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SIGNS OF CHRIST MINISTRIES No longer do we have to go alone; but we do have to go! A Ministry to Build and Equip Independent Ministries Isaiah 43: Isaiah 43: Behold I will do a new thing:; Behold I will do a new thing:; Now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it. Now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. To give drink to my people, my chosen. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. To give drink to my people, my chosen. WHY THE NEED FOR INDEPENDENT MINISTRIES The in-house agenda nor the new tradition of the local church makes allowances for outreach ministries as a budgeted priority nor encourage organizations with in the church to get involved in outreach ministries, There are however many within the corporate membership that have a calling and a heart felt desire to involve themselves in matters out side the local establishment The local church agenda too often hinders the effective results that our Calling demands. The local church agenda too often hinders the effective results that our Calling demands. Yet the burden is up on us Yet the burden is up on us As followers of Christ:: As followers of Christ:: It is our mandate to love as Christ loved us. It is our mandate to love as Christ loved us. He healed many, He healed many, He feed thousands He feed thousands And freed hearts, minds and souls from afflictions and torments. And freed hearts, minds and souls from afflictions and torments. And to us he commanded, go and do like wise And to us he commanded, go and do like wise As we labor in his ministry, we are the living breathing Signs of Christ !!! As we labor in his ministry, we are the living breathing Signs of Christ !!! As we reach out to others The spirit of the lord is upon us; he has anointed us to preach good tidings and to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive, that the prisons may be open to the bound, to comfort those that mourn; The spirit of the lord is upon us; he has anointed us to preach good tidings and to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive, that the prisons may be open to the bound, to comfort those that mourn; And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations! Isaiah 61; 1-3 And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations! Isaiah 61; 1-3 Our Charge To sound the call to independent ministries, structure ministries, and provide a staging area for ministries growth and development. To sound the call to independent ministries, structure ministries, and provide a staging area for ministries growth and development. To become a vehicle of collaboration To become a vehicle of collaboration Moving faith based outreach ministries, service providers and government sponsored social services into a COOPERATIVE oneness. Moving faith based outreach ministries, service providers and government sponsored social services into a COOPERATIVE oneness. To provide a projected outcome of restoring needy individuals to productive self- sufficient tax paying citizens. To provide a projected outcome of restoring needy individuals to productive self- sufficient tax paying citizens. To provide an holistic system of services designed to administer to the needs of the total man: the psycho /spiritual and the physical To provide an holistic system of services designed to administer to the needs of the total man: the psycho /spiritual and the physical Why This Ministry Departments of the Ministry OUR STAFFING NEEDS ARE PERSONS HAVING BUSINESS OR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TRAINING OF EXPERIENCE Marketing Human resource Development Fund raiser, Grant writers Board of directors, Board of advisors Knowledge of finance Financial develop, (non for profits) Writers Speakers motivators Persons of political influence Attorneys and legal assistance and real-estate Concerned and committed workers Staffing Positions and Departments Administration Staffing To oversee the growth, development and day to day needs of the overall ministry and its collaborating partner To include: Missions Director, Secretary, Clerical Staffing, Financing, Membership, Fundraising, Event Planning. 2) Administrating Directors (represent each area of needs) (a) To develop the vision for short and long range planning. (b) To spearhead, coordinate and chart the activities, successes and changes needed to maximize the collaborated effort and achieve the expected positive outcome. To act as both an advocate and an ambassador for those in need and for those serving the needy. Ministries Growth and Development Coordinators (1)To sound the call to ministry (2)To aid in the growth development and support of independent ministries (3)To develop a system of open communication with schools, churches, and community centers To produce a radio program that will advise and keep the public aware of the ministry and the need to get involved. To direct respondents to the ministry or service provider that they would be most fitted to work with. To advise of or schedule training for those needing particular skills to meet requirements or to be better prepared.. (4) Skilled and Professional Recruitment Coordinator To solicit skilled or professional persons to work in coordination with ministries. In conjunction to specific services, qualified providers will work with special situations that require professional counseling or consulting. THE MINISTRIES AT WORK THE MINISTRIES AT WORK Assessing the situation and the needs For the Homeless and without hope A foot print for all other ministries Restoration of the total individual must start at the inner man and work outward As a faith based organization, we stand firm in our believe that mans real problems deals first with the heart, the soul and the mind. The heart: Must be touched by love and genuine concern, The soul Must be liberated by the truth T he mind Must be renewed and trained to be productive. The Needs: In our communities there are many persons who go with out the basic daily needs. Many deprived of a place to call home. Without employment. Wander hopelessly on our streets or sit idle day in and day out. Poverty stricken because of bad choices. Mentally or physically handicapped, the depressed and hopeless, having lost self-esteem, drive and motivation. A reclycling band-aid and a fish system Homeless initiative programs that find temporary housing, food, and hand outs; Recycling people here tonight and there tomorrow. Can only cosmetically treat and dress up the obvious with a cot and a hot. At best they can simply hope that the needy will find resources elsewhere. Empty housing projects, overloaded welfare systems are evidence that this band-aid and a fish system is just that and no more. There is a deeper problem to be dealt with ! The reality is that the individual lack of housing, food, and clothing, the unemployment and/or substance addictions, are too often the outer indicators that there is a deeper problem lying within the inner person. Until change is made inwardly, the recycling, frustrations, and the mounting social burden will continue to over run the limited systems now in place. Teach a Man to Fish Further It is economically more advantageous to help one to overcome that which hinders his ability to become self- sufficient, than it is to have him come back time and time again for you to meet his or her needs. Once the problems with ego, self-worth and self- esteem have properly been dealt with, an individual is then more likely to be open and motivated toward restoration and assimilation as a self-supporting and productive member of society. A Cost Comparison We further believe that the costs of the band-aid and a fish system now being administered by fragmented organizations with good intentions, will continue to over burden the budget of our government and social services with very little to show for their efforts. Our Goals Are Common The goal, concern, and purpose of all the above-mentioned organizations are for the betterment of life for men, women, boys and girls. Yet too often we fail to restore individuals to productive citizenship. Our concern is that all other efforts have and will continue to fall short of this goal until or unless these inner-personal rebuilding blocks are set in place or restored. Too many of our well meaning social programs are overwhelmed with the repeated attempts to meet the physical or the external needs, when the hurts, pains and destitution of the inward man is that which handicaps his restoration and independence. The Problem Every year the fragmented segments of our society, be it local government, professional services, or religious outreach, are separately grouped and inwardly divided in our efforts. But the desired results, are not being achieved. Tomorrow we will see too many of the same faces with the same problems. Conclusion Social services must reluctantly admit that too often, they are merely putting a band-aid on what is a result of a much deeper wound. Religious outreach groups, realize we must do more As we are committed to work under the banner of love, realize that the approach to healing man's inner wounds must be two-fold: As we nourish the inner man, the external man must be fed, housed and clothed. Our mandate then assuredly, as ambassadors of the highest love, care, and compassion, requires of us more than the words for inner healing and a temporary hand up. Services Must Provide a Holistic Solution with a tailored Plan. It is our contention that each persons condition requires an individual diagnosis and assessment of his or her needs. Each assessment requires an individually, strategically tailored plan of recovery and re-entry, The heart must be touched, The soul must be renewed, The mind must be changed and trained, The obvious needs must be meant An opportunity must be made available to become a productive member of society. Our proposal Enrollment of the needy into a collaborated services program All of the available ministries and services must work together; committing their resources to the common goal Signs of Christ Ministries is A faith-based organization with the goal of bringing faith-based independent ministries, city and other social services into a collaboration of ministries and services. We believe Collectively we will be able to meet the total needs of the individuals we have a desire to reach, serve, and restore. Collaboration of both the concerned and the committed groups Signs of Christ perpetual resourcing and the vehicle of collaboration Faith based organizations and ministries in collaboration Service providers initiative and advocacy groups Professionals and Volunteer workers We of Signs of Christ Ministries advocate the enrollment of each individual into a holistic, individually tailored and assigned program. Each of their needs must be addressed and/or treated by a service provider. This seemingly monumental task of enrollment rather than the present band-aid and a fish system will not require the replacement of any service providers now in place. However in Contrast The Role of Signs of Christ Ministries Signs of Christ Ministries will provide the structured vehicle of collaboration This center based organization will also serve as an information, personnel and resource gathering hub, To acquire and oversee a coordinating facility with full, part-time, and volunteer support staff that will: (1) Gather information pertaining to ministries and service providers. (2) Build and recruit ministries, ministry workers and volunteers. (3 Administer the on-site intake assessment. (4) Recommend individual rehabilitation programs with a projected end. (5) Coordinate with ministries and/or service providers in communicating the individual needs and charting the availability of services (6) Assess the areas where additional ministries and/or services are needed. (7) Locate professional and volunteers that can assist service providers at their request. (8) To solicit resources that can be shared by all participating members of the collaboration. (9) Provide case management and follow up services to all enrollees. As a result of As a result of Our Enrollment System Our Enrollment System We will be able to number, list and track the progress of all the individuals in our collective, collaborating system. We will be able to number, list and track the progress of all the individuals in our collective, collaborating system. Provide an enormous increase in the number of individuals that are restored to productivity. Provide an enormous increase in the number of individuals that are restored to productivity. We will be able to identify and list the service agencies as they come into place, We will be able to identify and list the service agencies as they come into place, and insure the availability of information as it pertains to known agencies to this segment of our community that are unaware that these services exist. and insure the availability of information as it pertains to known agencies to this segment of our community that are unaware that these services exist. Services providers should be able clearly define their services and to function solely within those areas of choice, specification or expertise. Services providers should be able clearly define their services and to function solely within those areas of choice, specification or expertise. Signs of Christ Restoration and Re- entry Program How does this organization plan to reach the needy? (1) Ministries outreach programs (2) Referrals from neighborhood services (3) Partnering ministries and churches (4) Collaborating Service providers (5) City government referrals (6) Word of mouth How will we determine present status and individual needs? How will we determine present status and individual needs? Provide an Individual Intake Assessment. Provide an Individual Intake Assessment. Obtain authorized shared information from previous service providers. Obtain authorized shared information from previous service providers. Networking with outreach ministries and service providers. Networking with outreach ministries and service providers.. ss ss What Will Be Done With This Information Enroll each person in a rehabilitation program to fit his or her individual needs, based on the intake assessment. PROGRAMS WITH TITLES AS FOLLOWS: Seed & Rescue; Building Blocks to Success; Healthy Living; Thinking it Over; Taking Control Again; The Art of Boot Strapping; Preparing to Succeed; Finding Your Place; Case Management; Shooting For the Stars; Transportation; Child Care; and Follow-Up. Just to name a few. Example of An ENROLLMENT PROGRAM TO MEET THE PARTICULAR NEEDS OF ENROLLEES Intake assessment and program enrollment 30 to 60 day housing 2 meals per dayClothing needs Building blocks to success Thinking it over Healthy living OJT HOME REMODELING BASIC MATH MEASUREMENTS AND QUANITIES Case Management How are these programs provided or implemented All enrollment programs to be administrated by: collaborating members of Partnering ministries Volunteering professionals Collaborating service providers What will be our immediate concern? ( 1) To provide a sense of stability (2) Provide an atmosphere of love and genuine concern. (3)To give birth to a new sense of hope and excitement about the possibilities. What will we provide that is not already available? In Summary In Summary (1)An organized holistic system of dealing with the needs of the total person, the inner and external needs under one collaboration program. (2) A program with a projected end of restoring and returning each individual to society as a self-sufficient productive tax-paying citizen. (3)A stable environment motivated by ministry workers professing a God calling to serve, volunteers and others having a heartfelt concern and rich passion for those whom they have chosen to work with. (3) An enrollment program with assigned facilities, sessions, classes, training, and skills development that will enable the enrollees to pull themselves into restoration. (3) An enrollment program with assigned facilities, sessions, classes, training, and skills development that will enable the enrollees to pull themselves into restoration. To provide other aids to keep the enrollees on track toward employment and a successful re- entry. To provide other aids to keep the enrollees on track toward employment and a successful re- entry. Assignment to; A case management person (Most likely a ministry worker) that will advise and track the progress and individuals adaptation to the assigned program of recovery. The case manager will seek to steer the enrollee around obstacle the might derail the enrollees progress. To prevent pitfalls and/or collapses in the assigned enrollees progress and recommend changes, counsel and/or other programs as needed. To guide the enrollee to a successful end. Follow-Up Teams (ministers/ministries) To maintain contact and stability follow-ups with the enrollee for a period of time after the enrollee finishes and graduates into the status of a productive citizen. Who will man these programs and how will they be funded? Service providers already funded and operating in our communities. Ministry workers having and /or professing a God given call and compassion to aid and assist persons dealing with certain problems or living with certain conditions. 3) Called out volunteers that will assist service providers and cooperating ministries (4) Professionals having a heart to give back and help society deal with those who are trapped to some degree or another, or have fallen through the cracks. Supporting Ministries Oasis of Hope - Pastor Frank Alexander Oasis of Hope - Pastor Frank Alexander New Beginning Ministries - Bishop J. Lavern Tyson New Beginning Ministries - Bishop J. Lavern Tyson Homeless Advocate (24yrs.) Homeless Advocate (24yrs.) Sis. Sally Parks Sis. Sally Parks Save the Youth, Inc. Byron Alston Byron Alston This ends the presentation as an introduction to the SIGNS OF CHRIST MINISTRIES FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE SEE THE MINISTRY MEMBER THAT INTRODUCED YOU TO US, FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE SEE THE MINISTRY MEMBER THAT INTRODUCED YOU TO US, OR CONTACT: OR CONTACT: Rev. Ralph Parrott Rev. Ralph Parrott ( ( OrOr The Preamble Signs of Christ Ministries: Is a Christ-centered, non-profit organization. Our focus, purpose and goal is to aggressively seek the rehabilitation of men and women who without the knowledge of Bible-centered truth have turned to violence, hatred, and other devices of men to hide their hurt, pain, loneliness and lawlessness. Signs of Christ Ministries: Is a Christ-centered, non-profit organization. Our focus, purpose and goal is to aggressively seek the rehabilitation of men and women who without the knowledge of Bible-centered truth have turned to violence, hatred, and other devices of men to hide their hurt, pain, loneliness and lawlessness. Signs of Christ Seeks: not only to offer an alternative to what has been projected as acceptable, matter of fact living where men and women exist only for the moment. But what we believe to be the only true answer to, and remedy for the fallen, empty, and loveless condition that man finds himself and /or his brothers and sisters in today. Signs of Christ Seeks: not only to offer an alternative to what has been projected as acceptable, matter of fact living where men and women exist only for the moment. But what we believe to be the only true answer to, and remedy for the fallen, empty, and loveless condition that man finds himself and /or his brothers and sisters in today. It is our Bold Believe: That Christ is the answer for this worlds needs. We are convinced that after man has tried all physical, materialistic, ;hallucinogenic, physiological and all other forms of stimulants he has or certainly will reach the conclusion that he is yet left without peace and salvation. That the promise made by these things for a short time did mask his need, but yet left its promise unfulfilled. Rather he has found that from that which he has sought solace, he has become its slave and it his master; requiring from him the totality of substance and character of his/her being and labor. It is our Bold Believe: That Christ is the answer for this worlds needs. We are convinced that after man has tried all physical, materialistic, ;hallucinogenic, physiological and all other forms of stimulants he has or certainly will reach the conclusion that he is yet left without peace and salvation. That the promise made by these things for a short time did mask his need, but yet left its promise unfulfilled. Rather he has found that from that which he has sought solace, he has become its slave and it his master; requiring from him the totality of substance and character of his/her being and labor. We At Signs Of Christ Ministries, Being led to believe by the power of the Holy Spirit, We believe that we have been called and commissioned to form one of many people committees to advance the establishment of Independent Outreach Ministries; Signs of Christ must be dedicated and so moved to carry out that which Christ demands of all that have come to the knowledge of him as the true and stable peace, comfort, savior, and refuge. We At Signs Of Christ Ministries, Being led to believe by the power of the Holy Spirit, We believe that we have been called and commissioned to form one of many people committees to advance the establishment of Independent Outreach Ministries; Signs of Christ must be dedicated and so moved to carry out that which Christ demands of all that have come to the knowledge of him as the true and stable peace, comfort, savior, and refuge. It is therefore in so doing that we preach and support others in proclaiming that true contentment comes not from things of this visible world, not from that we can wear, live-in, drive, accomplish, or seduce, put on or put within us, but rather from that which is able to comfort the heart and the soul bringing peace to the inward man: It is therefore in so doing that we preach and support others in proclaiming that true contentment comes not from things of this visible world, not from that we can wear, live-in, drive, accomplish, or seduce, put on or put within us, but rather from that which is able to comfort the heart and the soul bringing peace to the inward man: The Spiritual Inhabitants, embrace, and embracing The Spiritual Inhabitants, embrace, and embracing of Mans Creator, for which man was created!!! of Mans Creator, for which man was created!!!