Download - Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Page 1: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.
Page 2: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.





Page 3: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.





Page 4: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

I.I.The The BodiesBodies of Water of Water II.II.The The BeastsBeasts of the of the

ThroneThroneIII.III.The The BranchesBranches of of

Prophecy Prophecy IV.IV.The The BooksBooks

themselves themselves

Page 5: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.


River represents ChristEden represents HeavenThe Water represents the

WORDThe Garden represents the


(Gen 2:10) And Christ went out of Heaven to give the Word to the Church and from thence he was parted, and became into four heads.

Page 6: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.
Page 7: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

I.I.The The BodiesBodies of Water of Water II.II.The The BeastsBeasts of the of the


Page 8: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

(Rev 4:6) And before the throne there was a sea of

glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and

round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before

and behind.

(Rev 4:7) And the first beast And the first beast was like a lionwas like a lion, and the the

second beast like a calfsecond beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as the third beast had a face as a mana man, and the fourth beast fourth beast

was like a flying eaglewas like a flying eagle.

Page 9: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.


representing the King

(Rev 5:5) And one of the elders saith unto

me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of

Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and

to loose the seven seals thereof.

Page 10: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.


representing the Servant

(Php 2:7) But made himself of no

reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

Page 11: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.


representing the Humanity

(Gal 4:4) But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth

his Son, made of a woman, made under

the law,

Page 12: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.


representing GOD

(Isa 7:14) Therefore the Lord himself shall

give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive,

and bear a son, and shall call his name


Page 13: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

I.I.The The BodiesBodies of Water of Water II.II.The The BeastsBeasts of the of the

ThroneThroneIII.III.The The BranchesBranches of of

Prophecy Prophecy

Page 14: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

The BRANCHrepresenting the


(Jer 23:5) Behold, the days come, saith the

LORD, that I will raise I will raise unto David a righteous unto David a righteous

Branch, and a King Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper,

and shall execute judgment and justice in

the earth.

Page 15: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

THE BRANCH representing the


(Zec 3:8) Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows

that sit before thee: for they are men

wondered at: for, behold, I will bring

forth my servant the my servant the BRANCHBRANCH.

Page 16: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

THE BRANCHrepresenting the


(Zec 6:12) And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold Behold

the man whose name is the man whose name is The BRANCHThe BRANCH; and he

shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:

Page 17: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

THE BRANCH representing GOD

(Isa 4:2) In that day In that day shall the branch of the shall the branch of the LORDLORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely

for them that are escaped of Israel.

Page 18: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Matthew’s Gospel representing the

King Doctrinal (type of Book)

Instructional (Style of book)Wrote as a TEACHER

Saw him as a KingWrote to the Jews

Geneolgy? Yes - back to AbrahamUnique material 42%

• Key words - “Kingdom” & “righteousness”  

• “fulfilled” is used 13 times • 128 O.T. Quotes more than the

other three all together • Royal Genealogy Abraham-land• David-throne• Starts with David•  • The only account of the wise men

“where is he born King of the Jews•  • The only one that records the flight

to and from Egypt•  • The only one to record the

complete sermon on the mount (The kings manifesto) or the Laws of he Kingdom

• (Zech. 14:4)• (Ps. 2.6)•  • Worship of the king• Only 1 time in each of the other

Gospels is he publicly worshiped• Matthew records 10 events of

those worshiping him• • Best account of the Crucifixion •  • Deals mainly in that he is the one•  •  

Page 19: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Matthew’s Gospel representing the

King • Starts with David• The only account of the wise men

“where is he born King of the Jews• The only one that records the flight

to and from Egypt• The only one to record the

complete sermon on the mount (The kings manifesto) or the Laws of he Kingdom(Zech. 14:4)(Ps. 2.6)

• Worship of the king• Only 1 time in each of the other

Gospels is he publicly worshiped

Page 20: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Matthew’s Gospel representing the

King • Matthew records 10 events of those worshiping him

• Best account of the Crucifixion • Deals mainly in that he is the one 

Page 21: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Mark’s Gospelrepresenting the

Servant Type of book Practical

Style of book EvangelisticWrote as a PREACHER

Saw him as a ServantWrote to the Romans

GENEOLOGY: No - a servant doesn’t need one

UNIQUE MATERIAL 7%“straightway” used 42 times,

 12 of 16 chapters start with “and”

 Doesn’t record a birth


Page 22: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Mark’s Gospelrepresenting the

Servant It is the shortest gospel


It focus on his deeds 

The term Gospel is used 12 times in the 4 gospels 8 of the 12 are in Mark


Mark records just 4 parables (all four deal directly with service


Records 18 out 35 miracles  

Key verse 10:45 

Mark writes not from a sequence or story stand point but writes based on


Page 23: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Luke’s Gospelrepresenting the

HumanityType of gospel: HistoricalType of Book: Apologetical

Wrote as a HISTORIANSees him as a Man

Wrote to the GreeksGENEOLOGY? Yes - all the way to

AdamUNIQUE MATERIAL 59%Key phrase - “Son of Man”,


deals with parables 

7 prayers of his are recorded 

He is the only non-Jewish writer 

Focuses on his humanity

Page 24: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Gospel of John representing GOD

Type; TheologicalType of book: Soteriological Wrote as a THEOLOGIAN

Saw him as GodWrote to the World

GENEOLOGY? NO - God doesn’t have one

UNIQUE MATERIAL 92%Key phrase - “Son of God”,


7 I am statements,  

never see the word “Prayer” in reference to Jesus


There are no parables 

Only 8 miracles 

Deals with a lot of one on one (Nicodemus and woman at the


Page 25: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.

Gospel of John representing GOD

Type; TheologicalType of book: Soteriological Wrote as a THEOLOGIAN

Saw him as GodWrote to the World

GENEOLOGY? NO - God doesn’t have one


Deals with a lot of one on one (Nicodemus and woman at the


Page 26: Shelly Greg Mary Mike Matthew Luke Mark John I.The Bodies of Water II.The Beasts of the Throne III.The Branches of Prophecy IV.The Books themselves.