Download - ShelbyNext | Membership: Workflows (Hands On) · 2018. 6. 1. · Select or create your desired Workflow, select “ Add Trigger

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    ShelbyNext | Membership: Workflows (Hands On)

    (Course #M255)

    Presented by: Staci Sampson Shelby Contract Trainer

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    This session explores the setup and management of ShelbyNext Workflow as a tool for automating key ministry processes.

    The following topics are presented in this session:

    • What is a Workflow? • Examples of ways to benefit from Workflows • How to set up a Trigger to initiate a ministry process • How to set up the Actions that are launched by the Trigger

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    What are Ministry Workflows? A Ministry Workflow is a tool that empowers you to automate certain ministry processes in ShelbyNext | Membership. Used strategically, they can save you hours of administrative time. Ministry Workflows use the familiar core tools in ShelbyNext | Membership including Groups, Interactions, Giving, and Mass Contact. What is different? You can automate the execution of these features using “Triggers” and “Actions”. Basically you identify what database scenarios (i.e. Attendance or Giving patterns, Group relationships or duration) should initiate automatic “next steps” (i.e. actions such as email or text communication, Admin message, Adding or Removing from a Group).

    Workflows are accessed from the top menu, Settings icon (“gear”). There are 3 tabs to manage this tool:

    • List – This page shows a list of the existing Workflows (name & description).

    • Add – This page offers a blank form for configuration of a new Workflow.

    • Log – This page shows the log of current activity for active Workflows.

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    Examples of Workflows

    • Send an Email to those who miss their class X number of times out of X number of weeks (‘Attendance’ trigger)

    • Send a Text Message to the parents of children who are added to a specific group, like “Interested in Baptism”. (‘Group Add/Remove’ trigger)

    • Create a series of automated steps by adding people to Group 1 and notifying one person to follow up with them. Then, when that person adds them to Group 2, a second person follows up with them, and so forth. (Great for prospects who get a visit from the visitation team, then a follow-up email from the senior pastor, and then finally are handed off to the assimilation pastor to find a small group and volunteer opportunities.)

    • Assign an Interaction when a person attends a new small Group (attendance trigger), to call the new small group visitor.

    • Send an Email when individuals make a gift greater than $1000 to the Building Fund thanking them for their gift.

    • Assign an Interaction to the assimilation pastor to follow up with a phone call and personal invitation to the Membership Seminar when an individual has been a member of the Regular Attendee Group for 12 weeks (Group membership duration trigger),

    • Match a person and then add to a Group when they fill out and submit a response to a Form through your ShelbyNext Giving portal. (‘Form Submission’ trigger)

    • Remove a person from a specified Group when they are added to another specified Group. For example, when a person is added to the Relationship: Member Group - the Workflow can remove them from the Relationship: Visitor Group. (“Group Add” as the trigger; “Group Remove” as the Action).

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    Understanding the basics - Triggers and Actions A Ministry Workflow is comprised of two parts: Triggers and Actions. A Trigger is an alert that is activated when a specific event takes place in your ShelbyNext | Membership database. These Triggers initiate Actions that you choose and set up ahead of time. Triggers – There are now 8 Triggers:

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    1. Giving- Amount: This trigger can be set to find individuals that give more (or less) than a certain amount in a single gift OR in total over the last X number of weeks.

    There are three parts to the Giving criteria: 1. Did a person give > than or < than …

    • A certain amount …to a particular giving category or categories?

    Select your desired Workflow, select “Add Trigger”, and select “Giving-Amount”. This type of trigger is intended to identify an individual who meets criteria involving giving. First, you can look specifically for individuals who meet certain giving criteria and belong to a certain Group or Groups. You can also elect to create a Trigger for all individuals in your account. In this case, do not select any Groups, so that anyone in your account that meets your giving trigger criteria triggers the associated actions.

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    2. Giving- New Regular Giver: This trigger can be set to find individuals that are newly giving regularly x amount of times over last X number of months.

    There are three parts to the Giving criteria: 2. Did a person give > than …

    • A # of times in # of months …to a particular giving category or categories?

    Select your desired Workflow, select “Add Trigger”, and select “Giving-New Regular Giver”. This type of trigger is intended to identify an individual who meets criteria involving new regular givers. First, you can look specifically for individuals who meet certain giving criteria and belong to a certain Group or Groups. You can also elect to create a Trigger for all individuals in your account. In this case, do not select any Groups, so that anyone in your account that meets your giving trigger criteria triggers the associated actions.

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    3. Giving-No Longer Giving: This trigger can be set to find individuals that give less than X number of times in over the last X number of months but stops giving in the last X number of months.

    There are three parts to the Giving criteria: 3. Did a person give at least x times in x months …

    • To a particular giving category but not in the last x months?

    Select your desired Workflow, select “Add Trigger”, and select “Giving-No Longer Giving”. This type of trigger is intended to identify an individual who meets criteria involving giving that is no longer being given.

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    4. Pledge Creation: This Trigger can be set to find individuals who have self-created a Pledge via the online giving portal or have a Pledge created by anyone.

    Select your desired Workflow, select “Add Trigger”, and select “Pledge Creation”. This type of trigger is intended to identify an individual who meets criteria involving pledge creation.

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    5. Group- Add/Remove: This Trigger can be set to find individuals who are added or removed from the Group(s) specified.

    To create your workflow, select the Add Trigger button and then select the Group- Add/Remove. In the Match a person who is drop-down list, select whether the trigger runs if a person is “Added to” or “Removed from” the group or groups that you select in your Groups listing.

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    6. Group- Membership Duration: This Trigger can be set to find individuals who have been a part of a Group or part of any one of multiple Groups for at least X number of weeks (up to 51 weeks).

    Select or create your desired Workflow, select “Add Trigger” and select “Group- Membership Duration.” In the “Match a person who has been in” drop-down list, select a Group or Groups and then specify the number of weeks that an individual needs to remain in that Group or Groups. Based on this Trigger, now select your appropriate Action(s).

    Example: Match a person who has been in the Membership Prospects group for 12 weeks. Set an Action to email this person with dates and times for upcoming membership preview classes. Also, set an Action to assign the outreach pastor an Interaction to call the person with an invitation to the preview class.

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    7. Attendance: This Trigger can be set to find individuals who have been present or absent in the past X number of weeks from a Group or from any of multiple Groups.

    To create your desired Workflow, select Add Trigger and then select the Attendance option. In the Match a Person Who Is drop-down list, select your desired attendance status. The options are Present, Unexcused, Excused, and Visitor.

    Next, indicate the number of times a person met this attendance criterion within the past number of weeks (you select the number of weeks). Example: Create an attendance trigger for an individual who is listed as “Unexcused” (absent) in the “College & Career Small Group” 4 times in the past 4 weeks. This can then trigger whichever Action you deem as appropriate for this absentee.

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    8. Form Submission: This Trigger can be set to match and map data for individuals who have submitted a response to a Form through your ShelbyNext Giving portal.

    To create your desired Workflow, select Add Trigger and then select the desired Form (list populates from Forms built in the Form Manager of ShelbyNext Giving). When a submission is received for this form, you can choose to Map fields (Form to MB) and match records based on Name OR Name & Email. You can also set to either Create people who do not match or to Not Create, In addition, you can choose to have the Form data overwrite existing data in the MB records or not.

    This newly mapped and matched record can then trigger whichever Action you deem as appropriate for this new registrant - like Adding them to a Group or sending them an Email or Text.

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    Actions Once a Trigger is defined for a Workflow, it is time to configure the Action or Actions to be taken. One Trigger can initiate multiple Actions. There are six possible types of associated Actions that you can connect to the Triggers:

    1. Email: Select to Email the person, a parent, a spouse, and/or a Group leader. You can also select individuals by name and/or choose to BCC other individuals when this Action is triggered. The placeholder @NAME can be included in the message to personalize the email.

    An HTML email form offers simple formatting tools, including adding a hyperlink to your message.

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    2. Group: Add or Remove the individual to/from a Group.


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    3. Interaction: Assign an Interaction to the individual’s Group leader and/or someone else.

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    4. Update Progress: Update the person's progress through the Workflow, so you can see how far along he or she is. (**UNDER CONSTRUCTION** This Action is not fully developed at the time of the writing of this handout. Some additional functionality is coming.)

    NOTE: This action ensures that the order of multiple Triggers is enforced and executed in order and does not fire again for the Triggering person.

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    5. Admin. Message: Post a notification message (you create the text) in the Messages list for administrators, which is accessible from the envelope icon in the top nav.

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    6. SMS (Text): If you establish an SMS account with ShelbyNext, your Membership site can also text individuals. This service adds one more Action in Workflows as well – you can SMS text the person, a parent, spouse, group leader, and/or other specific individuals.

    To enable Texting & Voice Messaging, Click on the Gear icon in the top nav and select Settings. Then select Services.

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    Sample Workflow Scenarios: Let us build a few Workflows from beginning to end to help pull all the pieces together.

    Exercise #1 - New First Time Visitor (Using Group Add/Remove trigger):

    Let us assume that you have a connection process in place that starts with contacting first-time visitors to worship with a welcome email and a phone call later in the week. How could you manage parts of this with a Workflow?

    Preparation: • Create a First Time Visitor Group.

    1. Go to Workflows in the right sidebar. 2. Click on the Add tab and enter a Name and Description for the new Workflow.

    3. Click the button to add a trigger and then select the Group Trigger. 4. Choose to match a person “Added to” the “First-Time Visitor” Group.

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    5. Click the button and select the Email Action. Select to email The Person and

    complete the Subject and Body of the email you wish to send to Welcome this new first-time visitor. Click the Done button to save this Action.

    6. Click the button again and select another Interaction type. Choose to Assign a

    Phone Call to the Group Leader. Complete the instructions to the Group Leader (of the “First Time-Visitor” Group … perhaps the Outreach Pastor?). Click the Done button to save this Action.

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    7. Click to Save the entire Workflow.

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    Exercise #2 - Populate a Group of Members who are Current Pledgers (Using Pledge Creation trigger):

    1. Go to Workflows in the right sidebar. 2. Click on the Add tab and enter a Name and Description for the new Workflow.

    3. Click the button to add a trigger and then select the Pledge Creation. 4. Set the trigger to “Match a person …” by selecting your Members group (e.g.

    “Relationship - Member”).

    5. Set the selector for “With Pledges that are …” to the option ‘Created by Anyone’.

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    6. Click the button and choose the “Group Add/Remove” action. Choose to Add the Person to … and search and select the “NEW Pledge” group created earlier.

    7. Click Done to save the Action. 8. Click to Save the entire Workflow.

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    Exercise #3 - Identifying Missing SS Members (Using Attendance trigger): Preparation: • Create or identify the Groups that track SS Attendance.

    1. Click the button and select the Attendance Trigger. Choose to Match a

    person who is Unexcused 4 times in the past 4 weeks from your Sunday School classes (Groups).

    2. Click the button and select the Interaction type. Choose to assign a Phone Call to the Group Leader (of the specified Groups selected - make sure that each SS Group has a leader selected with an email address on record). Complete the instructions to follow-up with this missing member.

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    3. Click Done to save the Action. 4. Click to Save the entire Workflow.

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    Q&A Demo - Form Submission Trigger

    Class Discussion What ideas do you have for how Workflows can help you?

  • Staci began working with Shelby Arena software as a Project Manager at Faith Assembly of God in Peru, Illinois. From there she became an Independent Arena Trainer for the Illinois District Council of the Assemblies of God. Along with working for the IDCAG, she is now a Shelby Contract Trainer for Arena and ShelbyNext. Staci enjoys supporting churches and the growth of their ministries through training and education of the software.

    Staci Sampson Shelby Contract Trainer

    [email protected]

    ObjectiveThe following topics are presented in this session:What are Ministry Workflows?Examples of WorkflowsUnderstanding the basics - Triggers and ActionsActionsSample Workflow Scenarios:

    Staci SampsonShelby Contract [email protected]