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  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful set of therapeutic techniques that identify

    and reprogramme unconscious patterns of thought and behavior. NLP Coaching is very effective

    in assisting clients to achieve positive, meaningful change quickly.

    The ICF NLP Special Interest Group meets to discuss the philosophies and techniques of NLP,

    share learning and client experiences, and openly discuss the unique place of NLP in coaching.

    Coaches and any interested parties are invited to come along. Training or experience in NLP not


    Miriam Henke, part of the ICF SA Leadership Team, and is an experienced life coach and Master

    Practitioner of NLP. Her business, Revelation Training & Coaching, provides NLP Practitioner

    and Master Practitioner trainings. Miriam specialises in Personal Breakthroughs, Confidence

    and Health & Well-Being coaching.

    Date: Monday 24th May 2010 Time: 7-9pm Location: The British Hotel, 58 Finniss St North Adelaide in "The Atrium" RSVP: By 21st May to [email protected] Cost: Gold Coin Donation

  • Tania Basheer is passionate about helping people create and live the life they have always wantedtheir ideal business, dream career, more quality time, loving and fulfilling relationships, more energy, more balance, more fun!

    She specialises in providing one-to-one business, executive and life coaching, in person or by telephone, for SOHO (small office, home office) business owners, corporate executives, busy professionals, young entrepreneurs and other creative individuals, and enjoys helping people to develop their intuition, unique talents and gifts.

    Tania is the author of The Energy Tapping Workshop DVD package and regularly teaches her clients to use E.F.T. (emotional freedom techniques) to clear whatever might be holding them back from living the life they desire.

    Tania is an ACC credentialed coach with the International Coach Federation.

    Topic: How to Cut Your Stress Levels in Half in Less than 10 minutes Using EFT

    This session will introduce you to an amazingly easy and powerful technique known as Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T.) or energy tapping, which you can use virtually anywhere, anytime to quickly reduce your stress levels.

    EFT works by YOU tapping with two fingers on different meridian or acupressure points on your own body, using certain sequences. This will balance your bodys energy flow, removing any blockages and associated emotional charge. Its a gentle, safe and easy-to-use healing method, which can be used by people of all ages, including children and may also be safely used during pregnancy. By using the tapping sequence that Ill show you, you can reduce your stress levels in half in less than 10 minutes. Try it out for yourself and see what happens!

    Date: Tuesday 25th May 2010 Time: 10am 12pm Venue: International Visualisation Centre, 19 Young Street, Adelaide RSVP: By 21st May 2010 to [email protected] Cost: Gold coin donation

  • Jo Saies has been helping people achieve their full potential for over 25 years, drawing on her

    formal training in Psychology, Human Resource Management and Coaching and a life time of

    embracing challenge and high achievement. She has been an active member of ICF in SA and

    the ACT since 2005.

    Jo is owner and Director of PB Performance Coaching, delivering performance improvement

    strategies which help individuals and organisations reach their full potential. Together with

    coaching for improved workplace performance, satisfaction and results, Jo specializes in

    happiness and positive Psychology coaching and workshops. Jo is a practicing Happyologist (or

    should that be Happyist?), determined to convert others to the cause. When not coaching,

    training, facilitating, being an outdoor adventurer, savouring sunsets or writing down 3 good

    things that happened today, Jo is a volunteer with Camp Quality, where laughter is the best


    Happiness: Causes, Consequences and Coaching

    Are you happy? Are your clients happy? Happiness is a state of mind that has very little to do

    with your personality or external circumstances, and more to do with the way you have learnt to

    view the world. Happiness doesnt just happen to us - being happy is a skill which can be taught

    and which can be learnt, but like any new skill, learning to be happy requires practice and

    perseverance. Do you and your clients dare to be happy?

    The Happiness Special Interest Group brings together coaches who are interested in the science

    of happiness and positive psychology, and how we can apply it in our coaching practice and to

    our own lives. The group will share happiness and positive psychology tools and resources,

    practice happiness and positive psychology techniques and strategies, and will be required to

    have fun - after all, happiness is contagious! The first meeting will provide an opportunity to tap

    into insights from the forthcoming Happiness and its Causes conference, as well as allow

    participants to determine how the group will operate in the future.

    Date: Wed 26th May 2010 Time: 5.00 -7.00pm Venue: Function Room, Robin Hood Hotel, 315 Portrush Road Norwood RSVP: By 21st May to [email protected] Cost: Gold coin donation


    Anastasias passion is people and over the past 25 years has worked in various occupations

    assisting and inspiring others towards self-knowledge and well-being.

    Anastasia is a psychologist and life coach. Her business Quintessence: Inner Alchemy for

    Women is specifically designed for womens success and excellence both in their professional

    and personal lives.



    Shamanism is a spiritual practice and system of healing whose origins can be traced back to the

    dawn of recorded history. There is much mystery surrounding shamanism; however the core

    shamanic experience is very simple, timeless and universal. The shamanic journey consists of a

    collection of uncomplicated techniques for accessing creativity, power, healing and vision and

    much more through entering an altered state of consciousness.

    Please wear comfortable clothing, if you have a drum bring it along. In this first meeting we will

    be journeying to meet our power animal.

    Date: Thursday 27th May 2010 Time: 7pm 9pm Venue: 63A Arthur St. UNLEY 5061 RSVP: By 21st May 2010 to [email protected] Cost: Gold Coin Donation

    For those that would like to stay back and chat feel free to bring some drinks & nibbles.

  • About Inta Sellick

    Inta is an ACC credentialed coach with ICF, is Principal of Integrated Learning and Develop and

    works in the area of personal, leadership and performance coaching. As she says, "it's really all

    about the people". Therefore, the constant in Inta's programs is her commitment to, and focus

    on, people as individuals.

    More information about Inta Sellick is available on her website:

    The Art of Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is an ancient practice which is increasingly being embraced by Western psychology.

    Mindfulness involves consciously bringing awareness to your here-and-now experience with

    openness, interest and receptiveness. Its about waking up, connecting with ourselves, and

    appreciating the fullness of each moment of life. It is a profound way to enhance psychological

    and emotional resilience and increase life satisfaction. Professional coaches are increasingly

    recognising that developing mindfulness skills is an effective way to improve performance,

    reduce stress, enhance emotional intelligence, increase personal life satisfaction and expand

    leadership capacity.

    In this session will be an interactive session where you will experience some mindfulness skills


    . improve focus and concentration

    . increase self awareness

    . reduce the impact and influence of stressful thoughts and feelings

    . become aware of self-defeating thought processes, and 'let them go'

    . facilitate better relationships

    Date: Friday May 28th 2010 Time: 10am-12pm Venue: Clarence Park Community Centre in the Clarence Room RSVP : By 21st May to [email protected] Cost: Gold Coin Donation

  • As coaching professionals we draw on our unique skills to help our clients create awareness and

    explore different perspectives. Whether we are coaching individuals or teams, we may still ask

    ourselves What can I do that is different that will unwrap powerful insights, create clarity and

    breakthroughs for my clients?

    Fran Whittingham, member of ICF for 5 years, past member of the Leadership Team, will

    introduce you to the wonderful potential of these cards and share some of her experiences and

    ideas. This SIG session will be an opportunity to gain some insight into Points of You The

    Coaching Game and is an introduction which will lead into a full day workshop to be held June


    For more background on Fran, visit her website

    POINTS OF YOU The Coaching Game is a powerful experiential tool for personal and professional development. It has no winners or losers, but rather stimulates thinking, discussion, and cooperation. Its uses are limitless and can be adapted to various audiences: individuals, teams, and organizations. The Coaching Game brings together in one package 65 Life Topics that are universal to all contexts. Each topic is presented via various media, both textual and visual, including pictures, stories, quotes, and thought-stimulating questions. The link between topics, pictures, words and questions allows you to facilitate processes that lead to awareness and action by generating new points of view.

    Date: Friday 28th May 2010 Time: 1pm 3pm Venue: Clarence Park Community Centre in the Clarence Room RSVP: By 21st May to [email protected] Cost: Gold Coin Donation