Download - Share Connecting People to Jesus bulletins/gn_11-19-1… ·  · 2017-11-18Mission India - Yunis, Yakub, Jaswinder, Earic ... Why is it important for us to be willing to help others?


PERSONAL Angel Dakota Becker Brian Janet Brock Julia Brock Capitelli Family Clark Family Shannon Crogan John Davis & Family Josh Freeman Joan Hoffman Kristina Kittle Kailey Martin

Raul Reyes Family Robert Parrish Perry Family Sabini Family John Paul Saraga Shirley Smith Vicky

Mission India Church Planters - Yunis, Yakub, Jaswinder, Earic Adult Literacy Project - Sonia (project manager) - 5 teachers and 150 students Children’s Bible Clubs - 11 leaders - 440 children And the people of Punjab

Kuwaa Mission Pray for safety for Orphan Grain Train transporters who deliver hygiene kits, school pks, food not only here but even to Liberia & world wide. God bless their volunteers! Pray for them & their projects. Happy Thanksgiving.

ILLNESS Brentt Allen Alix Louie Arguijo Art Rusty Ballard Teri Bauer Ashley Bauer Curtis Becker Nancy Bellinger Amy Bolks Thad Bower Terry Brennan Dave Boyer Barbara Briscoe Kathleen Brembile Joel Chantry Laura Chermak & family Kerry Crook Colin Cunningham John Davis Marlena Dunn

Pat English Barbara Eton Emma Davis Family Dawn Marie Favata Geoff Forgie Daniel Fowlie Patrick Frericks Waynella Gonzalez Jim Gorsline Sr. Steve Grace Dan Groyl JoAnn Guetzkow Robert Hiller Linda Jenkins Rosalie Jensen Loretta Kazmar Renee Kiemer Joseph Kocik Scott Kocik Betty Kovach Julie Koonce Ellen LaBonte Wanda Laker

Skip Lovern Tom Ludtke Courtney Marshall Richard (Rick) Martin Carolyn Moersch Jennifer Marx Carmella Mazella Pam McPhee David Moeschler Catherin Morgan Connor Nemcek Arlene Norcutt Krystal Norcutt Trevor Olson Bella Peek Sandy Putman Mr. Rico Denise Robb Jitica Rollova Betsy Ruesler Salvador Judy Schroeder Dick Shiery Kay Shiery

Chris Smith Ryno Stein Bob Strouse Delores Terry Lucy Valenzuela Vivian Vehrs Vickie Walsh Marlene Weisheit Gertie Wiechmann Bill Wolitarsky If you wish to add someone to the prayer list please submit a form or email April at [email protected]

Prayers of the Congregation Please contact the church office at 949-631-1611 if you

would like someone added to the Prayer List.

Kobon Ministry: We thank the Lord that over the next three weeks graduations will take place at seven of the Kobon and Minimib Schools in the Kaironk school district. Please pray for those who are plan-ning and preparing, especially district coordinators Joel and Matthew Morris and local school board mem-bers, parents and students. Pray for good weather on these days of celebration. This week please pray for the Kobon Living Word School at Dusin, for teachers Ben Walamp and Seleckis Ben, and for all the students.. - Reverend John and Maila Davies, Lutheran Bible Translators, Papua New Guinea

Pray for Our Country, Our State, Our Leaders, Our Military: Evan Edison, Colin McFerran, Brandon McKnight, Greg Meline, Edward Miettinen, Parker Oest, Clint Sloan, Adam Spies and all the Military and their families…

The Christ Lutheran Staff Mike Gibson Glenn Shelton Caleb McFerran Kristie Flohra Karen Culp Emily Eltiste Dana Burkey Chris Peterson April Florio Lance Irey Joseph Strubbe John Davies

- [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - Papua New Guinea

Lead Pastor ~ Associate Pastor ~ School Principal ~

Preschool Director ~ Parish Administrator ~

Director Of Children and Youth Ministry ~ Director of Local Mission/High School Youth ~

Music & Worship ~ Church Exec./Communications ~ Deployed Pastor, Montclair, CA ~

Pastor Emeritus ~ Deployed Missionary ~

Share 1. What are the main points from PG’s sermon that stand out to you?

2. How has the CLC been “The Little Inn That Could” for you?

Study Read Luke 10: 25-37 1. Who challenged Jesus?

2. What are the two great commandments?

3. How does Jesus define "neighbor"?

4. Who is our neighbor?

5. Is the Good Samaritan another way of showing the Golden Rule in action?

6. What kind of story does Jesus tell the lawyer?

7. Look at the characters in the story: the priest, the Levite, the Samaritan, the man who was beaten. Who might these people be today? How did PG’s an-swer this question?

8. Practically, what if the injured person were someone from a different ethnic group than you? Would you stop to help?

9. Why do you think the two Jews walked away from him?

10. Describe the Samaritan.

11. Why was it so unusual for him to stop and tend to the man's wounds?

12. What if the injured man was from Israel? The United States? And what if the Samaritan were a Palestinian? Iraqi? Would you expect the man from Pales-tine (Iraq) to stop and help?

13. What did the lawyer learn from this parable?

14. What lessons did you learn from this parable?

15. How can we all express more compassion and care for one another?

16. Does loving your neighbor as yourself help explain the Golden Rule?

17. Why is it important for us to be willing to help others?


1. How has this sermon/study equipped you to answer the question, “What shall I do in order to have eternal life?”

2. What can you do in order to make CLC an Inn prepared to receive anyone and everyone and to provide healing and care?

3. Close in prayer.

Sermon-Based Bible Study

A Congregation of The Lutheran Church ~ Missouri Synod

760 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa, California 92627 Church ~ 949-631-1611 School ~ 949-548-6866 Fax ~ 949-631-6224

Sunday, November 19, 2017

8:00 AM Traditional Worship

9:20 AM Equipping Hour

10:30 AM Contemporary Worship and Kids’ Church

Worship Schedule Altar Flowers

The flowers that grace the altar today are given to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by

Pat & Jim Eisele in memory of our 59th wedding anniversary and by Scott & Kelly Roberts in Thanksgiving of our 30 years of marriage.

Connecting People to Jesus

Christ Lutheran Church and School is a 21st

Century mission outpost where people are supported, equipped, and launched into ministry,

acting locally and impacting globally.

Luke 10:33-34 A Samaritan came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him.

We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us at Christ Lutheran! Please check us out at for more information on all our ministries, missions and small groups. Need additional attention or direction? Give us a call in the church office and let us know how we can serve you! 949-631-1611.


The Bridge - All are welcome to join us tonight, November 19th, for the bridge from 6-8pm! We'll meet in the fireside room to sing praises, study the Word, enjoy a free Boston Market dinner, and connect in community with games.

Advent by Candlelight: Monday, Nov. 27th @ 7:00pm - Questions, please call Sharon Sutton (949-233-4687) or Char Majewsky (949-632-0962).

Homeless Check-In Center Volunteers Needed - Help out at the Check-In Center where local individuals who are experiencing homelessness can check in their be-longings each weekday morning and check them out each evening. The greatest need is Monday through Saturday from 6:15 - 7:30pm.The Check-in Center is at The Crossing Church and volunteers are only asked to do 2 shifts per month. Contact Christ Lutheran member Erik Wadsworth at [email protected] to learn more.

Thanksgiving Eve Service - Join us on Wednesday, November 22nd @ 7:00pm in the Sanctuary as we’ll gather to thank God for all His blessings. Bring canned/dry packaged food as a special offering to bless our Costa Mesa partners.

The 2018 Kobon New Testament Reading Calendars are available for you in the narthex and the Welcome Center. Pick up yours today.

ALF (Adult Lutheran Fellowship) CHRISTMAS PARTY - All Adults are wel-come! Saturday, December 9th at 6pm in the Fireside Room. Bring a friend. White Elephant gift exchange. Sign up for the Potluck after services. Any questions? Rita Lehigh 714.960.3802 or Sue Hinrichs 714.662.0187

SEES Candy Fundraiser - 8th grade is selling SEES candy for the Christmas season. This delicious candy makes great hostess gifts, office gifts, and just for one's own personal use, please visit our table after both services for convenient ordering. You may pick up order forms in the school office. Please have orders turned in to the school office by November 30th or contact Mrs. Jordan @ [email protected].


Advent Service Schedule 2017 (date changes; please mark your calendars):

Wednesday, December 6th, 7:00pm - Christ Lutheran School Christmas Musical

Wednesday, December 13th, 7:00pm - We will gather for a special “Big Deal” Ad-vent Worship service in the Sanctuary. The evening will be full of your favorite Advent Hymns and Christmas Carols and a devotional message – all to help us prepare for the celebration of the coming of our Savior.

Wednesday, December 20th, 7:00pm - Christ Lutheran Church Christmas Concert

Advent Dinners will be offered in the Gym at 6:00 PM for each of the Advent Wednesday evenings.


Children, Junior High, High School & Young Adults

Children's Ministry Today we'll learn how God answered Hannah's prayers for a son! All children age 3 (and

potty-trained) through 5th grade are invited to join us for Sunday School in room 103 and Kids Church in rooms 102 and 103. If you have questions about Children's Ministry, please contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected].

Club 56 Save the date for our next Club 56 on Monday, December 4. We'll learn the story of David

and his journey from small shepherd boy to king of Israel and the struggles he had along the way. Contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected] for more information. information.

Jr. High Jr. High Youth is on break this week as we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday! Enjoy your

time with family and friends! If you have questions about Jr. High Youth, please contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected].

High School Meet in the fireside room tonight for the bridge from 6-8pm! Next Sunday, November 26th,

there is no youth group due to the Thanksgiving holiday week. Contact [email protected] to learn more about High School ministry.

Confirmation Meet for confirmation class today in the youth room from 9:20-10:20am. Questions? Contact [email protected].

If you are new to youth groups please register online by completing our medical re-lease and information form at forms.htm. You can do so by scanning this QR code with your wireless device.

What’s Happening?

Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. In my

Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. John 14:1-5

The similar intonation when Jesus was 12 years old… Now Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. And when he was twelve years old… And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?” Luke 2:41, 42, 49

The double mention and nuance of “I go to prepare (hetoimazō) a place for you.”

The act of making it ready or possible

The state of readiness or anticipation

during the state of readiness and before Jesus’ return And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” … Who is my neighbor? … Jesus: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead… The Samaritan went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back. Luke 10:25,30,34-35

Brilliant and profoundly life changing truth/answers to the lawyer’s questions:

1. On the surface and an answer of the second question, you and I ought to show

mercy and love and do good to everyone, including our enemies. And…

2. On the deepest level and an answer of the first and most important question, you and I, all humanity, are in the ditch, “half dead!” And…

3. Jesus is the Good Samaritan and the only one who can save and heal us! And…

4. The church is the inn where God puts his people to be spiritually nurtured until Jesus returns. Even more, Jesus continues to pay for the ongoing needs in our life, too.

Next Week: Last Sunday in the Church’s liturgical year and celebration of Christ the King!

“The Little Inn That Could”

We offer several Bible studies and small group meetings throughout the week at various times. Contact the church office at 949-631-1611, or if you would like more information please email Pastor Mike at [email protected].

Small Groups and Bible Studies


Weekly Worship Weekly Offering Weekly Offering Offering Attendance Received Budget Variance

11/12 461 $ 27,198 $ 27,187 $ +11

Budgeted YTD $ 543,740 Offerings YTD $ 482,435 $ - 61,305

4 Those 2 Come Phase 2 Capital Campaign

11/12 Pledged $3,789,526 Rec’d To Date $3,592,682 Bal. $ 196,844

Give Now: by scanning the QR code to the right with your wireless device, or through PayPal on our webpage:

Today During Equipping Hour: 9:20-10:20am

Sunday School - In Room 103.

Christianity, Cults & Religions - Led by Ed Stelling in the Library.

Loving God with Your Mind - Led by Larry Vescera in Room 114.

Sermon-based Bible Study - Led by Chris Bellew/Matt Williams in Room 112.

The Basics - Led by Pastor Glenn in the Fireside Room (Everyone Welcome)

Great Men and Women of the Bible - Led by Pastor Mike Gibson in Conference Rm. 2

Scan the QR code or simply download the YouVersion app on your phone. Select the More option, then select Events and search “Christ Lutheran Costa Mesa” to follow the service in worship electronically.

We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us at Christ Lutheran! Please check us out at for more information on all our ministries, missions and small groups. Need additional attention or direction? Give us a call in the church office and let us know how we can serve you! 949-631-1611.


The Bridge - All are welcome to join us tonight, November 19th, for the bridge from 6-8pm! We'll meet in the fireside room to sing praises, study the Word, enjoy a free Boston Market dinner, and connect in community with games.

Advent by Candlelight: Monday, Nov. 27th @ 7:00pm - Questions, please call Sharon Sutton (949-233-4687) or Char Majewsky (949-632-0962).

Homeless Check-In Center Volunteers Needed - Help out at the Check-In Center where local individuals who are experiencing homelessness can check in their be-longings each weekday morning and check them out each evening. The greatest need is Monday through Saturday from 6:15 - 7:30pm.The Check-in Center is at The Crossing Church and volunteers are only asked to do 2 shifts per month. Contact Christ Lutheran member Erik Wadsworth at [email protected] to learn more.

Thanksgiving Eve Service - Join us on Wednesday, November 22nd @ 7:00pm in the Sanctuary as we’ll gather to thank God for all His blessings. Bring canned/dry packaged food as a special offering to bless our Costa Mesa partners.

The 2018 Kobon New Testament Reading Calendars are available for you in the narthex and the Welcome Center. Pick up yours today.

ALF (Adult Lutheran Fellowship) CHRISTMAS PARTY - All Adults are wel-come! Saturday, December 9th at 6pm in the Fireside Room. Bring a friend. White Elephant gift exchange. Sign up for the Potluck after services. Any questions? Rita Lehigh 714.960.3802 or Sue Hinrichs 714.662.0187

SEES Candy Fundraiser - 8th grade is selling SEES candy for the Christmas season. This delicious candy makes great hostess gifts, office gifts, and just for one's own personal use, please visit our table after both services for convenient ordering. You may pick up order forms in the school office. Please have orders turned in to the school office by November 30th or contact Mrs. Jordan @ [email protected].


Advent Service Schedule 2017 (date changes; please mark your calendars):

Wednesday, December 6th, 7:00pm - Christ Lutheran School Christmas Musical

Wednesday, December 13th, 7:00pm - We will gather for a special “Big Deal” Ad-vent Worship service in the Sanctuary. The evening will be full of your favorite Advent Hymns and Christmas Carols and a devotional message – all to help us prepare for the celebration of the coming of our Savior.

Wednesday, December 20th, 7:00pm - Christ Lutheran Church Christmas Concert

Advent Dinners will be offered in the Gym at 6:00 PM for each of the Advent Wednesday evenings.


Children, Junior High, High School & Young Adults

Children's Ministry Today we'll learn how God answered Hannah's prayers for a son! All children age 3 (and

potty-trained) through 5th grade are invited to join us for Sunday School in room 103 and Kids Church in rooms 102 and 103. If you have questions about Children's Ministry, please contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected].

Club 56 Save the date for our next Club 56 on Monday, December 4. We'll learn the story of David

and his journey from small shepherd boy to king of Israel and the struggles he had along the way. Contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected] for more information. information.

Jr. High Jr. High Youth is on break this week as we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday! Enjoy your

time with family and friends! If you have questions about Jr. High Youth, please contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected].

High School Meet in the fireside room tonight for the bridge from 6-8pm! Next Sunday, November 26th,

there is no youth group due to the Thanksgiving holiday week. Contact [email protected] to learn more about High School ministry.

Confirmation Meet for confirmation class today in the youth room from 9:20-10:20am. Questions? Contact [email protected].

If you are new to youth groups please register online by completing our medical re-lease and information form at forms.htm. You can do so by scanning this QR code with your wireless device.

What’s Happening?

Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. In my

Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. John 14:1-5

The similar intonation when Jesus was 12 years old… Now Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. And when he was twelve years old… And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?” Luke 2:41, 42, 49

The double mention and nuance of “I go to prepare (hetoimazō) a place for you.”

The act of making it ready or possible

The state of readiness or anticipation

during the state of readiness and before Jesus’ return And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” … Who is my neighbor? … Jesus: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead… The Samaritan went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back. Luke 10:25,30,34-35

Brilliant and profoundly life changing truth/answers to the lawyer’s questions:

1. On the surface and an answer of the second question, you and I ought to show

mercy and love and do good to everyone, including our enemies. And…

2. On the deepest level and an answer of the first and most important question, you and I, all humanity, are in the ditch, “half dead!” And…

3. Jesus is the Good Samaritan and the only one who can save and heal us! And…

4. The church is the inn where God puts his people to be spiritually nurtured until Jesus returns. Even more, Jesus continues to pay for the ongoing needs in our life, too.

Next Week: Last Sunday in the Church’s liturgical year and celebration of Christ the King!

“The Little Inn That Could”

We offer several Bible studies and small group meetings throughout the week at various times. Contact the church office at 949-631-1611, or if you would like more information please email Pastor Mike at [email protected].

Small Groups and Bible Studies


Weekly Worship Weekly Offering Weekly Offering Offering Attendance Received Budget Variance

11/12 461 $ 27,198 $ 27,187 $ +11

Budgeted YTD $ 543,740 Offerings YTD $ 482,435 $ - 61,305

4 Those 2 Come Phase 2 Capital Campaign

11/12 Pledged $3,789,526 Rec’d To Date $3,592,682 Bal. $ 196,844

Give Now: by scanning the QR code to the right with your wireless device, or through PayPal on our webpage:

Today During Equipping Hour: 9:20-10:20am

Sunday School - In Room 103.

Christianity, Cults & Religions - Led by Ed Stelling in the Library.

Loving God with Your Mind - Led by Larry Vescera in Room 114.

Sermon-based Bible Study - Led by Chris Bellew/Matt Williams in Room 112.

The Basics - Led by Pastor Glenn in the Fireside Room (Everyone Welcome)

Great Men and Women of the Bible - Led by Pastor Mike Gibson in Conference Rm. 2

Scan the QR code or simply download the YouVersion app on your phone. Select the More option, then select Events and search “Christ Lutheran Costa Mesa” to follow the service in worship electronically.

We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us at Christ Lutheran! Please check us out at for more information on all our ministries, missions and small groups. Need additional attention or direction? Give us a call in the church office and let us know how we can serve you! 949-631-1611.


The Bridge - All are welcome to join us tonight, November 19th, for the bridge from 6-8pm! We'll meet in the fireside room to sing praises, study the Word, enjoy a free Boston Market dinner, and connect in community with games.

Advent by Candlelight: Monday, Nov. 27th @ 7:00pm - Questions, please call Sharon Sutton (949-233-4687) or Char Majewsky (949-632-0962).

Homeless Check-In Center Volunteers Needed - Help out at the Check-In Center where local individuals who are experiencing homelessness can check in their be-longings each weekday morning and check them out each evening. The greatest need is Monday through Saturday from 6:15 - 7:30pm.The Check-in Center is at The Crossing Church and volunteers are only asked to do 2 shifts per month. Contact Christ Lutheran member Erik Wadsworth at [email protected] to learn more.

Thanksgiving Eve Service - Join us on Wednesday, November 22nd @ 7:00pm in the Sanctuary as we’ll gather to thank God for all His blessings. Bring canned/dry packaged food as a special offering to bless our Costa Mesa partners.

The 2018 Kobon New Testament Reading Calendars are available for you in the narthex and the Welcome Center. Pick up yours today.

ALF (Adult Lutheran Fellowship) CHRISTMAS PARTY - All Adults are wel-come! Saturday, December 9th at 6pm in the Fireside Room. Bring a friend. White Elephant gift exchange. Sign up for the Potluck after services. Any questions? Rita Lehigh 714.960.3802 or Sue Hinrichs 714.662.0187

SEES Candy Fundraiser - 8th grade is selling SEES candy for the Christmas season. This delicious candy makes great hostess gifts, office gifts, and just for one's own personal use, please visit our table after both services for convenient ordering. You may pick up order forms in the school office. Please have orders turned in to the school office by November 30th or contact Mrs. Jordan @ [email protected].


Advent Service Schedule 2017 (date changes; please mark your calendars):

Wednesday, December 6th, 7:00pm - Christ Lutheran School Christmas Musical

Wednesday, December 13th, 7:00pm - We will gather for a special “Big Deal” Ad-vent Worship service in the Sanctuary. The evening will be full of your favorite Advent Hymns and Christmas Carols and a devotional message – all to help us prepare for the celebration of the coming of our Savior.

Wednesday, December 20th, 7:00pm - Christ Lutheran Church Christmas Concert

Advent Dinners will be offered in the Gym at 6:00 PM for each of the Advent Wednesday evenings.


Children, Junior High, High School & Young Adults

Children's Ministry Today we'll learn how God answered Hannah's prayers for a son! All children age 3 (and

potty-trained) through 5th grade are invited to join us for Sunday School in room 103 and Kids Church in rooms 102 and 103. If you have questions about Children's Ministry, please contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected].

Club 56 Save the date for our next Club 56 on Monday, December 4. We'll learn the story of David

and his journey from small shepherd boy to king of Israel and the struggles he had along the way. Contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected] for more information. information.

Jr. High Jr. High Youth is on break this week as we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday! Enjoy your

time with family and friends! If you have questions about Jr. High Youth, please contact Emily Eltiste at [email protected].

High School Meet in the fireside room tonight for the bridge from 6-8pm! Next Sunday, November 26th,

there is no youth group due to the Thanksgiving holiday week. Contact [email protected] to learn more about High School ministry.

Confirmation Meet for confirmation class today in the youth room from 9:20-10:20am. Questions? Contact [email protected].

If you are new to youth groups please register online by completing our medical re-lease and information form at forms.htm. You can do so by scanning this QR code with your wireless device.

What’s Happening?

Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. In my

Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. John 14:1-5

The similar intonation when Jesus was 12 years old… Now Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. And when he was twelve years old… And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?” Luke 2:41, 42, 49

The double mention and nuance of “I go to prepare (hetoimazō) a place for you.”

The act of making it ready or possible

The state of readiness or anticipation

during the state of readiness and before Jesus’ return And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” … Who is my neighbor? … Jesus: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead… The Samaritan went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back. Luke 10:25,30,34-35

Brilliant and profoundly life changing truth/answers to the lawyer’s questions:

1. On the surface and an answer of the second question, you and I ought to show

mercy and love and do good to everyone, including our enemies. And…

2. On the deepest level and an answer of the first and most important question, you and I, all humanity, are in the ditch, “half dead!” And…

3. Jesus is the Good Samaritan and the only one who can save and heal us! And…

4. The church is the inn where God puts his people to be spiritually nurtured until Jesus returns. Even more, Jesus continues to pay for the ongoing needs in our life, too.

Next Week: Last Sunday in the Church’s liturgical year and celebration of Christ the King!

“The Little Inn That Could”

We offer several Bible studies and small group meetings throughout the week at various times. Contact the church office at 949-631-1611, or if you would like more information please email Pastor Mike at [email protected].

Small Groups and Bible Studies


Weekly Worship Weekly Offering Weekly Offering Offering Attendance Received Budget Variance

11/12 461 $ 27,198 $ 27,187 $ +11

Budgeted YTD $ 543,740 Offerings YTD $ 482,435 $ - 61,305

4 Those 2 Come Phase 2 Capital Campaign

11/12 Pledged $3,789,526 Rec’d To Date $3,592,682 Bal. $ 196,844

Give Now: by scanning the QR code to the right with your wireless device, or through PayPal on our webpage:

Today During Equipping Hour: 9:20-10:20am

Sunday School - In Room 103.

Christianity, Cults & Religions - Led by Ed Stelling in the Library.

Loving God with Your Mind - Led by Larry Vescera in Room 114.

Sermon-based Bible Study - Led by Chris Bellew/Matt Williams in Room 112.

The Basics - Led by Pastor Glenn in the Fireside Room (Everyone Welcome)

Great Men and Women of the Bible - Led by Pastor Mike Gibson in Conference Rm. 2

Scan the QR code or simply download the YouVersion app on your phone. Select the More option, then select Events and search “Christ Lutheran Costa Mesa” to follow the service in worship electronically.

PERSONAL Angel Dakota Becker Brian Janet Brock Julia Brock Capitelli Family Clark Family Shannon Crogan John Davis & Family Josh Freeman Joan Hoffman Kristina Kittle Kailey Martin

Raul Reyes Family Robert Parrish Perry Family Sabini Family John Paul Saraga Shirley Smith Vicky

Mission India Church Planters - Yunis, Yakub, Jaswinder, Earic Adult Literacy Project - Sonia (project manager) - 5 teachers and 150 students Children’s Bible Clubs - 11 leaders - 440 children And the people of Punjab

Kuwaa Mission Pray for safety for Orphan Grain Train transporters who deliver hygiene kits, school pks, food not only here but even to Liberia & world wide. God bless their volunteers! Pray for them & their projects. Happy Thanksgiving.

ILLNESS Brentt Allen Alix Louie Arguijo Art Rusty Ballard Teri Bauer Ashley Bauer Curtis Becker Nancy Bellinger Amy Bolks Thad Bower Terry Brennan Dave Boyer Barbara Briscoe Kathleen Brembile Joel Chantry Laura Chermak & family Kerry Crook Colin Cunningham John Davis Marlena Dunn

Pat English Barbara Eton Emma Davis Family Dawn Marie Favata Geoff Forgie Daniel Fowlie Patrick Frericks Waynella Gonzalez Jim Gorsline Sr. Steve Grace Dan Groyl JoAnn Guetzkow Robert Hiller Linda Jenkins Rosalie Jensen Loretta Kazmar Renee Kiemer Joseph Kocik Scott Kocik Betty Kovach Julie Koonce Ellen LaBonte Wanda Laker

Skip Lovern Tom Ludtke Courtney Marshall Richard (Rick) Martin Carolyn Moersch Jennifer Marx Carmella Mazella Pam McPhee David Moeschler Catherin Morgan Connor Nemcek Arlene Norcutt Krystal Norcutt Trevor Olson Bella Peek Sandy Putman Mr. Rico Denise Robb Jitica Rollova Betsy Ruesler Salvador Judy Schroeder Dick Shiery Kay Shiery

Chris Smith Ryno Stein Bob Strouse Delores Terry Lucy Valenzuela Vivian Vehrs Vickie Walsh Marlene Weisheit Gertie Wiechmann Bill Wolitarsky If you wish to add someone to the prayer list please submit a form or email April at [email protected]

Prayers of the Congregation Please contact the church office at 949-631-1611 if you

would like someone added to the Prayer List.

Kobon Ministry: We thank the Lord that over the next three weeks graduations will take place at seven of the Kobon and Minimib Schools in the Kaironk school district. Please pray for those who are plan-ning and preparing, especially district coordinators Joel and Matthew Morris and local school board mem-bers, parents and students. Pray for good weather on these days of celebration. This week please pray for the Kobon Living Word School at Dusin, for teachers Ben Walamp and Seleckis Ben, and for all the students.. - Reverend John and Maila Davies, Lutheran Bible Translators, Papua New Guinea

Pray for Our Country, Our State, Our Leaders, Our Military: Evan Edison, Colin McFerran, Brandon McKnight, Greg Meline, Edward Miettinen, Parker Oest, Clint Sloan, Adam Spies and all the Military and their families…

The Christ Lutheran Staff Mike Gibson Glenn Shelton Caleb McFerran Kristie Flohra Karen Culp Emily Eltiste Dana Burkey Chris Peterson April Florio Lance Irey Joseph Strubbe John Davies

- [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - Papua New Guinea

Lead Pastor ~ Associate Pastor ~ School Principal ~

Preschool Director ~ Parish Administrator ~

Director Of Children and Youth Ministry ~ Director of Local Mission/High School Youth ~

Music & Worship ~ Church Exec./Communications ~ Deployed Pastor, Montclair, CA ~

Pastor Emeritus ~ Deployed Missionary ~

Share 1. What are the main points from PG’s sermon that stand out to you?

2. How has the CLC been “The Little Inn That Could” for you?

Study Read Luke 10: 25-37 1. Who challenged Jesus?

2. What are the two great commandments?

3. How does Jesus define "neighbor"?

4. Who is our neighbor?

5. Is the Good Samaritan another way of showing the Golden Rule in action?

6. What kind of story does Jesus tell the lawyer?

7. Look at the characters in the story: the priest, the Levite, the Samaritan, the man who was beaten. Who might these people be today? How did PG’s an-swer this question?

8. Practically, what if the injured person were someone from a different ethnic group than you? Would you stop to help?

9. Why do you think the two Jews walked away from him?

10. Describe the Samaritan.

11. Why was it so unusual for him to stop and tend to the man's wounds?

12. What if the injured man was from Israel? The United States? And what if the Samaritan were a Palestinian? Iraqi? Would you expect the man from Pales-tine (Iraq) to stop and help?

13. What did the lawyer learn from this parable?

14. What lessons did you learn from this parable?

15. How can we all express more compassion and care for one another?

16. Does loving your neighbor as yourself help explain the Golden Rule?

17. Why is it important for us to be willing to help others?


1. How has this sermon/study equipped you to answer the question, “What shall I do in order to have eternal life?”

2. What can you do in order to make CLC an Inn prepared to receive anyone and everyone and to provide healing and care?

3. Close in prayer.

Sermon-Based Bible Study

A Congregation of The Lutheran Church ~ Missouri Synod

760 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa, California 92627 Church ~ 949-631-1611 School ~ 949-548-6866 Fax ~ 949-631-6224

Sunday, November 19, 2017

8:00 AM Traditional Worship

9:20 AM Equipping Hour

10:30 AM Contemporary Worship and Kids’ Church

Worship Schedule Altar Flowers

The flowers that grace the altar today are given to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by

Pat & Jim Eisele in memory of our 59th wedding anniversary and by Scott & Kelly Roberts in Thanksgiving of our 30 years of marriage.

Connecting People to Jesus

Christ Lutheran Church and School is a 21st

Century mission outpost where people are supported, equipped, and launched into ministry,

acting locally and impacting globally.

Luke 10:33-34 A Samaritan came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him.

PERSONAL Angel Dakota Becker Brian Janet Brock Julia Brock Capitelli Family Clark Family Shannon Crogan John Davis & Family Josh Freeman Joan Hoffman Kristina Kittle Kailey Martin

Raul Reyes Family Robert Parrish Perry Family Sabini Family John Paul Saraga Shirley Smith Vicky

Mission India Church Planters - Yunis, Yakub, Jaswinder, Earic Adult Literacy Project - Sonia (project manager) - 5 teachers and 150 students Children’s Bible Clubs - 11 leaders - 440 children And the people of Punjab

Kuwaa Mission Pray for safety for Orphan Grain Train transporters who deliver hygiene kits, school pks, food not only here but even to Liberia & world wide. God bless their volunteers! Pray for them & their projects. Happy Thanksgiving.

ILLNESS Brentt Allen Alix Louie Arguijo Art Rusty Ballard Teri Bauer Ashley Bauer Curtis Becker Nancy Bellinger Amy Bolks Thad Bower Terry Brennan Dave Boyer Barbara Briscoe Kathleen Brembile Joel Chantry Laura Chermak & family Kerry Crook Colin Cunningham John Davis Marlena Dunn

Pat English Barbara Eton Emma Davis Family Dawn Marie Favata Geoff Forgie Daniel Fowlie Patrick Frericks Waynella Gonzalez Jim Gorsline Sr. Steve Grace Dan Groyl JoAnn Guetzkow Robert Hiller Linda Jenkins Rosalie Jensen Loretta Kazmar Renee Kiemer Joseph Kocik Scott Kocik Betty Kovach Julie Koonce Ellen LaBonte Wanda Laker

Skip Lovern Tom Ludtke Courtney Marshall Richard (Rick) Martin Carolyn Moersch Jennifer Marx Carmella Mazella Pam McPhee David Moeschler Catherin Morgan Connor Nemcek Arlene Norcutt Krystal Norcutt Trevor Olson Bella Peek Sandy Putman Mr. Rico Denise Robb Jitica Rollova Betsy Ruesler Salvador Judy Schroeder Dick Shiery Kay Shiery

Chris Smith Ryno Stein Bob Strouse Delores Terry Lucy Valenzuela Vivian Vehrs Vickie Walsh Marlene Weisheit Gertie Wiechmann Bill Wolitarsky If you wish to add someone to the prayer list please submit a form or email April at [email protected]

Prayers of the Congregation Please contact the church office at 949-631-1611 if you

would like someone added to the Prayer List.

Kobon Ministry: We thank the Lord that over the next three weeks graduations will take place at seven of the Kobon and Minimib Schools in the Kaironk school district. Please pray for those who are plan-ning and preparing, especially district coordinators Joel and Matthew Morris and local school board mem-bers, parents and students. Pray for good weather on these days of celebration. This week please pray for the Kobon Living Word School at Dusin, for teachers Ben Walamp and Seleckis Ben, and for all the students.. - Reverend John and Maila Davies, Lutheran Bible Translators, Papua New Guinea

Pray for Our Country, Our State, Our Leaders, Our Military: Evan Edison, Colin McFerran, Brandon McKnight, Greg Meline, Edward Miettinen, Parker Oest, Clint Sloan, Adam Spies and all the Military and their families…

The Christ Lutheran Staff Mike Gibson Glenn Shelton Caleb McFerran Kristie Flohra Karen Culp Emily Eltiste Dana Burkey Chris Peterson April Florio Lance Irey Joseph Strubbe John Davies

- [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] - Papua New Guinea

Lead Pastor ~ Associate Pastor ~ School Principal ~

Preschool Director ~ Parish Administrator ~

Director Of Children and Youth Ministry ~ Director of Local Mission/High School Youth ~

Music & Worship ~ Church Exec./Communications ~ Deployed Pastor, Montclair, CA ~

Pastor Emeritus ~ Deployed Missionary ~

Share 1. What are the main points from PG’s sermon that stand out to you?

2. How has the CLC been “The Little Inn That Could” for you?

Study Read Luke 10: 25-37 1. Who challenged Jesus?

2. What are the two great commandments?

3. How does Jesus define "neighbor"?

4. Who is our neighbor?

5. Is the Good Samaritan another way of showing the Golden Rule in action?

6. What kind of story does Jesus tell the lawyer?

7. Look at the characters in the story: the priest, the Levite, the Samaritan, the man who was beaten. Who might these people be today? How did PG’s an-swer this question?

8. Practically, what if the injured person were someone from a different ethnic group than you? Would you stop to help?

9. Why do you think the two Jews walked away from him?

10. Describe the Samaritan.

11. Why was it so unusual for him to stop and tend to the man's wounds?

12. What if the injured man was from Israel? The United States? And what if the Samaritan were a Palestinian? Iraqi? Would you expect the man from Pales-tine (Iraq) to stop and help?

13. What did the lawyer learn from this parable?

14. What lessons did you learn from this parable?

15. How can we all express more compassion and care for one another?

16. Does loving your neighbor as yourself help explain the Golden Rule?

17. Why is it important for us to be willing to help others?


1. How has this sermon/study equipped you to answer the question, “What shall I do in order to have eternal life?”

2. What can you do in order to make CLC an Inn prepared to receive anyone and everyone and to provide healing and care?

3. Close in prayer.

Sermon-Based Bible Study

A Congregation of The Lutheran Church ~ Missouri Synod

760 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa, California 92627 Church ~ 949-631-1611 School ~ 949-548-6866 Fax ~ 949-631-6224

Sunday, November 19, 2017

8:00 AM Traditional Worship

9:20 AM Equipping Hour

10:30 AM Contemporary Worship and Kids’ Church

Worship Schedule Altar Flowers

The flowers that grace the altar today are given to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by

Pat & Jim Eisele in memory of our 59th wedding anniversary and by Scott & Kelly Roberts in Thanksgiving of our 30 years of marriage.

Connecting People to Jesus

Christ Lutheran Church and School is a 21st

Century mission outpost where people are supported, equipped, and launched into ministry,

acting locally and impacting globally.

Luke 10:33-34 A Samaritan came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him.