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Ethiopia has been ruled by dictatorial leaderships for generations under which the People of Sheckacho

have experienced absolute poverty, national suppression and an intentional state supported segregation.

There has never been political and economic integration policy within the successive central governments.

Like many peoples in other nations and nationalities in the country, the Sheckacho people have been

governed forcefully and their democratic right has been trampled. Peaceful and moderate request for

democratic and equal representation according to existing state statute was met negatively by brute and

military might of the ruling regime. Under these successive regimes, to be Ethiopian, one must speak the

dominant ruling regimes language, follow their culture, practice their religion, eat certain type food and even

have certain looks or features. If you are out of this, you are not considered Ethiopian. Ethiopia is equated

to these traits. We believe such sentiments are wrong and that all Ethiopians should be treated equally

under the law and the languages they speak, the cultures they follow, the regions they believe and the

choices they go for individually and communally should be respected, honoured and accepted with no

coercion in these choices.

Sheckacho People’s Movement for Democracy and Social Justice (SPMDSJ) believes that the absolute

poverty and hardship experienced by the people of this region rest on two major factors. The first and the

most vital factor is the role played by the succession of dictatorial and ruthless leaderships in the country

creating disharmony among the governed and governing groups, disproportionate favouritism and privilege

to certain groups that continued from centuries, to date, and secondly, the environmental degradation

caused by misguided policies of the same dictatorial and corrupt regimes. SPMDJ also believes that

responsibility for the past and current political, economic and social crises in Ethiopia lies on the shoulders

of the members and supporters of the ruling Ethnic groups in Ethiopia because they misused their power

and resources, protected the interested of only certain groups and created mistrust and disunity in that

country. They had the opportunity to establish democracy, social justice and equal opportunity for all, but

they could not stand up to these requirements so that they cannot be trusted anymore.

The Sheckacho People’s Movement for Democracy and Social Justice (SPMDSJ) is established in

response to the above mentioned deteriorating situation and ever narrowing political spaces for the people

of Sheckacho within Ethiopian state. The major objective of SPMDS is to ensure freedom of expression,

association and self-determination ( democratic choice of the Sheckacho people within bounds of their

region or Zone, to govern their affairs and guide their future economic, and social development without

interference by anyone in the country and free and voluntary association with others) which might bring

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strong unity, mutual respect and integrity among the Ethiopian people by removing the dictatorial

leadership through democratic approach. We will give special emphasis to protecting, preserving natural

resources and ensuring and maintaining freedom of movement, cultural, social and economic development.

SPMDSJ promotes individual and group freedoms inseparably.



The political system in Ethiopia is marred by a system of ethnic and national oppression and

subjugation. The south-western part of Ethiopia where the Sheckacho people is situated

was once known as a major slave trade area. The then district (Awarja) known as

Gurafarda, which is now in Bench-Maji Zone was the major slave trade Centre. Criminals,

undisciplined individuals and political opponents of the state from the central government

were exiled to this region as a sign of punishment by letting them live among the deprived

people and region than the privileged north and central part of Ethiopia. As a designated

detention centre for both the exiled individuals and the native people, the area was deprived

off all basic facilities due to injustice imposed by the corrupt leadership and its associated

communities. For example the once well-known author, Abbe Gobegna and other political

opponents of the imperial regime were exiled to the area, the then known as a Mocha

Awraja, the present day Sheckacho Zone. Therefore, the Sheckacho people have been

experiencing and facing all sorts of sufferings and subjugation. Even undesired elsewhere

individuals from the governing ethnic group, murderers and criminal elements of the

dictatorial regimes were appointed as a sign of demotion to govern the Sheckacho people

and south-western regions.

The successive dictatorial regimes policies have indicated that they only cared and needed

the land and the resources of the Sheckacho zone, but have never cared for the peoples’

well-being, security and peace. The land is wanted because it has been the sources of

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power for dictators. Since Menelik army subjugated the Sheckacho king, their suffering and

oppression has never been abated, it has grown in scale and taken dimension.

Since the coming to power of ERPDF, the independent regional state of the South-western,

part which comprised the present Sheckacho, Kefficho and bench-maji Zones- under the

name Keffa administrative region was forcefully made part of Southern, Nations,

Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional state that triggered further sufferings of the people. For

simple routine administrative matters, the Sheckacho people have been obligated to travel

more than 949 kilometres to Awasa-the capital of Southern Nations, Nationalities and

peoples’ Regional State. They have to pay for their transportation, accommodation and

handling charges, which increases their sufferings. They feel as if ruled by foreign occupiers

than their own people. In comparison, the Tigray people or the Amhara or other nations do

not travel such a distance to get services from their governments. They get services closer

to their homes and towns. Therefore oppression by the current EPRDF regime is more

systematic and full of political intrigue. During the worst dictatorial communalist regime, the

South-western part of Ethiopia was relatively independent regional state, did not have to

travel such a distance to get basic services and had little or no interference on the social

value of the indigenous Sheckacho people. In spite of massive human rights abuse, the

people were able to protect and preserve their own natural ecosystem, under the

communist regime.

Sheckacho People were forcefully evacuated from their lands in the empty pretext of

investment for development under the EPRDF regime mainly due to political agenda than

concern for real and sustainable development in the area.

The people in Sheka, Keffa and Bench_Maji zones comprise intermingled people with

similar linguistic and cultural backgrounds, but with a certain degree of variations. In spite of

all these, the people in the area can be identified with communality in suffering, national

oppression and subjugation. The Ethiopian history has shown that the people in the South-

western Ethiopia have undergone extensive subjugation and have faced political, economic,

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and judicial and civil crisis created by the central government, their regional warlord and on

the hands of elite emigrants from the northern regions that directly and indirectly rule the


It is now 20 years since the present government came into power by overthrowing the

communist regime. During the regime change over, much hope was placed that better

democratic system of leadership would prevail in Ethiopia. However; the TPLF leadership

has continued the legacy of the past in a more implicit and systematized manner. In May

1991, TPLF controlled strategic areas of the country, advanced to capital-Addis Ababa and

forced Mengistu to flee to Zimbabwe. The TPLF-led rebel group established a Transitional

Government in Ethiopia (TGE) led by Melese Zenawi of TPLF, along with the Oromo

Liberation Front (OLF) and other armed opposition factions. The Oromo Liberation Front

and other opposition groups were systematically expelled from the Transitional Government

by TPLF in 1993, which in effect enabled the TPLF leadership to establish strategic and

strong foundation to lead Ethiopia without significant challenges.

A vibrant politically active civil society is a crucial element for a democratic system of

governance. It is through the advocacy work of civil society that voice of individuals are

incorporated into public policy; enhance citizens’ oversight of public institutions and

improving public dialogues. Civil society involvement on advocacy is sanctioned and their

interaction with community highly restricted, demonstrating the strategies of TPLF to rule

the country with absolute authority for generations

Ethiopia being Africa’s second populous country, with over 85 million people, ranks at 170

out of 177 countries in the 2006 UN Human Development Report. Poverty affects the

majority of the country’s 85 million people, about 81% living below the poverty line of $2 a

day, and 6 to 13 million at risk of starvation each year, dependant on food aid from abroad.

Poverty and misery brought by dictator leaders, has made Sheckacho people weak, lack of

self-confidence and incapable of resistance. The situation is deteriorating from time to time,

the Sheckacho people are too frightened to share their views of woyane regime openly and

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their hunger to freedom even with their immediate family and friends. People have even

terrified of thinking seriously of pubic resistance. Sheckacho people have good moral values

and cultural practices towards protecting and conserving their local natural resources

including forests and animals. The forest coverage in the area is a very good indication of

these good practices by the Sheckacho people. These moral values and cultural practices

of Sheckacho people are not respected and honoured by the pervious and current regimes.

Research findings have suggested that 60% and 50% Sheckacho land was covered with

dense forest in 1973 and in 1987 respectively. The forest coverage had dramatically

reduced to 32% and 20% in 2001 and in 2005 respectively. Reports indicate that the major

reason for the forest cover reduction from 2001 to 2005 was the misguided and politically

motivated investment policy of EPRDF led government.

The Sheckacho people Movement for Democracy and Social Justice (SPMDSJ),therefore,

believes that united effort by the people of Ethiopia based on genuine equality and

opportunity is the right path to removing the dictatorial regime in the country which in effect

enable to having a common country where by the equality of all nations and nationalities is

ensured and power transfer is established only through democratic election of federal states

and central government that works for common good than individual group (s). It is clearer

these days than ever that, unless Ethiopians reach certain compromise and be united by

maintaining their difference, the suffering of all people of Ethiopia and their suppression by

EPRDF regime will continue in more systemized and implicit manner for more decades to

come. SPMDSJ believes that No single groups will win the fight for democracy and change

the situation in Ethiopia in favour of majority.

It is with this understanding that Sheckacho People’s Movement for Democracy and Social

Justice (SPMDSJ) came into existence in order to fight injustice separately or in cooperation

with justice loving nations and nationalities in Ethiopia. Therefore, the political strategy of

SPDMSJ is twofold. Firstly, struggle for democratic leadership that enables Sheckacho

people to exercise all their democratic rights on their own land. To achieve this goal and

create log lasting democracy and development in Ethiopia general and in Shekacho land in

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particular, the Sheckacho people’s movement for democracy and social justice supports

peace and reconciliation process among the diversified ethnic groups in Ethiopia.

Sheckacho people movement for democracy and social justice believes that genuine and

democratic unity that everyone feels proud of being an Ethiopian citizen is possible if a

system of governance that does not see one group of Ethiopians more Ethiopian than


Secondly, Sheckacho people’s movement for democracy and social justice will work

towards the protection and preservation of natural environmental which is safe and

sustainable that will last for our future generation.


The political environment in Ethiopia is narrowing from time to time in a heartbreaking and frightening way.

Multi-party democracy has become unthinkable under TPLF leadership. TPLF leadership has deliberately

weakened the unity and integrity of the people in Ethiopia using false federalism as a political weapon for

its political advantages. More than ever in the country’s history, the people are awaiting danger of

insecurity; lack of trust, weakening of unity and integrity. It is in response to this grave situation in the

Sheckacho land in particular and in Ethiopia in general that the Sheckacho People’s Movement for

Democracy and Social Justice came into existence. SPMDSJ is established to work with others on equal

bases and ensuring democratic system of governance, respect of human rights and equality with active

participation of all nations, nationalities and people in Ethiopia. SPMDSJ aims to listen others views and

concerns and seeks its views and concerns to be heard. Based on this, SPMDSJ seeks to create common

understanding and build trust and respect among equal people.

2.1 Mission: SPDMSJ seeks and works to see people in Ethiopia change their leaders through free and

fair election. Also seeks and works for equality and respect among nations, nationalities and peoples in


2.2 Goal: To bring peace, reconciliation and unity in a democratic way among peoples in Ethiopia to

building a strong and united country where everyone is proud of being a citizen of that country, where one

is dignified and respected in the eyes of law and its other citizens.

2.3 Objectives: SPDMSJ has the following specific objectives:

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1. Make a great effort for peace, social justice and equality among the peoples in Ethiopian

2. Work towards establishing reconciled and trustworthy society in Ethiopia in general and

among the people in south western Ethiopia in particular

3. Struggle for equality that only comes through compromise and tolerance in a democratic


4. Fight and work towards national unity and territorial integrity that only comes through

equality and respectfulness among diversity of people and nations

5. Struggle for development through democratic system of governance and sustainable

economic development

2.4 Values and Working Principles of SPDMSJ

Citizen Participation –SPDMSJ believes that democracy requires informed and active citizens who voice their interests, act collectively and hold public officials accountable. SPDMS guarantees that no individual or groups should be persecuted for peacefully exercising these rights.

Elections –SPDMSJ believes that fair and free election is a true and the only way to democratic system of governance and order in Ethiopia.

Political Party Building –SPDMSJ believes that collaborative works with other political parties and civic society groups will bring a long-lasting solution to the current Ethiopia’s political crisis.

Democratic Governance: SPDMSJ believes towards working with all relevant stakeholders in drafting Ethiopian legislation to ensure the inclusion of the concerns of all nations and nationalities in Ethiopia and to help avoiding legislative oversight, and rules of procedure

Peace: is not just interpreted as the absence of war; it is the situation under which war is completely unthinkable as a means to solve any conflict and SPDMSJ works to achieve only that.

Office holder: any office holder should be impartial, none partisan in his/her practice and must serve the people and country. Should follow good code of practice and governance. No office holder should seek to benefit his immediate ethnic group, family or relative using state and federal resource under his /her stewardship.

III. Political Agenda

The SPDMSJ was born out of the necessity to halt the destructive political agenda of TPLF leadership in

Ethiopia that is based on fake federalism and strangle hold of people’s way of life. The mindless leaders

have watered down the principle of state federalism and pushed the people in Ethiopia into political turmoil.

The unprecedented spiral and wicked political leadership has caused an intolerable human and economic

tragedy for the Ethiopian societies. Today more than ever, Ethiopia is on a crossroad that no one can

predict which direction it will be moving. For example, under the TPLF arrangement, the Sheckacho people

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have to travel more than 950 km in Awassa to get services, while the TPLF gives full services to its

constituencies in Tigray while forcing the Sheckacho people endure hardship and unimaginable financial

cost which they do not have in the first place.

The Sheckacho people’s sufferings continue to exist because of the existing international and local

situation that favoured the TPLF regime. In spit of well documented people’s suffering in Ethiopia, foreign

states have been assisting the dictator leadership in Ethiopia since 1991. They are concerned for their own

political or economic or both interest rather than for the democratic system of governance. It has become

now imperative that Sheckacho people alone cannot stand against the established mind set-ups and

traditional working system of politics in Ethiopia and beyond towards a broader and holistic perception of

the much interwoven major socio-political problems in the country. With this understanding, SPDMSJ

decided to works within the Sheckacho community (land) and with others to create:

3.1 the administrative system to be true Federalism in Ethiopia that will be based on People’s desire,

language, history, culture, economic advantage and geographical proximity

3.2 a democratic and free non-partisan institution through which the people can elect their leaders and

have true representation that protects their interest, security, way of life and environment.

3.3 democratic order, peace, security equality and unity based on equality of opportunity for all

3.4 an atmosphere where the peoples in Ethiopia to be united in working together for peace, reconciliation,

equality of opportunity, democracy and overall national unity that brings prosperity to all involved

3.5 Create atmosphere that diversity of cultures, traditions and languages in Ethiopia are positive assets

than problem and important for Ethiopians dynamism and growth

3.6 a condition where basic human rights, freedom of speech and freedom of association is ensured and

fully exercised

3.7 a situation where Ethiopia will have one or more official language/s that will be determined through

public decision/ referendum

3.8 a system and procedure that regional federal states have the autonomy to have their own official

language in their own regional states and also agree on intra-federal states form of communication

language; but the decision on the form of language selection should be based on economic and social

development and benefits of the people

3.9 conditions where people are empowered to establish democratic and transparent governance founded

on a people's constitution with freedom and equality for all, without any discrimination on the bases of

tribe, religion, sex, region, etc

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3.10 create a system that encourages and supports the establishment of political parties that contribute

for democratization process in the country

3.11 an atmosphere that encourages the active participation of the people and the free and non-partisan

media in the democratization process by playing a check and balance roles in the Ethiopian politics

3.12 a policy for rapid and sustainable economic development in the country that benefits all its citizens

than the few

3.13 a system for the formation of separate and independent judiciary, legislation and executive body

is ensured

3.14 A capable and neutral defence and law enforcing bodies in the country, that serve the people than

the few elected – its loyalty is to the nations than the few

3.15 a system of fair and free election in the country through neutral and independent electoral board

IV. Economic Agenda

SPDMSJ believes that Ethiopia’s poverty is rooted in the succession of tribal and dictatorial leaderships in

the country and due to the environmental degradation because of misguided policies of authoritarian


SPDMSJ promotes strategic economic objective that builds Sustainable economy that enables rapid

economic growth and economic development that does not compromise environmental sustainability.

Major tasks to be accomplished in the economic program are:

4.1 Promotes policies that ensure Ethiopia’s development centres not only on agricultural sector,

but also on manufacturing, major industrial and service sectors based on the strategies and


4.2 Environmental protection and preservation is top priority for Sheckacho People’s Movement for

democracy and Social Justice

4.3 Rapid and sustainable development in the agricultural sector will be the focus with

understanding the pivotal roles of 80% of rural human-capital

4.4 Promotes that land-use policies favour and promote rapid and sustainable development for

food security

4.5 SPMDSJ promotes that human resource development renders more productive labour

through education and training in all sectors and in introducing new improved technologies

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4.6 Ensure and promote research and development for self sufficiency in food production, and the

creation of employment opportunities that improve the people's standard of living

4.7 Promotes the ratification of participatory land-use planning in the country

4.8 Ensure infrastructural development that promote sustainable development

4.9 Ensure the creation of civil society that encourages the participation of the general public in

development and democratization and ensure the independence of these organizations

4.10 Ensure that all citizens have full rights to participate in all development endeavours and

their say considered and incorporated into development policies and programs

4.11 Ensure that special attention/consideration and packages are in place to disadvantaged

groups, such as minority ethnic groups and pastoral communities and their rights are

respected, their says are considered in all development areas

4.12 Ensure that special supports are available for areas that are under developed to

accelerate their growth and development



Our social objective is to integrate and realize economic development by constructing our economy to

reduce the consumption of natural resources with particular emphasis to the protection and preservation of

forests and wildlife population. This will strengthen our economy and create clean and safe environment

that increase social-wellbeing.

SPDMSJ will ensure human wellbeing, the social relations necessary for wellbeing and the system by

which wellbeing is promoted

Education Sector

5.1 Ensure high standard education and training system in the country

5.2 Regional Federal states will be autonomous to design the system of education based on History,

Culture, Geography and Economic capacity of the regional state.

5.3 SPDMSJ encourages that children to learn by their mother tongue in elementary school, however; the

media of junior and secondary education will be English

5.4 Elementary and secondary education will be free, however; territory level education will be with

minimum payment to those who are able to pay and free to those who cannot afford

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5.5 SPDMSJ encourages and supports private sectors, civil society/charities and religious organizations

to establish educational institution in the country

Health Sector

5.6 Ensure that Prevention Oriented Health Service System is established in the country

5.7 SPDMSJ strives that basic health care service reaches the grass root beneficiary by establishing

health centre, health post and outreach programs

5.8 SPDMSJ encourages and supports private sector, civil society/charity, church based organization to

engage in the establishment of health institutions in the country

5.9 Health service will be free for those who are not able to cover the cost

5.10 SPDMSJ , encourages and supports research on effectiveness and utilization of traditional


5.11 SPDMSJ encourages freedom of press and none-partisan investigative journalism in every



5.12 Ensure equality of women, the rights of people with disability and the rights of workers

5.13 Ensure establishment of social welfare programs that support those who are under destitute

conditions such as, beggars, prostitutes and rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents, the disabled, and the

aged who are unable to earn wages and do not have a support system

5.14 Ensure that religion and state are separate and individuals are free to choice any religions that

interest them

5.15 Ensure that special provisions are available to preserve and develop languages and cultures of


VI. Foreign Policy

SPDMSJ struggles for foreign policy that is grid towards creating international and regional conditions that

foster Ethiopia’s national interest by building a democratic order and free market economy. We support

foreign policy that will support accelerated economic development and support the overall need for

cooperation, peace and partnership

SPDMSJ promotes that the Ethiopian foreign policy be designed in a way that the rights and interest of

Ethiopians is safeguarded and respected. We promote that Ethiopia’s foreign policy be open to by working

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in partnership with foreign countries based on win-win approach. Every effort will be made for sound and

acceptable implementation of our foreign policy. Ensure wider popular participation in the execution of our

foreign policy. No Sheckacho or Ethiopian citizen should be subjected to degrading treatment by a foreign

country without being accountable; SPDMSJ seeks to protect all its citizen from such inhumane verbal or

physical treatment.


It will be the responsibility of the Federal state to establish non-partisan army composed of from

different nations and nationalities that safeguards the security and sovereignty of the people and

the land.

Army members are non-political and non-partisan. The duty of the army will be to safeguard and

protect the security and sovereignty of the people and the country


There will be neutral institutions that will be established to work towards safeguarding the wellbeing

of citizens by working only inline with the Ethiopian constitutions

The security staffs shall not be members of any political party or show their affiliation to one


Regional Federal states are responsible to establish their own police force.

The regional police force is solely in charge for the respective Federal Regional State.

Unless otherwise, the Federal regional states request the support of the Federal state, national

police have no power to intervene in the matters of Federal Regional states, however, if there is

obvious and systematic human right abuse or embezzlement practised by the federal regional state

authorities, there is a ground for national police intervention