Download - Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

Page 1: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

Annie Sandridge and Hannah

Pasciuta 9/19/11

Figurative Language

Page 2: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

SimileSimile-using like or

as to compare 2 things.

Example- George is as rich as a king.

Page 3: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

MetaphorMetaphor-comparing 2 things without using

like or as; something is something else.Example-Marissa has a heart of gold.Example-Our friendship is the picture to my


Page 4: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

HyperboleHyperbole- using exaggeration to make a

point.Example-I’ll clean my room when pigs fly.

Page 5: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

OnomatopoeiaOnomatopoeia- sound wordExample-Annie’s chicken went cock a doodle

doo.Example-Hannah’s phone went buzz.

Page 6: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.


Alliteration- a repetition of the beginning sound.Example-Silly Sam slurps salty soup.

Page 7: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

PersonificationPersonification-giving human qualities to

something not human.Example-As I looked up at the sky the stars

winked at me.

Page 8: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

IdiomIdiom-A well known expression

that does not mean what it says.Example-Looks like Steve got a

taste of his own medicine.

Page 9: Simile Simile-using like or as to compare 2 things. Example- George is as rich as a king.

Practice Problems1.She is as dumb as a doornail.2.James kicked the bucket.3. Josh told his mom he was going to “Hit the

sack”.4.Crazy Caleb carried carrots carefully.5.She yelled so loud the earth shook.6.The thunder clapped during the storm.7.The butterfly waved at me when it flew by.