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Short Report - Forecastfrom December 2014for Fla, born on 18 November 1982Text by Robert Hand, Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2014

 Send pageIntroduction Lost on the way * Neptune conjunction MC: * End of May 2012 until mid-December 2014: With a little discretion * Uranus square Mars: * End of June 2013 until end of February 2015: Struggle or triumph * Pluto conjunction Mars: * Beginning of February 2014 until mid-December 2015: Impending shortages * Jupiter square Jupiter: * Beginning of November 2014 until beginning of July 2015: Harsh realizations * Saturn conjunction Venus: * Mid-December 2014 until end of September 2015: An evaluation of goals * Saturn square MC: * End of January 2015 until beginning of November 2015: The Data Page

Introduction This report is a short edition of the Forecast Horoscope. It is meant as a sample and advertisement for the full version of the Forecast Horoscope which can be ordered from Astrodienst as a bound report of about 15 - 20 pages. Further horoscope reports

Yearly Horoscope Analysis

Your personal forecast for the next 12 months, by Liz Greene.

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Transits of the Year

Forecast for 12 months based on your transits, by Robert Hand.

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Long-Term Perspectives

Your personal perspectives for the next six years, by Liz Greene.

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Forecast Horoscope

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Das The cheerful and inexpensive forecast for one year.

Read more Order it nowIn the short edition, only a few, but nevertheless important transits over your natal chart are considered. It is likely however that some important transits of this six month period have been omitted in this abbreviated report. If you are interested in the full pattern of relevant themes, please order the full version of this report. Your best choice of report will be Liz Greene's Yearly Horoscope Analysis or Robert Hand's Transits of the Year. These reports will select the really relevant themes of a 12-month period for you, and deal with them in depth and style. The report was generated for 6 months starting from December 2014 with the following birth data: female, born on 18 November 1982 at 7:00 pm in Cluj, Romania. Your sun sign is Scorpio. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Cancer, and your Moon is in Capricorn.

Neptune conjunction MC: Lost on the way End of May 2012 until mid-December 2014: Very commonly this influence brings sudden confusion to people who have had a pretty clear idea of what they want to do with their lives. You may feel as if you have suddenly become lost, although the way had seemed very clear. If possible, do not make any permanent decisions about your career or long-term direction during this time. Among the problems you may encounter is a feeling that what you have been doing is inadequate. You may feel that your work is too restrictive, that you have to be too concerned with ordinary mundane reality. You may suddenly be attracted to a wildly romantic, idealized way of life that seems very plausible to you now, although later it will seem ridiculous. You may be attracted to working with people in hospitals, charities or other social-service institutions. This is a perfectly positive direction, but you should examine your motives for doing this work. During this period you may also be attracted to mystical and spiritual subjects, especially philosophies of ego-denial and abandonment such as are taught in many Eastern sects. You may be particularly attracted to a movement led by a charismatic guru-father figure. Little harm is likely to come of this, and there may be great benefits, but do not make a permanent commitment until this period is over. If feelings of defeat and weariness arise during this transit, do not allow yourself to succumb to them. You are no worse than what you have always been. You may discover that you have been excessively concerned about yourself and made yourself too important, but you shouldn't berate yourself for that. Everyone does it at some time. Meanwhile open yourself up to the very splendid influences that can come into your life now and teach you much about the nature of the cosmos. Much of what you learn now will later prove to be of permanent value.

Uranus square Mars: With a little discretion End of June 2013 until end of February 2015: Watch out for impulsive actions, rash decisions and other actions that may have sudden, unexpected consequences and undesirable results in the future. You may feel that your ego is at stake in some way and that you have to assert yourself now regardless of the risk of getting involved in an accident. There may be considerable tension with others who seem to be in your way all the time. It may be difficult to avoid disputes and "blowing up" at others. This influence challenges your sense of security and just how much you believe you can assert yourself. The more insecure you are, the more likely you are to do something rash as a way of saying to the world that you are a person to be reckoned with. Authority figures who limit your freedom of movement and self-expression are very likely targets for your rebellion, which may be through petty acts or through larger actions that could get you into difficulties. It is not that you are wrong in wanting to

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assert yourself, but that the ways you choose to do this are not very well considered or effective. Do what you must, but act with a little discretion. Quite often the effects of this influence are more unconscious; that is, you will not be aware of the feeling described above. This can lead to unconscious eruptions of the energy that can be quite disruptive. The only real answer to this influence is to try to achieve some security about who you are and what you are doing. Then you will not feel such a great need to break free and take rash and ill-considered actions. You may still feel obliged to do something that is a significant break from your normal routine, but it will not be so destructive.

Pluto conjunction Mars: Struggle or triumph Beginning of February 2014 until mid-December 2015: This is a time of great striving in your life. It can be a time when you overcome all obstacles and triumph in any area of life in which you wish to succeed, but it can also be a time of struggle against tremendous obstacles. Although you may be able to overcome them eventually, the struggle will leave you quite exhausted. It is very difficult to tell in advance which of these two extremes you will be closer to. The energy level of this influence is very high and must be released somehow. If you don't use the power it gives, you are very likely to become a victim either of circumstances or of someone else using that kind of power against you. This influence can produce a ruthless drive to dominate and gain power, or it can signify your struggle to resist such domination by another. However, if you are the one who is dominating, you will only set in motion equally ruthless opposition forces, and you will very likely lose. But with this influence you can also do great things. Work requiring great effort is much easier, because your state of mind makes it seem easy. Hard work is far and away the best use of this energy. And if you are working for the good of others rather than for their domination, it is more likely to work out positively. Whatever you are doing, this is not a good time to risk any injury. Because of the darker side of this influence, its compulsiveness and capacity for ruthlessness, you should avoid all situations in which you might encounter persons of this nature. It is advisable to stay out of bad neighborhoods and high crime areas.

Jupiter square Jupiter: Impending shortages Beginning of November 2014 until beginning of July 2015: With this influence it is very important that you keep your affairs from getting out of hand. There is a strong tendency to excess, which may make it impossible to keep up with whatever you are involved in, simply because it is more than you can handle. Be particularly careful concerning financial matters, for you are likely to spend without thinking, confident that there is an abundance of money or other resources to back you up. You may not notice the pinch immediately, but shortly after this period you may experience shortages that will be severely exacerbated if you spend money foolishly now. But money is not the only area of concern. You may be overcommitted to projects that demand more time than you really have. So in every area of your life, make sure that you really have the time or resources to do what you have set out to do. Do not overestimate the resources at your disposal. If you avoid that pitfall, this can be a very fruitful influence, because it gives you more confidence and optimism and allows you to undertake projects that you would ordinarily be reluctant to take on. Also your basically positive attitude helps to ensure that your affairs will turn out the way you want. Under this influence some persons experience a kind of ego inflation in which they have delusions of grandeur or overestimate their self-importance. This can lead to arrogant behavior and inflated pride with little or no real substance behind it. What this influence does is test your sense of proportion. You have to know what you really can and cannot do and who you really are. Insofar as you fulfill those conditions, this influence will give you apparent luck and greater power to achieve.

Saturn conjunction Venus: Harsh realizations

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Mid-December 2014 until end of September 2015: This influence will have a strong effect on your relationships with others. Relationships that are solidly based will go through a period of testing and examination during which you and your loved ones and friends will become increasingly concerned about what is valid between you. A weak and unstable relationship will go through the same process, but you are more likely to conclude that it is not worth preserving. Consequently, at this time the relationships that have no purpose or that have outlived their purpose in your life will be cut off. Often you will be reluctant to let go of them. Even in the best of circumstances you are likely to withdraw from others. During this time you have to evaluate who you are, what your individuality consists of and how all of these fit into your relationships with other people, particularly loved ones. You may come to some harsh realizations about your relationships, and even those that you thought were quite good may have to be given up. But you can be sure that any relationship that comes through this period in good shape is very real and important to you. New relationships with a strongly "fated" quality may also come into your life now, which will have very profound significance for you in about fourteen years. This is definitely a time to be conservative in financial matters and not take on any new financial obligations, for you may have trouble meeting your existing ones. On the other hand, this is an excellent time for firming up and organizing the financial structure of your life. In general you should look upon this transit as a time for withdrawing into yourself with respect to others and to material possessions. This withdrawal will enable you to get a clearer idea of what and who you are, so that your future relationships with people and possessions will be more solidly based on reality and therefore more reliable and useful.

Saturn square MC: An evaluation of goals End of January 2015 until beginning of November 2015: This is a challenging time in your life. You will have to make many choices about what areas of your life to emphasize. Will you work to build up a new career or continue to build upon a current one? Will you work to make your personal life as satisfying as possible? Will you work collectively with many other people or by yourself? Often there is an "alienation crisis" with this influence, a sudden feeling of being cut off from everyone else, as if you have spent too much energy pursuing purely personal goals. This in turn generates loneliness and a feeling of being distant from others, even loved ones. Or you may suddenly feel that you no longer have the strength to go on in the direction you have chosen. Fears of your own inadequacies may distort your perspective. All of this is most likely to happen if you have neglected personal relationships in your life. You cannot go on forever without supportive emotional relationships, and you may have been trying to do so. Sometimes this influence can have the opposite result, and you discover that various personal entanglements have been interfering with the pursuit of your valid goals. In this case you will break off relationships and gain the freedom to go your own way. The issue here is the balance between personal relationships and advancement in life. On another tack, this period can test your choice of goals. You may encounter opposition from others that forces you to examine whether your goals are really valid for you. If they are, the conflict with other persons or against trying circumstances will be useful. But if you find that your heart is not really in the path you have chosen, you may have to make adjustments and change your course of action. It is far better to do this now than several years from now, when you may be overcommitted to an inappropriate course and discover that you are trapped. Now is the time to change. It may not be pleasant, but it is possible.

Short Report - Forecast December 2014 to May 2015for Fla (female)born on 18 November 1982 local time: 7:00 pmin Cluj, ROM U.T.: 17:0023e36, 46n47 sid. time: 22:24:02

Planetary positionsplanet sign degree motion

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Sun Scorpio 26°01'42in house 6 directMoon Capricorn 0°19'13in house 6 directMercury Scorpio 25°25'03in house 6 directVenus Scorpio 29°40'49in house 6 directMars Capricorn 13°23'03in house 7 directJupiter Scorpio 22°00'08in house 5 directSaturn Libra 28°49'40in house 5 directUranus Sagittarius 4°20'54in house 6 directNeptune Sagittarius 25°39'11in house 6 directPluto Libra 27°59'49in house 5 directTrue Node Cancer 4°39'33in house 1 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)Ascendant Cancer 3°09'112nd House Cancer 21°05'013rd House Leo 10°10'38Imum Coeli Virgo 4°07'215th House Libra 7°43'446th House Scorpio 22°10'17Descendant Capricorn 3°09'118th House Capricorn 21°05'019th House Aquarius 10°10'38Medium Coeli Pisces 4°07'2111th House Aries 7°43'4412th House Taurus 22°10'17

TransitsNeptune conjunction MC End of May 2012 until mid-December 2014Uranus square Mars End of June 2013 until end of February 2015Pluto conjunction Mars Beginning of February 2014 until mid-December 2015Jupiter square Jupiter Beginning of November 2014 until beginning of July 2015Saturn conjunction Venus Mid-December 2014 until end of September 2015Saturn square MC End of January 2015 until beginning of November 2015

Color HoroscopeFree Try-Out Editionfor Fla, born on 18 November 1982Text by Johannes Schneider, Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2014

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INTRODUCTION With this brief extract, you can take a first look at your personal "Color Horoscope" by Johannes Schneider. Small samples from the individual sections will give you an overall impression of the complete horoscope. The "Color Horoscope" combines the delineation of the birth chart with color psychology. It provides you with an insight into the character structures by describing your distinctive traits and your needs as well as the various roles you play. The internal psychological defense mechanisms are also described, and the possibilities for alleviating these conflicts are pointed out. At times, the text is somewhat confrontational and demands an active analysis of your own personality. You can order the complete "Color Horoscope" by Johannes Schneider, consisting of 10 to 12 pages, as an E-Horoscope in the Astroshop.


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YOUR BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS Objectives and Motivations Based on the ranking of the planets receiving a high score, your objectives and the motivations for your behavior can be described as follows: You attempt to win people's sympathy and affection with your amiability, and thanks to your charming ways, you usually achieve this without much effort. Whenever possible you develop harmonious relationships in which reciprocal sympathy and understanding reign. Kindhearted attention, warmth and intimacy are a true elixir of life for you, and you can hardly ever get enough of it. You hope to achieve a significant improvement in your situation by means of pleasant contacts and good relations. To you, this prospect is a strong incentive to take the initiative yourself and to follow all the necessary steps. You try with heart and soul to achieve better life circumstances, whether for yourself or for others. You determinedly obtain what brings you joy and [...]Distress and Problems The tendencies and modes of behavior which can cause you distress and problems can be described on the basis of the ranking of planets with a low score. However, it cannot be deduced to which degree you have become aware of and overcome your personal weaknesses, and consequently have gained a deeper understanding of the problems of others. The following statements indicate what you can do to improve your ability to move through life with fewer problems. Due to your sensitivity you often feel someone is hampering you, either because your wonderful plans are crossed, because someone puts bothersome obstacles in your path or disturbs your life's flow, or because someone drives you crazy in some other way. If you do not express your anger but store up resentment instead, this can cause you harm in the long run. When something angers you - true to your ideal of superiority over people - you try to hide your rage or hurt behind an indifferent demeanor. The resentment [...]

YOUR NEEDS By combining your objectives and the motivations behind your behavior with your fears and the indications of your underlying issues, it is possible to conclude that your psychological needs are as follows: No matter what happens, you insist that you are entitled to an improvement in your situation. If problems are weighing you down too much, you by no means hang your head over them, but you rather do and undertake [...]

THE ROLES YOU PLAY Your Color Horoscope indicates a variety of roles that you play on the stage of life. The

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following section describes the role plays you engage in, as well as the motivations, objectives and modes of behavior associated with it. The general image you project can be characterized as follows:

Head in the Sand When sadness, pessimism or fear arises in you, you do not allow it to show, but instead you act happy and confident and if possible, [...]Your personal style of interaction, in other words, the manner in which you deal with and have an impact on people, is typically as follows:

Charming When you want to achieve something, you do not start out by using your elbows, but your charm instead. In this way you make a likeable impression, [...]Your basic life concept, in other words, the role which was impressed upon you by your genes and your upbringing, or which you have adopted as a result of your own personal experiences, can be described as:

Star You strive to rise above other people through your personal qualities and viewpoints and to obtain attention, esteem and admiration. Recognition and [...]Like all people, you are looking for a satisfactory resolution of your tasks and difficulties as well as a compensation for the things you cannot do or have. The desired solution to your problem or the corresponding role is:

Single-Minded You refuse to allow anything or anyone to prevent you from plotting a course to the goal you have set for yourself. In doing so you [...]

BACKGROUND In conclusion, here is a description of those facets of your personality which can stand in the way of your development into a free and happy person as long as you are not aware of them. You hardly notice in you the presence of these intellectual and emotional patterns, nor do you perceive their mode of action. Nevertheless, the effects they have on your life are usually not to your advantage. Use the following interpretations as a working hypothesis for self-exploration. The recommendations given for each postulate indicate alternative attitudes which could possibly allow you to leave the old field of negative emotions behind.

Surrogate Pleasures You attempt to compensate feelings of frustration with satisfying activities, sensual pleasures or the enjoyment of material possessions. When you [...]

About this Horoscope This interpretation of the positions of the planets at the time of your birth is based on the Astro-Color-System® developed by Johannes Schneider; in addition to the ten typical planets, this system also includes the two minor planets Chiron and Vesta. In this system Chiron is considered to rule the sign of Virgo and the sixth house of the horoscope; Vesta rules the sign of Taurus and the second house. The twelve celestial bodies are awarded points based on their position in the signs and the houses of the horoscope and on the aspects between them. These scores are used to establish a ranking of the 12 celestial bodies, called the planet profile, and four subgroups, called the basic structures. Since a typical color has been assigned to each of the celestial bodies, this ranking can also be represented as a series of these twelve colors. As you can see from the personal planet profile calculated for you, each planet has its assigned color above it; the height of the colored column indicates the number of points awarded to the planet. Together with 13 additional colors, these same colors form the basis of the psychological color test Color-O-Scope®, which can be found here under the name "Color Oracle".The colors you select in the test indicate your current behaviors and problems, while the astrological analysis

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of your birth constellation describes your personality. The combination of these two interpretations makes it possible for you to compare your present situation with your intrinsic nature and to see which facets of your personality you are currently living out and which you are not. This comprehensive insight is entirely new within astrology and is impossible to achieve with any conventional method.


Astrological Data used for Color Horoscope Free Try-Out Editionfor Fla (female)born on 18 November 1982 local time: 7:00 pmin Cluj, ROM U.T.: 17:0023e36, 46n47 sid. time: 22:24:02

Planetary positionsplanet sign degree motionSun Scorpio 26°01'42 directMoon Capricorn 0°19'13 directMercury Scorpio 25°25'03 directVenus Scorpio 29°40'49 directMars Capricorn 13°23'03 directJupiter Scorpio 22°00'08 directSaturn Libra 28°49'40 directUranus Sagittarius 4°20'54 directNeptune Sagittarius 25°39'11 directPluto Libra 27°59'49 directTrue Node Cancer 4°39'33 retrogradeVesta Aquarius 21°09'40 directChiron Taurus 25°08'41 retrograde

Ascendant Cancer 3°09'11Medium Coeli Pisces 4°07'21

Major aspectsSun Conjunction Mercury 0°37Sun Conjunction Venus 3°39Sun Conjunction Jupiter 4°02Sun Semisextile Neptune 0°23

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Sun Semisextile Pluto 1°58Sun Opposition Chiron 0°53Moon Semisextile Venus 0°38Moon Sextile Saturn 1°30Moon Sextile Pluto 2°19Mercury Conjunction Venus 4°16Mercury Conjunction Jupiter 3°25Mercury Semisextile Neptune 0°14Mercury Square Vesta 4°15Mercury Opposition Chiron 0°16Venus Semisextile Saturn 0°51Venus Semisextile Pluto 1°41Jupiter Square Vesta 0°50Jupiter Opposition Chiron 3°09Saturn Conjunction Pluto 0°50Neptune Quincunx Chiron 0°30Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).