Download - SINCE 18 0 3 Draw Me Nearer… · Advent takes us on a journey to reflect upon the beauty of the incarnate God ... through these devotions, we will meditate and pray together so that

Page 1: SINCE 18 0 3 Draw Me Nearer… · Advent takes us on a journey to reflect upon the beauty of the incarnate God ... through these devotions, we will meditate and pray together so that

Alfred Street Baptist ChurchREV. DR. HOWARD-JOHN WESLEY, PASTOR

CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONRev. Dr. Faye S. Gunn, Director


SINCE 1803

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.James 4:8

Page 2: SINCE 18 0 3 Draw Me Nearer… · Advent takes us on a journey to reflect upon the beauty of the incarnate God ... through these devotions, we will meditate and pray together so that

Christian Life Institute Board Members












Page 3: SINCE 18 0 3 Draw Me Nearer… · Advent takes us on a journey to reflect upon the beauty of the incarnate God ... through these devotions, we will meditate and pray together so that

Key to Bible TranslationsKJV – King James Version

NAS – New American StandardNCV – New Century Version

NIV – New International VersionNKJV – New King James Version

NLT – New Living TranslationNRS – New Revised Standard

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Table of ContentsMessage From Pastor Wesley .....................................................................................7What Is The Season Of Lent? ..................................................................................... 9

God’s Promise ..................................................................................................................10The Joy Of Jesus ..............................................................................................................11Somebody’s Watching You .........................................................................................12An Instrument Of God’s Mercy .................................................................................14A Different Kind Of Sacrifice ......................................................................................15A ‘Surely’ Faith ................................................................................................................. 17Peace Through Strength ..............................................................................................18Worship At The Cross ....................................................................................................19Purchased And Purified ................................................................................................21A Lesson In Forgiveness ..............................................................................................23Home Sweet Home ........................................................................................................25Joining The Royal Priesthood ..................................................................................26Eternity In Our Hearts ..................................................................................................27Thankful For All Things ................................................................................................29Gather In Fellowship ......................................................................................................30Grace, Grace, God’s Grace! .........................................................................................32A Good Man .......................................................................................................................34Conversations With God .............................................................................................35Freedom From Fear .......................................................................................................36Who Is Thy Neighbor? ..................................................................................................37Hope Is Just A Prayer Away .......................................................................................38Connected For Joy .........................................................................................................39More Than That .............................................................................................................. 40At One With God ..............................................................................................................41Without Faith ....................................................................................................................42Give It A Rest .................................................................................................................... 44The God And Rock Of My Salvation .......................................................................45The Sanctified Calling ...................................................................................................46Mercy: A Choice ...............................................................................................................47Forgiveness Frees The Forgiver ..............................................................................49None But The Righteous .............................................................................................50No Greater Love ..............................................................................................................52Take The Plunge ..............................................................................................................53Personal Thanksgiving .................................................................................................54Together As One ............................................................................................................. 55His Grace Is Sufficient ...................................................................................................56Holiness In The Lord ......................................................................................................58An Attitude Of Prayer ...................................................................................................59An Empowering Three-Word Message .................................................................61What Has He Done For You Lately? .......................................................................62

Glossary Of Terms ..........................................................................................................63

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Greetings in the beautiful and saving name of Jesus our Christ.

Here we stand, as we do every year, at the beginning of one of the most sacred and special seasons of the Christian year—Lent. Just as the season of Advent takes us on a journey to reflect upon the beauty of the incarnate God born in a manger, so now does Lent takes us on a journey of reflection and repentance as we view the horror and the glory of the cross and our crucified Savior.

This Lenten journey is one that calls and causes us to appreciate the eternal and priceless value of our salvation and the forgiveness of our sins. It is a 40-day journey that helps us find the balance between sacrifice and celebration, repentance and rejoicing, so that we may learn to yield our lives as a living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable to God.

During these 40 days, I invite and encourage you to center your daily thoughts and devotions on the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and how His death draws us into the very loving presence of a forgiving God. My prayer is that these daily devotions, penned from the heart of the members of our Board of Christian Education, will help you draw nearer to the Lord. As the songwriter said, “Draw me nearer, nearer precious Lord, to the cross where thou hast died.” Collectively as a church family, through these devotions, we will meditate and pray together so that when Resurrection Sunday comes, like Christ, we will come out of this season with a new glory, a deeper commitment, and a hunger to daily dwell in the presence of God.

When the women came to the tomb to anoint what they thought would be the dead body of Jesus, their lives were forever changed by the invitation of the angel to “come see the place where the Lord lay” (Matthew 28:6). My prayer is that these devotions will also fill you with an awe and appreciation for Christ’s death, and give you the same excitement and energy of those women to go and share with the world the good news of our Savior’s death and resurrection as together we draw nearer to the Lord. Amen.

Message From Pastor Wesley

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Page 8: SINCE 18 0 3 Draw Me Nearer… · Advent takes us on a journey to reflect upon the beauty of the incarnate God ... through these devotions, we will meditate and pray together so that

What Is The Season Of Lent?Lent was first celebrated during the 4th century and began with only a few days before Easter. The early church would baptize converts to Christianity—all those who believed on the name of the Lord—on Easter Sunday only. With time, Lent was extended to several weeks. The 40 days were symbolic of Jesus’ preparation and temptation by Satan in the wilderness after His baptism and before the beginning of His ministry. It was a time of purification and separation. Lent became known as the 40-day period before Easter and begins on Ash Wednesday. Sundays are not counted in the 40 days because the day commemorates the resurrection of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Since early biblical times ashes have been symbolic of repentance (turning away from sin and turning to God) or of grief in mourning. The ashes were used to make a sign of the cross on the forehead of believers from the charred remains of the palm branches used on Palm Sunday the year before. This extended period of 40 days became a time of prayer and fasting as well as a time of self-examination and inner reflection for the purpose of repentance.

As we celebrate Lent we should remember that what we give up for a short period of time cannot prepare us for how God expects us to live our lives daily in relationship with Him. Perhaps that is why after the Reformation, the discipline of fasting became unpopular. Yet, there were those church fathers and leaders who still wanted to preserve Lent as a time of self-sacrifice; thus, people were encouraged to give up something they enjoyed during Lent.

We suggest during this season of Lent to forget about giving up trivial things. Instead, take on a newfound attitude to live in accordance with God’s Word. No amount of fasting, abstaining from physical pleasures or any other form of self-denial can purify us. Our cleansing can only come from the atoning blood of Jesus who sacrificed His life for our many sins. Get to know Jesus intimately for yourself during this sacred time. Use these meditations, written by the board members of the Christian Life Institute at Alfred Street Baptist Church, to help guide you as you reflect on Christ’s great sacrifice and how it impacts your life today. Let the Holy Spirit convert your mind daily and lead you to do and think the things that are pleasing in His sight. Pray, repent and let God work in you and to do His good pleasure.

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HopeWednesday, March 5, 2014


READ: Jeremiah 29:1-14KEY VERSES: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. -Jeremiah 29:11-12 (NIV)

Jeremiah’s letter to Israelites exiled in Babylon foretold of 70 years of captivity under the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar. However, Jeremiah encouraged them to build homes, marry, have children, plant gardens and eat the food produced. Even with the loss of the land of their fathers, they were told “Do not dwindle away but to work for the peace and prosperity of Babylon” for then they would have peace also. If they obeyed God’s Word and looked to Him in earnest, He would end their captivity and bring them home again.

We have all experienced periods of turmoil and bad times when it was difficult to keep our hope and faith that God would return us to a time of inner peace and prosperity. When I experienced the loss of my beloved husband of 26 years, life felt very dark and lonely. He was also my best friend, confidant and wonderful father to our daughter. How could all of these roles be taken from me by one action? After being away from the church for many years, I found myself returning and listening to God’s Word. Instead of laboring in sorrow for what I had lost, I was able to give thanks for the many years of joy and the ability to support myself independently as well as for the many friends, family members and co-workers who freely offered support. Only when I fully accepted my new status and trusted in the Lord to have a new plan for my life was that hope fulfilled. I was able to rejoice for my past and advance into my bright new future. –Doris Hutchinson Collins

LOOKING WITHIN: Do I trust in God’s plan for my life? Am I willing to follow His Word even when I cannot see the way and know that it will be alright?

Dear God, help me to remember that you have plans for each of us, including me. I need only call upon your name and know that you will listen to me.

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JoyThursday, March 6, 2014


READ: Psalm 5 KEY VERSE: But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoice in you. -Psalm 5:11 (NIV)

Joy is so much more than happiness. The world is “happy” over financial success, popularity, or that the team they rooted for won. Happiness fleets from moment to moment, but the joy that Jesus gives abides forever. We must show non-Christians that joy runs deeper and is more enduring than the happiness they receive from worldly goods and treasures. 1 Peter 1:8 says that loving and believing in Christ gives people the inexpressible joy of salvation. That’s not all. Psalm 5:11 states that all who take refuge in God will ever sing for joy.

Traveling provides me with a measure of happiness but those memories are short-lived because they are a single experience in a solitary moment. But God is with me 24/7. By receiving the Lord’s Word, fellowshipping with other believers and sharing the gospel, I receive an everlasting joy that my travels do not provide. Fellowshipping daily with God makes joy something that goes deep in the soul and radiates outward. And that radiating joy shows the world a deeper peace that surpasses all understanding. –Winston Gaskin

LOOKING WITHIN: What are my sources for happiness and joy? Does what makes me happy also give me joy?

Thank you dear Lord for allowing me to recognize and realize that my daily time spent with you will allow me important opportunities to know your joy. Amen.

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ObedienceFriday, March 7, 2014


READ: James 1:19-25KEY VERSE: Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. -James 1:22 (NIV)

We live in a society where cameras are everywhere. They record you as you walk through the Walmart parking lot, as you wait in line at the bank, as you enter and exit buildings. Surveillance cameras are so ubiquitous that we forget that they are there.

While these same cameras are in place to ensure our safety, they also record the bad and unlawful things that people do – everything from shoplifting to assaults. The perpetrators must often know what they’re doing is wrong but they do it anyway. Doing the right thing and obeying God probably aren’t exactly at the top of their agenda at that time.

But how many times have you known what was right but still did what was not pleasing to the Lord? I know I’ve gone down that road myself more times than I care to admit.

God calls us to heed and obey His instructions, which are found throughout the Bible. Like the cameras that watch our every move throughout the day, God also sees us from on high. He knows when we are obediently walking in His way—and when we are not.

What’s more, we as Christians should be living examples of godly obedience to non-believers. My prayer each day is that I will represent the Lord well to everyone I encounter. You can bet that those who do not walk with the Lord are watching us, too.

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So let’s do more than just listen to the Word, as James says. Let’s live it to God’s glory. Remember: Somebody’s watching your every move. –Barbranda Walls

LOOKING WITHIN: How does my life show obedience to God? Where do I fall short?

Father God, please help me to constantly walk in your path of righteousness and to be a model of obedience to the world. I can’t do it without you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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MercySaturday, March 8, 2014


READ: Matthew 25:34-40; Ephesians: 2:2-10 KEY VERSE: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ” -Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

We know God is merciful, but do we know we are to be merciful, too? Jesus told us how to be merciful. He said to feed the poor, take in the stranger, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and imprisoned. Mercy is extreme kindness without looking for recompense and can be given by all of us. During my childhood, I saw my grandfather performing many acts of mercy. For a couple of years, every week, he took farm products to at least three families. He and my grandmother raised several nephews and nieces. He took food to the sick, and he welcomed visitors and entertained them in his home. Most of all, Papa buried the dead. He singlehandedly dug graves, and after the funeral helped lower the casket into the ground. Papa was the epitome of extreme kindness.

We, however, cannot outdo God’s mercy to us. The Apostle Paul says, “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.“ (Ephesians 2:5) Christian mercy is not suggested. It is required! -Rita Womack

LOOKING WITHIN: How am I to handle being blessed to be a blessing to others? Lord, help me stay aware of those around me who are in need, and open my heart to share my blessings with them. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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AtonementMonday, March 10, 2014


READ: Hebrews 10:11-18KEY VERSE: For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. -Hebrews 10:14 (NIV)

The ancient world was filled with gods. There were gods for the weather, gods for fertility, gods for business and commerce. There was a god for every aspect of life. The multiplicity of gods was the manner in which ancient peoples explained the occurrences of the world in which they lived. The belief was the gods controlled life in the earthly realm and therefore must be kept content. The key to the contentment of the gods was atoning sacrifice.

Shirley Guthrie writes in his book, Christian Doctrine, that “people in the ancient world lived in terror before gods who were easily offended by disrespect and disobedience.” If a person committed a wrong or sin before a god, then sacrifice was required to achieve reconciliation and atonement. The sacrifice could be a treasured possession, vegetation, animals or even a child. Acceptance of the sacrifice was seen as a favorable outcome such as a successful harvest. Because the world was so tenuous, a routine of continual appeasement through atoning sacrifice was the norm. Even the ancient Hebrews were accustomed to the common practice of making sacrificial offerings. It was into this world and belief system that Jesus entered, lived, taught, was crucified and rose again.

It is certain that at the time, Jesus’ death was not looked upon as an act of atoning sacrifice. That understanding would come later. The author of the book of Hebrews sought to foster that understanding with his writings. The sacrifice of Jesus was different. The atoning, reconciling work of Jesus was different. This was not an act to appease vengeful gods. Jesus’ sacrifice was to reconcile humanity to the One God forever. With the death of Jesus upon the cross and His resurrection from the dead, continual sacrifice was no longer necessary. “For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” –Minister Rosalind Brooks

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LOOKING WITHIN: Has the way I’ve lived my life cause me to feel that I must continually offer appeasement to a vengeful God? If so, do I really understand the meaning of sacrifice and atonement? Have I truly accepted the loving act of Jesus’ death and resurrection?

Father God, thank you that the atoning work of Jesus was accomplished so long ago. Help me to understand and accept the great gift of love that is remembered at this season. Help me to share this truth with others. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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FaithTuesday, March 11, 2014


READ: Psalms 23:1-6KEY VERSE: Surely goodness and loving-kindness will follow me all the days of my life. -Psalm 23:6 (NAS)

“Surely,” not “maybe.” That’s what the scripture says. But how can that be? God’s servant David, a shepherd boy who became king, wrote those words as a man who experienced God’s goodness and lovingkindness (also translated as “mercy”) all his days and nights. Whether the weather was excellent, or it was midnight in his person’s soul, David was able to say, “Surely goodness and mercy have followed me.”

It’s so much easier for us to say “most of the days or some of the days.” Yet the Bible says His presence is with us all of our days. This makes no promise that all our days will be good or merciful, but rather assures that the God of mercy will follow us through the good and the bad days, the rich and the poor days, the sick and the well days—all the days of our life. By believing this promise, we bring His “presence” into our problems. Then His will rings in our minds that certain cry—“Surely”! His friendship lights up good days and makes them even better. There is no “maybe” or “perhaps” or “hopefully”—but a “surely” that is rooted in the proven promises of God. –Charles J. Monterio Sr.

LOOKING WITHIN: What kind of faith do I have in the Lord? Is it a “maybe” faith? A “hopefully” faith? Or a “surely” faith?

Father, follow me, into my night. Please turn my blindness to excellent sight and give me a spirit of cheer. Help me to remember that your goodness and mercy will surely follow me all my life. I ask this prayer in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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PeaceWednesday, March 12, 2014


READ: John 14:26-31KEY VERSE: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. -John 14:27 (KJV)

Several decades ago a leading American political figure popularized the phrase, “Peace through strength.” In some ways, this mantra continues to characterize our nation’s political posture in its dealings with other nations. As a country, America is a super power and possesses the political, economic and military strength to influence most of the world. According to the standards of the world this is considered the ultimate power. Yet as children of God, we know that our strength comes from the Lord. Only in and through Him can we find peace.

The Gospel of St. John memorializes Jesus’ bequest of peace to the world and also exhorts us not to be afraid. Jesus died on the cross to reconcile us to God and He alone is the remedy for a sin-sick world. And because Jesus died and was resurrected by the power of God, we have peace with God. Jesus not only grants us peace, He is our peace. –Nancy Myrick

LOOKING WITHIN: Do I sometimes trust in worldly things to find peace instead of trusting in the Lord? What do I need to do in order to solely put my trust in God?

Dear Lord, thank you for being my mediator, advocate and peace. It is only your precious blood that redeems and saves me and gives me peace. Amen.

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SalvationThursday, March 13, 2014


READ: Matthew 16:24-28KEY VERSE: Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” -Matthew 16:24 (NIV)

The primary Christian symbol for nearly 2,000 years has been the cross. It has been the central statement of our theology and our faith. But the cross is more than our symbol – it is our salvation.

It is at the cross that religions divide. Some ignore it; others seek to explain that Jesus “didn’t really die” and still others, while acknowledging it, fail to preach its power. We ask ourselves: “Can there be authentic Christianity without the cross?” “Can there be real salvation apart from it?” The answer is NO!

The cross is central to our salvation and it certainly is the primary motive for our worship. It was at the cross that mankind beheld the true nature of God’s goodness and mercy. And though wicked mankind railed at the cross, and arrogant mankind scoffed at it as foolishness, redeemed mankind worships there.

During the Lenten season last year, my husband was asked to build a cross that was placed in the church. Worshippers wrote their sins on note cards that were nailed to that cross. As I sat in worship services and looked at the cross as it began to be filled with cards, it was an awesome sight. I realized that all of those sins are forgiven.

The Bible tells us that Jesus died for the sins of the world, to redeem the church, and to please the Father. As I weigh my personal sins and look to the cross, I realize that Jesus also died for me. I owe my life, hope, peace and joy to Him.

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During this Lenten season, may each heart turn afresh to Calvary in gratitude and praise for all that our Savior was willing to suffer to win our salvation. –Louise L. Nickens

LOOKING WITHIN: Must Jesus bear the cross alone? Am I willing to take up my cross – that is, do His will whatever the cost – and follow Him?

Heavenly Father, during this Lenten season, please allow me to carry my cross with joy, thanksgiving and obedience. Thank you for salvation and the many ways that my life has been enriched by your grace. Amen.

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SanctificationFriday, March 14, 2014


READ: Hebrews 13:10-16KEY VERSE: Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach. -Hebrews 13:12 (NKJV)

Sanctification means literally “making holy.” It also means “consecration” or “setting apart” something for a special holy purpose. As believers, we are that something special and rightfully so. We have been “justified freely,” which means that we have been cleared of our guilt and pardoned for all of our sins based on our faith in Jesus Christ who shed His blood on the cross to save us from eternal damnation.

It was at the cross of Calvary that Jesus, God’s Son, took the guilt and condemnation that we deserve for our sins. This was God’s way of preparing and restoring us to a right relationship with Himself. God’s divine means was the shed blood of Christ. God could not set apart an unclean sinner for His possession and purpose; therefore, He purchased and purified the sinner (you and me) by the blood of His Son.

No amount of money in our bank accounts could ever pay the price Jesus paid for our sins. That’s why the writer of Hebrews informs us that “without the shedding of blood there could be no remission of sin.” We are sanctified by the blood of Christ. The once-for-all sacrifice of God’s Son purchased the once-for-all sanctification for the sinner. The Bible says, “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.” (Hebrews 10:14)

Through Christ’s redemptive work, we become God’s possession and partakers of His divine nature when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. We also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who will guide us through life and through His Word, helping us to live a holy life for the Lord. –Rev. Faye S. Gunn

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LOOKING WITHIN: What does a holy life look like to me? How is the Lord changing me little by little to live a life of holiness?

Dear God, thank you for the atoning blood of Jesus that has justified and sanctified my soul. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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ForgivenessSaturday, March 15, 2014


READ: Luke 23:33-43KEY VERSE: But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots, dividing up his garments among themselves. -Luke 23:34 (NAS)

A World War II documentary contained a veteran’s harrowing experiences in the infamous Bataan death march and internment in a Japanese POW camp. The man spoke of death threats, starvation and torture. When the war ended he returned home only to discover that the woman he loved was getting married the next day. As he recounts, that’s when his nightmares began. Tired of living as a tortured soul, he spoke with his pastor who told him about forgiveness.

To forgive the Japanese was obvious. But the other culprit was the woman who had broken his heart. How dare she not wait? How dare she fall in love with another? Did she not know memories of her had sustained him during horror?

To expect her to know what he was enduring is to expect her to have the same attributes as God. He desired her to be all knowing, to have the power to change his situation, and to be with him even though he was thousands of miles away.

We so often struggle with forgiveness because we expect the offender to know us intimately and have the same regard for our emotions as God. That is a huge mistake. Only the Creator knows each of us so intimately. When we can remove the responsibilities that belong to God from the person who has caused us hurt, then we can move toward forgiveness. –Minister Rosalind Brooks

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LOOKING WITHIN: Upon whom have I placed the attributes of God? In whom do I feel disappointed because I expected him or her to instinctively know that I was hurting? How can I ask God to help me release my offender?

Creator God, please forgive me for expecting another to take upon your attributes and cause my healing. Allow me to understand that true healing comes only from you. I ask that you bless the one who has caused me hurt and let us be reconciled, because in doing so I am reconciled with you. Amen.

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RighteousnessMonday, March 17, 2014HOME SWEET HOME

READ: Romans 6:15-23 KEY VERSE: But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. -2 Peter 3:13 (NIV) For most people, the word “home” conjures up warm memories, good feelings and a sense of safety and security. Despite the reality of the world outside its boundaries, our home was a place where we expected to be loved, respected and nurtured. We also probably remember that our parents had rules and regulations that we were expected to live by—rules that guided and reinforced behavior of everyone living under their roof. Moreover, if the rules were violated, there were consequences.

I can remember my mother saying, “If I promise you something, you’re going to get it.” Needless to say, those words could be both a source of comfort and concern. At the end of the day, we were expected to do what was right. Peter, the apostle of hope, in Romans 6 carefully exhorts believers to live holy and godly lives. He also emphasizes the role righteousness plays in God’s eternal plan and the construct of the world to come. In this new order, righteousness will reign for the Bible says that God loves righteousness and justice and that they are the foundation of His throne. These are God’s house rules. The Lord has promised that we will not only have a new resurrected body, but also an eternal home in the heavens not made by hands. That will be our home sweet home. Hallelujah! –Nancy Myrick

LOOKING WITHIN: Am I focused on living a life that aligns with God’s standard of righteous living? What changes do I need to make in order to follow God’s house rules?

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son, who like you is clothed in righteousness. Thank you for His atoning death that gives us a right to eternal life. Amen.

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SacrificeTuesday, March 18, 2014


READ: Romans 12KEY VERSES: Therefore I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.-Romans 12:1-2 (NAS)

Though I gave my life to Christ more than six decades ago, surrendering to Him continues to be a journey. I try daily to surrender my life, desires and will to God, but over the years I have learned that surrendering is not something that I can do alone. It is Christ in me, guiding and leading me along the way.

Galatians 5:24 says, “Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” We are to present our body as a living sacrifice in order to be joined to Him. How do we make our sacrifices acceptable?

We are to surrender our wills and live according to the will of God. One author tells us that, “Though our wills should be dead to self, still it is a living sacrifice because we have to consciously keep it dead.” Daily sacrifice makes us a member of the royal priesthood, which binds us to Christ so we can bless the world. Paul says in Galatians 2:20, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” -Curtis Howard

LOOKING WITHIN: How can I daily surrender my will to God’s will?

Heavenly Father, keep me bound to you daily as I seek to surrender my will to yours. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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EternityWednesday, March 19, 2014


READ: Ecclesiastes 3:10-14KEY VERSE: He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. -Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV)

Eternity is a difficult topic for us. As limited and finite as our own thoughts are, we cannot conceive of what it means to be endless, particularly when it comes to time. In this arena, we grow short, usually impatient, on imagining anything that’s longer than a day, a week, a month or a year. Ecclesiastes reminds us that not only has God designed everything to be “beautiful,” He also has put “eternity” – that which knows no end – in the hearts of mankind. Then, with more intrigue, we find that no one can find out the work that God does, from the beginning to the end of time. What a challenge to understand this declaration.

We are reminded in Romans 11:33 of the mystery of “the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God.” God’s judgments are unsearchable. The Bible says, “a man cannot find out the work that is done [by God] under the sun … though a man labor to seek it out … he shall not find it.” (Ecclesiastes 8:17) And even if a wise man thinks he knows it, he won’t be able to find it. God’s design is for eternity to reside within our beings, in our being aware of it, but not to know everything from beginning to end. That’s what distinguishes us from God. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end. Only He is fully knowledgeable and eternal.

In our daily walk, let us draw nearer to the infinite God, who alone is the master of eternity and unfolds eternity within us as we become more like Him! –Rev. Samuel Nixon Jr.

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LOOKING WITHIN: Do I have any concept of eternity? How can I connect with God and the eternity that He’s put in my heart in a deeper way?

Dear Lord, thank you for designing me to experience the time that you’ve provided for my life in this world. It’s only in you that I can experience the fullness of eternity in your divine love and power. Please let me live eternally in you. Amen.

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ThanksgivingThursday, March 20, 2014


READ: Psalm 100KEY VERSE: Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. -Ephesians 5:20 (NIV)

In a world of uncertainty, there are some things we can be certain of. We can be sure that there will be sickness, rejection, tragedy or interruption of plans. We can be certain that our life will not remain the way it is today, because the only constant in this world is change. Thankfully, we can count on God’s steadfast love, comfort and strength. We can be assured and thankful that He will work things out for our good, even if it is not the way we planned. In this world we must expect surprises, but if we stay focused on God, thankfully, things will end better than we could have hoped or planned.

We should be thankful for peace, love and life. We should give thanks for our loved ones and God’s spirit within us that leads us to eternal life and a love that endures forever. Being thankful shows God that we acknowledge Him as the source of all our blessings. –Winston Gaskin

LOOKING WITHIN: What am I thankful for today? What qualities or attributes of God prompt me to praise and give thanks to the Lord?

Thank you, Father, for inviting me into a loving relationship with you. Please guide me through life’s experiences, both good and bad. May I look upon them as wonderful blessings from you and be thankful, no matter what comes my way. Amen.

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FellowshipFriday, March 21, 2014


READ: Matthew 18:8-20KEY VERSE: For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. -Matthew 18:20 (NKJV)

I have been a member of Alfred Street Baptist Church for nearly 20 years and have always enjoyed the warmth and sharing of goodwill with members of the congregation. Greeting each other as we sing “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” offers the opportunity to greet friends, meet new worshipers and enjoy the good feeling of being among the saved. As I’ve watched the membership grow over the past several years, I’ve adapted my church-going routine. I became a regular attendee of the 8 a.m. service to ensure a parking spot, a seat in my preferred section of the sanctuary (organ side, rows 3 to 7) and the opportunity to fully enjoy Praise and Worship before the formal services began.

Then, the unthinkable happened! One Sunday, a national marathon blocked the usual route from my D.C. home to Alexandria. That was also opening day for the National Football League when many disciples move from the 11 a.m. worship service to the 8 a.m. service. These two events resulted in my arrival just at 8 when parking was only available on the lower level of the garage. When I arrived at the narthex, the sanctuary doors were closed and the balcony was full.

My dismay apparently showed on my face as one of our smiling greeters walked up to assure me that it would indeed be alright. She escorted me to an overflow room and I found a seat though convinced that this would not be a positive experience. However, as other worshipers filled the room and we reached our greeting song, I found that the Holy Spirit was present among us in Room 212, just as it was on row 4 in the sanctuary. We sang, read scripture,

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responded to the sermon with as much joy as I have ever felt from my prized seat. Being among the saints at church—no matter where you sit—is good for the soul, boosts your spirits and prepares you for another week. For where two or three are gathered in Jesus’ name, He is with us. –Doris Hutchinson Collins LOOKING WITHIN: Am I in fellowship with God? How can I extend myself to be in fellowship with others, even when I do not know them well?

Dear God, help me to be in fellowship with those I meet on a daily basis, not just on Sunday morning. Amen.

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GraceSaturday, March 22, 2014


READ: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10KEY VERSE: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. -2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace, Freely bestowed on all who believe! You that are longing to see His face, Will you this moment His grace receive? Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within, Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin!

I have been singing that song for what seems like a lifetime. In earlier years, I just sang the words with no meaning. I soon learned its meaning and message. Do you know what taught me? Life!

I have often heard it said that grace is what God dispenses and what we do not deserve. I have always felt in my heart that God has blessed me far more than I deserve. I am truly thankful and pray that God will help me to be what He wants me to be—His obedient servant. Grace for me is an experience of something beyond me reaching in and causing a change within me. It is a change that enables me to live more easily with and respond more deeply to the pain and the suffering that life brings. Grace is simply the love “that greets us along the way.” Grace is what kept me alive when I was involved in a tremendous accident in December 2004. I could write a book on the many times that God’s grace has kept me out of harm’s way.

Grace is available to everyone. We can always trust that we are not alone and that we can share each other’s burdens. May we come to know an abundance of grace. We cannot cause it to happen; we cannot control it. We can only accept the invitation when it comes.

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During this Lenten season, may each of us pause and reflect on the ways God has been good to us—both in terms of great salvation and the many little ways that our lives have been enriched by His grace. As a result of this, may we draw closer and nearer to Him. –Louise L. Nickens

LOOKING WITHIN: How can I praise God for His blessings and grace each day? Do I need to praise Him even more than I already do?

Dear Heavenly Father, draw my heart to you. Help me, Lord, to praise you for your blessings and grace each day. Strengthen me where I am weak and forgive my sins. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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HolinessMonday, March 24, 2014


READ: Hebrews 12:13-15KEY VERSES: But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” -1 Peter 1:15-16 (NIV)

Saving Private Ryan, the World War II movie starring Tom Hanks as Capt. John Miller and Matt Damon as Pvt. James Ryan, was set around the time of the Normandy invasion. The film opens with a much older Matt Damon with his wife and family visiting Miller’s grave at Normandy, reflecting upon the men who “saved” him.

As it happens, Damon’s character is the last surviving Ryan brother. Pentagon officials, upon discovering James Ryan is in a combat zone, decide to extract him because they do not want to risk him being killed. Miller’s squadron is dispatched to locate Ryan and escort him to safety. The movie then focuses on all the trials, obstacles and sacrifices the soldiers endure to locate Ryan; ultimately, Hanks’ character is mortally wounded. A teary-eyed Damon, vividly recalling all these things at Miller’s grave decades later, turns to his wife and asks, “Am I a good man?” His wife realizes the question her husband is really asking is whether he’s lived a life worthy of the sacrifice that was made to save him.

Is this not the question all believers ought to ask themselves? Christ died to save us—the ungodly. He came into the world that we might have not just eternal life, but abundant life. The sacrifice made by our Lord was freely offered so that we would live holy lives making us true sons and daughters of God. –Nancy Myrick LOOKING WITHIN: Do I strive to live a holy life? Is it a life worthy of the Lord’s sacrifice?

Dear Lord, thank you for being the perfect sacrifice. Thank you for your example of holiness and for your chastening love—a love that molds us as men and women of faith according to your purpose and plan. Amen.

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PrayerTuesday, March 25, 2014


READ: Ephesians 3:12; 14-19 KEY VERSE: My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” -Psalm 27:8 (NLT)

I can hardly imagine that an all-powerful God, an all-knowing Creator wants to talk with me. I can’t tell Him something He doesn’t already know and that thought leaves me speechless. Sometimes it seems there is too much pain and sorrow to even start to pray, or I may wonder if God is truly listening, especially if His answers don’t come when I want them. Prayer is just a conversation with a loving Father who really wants a close and personal relationship with His children.

We must remember that God answers all prayers. Sometimes it’s with a “yes,” sometimes it’s “No,” and sometimes it’s “wait.” God cares about you and what you become. He encourages personal petition to help you grow into the person He wants you to be. Praying to Him through the Holy Spirit will allow Him to reveal your earthly purpose. Pray for a life that is pleasing to the Lord and represents His will for you. –Winston Gaskin

LOOKING WITHIN: What do I pray for? Which of those things will be most beneficial to me, to others or to my relationship with God? How often do I wait for God’s answer before I act?

Father, thank you for your loving care. Thank you for being there for me. Open my heart to a deeper faith and renewed strength. Prepare me to receive new blessings. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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PraiseWednesday, March 26, 2014


READ: Psalm 34:1-8KEY VERSES: I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises …I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears. -Psalm 34:1; 4 (NLT) After Nik Wallenda performed his historic high-wire act on June 23, 2013, Reuters USA led with the following headline: Daredevil Nik Wallenda completes high-wire walk across Grand Canyon. The article described the walk, the time of completion, Wallenda’s shoes, wind speeds and other occurrences during the passage. But what the story gave minimal attention to were the continual praises Wallenda sent up to God as he carefully moved toward his goal.

Wallenda has often talked about his intense faith in God and the peace he finds by placing his destiny in His hands. In his book, Balance, he states that his Christian faith gives him peace, and he has confidence that he knows where he is going if something were to happen. These are not the words of a “daredevil.” Rather, Wallenda prepared himself physically, emotionally and spiritually and left the outcome to God. The aerialist’s praises to the Lord for His goodness, gifts to his family to excel and continuing safety was the fulfillment of the psalmist’s instructions to us.

Although I am not advocating that we take up such adventurous escapades as Nik Wallenda, he does serve as an excellent role model for daily living. We all face fears and insecurities, but we serve a loving God who has promised to protect us and provide a place in heaven with Him and our Savior. We praise Him because He is God and worthy of our praise. –Doris Hutchinson Collins

LOOKING WITHIN: Am I living a life filled with praise for God? How can my praise be a witness to others who do not yet know the Lord?

Dear God, help me to keep you first in my life. May my love for you be shown through my praise and dependence upon you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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LoveThursday, March 27, 2014


READ: Mark 12:28-34KEY VERSE: The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” -Mark 12:31 (NIV)

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Wow! That’s a tall order, don’t you think? I do not worry because I know that Jesus is not expecting us to do this on our own. He knows that loving everyone as God does is beyond any of us.For many years, I was greatly blessed in my field of education to work with parents and students from all ethnic, economic and educational backgrounds. There were many occasions when I was nurse, counselor, therapist, trainer, bank, prayer partner—you name it. As I look back and think about all of those settings, I wonder if those people really were my neighbors and if I had to love them.

So who is my neighbor? Does Jesus mean those folks who live near me, or those with whom I have frequent contact? Do my neighbors include the needy and poverty stricken? How about my enemies? Are they my neighbors, too?

Jesus did not deliver an impossible command. Rather, He gave a command designed to help us grow in His likeness. Right now, He is ready to give us whatever we need to love our neighbors.

My own idea of neighbor is anyone who seeks companionship as well as anyone who is in pain or in need. Perhaps if we can slow down just enough to make one human contact at a time, loving our neighbor might be easier to manage. –Louise L. Nickens

LOOKING WITHIN: Do I “pick and choose” which neighbors to love? How can I show neighborly love to those who need to receive it?

Dear Heavenly Father, give me the strength to continue to love myself so that I can follow your command to “love my neighbor as I love myself.” Enfold me in your love. Amen.

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HopeFriday, March 28, 2014


READ: Isaiah 9:1-6 (NIV)KEY VERSE: The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. -Isaiah 9:2

Do you need to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel? Want hope in a dark situation? The Bible tells us that in darkness, even in death itself, there is hope. That’s because the power of God is able to restore life to His people even when they appear to be already dead!

The prophet Isaiah declares to the Israelites that a great light was coming to save them from their oppression. That great light was Jesus and He lives as our Savior today. Jesus is a great source of comfort to us all. He is our hope in seemingly hopeless situations—whether it’s sickness, divorce, wayward children, loss of job or loved one, or more.

But the good news is that Jesus, our hope, is only a prayer away. Look up and see Him standing there! Jesus says, “I am the light of the world.” You can always find hope in Him. –Charles J. Monterio Sr.

LOOKING WITHIN: What does hope look like to me? How will I reach out to Jesus when I need to have hope in my situation?

Dear Lord, please help me to remember that you are here with me and there is hope in you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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JoySaturday, March 29, 2014CONNECTED FOR JOY

READ: Galatians 5: 16-26; John 15:9-17KEY VERSES: The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. -Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)

Do you know the Bible is full of joy? According to one minister’s count, the word “joy” appears in the King James Bible 158 times and “rejoice” 198, not counting other variations such as joyful, joyfully, joyous, jubilant, happy and glad.

Biblical joy is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) that comes with accepting Christ as our Savior and grows as long as we keep our connection to Him. It focuses on loving God and loving others. Jesus wants us to be filled with His joy, and He promises as long as we obey His commandments, we remain in His love and our joy will overflow (John 15:9-11). It is Christ within us that brings deep-seated assurance that even in hardship, we remain serene and at peace.

Suffering, disappointments and sorrow are part of Christian life. How we handle painful situations and other troubles is where joy comes in. Christian joy is consistent, steadfast, undaunted and present in us whether things go well or badly. It runs deep and strong in our being, and gives us a positive attitude and countenance regardless of the circumstances.

Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians is called his “joy” letter because, while he is in prison and persecuted because of Christ, he still is faithful, encouraging, grateful and content. We should emulate Paul—embrace, grow and exhibit the joy that is ours in Christ. Biblical joy is pure joy! –Rita Womack

LOOKING WITHIN: How can I show the joy of knowing Jesus and share it with others?

Lord, let me stay connected to you so my joy can grow, and my light brilliantly shine and glorify you. Amen.

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ObedienceMonday, March 31, 2014


READ: Luke 11:27-28KEY VERSE: But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.” -Luke 11:28 (NKJV)

The Lord wants us to hear and to obey His Word. To obey means to practice what we have heard. Believers could be happy folk if we would allow God’s Word to be the fuel that keeps the fire burning in our hearts with love for God and others. Can you imagine how much happier we could be if we would just read God’s Word, meditate on it day and night, and let it be the strong glue to hold us together when it seems like our life is falling apart?

More than that, we can depend on God’s Word to encourage and empower us to overcome the wiles of the devil. God’s truth will never decay; it will never become contaminated or spoiled by the ruins of our personal behaviors or the behaviors of those who do not believe His Word is true.

I believe this is the message that Jesus wanted to stress in Luke 11:28. The woman in this passage realized how blessed Jesus’ mother must have been to birth Him and to nurse Him; however, Jesus’ thoughts on the matter of being blessed were from a different perspective. Jesus placed more honor upon those who would honor Him by hearing and obeying His Word than He did honoring His own mother. Let us heed Jesus’ advice and become not only hearers of the Word but doers as well. Then we can truly be happy in Jesus. –Rev. Faye S. Gunn

LOOKING WITHIN: Why is it that I can hear so clearly the voices around me but fail to hear the Lord when He speaks to me through His Word? What changes do I need to make so that I can hear God’s small quiet voice?

Dear God, help me each day to hide your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you. It is my heart’s desire not to just hear your Word but to obey it as well. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Atonement Tuesday, April 1, 2014AT ONE WITH GOD

READ: Romans 5:9-11 KEY VERSE: Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. -Romans 5:11 (NIV)

I read a comment from a secular humanist stating that the primary purpose of religion is to offer people a ritualistic mechanism to deal with death. I found this comment quite odd. I never associated church attendance or Bible study only as a means to cope with one’s impending departure from life. Obviously, this secularist was not a Baptist from Tennessee.

There are two possible explanations for this type of opinion. One is a misunderstanding of the meaning of atonement, and the second is a too casual or nonexistent relationship with God. Atonement means to be at one with someone or something and is essential for spiritual development and relationship. In the New Testament atonement is synonymous with reconciliation. To be reconciled with God is to be at one with God—at one in the here and now, not just in the hereafter. It is having the type of relationship that withstands anger, disappointment and betrayal.To understand atonement is to realize that reconciliation with God the Father is possible because of the atoning work of Jesus Christ, the Son. His death, burial, resurrection and eventual return are the rationale for faith being about more than only life after death. Atonement is the first step toward a fulfilling life right here, right now. –Minister Rosalind Brooks

LOOKING WITHIN: What is the purpose of my faith? Is it a means to escape an undesirable afterlife or am I seeking something more? Am I at one with God? Father, Savior and Holy Spirit, I desire to be at one with you. Help me to understand fully the atoning act of Jesus Christ through His death, burial, resurrection and eventual return. Guide me in my quest for relationship and may my journey end at your feet. Amen.

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FaithWednesday, April 2, 2014


READ: Hebrews 11:4-6KEY VERSE: But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. -Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)

The year 2013 was one of the most difficult and dismal years of my life. Admittedly, my faith at times began to dwindle. It would be during my lowest ebb that Pastor Wesley would preach a sermon that seemingly was just for me. I recall ever so vividly the sermon on Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord.” You cannot trust without having faith in our sovereign God. Faith in God helps us to be able to live our lives from the certainty of God’s eternal perspective and that surely must be the reward that we all are seeking.

Today’s key scripture verse was originally written to believers who were losing their faith. It is easy sometimes to lose your faith when you find yourself in the same predicament as those believers in chapter 11 of Hebrews. They, like us, had to be reminded that the only way you can overcome persecution and problems, doubts and delays, and frustrations and failures is to have faith in God who already knows the outcome of our every situation.

• Without faith, 24 hours can seem like an eternity when faced with a crisis.• Without faith, it is impossible to please God.• Without faith, we cannot grow and learn to trust God in all things.

God does not put problems in our lives and God does not always take them away no matter how long we may fast or pray. What God will do is walk with us through our faithless moments to help us to learn some valuable lessons from life’s challenges. God is concerned about how much we grow in our faith and trust in Him. No matter what life sets before us, never forget “without faith” it is impossible to please God. –Rev. Faye S. Gunn

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LOOKING WITHIN: Why do I sometimes lack faith? What are the stumbling blocks that hinder me from keeping my faith in a sovereign God who is able to do all things? How can I learn to trust God more?

Dear God, it is a blessing to offer thanks for your faithfulness to me. Lord, I want to please you by putting my total trust in you no matter what the circumstances of life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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PeaceThursday, April 3, 2014


READ: Matthew 11:25-30KEY VERSES: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. -Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

Does life ever get you down? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you feel overwhelmed by obligations, commitments and others’ expectations?

For me, the answer is a resounding yes! Every now and then I just want to run away and hide. But if you think about it, there really is no place to hide. Those burdens will travel with you wherever you go. Right?

Wrong. Jesus tells us that He will give rest to all who labor and are burdened. That includes me and you. Rest means peace. The peace that we need as we face life’s challenges and disappointments. The peace that helps us to keep going, putting one foot in front of the other believing that the Lord is walking alongside us through it all.

So the next time you just want to holler and throw up both your hands, give it a rest. Isaiah 26:3 tells us that the Lord will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is steadfast, because they trust in Him. Seek the peace, the rest that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, offers to those who seek him. –Barbranda Walls

LOOKING WITHIN: What burdens am I carrying that I need to lay down and seek God’s peace? What would God’s peace look like in my life?

Father God, please help me to lay my burdens down before you and receive the peace that passes all understanding that you so graciously offer to me. Let me rest in you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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SalvationFriday, April 4, 2014


READ: 2 Samuel 22:44-50; Psalm 18:45-47 KEY VERSE: “The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let God be exalted, The Rock of my salvation!” -2 Samuel 22:47 (NKJV)

There’s blessing in knowing that the Lord lives and saves us from our enemies. The writer of 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18 is King David. And he was rejoicing in the blessings of being delivered from very difficult situations. In reflecting on the victory and celebration of what God had done for him, David declared that the Lord lives, is his blessing as his rock or strong foundation, and is the rock of his salvation. God had delivered him from his enemies and from Saul, who had been out to get him. And now as David was beginning his reign over God’s people, we read his reflections of how the Lord had been so good to him, saving him from harm many times.

As a Christian, how comforting it is to know that the Lord lives in my life and is the “Rock of my salvation” today! I’m so glad to know that He died to rescue me from the wages of my sins and from death, providing a way for my salvation even before I entered the world. Just like David thought, when my enemies surrounded me—in school, on the job, at a party, in meetings, within my own family, and yes, even at church—the Lord rescues and saves me when I trust in Him. He is my salvation, the rock on whom I firmly rest and trust. And, like David, I will exalt and lift Him up as He is my salvation in every difficult situation. –Rev. Samuel Nixon Jr.

LOOKING WITHIN: Who or what do I look to to save me in difficult circumstances? How would my life change if I trusted the Lord as my rock and salvation?

Lord, teach me not to look for salvation from others or lean on that which will pass away over time. Let me exalt you in how I live, so that others will know that you are the rock of my salvation forever. Amen.

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SanctificationSaturday, April 5, 2014


READ: Jude 1:1-2KEY VERSE: “to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called…” -Jude 1:1a (KJV)

It’s a privilege to be called to do something good, something special. And it’s wonderful to be of service, especially when you know that it will ultimately benefit others, even when they (and sometimes you) don’t realize how and when. To be sanctified is to be sacredly set apart by God in His holiness. This special sacred designation on one’s life is initiated and brought to pass only by God the Father. It is the rarest of life’s experiences for any believer.

The writer of Jude confronts us in his bold, opening declaration that to be sanctified is only done by God and for His purpose. But it comes with certain allied conditions regarding our lives. A sanctified vessel of God is one who is preserved, or kept, in Christ Jesus, the Son of God. A sanctified person is also one who has been “called” or summoned, and operates under special authority or is on special mission in his or her life for the work of God’s kingdom. Isn’t it a joy to know as Christians that every day we’re called to be on special mission as sanctified vessels of God? –Rev. Samuel Nixon Jr.

LOOKING WITHIN: What is God calling me to do in His kingdom as His sanctified vessel?

Lord, help me to walk worthy of the vocation to which you have called me this day, knowing that I’m sanctified by you alone, and preserved in your Son, Jesus Christ, to do your holy will. Amen.

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MercyMonday, April 7, 2014MERCY: A CHOICE

READ: Romans 9:15-18KEY VERSES: For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. -Romans 9:15-16 (NIV)

To think that God actually makes a decision as to whether or not to have mercy upon someone is unnerving. Isn’t God supposed to be loving, kind and willing to extend mercy at all times and under any circumstance?

Mercy, as defined in the Miriam Webster Dictionary, is an act of divine favor or compassion. Mercy is the companion to the act of forgiveness. The two go hand in hand. Forgiveness is not allowing the pain of an offense to supersede one’s emotions. Mercy is the ability to coexist in a meaningful way with the person who caused the offense.

The human tendency regarding mercy is to dole it out according to a rating system. Utilizing a scale of 1 to 10 we decide whether or not to coexist with others based upon how we feel. If we like the person or if he or she fits our standards, we extend mercy. If we do not like the individual or consider the offense unforgivable, we will not extend mercy.

According to today’s passage in Romans, God also has a rating system. However, His decisions are based upon a different standard than ours. God’s purpose in mercy is to grow the faith of His people. God’s mercy is His ability to show lovingkindness in seemingly impossible situations. The Lord did not show mercy when dealing with Pharaoh because the purpose was to have Israel understand that He alone is all powerful. His purpose for us is that we will grow in Christian maturity to the point that we understand God’s power in all of our situations.

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There is purpose to God’s selection process and it is not a decision based upon some petty preference. The purpose is your maturity. –Minister Rosalind Brooks

LOOKING WITHIN: Are you utilizing a rating system when deciding whom to show mercy? To whom can you extend true mercy instead of doling it out based on your emotions?

Omnipotent Father, continue the process of maturation that you have begun in me. Allow me to discard my rating system and to see your hand at work in my life. As you have mercy upon me let me have mercy upon others. Amen.

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ForgivenessTuesday, April 8, 2014


READ: Matthew 6:1-15KEY VERSE: “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” -Matthew 6:15 (NAS)

Jesus gives us the command to forgive others: “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:21-35), or an infinite number of times. Jesus is not suggesting that we forgive; He is commanding us to forgive. When Jesus died upon the cross for our sins, His blood covered all of our sins. His death paid for every sin – no exceptions! Just as we have been forgiven, Jesus expects us to forgive others.

Can there be a prison worse than an unforgiving heart? If we refuse to forgive others, then we are only imprisoning ourselves and causing our own torment. One theologian has said, “Forgiveness frees the forgiver.”

To forgive is to pardon someone for an act of offense. As Matthew 18:22 implies, forgiveness comes by releasing others of the debt incurred when they have offended or hurt us. Forgiveness need not be face to face, tweeted or put on Facebook. However, it must be in our hearts. Those who have offended us may not desire our forgiveness. It may take an extra portion of grace, but Christians should forgive, remembering that God has forgiven us. –Curtis Howard

LOOKING WITHIN: How do I respond when someone offends me? Do I readily forgive or do I seek revenge or harbor resentment against him or her? What would Jesus have me to do?

Dear Father, help me to immediately forgive those who offend me. Help me keep bitterness and resentment from taking root in my heart. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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RighteousnessWednesday, April 9, 2014


READ: Psalm 5:1-12KEY VERSE: Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. -Psalm 5:12 (NIV)

There is a song that we sing at church during baptism called “Take Me to the Water.” One of the verses says: “None but the righteous, none but the righteous, none but the righteous shall see God.”

Who are the “righteous”? Are they the religious ones? Depending on our circle of friends and acquaintances, being called religious can be a good or a bad thing. To some, a religious person is someone who does not drink, attends church regularly and reads the Bible daily. To others, a religious person is no fun, spends too much time at church, and makes some people uncomfortable. The problem is that we look at an individual’s actions and define religious by what he or she does. We think if people do a lot of good things, then they are religious. So with that in mind, we wrongly equate religious with righteousness.

The Bible clearly states that we cannot achieve righteousness through our own efforts. We receive righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. God asks that we keep the law, the Ten Commandments. But we all fall short of God’s standards. A case in point is David, who God calls “a man after His heart.” But David fell short of God’s standards and was far from perfect. He scandalously committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband, the faithful soldier Uriah, killed. His life holds a mirror to our lives—he committed unrighteous acts. Yet David repented of his sins and sought God’s forgiveness. David prayed to be righteous and trusted in the Lord.

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Like David, the righteous truly seek God. The righteous, even though they may stumble, strive to live a life pleasing to God. And more than anything, the righteous believe Jesus Christ died for their sins. Because of Christ’s great sacrifice and our personal faith in Him we receive God’s gift of righteousness. It’s as simple as that. –Louise L. Nickens

LOOKING WITHIN: Do I equate righteousness with being good? Or do I believe it comes through faith in Jesus? Am I among the righteous?

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to stop, sit still, reflect and draw nearer to you during this season. Help me to be righteous according to your standards and through faith in your righteous son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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SacrificeThursday, April 10, 2014


READ: Romans 5: 5-10KEY VERSE: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8

We have often heard a parent, grandparent or other loving person say, “If only I could take this illness or hardship from my child or loved one, I would gladly do it.” It is in the nature of great love to wish to shield those we care for from pain, illness or tragedy. We would gladly sacrifice our well-being in order to protect them and keep the rough patches of life away. Unfortunately, we can’t eliminate their suffering just by wishing it away. But we do sacrifice our time, love and support to assist them in coping with what comes their way. We do this willingly and pray consistently that their burdens will be lightened.

If we are to emulate God’s demonstration of love and sacrifice, however, we must move beyond our personal circles and offer love to those we may not know and endure sacrifices for their well-being as well. We can do this through missions at the church, involvement in our communities, and by extending ourselves to those we see in need. There are so many young people who need guidance, encouragement and a belief that someone cares about their lives. Young mothers who shoulder great responsibilities could use a free evening for themselves, and a senior who spends days alone would love dinner with a family. We have so much to share that we rarely think to offer.

God’s love is all encompassing and freely given. We can never equal the sacrifice of His son Jesus for our sins but we can be better stewards of the gifts He has given us by sharing them with others. –Doris Hutchinson Collins

LOOKING WITHIN: When was the last time that I demonstrated God’s love by sharing my time and talents with someone who needed them? Do I see this type of sacrifice as a gift or a burden?

Father, thank you for the mercy you’ve shown me by sending Christ to lay down His life on my behalf. By your Spirit, help me share this sacrifice with others. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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EternityFriday, April 11, 2014TAKE THE PLUNGE

READ: Jude 1:20-25KEY VERSE: To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy. -Jude 1:24 (NIV)

I love watching the Olympics. I don’t get to view as much of the games as I’d like, but the events I do see are always thrilling. Watching athletes who’ve trained all their lives for the “big moment”—competing at the highest level in their respective sports—is breathtaking. Who can forget Michael Phelps’ eight gold medals in the 2008 Beijing Games? Although we can’t imagine the countless times the gold medalist plunged into the water since age 7, we know that he probably practiced on days when he was tired and sore, but practiced anyway building the muscles and perfecting the technique to reach the highest echelon of his sport. As believers, should we not be as diligent? Fortunately for us not only has our victory been won, we do not sojourn alone.

So why do we sometimes vacillate between faith and emotional moments of doubt? Like the diligent athlete, as Christians we are strengthened through the practice of prayer, meditation and study—but only His blood saves. We must continually plunge into the fountain filled with blood because His precious blood cleanses and heals. Jesus has already defeated death and our victory is won. We have been assured that we will never be forsaken and that we have an eternal home with Him. Take God at His Word. We have the victory, so take plunge and be made complete. –Nancy Myrick

LOOKING WITHIN: How does my life reflect that I have accepted Jesus as my savior and have heaven in view to spend eternity?

Heavenly Father, thank you for the healing blood of the Lamb. Amen.

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ThanksgivingSaturday, April 12, 2014


READ: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 (KJV)KEY VERSE: “I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ. -1 Corinthians 1:4

If you were sick and your Sunday School class teacher brought you a fruit basket, and you said, “Please tell everyone ‘Thank you’ for me,” the teacher would go back and give thanks on your behalf. You would be considerate to also thank the class for the gift when you were able to rejoin them. In our society it is customary to write a personal “thank you” note to show appreciation for gifts or kind deeds. We should thank God for our fellow church members. But we should not depend on others to do all our thanksgiving for us.

When you got up this morning, did you thank God for giving you health and strength? Did you go to God’s house and thank Him for the freedom to worship and serve Him? Did you thank Him for being able to worship Him right where you are? When you sat to eat, did you thank Him for the food and blessings He gives to you daily? After receiving an invitation to a birthday party, and spending major time searching for the perfect gift, you would expect the recipient to thank you. I have seen the parents of children thank each person as the gifts are opened. It means a whole lot more if the child takes time to express thanks for the presents.

Is someone else giving thanks on your behalf? Make sure you take time today to give thanks to the God who loves you and watches over you always. –Charles J. Monterio Sr.

LOOKING WITHIN: How will I say thanks to the Lord today?

Father God, thank you for the every blessing you have bestowed upon me. Help me to always give you thanks and be grateful for everything you do for me each day. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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FellowshipMonday, April 14, 2014TOGETHER AS ONE

READ: Acts 2:42-47KEY VERSE: All the believers were together and had everything in common. -Acts 2:44 (NIV)

The hymn writer Elisha Hoffman wrote, “What a fellowship, what a joy divine.” True fellowship is the gathering of believers in Christ who encourage each other. It’s a joyful thing. Fellowship is so very important to the Christian life because it is the opportunity for like-minded people to come together in God.

While church is often where believers come to fellowship with each other, the church is more than a building. The essence of church is your Christian family—the people who follow Christ and commit themselves to Him and to each other. Church is meant to create a personal relationship among Christians. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says: “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up.”

As a body of believers our fellowship is our strength. Remember, we are family and children of God. We must lift each other up. –Winston Gaskin

LOOKING WITHIN: What role do I play in the church? Am I making a contribution to ensure I uplift my fellow believers? Who has helped me when I have fallen? Who have I helped when they have fallen?

Lord, as each new day approaches, please give me new opportunities to surround myself with people who desire to be more like you. Keep me in the company of those who will encourage and challenge me in my Christian walk. Amen.

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GraceTuesday, April 15, 2014


READ: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10KEY VERSE: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” -2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s vision was to see youth with intellectual disabilities engage in an international sports event similar to the Summer or Winter Olympics. Over many years, she saw her dream come true with the establishment of the Special Olympics. When I see images on television of young people in wheelchairs or wearing prostheses participating in activities that reward their efforts and build self-esteem, I realize how trying their lives may have been. The proverb, “There but for the grace of God, go I,” comes to mind. Quickly, however, I recognize my error, because to suffer the unsufferable is made possible by God’s grace. By the same token, not having the difficulty at all also is by God’s grace.

Apostle Paul had a thorn in his side that he had to bear, but he knew Christ said, “My grace is sufficient.” God’s grace makes the unbearable bearable, injustices tolerable, and the insurmountable surmountable. In his meditation “He will give grace and glory,” 19th century pastor and author Charles H. Spurgeon wrote:

He gives grace to his elect because he wills it, to his redeemed because of his covenant, to the called because of his promise, to believers because they seek it, to sinners because they need it. … Sickness may befall, but the Lord will give grace; poverty may happen to us, but grace will surely be afforded; death must come but grace will light a candle at the darkest hour.

Grace does not keep us from the vicissitudes of life. Grace gets us through them. –Rita Womack

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LOOKING WITHIN: How can I appreciate the courage and fortitude of those who recognize their limitations as God’s grace and an opportunity to imitate Christ?

Thank you, Lord, for your grace. Help me understand it is your grace that sustains me whatever state I am in. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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HolinessWednesday, April 16, 2014HOLINESS IN THE LORD

READ: Psalm 99:1-6KEY VERSE: Our Lord and our God, we praise you and kneel down to worship you, the God of holiness! -Psalm 99:5 (CEV)

Although we reverence moments in our lives in different ways, there’s no comparison to how we reverence the presence of God. Even when we are not aware of His presence, He’s there with us and watching over us, every step of the way. And yet, many times we neglect the realization of who He fully is to us.

As God’s creation, we are reminded that there’s none other like Him. He’s perfect, sinless, sacred, pure, the judge of all, the seer of everything, the Creator…the only one whom we can reference and reverence as being holy and worthy of our worship. His holiness sets Him apart from everything, because there’s none holy but Him. And that’s the desire that we, who claim Him as Lord, are looking for as we draw nearer to Him each day—to be more like Him in His holiness.

Yes, we make our mistakes, we often fall short of what we should do, and we neglect the gifts that He provides us. Yet He calls us to “be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 20:7) He calls us to be more like Him. There’s also a fruitful and eternal benefit, as well as end result of being holy as the Lord: “Being made free from sin and . . . servants to God, you have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.” (Romans 6:22) –Rev. Samuel Nixon Jr.

LOOKING WITHIN: How do I strive to walk in the holiness of the Lord each day? How does my daily praise and worship of Him honor His holiness?

Lord, let me live more each day to walk in your holiness, to live my life unto you in such a way that my will be found in you and I bear fruit unto holiness in all I do. Amen.

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PrayerThursday, April 17, 2014


READ: Colossians 4:2-4KEY VERSE: Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. -Colossians 4:2 (NAS)

It is simple enough to say that prayer is “talking to God,” but it is really much more than that. To me, prayer is two-way communication with God.

Case in point: My husband and I recently heard from our older son Glenn, who lives in Georgia. He calmly told us that he had just returned from the emergency room. A physician’s assistant with military experience informed him that an X-ray showed shattered bone in his lower left arm and a dislocated elbow.

“The Bible-quoting surgeon on staff at the hospital requested an opinion from the surgeon who attends the injuries of players of the Atlanta Thrashers hockey team,” Glenn said. The two surgeons looked at the X-ray, determined the injury was critical, and that the degree of recovery could be predicted only after opening the now swollen, affected area.

Glenn is a commercial airline pilot and I was concerned that the injury could end his career. But as our son continued to brief us, I released the situation to God. I immediately asked the Lord to please send a surgeon with anointed hands to put the bones back in place and monitor Glenn’s recovery. “God, I trust you in this matter,” I prayed.

Almost immediately, my concern was replaced with a comforting, peaceful feeling. I felt God telling me to be calm. Surely He can fix a broken arm, I concluded, and six weeks later Glenn’s arm was nearly healed. For this I am thankful. –Curtis D. Howard

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LOOKING WITHIN: What am I asking the God to do for me today? How will I respond if His answer to my prayer is different from what I expected?

Dear heavenly Father, help me to stand on your promise: “And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” (Matthew 21:22). In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Love Friday, April 18, 2014


READ: 1 John 4:7-21; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 KEY VERSE: And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. -1 John 4:16 (NIV)

I grew up in a loving, Christian home where “I love you” was not said aloud. Today, with intention and sincerity, I say “I love you” to those with whom I have an intimate relationship. That’s because God is love (1 John 4:8), has communicated His love to us (1 John 4:7-12), and wants us to communicate it to those we love.

As I grow in Christ, I choose to express Christ love not only in deeds, but also in words. I believe hearing “I love you” empowers my loved ones to face whatever comes up with confidence and reassurance. I believe saying “I love you” is important because it is nourishing and healthy. It tells others that I hold them in high esteem and want only the best for them. It says I care and I will take care of them. The message assumes all the virtues listed in 1 Corinthians 13 and is a promise that my love will always be present.

Anyone who receives this three-word message, whether he or she knows it or not, has just heard “love,” the greatest gift, and is empowered by it. Tell someone you love them today! –Rita Womack

LOOKING WITHIN: Who needs to hear me tell them, “I love you” so that they may have a better day?

Lord, help me, in sincerity and truth, convey in words my love for those I care about most. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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PraiseSaturday, April 19, 2014


READ: Psalm 107:1-8KEY VERSE: Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! -Psalm 107:8 (NKJV)

Years ago a friend gave me a gratitude journal in which I could write down at least five things that I was grateful for every day. I have recorded things that most people would consider noteworthy—safe travel during a snowstorm, an unexpected bonus at work, healing after surgery. But there are things that I’ve also been thankful for that may have easily been overlooked: a friend’s warm hug, a good night’s rest, a sunny day, a free parking space in downtown D.C. in the middle of the afternoon.

It’s easier to remember to praise God when I can see on paper the blessings He has bestowed on me in any given day. But my prayer is to remember to praise Him right on the spot for not only the big things but also the little ones.

The psalmist in today’s scripture exhorts us to give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and wonderful works. And the greatest work He’s done for us is to die for our sins that we might live today and have eternal life with Him. Praise is responding to God for what He has done. So what has He done for you lately? Whatever it is, won’t you pause to praise Him for it right now? –Barbranda Walls

LOOKING WITHIN: How has the Lord blessed me today? What praise will I offer Him for the great—and small—things He has done?

Father God, I thank you and praise you for all the things you have done, are doing and will do for me. Let me not take any of your works for granted. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Glossary of TermsLENT is the period of the liturgical year from Ash Wednesday to Easter in the Christian tradition. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer—through prayer, repentance, almsgiving and self-denial—for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the death and resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ. There are traditionally 40 days in Lent. The six Sundays in this period are not counted because each one represents a “mini-Easter,” a celebration of Jesus’ victory over sin and death.

ASH WEDNESDAY is the first day of Lent and occurs 46 days before Easter. Ash Wednesday dates may differ each year because it is dependent on the date of Easter. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of mourning and repentance to God.

PALM SUNDAY is the Sunday before Easter. It commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and in many Christian churches Palm Sunday is marked by the distribution of Palm leaves.

MAUNDY THURSDAY is the Thursday before Easter that commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the apostles. The significance is derived from the Latin mandatum (A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another as I have loved you), the statement Jesus made in John 13:34 by which He explained to the apostles the significance of His action of washing their feet.

GOOD FRIDAY (“good” meaning pious or holy) is the Friday of Holy Week, observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His death at Calvary.

HOLY SATURDAY is the day before Easter and the last day of Holy Week in which Christians prepare for Easter. It commemorates the day that Jesus Christ’s body lay in the tomb.

TRIDUUM (TRID-uh-wum) is the period of three days that begins the evening of Maundy Thursday and ends the evening of Easter Sunday. It recalls the passion, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

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Alfred Street Baptist ChurchREV. DR. HOWARD-JOHN WESLEY, PASTOR

301 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA 22314Church Office 703-683-2222 | Fax 703-683-1718