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SABINSAAuthors: Muhammed Majeed, Ph.D., Pritee Paliwal, Ph.D., Anurag Pande, Ph.D.



TETRAPURE® HIGHLIGHTS:! Anti-Fungal! Anti-Oxidant! Anti-Dandruff! Skin Lightening Agent! Use in:

o Creams / Lotions / Spray / Powder

TetraPure®!is!standardized!for!a!minimum!of! 99%! of! Tetrahydrocurcumin! (1,! 79Bis(49h y d r o x y 9 3 9 m e t h o x y p h e n y l ) 9 3 , 5 9heptanedione).! It! is! known!to! exhibit! similar!physiological! and!pharmacological! actions!as!curcumin,!in!some!cases!even!better.!



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Sabinsa’s( patent( (US( 8119696)( emphasizes( the( role( of( TetraPure®( ((1,7@BIS(4@HYDROXY@3@METHOXYPHENYL)@3,5@HEPTANEDIONE))(in(the(management(of(superficial(and(cutaneous(mycosis.!

A!mycosis !(plural !/!mycoses)!is !a !fungal !infec5on!affec5ng!both!humans !and!animals.!Approximately! 90%!of!fungal !skin! infec5ons !are!caused!by! 'dermatophytes',!which!are!parasi5c! fungi !affec5ng! the !skin,!hair! and!nails.! In!fact,! fungal !infec5on!of! nails !is !the!most! commonly! occurring!mycoses.!Skin!is !affected!by! fungus!because!it! feeds !on!kera5n.! In!hair,!fungal !invasion!oGen!occurs !on!the !hair! shaG.!It! is!manifested!as !itchy,!scaly!flakes!of!the!scalp!(dandruff)!or!inflammatory!abscess!that!may!result! in!permanent!hair! loss.!People!on!strong!an5bio5cs !are!also!at!risk!of!fungal !infec5ons,!as !an5bio5cs!kill !not!only!damaging!bacteria,!but!healthy!bacteria!as!well.!This!alters!the!balance!of!microorganisms!and!results!in!an!overgrowth!of!fungus.!

TetraPure®,!is !an!excellent!ingredient! for!cosme5c!formula5ons !with!proven!efficacy!against!a !wide!range!of!fungi.!It!can!also!be !used!as!a!poten5al !natural !an5/fungal !replacing!the!harmful!topical !steroids,!which!oGen!are!not!free !from!side!effects.!TetraPure®!can!be !used!in!cream,!shampoo,!ointment,!lo5on,!spray,!or!powder!form!for!topical!applica5on!in!hair!care,!skin!care!and!nail!care!formula5ons.!

Laboratory! studies!done !at!Sami !Labs !Ltd.!have!shown!that!TetraPure®!can!be!used!for! the!management!of!superficial!and!cutaneous!mycoses !as!well !as !with!mul5func5onal !topical!benefits !such!as !an5oxidant!and!skin!lightening!proper5es.! !TetraPure®,!has !been!proven!safe !for! topical !use!with!no!irritant!or!sensi5za5on!side!effects.!It!can!effec5vely! relive!the!skin!discomforts!caused!by! fungal !infec5ons!and!offer!a!soothing!solu5on!to!relieve!redness,!irrita5on,!scaling,!itching,!and!burning!associated!with!fungal!infec5ons.!

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

A rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is native to tropical South Asia and needs temperatures between 20  °C and 30  °C (68  °F and 86  °F) and a considerable amount of annual rainfall to thrive. Plants are gathered annually for their rhizomes, and propagated from some of those rhizomes in the following season.


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© 2012 Sabinsa Corporation 3



Superficial !mycoses !include!cosme5c!fungal!infec5ons !of!the !skin!or!hair! shaG!with!no!involvement!of!living!5ssue! or! cellular! (immunological ! or! pathological)! responses! from! the! host.! Cutaneous!mycoses !are! also!superficial! fungal ! infec5on! of! the! skin,! hair! or! nails.! No! living! 5ssue! is ! invaded,! however! a ! variety! of!pathological !changes !occur! in! the!host! because !of! the!presence !of! the! infec5ous!agent! and! its !metabolic!products.! Therapeu5c! management! of! superficial!and! cutaneous!fungal!diseases !has !posed!a !tremendous!challenge !owing! to! the !fact! that! fungal !cells,! like! other! living! organisms,! may! become! resistant! to!drugs.!An5fungal !resistance!may!be!defined!as !a !stable,!inheritable !adjustment!by!fungal!cell !to!an!an5fungal!agent,!resul5ng!in!a!less!than!normal!sensi5vity!to!that!an5fungal!agent.

Fungal ! infec5ons! are! responsible ! for! several ! disease! condi5ons ! in! human! and! plant! kingdom.! Some!pathogenic! fungi! such! as !Malassezia( furfur! give! rise !to!an!unhygienic! scaling! of! the !skull.! Other! systemic!infec5ons !produce!debilita5ng!health!condi5ons !such!as!fever!and!pain.!TetraPure®(is(novel(inhibitor(of(fungi(growth.(It!can!be!used!in!cream,!shampoo,!ointment,!lo5on,!spray,!or!powder!form!to!relieve!skin!discomforts!that!arise!from!fungal!infec5ons.!

• AnXfungal(Efficacy(–(Agar(DiluXon(Method((Sabourauds(Dextrose(Agar,(SDA)


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© 2012 Sabinsa Corporation 4


! 0.15%

! 0.31%

! 0.625%

! 1.25%

! 2.5%

! 5.0%

Completely! inhibi5ng! the! growth! of! Trichophyton( rubrum,( Microsporum( gypseum( and( Epidermophyton(floccosum!both!at!low!and!high!concentra5ons.!

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© 2012 Sabinsa Corporation 5


• AnXfungal(Efficacy(–(Agar(DiluXon(Method((Sabourauds(Dextrose(Agar,(SDA)


Candida albicans

NCIM 3471


50 14.6 x 10 ---57 72 x 10 50.6814 20 x 10 99.8221 75 x 10 99.9428 <130 99.99

Source: Sami Labs Ltd.

Table 2: Activity Against Candida species

Test Organism % ReductionConcentration of organism


Test interval


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© 2012 Sabinsa Corporation 6


TetraPure®! offers! effec5ve ! topical! an5oxidant! protec5on.! Its ! an5oxidant! ac5on! is! of! a ! comprehensive!“bioprotectant”!nature,!efficiently!preven5ng!the!forma5on!of!free !radicals,!while!quenching!pre/formed!ones!as !well.!This !dual!ac5on!protects!the!skin!cells !from!damage!by!UV!radia5on!and!the!resultant!inflamma5on!and! injury! with! far! reaching! beneficial !effects !on!overall !health! and!well! being.! In! vitro! data !reveal ! that!TetraPure®!efficiently!scavenges !free!radicals !and!protects !the!skin!cells.!The !free!radical !scavenging!ac5vity!of!TetraPure®!was !found!to!be!superior!to!that!of!the !Vitamin!C,!kojic!acid!and!arbu5n!(Table!3).!TetraPure®!offer!protec5on!to!the!skin!and!could!be!included!in!as!func5onal!an5oxidants!in!topical!prepara5ons.!



TetraPure® 1.3 10,212Vitamin C 1.93 3,400Kojic Acid 500 NilArbutin 500 NilSource: Sami Labs Ltd.

Table 3: Comparison of Antioxidant Potential

Product ORAC Value (ìmol Trolox


DPPH Inhibition(IC ìg/ml)50

Lower the IC value, greater is the Antioxidant Potential.50 Greater the ORAC value, better is the Antioxidant Potential.



Trial 5% 2.5% 1.25% 0.625% 0.31% 0.15% MF1 N/G N/G N/G N/G N/G N/GMF2 N/G N/G N/G N/G N/G N/GMF3 N/G N/G N/G N/G N/G N/GSource: Sami Labs Ltd. (N/G= NO GROWTH)

Table 4: Activity Against Malassezia furfurTest Organism

®TetraPure DMSO solvent with final concentration

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© 2012 Sabinsa Corporation 7


In(vitro(studies!indicate !that!TetraPure®!efficiently!inhibits !tyrosinase,!the !rate!limi5ng!enzyme!in!the!synthesis!of!melanin.!Its!efficacy! is !superior! to!that!of!commonly!used!natural !skin!lightening!agents!such!as !kojic!acid,!and!of!related!compounds!(Table!5).


TetraPure® 1.8 3.2Vitamin C 9.33 25Kojic Acid 7 100Arbutin 193.6 100Source: Sami Labs Ltd.

Table 5: Comparison of Skin Lightening Activities

Product Melanin

Inhibition(IC ìg/ml)50

Tyrosinase Inhibition(IC ìg/ml)50

Lower the IC value, greater is the Skin lightening activity.50

Dermal Irritation Non-IrritantRepeated insult patch test Did not induce skin sensitization or any reactionPrimary Skin Irritation Did not cause any irritation

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© 2012 Sabinsa Corporation 8


• In!An5/fungal/!An5/dandruff!formula5on!:!0.15%w/w

• In!Skin!lightening/an5/oxidant!formula5on:!0.1!/!0.5%w/w!


• Majeed&M,& (2012).&Treatment&of& superficial& and&cutaneous&mycoses&with& a&pure&form&of& 1,7@bis(4@hydroxy@3@methoxyphenyl)@3,5@heptanedione.&US&8119696.

• Research&Report@Sami&Labs&Ltd.&(2003).&Primary&skin&irritaOon&test,&Report&#&8954.• Research&Report@Sami&Labs&Ltd.&(2003).&Repeated&insult&patch&test,&Report&#&AACP/PP/163.• Research&Report@&Sami&Labs&Ltd.&(2006).&Report&on&Dermal&IrritaOon,&Report&#&IR&161

"TetraPure effectively relieves skin

discomforts due to fungal infections and offers

a balmy resolution to soothe redness,

irritation, scaling, itching, and blazing

compared with fungal infections, and can be

used in all ranges of cosmetic products for

progressing healthy skin, hair and nails”
