Download - SINgapore Engineering

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    Singapore Engineering Works established in 2062 B.S at Prithvimarg, Pokhara is the

    modern technology in the arena of high fabricated all kinds of aluminium door and

    windows. It is in the great leap with in the short period of its establishment and the

    company is in the summit of success. Well experienced staffs (Working for more than 12

    years) are now working for the company, situated in Prithvimarg, Pokhara Singapore

    Engineering Works. The basic purpose of the company is to construct Aluminium

    windows, door and all kinds of aluminium works etc. The company has the direct import

    from the leading aluminium production companies of the world. It has its own factory

    and godawn.

    The main purpose of this company is to manufacture doors and windows made from

    aluminium and this company is an also famous for any kinds of aluminium related works.

    Rapid, reliable and reasonable price are the main things the company always believe in,

    are successfully running the works in private houses and different organization.

    In the current world, deforestation in one of the burning problem and headache for most

    of the developing countries, so using Aluminium door and windows for private houses

    and offices reduce the deforestation in one hand and in other hand light weight, dust

    proof, long life duration is other significance of Aluminium.


    To be a Company of global repute in the Aluminium Sector

    Commitment to excellence

    Commitment and competence of the people

    Customer satisfaction

    Team Work


    To achieve growth in business with global competitive edge providing satisfaction to the

    customers, employees and community at large.

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    Management Accounting is the branch of accounting that produces information for

    managers within an organization. It provides the basis to make informed business

    decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control

    function. It is the process of identifying, measuring, accumulating, analyzing, preparing,

    interpreting and communicating information that helps managers fulfill organizational

    objective. Managers prepare budgets and design and implement control systems. All

    managers have an obligation to use resources wisely. If used intelligently, accounting

    information contributes to efficient operations and helps both profit seeking and non-

    profit organizations to achieve their objectives. Information generated are usually

    confidential and used by management, instead of publicly reported.

    The term management accounting is composed of 'management' and 'accounting'. The

    word 'management' here does not signify only the top management but the entire

    personnel charged with the authority and responsibility of operating an enterprise. The

    task of management accounting involves furnishing accounting information to the

    management, which may base its decisions on it. It is through management accounting

    that the management gets the tools for an analysis of its administrative action and can lay

    suitable stress on the possible alternatives in terms of costs, prices and profits, etc.

    (Weekes-Marshall, 2011)

    One simple definition of management accounting is the provision of financial and non-

    financial decision-making information to managers.

    According to the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA): "Management accounting

    is a profession that involves partnering in management decision making, devising

    planning and performance management systems, and providing expertise in financial

    reporting and control to assist management in the formulation and implementation of an

    organization's strategy".

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    Managers use accounting information for making short term planning and control

    decisions, for making non-routine decisions and for formulating overall policies and long

    range plans. The purpose of management accounting in the organization is to support

    competitive decision making by collecting, processing, and communicating information

    that helps management plan, control, and evaluate business processes and company


    Managerial accounting is therefore concerned with the provisions and use of accounting

    information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis to make

    informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their

    management and control functions.

    Managerial accounting is significance because of the following reason.

    Assistance in planning and formulation of future

    Managerial accounting guides management in planning the activities of the business.

    Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done when it is to be done. Ever year

    management plans are prepared in terms of budgets.

    Help in controlling performance

    Actual performance will be compared to the standard performance, targets, plans, and

    standards on the basis information from the managerial accounting. This helps to

    pinpoint the lacking responsibilities for taking corrective actions against a weak spot.

    Help in coordinating operation.

    The management accounting help the management coordinating the activities of the

    concern by getting prepared functional budgets and coordinating the whole activities

    of the concern by integrating all functional budgets into one.

    Help in the solutions in the strategic business problems

    Whenever there is a question of starting a new business expanding or diversifying the

    exciting business, strategic business problem has to be solved the management

    accountant helps in solving problems and decision making whether labour should be

    replaced by machinery or not.

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    Help in the motivating and communicating information.

    Managerial accounting provide information to the person who are interested so that it

    guide to a line of actions to be pursued through setting goals ,planning the best and

    measuring the performance to increase the effectiveness of the organization.

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    The break-even level or break-even point (BEP) represents the sales amountin either unit or revenue termsthat is required to cover total costs (both fixed and variable). Profit at break-even is zero. Break-even is only possible if a firms prices are higher than its variable costs per unit. If so, then each unit of the product sold

    will generate some contribution toward covering fixed costs.

    Formulas to calculate Break Even Point for single product:

    To calculate the BEP in units, divide total fixed cost by contribution margin per unit.

    Using unit price minus unit variable cost, we get Contribution Margin per Unit.

    Formula to calculate Break-Even Units under Sales Mix Analysis


    Capital Budgeting also called as Investment Appraisal is the planning process used

    to determine whether an organizations long term investments such as new

    machinery, replacement machinery, new plants, new products and research

    development projects are worth the funding of cash through the firms capitalization

    structure (debt, equity or retained earnings). It is the process of allocating resources

    for major capital or investment expenditures. One of the primary goals of capital

    budgeting investments is to increase the value of the firm to the shareholders.

    A variety of measures have evolved over time to analyze capital budgeting

    requests. Let's take look at the most popular techniques for analyzing a capital

    budgeting proposal.

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    1. Net Present Value:

    The difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of

    cash outflows is the Net Present Value. NPV is used in capital budgeting to

    analyze the profitability of an investment or project. NPV analysis is sensitive to

    the reliability of future cash inflows that an investment or project will yield.

    NPV compares the value of a dollar today to the value of that same dollar in the

    future, taking inflation and returns into account. If the NPV of a prospective

    project is positive, it should be accepted. However, if NPV is negative, the

    project should probably be rejected because cash flows will also be negative.

    Formula to calculate Net Present Value (NPV)

    2. Internal Rate of Return:

    The internal rate of return (IRR) or economic rate of return (ERR) is a rate of

    return used in capital budgeting to measure and compare the profitability of

    investments. Internal Rate of Return gives a net present value (NPV) of zero,

    which is where the present value of the net cash inflows equals the investment. It

    is a commonly used measure of investment efficiency.

    It is also called the discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR). In the context

    of savings and loans the IRR is also called the effective interest rate. The term

    internal refers to the fact that its calculation does not incorporate environmental

    factors (e.g., the interest rate or inflation).

    3. Pay Back Period:

    Payback period in capital budgeting refers to the period of time required to

    recoup the funds expended in an investment, or to reach the break-even point.

    For example, a $1000 investment which returned $500 per year would have a

    two-year payback period. Payback period intuitively measures how long

    something takes to "pay for itself." All else being equal, shorter payback periods

    are preferable to longer payback periods.

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    5. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 5.1. Calculation of Break Even Point


    When company produce 2831.56 Kg of alumunium it will remain at breakeven

    point ,where revenue is set equal to expenses or, neither profit nor loss

    = Rs. 1274200

    5.2 Calculation of NPV, IRR, PBP

    5.2.1 Calculation of NPV

    Year Cash flow PVIF@10% Present value

    1 1772628.75 0.9091 16114496.797

    2 2325022.81 0.8264 1921398.85

    3 3138780.794 0.7513 2358166.01

    4 4237354.071 0.6830 2894112.831

    5 5720427.996 0.6209 3551813.743

    6 7722577.795 0.5645 4358622.907

    7 10425480.02 0.5132 5349313.8

    8 14074398.03 0.4665 6565706.681

    9 19000437.34 0.4241 8056185.433

    10 25650590.41 0.3855 9888302.604

    Total present value 46555119.66

    Less: initial investment 22500000

    NPV 24055119.66

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    5.2.2 Calculation of IRR:

    At 22% rate of return NPV is positive. Now let us take 23% as rate of return

    because if we increase rate of return NPV decrease.


    Lets try at 22% & 23%

    Year Cash flow PVIF@22% Present value

    1 1772628.75 0.8197 1453023.786

    2 2325022.81 0.6719 1562182.826

    3 3138780.794 0.5507 1728526.583

    4 4237354.071 0.4514 1912741.628

    5 5720427.996 0.37 2116558.359

    6 7722577.795 0.3033 2342257.845

    7 10425480.02 0.2486 2591774.334

    8 14074398.03 0.2038 2868362.319

    9 19000437.34 0.167 3173073.036

    10 25650590.41 0.1369 3511565.827

    Total present value 23260066.54

    Less: initial investment 22500000

    NPV 760066.5428

    Year Cash flow PVIF@23% Present Value

    1 1772628.75 0.8130 1441147.174

    2 2325022.81 0.661 1536840.077

    3 3138780.794 2.01140.5374 1686780.798

    4 4237354.071 0.4369 1851299.994

    5 5720427.996 0.3552 2031896.024

    6 7722577.795 0.2888 2230280.467

    7 10425480.02 0.2348 2447902.709

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    8 14074398.03 0.1909 2686802.584

    9 19000437.34 0.1552 2948867.875

    10 25650590.41 0.1262 3237104.51

    Total present value 22098922.21

    Less: initial investment 22500000

    NPV (401077.7864)


    AT 22.65% NPV will be Zero i.e. NPV=NCO

    5.2.3 Calculation of Pay Back Period

    Year Cash flow Cumulative Cash Flow

    1 1772628.75 1772628.75 2 2325022.81 4097651.56 3 3138780.794 7236432.354 4 4237354.071 11473786.42 5 5720427.996 17194214.42 6 7722577.795 24916792.22 7 10425480.02 35342272.24 8 14074398.03 49416670.27 9 19000437.34 6841707.61 10 25650590.41 94067698.02

    =5.69years It takes 5.69 years to recover the investment from future cash flow without discounting.

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    The primary focus of this report was to examine and analyze the data according to the

    management accounting tool in the manufacturing company. This study concluded that

    break-even and capital budgeting was used as a planning and control tool with the

    planning process and for monitoring the cash flow.

    The major findings of the whole report have been listed below:

    1. When Singapore Engineering Works produces 2831.56 Kg of aluminium it will

    remain at breakeven point ,where revenue is set equal to expenses or, neither profit

    nor loss.

    2. Under Capital Budgeting, NPV is 24055119.66, IRR is 22.65% and PBP is 5.69


    3. The net income is Rs 2130662.81 in 2069/2070 and Rs 1578268.75 in 2068/2069.

    In the current world, deforestation in one of the burning problem and headache for most

    of the developing countries, so using aluminium door and windows for private houses

    and offices reduce the deforestation in one hand and in other hand light weight, dust

    proof, long life duration is other significance of aluminium. The increasing significance

    of aluminium must have increased the productivity of the company. And also from the

    above findings it is seen that the IRR is higher, NPV is positive and PBP is shorter period

    so the company should continue to produce its product.

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    Variable expenses

    Particulars 2068/2069 2069/2070

    Water 12356.11 15389.38

    Stationery & Printing 8290 10156

    News Paper & Magazines 250 3290

    Conveyance 27150 35000

    Legal expenses 5554 7164

    Purchase 154000 198660

    Lunch Expenses 4675 4855

    Tour Expenses 45088 58164

    Telephone Expenses 12356.11 16789.38

    Labor charges 200369.2 258476.27

    Transportation 754000 972660

    Power/Electricity 45200 58378

    Staff welfare 10810 13945

    Total Variable Expenses 1283028.42 1652927.03

    Fixed cost

    Particulars Amount Amount

    Salary Wages And Allowances Expenses 540000 540000

    Audit fee 10000 10000

    Depreciation 194360 194360

    Rent 275000 275000

    Total fixed cost 1019360 1019360

    Other information

    Particulars Amount Percentage

    Selling price per Kg 450 100%

    Variable price per Kg 90 20%

    Contribution margin 360 16.97%