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  • 8/10/2019 Should Home Be Abolished


    Should Homework Be Abolished

    Do you hate homework? If you hate homework do you want to get rid of it? Are you the

    kind of student that has too much homework that you want to get rid of it? Think twice, because

    studies show homework helps academically. This is an argument that has been going on for a

    long time. Homework shouldnt be abolished because it helps academically, there is enough timeto finish it, and teacher say students learn more.

    Homework helps students academically. In the article Surveyon Homework Reveals

    Acceptance, Despite, and Some Grieves from volume 27 of Education Week took a survey. Thesurvey stated that the students who dont do homeworkor have negative feelings for homework

    have an average grade of C or below. Kids who always do homework had grade averages of A

    and B. Kids who dont do homework have lower grades. Also from the same article from

    Education Week, they took another survey. The survey consisted teachers and parents. Eightypercent stated that homework has helped their students during class. Even parents and teacher

    say homework is helpful to the students. They would know because they see the change in the

    students grades. Homework benefits academically, but is there enough time for it?

    There is enough time to do homework and other activities. In the article Too Much

    Homework by Fredreka Schouten from the Gannet NewsService, studies show that two- thirdsof high school seniors spend no more than an hour doing homework. Even the highest grades

    dont get that muchhomework. The same article from Education Week showed an interview. In

    the interview a student confessed that most students in junior high or high school chat whiledoing homework. This shows that because of chatting or other activities while doing homework,

    homework seems to take a longer time to finish than it really is. Homework doesnt take a long

    time to finish. Homework is helpful to the student, so they should do it.

    Teachers say students learn more because of homework. In the same article from

    Education Week, they interviewed a teacher. The teacher stated seeing a positive result by doingover homework with the class. In a way homework is helping students learn from their mistakes.

    Also, Education Week held another survey. The teachers who taught for more than twenty years

    stated homework helps students achieve their goal. Even the most experience teachers favor


    Homework is good for the students. It helps them academically, thats why homeworkshouldnt be abolished. Again, think to yourself, should homework be abolished? Homework

    helped you, so you should be thankful.