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Signal integration in bacterialtwo-component regulatory systemsAlexander Y. Mitrophanov and Eduardo A. Groisman1

Department of Molecular Microbiology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA

Two-component systems (TCSs) and phosphorelays arekey mediators of bacterial signal transduction. The sig-nals activating these systems promote the phosphorylat-ed state of a response regulator, which is generally theform that carries out specific functions such as bindingto DNA and catalysis of biochemical reactions. Anemerging class of proteins—termed TCS connectors—modulate the output of TCSs by affecting the phosphor-ylation state of response regulators. TCS connectors usedifferent mechanisms of action for signal integration, aswell as in the coordination and fine-tuning of cellularprocesses. Present in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, TCS connectors are critical for a vari-ety of physiological functions including sporulation,competence, antibiotic resistance, and the transition tostationary phase.

Free-living organisms modulate their gene expressionpatterns in response to environmental cues. This modu-lation requires sensors to detect chemical and/or physi-cal signals, and regulators to bring about changes in thelevels of gene products. Certain cellular processes re-quire the integration of multiple signals into the deci-sion to promote or inhibit the expression of a given geneproduct, which raises questions about the mechanismsused by different organisms to connect signal transduc-tion pathways and genetic regulatory circuits.

In bacteria, extracellular signals are transduced intothe cell predominantly by two-component systems(TCSs) (Hoch 2000; Stock et al. 2000; Mascher et al.2006; Gao et al. 2007). The prototypical TCS consists ofa sensor kinase that responds to specific signals by modi-fying the phosphorylated state of a cognate responseregulator (i.e., the second component) (Fig. 1). Sensor ki-nases are usually integral membrane proteins that auto-phosphorylate from ATP at a conserved histidine residueand then transfer the phosphoryl group to a conservedaspartate in the response regulator. Phosphorylation of a

response regulator changes the biochemical propertiesof its output domain, which can participate in DNAbinding and transcriptional control, perform enzymaticactivities, bind RNA, or engage in protein–protein inter-actions (Gao et al. 2007). In addition to serving as phos-phoryl donors, certain sensor kinases display phos-phatase activity toward their cognate phosphorylatedregulators.

Phosphorelays are a more complex version of the TCSin which a sensor kinase first transfers the phosphorylgroup to a response regulator possessing the domain withthe conserved aspartate but no output domain (Applebyet al. 1996; Perraud et al. 1999). The response regulatorsubsequently transfers the phosphoryl group to a histi-dine-containing phosphotransfer protein, and it is thelatter protein that serves as a phosphodonor to the ter-minal response regulator, which possesses an output do-main mediating a cellular response (Fig. 1). In some phos-phorelays, the sensor kinase and the response regulatorlacking the output domain (and sometimes also the his-tidine-containing phosphotransfer protein) are fused in asingle polypeptide (Appleby et al. 1996).

The vast majority of response regulators are activeonly when phosphorylated (Hoch 2000; Gao et al. 2007).Therefore, any condition or product that affects thephosphorylated state of a response regulator will impactits ability to exert its biological functions. Conse-quently, the output of a response regulator is determinednot only by the presence of the specific signals sensed byits cognate sensor kinase but also by gene products thatstimulate or inhibit its phosphorylation. Such productscan, in principle, target any one of the various steps lead-ing to phosphorylation of the response regulator, includ-ing sensor kinase autophosphorylation, phosphotransferto the response regulator, dephosphorylation of a phos-phorylated response regulator, and the activity of theoutput domain. The presence of multiple stages in aphosphorelay provides additional potential targets forcontrol.

TCS connectors (which for the sake of brevity will alsobe called connectors) are an emerging group of proteinsthat modulate the activity of sensor kinases and re-sponse regulators at the post-translational level. Becauseconnector proteins are typically synthesized in responseto signals that are different from those sensed by the

[Keywords: Gene regulation; phosphorelay; sensor; two-component sys-tem]1Corresponding author.E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (314) 747-8228.Article is online at

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 22:2601–2611 © 2008 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/08; 2601

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cognate sensor, they often establish regulatory links be-tween otherwise independent signal transduction path-ways (in other words, they “connect” a TCS to the sig-nal(s) controlling a different regulatory system). Here wedescribe the critical roles played by bacterial TCS con-nectors in a variety of cellular functions, including theadaptation to nutrient-limiting conditions, sporulation,competence, antibiotic resistance, and the transition tostationary phase. We also discuss the distinct dynamicproperties of the regulatory circuits in which connectorsparticipate, and we examine how dissimilarities in thesequences of connectors or their genes’ promoters canresult in phenotypic differences among closely relatedbacterial species.

TCS connectors use a variety of mechanisms to alterresponse regulator output

Connector proteins modulate the levels of the activeform of response regulators by affecting the various pos-sible steps that determine their phosphorylation state ortheir activity. Below, we present the various mecha-nisms of action adopted by connectors in the context oftheir physiological functions.

Inhibiting sensor kinase autophosphorylation

The Gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilisforms a dormant spore when it experiences nutrient-

limiting conditions (Piggot and Hilbert 2004). Becausesporulation is an energy-consuming process that be-comes irreversible at an early stage (Dubnau and Losick2006), commitment to sporulation is tightly regu-lated and coordinated with other physiological func-tions. B. subtilis sporulation is governed by a phos-phorelay whereby five different sensor kinases—termedKinA, KinB, KinC, KinD, and KinE—serve as phosphoryldonors for the single-domain response regulator Spo0F(Piggot and Hilbert 2004). Spo0F then transfers thephosphoryl group to the histidine-containing phos-photransfer protein Spo0B, which in turn transfers it tothe response regulator Spo0A, a DNA-binding proteinthat controls the expression of several genes, includingthose involved in sporulation (Fig. 2; Piggot and Hilbert2004).

The Sda and KipI proteins modulate the levels of phos-phorylated Spo0A (Spo0A-P), which constitutes the out-put of the B. subtilis phosphorelay, by blocking auto-phosphorylation of the sensor kinase KinA (Fig. 2; Wanget al. 1997; Burkholder et al. 2001). KinB is a possiblesecond target for inhibition by Sda (Burkholder et al.2001). The sda gene is under transcriptional control ofthe key replication initiation factor DnaA, and mutationof the dnaA gene leads to overexpression of Sda and in-hibition of sporulation (Burkholder et al. 2001). It wasproposed that conditions that affect replication initia-tion alter the level of active DnaA, thereby regulatingsda through DnaA (Burkholder et al. 2001). Thus, the

Figure 1. Schematics of the proteins and do-mains that constitute TCSs (left) and phosphore-lays (right). The input domain of a sensor kinaseresponds to its signal by activating the autoki-nase domain, which autophosphorylates fromATP at a conserved histidine residue. The phos-phorylated sensor kinase interacts with the re-ceiver domain of the response regulator, whichcatalyzes the phosphoryl transfer to a conservedaspartate residue. Phosphorylation of the re-sponse regulator activates its output domain,which performs a specific biochemical functionsuch as transcriptional regulation. A phosphore-lay contains, besides the sensor kinase and theterminal response regulator, an intermediate re-sponse regulator lacking an output domain and aHis-containing phosphotransfer protein. In somephosphorelays, the phosphotransfer protein and/or the intermediate response regulator is fusedwith the sensor kinase in a single polypeptide.

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Sda-mediated control circuit could prevent B. subtilisfrom entering the sporulation process if the DNA repli-cation machinery, necessary for successful completionof sporulation, is impaired. The KipI protein links sporu-lation to the availability of certain nutrients (Wang et al.1997). Because expression of the kipI gene is promotedin the presence of sugars (Wang et al. 1997), the KipIprotein likely plays a role in sporulation blockage in nu-trient-rich environments, which are antithetic to sporu-lation.

The inhibition of sensor kinase autophosphoryla-tion has also been adopted by the Gram-negative bac-terium Sinorhizobium meliloti to regulate nitrogenfixation in the root nodules of its plant symbiont, al-falfa. Nitrogen fixation is a process that allows certainbacteria to use atmospheric nitrogen to synthesizenitrogen-containing compounds (Dixon and Kahn 2004).The micro-oxic conditions prevailing in the nodule andnecessary for nitrogen fixation are sensed by the FixJ/FixL TCS (Fischer 1994). The activity of the sensorkinase FixL is inhibited by FixT (Garnerone et al.1999), which is post-translationally controlled by theproduct of the asnO gene (Bèrges et al. 2001). It hasbeen suggested that AsnO and FixT establish a linkbetween the oxygen-responding FixJ/FixL systemand the nitrogen status of the bacterium (Bèrges et al.2001).

Promoting dephosphorylation of phosphorylatedresponse regulators and His-containingphosphotransfer proteins

In the B. subtilis phosphorelay, stimulatory and inhibi-tory signals are combined to determine the levels ofSpo0A-P, the key activator of sporulation genes (Bur-bulys et al. 1991; Wang et al. 1997; Sonenshein 2000). Inaddition to the Sda and KipI proteins, which exert theirinhibitory action “at the top” of the phosphorelay (Fig.2), several other proteins prevent the accumulation ofSpo0A-P by targeting the response regulators Spo0F andSpo0A (Fig. 2). The Rap protein family members RapA,RapB, RapE, and RapH trigger dephosphorylation ofSpo0F-P, whereas the Spo0E family members Spo0E,YisI, and YnzD promote dephosphorylation of Spo0A-P(Perego and Brannigan 2001; Smits et al. 2007). The Rapand Spo0E proteins appear to function by stimulating theintrinsic autodephosphorylation activity of Spo0F-P andSpo0A-P, respectively, which is exerted upon binding tothese connector proteins (Perego and Brannigan 2001).

The production and functioning of the connector pro-teins controlling the B. subtilis phosphorelay is depen-dent on the presence of signals indicating the physiologi-cal state of the bacterium (Fig. 2). For example, transcrip-tion of the rapA and rapE genes is induced by ComA, theresponse regulator of the ComA/ComP TCS (Mueller et

Figure 2. TCS connectors can inhibitsensor autophosphorylation or promotedephosphorylation of phosphorylated re-sponse regulators. In the B. subtilis phos-phorelay, the sensor kinase KinA is acti-vated by an unknown signal, which resultsin autophosphorylation from ATP andsubsequent phosphotransfer to the re-sponse regulator Spo0F. Spo0F passes onthe phosphoryl group to the His-contain-ing protein Spo0B, which in turn transfersit to the terminal acceptor, the responseregulator Spo0A. The phosphorylated formof Spo0A acts as a transcription factor, be-ing the key activator of sporulation genes.The connectors Sda and KipI block activa-tion of the phosphorelay by inhibitingKinA autophosphorylation. The connec-tors RapA, RapB, RapE, and RapH promotedephosphorylation of the response regula-tor Spo0F-P; the connectors Spo0E, YisI,and YnzD act in a similar way on Spo0A-P.The expression of connectors is controlledby factors such as growth conditions, sta-tus of the DNA replication machinery,and development of competence (throughthe action of ComA and ComK—the keyregulators of competence genes).

Signal integration by bacterial systems


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al. 1992; Jiang et al. 2000). This system, in turn, respondsto the extracytoplasmic peptide ComX, a quorum-sens-ing signal that triggers the development of competence,a physiological state characterized by the ability of a bac-terial cell to take up DNA from the surrounding envi-ronment (Claverys et al. 2006). The genes rapB, spo0E,yisI, and ynzD are expressed under conditions that pro-mote vegetative growth (Jiang et al. 2000; Perego 2001;Perego and Brannigan 2001). Hence the Rap and Spo0Ephosphatases prevent B. subtilis from committing tosporulation in environments that stimulate an activelifestyle and are therefore contrary to sporulation.

The RapA, RapE, and RapH proteins are also con-trolled at the post-translational level, which providesfurther possibilities for modulating the levels of activeRap proteins. RapA is regulated by the pentapeptide in-hibitor PhrA, which specifically binds to RapA and sup-presses its dephosphorylation activity (Perego and Hoch1996; Perego 1997); in a similar way, RapE and RapH areinhibited by the pentapeptides PhrE and PhrH, respec-tively (Jiang et al. 2000; Smits et al. 2007). Expression ofthe phrE gene is, in turn, activated by Spo0H (�H), analternative �-factor that modulates a gene expres-sion program when B. subtilis transitions from exponen-tial growth to stationary phase (McQuade et al. 2001).�H itself is under complex multilevel control and re-sponds to a number of conditions including pH and avail-ability of nutrients (Britton et al. 2002). Therefore, RapEand PhrE link the sporulation phosphorelay to factorsthat regulate the shift between growth phases.

The SixA protein from Escherichia coli inhibits theArcA/ArcB phosphorelay by stimulating dephosphoryla-tion of the His-containing phosphotransfer domain ofthe sensor kinase ArcB (Ogino et al. 1998). SixA func-tions in a manner analogous to that of the B. subtilis Rapproteins in that it prevents the normal phosphoryl flowin a phosphorelay.

Inhibiting response regulator dephosphorylation

For those response regulators that regulate cellular func-tions by binding to particular DNA regions in bacterialgenomes, the phosphorylated form typically has a higheraffinity for its target promoters than the unphosphory-lated form (Hoch 2000). Indeed, only the phosphorylatedform of certain response regulators binds DNA in vivowhen produced at physiological levels (Piggot and Hil-bert 2004; Shin and Groisman 2005). Therefore, mecha-nisms enhancing the phosphorylated state of a responseregulator will result in the induction of genes activatedby such a regulator.

The 85-amino-acid-long PmrD protein from Salmo-nella enterica connects the PhoP/PhoQ and PmrA/PmrBTCSs, thereby enabling PmrA-dependent genes to be ex-pressed under the conditions that activate the PhoP/PhoQ system (Fig. 3A; Kox et al. 2000; Kato et al. 2003;Kato and Groisman 2004). The sensor kinase PmrB re-sponds to the presence of extracellular Fe3+, Al3+

(Wösten et al. 2000), or mild acid pH (Perez and Grois-

man 2007) by promoting transcription of PmrA-activatedgenes, most likely by enhancing the levels of PmrA-P. Inthe absence of its inducing signals, however, PmrB actsprimarily as a phosphatase for PmrA-P. The low Mg2+

signal activates the PhoP/PhoQ system, which triggerstranscription of the pmrD gene. The synthesized PmrDprotein binds to PmrA-P and protects it from dephos-phorylation by PmrB, thus allowing PmrA to regulate itstarget promoters. Therefore, PmrD expands the scope ofenvironments that promote the expression of PmrA-ac-tivated genes by incorporating the environments distin-guished by the signals sensed by the noncognate sensorPhoQ. As PmrA governs the expression of products me-diating resistance to the antibiotic polymyxin B, thePmrD protein enables S. enterica to exhibit polymyxin Bresistance not only in environments characterized by the

Figure 3. TCS connectors can promote activation of responseregulators and sensor kinases. (A) The connector-mediatedpathway from S. enterica. The low Mg2+ signal activates thePhoP/PhoQ TCS, which triggers the expression of the connectorPmrD. PmrD binds to the phosphorylated form of the responseregulator PmrA, thereby protecting it from dephosphorylation.PmrA-P binds to DNA and regulates its target promoters.PmrA-P represses transcription of the pmrD gene, thus estab-lishing a negative feedback loop controlling PmrD expression.The PmrA/PmrB TCS can be activated directly by the Fe3+ sig-nal. (B) The B1500 protein from E. coli connects the EvgA/EvgSand PhoP/PhoQ TCSs. In response to an unknown signal, theEvgA/EvgS system triggers the expression of B1500, which in-teracts with the sensor kinase PhoQ, thereby promoting activa-tion of PhoP and resulting in transcription of PhoP-activatedgenes.

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Fe3+ signal but also in those of low Mg2+ (Kox et al. 2000).The mode of action of PmrD is reminiscent of that ofeukaryotic 14–3–3 proteins, a highly conserved groupof polypeptides that have the ability to bind to phos-phorylated proteins, thereby protecting them from de-phosphorylation and enhancing their physiological ac-tivities (Tzivion and Avruch 2002; Kato and Groisman2004).

The connector proteins that promote response regula-tor phosphorylation integrate signals by acting as theBoolean OR gate because the response regulator can beactivated either through its cognate sensor kinase or bythe signal stimulating the synthesis of the connectorprotein (Kato and Groisman 2004). By contrast, connec-tors such as KipI, Sda, and the Rap proteins, which con-trol the B. subtilis phosphorelay, function as the BooleanAND gate because the phosphorelay response regulatorswill be phosphorylated only if the cognate sensor pro-teins perform their kinase activity and if the synthesis ofthe connectors is inhibited.

Activating a sensor kinase

Connector proteins can act as Boolean OR gates bymodulating the activity of a sensor kinase. This mode ofregulation is exemplified by B1500, a protein that estab-lishes a functional link between the TCSs EvgA/EvgSand PhoP/PhoQ in E. coli (note that the EvgA/EvgS sys-tem is absent from the closely related species S. enterica)(Eguchi et al. 2007). Activation of the sensor kinase EvgSresults in transcription of the b1500 gene promoted byEvgS’s cognate response regulator EvgA. B1500 is a 65-amino-acid-long inner membrane peptide that interactswith the sensor kinase PhoQ, enhancing PhoP activity(Fig. 3B). As a result, PhoP-activated genes are tran-scribed even when E. coli experiences high Mg2+, whichis a repressing condition for the PhoP/PhoQ system. Thisallows expression of PhoP-activated genes not only un-der low Mg2+ but also under conditions that activate thesensor EvgS, which are presently unknown.

Inhibiting DNA binding by a response regulator

Genetic competence is a complex phenotypic state ex-perienced by B. subtilis during late exponential/earlystationary phase. Competence induction results in theexpression of DNA-binding, DNA-uptake, and recombi-nation genes (Hamoen et al. 2003). Like sporulation,competence is a response aimed at increasing the cells’ability to survive in hostile environments. However,sporulation and competence are two mutually exclusiveresponses (Smits et al. 2007). While the development ofcompetence is controlled at multiple levels (Hamoen etal. 2003), there is a central regulator known as ComKwhose level is enhanced upon activation of the responseregulator ComA (Claverys et al. 2006). ComA, in turn, ispost-transcriptionally regulated by the Rap protein fam-ily members RapC, RapF, and RapH. When the latterproteins bind to ComA, they prevent ComA from inter-

acting with DNA (Core and Perego 2003; Bongiorni et al.2005; Smits et al. 2007), thereby inhibiting competencedevelopment (Fig. 4). Thus, RapH acts differently on theSpo0F and ComA proteins. In a manner reminiscent ofthat described above for the control of the B. subtilisKin–Spo0F–Spo0B–Spo0A phosphorelay (which controlssporulation), three pentapeptides—PhrC, PhrF, andPhrH—specifically bind to their respective targets,RapC, RapF, and RapH, thus preventing them from de-activating ComA (Lazazzera et al. 1999; Core and Perego2003). The levels of PhrC and PhrF are directly linked tothe transition between growth phases because the genesencoding the protein precursors of PhrC and PhrF areregulated by the alternative �-factor �H (Fig. 4; Lazazzeraet al. 1999; McQuade et al. 2001).

Inhibiting recruitment of RNA polymeraseto promoters

Binding of RNA polymerase to a gene promoter is thecritical step to initiate bacterial gene transcription(Browning and Busby 2004). Transcriptional activatorsoften function by recruiting RNA polymerase to targetoperators, where they establish effective interactionswith different subunits of RNA polymerase. Such inter-actions can be disrupted by certain connector proteins(Ansaldi et al. 2004; Zuber 2004). For example, the con-nector Spx from B. subtilis can bind to the C-terminaldomain of the �-subunit of the promoter-bound RNApolymerase, which interferes with the ability of RNApolymerase to interact with the response regulatorsComA and ResD (Fig. 4; Nakano et al. 2003b). As dis-cussed above, ComA is one of the key activators of com-petence development in B. subtilis, whereas ResD is partof the ResD/ResE TCS, which is necessary for the induc-tion of oxygen-limitation response genes (Nakano et al.1996). Transcription of the spx gene is induced by �M,the extracytoplasmic function �-factor that is activatedby envelope stress (Eiamphungporn and Helmann 2008);other factors promoting spx transcription include etha-nol stress and phosphate limitation (Antelmann et al.2000; Thackray and Moir 2003). The activity of the Spxprotein is induced under the conditions of disulfidestress (Nakano et al. 2003a). Thus, Spx may function asa global repressor of development- and growth-promot-ing processes under a variety of stress conditions (Na-kano et al. 2003b).

The inhibition of RNA polymerase recruitment isused by E. coli to regulate anaerobic respiration con-trolled by the response regulator TorR, which is acti-vated via a phosphorelay (Ansaldi et al. 2004). In thiscase, the TorI protein interacts directly with the C-ter-minal (effector) domain of TorR, thus preventing TorRfrom recruiting RNA polymerase and initiating genetranscription. The torI and torR genes are transcribedindependently from one another, raising a possibilitythat TorI acts as a connector by modulating the activityof TorR in response to signals that may be different fromthose activating the phosphorelay.

Signal integration by bacterial systems


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Sequestering adaptor proteins that promote proteindegradation

Many regulatory proteins are subjected to proteolyticdegradation by cellular proteases. Proteolysis is oftenperformed by multiprotein complexes containing prote-ases and ATP-hydrolyzing chaperones (Gottesman 2003;Jenal and Hengge-Aronis 2003). Delivery of a protein tar-geted for degradation to the protease complex may re-quire an additional adaptor protein (Jenal and Hengge-Aronis 2003). For example, degrading the general stressresponse �-factor �S (RpoS) of E. coli by the ClpXP pro-tease requires the adaptor protein RssB (also referred toas SprE in E. coli and MviA in S. enterica) (Hengge-Aro-nis 2002). This adaptor is a response regulator that con-sists of the conserved N-terminal domain, which harborsthe aspartate site of phosphorylation, and the C-terminaldomain, which is required for interaction with RpoS anddelivery of RpoS to the ClpXP protease. Under condi-tions of nutrient abundance or exponential growth, theRpoS protein is degraded. However, RpoS degradation isinhibited when bacteria experience deprivation for a va-riety of nutrients such as phosphate and carbon sources,or when they are exposed to environments that triggergrowth arrest.

The inhibition of RpoS degradation is mediated byanti-adaptor proteins that bind to the adaptor RssB. Be-cause RssB is in short supply in the bacterial cell(Hengge-Aronis 2002), if RssB is bound to an anti-adap-tor, then it is not available for binding to RpoS, whichcan reprogram RNA polymerase to transcribe RpoS-de-

pendent promoters. For example, the 86-amino-acid IraPprotein is an anti-adaptor that is produced when E. coliexperiences low phosphate levels (Bougdour et al. 2006).The 130-amino-acid IraD protein acts on RssB in a simi-lar way to IraP, but it is activated as a result of hydrogenperoxide oxidation, which causes DNA damage (Zhenget al. 2001; Bougdour et al. 2008). Likewise, the 107-amino-acid IraM protein, whose gene is induced by thePhoP/PhoQ system under the low Mg2+ conditions, hasthe ability to bind to RssB and/or RpoS, thereby prevent-ing RpoS degradation (Bougdour et al. 2008). Thus, dif-ferent connector proteins convey the nutritional and/orstress status of the cell to the RssB protein that controlsRpoS levels. Similar mechanisms govern RpoS degrada-tion in S. enterica (Tu et al. 2006; Bougdour et al. 2008).Notably, the IraP protein, just like the PmrD connector,is transcriptionally controlled by the PhoP/PhoQ system(Fig. 3A), which allows S. enterica to use distinct con-nectors to activate different regulatory systems in re-sponse to one signal—low extracellular Mg2+ (Kox et al.2000; Tu et al. 2006).

Quantitative features of connector-mediated genecontrol

Connectors endow regulatory circuits with distinctquantitative and kinetic properties, which determine theintensity and timing of the output of connector-medi-ated circuits. In the case of transcriptional control, suchproperties can be elucidated by comparing the gene tran-

Figure 4. TCS connectors can inhibit binding of activated response regulators to DNA or prevent RNA polymerase from interactingwith a response regulator. The ComA/ComP TCS from B. subtilis responds to the extracellular quorum-sensing signal, the peptideComX. Upon activation, ComA promotes transcription of the srf operon, which leads to development of the competent state. Bindingof ComA to DNA is inhibited by the connectors RapC, RapF, and RapH. These connectors, in turn, are deactivated upon binding tothe corresponding Phr peptides. The action of ComA is also inhibited by the connector Spx, which disrupts the interaction betweenComA and RNA polymerase.

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scription levels promoted by a connector-mediatedmechanism with those of a direct regulation circuit, inwhich a transcription factor binds to the promoter of thetarget gene and activates its transcription. In comparisonwith a direct regulation circuit, the PmrD-mediatedpathway connecting the PhoP/PhoQ and PmrA/PmrBsystems (Fig. 3A; Kox et al. 2000; Kato et al. 2003; Katoand Groisman 2004) displays heightened mRNA induc-tion ratios (i.e., mRNA levels normalized relative tothose observed under repressing conditions) (Kato et al.2007). Mathematical modeling results imply that thissignal amplification is an intrinsic feature of the connec-tor-mediated pathway architecture, rather than a conse-quence of a particular combination of kinetic parameters(Kato et al. 2007).

The connector-mediated pathway promotes smalltranscription activation delays in comparison with thedirect regulation circuit; such delays could be attributedto the necessity to transcribe the pmrD gene andtranslate the pmrD mRNA (Kato et al. 2007). In addition,the connector-mediated pathway promotes large deacti-vation delays (i.e., persistence of expression when theorganism goes from inducing to repressing environ-ments) because any remaining PmrD will continue tobind to PmrA-P, thereby affecting PmrA-dependentgene transcription (Kato et al. 2007). PmrA stimulatesmodifications in the outer membrane that protect S. en-terica from toxic agents, such as metal ions and theantibiotic polymyxin B; thus, persistence of expres-sion could be advantageous for survival in fluctuat-ing environments (Kato et al. 2007). The lability of thephosphorylated state of response regulators allows forrapid regulatory changes without new protein turn-over. Therefore, connectors that protect phosphorylatedstates can confer stability upon a signaling system.Mathematical modeling suggests that noticeable ac-tivation delays and large deactivation delays are in-herent properties of the connector-mediated pathwayarchitecture (Mitrophanov et al. 2008). However, be-cause PmrD stability affects persistence of expres-sion (Kato et al. 2007), it is anticipated that as the sta-bility of a connector decreases the length of the deacti-vation delays will decrease as well. This can happenwhen the connector itself is a protease substrate orwhen the connector’s activity is modified post-transla-tionally (e.g., in a similar way to the Rap–Phr interac-tion).

TCS connectors that function as anti-adaptors (e.g.,IraP) regulate cellular processes by binding to adaptorproteins (e.g., RssB), thereby preventing them from re-cruiting their targets for degradation (Tu et al. 2006;Bougdour et al. 2008). Such regulation could confer ad-vantageous quantitative properties in comparison withother regulatory mechanisms. Indeed, degradation of aprotein can sometimes be quickly inhibited, in whichcase the concentration of this protein will increase muchfaster than in the case of transcriptional control (Jenaland Hengge-Aronis 2003). In stress response, time-effi-cient regulatory reactions appear to be particularly im-portant (Jenal and Hengge-Aronis 2003).

Biological consequences of connector-mediatedregulation

TCS connector proteins can expand the spectrum of sig-nals that influence the activity of a response regulator.The signals can be integrated by connector-dependentOR gates, in which any one of the incoming signals issufficient for circuit activation. Alternatively, connec-tor-based mechanisms can act as AND gates, wherebycircuit activation requires the presence of all the signals,or the presence of one signal and the absence of another.Signal integration facilitates coordination and fine-tun-ing of cellular processes. Furthermore, connector pro-teins can promote responses with specific quantitativeproperties. Here, we discuss characteristics attributableto connectors.

Temporal coordination of complex processes

Connector proteins determine when and for how longresponse regulators will be active. The connectors thatregulate sporulation in B. subtilis affect the levels ofphosphorylated Spo0A, the central transcriptional regu-lator of sporulation. The dynamics of the Spo0A-P levelsis critical for sporulation, because gradual accumulationof Spo0A establishes temporal activation order for thesporulation gene promoters that differ in their affinityfor Spo0A-P (Fujita and Losick 2005; Fujita et al. 2005).This suggests that a prominent role of connectors insporulation control is to facilitate proper timing and co-ordination of sporulation with other cellular functions.Indeed, the connector Sda causes a delay in the initiationof sporulation in the case of transient replication blocksor DNA damage, thus giving the cell an opportunity torepair the damage (Ruvolo et al. 2006). The connectorsRapA, RapE, and RapH prevent simultaneous occurrenceof two alternative physiological processes—competenceand sporulation—thus carrying out time coordination ofthe two distinct responses (Mandicmulec et al. 1995;Perego and Brannigan 2001; Smits et al. 2007). Such timecoordination is well illustrated by the action of RapH,which is required to prevent temporal overlaps betweenthe expression of late competence genes and sporulationgenes under conditions that promote both phenotypicstates (Smits et al. 2007).

Intricate control of the activity of Rap proteins is car-ried out by their cognate Phr peptides (Perego 1997). Ex-isting evidence suggests that the protein precursors ofthe Phr peptides are exported outside of the cell via theSec-dependent pathway, a ubiquitous bacterial mecha-nism for protein export (Perego and Hoch 1996; Perego1997; Lazazzera et al. 1999; Lazazzera 2001; Perego andBrannigan 2001). These precursors are subsequently pro-cessed by extracellular enzymes, and then re-enter thecell via the oligopeptide permease. Each of the Phr pro-duction steps can be controlled by different cellularmechanisms. Thus, Phr transport and processing eventshave been suggested to represent regulatory checkpointscoordinating the timing and rate of Spo0A-P accumula-tion with other physiological functions (Perego 1997;Perego and Brannigan 2001).

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Promoting heterogeneity in cell populations

Gene expression patterns or responses to environmentalchanges often characterize only a part of a bacterial cellpopulation (Smits et al. 2006). Regulation by connectorsis critical for the heterogeneity of genetically identicalB. subtilis cells with respect to their ability to sporulate.Under sporulation-promoting conditions, there exist twocell subpopulations that consist of sporulating and non-sporulating cells, respectively (Dubnau and Losick 2006;Smits et al. 2006). The two subpopulations differ in thelevels of Spo0A-P, and sporulation is triggered in thecells whose Spo0A-P level exceeds a certain threshold(Fujita et al. 2005; Veening et al. 2005; Smits et al. 2006).If the environmental conditions change so that nutrientsbecome plentiful, the nonsporulating cells will resumetheir normal activities. Thus, heterogeneity is believedto be an advantageous property allowing the populationto avoid commitment to the irreversible and energy-con-suming sporulation in environments where harsh condi-tions can be easily reversed (Dubnau and Losick 2006).The connectors RapA and Spo0E, which regulate the B.subtilis phosphorelay, are necessary for Spo0A-associ-ated cell heterogeneity, because deletions of the rapAand spo0E genes abolish heterogeneity by inducingSpo0A activity in the vast majority of cells in the popu-lation (Veening et al. 2005).

Specificity of connectors

Specificity of biochemical mechanisms is a means toavoid undesired cross-talk between regulatory pathways(Bardwell et al. 2007). At the same time, regulatory in-teractions between pathways that do not normally inter-sect can serve as means of signal integration or generat-ing distinct outputs in response to a single input. Eventhough a few examples of such cross-talk have been re-ported in two-component signal transduction, the ki-netic preference of a sensor protein for its cognate re-sponse regulator makes cross-talk extremely rare (Lauband Goulian 2007). Likewise, the specificity of TCS con-nectors for their targets is a key factor contributing tothe fidelity in two-component signal integration. For ex-ample, the PmrD connector protein of S. enterica caninhibit dephosphorylation of PmrA-P, but not of its near-est homolog, the response regulator YgiX (Kato andGroisman 2004). Furthermore, the activity of the Phrpeptides, RapA, RapB, RapE proteins, and Spo0E phos-phatases is also highly specific (Perego and Brannigan2001). The connector KipI appears to act exclusively to-ward its target (KinA), and so do the known anti-adaptorsof Gram-negative bacteria. The action of the connectorprotein Sda is specific in the sense that both of its tar-gets, KinA and KinB, phosphorylate Spo0F.

Whereas target specificity seems to be predominant inconnector-mediated regulation, a few connectors affectmore than one target. For example, RapH inhibits theDNA-binding ability of ComA and promotes dephos-phorylation of Spo0F-P, thereby acting as a bifunctionalconnector that controls competence and sporulation

(Smits et al. 2007). The connector Spx prevents RNAPfrom binding to DNA and initiating gene transcription.This ability allows Spx to inhibit DNA binding of tworesponse regulators—ComA and ResD. In addition, Spxcan induce or repress the transcription of a considerablenumber of genes (Nakano et al. 2003a,b, 2005; Zuber2004; Choi et al. 2006; Zhang and Zuber 2007) and canenhance the interaction between ComK and the proteaseClpC (Nakano et al. 2002).

Feedback in connector-mediated regulation

Many TCS connectors participate in feedback loops,which influence their level and/or activity. For example,transcription of the pmrD gene, which encodes the pro-tein that stabilizes the activated state of the responseregulator PmrA, is inhibited by PmrA (Kato et al. 2003).Further examples of connectors that participate in or in-terfere with negative feedback loops include KipI (Wanget al. 1997), FixT (Foussard et al. 1997), RapC (Lazazzeraet al. 1999), and RapF (Bongiorni et al. 2005). The adaptorRssB, which recruits RpoS for degradation and is regu-lated by multiple anti-adaptors (Bougdour et al. 2008), isinvolved in a negative feedback loop because rssB tran-scription is RpoS-dependent (Ruiz et al. 2001). Thus, ac-cumulation of RpoS stimulates expression of the RssBprotein that, by delivering RpoS to the ClpXP protease,will promote RpoS degradation, resulting in stabilizationof the RpoS levels. Connector-mediated feedback can bepositive. For instance, RapE promotes the dephosphory-lation of Spo0F-P in the B. subtilis phosphorelay, result-ing in lower levels of Spo0A-P. The activity of RapE, inturn, is counteracted by PhrE (Perego and Brannigan2001), which is under positive transcriptional control of�H (McQuade et al. 2001), whose gene is indirectly acti-vated by Spo0A-P (Britton et al. 2002).

Feedback loops confer special dynamic properties onthe systems that they regulate (Thomas and D’Ari 1990;Mitrophanov and Groisman 2008). They speed up orslow down the response of a regulatory circuit (Rosenfeldet al. 2002; Mitrophanov and Groisman 2008), which canresult in delays contributing to temporal fine-tuning ofconnector-mediated processes. Simple negative feedbackloops exemplified by the PmrD regulation by PmrA-Pcan protect the cell from the accumulation of PmrA-Pthat would result from overexpression of PmrD. It is alsopossible that such feedback could serve the purpose ofshaping the dynamic curve of the pmrD mRNA expres-sion levels upon induction of the PhoP/PhoQ system.Indeed, the specific shape of the dynamic curve describ-ing response regulator phosphorylation and mRNA ex-pression is critical for certain phenotypic features, suchas bacterial virulence (Shin et al. 2006).

Evolution of connectors

The differences in structure and physiological functionsof connectors suggest that the evolutionary origins of

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connectors may be diverse. Indeed, database searches forclose homologs demonstrate that some connectors arehighly conserved, while others have none or very fewhits in the databases. Notably, even the connectors thatare tightly functionally linked can have drastically dif-ferent conservation properties. For example, the Rap pro-teins from B. subtilis are highly conserved among Gram-positive endospore-forming species (Perego and Branni-gan 2001), but their Phr partners typically have no hits orjust one hit (to a Bacillus licheniformis protein) whensearched using BLASTP in the NCBI database. Further-more, Sda and KipI perform the same function in B. sub-tilis—inhibition of KinA autophosphorylation—but dis-play different phylogenetic distributions with Sda beingwell-conserved only among Bacillus and Geobacillusspecies, and KipI homologs found in a wide range ofGram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These datasuggest that some connectors may have been acquiredlaterally (Ochman et al. 2000), which is supported by thephage origin of the gene for the connector TorI in E. coli(Ansaldi et al. 2004).

Allelic differences between orthologous connectors inclosely related species can drastically affect their func-tional properties. While the PmrD proteins within natu-ral S. enterica isolates and natural E. coli isolates arehighly similar in sequence, the PmrD proteins betweenE. coli and S. enterica isolates are only 53.5%–56.6%identical (Winfield and Groisman 2004). This is in con-trast to the target of PmrD, the response regulator PmrA,which is highly conserved between E. coli and S. en-terica. Statistical analysis of substitution frequencieshas demonstrated that the evolution of the PmrD proteinis nonneutral (driven by selection) (Winfield and Grois-man 2004). As a consequence of the allelic differences inthe PmrD protein, E. coli does not generally have a con-nection between the PhoP/PhoQ and PmrA/PmrB TCSs,while S. enterica does (Winfield and Groisman 2004).These results raise the possibility that the divergence ofthe PmrD-mediated regulatory connection between S.enterica and E. coli contributes to the distinct lifestylesof these two species.

Connector proteins can preserve their functional prop-erties despite substantial sequence divergence, if theyconstitute a part of a regulatory module conserved inrelated bacteria. The FixT protein of Caulobacter cre-scentus is only 25% identical to the connector FixT fromS. meliloti but is transcriptionally controlled by theregulator FixK and inhibits the activity of the sensor ki-nase FixL, in a similar way to the rhizobial FixT thatregulates nitrogen fixation (Garnerone et al. 1999; Cros-son et al. 2005). While C. crescentus does not fix nitro-gen, respire anaerobically, or metabolize hydrogen, itharbors the FixJ/FixL–FixK–FixT regulatory module,which is structurally and functionally similar to that ofS. meliloti (Fischer 1994; Bèrges et al. 2001; Crosson etal. 2005).

Related species can have nonorthologous genes per-forming the same physiological function. The nonor-thologous replacement (i.e., displacement) (Koonin et al.1996) of connectors is exemplified by the IraP protein of

S. enterica and the IraM protein of E. coli. Both of theseanti-adaptors prevent the adaptor RssB (MviA) from re-cruiting the stationary phase �-factor RpoS for degrada-tion by ClpXP, and both the iraP and iraM genes areactivated by the PhoP/PhoQ system in response to thelow Mg2+ signal (Tu et al. 2006; Bougdour et al. 2008).Yet, the IraP and IraM proteins do not share substantialsequence identity. E. coli does have an IraP ortholog, butunlike the Salmonella IraP, it promotes RpoS stabiliza-tion primarily under phosphate starvation conditions.

Concluding remarks

TCS connectors endow bacterial cells with the ability toconnect signal transduction pathways by modulating theoutput of two-component regulatory systems. Apartfrom signal integration, they confer distinct quantitativeproperties on signal transduction pathways. The spo-radic phylogenetic distribution of connector-encodinggenes suggests that they are continuously being inventedand/or acquired via horizontal gene transfer. Connectorsusually display very low or no amino acid sequence iden-tity, which makes it difficult to identify novel connec-tors solely on the basis of their primary structure. There-fore, it is possible that regulatory proteins lacking aDNA-binding domain but affecting the output of a TCSmay function as connectors (Zhan and Leigh 1990; Keat-ing 2007).


We thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments on theoriginal version of the manuscript. Our research is supported bygrants from the National Institutes of Health. E.A.G. is an in-vestigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.


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Signal integration by bacterial systems


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Page 12: Signal integration in bacterial two-component regulatory sporulation, is impaired. The KipI protein links sporu-lation to the availability

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  Alexander Y. Mitrophanov and Eduardo A. Groisman  Signal integration in bacterial two-component regulatory systems


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