Download - Skirt! July/Aug 2011

Page 1: Skirt! July/Aug 2011

Colonel Cassandra Howard | High-Altitude HealerWhen Cassandra Howard was 12, her pregnant mother went into labor unexpectedly. She and her father—

a med student and Air National Guard pilot—took action under pressure. “My dad and I delivered my baby sister at home. It was incredible.”

After that experience, Col. Howard went full-speed ahead in following her dream to become a physician, using her medic training in the Guard to become

a flight surgeon. Her residency brought her to Memphis in 1998, and in 2007 she became the Commander of the 164th Medical Group in the Guard.

Also a full-time ER physician, Cassandra is a mother to three daughters and a wife to her military husband.

“We are a great team. My husband is Super Dad when I’m working the ER or traveling for the Air Guard. When his load is heavier, I take over.”


Photo by Joey Miller

True Colors

Page 2: Skirt! July/Aug 2011

Tammie Ritchie | Healthcare HeroineThe Regional Medical Center provides quality care for people from miles around, and as Executive Director of the MED Foundation,

Tammie Ritchie’s passion is connecting philanthropists with the mission of the MED. “I’m blessed because I have a job in which I am of service

to others—it’s so much bigger than just me.” Tammie’s “Big Idea” for the Midsouth? “We need a true academic medical center. Such centers conduct

innovative research that leads to critical advancements in health care in the region and beyond.” More than just a hospital, she describes

a place that would bring in the best and brightest students and researchers, and continue to build on the mission and values

of the existing Medical Center. “It’s amazing to see people walk out of this hospital and return to their lives…

and know I had a tiny part in that joy.” Read more at

Photo by Joey Miller


Page 3: Skirt! July/Aug 2011

Brent Long is one tough floral designer.Brent Long has been reinventing the wreath since he joined the family business at Holliday Flowers and Events.

He creates breathtaking floral designs as well as structural and decorative pieces for private and corporate events. “We recently built a metal arch

over eight-foot doors and hung 1,000 pounds of flowers from it.” Whether he’s welding metal or choosing the perfect rose for a bride, Brent has made

a name for himself and his hometown in the design community. In 2009, he was a finalist for Event Designer of the Year at the Spotlight Awards.

He appreciates an understated, cool vintage style inspired by the Bluff City rather than over-the-top, excessively ‘themed’ event design.

“Memphis has invented cool several times over. We can hold our own.” Read more at

What’s the best thing about reading skirt!? “I can see what my female clients are up to.”

What’s the best thing about wearing a skirt? “It keeps me cool in this heat!”

Photo by Joey Miller

He’s So Original