Download - SHROPSHIRE UNISON GENERAL BRANCH AGM · 07/16 UNISON Club Grant 2016 The following payment was supported (92%) A Grant of £500 was agreed. 08/16 Retired Members’ Group Grant 2016

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Monday 12th MARCH 2018

12.00 – 2.00pm



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AGENDA – 12th March 2018

1. Minutes of the virtual meeting held on the 17 – 24 March 2016

2. Branch Officers Reports – 2017/18

3. Statement of Accounts to 31 December 2017 (to be tabled at the meeting)

4. Honoraria Payments

5. Election of Branch Officers 2018/19

6. Election of Departmental Stewards 2018/19

7. Retired Members’ Group Grant

8. Nominations to Regional Council for the coming year

9. Rule Change

i. That the quoracy of the Branch Exec Committee is reduced to reflect the reduction in activists from 10 to 7.

10. Guest Speaker - Ravi Subramanian, UNISON West Midlands Regional


11. Any other Competent Business

i. TUC Rally – 12th May 2018 - London

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Meeting No: Virtual On Line Meeting

Date/Time: 17 - 24 March 2016

Location: Survey Monkey

Attendees: 51 Respondents (40 to be quorate)

Action Ref.

Owner Description Action By Date

01/16 Minutes of AGM on 2015 - Accuracy of minutes were agreed (98%)

02/16 Officer Reports:

The following Officers Reports were seconded (97.96%):

Chairperson: Karen Scardifeld

Treasurer: Janice Louch

Welfare: Janice Louch

Equalities: Steve Cunningham

Retired: Peter Roscoe/Sue Batchelor

03/16 Statement of Accounts to December 2015 – Seconded (100%)

04/16 Honoraria Payments 2015

The following payments were agreed (97.2%):

Chairperson: Karen Scardifeld £200

Treasurer: Janice Louch £500

Welfare : Janice Louch £200

Equalities: Steve Cunningham £200

Retired Members: Peter Roscoe £100 + £100 Branch Payment

Sue Batchelor £100

Auditor: Kevin Aitken £200

Auditor: Michael Davies £200

05/16 Election of Branch Officers 2015/2016

The following officers were elected: (100%)

Branch Secretary: Alan James

Branch Chair: Janice Louch

Vice Chair: Karen Scardifeld (Piangnee)

Branch Treasurer: Janice Louch

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H&S Officer: Vyv Llewellyn

Equalities Officer: Steve Cunningham

Welfare Officer: Janice Louch

Retired Members Officers: Sue Taylor/Harold Bound

06/16 Election of Departmental Stewards

The following stewards were elected (100%):

• Charise Bayliss

• Vicky Brayne

• Mary Breeze

• Louise Derricutt

• Nick Fitzpatrick

• Sharon Flower

• Alan Follmer

• Tracy Fyfe

• Andrew Gough

• David Gough

• Glenda Grimstead

• Richard Hayward

• Alastair Henderson

• Adrian Hinton

• Karl James

• Steve Llloyd

• Ian Martin

• Chris Reeves

• Graham Reynolds

• Tracy Richards

• Alan Richardson

• Nigel Rowland

• Dennis Rowley

• Karen Stringer

• Denise Wilson

07/16 UNISON Club Grant 2016

The following payment was supported (92%)

A Grant of £500 was agreed.

08/16 Retired Members’ Group Grant 2016

The following payment was supported (96%)

A Grant of £1000 was agreed.

09/16 AGM Timing

The question of when the AGM should be held was put to the membership with the following results:

After 5pm: 19.61%

12.00 – 2.00: 29.41%

No preference: 50.98%

The Branch will therefore continue to hold the AGM between 12.00- 2.00pm.

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BRANCH OFFICERS REPORTS 2017 BRANCH EXECUTIVE REPORT FOR AGM 2017 Welcome and thank you for coming. 2016 was yet another difficult and challenging year for those that work for a Local Authority, Service provider or within the Public Sector. I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel and I expect 2017 to be as difficult. Shropshire Council is still streamlining with the restructures, this is putting the staff under real pressure and the high stress levels are still being felt by many staff who are having to cope with high work load, with less staff doing the work and the demand and expectation of managers. Many are still covering work by colleagues who have left, as well as their own workload. Shropshire Council have now started a Sickness Absence Working Group which Unison attend and have an input. Branch Officers are still working hard to try and improve our policies and working conditions in addition to the restructures, grievances and disciplinary cases. Unison are the only Union that attends the Policy Forum with the HR team. On a positive note this last year has seen our relationship with the Chief Executive and Leader of Shropshire Council greatly improve. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alan James, as Branch Secretary who has hit the ground running on his return, it’s like he’s never been gone and still working hard for all the members. I would also like to thank Chris Chateur our Branch Office Manager who works extremely hard under difficult circumstances and continues to pass on her wealth of knowledge. I would also like to thank Mary Arklie our Branch Office Supervisor for her hard work and for keeping us all in check. Karen Scardifield – Branch Chair


Hello everyone and welcome to the Shropshire UNISON General Branch AGM of 2017 I would like to extend to you all a very warm and heartfelt thank you for your continued support to us in times of such great challenges and uncertainty. I would like to extend a particular welcome to our invited guests and thank them for agreeing to be with us today. The last year has been an extremely busy and challenging year for UNISON both nationally and locally, and I feel sure that the year ahead will prove even more challenging in terms of the cuts we are facing within this Authority and indeed right across all services. Shropshire Council are already on record as saying that they are no longer confident that they can deliver statutory services in the next financial year. It is difficult for us to imagine that Shropshire Council can be stripped down anymore than it already has been and yet still retain its identity and its ability to provide good, decent public services but that is the challenge we all face as more and more money from central government is taken from us. As is the continuing and real threat we face to those members who find themselves TUPE transferred into other organisations – some good and some truly woeful- and who have to fight to protect and preserve their hard fought for terms and conditions of employment. The Commissioning Council approach that we have been told our local authority would be adopting is collapsing around

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us, first IP&E failed miserably- just like we said it would and now we have news that over 200 plus Social Care staff will no longer be transferred into People2People ( a private social care company commissioned solely by Shropshire Council ) in April this year, as was the long term plan. Those staff, thanks in part to the opposition and negotiating of Shropshire UNISON will remain local authority employees and the small number already transferred will TUPE back to Shropshire Council. That is a victory for us and for our members affected. It should always be our aim and our objective to keep local authority jobs within the public domain and avoid at all times services, and by default staff, being transferred and sold off to organisations whose only goal is profit and not service. The year ahead for education within Shropshire looks daunting. The schools funding formula that determines how much budget each school receives is being reduced further and further. Our school support staff members – the TA’s, site managers, catering staff et al - are now right in the front line of cuts and redundancies as the governments deliberate policy of reducing school funding (thereby forcing every school to Academize by the back door) begins to take effect. The upshot of this attack on education means that all our schools in the county now have to seriously consider reducing staff numbers to save money. That scenario means undoubtedly that the support staff are the first in line for redundancies, reduced pay and holidays and worse terms and conditions. This branch needs to be right at the forefront of the fight to protect staff against these cuts and that is something we fully intend to do as the times ahead become more difficult. Every area of every public service is now under attack like never before and the challenge for our branch is to do absolutely everything in our power to make sure that we protect as many jobs as we can, to make sure that our members standards of living are maintained and to support those members whose workload pressures seem to be increasing at alarming rates. As you all know we have local elections in Shropshire in May of this year and as much as many of us would wish for a different political leadership of our council the reality is that nothing will change, there may be a few different faces but the overall control will always remain the same. Shropshire is a Conservative Council and will always remain so. For us in The Branch and as UNISON members this means that we have to work with what we have got and we have to ensure that the voice of our membership is heard and recognised right across the authority. We need to do this because trade unions are the only possible guarantee of dignity and justice in the workplace, they are the tool which workers have used over the past two hundred years in order to even up the balance of power between employers and employees, a scenario that has never been more relevant. If we do not stand up for ourselves, promote our own interests and defend what has been won over decades and decades then we risk losing everything and once again returning the master and servant relationships of Victorian Britain. Despite the apparent never ending doom and gloom, we as a branch continue to grow and prosper. Despite losing hundreds and hundreds of jobs over the last few years we continue to recruit in healthy numbers, we are currently the best recruiting Local Government branch in the whole of The West Midlands region. We continue to be the only consistent voice in sticking up for public service in our county be that within the workplace or outside of that within various media streams and assorted local pressure groups and organisations. We consistently achieve high success rates in individual representation of members facing disciplinary hearings, sickness reviews and capability procedures, the core day to day issues facing our members are on the increase as the pressure on workers and managers alike gets more and more intense, I do not believe it to be coincidental that as fewer and fewer of us are left in work to carry out the ever increasing workload that the huge rise

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in sanctions being taken against workers has never been higher. We will never miss an opportunity to promote our cause and that of our wider membership. The role and function of the trade union movement has never been more needed, as the uncertainty of Brexit looms over us, with the very real prospect of workers rights being diminished and done away with completely we need to stand together as workers to protect what we hold dear. Decent wages, workplace security, sick pay and paid holidays, maternity/ paternity leave, health and safety that protects us from un-necessary danger etc etc. All of these benefits that we all take for granted are now up for discussion as a government made up entirely of employers seeks to drag us backwards to times we thought were long gone. Can I please thank the UNISON staff within our office for the unswerving diligence and support they provide, not only for myself on a daily basis but also for the membership as the first point of contact. Also for the officers of the branch who have continued to support me so strongly and who have been there to rein me in when necessary! Mostly a thank you to the membership as a whole whilst you are rightly not slow to tell us when we get something wrong, you are also there to support us in word and deed and to encourage us to continue with the vital work this branch carries out. We couldn’t do it without you. Onwards and upwards to whatever challenges lie ahead. Alan James - Branch Secretary

BRANCH TREASURER’S REPORT I completed my second year as Branch Treasurer and financially 2016 has seen our Branch Funding reduced due to an overpayment last year. I questioned this and crunched the numbers but it would seem UNISON estimate the number of members and then adjust a few months down the line. The Britannia savings account has now been closed and the monies allocated to 3 individual accounts. Alongside the everyday general account we now have a:-

• Redundancy Account

• Premises Account

• Welfare Account

We continued to make day to day savings in expenditure by using electronic means of communicating with members which has reduced printing, postage and labour costs. This year, from a financial point of view, I am hoping we will have a full delegation to go to National Conference in June, as not only is this good for the Branch in regards to networking and knowledge, but it will also stop UNISON fining us which in turn has a knock on effect to the funding the Branch receives. In November 16 a ‘Star in Their School’ was launched by UNISON but the Branch changed it to ‘Stars in Their School’ and this was actioned by giving out a certificate to all UNISON members in schools together with a box of chocolates for staff to share together with a “Recruit a Friend” leaflet which resulted in 30+ new members increasing our membership. I’m sure this coming year will also be a challenging year financially for the branch. Janice Louch - Branch Treasurer

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WELFARE OFFICER’S REPORT We continue to process financial applications for members to assist them in times of financial crisis and have a number of applications currently being processed. Last year I attended a Welfare Seminar which covered Financial Assistance, links to Credit Unions, small grants for school uniform and winter fuel, debt advice, wellbeing breaks during illness/respite for careers as well as support and information which can be in the form of just listening and/or sign posting the member. This is a service which I have seen increase in my 12 months in post and I don’t see it slowing down. Janice Louch – Welfare Officer

EQUALITIES OFFICER REPORT 2016/17 2016/17 was my fifth year as the UNISON Equalities Officer for Shropshire and as in previous years there has been change and challenges but an overall productive year in the role. I have been engaged with several groups and projects over the last 12 months which are outlined below, for further information on any of the projects or groups that I have worked with please do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected] or 01743 252361. Fairness Respect Equality Shropshire (FRESh) Shropshire Unison is a member of Fairness Respect Equality Shropshire (FRESh). FRESh brings together Voluntary/Community, statutory and business sectors organisations to share learning and understanding on equality and diversity issues and was formed in at the end 2013. As a member of FRESh I attend the quarterly forum an occasionally facilitate workshops in meetings. FRESh fourm meetings are open to all see for further details. Shropshire Hate Crime working group I am a member of the Shropshire Hate Crime working group and have contributed to research that FRESh undertook into the underreporting of hate crimes in Shropshire. One of the main findings of the report is that underreporting of hate incidents in Shropshire is very likely to be within the range 50% to 70%. I am working towards become a trainer for the new community reporting centre that will be located in and around Shropshire market towns. Cultural Diversity Day In July 2016 I arranging (with FRESh) the 11th Cultural Diversity Day in the Square in Shrewsbury. The event was a big success, with bhangra dancers, poetry and a Samba band, as well stands from local agencies including a UNISON gazebo.

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Kick it Out (Kick Racism Out of Football) My working relationship with Shropshire FA is continuing to develop with the Kick It Out programme. Following on from last year we focussed the delivery of the Kick it Out programme in Schools by utilising sports providers operating across the county. This worked well and enabled the Kick it Out message of anti-discrimination to reach more schools than in previous years.

Shrewsbury Interfaith Forum/ Multi-cultural Fun Day I regularly attend the Shrewsbury Interfaith Forum meetings and sit on the executive organising committee. On September 17th I worked with Shrewsbury Interfaith Forum to arrange their 5th Multi-cultural Fun day in the grounds of the United Reformed Church (Coleham Head). The event was very positive and included the following: Bhangra and Chinese dragon dancing, a Japanese singer and Samba band. There was also exhibitions and information from 6 religious/faith groups based in Shrewsbury and Indian food provided by local restaurants.

Rainbow Film Festival Shropshire UNISON is very proud of its support to the Rainbow Film Festival in 2016 which attracted an audience from across Shropshire and further afield. I hope we will continue to and support the 2017 film festival. Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) I attended the Shropshire Council and Rainbow Film Festival HMD commemorations on January 27th. Shropshire Council provided fruit trees to a number of primary and secondary schools across the county that undertook commemoration events. Rainbow Film Festival showed the excellent documentary, Triangles, at the Hive in Shrewsbury that was well supported by the community.

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LGBT History Month Shropshire UNISON is very proud that it supported the LGBT history festival in Shrewsbury in February 2016. Shrewsbury was one of a 6 locations from across the UK to host the National Festival of LGBT History. Feedback from the organisers of the event is that it was a huge success. I also represent Unison on the following groups/committees: Fairness Respect Equality Shropshire Board Shropshire Hate Crime Group Shrewsbury Interfaith Forum Shropshire Football Association Inclusion Advisory Group Steve Cunningham - Equalities Officer

RETIRED MEMBERS’ OFFICER’S REPORT for AGM 2017 The Retired Members Group meets monthly and in the past year there were talks on Tudor Shrewsbury, Thailand, Alpacas, Age UK. Honey Bees, the training of dogs to be assistance dogs, and the NHS “Future Fit” and “Sustainability and Transformation Plan”, and there was a visit to the Wedgewood factory and museum. At the National Retired Members Conference in October 2016 the branch put forward two amendments to motions which were incorporated into a composite motion challenging the media portrayal of older people. This included a portrayal of the age group as having access to large pensions, doing little that is worthwhile, and being a drain on society's resources and a burden on younger generations. The motion was carried and it called for :- - all relevant organisations to gain support for a campaign to ensure that positive and diverse images of older people are maintained and strengthened - a campaign strategy to make our concerns known to media sources - the TUC publication “young against old?” to be made widely available - pensioners rights to be preserved for future generations - support for all Unison members and organisations in countering the media agenda on ageism and misrepresentation of older people - work with Unison's National Young Member's Forum to dispel the myths and promote intergenerational fairness. This motion is being submitted to the 2017 National Delegate Conference. The Group have been informed that Shropshire Council is carrying out a consultation on a Bus Strategy for the next four years. Bus Users Shropshire (BUS) is very concerned that the strategy document appears to be an exercise in justifying cuts in bus services which will have an adverse impact on communities, rather than an assessment of public transport needs in Shropshire. Elizabeth Lewis, who has been the treasurer of the Group for at least ten years, has decided to retire. We are very grateful for the work she has undertaken to help the group run efficiently and effectively.

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The Group needs a treasurer to collect subscriptions, pay the speakers and refreshments at meetings, make payments for outings and the Christmas lunch and keep records of payments and receipts. If you are able to carry out this work to enable the group to continue to operate can you please contact Harold Bound Tel 01743 352625 or e-mail [email protected]. Harold Bound Retired Members Officer

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RETIRED MEMBERS’ OFFICER’S REPORT for AGM 2018 At the meetings of the Retired Members Group during 2017 there has been a varied programme of presentations. They have included presentations on Assistance Dogs for the disabled; The Shrewsbury Ark- Drop in Centre for homeless and vulnerable people; the work of Shropshire RCC Carers Support; animal care and the role of zoos in conservation work; the Yellow Ribbon Community Chaplaincy project- which provides support for people on release from prison; heraldry; the work of the Wildlife Trust and measures to encourage wildlife into gardens. Two delegates attended the National Retired Members Conference in Llandudno. Resolutions passed included drawing attention to the escalating costs of funerals (£4,000 to £6,000) , calling for the ethical investment of public sector pension funds in building new care homes for senior citizens, calling for research into the establishment of a UK wide system of trained volunteers available to carry out advocacy functions for residents of care homes, and calling for the recruitment of care workers into the union to be prioritised using the time of retired members in the recruitment campaign. The Group have been informed that, in Partnership with Quaker Social Action, a charity that campaigns on Funeral Poverty and Fair Funerals, a practical guide has been prepared to give support in arranging an affordable and meaningful funeral. Harold Bound Retired Member’s Officer

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The Annual General meeting is asked to approve the payment of honoraria to the following Branch Officers during their service during the year of 2016. It is proposed honoraria is not paid to branch officers who are on secondment. Branch Officers will only receive a payment if they submit a written report of their activities during their year of office.


Only one payment for 2018 to the Retired Member’s Officer - £200 – see report on page 12.

NB All Honoraria payments will be paid by Head Office in order to comply with HMRC Tax/National Insurance Returns. Honoraria payments must be made retrospectively and no payment shall be made prior to approval being given at the AGM. The Branch Executive Committee will review all honoraria annually looking at the amount being paid and the necessity of the office.








VICE CHAIR No Payment No Payment





HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICER No payment No Payment




SPORTS & SOCIAL OFFICER No payment No Payment



WOMENS OFFICER No payment No Payment


AUDITORS (2) £200 each £200 each

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Position Firstname Surname



CHAIRPERSON Tami Sabanovic






H&S OFFICER Julia Davies









WELFARE Tami Sabanovic



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Linda Andersen-Smith The Thomas Adams School

Charise Baylis SC, Joint Adoption Service, Mt McKinley

Sandra Bolas The Thomas Adams School

Vicky Brayne North Shropshire College

Julia Davies Shrewsbury Colleges Group (Rep & H&S Rep)

Paul Davis Telford College

Sharon Flower Ringway, Bridgnorth

Andrew Gough SC, Public Health, Shirehall

David Gough Ringway, Minsterley

Glenda Grimstead SC, Joint Adoption Services, Mt McKinley

Amber Harrison SC, Morda Primary School

Karl James Ringway, Longden Road

Elizabeth Jones The Thomas Adams School

Elizabeth Joyce SC, Adult Social Care, – Auction Yard, Craven Arms

Ian Martin SC, Environmental Maintenance, Craven Arms

David Moore The Thomas Adams School

Chris Reeves Ringway, Longden Road

Tracy Richards SC, Avalon Day Opportunities, Oswestry

Nigel Rowland SC, Land Charges, Shirehall

Dennis Rowley STAR Housing Building Maintenance

Alan Walker Idsall School Academy (H&S Rep)

John Walker Idsall School Academy

Denise Wilson West Mercia Supplies, Shrewsbury

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RETIRED MEMBERS’ GROUP GRANT 2017 & 2018 That this Branch AGM approves the Retired Members Group receiving a Grant of £1000 for 2017 and £1000 for 2018.

AGENDA ITEM 8 NOMINATIONS TO REGIONAL COUNCIL FOR COMING YEAR Branches, Self Organised Groups and the Young Members Forum are invited to submit nominations for the Regional Committee for the period April 2018 to March 2019. NOMINATIONS FOR REGIONAL COUNCIL OFFICERS 2018/2019 Branches are invited to submit nominations for various elected officers of the West Midlands Regional Council as follows: -





• Branches, Self-Organised Groups and the Young Members Forum are invited to submit nominations for seats on the following Regional Council Committees: -

-Education and Training -Finance and General Purposes -Welfare Benefits

• Branches, Self-Organised Groups and the Young Members Forum are invited to submit nominations for Officers of the following Regional Council Forums: -

-Health and Safety -International

REGIONAL DELEGATION TO 2018 NATIONAL TUC West Midlands Region are seeking nominations from branches to elect two delegates (one General Seat and one Women’s Seat) to attend the 2018 National TUC.

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AMENDMENT TO BRANCH RULE 7 (C) The Branch Executive Committee would like the AGM to ratify an amendment to the following Branch Rule:

“(c) The quorum for the Branch Committee shall be 10 members of the Committee.”

The proposal is to reduce this to:

“(c) The quorum for the Branch Committee shall be 7 members of the Committee.”

AGENDA ITEM 10 GUEST SPEAKER Ravi Subramanian, UNISON West Midlands Regional Secretary