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  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Mountain Pose against the wall with arms raised above your head

    Mountain Pose against the wallwith bound arms raised above headTadasana Urdhva Baddha Hastasana

    This pose helps to create length and space in the spine, which can be compressed

    during pregnancy. It lifts the spirits, helping to treat depression and boost self-


    Stand against a wall with your feet hip width apart. Have the backs of your heels and base of your skull

    touching the wall.

    Exhale and stretching up through the crown of your head, mindfully lift your arms in front of you to

    shoulder level with your palms facing one another.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Mountain Pose against the wall with arms raised above your head

    Pause here. Roll your biceps to face the ceiling and move them up toward the clavicals.

    Now raise your arms above your head so that they are perpendicular to the floor.

    If you are tight in the shoulders this may not be possible without bending your arms.

    If this is the case it is fine to have your arms in front of your head.

    Bring your awareness back to your feet. Spread your toes, press in to the balls of your feet and heels

    evenly, and lift your arches up. Move your top buttocks to your bottom buttocks and move your pubic
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Mountain Pose against the wall with arms raised above your head

    bone towards your navel. Lift your lower ribcage away from your pelvis and stretch through to your

    fingertips from your waist.

    Slide the entire inside blades of your scapula down toward your sacrum and press the bottom points of

    your scapula in to the back of your ribcage. Stretch your fingertips, sides of your neck and crown of your

    head up toward the ceiling.

    Press your feet down as you stretch your fingertips further up toward the sky. Breathe evenly.

    Keep your eyes, face and throat soft. Make sure that your chin is level and your gaze is level.

    To come out of the pose; exhale your arms down the front of your body, coming to stand in tadasana

    with your arms at your sides.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Half Standing Forward Bend with Hands on the Wall

    Half Standing Forward Bend with Hands on the WallArdha Uttanasana

    This pose increases flexibility in the front chest and armpit area, and builds strength in

    the back chest and shoulders. This helps to relieve tension in the shoulders, built up

    from stress and helps to increase lung capacity. As the body is coming forward over the

    legs, the hamstring muscles are being lengthened while the quadriceps are being


    Begin by standing in tadasana, facing the wall.

    Press all four corners of your feet into the mat.

    Place your hands mindfully on the wall at hip height, with the fingers spread.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Half Standing Forward Bend with Hands on the Wall

    Step back with your feet hip width apart and lower your torso until you come into a flat back position,

    keeping your ears in line with your upper arms.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Half Standing Forward Bend with Hands on the Wall

    Press the big toe mound, little toe mound, inner heel and outer heel down into the floor.

    Move the outer calf muscles back and press the top of the shinbone down into the heel, to open up the

    backs of the knee.

    Move both sides of your pubic bone, your inner thighs and your outer thighs back. These actions will

    press the top of the front thigh onto the thighbone and lengthen the lower back.

    Press your index finger and thumb mound firmly into the wall.

    Move the inside blade of your scapula down your spine, towards your ischium bones. Press the bottom

    tip of your scapula into the back ribcage and lift the lower sternum into the diaphragm, so that the front

    and back body are of even length.

    Take long, smooth and even breaths here.

    To come out of the pose bend your knees, step your feet toward the wall and bring your body to upright.

    Bring your hands by your sides and stand here in tadasana, breathing naturally.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Half Standing Forward Bend with Hands on the Wall
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Half Standing Forward Bend with Hands on the Wall
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Forward Facing Extended Prayer Pose

    Forward Facing Extended Prayer PoseAdho Mukha Utthita Namaste

    Practising this pose increases flexibility in the shoulder region in a very safe way. It

    teaches the practitioner how to open the shoulders, while keeping the lower ribcage

    contained and the sacrum long. This pose releases tension in the shoulders and

    increases lung capacity. It is an excellent preparatory pose for Feather of a Peacock

    Pose, and Headstand.

    Begin this pose by lying on your front in prone savasana. Have your heels rolling away from one

    another, your arms relaxed and your forehead on the floor.

    Bring your inner thighs, inner knees and inner ankles together. Extend your fingertips toward your heels,

    so that your arms are straight and energized. Lengthen your sacrum towards your heels and draw your

    pubic bone towards your navel.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Forward Facing Extended Prayer Pose

    Breathe here, feeling the alignment of your spine in Prone Mountain Pose.

    Bend your elbows one at a time and bring your elbows on to the floor in front of you. Have your inner

    elbows, forearms, and palms merging into one another. It may not be possible at this point in time to

    have your elbows and forearms together. But over time, with persistent practice, it will happen.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Forward Facing Extended Prayer Pose

    Move your elbows away from the crown of your head, descending your upper arm bones down to the


    Check that your sacrum is still moving towards your heels, and that your pubic bone is moving towards

    your navel.

    Roll the tops of your arms and your biceps to the ceiling, and your underneath arms and your triceps to

    the floor. Move your triceps to your elbows and your biceps to your heels.

    Breathe here inhaling for four. and exhaling for four.

    Allow your armpits to open up and move closer to the earth. Eventually the whole of your upper arm

    bones will descend on the floor.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Forward Facing Extended Prayer Pose

    To come out of the pose; release your arms one by one and bring them back by your sides. Relax your

    arms and legs, and rest here in prone savasana.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Forward Facing Extended Prayer Pose
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Downward Facing Dog

    Downward Facing DogAdhomukha Svanasana

    In downward facing dog the head is lower than the heart; this allows the brain to be

    bathed in blood, calming the brain and gently stimulating the nerves. It checks heavy

    menstrual flow and helps to prevent hot flushes during menopause. On a purely

    physical level, downward facing dog stretches the entire back body, especially the arms,

    shoulders, hips hamstrings, calves and Achilles tendon.

    Place your hands mindfully on to your mat with your fingers evenly spread.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Downward Facing Dog

    Tuck your toes underneath, lift your sitting bones and allow them to pull you up and back into downward

    facing dog.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Downward Facing Dog

    Move your pelvis into a dog tilt position and press the top of your thighs firmly on to your femur bones,

    creating length and spaciousness in the spine.

    Check that your feet are straight, your toes are spread evenly and your heels are descending toward the


    Breathe here, feeling the whole body being stretched and opened. Notice yourprana or life force flowing

    through your body. Notice any points of resistance, breathing in to them deeply.

    In downward facing dog the head is lower than the heart; this allows the brain to be bathed in blood,

    calming the brain and gently stimulating the nerves. It checks heavy menstrual flow and helps to prevent

    hot flushes during menopause. On a purely physical level, downward facing dog stretches the entire

    back body, especially the arms, shoulders, hips hamstrings, calves and Achilles tendon
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Downward Facing Dog

    Exhale, come down on to your hands and knees and quietly bring yourself to kneeling in vajrasana.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Downward Facing Dog

    Connect to your breath and come in to this present moment.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Revolved Thunderbolt Pose
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Revolved Thunderbolt Pose

    Now firmly press the back of your left hand on to your outside right knee, and use this as leverage to

    draw your left side body further around towards the right.

    At the same time, use the support of your right hand and arm to take your right side body back.

    Breathe here, ensuring that your fontanel is in line with your pelvic floor.

    To deepen; take your right hand to your left foot, lift up through your armpit chest, and move the bottom

    tips of both scapulas firmly into your back.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Revolved Thunderbolt Pose

    Remember to keep your armpit chest lifted, as you press the bottom tips of your scapulas into your back,

    elongating both your front and back collar bones.

    When you are ready to turn a little more, deepening into the movement, take your left hand to your right

  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Revolved Thunderbolt Pose

    Inhale as you move back to the centre, and sit quietly for a few more breaths.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Locust Pose

    Locust Pose


    Due to the position of the front of the body against the ground, there is pressure, and a

    stretch to the abdomen, so this movement will help digestion. It can also give relief to

    those suffering from flatulence. When there is correct action in the lumbar region, the

    lower back will be strengthened and made stable.

    Begin by lying prone.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Locust Pose

    Bring your forehead on to the floor and your legs together. With the tops of your feet against the floor,

    have your legs and arms straight, palms facing skyward. Lengthen your lower back, by drawing your

    navel towards your spine, and tucking your coccyx in, so that your coccyx feels as though it is moving

    closer to your pubic bone.

    Simultaneously, raise your head, chest, arms, and legs away from the floor.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Locust Pose

    Squeeze your legs together, whilst you maintain the extension in your back, and up through your legs.Keep your arms straight and lift your armpits and chest, as you descend your scapulas toward your


    Keep your breath flowing smoothly.

    Exhale; release carefully down to the floor and rest for a few breaths, with your right ear on the floor.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap

    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strapSupta Padangusthasana

    The hamstring muscles at the back of the thigh originate from the bottom of the pelvis. When

    these muscles are tight they can pull the pelvis out of alignment, causing lower back pain. This

    pose is wonderful for those who suffer from lower back issues as it helps to realign the pelvis

    and lengthen the hamstring muscles. The sciatic nerve is also affected by tightness in this area

    as it runs from the pelvis through the buttocks and down through the hamstring muscles. Any

    poses like this one - that stretches these muscles - will help to relieve sciatic pain.

    Begin by sitting in dandasana.

    Bend your knees and on an exhalation, slowly roll down your spine to come to lying on your back.

    Extend your left leg and bend your right knee into your chest.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap

    Place the strap around the ball of your right foot, holding the strap in each hand. Have your shoulders

    relaxed and your chest open. Inhale and straighten your right leg.
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  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap

    Roll your right outer hip down so that the ischium bones are level. Extend through your right heel,

    pressing your inner right heel away from you, so that your foot is square to the ceiling.

    As the stretch begins to diminish, bring the right leg closer to your chest by walking your hands further

    up the strap. Then again, allow your shoulders to relax toward the floor.

    Elongate both your inner heels and the crown of your head away from your pelvis so that you are

    pressing outward in all directions.

    Lengthen your waist, elongating both sides evenly and soften your lower rib cage back towards the floor.

    Move the inside blades of your scapula down your spine and into the body, keeping your heart centre


    Bring your awareness back to the breath, inhaling for four and exhaling for four.

    Observe the tendencies of your mind, what are your ingrained thinking patterns that are being repeated

    over and over again? Do not judge or analyse them, just observe it and then bring your awareness back

    to the breath.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap

    On your next exhalation bend your right knee, release the strap and come to lying on your back, resting

    here for a moment.

    Now bend your left leg into your chest.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap

    Place the strap around the ball of your foot. Holding on to the strap with both hands, inhale and

    straighten your left foot to the ceiling.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap

    Extend your right leg strongly from your right inner ischium bone to your right inner heel.

    Pull your right little toe back towards you, so that the foot is vertical and all the toes are in a line.

    Press the back of the right thigh down into the mat.

    Roll your left outer hip down so that the ischium bones of the pelvis are level.

    Extend through your left heel, pressing your inner left heel away from you, so that your foot is square to

    the ceiling.

    Again, as the stretch begins to diminish, bring the raised leg closer to your chest by walking your hands

    further up the strap.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap

    Lengthen your waist, elongating both sides evenly, and draw your lower rib cage back. Against this,

    press your scapula into the back of your rib cage, keeping your heart centre open.

    Relax the front of your throat and soften your facial muscles. Let your eyes soften back into their eye

    sockets and broaden the skin on your forehead.

    Bring your awareness back to the breath and the tendencies of the mind.

    On your next exhalation bend your left knee, release the strap and come to lying on your back. Breathe

    here, feeling the whole of your back body on the mat.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose with a strap

    Inhale your chin into your chest and roll up through your spine to come to sitting in dandasana.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Happy Childs Pose

    Happy Childs PoseAnanda Balasana

    With the body in this position, the abdominal organs are being squeezed. When the

    body is released the organs will be flushed with a fresh supply of blood, helping to aid

    digestive, excretory and reproduction function. In this pose the inner groins receive a

    gentle stretch, also aiding in supplying the pelvic area and organs of the reproduction

    system with fresh blood. Because of this, this is a helpful pose for women suffering from


    Begin by sitting in dandasana.

    Bend your knees and roll down through your spine, to come to lying on the floor.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Happy Childs Pose

    Bring your knees in toward your armpits and take hold of your big toes with your thumb, middle and

    index fingers.

    Position both your ankles over your knees, so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor and bring

    your knees closer to your armpits.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


    Happy Childs Pose

    If you cant hold on to your toes you can take a strap and place it around the sole of each foot.

    Press your big toe mounds and inner heels up toward the ceiling and move your little toe mounds and

    outer heels down toward your knees. This action will ensure that your feet are flat as in tadasana.

    Now push your feet up in to your hands or belts, as you pull your hands down toward your body. This

    will do two things; firstly it will deepen the stretch in your groins, secondly it will open your chest more so

    that the breath can flow freely.

    Connect with your breath, noticing its texture. Is it smooth or shaky, long or shallow, even or uneven?

    Witness the breath, without changing the breath.

    Allow your eyes to soften into their eye sockets, the skin on your forehead to be broad and your voice

    box to relax.

    The muscles that run along the back of the spine are gently stretched in this pose, as well as the spinal

    column, kidneys and adrenals. This action helps to calm the nervous system and quieten the mind.

    Inhale Exhale

    Quietly bring your heels toward your buttocks, release your hands and hug your knees in to your chest.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga




    Savasana should always be practised at the end of every asana practise or any time on

    its own. It unites the mind, body, emotions and spiritual aspects of the self together. It

    relieves physical and mental fatigue and soothes the sympathetic nervous system. It

    speeds up recovery after illness and helps toward a refreshing, dreamless sleep. It is a

    boon for those who suffer from sleeping disorders and insomnia.

    To prepare forsavasana, take whatever clothes you need to put on, to maintain a comfortable body

    temperature, and two blankets. Place one folded blanket at the top of your mat to rest your head on and

    the other blanket to put over you to keep warm.

    Sit in dandasana with a blanket at the end of your feet. Now bend your knees and bring your buttocks

    toward your heels. Take hold of the blanket. Lower your back vertebrae by vertebrae onto your mat,

    pulling your blanket over you as you roll down.
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    Rest your head on the folded blanket and straighten your legs one by one.
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    Adjust your head blanket if needed so that the folded edge sits at the base of your skull.

    Bring the back of your arms onto the floor about a foot away from your body with your palms facing up.

    The centre of your back should be in the centre of your mat. Position your buttocks evenly on the centre

    of the mat and extend your legs straight, one by one. Spread out your arms to the sides, with the back

    of your palms resting on the floor.

    Your feet should be hip width apart with your little toes rolling toward the floor, your big toes following

    and your legs completely relaxed. Allow your weight to rest evenly on your buttocks, shoulders and back

    of your head. Close your eyes by bringing your upper eyelids down, taking your eyes deeper inside.

    Exhale; focusing on your breathing, keep your diaphragm soft and free of tension. Keep your arms a

    comfortable distance from your body. If they are too near, your shoulders will be tense and if they are

    too far there will be no sensitivity. Stretch your shoulders away from your ears. Lengthen the back of

    your neck and soften the front of your throat until you feel a soothing sensation in the neck. Relax your

    facial muscles and your jaw, ensuring that your teeth arent clenched.

    Your breathing should be smooth and free of tension, but not deep. Let it be like the silk in a spider web;

    clear, smooth and subtle. Let your eyes fall into the eye sockets and allow external surroundings to

    recede. Draw all your senses inward, resting your mind on the spaciousness in between your thoughts.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga



    If your mind begins to wander, bring your awareness back to the space in between your thoughts and

    rest your awareness here. You will notice the thoughts still trying to surface; drop your awareness

    underneath this layer of self and rest in that ever present, unchanging aspect of self.

    To come out of savasana, firstly begin to deepen your breath - taking deeper inhalations and

    exhalations. Without tensing your neck and throat, bring your arms to your sides and your legs together.

    Inhale your right arm above your head and gently roll to your right side, keeping your knees bent and

    resting your head on your upper arm. Pause here, allowing an inner cue to tell you when to sit up. To

    come to sitting, bring your left palm on the floor in front of you and gently push yourself up to sitting,

    bringing your head up last. Make your way into a comfortable crossed leg position with your hands on

    your knees and your chest lifted. Take some deep breaths here and then quietly open your eyes. Feel

    the calmness and quietness you are now experiencing.
  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga


  • 7/27/2019 Simple Beginners Yoga

