Download - SINAMICS Smart Access Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2018 ......Unrestricted© Siemens Vietnam 2018 Page 6 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018 SINAMICS V/20G120 Smart Access

  • SINAMICS SmartAccess © Siemens AG 2018

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    Drive technology as a gateway to digitalization

    MindAppsInternal or third-party applications fortransforming data into knowledge

    MindSphereData transferred to MindSphere orthird-party clouds to generateknowledge

    MindConnectConnection to MindSphere viaMindConnect

    Drives and motorsIntegration of drives and motors usingengineering tools throughout themachine building cycle

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    Consistently integrated product portfoliofor drive technology










    NX MCD, SIZER, E-Plan DT Configurator, SIZER,TIA Selection Tool

    TIA Portal/SINAMICSStartdrive, SINAMICSWeb server, IOP-2

    TIA Portal / SINAMICSStartdrive, SINAMICSWeb server, IOP-2

    TIA Portal / SINAMICSStartdrive, IOP-2,SINAMICS Web server,Analyze MyDrives,Motion Control Services

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    SINAMICS V20/G120 Smart AccessCommissioning, operation and diagnostics at your fingertips



    G120 SmartAccess

    For Sinamics V20 For Sinamics G120

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    SINAMICS V20/G120 Smart Access ModuleConnect your mobile/end device in less than one minute


    Mount Smart Access ontoSINAMICS V20/G120 and

    switch on the module


    Search SINAMICS V20/G120Smart Access in your

    Wi-Fi networks(default password: 12345678)


    Open browser to accessthe page (

    A step 4 for password changing is mandatory for the 1st access4*


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    SINAMICS V/20G120 Smart AccessMain functions

    Backup & restoreQuick way to save or restore theparameterization of the drive.

    ParametersCheck and set parameter values. Savethe preferred parameters in acustomizable list or reset the drive tothe factory settings.

    MonitoringOverview over the most importantonline values.

    DiagnosticsGet a quick overview over all currentfaults and alarms, receive tips how tosolve the issues and acknowledgethe errors. Furthermore the status ofall signal in-/outputs.

    Basic commissioningQuick commissioning wizard thatcovers the areas of motor data,connection and application settingsas well as common used parameters.

    Control panelControl panel with basic functions.Supporting JOG mode and static setpoint mode.

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    SINAMICS V20/G120 Smart AccessBottom Toolbar



    The supportinformation is

    displayed here an canbe edited


    System settings formthe SAM can here be


    Drive Identification

    All importantinformation isdisplayed here

  • Unrestricted © Siemens Vietnam 2018Page 8 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018

    The motor type can be setprecisely

    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessQuick commissioning wizard (1/3)

    The inverter can be resetbefore commissioning or the

    existing settings can beused

    The first step is to choosethe application class

    The second step is to set themost important motor data.

    Depending on the motortype, the motor data can be

    set automatically

  • Unrestricted © Siemens Vietnam 2018Page 9 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018

    It can be selected betweenlinear char and parabolic


    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessQuick commissioning wizard (2/3)


    The selected I/Oconfiguration is displayed

    The I/O configuration can bechanged by clicking on the

    marked button

    The next step is to setimportant parameters for the


  • Unrestricted © Siemens Vietnam 2018Page 10 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018

    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessQuick commissioning wizard (3/3)


    Before the optimization,a motor data

    identification must beperformed

    After the completion ofthe commissioning thesettings can be tested

    with the JOG

  • Unrestricted © Siemens Vietnam 2018Page 11 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018

    The JOG speed can notbe changed, because it

    is defined duringcommissioning

    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessJOG (1/2)


    The JOG providesfunctions for basic


    In order to use the JOGand to cover safety

    rules, the control mustbe optained

    By default the JOG modeis enabled. Press one

    button to spin the drivein the displayed way

  • Unrestricted © Siemens Vietnam 2018Page 12 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018

    Before you can leave thecontrol panel you have to

    explicitly return the controlto the normal command


    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessJOG (2/2)


    To run the drive in “normal”setpoint mode, please

    switch from JOG to handmode

    Set a speed and start thedrive by pressing the greenbutton. The motor will start

    spinning until the stopbutton is pressed

    To change the direction inwhich the motor rotates or

    stop it use the buttons at thebottom left.

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    An error report can be sentvia mail by clicking on the

    send all button. The defaultmailing program will beopened with the report.

    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessDiagnostics (1/2)


    Overview over all currentlyactive faults and alarms.More information on the

    issue is provided by clickingon the issue.

    If needed the fault and alarmhistory can be made visible

    by activating the togglebutton at the top.

    After fixing the issuecausing the errors clickingthe Acknowledge all faultsbutton will clear the errors


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    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessDiagnostics (2/2)


    I/OOverview over all Input and outputchannels of the drive.Shows online values for analog I/Osignals as well as online status“green==1 and gray==0” for digitalI/Os.

    Status bitShows the status of the mostimportant bits of the drive internalstate machine.

    2 3

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    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessParameters (1/2)


    On this site you get anoverview over all the

    parameters of your drive.Values are real time values.

    By clicking on a parameteradditional information is

    shown and if not locked ( state) the parameter

    value can be changed

    There is a keyword barwhich helps you quickly findthe dedicated parameter you

    are looking for

    The filter function evenfurther simplifies the workwith the parameter list with

    predefined parametergroups.

  • Unrestricted © Siemens Vietnam 2018Page 16 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018

    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessParameters (2/2)


    To keep all frequently usedparameters in one group theindividual “My parameters

    group” is available.

    To customize that grouppress the “+” symbol and

    choose the parameters youparticulary interested in by

    checking them on.

    After changing parametersettings they can be savedto EEPROM or even be setas new user default values

    If the drive needs to bereset there is the choicebetween factory settingsand user default settings

  • Unrestricted © Siemens Vietnam 2018Page 17 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018

    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessMonitoring


    Online ValuesDisplays the most important online valuesfrom the Inverter

    Faults and alarmsIf there are any active faults or alarms thathave an influence on the inverter, theseare displayed in the status

  • Unrestricted © Siemens Vietnam 2018Page 18 Siemens Digital Ecosystem Partner Conference 2018

    SINAMICS G120 Smart AccessBackup & Restore


    A backup can be savedand restored from an

    SD card

    To Create a backup ofyour parameter settingsyou have to set a nameand click on “Back up

    After the backup hasbeen created, it can be

    downloaded andrestore.

    A backup can be savedas readable XML file

  • Live demo

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    Thank you!

    Nguyen Thanh DuyTechnical ConsultantSLV DF MC GMCMobile: 0904258799E-Mail:[email protected]