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Page 1: Simulation using model sim

VHDL 360©

by: Amr Ali

Page 2: Simulation using model sim

CopyrightsCopyright © 2010 to authors. All rights reserved• All content in this presentation, including charts, data, artwork and

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• Users are granted to access, display, download and print portions of this presentation, solely for their own personal non-commercial use, provided that all proprietary notices are kept intact.

• Product names and trademarks mentioned in this presentation belong to their respective owners.

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• Using ModelSim to compile and simulate a given design unit

• Skills gained:– Identify basic Simulator commands

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• Command Line Simulation– Compile and Simulate– Add Signals to Wave– Applying Inputs

• Interactive Simulation

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Command Line Simulation

• Make sure Modelsim exists in the path by doing the following– Windows:

• Start run -> cmd• In cmd window:

vsim -version

– Linux:• In any shell:

vsim -version

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Command Line Simulation• Create VHDL file

– Edit the file my_demo1.vhd– Insert the text and save

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LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

ENTITY andgate IS port (a, b: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); c: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ); END ENTITY;


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Compile and Simulate

vlib work

vcom <VHDL files>

vsim <top level>

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• vlib: creates a library to compile and simulate the code with

• vcom: compiles VHDL files, the files should be ordered in a hierarchal way [leaf level first then top]

• vsim: starts the simulator to simulate the top level module

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Add signals to Wave

• RMB on any signal in the Objects window Add to Wave signals in Region

• Now start applying inputs and monitor outputs

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Applying Inputs

• RMB on input port force

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• In the “value” field, insert an appropriate value OK

• Apply inputs to other inputs

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Run Simulation

• Press run button

• Monitor the output

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Make Files

On Unix:• If you changed the code you will have to recompile the

design files again.• A make file is used to do repetitive compilation and

simulation tasks; “Make” knows which files have been edited and automatically compiles only changed files.

• ModelSim offers a simple way to automatically generate a Makefile for your design hierarchy. vmake work > Makefile

• To recompile code at anytime just type make

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Interactive Simulation

• File new project• Insert project name

and location; leave other fields with defaults

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Interactive Simulation

• In “Add items to the project” window choose “Create new file”

• Insert file name• Make sure to select


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Interactive Simulation• Create VHDL file

– Edit the file my_demo1.vhd– Insert the text and save

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LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

ENTITY andgate IS port (a, b: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); c: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ); END ENTITY;


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Compile VHDL files

• Select the file RMB compile selected

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• Simulate menu Start Simulation

• Expand work library and select andgate OK

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• You can contact us at:–

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