span of source portal or caster becomes entrapped. Model cannot perform move, tunnel, teleport, blink, jump or fly actions whilst the spell is maintained. Subject may only creep. Opponents gets one bonus dice attacking subject whilst entrapped.Any recoil results are upgraded to downed.

Entrapping a foe cannot win a game. If one enemy and one sorcerer remain and the enemy is entrapped, the sorcerer HAS to release the subject at some stage before they both starve. Ignore entraps if only 1 model left standing on both sides.

PushCost: 4One shot.

To Cast 2:

One subject is moved 1 span in the direction of casters choosing. If they hit an object they receive a 1 hit attack. May be used to push or pull a model into engagement, dangerous, lethal or treacherous ground.

To Cast 4: Slam

As above, model is thrown 1 long span. If they hit an obstacle or model they receive a 2 hit attack.

RecoilCost: 2One shot.

To Cast 1:

Subject engaged with portal or sorcerer must recoil or become downed. Downed models are destroyed. Distance model must recoil is the base width of the portal or sorcerer.May be cast on self whilst engaged to recoil an attacker. May be cast on another friendly engaged sorcerer in Line of sight when caster is free.

To Cast 3:

All models (both friend or foe) that are engaged with the portal or sorcerer must recoil or become downed.

Spell book

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EnchantCost: 5Magic power. Maintained.

To Cast 3:

Transforms the subject into a magic user with 1 magic dice whilst maintained. Subject does not need to stay in Line Of Sight whilst spell is maintained.Use enchant to make models immune to some spell effects and allow them to hold portals.May not be used to buff an existing sorcerer.

BuffCost: 3One shot. Maintained.

To Cast: 1, 2 or 3

Gives a bonus dice to any one roll on one model within 1 span of portal or caster. To Cast Score is set by how many dice are buffed. It may buff any ONE dice attribute (combat, magic, shooting). Must be specified when the spell is cast (I buff shooting, I buff combat).Each caster may only cast 1 buff per model. Maintain to keep buff on.A model may only be buffed by 3 dice in total from any sources- be it linked comrades, familiars or buff spells.

QuickenCost: 3 One shot.

To Cast: 1, 2 or 3

Gives a free movement action (jump, move, creep etc) to a friendly model within 1 span of the portal immediately. Model must have ability to perform that move action. Move limits are ignored. Move the model once the spell is cast, then return to the sorcerer. Model does not count as having activated. May be cast on a model that has activated. Model may move from line of sight of caster. Hide action is not a movement action.

Reveal hiddenCost: 2 One shot.

To Cast 1: Reveal hidden

All hidden models on enemy side are revealed within 1 long span of the portal or caster.May be maintained in this mode.

To Cast 2: Reveal enshrouded

A single enshrouded model within 1 span of the portal can be revealed. May be maintained in this mode.

To Cast 2: Reveal doppelganger

Roll for doppelganger to see if it is the real one. (see doppelganger)

To Cast 3: Reveal item

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May be used to check for traps on a single searchable item, revealing the top treasure card to the casters player so they can see what's inside before a model searches it. Place the item card face down near the scenic item. A model may then move into base contact and perform a pick it up for 1 AP.

EnshroudCost: 3One Shot. Maintained.

To Cast 2:

Subject receives a hide counter regardless of if they are touching a hiding place. The counter stays in place if they use creep actions, but is revealed normally if they perform any other action. A model in base contact with an enshrouded model may attack it. An enshrouded model always gets a surprise attack against non magic users.A non sorcerer cannot spot an enshrouded model. If a sorcerer plays a spot action, the model is revealed for the rest of the turn and may be shot at. If maintained, the model returns to being enshrouded.Subject may move out of range and line of sight of sorcerer and still be enshrouded.A single reveal hidden suppresses any and all enshrouds cast on a single target.

ToadCost: 3 One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 2: Toad you

Single subject is turned into a toad. Toad drops any discovered items in base contact, or as soon as it can. May not use any items.Sorcerers player must have toad miniature or counter. Toads appear on a regular man sized base. Toad may make move, creep or hide actions only.Toads are size 1 , but get their normal combat level to defend itself. Toad may not injure an opponent if it wins a round of combat.(size 1, magic 0, shoot 0, combat dice as normal, none of their abilities, ability water borne, leap 1)Must be maintained. Subjects escaping out of 1 long span range of sorcerer automatically change back on that action if there is room for them to do so.A sorcerer may use another type of small miniature to represent the effects of the spell- a slime, ant, rat, scuttling skull or tiny humanoid.Casting toad on a friendly model has the same effect, except the model does not automatically turn back until the sorcerer stops maintaining spell.

To Cast 1: Toad Me

Sorcerer turns self into toad. Lasts until sorcerer spends 1 action changing back. Does not need to be maintained.

BridgeCost: 1One shot.

To Cast 1:

Models touching portal or caster can be teleported to another portal. Both portals are considered used afterwards and dissipate at the end of the sorcerers activation go.Split dice to transport multiple targets (see splitting magic dice).

BlinkCost: 3One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 2:

Targets friendly subject within 1 span of portal in LOS. Effect remains whilst sorcerer maintains. When subject recoils, it does so to any point on the board it can draw line of sight to. It may recoil to the same place- effectively ignoring recoils.

To Cast 1:

Cast on self as an interrupt. When attacked in combat, play card if attack causes a recoil to instantly blink.

FlyCost: 2Maintained.

To Cast 3:

Subject within 1 span of portal may use fly actions on its turn. Whilst maintained. If subject is flying when spell is broken, either by caster being engaged, teleported or shot- the model takes 2 hits falling damage.

Spell book

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Strike fearCost: 3One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 3:

All subjects, both friend or foe within 1 span of portal immediately gain panic counter. Line of sight is ignored- objects do not block the effect. They are released from spell when they have fled 1 long span from sorcerer or if they touch an unaffected leader. Must be maintained. Courage spell removes effect.

Never effects leaders so cannot cause total pandemonium if a leader in play.

To Cast 4:

As above, except effects only enemies.

CourageCost: 1One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 1: Dispel fear

Remove panic from all friendly models within 1 long span of source portal or sorcerer. Line of sight is ignored- objects do not block the courage effect.

To Cast 3: Field of courage

Whilst maintained, strike fear and other sources of panic, such as a wild result cannot effect models within 1 long span of caster. Does not work through portals.

Force WallCost: 3One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 2: Force Door

Creates a door to block an open doorway or tunnel a little wider than 1 standard base width. Place door within partial line of sight, less than 1 span from portal or caster. Split targets to make multiple doors.Door remains whilst maintained, or broken through suing standard door rules.

To Cast 3: Force wall

Draw a line between the centres of two portals within 1 long span apart. Line counts as a low wall whilst maintained (soft cover). Models treat it as an obstacle, which may be climbed over (pushed through force field) but not taken cover behind.Destroy either portal to cancel wall and remove both portals. Portals may not be used for other purpose whilst wall is maintained. New force wall spells may use an existing force wall portal as a corner, making a chain.

ScreenCost: 3

One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 3:

Draw a line between the centres of two portals within 1 long span apart. Line of sights may not be drawn across the screen, but may be moved through normally. Destroy a portal to break spell and remove both portals. Portal may not be used for anything else whilst screen is maintained. New screen spells may use existing screen portals as a corner, making a chain.

Treacherous ZoneCost: 5 One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 4:

Creates a treacherous zone 1 span around caster or portal. Place a marker next to portal to show that it is now a treacherous zone marker, not an active portal- or replace with a treacherous zone base with the same base size. Models within 1 span of icon are considered to be on treacherous ground.

DoppelgangerCost: 8One shot.

To Cast 3:

Cast on self or on friendly subject touching portal or caster. Must have two miniatures of the subject. Place second model within 1 span of source. Both move freely as a separate until is engaged, targeted by spell, attack, treacherous ground or shot.Roll the action dice. If a wild is rolled, the model is the real one. Otherwise the model is an illusion- remove from play. Remove all other fake models once true one is revealed. Does not count as a kill. You may have several Doppelganger in play, and several for same model.

Spell book

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Blinding blastCost: 6One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 2:

All models (friend and foe) within 1 span of source cannot shoot or spot whist maintained.

ProjectionCost: 5

One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 3:

Summons a model that represents the casters projected self. Must be in partial LOS of caster to remain in play. May move, attack, spot, shoot but not cast spells. If it takes damage, the caster does too. Must have a miniature to represent projection (wraiths are good for this). May be dispelled at any point in the game.

Raise deadCost: 10One shot. Maintained.

To Cast 4:

Instantly killed model is returned to play next to portal or sorcerer. However models wild side is bound (see custom warbands). It may not cast spells, but may be used to hold portals if it has a magic score.

Raised models become very slow- they may only use 1 movement action per turn. Once the sorcerer dies, the raised dead vanishes.

Blast spell. For Tragic gatherings.

Spell book

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Custom warbands

I am putting the band back together.

Custom warbands

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Building Your WarbandA warband consists of a leader and his personal retinue of fighters, monsters, magicians, soldiers and assistants.

You may have any mix of models you like, and are totally unrestricted as to the make-up of your force. To play in the true spirit, you should have a back story as to why they have teamed up.

Instead of selecting troop choices from fixed army lists, all players have access to all options from which to build their force.

Quick starting with mirrored warbandsIf this is your first game of Skulldred, the best method for picking warbands is to play 'mirrored'. Both sides have exactly the same abilities, dice and powers as the other warband. One leader, one hero, three average troops, one large creature and three crappy archers make a good start and offers quite a lot of fun options.

Making characters

Character cardsMake some prints of the character cards from the appendix. The cards should be filled in and placed on the table edge so your opponent can see them.

You can laminate some cards and use a dry erase marker on them.

If you play optional hit point rules, you can use the pips marked down the bottom to check off damage.

Sample character card

1. Wild sideEvery model must have a single wild side, which determines how the model behaves when it is out of range of a leader and rolls a wild side on its action dice. Buy ONE wild side only. You cannot have a beserk respawner, for example.

It is advisable, though not compulsory to have at least 1 leader on the warband. You may field as many additional leaders as you wish.


Leader 20 gc 3 actions.

Steadfast 10 gc Model performs 1 action.

Hold 5 gc If free, it cannot activate this turn. If engaged, model must attack one of its enemies.

Blind fury 4 gc Model moves 1 span or less and attacks nearest model of ANY side, gaining +1 combat dice.

Bezerk 10 gc Model moves 1 span or less and attacks nearest enemy, gaining +1 combat dice for this turn. May opt to go berserk if in leaders control if a wild is rolled.

Animosity 3gc If engaged, may keep fighting. Otherwise model runs over to attack weakest friendly unit. Opponent gets to pick if equal distance. If no target in range, moves as close to.

Respawner 3 gc Model is automatically killed if engaged and counts as a kill for score. Otherwise it gets 1 action.

Panics 2 gc If model engaged, model disengages. If disengaged, may choose to panic or deactivate. If engaged and cannot disengage, is downed.

Foetal 1 gc Model may not activate or defend itself if attacked or shot.

Treacherous 0 gc Model strikes bargain and temporarily switches sides for the rest of the battle if opponent desires, until the original owners leader comes into range or until he rolls another treacherous result.

Bound 0 gc The unholy pact that holds the model to serve is broken, the model vanishes from the table

Making characters

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2. SizeA model is given a size rating from 1 through 6. Regular humanoids such as humans, elves and orcs are ranked at size 3. Dwarves are also included in this bracket, as their bulk, strength and hardiness more than make up for their stature. A player may decided to field his dwarves as 'small' if he desires.

When a model is mounted, it uses the size of its steed or vehicle. A human knight would be considered large, as it is mounted on a war horse. The steed and rider are inseparable in game terms- when one dies, the other is also removed from play.

SIZE 1 Tiny (beetles, sprites, ghosts*

SIZE 2 Small (lesser goblins, familiars or gnomes)

SIZE 3 Regular (Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs)

SIZE 4 Large (trolls, minotaurs)

SIZE 5 Huge (hydra, dragons, war elephants)

SIZE 6 Gargantuan monsters (Emperor dragon)

No shooter can miss a gargantuan model.

3. Combat LevelLevel reflects how well a model is trained in combat, and the likelihood of hitting on a six sided dice.

1 Novice Peasants, old men, children, trolls

2 Tyro Green militia, Goblins

3 Veteran Trained soldiers

4 Hero Adventurers

5 Champion Warriors of Legend

The cost of your combat level depends on your size. Each dice costs the models SIZE in gold. So 2 combat dice for a size 5 model costs 10 gold (5x2).

4. Combat diceModels start with combat dice equal to their SIZE. They may then purchase additional combat dice at a cost of 1 x SIZE gold per dice. In tournament play, the maximum combat dice a model may have is 10.

Example: 2 combat dice for a size 5 model costs 10 gold (5x2).

A model may have less dice than its size, winning back SIZE X gold credit for its own use. Any credit left over is discarded.

5. Shoot Dice

Models start with a shoot score of 0, which means they may never shoot. Additional dice must be purchased at 1 x SIZE per dice.

You may only increase an ability to 10 dice for tournament games.

6. Long Strike LevelModels using long strike roll against Long Strike Level instead of combat level.

The cost of your Long Strike level depends on your size. Each point costs the models SIZE in gold.

7. Special attacks

Arc fire (2gc)

Arc fire ability represents bows, slings, rocks and grenades that can be blind fired over obstacles. Guns should not have arc fire. See shooting rules.

8. Magic dice (5gc per dice)A model with no magic dice is not a sorcerer and cannot use magic. Magic dice costs 5 gold per dice. You may only have 10 magic dice in tournament play.

Magic missiles such as fireballs and lightening strikes are treated as shooting, and require shoot dice. Sorcerers without a shoot score cannot fire projectile attacks.

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9. Defences

Armour (5 gc per level)

Armour is added to the To Kill Score. Vulnerable models may not have armour.

Shielding (5gc)

Shielding can represent an actual shield, an invisibility cloak, smoke bomb or illusionary defence. A miniature represented with a shield does not need to have shielding as an ability.A model with shielding can perform HIDE actions regardless of the terrain surrounding it. Place a hide counter next to model. Any actions other than creep reveals the model. Enemy shooters must SPOT the model before they can shoot. The represents spotting a weak spot in not covered by the shield.

Acrobatics (5gc)

A model with an acrobatics dice may recoil up onto raised surfaces 1 level or over low walls.Model may optionally recoil 1 span or less ignoring all models in between. Model gets to add 1 dice falling rolls.

Blink (10gc)

Model may teleport anywhere within 1 span within LOS when recoiling- including up or down a level. When struck down model may blink to a new position- but must still be downed when it arrives.Blinking is optional.Blinking is a defensive spell- to allow model to blink at will, purchase a jump action instead.

10. To KillA models To Kill score defines how much punishment it can take before being killed.

All models start with a To Kill equal to their size plus armour bonus.

11. MovementIf a model can fly, sprint, leap or climb in special ways it must have the ability purchased.


Slow - Gain for 5 gold for use on this model only. Unspent gold is lost.

Very Slow - Gain for 10 gold for use on this model only. Unspent gold is lost.

Move fast 6gc Model moves using the fast span.

Move long 12gc Model can use long span to move.

Fly 10gc Model can use the flying rules.

Fly fast 20gc As above, using fast span.

Fly long 30gc As above, but model moves 1 long span per action.

Jump1,2 or 3 action

3gc each Model leaps 1 span or less, ignoring all terrain and models underneath.May only leap once per turn per leap ability. May jump onto higher levels equal to jump score.

Long Jump1, 2 or 3 actions

6gc each Model leaps 1 long span, ignoring all terrain and models underneath. May only leap once per turn per long leap ability.

Tunnel / Ghost 20gc Works exactly like fly in all ways, except cannot be targeted by attacks, magic or shooting whilst tunnelling. Same as becoming incorporeal. May only be attacked by request or when attacking.

Water borne 4gc Model may pass over water terrain as if it was normal terrain. If the terrain board does not feature water, the gold is credited back for the match to spend on something else.

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12. Buffs


Buff Buffer must be within 1 span. Healthy and free. 1, 2 or 3 dice

5 gc each

+ Long Buffer must be in partial line of sight, within 1 long span healthy and free.


+ All Buffer effects all models in warband within range.


+ Battle Model may be engaged in combat and still apply this buff.


Example: A war standard has long battle buff 2 all (combat) it costs 22- any warriors within 1 span gain +2dice in combat.

A model may provide different types of buff, such as magic, shooting and so forth.

Two models can buff each other. This is called linking. An example of a husband and wife team who each gain +1 in combat when together (2x battle buffs).

13.Vulnerable (½ price)A vulnerable creature always instantly dies if beaten by any amount. They die instead of recoiling. Typical 'poppers' are spider or rat swarms, plague sufferers, peasants and zombies.

Note zero in the To Kill attribute box on the character card.

After totting up the total cost of the model, half the result if it is vulnerable. Or simply field two models for the price of one!

Respawners are automatically considered vulnerable and cannot take this ability, The cost is already factored in.

Making characters

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Dwerg Sample WarbandWith their minds corrupted by The Derkeness herself, the Dwerg sorcerers leak their magic into their kindred, twisting them into freakish maniacs. Crawling from their festering burrows, this foul smelling warband follows an insane sorcerer on a quest to find a legendary magic tome that will give him the power to summon a rumoured demon cannon.

Cthubar leads the Warband into battle. He has longstrike, representing the cruel lash of his tentacles- giving him the ability to throw in a quick wild lash from a distance. He likes to hover close to his troops and shoot from high ground so his orders can be heard and his shooting skills can be of use.

Dwerg Asgard are heavy, slow warriors with armour which makes them harder to kill... the trade off for the slow ability, which limits them to only 2 movement actions per turn.

Dwerg Scouts are cheap are faster than their heavy warrior kindred.

Crowangle flies into combat after the soldiers are locked in to give them all a +1 combat buff from a safe position. His magic allows him to quickly fly over to and hold enemy portals. A shoot score gives him something else to do whilst all this is happening- blasting flesh burning rays from his magic sword.

The down side is his bird like nature leaves him flighty and prone to panic attacks when not close to Cthubar, and his pathetic skill in combat means his sword never tastes blood.

Sample WarbandThe following example is a 200 gold warband.

Characters TotalCthubar (leader) x1 62gc 62Crowangle x1 44gc 44

TroopsDwerg Scouts x4 11gc 44Dwerg Asgard x2 22gc 44

SpellsToad x1 3gc 3Teleport x1 2gc 2

Total 199gc

Dwerg Sample Warband

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Optional rulesHouse rules

That's how we roll here.

Optional rules

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House rulesHouse rules are optional rules set by the tournament or game club. All house rules must be communicated at the start of the game to count- they cannot be sprung on people mid-game.

Write them down folks!

Gore counters (Optional rule)

Puddles of guts and giblets make great additions to the game!

You can make these by cutting out discs of clear plastic (miniature blister packs are ideal for this) the size of your bases, and splattering red ink, epoxy glue (araldite) and Tamiya clear red paint, as well as a host of other icky things.

Players decide how many gore puddles are in play (three small, three big is a good starting point)

When a model is slain, the attacker may place a gore puddle where the enemy was. This counts as difficult ground, stopping foes when they encounter it. Models standing on it suffer +1 dice against them when being shot or attacked.

On a kill, the player gets to either place a new gore counter from the pile, or remove one of the correct size from elsewhere on the board and use that instead.

Models may also use the new action 'mop up blood' (2 ap) to remove a counter they are standing on or engaged with.

In a fight where a model drops its guard and its foe scores all hits, you can place a larger gore counter than the base of the victim, so long as it fits! Otherwise you can place two smaller gore counters touching each other to simulate excessive gibs.

Pounding (Optional rule)

With pounding rule, models who are downed do not die on another downed result, but may receive multiple dreadskulls. Instead of just +1 dice for a downed opponent, the opponent gains +1 dice per Dreadskull. The model only dies when sacrificed or killed instantly.

Hit point dice (Optional rule)

For smaller, more detailed games. Damage caused by attacks is deducted from the total combat and shoot dice. The model dies when it reaches zero dice. Each model therefore gets weaker as it fights.

A magical model can heal itself and any models within 1 span by 1 dice per person per Dreadskull at any point for 3 actions.

Dreadskulls can be spent deflecting damage as usual.

The pips on the bottom of the character card are for noting hits. If you stick laminate over the card you can use a white board marker to write on it.

Dwarf Tossing (Optional rule)

A model may throw a smaller model of the same team for 1 action. The thrown model must be in base contact.

The thrower rolls their size in dice against their combat level. If the total hits equal the size of the model, it is thrown up to 1 long span.

The thrown model must then take 2 hits falling damage.

Toady Magic Duels (Optional rule)

The looser of a magic duel is not killed, but is turned into a toad. This lasts until the model rolls a 1 on his action dice.

Another version is to play so all magic users cannot down using a shot, instead toading the enemy.

Pushy Magic Duels (Optional rule)

Magical duels do not kill directly. The winner of the magic duel dice roll gets to apply the effects of a free push spell on its victim, slamming them around.

Double trouble combat (Optional rule)

If a combat ends in a draw, the attacker can choose to raise stakes - double or nothing. If the opponent agrees, they roll again, doubling the winners margin.

Bulk Smash! (Optional rule)

A model 2 sizes larger than its victim will knock them back if they beat them in combat. Recoil the model 1 span. If they strike any objects they become down at the point of contact. Recoiling model may ignore 1 enemy or friendly model, a low wall or soft cover, and may go up 1 terrain level.

This is my house.

House rules

Page 51: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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Bederken miniaturesYes its my game and I can fit a shameless plug for my miniatures in here if I want to. I am a capitalist pig-dog miniature sculptor after all. Grab my old school flavoured pewter figures from my shop. Do it now. You know you want to. Don't worry about what your partner will say, if they really loved you they would let you be happy... and these figures would make you happy, right? Of course! So what are you waiting for? Its only the cheat sheet after this... and you already know the rules... so go... Check them out. Seriously. What are you still reading this? Your happiness lies yonder... Are you listening to me? Hey... You... come back... buy my figures...! Hello?

BEDERKENOld school. New rules.

Available from

UK Distributor:

Bederken miniatures

Page 52: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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Table of ContentsSKULLDREDfantasy miniatures skirmish game.........................................................1Welcome..................................................................................................... 3

History.................................................................................................. 3Playtesting........................................................................................... 3

What is Skulldred?....................................................................................3Version notes.......................................................................................3

Basic Game................................................................................................ 4The basic concept...................................................................................... 5

Overview............................................................................................... 5Setting up the game table.................................................................5Reserve and Discard Zone.................................................................5Dreadskull counters............................................................................5Sacrificing............................................................................................ 6Activating.............................................................................................6The Action Dice...................................................................................6Activator stones................................................................................... 6Leaders and Wild actions..................................................................6Dice....................................................................................................... 7Bonus dice...........................................................................................7Winning a combat roll........................................................................7Winning the game..............................................................................7

Core Rules.................................................................................................. 8Rules in More Detail..................................................................................8Miniatures.................................................................................................. 9

Basing your figures.......................................................................9Base size restrictions...................................................................9

Measurements and scale.........................................................................9Standard base-width....................................................................9Making measuring sticks............................................................9Measuring...................................................................................... 9

Model attributes...................................................................................... 10Combat, Shoot and Magic Dice......................................................10Level................................................................................................... 10Size..................................................................................................... 10To Kill (T)............................................................................................ 10Lstrike................................................................................................ 11Wildside............................................................................................. 11Cost.................................................................................................... 11Abilities.............................................................................................. 11

Action list................................................................................................. 11Movement actions.....................................................................11Attack actions.............................................................................11Shoot actions..............................................................................11Misc.............................................................................................. 12Sorcery actions...........................................................................12

Movement................................................................................................ 12Facing................................................................................................. 12Regular Move Action (1 ap).............................................................12Move Difficult Ground (2ap)............................................................13Creep (1 ap) & other base width moves........................................13Being forced back............................................................................. 13Moving to a legal space...................................................................13Flying.................................................................................................. 13

Moving rectangular bases.........................................................14Forced marching...............................................................................14Shared movement............................................................................14

Line of sight............................................................................................. 15................................................................................................................... 15Combat..................................................................................................... 15

Engaging............................................................................................ 15Engage Request................................................................................ 16Playing loose engagement style.....................................................16Disengage (2 AP)..............................................................................16

Engagement and flying.............................................................16Attack (1ap)....................................................................................... 16Damage results................................................................................16

Swingback......................................................................................... 17Recoil.................................................................................................. 17Down.................................................................................................. 17Kill....................................................................................................... 17Off guard............................................................................................ 17Swingback (draw).............................................................................17Recoil result....................................................................................... 17Down Result......................................................................................18

Shaking off a downed result.....................................................18Kill result............................................................................................ 18Choosing a lesser evil......................................................................19Ganging up........................................................................................19Charged attack (3ap).......................................................................19Keep fighting challenge...................................................................19

Shooting................................................................................................... 19Dodging (recoiling from a shot)................................................19

Shoot (1ap)........................................................................................ 19Shooting dice..............................................................................20Defending vs. shot dice.............................................................20Reload (1ap)...............................................................................20

Heavy weapons.................................................................................20Shooting restrictions........................................................................20

Targeting engaged models.......................................................20Targeting closest, biggest models only...................................20Targeting hidden models...........................................................20Targeting downed models.........................................................20

Firing over models............................................................................20Concentrated volley fire...................................................................20Corners as cover...............................................................................21

Hiding....................................................................................................... 21Spotting hidden models............................................................21Hiding in plain sight...................................................................21

Long strike............................................................................................... 21Pull in........................................................................................... 21Long strike vs. Long strike........................................................21Long striking Higher ground.....................................................21

Wild sides................................................................................................. 21Leaders.............................................................................................. 21

Leader arise!...............................................................................21Panic.................................................................................................. 21Summoned........................................................................................ 22Respawners....................................................................................... 22

Buffs......................................................................................................... 22Winning the game..................................................................................22

Deadlock.....................................................................................22Last man standing rule.............................................................22Total Pandemonium..................................................................22

Shake hands.....................................................................................22Sample Game.......................................................................................... 23

First round......................................................................................... 23Jack's turn...................................................................................................... 23Pete's Turn................................................................................... 24

Second round....................................................................................24Jack's turn...................................................................................24Pete's turn................................................................................... 25

Third round........................................................................................26Jack's turn................................................................................... 26

Pete's turn.........................................................................................26Third round........................................................................................ 27

Jack's turn...................................................................................27Pete's Turn................................................................................... 27

Terrain....................................................................................................... 28Scenic features........................................................................................ 29

Pre-game Walk Through..................................................................29Placing terrain................................................................................... 29

Tips for scenic features..........................................................................29

Table of Contents

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Icons................................................................................................... 29Example icons................................................................................... 29

Climbing over scenery............................................................................29hills, stairs and ramps...............................................................29Ladders........................................................................................ 30

Unstable model footing...................................................................30Low walls.................................................................................................. 30Impassable ground.................................................................................30Raised areas............................................................................................ 31Treacherous ground................................................................................32Playing on grids....................................................................................... 32Doors & Doorways..................................................................................32

To destroy a door..............................................................................32Battling through a door....................................................................32

Traps......................................................................................................... 32Finding Items........................................................................................... 33

Typical items.....................................................................................33Sorcery..................................................................................................... 34Sorcery..................................................................................................... 35

Sorcerers........................................................................................... 35Magic missiles and Magical duels.................................................35Buying spells.....................................................................................35Spell types......................................................................................... 35Casting spells.................................................................................... 35Miscast and Backfire.......................................................................36Splitting Magic Dice.........................................................................36

Portals...................................................................................................... 36Placing portals..................................................................................36Portal sizes........................................................................................ 36Preparing portal markers................................................................36Using portals.....................................................................................36Measuring area effects....................................................................37Attacking and holding a portal.......................................................37

Spell book................................................................................................ 38Teleportal........................................................................................... 38Summon............................................................................................ 38Dispel portal...................................................................................... 38Blast................................................................................................... 38Control................................................................................................ 38Entrap................................................................................................. 38Push................................................................................................... 38Recoil................................................................................................. 39Enchant.............................................................................................. 39Buff..................................................................................................... 39Quicken.............................................................................................. 39Reveal hidden...................................................................................39Enshroud............................................................................................ 40Toad.................................................................................................... 40Bridge................................................................................................. 40Blink................................................................................................... 40Fly....................................................................................................... 40Strike fear.......................................................................................... 41Courage.............................................................................................. 41Force Wall.......................................................................................... 41Screen................................................................................................ 41

Treacherous Zone.............................................................................41Doppelganger.................................................................................... 41Blinding blast....................................................................................42Projection.......................................................................................... 42Raise dead........................................................................................42

Custom warbands...................................................................................43Building Your Warband...........................................................................44

Quick starting with mirrored warbands.........................................44Making characters..................................................................................44

Character cards.................................................................................441. Wild side........................................................................................ 442. Size................................................................................................. 453. Combat Level................................................................................454. Combat dice..................................................................................455. Shoot Dice..................................................................................... 456. Long Strike Level.........................................................................457. Special attacks.............................................................................45

Arc fire (2gc)...............................................................................458. Magic dice (5gc per dice)............................................................459. Defences.......................................................................................46

Armour (5 gc per level)..............................................................46Shielding (5gc)............................................................................46Acrobatics (5gc)..........................................................................46Blink (10gc)................................................................................. 46

10. To Kill........................................................................................... 4611. Movement...................................................................................4712. Buffs............................................................................................ 4713.Vulnerable (½ price)...................................................................47

Dwerg Sample Warband........................................................................48Sample Warband..............................................................................48

Optional rules..........................................................................................49House rules............................................................................................................ 49

House rules.............................................................................................. 50Gore counters (Optional rule).........................................................50Pounding (Optional rule).................................................................50Hit point dice (Optional rule)..........................................................50Dwarf Tossing (Optional rule)..........................................................50Toady Magic Duels (Optional rule).................................................50Pushy Magic Duels (Optional rule)................................................50Double trouble combat (Optional rule).........................................50Bulk Smash! (Optional rule)...........................................................50

Bederken miniatures..............................................................................51BEDERKEN......................................................................................... 51Old school. New rules......................................................................51

Appendix.................................................................................................. 54Cheat seets............................................................................................................. 54

Quickstart Cards.....................................................................................55For your first game...........................................................................55For more advanced game...............................................................56

Combat bonus dice....................................................................58Shooting bonus dice..................................................................58Defending against shot bonus dice.........................................58Damage results..........................................................................58

Table of Contents

Page 54: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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AppendixCheat sheets.

Appendix. Good to rip out.


Page 55: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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Quickstart CardsSimply print, pick how many warriors, archers and such each side has, and mirror forces. This works well for all basic races for your first few games, until you get the hang of it and would like to try making your own warband.

For your first game....

Minotaurs, ogres, trolls etc. Big, nasty things.

Kobolds, little goblins and other things that cackle

Quickstart Cards

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For more advanced game....

Don't forget to pick out some spells!

Champions are seriously dangerous and best played in bigger games.

Flying magical creatures. Bound to a sorcerer.

Lesser Spellcasting ghost. Great to open portals.

An extremely dangerous dragon

An endless supply of zombies, so long as you protect their master.

Quickstart Cards

Page 57: skulldred а SKULLDREDWelcome Hey folks, welcome to Skulldred! First up, my deepest gratitude to all the folk who have taken the time proof reading, play testing Skulldred, giving

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Quickstart Cards

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Combat bonus dice

Advantage of ground If standing on higher ground than your foe. On a ledge, dais, up stairs, uphill.

Surprise attack! If attacker started turn with a 'hidden' counter or with no line of sight to victim.

Gang up Add 1 dice for each friend engaged with your opponent up to a maximum of 3.

Charged attack Attacker must start turn disengaged.

Downed If target is downed.

Leaping attack! If attack happens directly after jumping off a ledge.

Better footing 1 dice if target is on difficult ground.2 dice if on treacherous ground.

Flying If you are flying and your foe is on ground.

Shooting bonus dice

Point blank +1 dice if Targets base falls within 1 span.

Firing down + 1 dice if they are on a higher level than target.

Aiming +1 dice per aim action.

Surprise shot! +1 dice if they begin their turn hidden from targets sight, either blocked by terrain or using hide counter.

Defending against shot bonus dice

Distant +1 if base falls outside 1 long span.

Soft cover +1 dice per obstacle if line of sight between base centres passes through Low walls, graves, bushes, fences.

Hard cover +2 if in base to base contact behind a a low wall, building corner, battlement or through a window.

Damage results


Attacker gains advantage


Wiiner may close.


Looser is downed.


Looser is dead.

Copyright 2010, 2011 David King, All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy for private use. It is illegal to sell copies of this manual. Help support indie gaming by buying the full edition when it arrives!

Quickstart Cards