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  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009


    v a l u e s e x c e l l e n c e m o m e n t u m 2 0 0 9 P r e s i d e n t s R e

  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009


    table of contents

    Presidents Message 2Academics 10

    School of Liberal Arts 12School of Science 14School of Business 16

    Undergraduate Research 18

    Student Life 20Enrollment 24Faculty and Staff 26Facilities and Infrastructure 28Development 30Community 32Financial Statements 34Our Future 36

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  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009







    Dear Friends of Siena College:

    As the 10th President of Siena College, I asked our community to embrace the

    direction set by St. Francis of Assisi when he called his followers to begin again

    for up until now we have done nothing. Francis words were not meant to disre-

    gard past accomplishments, but rather he hoped that his followers would never

    become complacent and would always be eager to respond to new opportunities.

    I am proud to say that the Siena community accepted my challenge and set out to

    promote the mission of the College in new and exciting ways. In this inauguralPresidents Report, it is my pleasure to share some of the accomplishments of the

    2009 academic year.

    The fall semester of2008 began with a sense of optimism. We had once more

    reached and exceeded our enrollment targets for new students. There was active

    discussion of launching a capital campaign that would result in improved facilities

    and a deepening of our commitment to academic excellence. In athletics, expectations

    were high for our womens volleyball team and for our mens basketball team to

    compete once more on a national stage. Life at Siena looked very good. A shift of

    tone occurred and a new reality emerged as the initial shock waves of the Wnancial

    recession swept over all sectors of American life, including college campuses.

    Siena responded to the new financial realities of our world in a manner consistent

    with its mission. Our main focus was supporting the students, faculty, administrators

    and staff. We took steps to ensure that the current levels of financial aid would be

    maintained for our students and that we would do our best to assist those whose

    financial profile had suddenly changed. We avoided lay-oVs and honored a prior

    agreement with our faculty for a salary raise that was extended to all employees.

    We were able to take these bold initiatives because, over the years as a tuition-

    dependent institution, we had exercised discipline with our endowment funds

    and did not promote unbridled spending. The fiscal crisis remained with us

    throughout the entire academic year, but it did not overshadow what the Siena

    community accomplished.

    The achievements detailed in this Presidents Report are drawn first and foremost

    from the values that we have inherited from Sts. Francis and Clare. Our Franciscantradition is properly described as a wisdom tradition which relies upon stories to

    illustrate its values. As a result, at Siena we highlight the ideals of respect for every

    person, building a community characterized by compassion and reconciliation and

    calling all to serve those who are in need. We communicate these values by telling

    the stories derived from the lives of St. Francis, St. Clare and other notable

    presidents message

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    members of the Franciscan movement. These stories remind us not only of what we

    should do but, more importantly, they point out who we should strive to become.

    In this Presidents Report, I will introduce you to some of the peoplestudents,

    faculty, administrators and staVwhose stories illustrate life at Siena College. You

    will read about the values, the quest for academic excellence and the momentum

    that the College achieved last year. You will see ample evidence and notable out-

    comes in specific areas of college life that are aligned with the goals of our strategicplan. As the landscape of higher education continues to evolve so must we, and so

    we begin again.

    As this report goes to press, we are in the process of refining our vision and

    developing the next strategic plan. We are plotting the direction and priorities for

    where we want to go from 2011 to 2015. By the fall of2010, the full plan will go to

    the Board of Trustees for approval and be shared with the Siena community.

    Looking to the future, we see challenges as problems to solve and opportuni-

    ties to pursue. We gain great conWdence from the continued and enthusiastic

    support of the full Siena College community. Every day we appreciate how

    blessed we are as we move beyond the 800th year since the founding of the

    Franciscan Order and the 72nd year since the seven founding Franciscan Friars

    had a wonderful idea that became Siena College. I am pleased to report that its

    potential has never been better.

    Thank you for your interest and support. I hope the Presidents Report

    broadens your knowledge and appreciation for all the good that is taking place

    at Siena College.


    Fr. Kevin Mullen 75, O.F.M., Ph.D.


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    Values are the cornerstone of a Siena education,

    particularly the Franciscan emphasis on serving

    others. All Siena students are encouraged to lend

    their hands and hearts to projects and programs that

    improve the quality of life for those in need. In the

    accompanying photo, a Giotto fresco depicts

    St. Francis (kneeling) while his companion Sylvester

    orders the demons of greed, avarice and civil

    unrest to leave the people of the town of Arezzo.

    Their method was prayer and action. At Siena,

    students learn the value of the same method.

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    Midhuna William 09, spent a life-changing summer experience living and teaching children in

    an orphanage in Kitovu, Uganda. Thousands of Siena students organized and participated in

    community projects to help more than 100 organizations focused on service to the poor, crime

    victims, disabled, elderly, youth, animal and environmental needs.

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    In 2009, 90% of Siena graduates applying to medcal, dental and optometry schools were accepted.

    In 2008, 85% percent of Siena students who applied to law school were accepted.

    From 2007-2009, 100% percent of Siena graduates taking the NYS Teacher Certification Exam passed.

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    Siena believes strongly in the value of providing

    research opportunities to undergraduates. This year

    funded research increased by 33%. Students worked

    side-by-side with professors doing important work in

    science, economics, business and history. This work

    will help them change the world.


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    Sienas momentum has propelled the science program into a position of leadership among

    comparable and aspirant institutions. Dean Karen Quaal, Ph.D.; Allan Weatherwax, Ph.D.;Rose Finn, Ph.D.; and Rachel Sterne-Marr, Ph.D. are spearheading a National Science

    Foundation grant in support of Educating Scientists for Tech Valley. The grant is intended to

    encourage undergraduate study in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics for

    careers in the growth areas of biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology.

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    As a learning community and liberal arts college

    grounded in its Franciscan and Catholic heritage,

    Siena College considers academic excellence to be

    its primary goal.

    Academics at Siena are rigorous and stimulating.

    Our highly-credentialed faculty are the driving force

    behind this. More than 90 percent of Sienas full-

    time faculty hold the highest degree awarded in their

    field. One-third of the full-time faculty has joined

    the College in the past six years with 11 new faculty

    arriving in 2008-2009. Faculty awards, grants and

    honors are many and include a National Science

    Foundation Early Career Award, an appointment to

    a White House council, two Fulbright Scholar

    Awards and induction in the New York State

    Mathematics Educators Hall of Fame.

    Today, hundreds of undergraduate students at

    Siena participate in intellectual experiences that,

    in many other schools, would be considered to

    be at a graduate level. As a result of faculty/student research, students are co-authoring in

    peer-reviewed journals, presenting at national

    conferences and pursuing advanced educational

    opportunities worldwide. More than 250 students

    travel on study abroad and faculty-led international

    study tour programs in 30 diVerent countries.

    The Siena in Siena program in Italy, with embedded

    volunteer service and all instruction in Italian, is

    considered the best in the country by the Italian

    consulate staV.

    Through signature programs, students gain a

    valuable advantage over their peers. Ninety percent

    of Sienas 2009 graduates applying to medical,

    dental and optometry schools were accepted.

    Eighty-Wve percent of Siena students who applied

    to law school in 2008were accepted. One hundred

    percent of Siena teacher preparation graduates

    taking the New York State Teacher Certification

    Exam passed during the past three years. Two Siena

    teacher preparation program alumni were named

    New York State Teachers of the Year in the past

    Wve years.

    Seven new courses were approved in the past year

    helping to keep Sienas curriculum relevant. With 30majors and approximately40 minors, Sienas 3,000

    students have enviable Xexibility and support in

    shaping a personalized education.






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    Charles R. Trainor, Ph.D.

    Professor of English

    The Jerome Walton Excellence in Teaching Award

    Joshua B. Diamond, Ph.D.

    Professor of Physics

    The Matthew T. Conlin O.F.M. Distinguished Service Award

    Rachel E. Sterne-Marr, Ph.D.

    Professor of Biology

    The Raymond Kennedy Excellence in Scholarship Award

    Andrea Smith-Hunter, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor of Marketing and Management and Hickey Chair in Business

    Appointed to the White House Council on Women and Girls

    Duane Matcha, Ph.D.

    Professor of Sociology

    Fulbright Scholar Award for study at the University of Vilnius, Lithuania

    Mahmood Karimi-Hakak, M.F.A.

    Professor of Creative Arts

    Fulbright Scholar Award for study at the University of Tel Aviv

    James Matthews, M.A., M.S.

    Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science

    Inaugural inductee into the New York State Mathematics Educators

    Hall of Fame

    Kevin Kittredge, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

    National Science Foundation Early Career Award

    Allan Weatherwax, Ph.D.

    Professor of PhysicsNamed to the National Academy of Sciences, Polar Research Board

    Cheryl Buff, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor of Marketing and Management

    Hormel Foods Meritorious Teaching Award/Marketing

    Management Association


    The academic excellence of numerous faculty

    was recognized for outstanding achievement

    during the 2009 academic year:

    Cheryl Buff, Ph.D.

    James Matthews, M.A., M.S.

    Rachel E. Sterne-Marr, Ph.D.

    Kevin Kittredge, Ph.D.

    Mahmood Karimi-Hakak, M.F.A.

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    Siena Colleges School of Science programs are

    high-quality, high-touch examples of student

    engagement in the learning process. Science

    faculty at Siena love to teach. In our lab-intensive

    curriculum, they create stimulating and challenging

    opportunities that extend students hands-on

    experience. Undergraduate research is Xourishing

    at Siena. It is driven by credentialed faculty who

    collaborate with and encourage students to be

    involved directly in their research projects. Access

    to instrumentation, Sienas small class sizes and a

    growing success in earning research grants validate

    the investment quality of Siena science. The out-

    comes are notable. Undergraduates have experiences

    formerly limited to graduate schools, the course

    content stays fresh and students develop technical,

    communication and teamwork skills. Students

    co-author in peer-reviewed publications, present

    at national conferences and apply their experiences

    to further study at the graduate school level.Jon Bannon, Ph.D., assistant professor of

    mathematics, was invited to Vanderbilt University

    and UCLA to discuss his research using Von

    Neumann algebras for quantum mechanics.

    The universities overall goal is to understand

    the structure of these algebras and determine how

    many possible quantum universes there can be.

    Kevin Kittredge, Ph.D., associate professor of

    chemistry and biochemistry and recent NSF Early

    Career Award winner, prepares sensors to better

    understand their physical characteristics, and uses

    thin Wlms that contain pigments as semi-transparent

    coatings for use in the preservation of works of art.

    The Siena College Summer Scholars Research

    program and externally funded grants are support-

    ing a wide spectrum of research by11 School of

    Science faculty and 31 students.

    Sienas momentum has propelled the science

    program into a position of leadership among

    comparable and aspirant institutions. Across the

    School of Science, students and faculty are receiving

    honors and participating in national and interna-

    tional programs focused on the advancement of

    science and science education. Dean Karen Quaal,

    Ph.D., Allan Weatherwax, Ph.D., Rose Finn, Ph.D.

    and Rachel Sterne-Marr, Ph.D. are spearheading

    a National Science Foundation grant in supportof Educating Scientists for Tech Valley. The grant

    encourages undergraduate study in Science,

    Technology, Engineering and Mathematics for

    careers in the growth areas of biotechnology,

    nanotechnology and information technology.


    School of science

    With the help of students, Allan Weatherwax, Ph.D., professor of physics and associate dean of science is building a

    satellite on the Siena campus that will explore lightnings link to terrestrial gamma ray flashes in the earths upper

    atmosphere. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the overarching goal of the CubeSat program is to

    advance space weather and atmospheric research. The development of the Firefly satellite is a collaborative effort

    between the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Siena College.

    SCIENCE STUDENT SUCCESSESThe exposure of Siena science students

    to innovative teaching, liberal arts

    perspective and sophisticated

    research has produced results:

    Justin Malinowski 09 chemistry

    major, graduated early and was

    hired as a technician for and

    mentored by Kevin Kittredge, Ph.D.Justins research has been published

    and he is attending graduate school

    at the University of North Carolina.

    Adam Finkel 09 biology major,

    worked with Nancy Elliott, Ph.D. on

    a tropical biology project involving

    plant life in the Bahamas and was

    awarded a government grant to

    continue the study.

    Patti Carroll 09 physics major and

    Clare Boothe Luce Scholar, studied

    for two years under Rose Finn, Ph.D.

    Patti was published and has accepted

    a full tuition award and research

    stipend to pursue a Ph.D. in

    Astronomy at the University of


    Jason Soohoo 09, triple major in

    physics, mathematics and computer

    science, collaborated on research in

    quantum chemistry, spent a summer

    at the University of Vienna and

    is working on his Ph.D. at the

    University of Waterloo in Canada.

    Allycia Barbera 10 and AmandaPaske 10 chemistry majors, are

    working with Daniel Moriarty, Ph.D.

    on protein characterization and

    with Jodi ODonnell, Ph.D. on the

    synthesis of chemical sensors.






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    The resources in the Siena School of Businesss Douglas T. Hickey Financial Technology Center encompass two special areas: The William R. Raub 85

    Market Trading Room and the Guy 54 and Dorthea Alonge Accounting Lab. Within that setting, the student-managed David E. Bjorklund Investment

    Fund operates as part of a finance class led by Eric Girard, Ph.D., professor of finance and director of the Center for Global Financial Studies.

    Established with real dollars, including a $100,000 gift from Davids brother Ron 85it operates much like a typical hedge fund. The student-

    managed fund has outperformed the S&P 500 by more than 20 percent over the past three years.


    School of Business

    If you were to visit an organization on the Wrst day

    freshly-graduated hires arrive, it would be quite easy

    to spot the Siena alumni. They are the ones who

    dont look lost. Siena School of Business students

    have many good reasons to be confident. Their

    education integrated the theoretical and the practical,

    with the thoughtful and the analytical. Their

    experiential learning gave them access to the same

    resources, tools and technologies that power the

    engines of global commerce. Business students

    interact and collaborate on research projects with

    accomplished faculty with real-world experience,

    and intern in organizations recognized as industry

    leaders. Our graduates hit the ground running

    and quickly ascend to leadership roles in business,

    government, education, healthcare and not-for-

    profit organizations.

    Sienas School of Business is accredited by the

    Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of

    Business, a distinction earned by only eight percentof undergraduate-only programs. Sienas AACSB-

    accredited environment meets the highest standards

    for business programs worldwide.

    The Siena School of Business faculty continues

    to grow in number and reputation. From 32 faculty

    ten years ago, today the full-time teaching and

    scholarly team has grown to 52, including four in

    the past year. They collaborate with students in the

    classroom, as well as on research and community

    projects. With faculty mentorship, guidance and

    encouragement, our students competed and placed

    in: the Price Chopper Innovation Conference

    competition, the Federal Reserve Challenge, the

    Students in Free Enterprise regional competition,

    the Capital Region Enterprise and Economic

    Development Community Fellow program and

    the American Marketing Association Student

    Marketer of the Year competition. They published

    research studies on topics including college students

    and credit card debt, Internet commerce, work

    ethic, management effectiveness, counterfeit

    products, environmental economics and strategic

    decision making.

    To meet the requirements of a new state regulation

    requiringCPA candidates to complete Wve years of

    full-time education, the Siena School of Business

    launched a new Master of Science in Accountingprogram. Siena accounting students can now remain

    with Sienas faculty and the excellence they know

    and respect, rather than leaving for another school.

    AB.S. degree in Actuarial Science and a certifi-

    cate program in Risk Management were also added

    to the curriculum to meet increasing demands for

    professionals in the marketplace.

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    In just a few short years, spon-

    sored research at Siena College

    has grown exponentially. In 2009

    total award dollars increased

    33 percent. Hundreds of students

    across three schools are the direct

    beneficiaries of hands-on, faculty-

    guided undergraduate research.

    The experience expands classroom

    learning, critical thinking and

    problem solving to give them a

    head start to enter the workplace

    or graduate study.


    undergraduate Research

    Curiosity is at the core of learning. Scholarly

    interest in discovering whats new and how to make

    something better is the driver that encourages

    pursuit of ideas and innovations. It is what deWnes

    state-of-the-art. As seen throughout the report

    on Siena Colleges schools, research has become a

    high-value extension of the curriculum. Most Siena

    College research grants include students as primary

    participants in the projects. The impact on campus

    is far-reaching.

    The Office of Government and Foundation

    Relations works closely with faculty to identify and

    apply for grants. In 2008-2009 their efforts were

    successful in generating more than $1 million in

    new funding from the National Science Foundation,

    NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/CalTech, the

    Merck Institute and the Henry Luce Foundation.

    Siena is also an active member of the national

    Council on Undergraduate Research.

    In the past year, examples of Siena studentsresearch successes were demonstrated in such forums

    as participants in the NSF Research Experience for

    Undergraduates at universities in Europe and the

    U.S.; selection from 400 entrants for presentations on

    Capitol Hill; biodiversity study in South Africa; and

    presentations at the American Chemical Society, Keck

    Northeast Astronomy Consortium and Planetary

    Science meetings.

    Sociology student Diane Carvagno presented a

    paper at the New York State Sociological Associations

    56thAnnual Meeting. The paper is the culmination of

    her Research Methods project studying Siena student

    attitudes toward radio censorship.

    In the School of Business, in addition to the hands-

    on experiences students have in the Hickey Financial

    Technology Center, the Market Research Lab impacts

    student study with a complement of analytical tools

    and databases. Combined with the Siena Research

    Institutes call center capability, this brings real-world,

    real-time resources to students.

    Funded by a multi-year grant from the Merck/

    American Academy for the Advancement of Science

    Undergraduate Science Research Program, each

    summer, two chemistry and two biology students

    combine their knowledge and work jointly on projects.

    Coordinated by Dan Moriarty, Ph.D., associate

    professor of chemistry, and Chris Harbison, Ph.D.,

    assistant professor of biology, the program focuses

    on interdisciplinary collaboration in the laboratory.

    The Siena Summer Scholars Program promotes

    inquiry and creativity by supporting scholarly

    activity in which faculty and undergraduate students

    collaborate. It fosters exploration and discovery

    by providing opportunities to design and conduct

    original research with real outcomes. Likewise, the

    Summer Legal Fellows component of the Pre-Lawprogram places qualified undergraduate students

    in a variety of prestigious law schools for six weeks.

    This program is the only one of its kind in the

    nation. Under the direct supervision of a law

    professor, Fellows undertake original legal research

    alongside second and third year law students. The

    law school sponsors have published Siena students

    work, which provided the basis for legal action

    in state and federal jurisdictions.

    The trajectory of research awards and results

    at Siena College is the ultimate assessment and

    validates the quality and relevance of our programs.

    As success breeds success, it is a powerful magnet to

    help attract more high-quality faculty and students.

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    while exemplifying Sienas founding Franciscan

    values. Siena plays club mens hockey and its team

    ranked third in the nation among club hockey with

    a 28-6-2 record. They were the Super East College

    Hockey League Champions for the second consecu-

    tive year. They returned to the American College

    Hockey Association Division II national tournament

    final four.

    At a time when many colleges are seeing declinesin recruiting on campus, the Siena College Career

    Center continued to provide connections and counsel

    to students and alumni. There were more than 1,000

    career counseling appointments, including nearly 200

    with alumni. Thanks to the efforts of Brian West 91,

    Nielsen Company CFO, the company recruited on

    campus for the first time and hired two students for

    their prestigious Financial Leadership Program.

    Other new recruiters on campus represented

    Wojescki & Company CPAs, Marks Paneth & Shron

    LLP, JP Morgan Chase Bank and Walgreens. Verizon

    Wireless was also new to Siena for recruiting and

    was the title sponsor for the Siena Career and

    Internship Fair. Four-hundred-thirty-two students,

    26 percent more than 2008, attended and also

    66 organizations (a six percent increase).

    Celebrating its five-year anniversary, the Sister

    Thea Bowman Center for Women received a

    $15,000 grant from State Farm Insurance to host

    Girls Take Charge leadership workshops for local

    area high school girls. The Womens Center was

    instrumental in establishing the Franciscan Values

    Student Lounge in Hennepin Hall featuring fair-

    traded and eco-friendly furnishings.

    Reflecting Sienas national involvement andleadership in Student Affairs, Vice President

    Maryellen Gilroy, Ed.D. was elected chair of the

    board of directors for the Association for Student

    Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities. In July,

    Siena hosted 178 Student Affairs administrators from

    46 Catholic colleges at their national conference.

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    If students are the heart of a college, faculty

    and staff are its soul. At Siena, scholarship and

    achievement blend seamlessly with Franciscan

    values because the faculty and staff walk the talk.

    Sienas concept of community is much more than

    an organizational description. It is the cohesive way

    the colleges faculty and staff operate. Some people

    work together; Siena people serve together. There

    is a rich tradition in how learning, work and lifeare connected.

    Throughout Sienas classrooms, laboratories,

    facilities, programs and activities, the spirit is

    welcoming and nurturing. Its seen in the way

    Raj Devasagayam, Ph.D., associate professor of

    marketing and management, uses ethics as the

    integrative lens to evaluate business decisions.

    His students learn to not just be interested in the

    right solution, but in the good solution. Its how

    Ted von Hippel, Ph.D., assistant professor of physics,

    organized regular sky observations for physics

    students in the parking lot near the maintenance

    building. This has provided observing experience

    and projects for nearly 300 students. Rose Finn,

    Ph.D., is the first woman to teach physics at Siena.

    Her work in physics, astronomy and teacher training

    is receiving notice within the science community.

    Her dedication, passion and style are helping to

    interest more women in Sienas School of Science.

    The expertise of Siena faculty is sought after and

    acknowledged by organizations off-campus. Since

    the publication of his book, Developments in the

    National Security Policy of the United States Since

    9/11, Len Cutler, Ph.D., professor of political science

    and pre-law advisor, has been tapped as an

    by the U.S. Department of Justices Office of

    Counsel to comment on issues facing the new

    istration, including torture, rendition and the

    of Guantanamo Bay. Dr. Cutler was asked to

    to the Subcommittee on the Constitution of th

    Senate Judiciary Committee.

    Ed LaRow, Ph.D., professor of biology, ove

    Sienas 12 cooperative programs in medicindentistry, optometry and podiatry. He has sp

    26years assisting students to achieve their h

    professions goals. Albany Medical College

    awarded him an honorary doctorate to reco

    his work in the development and direction o

    Siena/Albany Medical College Science, Hu

    and Medicine Program from which nearly 2

    dents have earned their degrees. Major Ma

    Chambers, a member of the Siena faculty in

    science, was awarded the Colonel Leo A. C

    Memorial Award for Outstanding National In

    of the Year for Army ROTC. Donna McIntosh

    M.S.W., professor of social work, was award

    Teacher of the Year by the New York State S

    Work Education Association.

    Adding to the Siena culture are new faces

    functions to expand the Colleges effectivene

    To provide guidance regarding evidence-b

    decision-making and continuous improvemen

    College, as well as to maintain an ongoing r

    ship with the Middle States Commission on H

    Education accreditation organization, the Of

    Institutional Effectiveness was established. Pe

    Brunner, Ed.D. was appointed as associate v

    SIENA DJ VUSiena students enjoy a wide range

    of support and options in shaping

    their education. Elizabeth Brookins

    Danz graduated from Siena College

    in 2004 with a B.S. in biochemistry

    and was active in undergraduate

    research, as well as a Presidents

    List student. Dr. Danz earned a

    Ph.D. in cardiovascular sciencesfrom Albany Medical College. She

    has joined the full-time faculty at

    Siena as a visiting member to

    explore a semester of teaching.

    In fact, the current Siena full-time

    faculty includes 24 Siena alumni

    who have returned to carry on the

    traditions of excellence with new

    generations of students.

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    president for Academic Affairs--Planning. Prior to

    Siena, Dr. Brunner was a faculty member at the

    University of North Carolina Asheville and interna-

    tional consultant in education effectiveness, assess-

    ment and learning assurance.

    To expand the Colleges outreach to all of its

    audiences, marketing communications and media

    relations staffs were brought together in the new

    and expanded Office of Strategic Communicationsand Integrated Marketing under the leadership of

    Delcy Fox. Ms. Fox joins Siena with significant

    experience in higher education, including her most

    recent post as Director of Marketing at Rensselaer

    Polytechnic Institute.

    The Campus Ministry and continued enhancement

    of the Colleges Franciscan and Catholic mission have

    been put in the capable hands of Fr. Gregory

    Jakubowicz, O.F.M., College Chaplain. Fr. Gregory

    comes to Siena with a rich blend of law, business, edu-

    cation and pastoral experience, most recently as chief

    operating officer at Washington Theological Union.

    The Office of Enrollment Management plays a

    critical and demanding role in keeping Siena at the

    forefront of attracting and retaining students in both

    numbers and quality. For 22years, Ned Jones has

    progressively moved up within the Enrollment organi-

    zation holding numerous positions of increasing

    responsibility. In 2009, after a national search,

    Mr. Jones was named Vice President for Enrollment

    Management. In his first official year in the position,

    he led the department in exceeding Sienas enroll-

    ment goals despite the troubling economy.

    ANDREA SMITH-HUNTER, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Marketing and Management and Hickey Chair in Business

    is an author, researcher and much requested national speaker on the topic of

    women entrepreneurs across racial lines. She also has been appointed to the

    White House Council on Women and Girls.

  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009









    are impressive (and very

    Franciscan and planet-friendly)

    According to figures released in

    January 2009, Siena:

    RECYCLED enough paper to save

    27,000,000 sheets of newspaper

    (saving 2,200 mature trees frombeing cut down)

    CREATED enough landfill space for

    the disposal needs of 1,000 people

    for one year

    SAVED 907,000 gallons of water

    (would meet the fresh drinking

    water needs of 403 people on a

    monthly basis)

    SAVED enough gas to drive

    86,800 miles in a 28 mpg vehicle

    COLLECTED 20 pallets worth ofend-of-life electronic equipment for

    recycling (e-waste contains many

    toxic substances, including lead,

    mercury, cadmium and brominated

    flame retardants)

    SIENA GETS EVEN GREENERStewardship of our resources is a key component of both Sienas mission and its vision. During

    the 2009 school year, based on input from the campus community, a new recycling system was

    launched by the Facilities department. A new set of labeled receptacle baskets and bins were

    distributed to students, faculty and staff and Residential Life promoted increased awareness

    for recycling. As a result, the campus can now recycle a long list of materials made from paper,

    plastic, glass and metal.

    Pedestrian walkway

    New residence hall

    33 Fiddlers Lane

  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009




    To people driving by Siena College on Route 9, the

    campus may not seem to have changed much over

    the years. In fact, it is now a 174-acre, park-like

    campus. It includes educational and recreational

    facilities, residence halls, townhouses and state-of-

    the-art technologies to create an enjoyable, safe

    and secure environment.

    Research shows that a residential campus is

    closely linked to student engagement, retention andlikelihood to graduate. The combination of residence

    hall suites and townhouses at Siena offers students

    comfort and amenities in their homes away from

    home. During 2008-2009, the offices of Residential

    Life and Facilities Management collaborated with

    students on ongoing enhancements to campus

    housing. These included the redesign and renovation

    of five townhouse units at MacCloskey Square.

    Work was begun on renovating an additional

    six townhouse units.

    In an ongoing effort to improve and expand

    housing and dining for the existing student body

    by providing comfortable living spaces, Siena has

    announced plans to develop a new 264-bed resi-

    dence hall with a dining facility near Colbeth Hall.

    With the support of the Board of Trustees and

    pending approval from the Town of Colonie

    Planning Board, the halls construction is scheduled

    to start in November of 2009. The facility plan has

    been shared with the neighboring homeowners and

    is expected to be ready for occupancy in

    September 2010.

    To continually meet the needs of the campus

    community, the past years facilities improvements

    included: renovations to offices in Siena Hall andFr. Ben Kuhn House; adding a high-technology

    interactive classroom in Siena Hall; renovation

    of 33 Fiddlers Lane to provide much needed meeting

    facilities and offices for Development and External

    Affairs; and improvements in the Technology

    Services offices.

    Looking out most any window on campus, it is

    easy to see ongoing grounds and landscaping

    enhancements. During 2008-2009 a study circle was

    added in front of Foy Hall and a beautiful pedes-trian walkway and retaining wall were added in

    front of Roger Bacon Hall.

    Keeping up with technology is always a priority on

    a college campus to ensure that students are at the

    leading edge as technology users. In the past year,

    Siena went wireless in the residences. While this

    seems a simple step in these times, it is one that we

    undertook with caution to ensure the community could

    enjoy the benefits of access with informational security.

    Siena College retained the services of SunGard

    Higher Education to enhance how we teach, learn,

    manage and connect. SunGardhe will provide the

    College with technology, Web design and informa-

    tion technology management services. SunGardhe

    serves 1,600 colleges and universities worldwide in

    building resources to support learning communities.

    Most readers of this report will be personally

    aware of the challenges we face today in our

    energy use. Fortunately, the Siena campus commu-

    nity has been most cooperative and, in the spirit of

    St. Francis, respectful in helping the College manage

    our energy resources. Among 300 colleges and

    universities across the U.S., Siena has been cited

    as a best practice school in its per square footage

    consumption of energy.

  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009









    The Office of Development and External Affairs is

    dedicated to helping alumni, parents and friends

    of Siena in turning their wishes, dreams and goals

    for the College into realities. While Siena relies on

    student tuition as a primary source for operating

    revenue, philanthropic gifts are a critical source

    as well. This source is becoming more essential as

    the College grows and maintains its special position

    in higher education.Every Siena constituency has its own reasons

    as to why support for the College is a priority.

    For some, its giving back or enhancing the quality

    of education. For others it is a desire to feel a part

    of something bigger. For many there are estate

    and tax planning benefits. Development at Siena

    provides a variety of opportunities to help donors

    maximize the impact of their gifts. Development

    and External Affairs is Sienas primary contact

    point for our 28,000 living alumni.

    One of the most popular and valued ways that

    individuals and organizations select to make a

    major gift is to establish a named endowed

    scholarship. Currently, there are 206 named

    scholarships. In 2008-2009, 14 new scholarships

    were generously created by individuals, families

    and several Siena Reunion classes. We know

    from experience that if all donors could talk to

    the student recipients of this philanthropy they would

    see how their generosity is making a difference in

    students lives.

    Siena students themselves play a key role in

    raising money for the Annual Fund by their

    participation in the phonathon program. Last year,

    they were responsible for generating $300,000

    (17 percent) of the Annual Funds total contributionsof $1.75 million.

    Overall, through the multitude of ways to give

    cash, stock, real estate, annuities, matching gifts,

    bequestsSienas more than 6,000 donor contribu-

    tions totaled nearly $4.7 million. Of that total,

    54 percent were alumni donations.

    In a study of alumni representing four decades,

    the Office of Development conducted interviews

    to learn more about alumnis knowledge and

    perceptions of the College. It is reassuring to know

    that our graduates feel very positive, loyal and even

    indebted to Siena. They have confidence in the

    Colleges stewardship of its resources and its ability

    to succeed. We also learned there is a need to

    increase our communication efforts to build aware-

    ness of Sienas advances, challenges and urgencies.

    This report is one important step in that process.

  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009


    CLASS PROJECSeveral Siena cla

    rated milestone R

    lishing scholarship

    Annual Fund.

    4465th Reunion50

    donated to the An

    5455th ReunionDofor scholarships,

    Annual Fund, $2

    5950th ReunionDo

    for scholarships,

    Annual Fund, $3,


    6940th ReunionTw

    scholarship dono$31,500 and the

    $36,224 to the A

    $6,500 to acade

    7930th Reunion$1

    donated to Siena

    $600,000 in end

    support. In 2009

    over $150,000.

    members joined t

    Presidents Circle

    enrolled in the S

    (gift planning).

    8425th ReunionRa

    the Michael Tadd

    Scholarship, $32

    Annual Fund, $2,

  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009


  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009




    At Siena, community is not a place, but a deeply embed-

    ded awareness that we all affect one another, particularly

    in how we serve the poor and marginalized. It is a phi-

    losophy rooted in the Franciscan tradition of service and

    informed by the themes of Catholic social thought.

    The Siena community extends beyond the campus

    and presents a magnitude of people, events and organ-

    izations that serve the larger community. Each year,

    Sienas students, faculty, staff and alumni work on proj-ects that help to improve the quality of life, raise finan-

    cial support and make a tangible difference to people

    from all walks of life.

    Students, faculty and staff raised $17,500, matched

    by Prime Companies, and provided hundreds of student

    volunteers to work on the Siena Habitat for Humanity

    House construction in Albany, N.Y.

    Students enrolled in the Organization and Manage-

    ment course raised more than $4,600 by staging

    numerous events for the benefit of Whitney M. Young

    Health Services.

    Seniors in the Social Welfare Policy and Services

    course completed a policy action project in response

    to a state budget proposal blocking grants to run-

    away and homeless youth programs. They joined a

    statewide effort to stop the proposal and distributed

    flyers to 212 legislators at the Capital. Their slogan,

    Build Futures. Dont Block Them. was adopted by

    the statewide coalition.

    Charity Week benefited the Catie Hoch Foundation,

    an organization dedicated to helping children in treat-

    ment for cancer. Students put together trips, bingo,

    auctions, pie throwing and a wine tasting dinner.

    Elizabeth Woodward 12 has spent 600 hours in

    volunteer service, teaching horseback riding to thementally challenged and was honored as the Region 2

    Volunteer of the Year for the North American Riding

    for the Handicapped Association.

    Through its Saints in the Community program,

    student-athletes and coaches make numerous appear-

    ances in local classrooms, community centers and

    hospitals. They volunteered hundreds of hours to help

    non-profit organizations including the American

    Cancer Society, Ronald McDonald House and the

    Adopt-A-School program.

    The Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy

    (FCSA) celebrated its 10th anniversary with a special

    ceremony. A scholarship was named for Fr. John Felice,

    who, as provincial minister of the Holy Name Province,

    provided the initial funds to start the Center. The Province

    has given $25,000 to date toward the scholarship. To

    mark the occasion of the anniversary, the Provincegave an additional gift of $25,000, which was imme-

    diately matched by friends of Fr. John and the Center.

    Annual earnings from this newly endowed scholarship

    will be given to Siena students who participate in serv-

    ice and pursue the Franciscan minor. The FCSA includes

    Academic Community Engagement, AmeriCorps VISTA

    Fellows, the Bonner Leaders program and the

    Mentoring Program, which is over 40years old. It has

    engaged several thousand Siena graduates who have

    served as mentors. The Class of 1968, in honor of their

    40th Reunion, has raised over $250,000 to support the

    Mentoring Program. The FCSA is taking on a much more

    active role in the integration of academics, service and

    faith. Through FCSA, in-class projects and student clubs,

    Siena offers opportunities to serve more than 100 organi-

    zations focused on services for the poor and homeless,

    crime victim assistance, support for the developmentally

    disabled, literacy, environmental, faith-based family, youth

    and elderly needs and animal care.

    Siena alumni remaining in the Capital District following

    graduation have impact on the region. In professions,

    education and business they make major contributions to

    the local economy. More than 330 local senior level

    executives are Siena alumni, as well as partners in the

    areas top 20 CPA firms and top executives at three areahospitals. More than 300 of the regions attorneys and

    more than 230 of its physicians are Siena graduates.

    Two businesses headed by Siena alumni were named

    among the Best Places to WorkAlpin Haus and GTM

    Payroll Services. Alumnis sense of giving doesnt go

    away when they leave the campus. Siena graduates

    become leaders, volunteers and donors for a full range of

    charitable, religious and not-for-profit organizations.

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    YEAR ENDED MAY 31, 2009(With summarized information for the year ended May 31, 2008)

    Statement of activities

    Operating Revenues Operating Expenditures

    Instruction 37%Student Services 15%

    Auxiliaries 13%

    Institutional Support 10%

    Operation and Maintenance of Plant 8%

    General Administration 7%

    Depreci at ion 7%

    Interest & Other 3%

    Net Tuition Fees Room & Board 83%Investment Returns 7%

    Other Revenues 5%

    Private Gifts & Grants 3%

    Government Grants & Contributions 2%

    Unrestricted Temporarily Permanently 2009 Total 2008 Totalrestricted restricted

    Operating revenues:

    Tuition, fees, room, and board $ 97,555,076 97,555,076 89,718,457Less financial aid $ 27,945,199 27,945,199 25,633,870

    Net tuition, fees, room, and board 69,609,877 69,609,877 64,084,857

    Government grants and contributions 1,419,792 210,624 1,630,416 1,203,647Private gifts and grants 2,742,087 131,093 2,873,180 2,685,700Investment returns designated for current operations 6,061,909 6,061,909 5,561,054Other sources 3,895,462 3,895,462 3,805,101Net assets released from restrictions 267,847 [267,847]

    Total operating revenues 83,996,974 73,870 84,070,844 77,340,089

    O p e r a t i n g e x p e n s e s :

    Instruction 35,838,801 35,838,801 33,322,160General administration 6,253,613 6,253,613 4,855,345

    Student services 15,473,264 15,473,264 14,888,135Institutional support 8,618,132 8,618,132 7,136,792Auxiliaries 17,705,169 17,705,169 16,470,671Other 101,973 101,973 105,216

    Total operating expenses 83,990,952 83,990,952 76,778,319

    Increase in net assets fromoperating activities 6,022 73,870 79,892 561,770

    N o n o p e r at i n g a c t i v i t i e s :

    Investment return, net of amountsdesignated for operations [22,074,571] [132,855] [14,144,388] [36,351,814] 976,342

    Contributions 44,079 92,550 795,961 932,590 1,910,451Actuarial gain [loss] on annuity obligations 5,294 [7,408] [2,114] 24,899Other-fundraising expense [267,299] [267,299]Net assets released from restrictions and

    changes in donor intent 150,369 [228,539] 78,170

    [Decrease] increase in net assets fromnonoperating activities [22,147,422] [263,550] [13,277,665] [35,688,637] 2,911,692

    [Decrease] increase in net assets beforeeffect of adoption ofsfas No. 158 [22,141,400] [189,680] [13,277,665] [35,608,745] 3,473,462

    Effect of adoption ofsfas No. 158 659,046

    Net [decrease] increase in net assets [22,141,400] [189,680] [13,277,665] [35,608,745] 4,132,508

    Net assets at beginning of year 134,902,741 3,893,615 57,843,710 196,640,066 192,507,558

    Net assets at end of year $ 112,761,341 3,703,935 44,566,045 161,031,321 196,640,066

  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009



    our future






    When we look at all we have done together and all that has become Siena College, we cant help

    but be excited by imagining all we can still do.

    Siena College has much to be thankful for. We are constantly encouraged and inspired by the

    performance of Siena people. They embrace Franciscan values with enthusiasm, step up to always

    do more than asked and they are proactive in identifying and making the best of every opportunity.

    As we prepare the next strategic plan for Siena College, we have momentum, but higher edu-

    cation is always in a race that has no Wnish line. The future gets closer every minute, so we are

    conditioned to act with a sense of urgency.

    The challenges of the 21st century remind us that every year is a turning point and we cannot

    relax in our pursuit of excellence in educating and shaping the character of tomorrows leaders.

    The demands are manycontinued growth, academic excellence, managing the deferred main-

    tenance portfolio, generating endowment revenue, broadening the active Siena community,

    recruiting the best and the brightest students, faculty and staV and continually raising the value

    of the Siena degree.

    We know the future will be dynamic and charged with change. With the engagement and

    support of our community, Siena will be well-positioned to anticipate, adapt and transform.

    We seek to build on our history of providing a solid education, a transformational experience

    and a lifetime membership in the Siena tradition.

    A LIVING VISIONIn 1937, Siena College had a

    humble beginning. The seven

    founding fathersthe Franciscan

    Friars of the Province of the Most

    Holy Name of Jesussaw great

    potential. Their original optimism

    and vision have been validated

    many times over. Most recently:

    In the Business Week/PayScale

    study, Siena made the top 50

    in colleges that open doors to

    higher incomes.

    Siena moved up four places to

    the top schools category in the

    2009 U.S. News & World Report

    Edition of Best Liberal Arts

    Colleges which ranks academic

    reputation, student selectivity,

    freshman retention, graduation

    rate, faculty and more.

  • 8/14/2019 Siena College President's Report 2009




    Fr. Ken Paulli 82, O.F.M, Ed.D.Chief of Staff

    Linda Richardson, Ph.D.Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Maryellen Gilroy, Ed.D.Vice President for Student Affairs

    Ned Jones

    Vice President for Enrollment Management

    David Smith 79

    Vice President for Development and External Affairs

    Paul Stec 79, M.B.A., C.P.A.

    Vice President for Finance and Administration

    2008-2009 BOARD OF TRUSTEESRonald E. Bjorklund 85

    Bradley Bodmer, Esq. 82

    J. David Brown

    Michael Bucci 73

    Robert F. Campbell 66

    Beverly A. Carroll

    Robert M. Curley

    Robert T. Cushing 77

    Susan Law Dake

    Virginia L. Darrow 83

    John J. Dawson, Esq. 68

    Scott C. Donnelly

    Howard S. Foote 74

    Robert L. Guido 68

    Douglas T. Hickey 77

    Rev. Kenneth R. Himes 71, O.F.M., Ph.D

    Gary C. Holle 77Edward J. Johnson 63

    Walter T. Kicinski 62

    Alberto C. Mariaca 60

    Rev. Jerome J. Massimino, O.F.M.

    Pamela McCarthy

    Robert J. McCormick 87

    Rev. Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M., Ph.D.James J. Morrell 66

    Very Rev. Kevin J. Mullen 75, O.F.M., P

    John F. Murray 79

    John J. Nigro

    Very Rev. John F. OConnor, O.F.M.

    Walter A. Osterman 87

    Joseph M. Pastore, Jr., Ph.D.Kenneth M. Raymond, Jr.

    Mark S. Rose 65

    Rev. Peter A. Schneible, O.F.M., Ph.D.Michelle M. Schoulder 99

    David M. Stack 73

    Christine L. Standish

    Br. Daniel P. Sulmasy, O.F.M., M.D., PhDennis L. Winger 69

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