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  • 7/29/2019 Simplified EEE


    Simplified Multilevel Inverter Topology

    V.Prasath, K.Prem kumar M.Tech-Power Electronics And Drives, SRM University

    AbstractMultilevel converters offer high

    power capability, associated with lower

    output harmonics and lower commutation

    losses. This work reports a new multilevel

    inverter topology using an H-bridge output

    stage with a bidirectional auxiliary switch.

    Many different PWM-strategies for multi-

    level inverters exist. This paper proposes the

    various multi-level circuits with PWM

    strategies for Inverters. Operating

    principles with switching functions are

    analyzed for Single Phase Five level PWM

    inverter. The controller is also designed to

    keep the output voltage sinusoidal and to

    have high dynamic performances. The new

    topology is used in the design of a five-level

    inverter; only five controlled switches, eight

    diodes, and two capacitors are required to

    implement the five-level inverter using the

    proposed topology.


    The different topologies presented in

    the literature as multilevel converters are show

    as characteristics in common, giving them

    some clear advantages over bi-level converters,

    such as reduction in the commutation

    frequency applied to the power components

    reduction in the voltages applied to the main

    power switches, enabling operation at higher

    load voltage transient voltages automatically

    limited. The main disadvantage associated with

    the multilevel configurations is requiring a highnumber of power switches. Multilevel

    converters were used only in some high power

    applications such as high power motor drivers

    in marine, mining, or chemical industries

    applications, high power transmission, power

    line conditioners, etc. The continuing

    development of high power high switch

    frequency devices such as insulated-gate

    bipolar transistors (IGBTs) working at 3.3, 4.5,

    and 6.5 kV, and insulated-gate commutated

    thyristors (IGCT) working at 4.5 or 6 kV[1]

    has improved overall converter performance,

    renewing the interest in multilevel topologies,

    that may be able to compete in the market with

    the standard two-level pulse width modulation

    (PWM) converters at lower power ranges. As a

    contribution to solve these twin problems

    (cumbersome power stages and complex firing

    control circuits), this work proposes a new

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    converter topology, presented as a block

    diagram in Fig. 1. This topology includes an H-

    bridge stage with an auxiliary bidirectional

    switch, drastically reducing the power circuit

    complexity. [3]

    These two concepts are used in the

    design of the five-level bridge converter

    presented below.[1] The new converter

    topology used in the power stage offers an

    important improvement in terms of lower

    component count and reduced layout

    complexity when compared with the five-level

    converters presented in the literature. The new

    topology achieves almost a 40% reduction in

    the number of main power switches required

    and uses no more diodes or capacitors.

    Fig 1




    In high power system, the multilevel

    inverters can appropriately replace the exist

    system that use traditional multi-pulse

    converters. All three multilevel inverters can be

    used in reactive power compensation without

    having the voltage unbalance problem. Table

    1.1 compares the power component

    requirements per phase leg among the three

    multilevel voltage source inverter mentioned

    below. It shows that the number of main

    switches and main diodes, needed by the

    inverters to achieve the same number of

    voltage levels.[6] Clamping diodes were not

    needed in flying-capacitor and cascaded-

    inverter configuration, while balancing

    capacitors were not needed in diode clamp and

    cascaded-inverter configuration. Implicitly, the

    multilevel converter using cascaded-inverters

    requires the least number of components. [7]

    Comparison of power component

    requirements per phase leg among

    three multilevel invertersIn very high power application

    especially with very high input voltage,

    traditional two-level VSIs could not avoid to

    sue the series connected semiconductor

    switches so as to cope with limitations of

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    device rating utilized and it may be very

    cumbersome and even problematic mainly due

    to difficulty of device matching deteriorating

    utilization factor of switching devices.[5] The

    multilevel topology, however, suggests a good

    solution for such a problem.

    Table 1.1



    H bridge











    4 8 8 8



    1 0 0 0

    diodes 8 20 8 8

    Capacitors 2 4 10 2

    Auxiliary devices (diodes, capacitor):

    The new configuration reduces the

    number ofdiodesby 60 %( eight instead of 20)

    and the number of capacitors by 50 %( two

    instead of four) when compared with the diode

    clamped configurations.[6] The new

    configuration reduces the number of capacitors

    by 80 %( two instead of 10) when compared

    with capacitor clamped configuration. The new

    configuration uses no more diodes or

    capacitors that the second best topology in the

    table, the symmetric cascade configuration.

    Additionally, since the two capacitors are

    connected in parallel with the main dc power

    supply, no significant capacitor voltage swing

    is produced during normal operation, avoiding

    a problem that can limit operating range in

    some other multilevel configurations.[4][6]

    Power stage operation:

    The required five voltage output levels (Vs,

    Vs/2, 0,-Vs/2,-Vs)

    Maximum positive output (Vs):

    Switch1 is ON, connecting the load

    positive terminal to Vs, and switch 4 is ON,

    connecting the load negative terminal to

    ground. All other controlled switches are OFF;

    the voltage applied to the load terminal is Vs.

    Fig.2shows the current paths that are active at

    this stage.[8]

    Half-level positive output (Vs/2):

    The auxiliary switch, switch 5 is ON,

    connecting the load positive terminal to point

    A, through diodes D5 and D8, and switch 4 is

    ON, connecting the load negative terminal to

    ground. All other controlled switches are OFF;

    the voltage applied to the load terminals is

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    Zero output:

    Two main switches switch3 and switch4

    are ON, short-circuiting the load. All other

    controlled switches are OFF; or the main

    switches switch1 and switch2 are ON, short-

    circuiting the load. All other controlled

    switches are OFF; the voltage applied to the

    load terminal is zero.[8]

    Half-level negative output (-Vs/2):

    The auxiliary switch, switch 5 is ON,

    connecting the load positive terminal to point

    A, through diodes D6 and D7, and switch 2 is

    ON, connecting the load negative terminal to

    Vs. All other controlled switches are OFF; the

    voltage applied to the load terminals is (-Vs/2).

    Maximum negative output (-Vs):

    Switch2 is ON, connecting the load

    negative terminal to Vs, and switch3 is ON,

    connecting the load positive terminal to

    ground. All other controlled switches are OFF;

    the voltage applied to load terminals is (-

    Vs).Fig.9 shows the current paths that are

    active at this stage. . In this configuration the

    two capacitors in the capacitive voltage divider

    are connected directly across the DC bus, and

    since all switching combinations are activated

    in an output cycle, the dynamic voltage balance

    between the two capacitors is automatically

    restored. The switching combinations that

    generate the required five output levels (Vs,

    Vs/2, 0,-Vs/2,-Vs).[4]

    Fig.2 waveform of 5-level output.

    Table 1.2

    Switching combinations required to

    generate the five-level output voltage


    S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 VRL







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    The switching patterns adopted in the proposed


    Generally, it is important that the

    harmonic components of output voltage

    produced by inverter itself should be reduced

    to alleviate the output current ripple and the

    core loss of inductor.[7] The developed

    inverter is simulated and the output voltages

    waveforms are represented. The figures given

    below represent the simulated results of output

    voltage and current for various modulation

    index from 0.4-1.4.

    Fig.4 Switching Pattern of the proposed single

    phase five level PWM inverter

    The figure given above represents the

    switching pattern developed for the proposed

    inverter. The figure represents the carrier and

    reference signal in the first part, the remaining

    parts gives the pulse for switches 1,2,3,4, and 5

    respectively. There are two carrier waves

    generated along with a reference wave. The

    switching pattern is developed by the PWM

    block for the proposed inverter. The switches

    are turned on and off according to the gate

    signals given for the switches. The output

    voltage according to the switch ON-OFF

    conditions are given in the Table.

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    Table 1.3

    Output Voltage according to the

    Switch ON-OFF Conditions


    Multilevel inverters have become an effective

    and practical solution for increasing power and

    reducing harmonics of ac waveforms. The

    main advantages of multilevel PWM inverters

    are 1) The series connection allows higher

    voltage without increasing voltage stress on

    switches.2) Multilevel waveforms reduce the

    dv/dt at the output of an inverter.3) At the same

    switching frequency, a multilevel inverter can

    achieve lower harmonic distortion due to more

    levels the output waveform in comparison to a

    single cell inverter. 4) Lower switching losses.

    5) Higher voltage capability. 6) Higher power

    quality. 7) They are 8) The efficiency is very

    high (>98%) because of the minimum

    switching frequency .9) They can improve the

    power quality and dynamic stability for utility

    systems.10) They are suitable for medium to

    high power applications. Thus the multi-level

    inverters are used in various fields.

    There are many multilevel inverters

    developed according to the voltage levels

    required. This project deals with the design and

    implementation of single-phase five-level

    PWM inverter. The sinusoidal PWM technique

    is involved in the design which has several

    advantages over other modulation techniques.

    The operational and the switching functions are

    analyzed in detail. In addition it is compared

    with the conventional three-level PWM

    inverter, smaller filter size, improved output

    waveform and other advantages.

    The simulation results shows that the

    developed five-level PWM inverter has many

    merits such as reduce number of switches,

    lower EMI, less harmonic distortion. And the

    THD of the proposed inverter is considerably

    alleviated and the dynamic responses are also

    improved significantly. Thus proposed inverter

    involves many advantages over the



    Node A



    Node B





    VAB= Vo

    S1,S4 Vd 0 +Vd

    S5,S4 Vd /2 0 +Vd/2


    (or S1,S2)

    0(Vd) 0(Vd) 0

    S2,S5 0 Vd/2 -Vd/2

    S2,S3 0 Vd -Vd

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    conventional inverter. The study can further be

    investigated by employing control schemes to

    have higher dynamic responses and by using

    higher level inverters.


    [1] G. Sinha and T. A. Lipo, A four-level

    inverter based drive with a passive front end,

    IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 15, no. 2,

    pp.285294, Mar. 2000.

    [2] N. P. Schibli, T. Nguyen, and A. C. Rufer,

    A three-phase multilevelconverter for high-

    power induction motors, IEEE Trans. Power.

    Electron.,vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 978986, Sep.


    [3] M. D. Majrekar, P. K. Steimer, and T. A.

    Lipo, Hybrid multilevel power conversion

    system: a competitive solution for high-power

    applications,IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.., vol. 36,

    no. 3, pp. 834841, May/Jun. 2000.

    [4] L. M. Tolbert and T. G. Habertler, Novel

    multilevel inverter carrier-based PWM

    method, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 35, no.

    5, pp.10981107, Sep./Oct. 1999.

    [5] M. Marchesoni and P. Tensa, Diode-

    clamped multilevel converters: a practicable

    way to balance DC-link voltages,IEEE Trans.

    Ind. Electron.,vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 752765, Aug.


    [6] E. J. Bueno, R. Garcia, M. Marrn, and F.

    Espinosa, Modulation Techniques

    Comparison for Three Levels VSI Converters,

    in Proc. IEEE28th Annu. Conf. Ind. Electron.

    Soc., Nov. 2002, vol. 2, pp. 908913..

    [7] D. E. Soto-Sanchez and T. C. Green,

    Voltage balance and control in a multi-level

    unified power flow controller, IEEE Trans.

    Power Delivery, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 732738,

    Oct. 2001.

    [8] Gerardo Ceglia, Vctor Guzmn A New

    Simplified Multilevel Inverter Topology for

    DCAC Conversion