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Page 1: Sherrie Sprenger General Election 2014 questionnaire

Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for 2014 General Election

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.

Why this matters: The Statesman Journal Editorial Board will use this questionnaire in deciding whom to endorse for the Nov. 4 General Election. Your answers also will be shared with reporters and probably will be published in the newspaper and/or on our website,

We also ask that you respond to every question, instead of simply attaching campaign materials, resumes, etc. You are welcome to send us lists of supporters, a resume, etc., in addition to this questionnaire.

If you completed our questionnaire for the 2014 Primary Election, you will notice that some questions are similar. (This questionnaire is shorter and several questions have been changed.) Please complete this questionnaire instead of simply referring to past answers.

Please return the finished questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an email or an attached Word document to [email protected]. (Handwritten or fax responses don’t work.)

Important; Please submit the questionnaire by the deadline listed in our email to you.

Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727, [email protected], or Editorial Assistant Nancy Harrington, 503-589-6944, [email protected].


Your name as listed on the ballot: Sherrie Sprenger

Age: 49

(If your age will change before Nov. 30, please indicate your birthday. We want to ensure we use accurate ages in pre- and post-election editorials and news coverage.)

City/town of residence: Scio, Oregon

Political party(ies), if this is a partisan office: Republican

Position you are seeking (name of position, district number, etc.): State Rep. mHD17

Are you currently a full-time resident of the district you seek you represent? Yes

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Number of current, consecutive years living in the district you seek to represent: 13

Family (name of spouse/partner, number and ages of children if at home or number of grown children): Kyle, husband; Son, Austin 17

Your education (high school, trade, college, post-baccalaureate; indicate degrees you earned):BS, Management & Communications, Corban University

If employed, current occupation, employer and job duties:State of Oregon

Previous employers and when:Deputy Sheriff, Grant and Benton Counties, small business owner

Military service and when:

Volunteer/civic/religious service and when:Sunday school teacher, youth leader, ASPIRE volunteer

Please list all public offices to which you’ve been elected, and when:School board, 2002-2006State Rep. 2008-current

Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public office, and when:

Other prior political and government experience:

How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information will be made public):

Mail address: PO Box 702, Scio, Or 97374

E-mail address: [email protected]

Web site URL:


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Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75 words.

1. To an outsider, how would you describe the region you wish to represent -- geographically, economically, politically and socially? Rural with 11 small cities, agriculturally based

2. What are the positives and negatives of this region (district, county or state) that you wish to represent? I love the work ethic and independence of the people of this district. We are heavily dependent on our natural resources which is often times in conflict with policies out of Salem.

3. What specific skills and experiences do you bring to the position that would help turn those negatives into positives? I have worked hard to educate my colleagues on both sides of the aisle about the interdependency rural and urban Oregon share.

5. What separates you from your opponent(s)? Be specific. I have been very engaged with my district prior to being elected and have only increased that engagement since. I am very accessible to constituents. I am not a partisan politician.

6. Please list five specific accomplishments that you have achieved in politics or civic affairs: I have delivered key pieces of legislation to my district, while never being in the majority. As a member of my caucus leadership team and have been able to increase the influence I have for my district.

7. How much will your General Election campaign cost (be specific)? Whatever it takes to win.

8. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional licensing board/organization or had an ethics violation filed against you? If so, please give the

9. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other major accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the

10. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected, and how? (75 words for each issue)

A. Jobs and Economy, state regulation and fees, tax reform,

B. Education, Common Core, Smarter Balance

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C. Cover Oregon, moving forward while minimizing disruption to Oregonians

11. What do you see as other important issues?

12. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that you should disclose before it comes up in the campaign? Anything (including health issues) that would affect your ability to serve your full term? Any changes in your life situation that are contemplated or expected before the election or before you would take office?

NoThank you. Please return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an attached Word document to [email protected] by the requested deadline.