Download - Shakespeare _ A Life of Drama


Shakespeare _ A Life of Drama A Little Background Born on April 23, 1564 inStratford-upon-Avon,England. Born during time of theplague it is a miracle thatShakespeare even survived Born to John and MaryShakespeare John= a glover andleatherworker Mary= very strict; born andraised on a farm Was one of three children Shakespeares Early Life
Shakespeare never attendeduniversity Lost Years- Shakespeares lifewhile in his 20s which peopledont really know a lot about But we DO KNOW he marriedan older woman AnneHathaway began living in London 10 yrslater Shakespeares Marriage
Thought to be a lovelessmarriage In one play, he even statesnever to marry an olderwoman Had 3 children: 2 girls, 1 boy(Susannah, Hamnet, Judith) Left family behind to pursuea career in writing & actingin London. much of Shakespeares own plays involve marital problems (many thought this was an indication of how his own marriage was going) He still paid visits to his family during this time, but much of his time was spent producing his plays. Shakespeares Career known actor and writer by 1592
Wrote a vast range of material from sonnets to plays comedies tragedies histories 1596 his only son and heir to allof his wealth died (causeunknown) Late 1590smany plays werebetter developed to reflect his lifeexperiences He had begun at this time to write Two Gentlemen of Verona and Henry VI part 1 1596 put a minor halt to his career son died Theater Experience First theater asked toclose down because playswere seen as ungodly Rebuilt new theater inSuffolkcalled GlobeTheater Shakespeare owned 10% -- where much of wealthcame from Shakespeare sometimesacted in his own plays Men played all roles, including the roles offemales Shakespeare in the 1600s Plays written in the 1600s
More disturbing Dramatic Explored human nature 1603- Shakespeares actingtroupe became known as TheKings Men His last years of writing wereconsidered his best 1613- Shakespeare retired 1600s- which went in even more depth/ explored humans retired due to a fire that destroyed The Globe Theater Shakespeares Death Died on his birthday, April 23, 1616
His daughter, Susannah, was left with most of his possessions from his will Shakespeare died without ever seeing his plays formally published (1623) Shakespearean Theme Park _
Shakespearean ThemePark_* At least 8 major attractions with descriptions foreach one. (Each attraction must have ONEPARAGRAPH description using vivid language)* 3 restaurants with ONE PARAGRAPHdescriptions for each one that explain the type offood being served.*A brochure that includes the name, ridedescriptions, and a map of the theme park Bellwork #21 Create a bubblecharacter map for thecharacters from TheTaming of the Shrew. You may use yourworksheet fromyesterday. Make sureyou draw theconnections betweenthe right characters Ex. Baptista Bianca Katherina S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions Taming of the Shrew Themes: Disguise/Deception Courtship/dating
Transformation of Character Power Relationships S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
General Info: First performed in1590s Became one of themore popularcomedies Humorous due tosecret tricks &hidden identities S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions Disguise/ Deception Tranio Lucentio Lucentio Cambio Hortensio Licio
S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions Courtship/Dating Bianca Lucentio Bianca Hortensio Bianca Gremio
KatherinaPetruchio S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions Transformation of Character
Katherina (shrew) Petruchio (brute) Hortensio(independent) S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions Power Relationships Master-Servant Father-Child Husband-wife
Nobility-lowerclass S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions The Shakespearean Extra! Extra! Extra!
Your team will write, edit,& design a 2 page spreadin the latest issue of TheShakespearean based onthe plot line of TheTaming of the Shrew The article mustincorporate one of thethemes discussed inclass. Make it relatable &interesting! S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions The Shakespearean Team Exit Ticket
Include the firstdraft of the meatof the article Catchy Title First Draft ofPage Layout/Design S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions Translating Shakespeare
dost, doth do, does hath, hast - have, has thou, thine, thy, thee - you, your fain gladly (I would fain deny it, but you know its true.) verily - really, very much fair - pretty, pale, pleasant, beautiful S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions Translating Shakespeare
The lady doth (does) protest too much. -Hamlet . Thou (you) her maid, art (are) far more fair (lovely) than she -Romeo and Juliet I verily (really) did think that her old gloves were on, but 'twas her hands. . .. -As You Like It Fain (gladly) would . . .I deny what I have spoke. Romeo and Juliet . . . many a man hath (has) more hair than wit. -A Comedy of Errors This hand was made to handle naught (nothing) but gold. -Henry VI, Part 2 Shall I compare thee (you) to a summer's day? -Sonnet 18 O my sweet Harry, how many hast thou (have you) kill'd to day? -King Henry IV S and L: emphasise words, body movements and facial expressions