Download - Shelby's i safe ppt

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Internet SafetyInternet SafetyHeyyyy! What goes on? My name is Smiley, and I’m here to tell you about a little thing called “Internet Safety”. I know you’ve probably already heard about it, but just in case you haven't, that’s where I come in!

Heyyyy! What goes on? My name is Smiley, and I’m here to tell you about a little thing called “Internet Safety”. I know you’ve probably already heard about it, but just in case you haven't, that’s where I come in!

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Viruses Viruses Let’s start with viruses. As you know, they’re nasty little

boogers. A virus is basically a computer program that is part of another and inserts copies of itself. They get into your computer and do some pretty grody things. They can use the information on your computer to hack into your accounts and really hurt you. The best way to avoid them is to get a computer protection program, like AVG.

Some Viruses Are:

Trojan Horse - Spread through e-mail Worm - Spread through e-mail,

open network shares and fake websites.

Slammer - Works by taking advantage of a bug in Microsoft

SQL Server 2000Code Red – Attacks computers using Microsoft IIS 2.0 Web server and

Windows 2000 indexing.

Let’s start with viruses. As you know, they’re nasty little boogers. A virus is basically a computer program that is part of another and inserts copies of itself. They get into your computer and do some pretty grody things. They can use the information on your computer to hack into your accounts and really hurt you. The best way to avoid them is to get a computer protection program, like AVG.

Some Viruses Are:

Trojan Horse - Spread through e-mail Worm - Spread through e-mail,

open network shares and fake websites.

Slammer - Works by taking advantage of a bug in Microsoft

SQL Server 2000Code Red – Attacks computers using Microsoft IIS 2.0 Web server and

Windows 2000 indexing.

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Personal InformationPersonal Information

Never give out any of the following, through your username or anything else:

Your name or names of your immediate family and

friends Your age Your phone number (cell or home) Your school Your gender Your address (mailing or e-mail)

Bad guys can track you down using all of these things in less

than 20 minutes!

Never give out any of the following, through your username or anything else:

Your name or names of your immediate family and

friends Your age Your phone number (cell or home) Your school Your gender Your address (mailing or e-mail)

Bad guys can track you down using all of these things in less

than 20 minutes!


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A predator is someone who wants to hurt you.

They will lure you away from safety (friends, family) just to do bad things to you.

Only talk to people online that you know IN PERSON.

People aren’t always who they say they are, so DON’T ALWAYS TRUST THEM!

A predator is someone who wants to hurt you.

They will lure you away from safety (friends, family) just to do bad things to you.

Only talk to people online that you know IN PERSON.

People aren’t always who they say they are, so DON’T ALWAYS TRUST THEM!

I’m gonna get you!


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Sexting is sending inappropriate pictures of yourself or

others (usually naked) through your cell phone.

This is just plain bad phone etiquette people!

If discovered, you may have to register as a sex

offender for the rest of your life and it can land you in jail for a long time!

Sexting is sending inappropriate pictures of yourself or

others (usually naked) through your cell phone.

This is just plain bad phone etiquette people!

If discovered, you may have to register as a sex

offender for the rest of your life and it can land you in jail for a long time!

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Flaming is when you send someone a threatening or hurtful text

or e-mail. This is never the way to solve your

problems with someone because you could really hurt their feelings!

Remember, you can never take those kind of things back.

If someone sends you something hurtful, just delete it. Fighting never solves anything.

Flaming is when you send someone a threatening or hurtful text

or e-mail. This is never the way to solve your

problems with someone because you could really hurt their feelings!

Remember, you can never take those kind of things back.

If someone sends you something hurtful, just delete it. Fighting never solves anything.

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“Copyright is a form of protection granted for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works. “

In English, this means that Copyright protects people’s ideas. If you steal someone’s copyrighted idea and don’t give them credit, it’s called plagiarism and is punishable by law.

Some Other Things to Know About Copyright:

It IS okay to copy and paste pictures off the internet for schoolwork.

It’s NOT okay to download music off the internet without paying for it.

It’s NOT okay to buy music, then burn copies of it to sell/give to people.

ANYTHING can be Copyrighted, whether it’s music, paintings or books!

“Copyright is a form of protection granted for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works. “

In English, this means that Copyright protects people’s ideas. If you steal someone’s copyrighted idea and don’t give them credit, it’s called plagiarism and is punishable by law.

Some Other Things to Know About Copyright:

It IS okay to copy and paste pictures off the internet for schoolwork.

It’s NOT okay to download music off the internet without paying for it.

It’s NOT okay to buy music, then burn copies of it to sell/give to people.

ANYTHING can be Copyrighted, whether it’s music, paintings or books!

Leave the

stealing to me!

C Copyright CC Copyright C

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Hoaxes are thingsthat try to trick you into believing them (like the picture to the right.)

You can’t believeeverything you seeonline.

Hoaxes are thingsthat try to trick you into believing them (like the picture to the right.)

You can’t believeeverything you seeonline.

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FinFinThanks for watching my PowerPoint!

-Smiley :D

Thanks for watching my PowerPoint!

-Smiley :D

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