Download - SGL Weekly Mag Issue 35




SGL Contents

4 Editor’s Letter

5 Ask Nathan

6 What’s The T? The Entertainment Report

10 Movies

11 Thanks for the Memories: A Year in Being SGL


Editor’s Letter

I am so grateful for each and everyone of you I couldn’t do this alone. This issue has been the hardest is-

sue to date for me. Because the issue that I had originally plan died, cause the person that I was suppose

to have as our end of the year cover model agreed and then didn’t return the questions. So I had to start

all over with something fresh and new. So I came up with what happen in our community last year. Please

don’t get upset if you don’t see everything and everyone from last year. I love and thank each and every-

one of you.

Be Blessed,

Cleavester Brooks,

Editor In Chief


Ask Nathan

Dear Nathan -

Hey, I really need to know what to do. I have been dating this guy 4 a month now and I get this

feeling that he’s playing me! Now the other day when I was with him I had that feeling and I still

do! And he was saying things that made me think he is lying to me! I may be going away for 6

months to the South African Navy, should I break up with him or what? I asked him if he would

wait for me and he was like yes! But the way he said yes did not make me believe him, but I did

not tell him! I would like to know from you what you think I should do because I really like him

and I even think that I love him. Help!

Chirwin -

You are still very young and if you sense that this guy is playing with you then it's very likely

that he is. You are going away for 6 months. You should focus on that and not be so concerned

about a man who is nowhere for you to touch or talk to. Six months is a great deal of time away

from someone that you have only known for a month. It is also relatively soon to declare your

love for him, you hardly know him.

Make a list of the reasons why you love him and ask him to do the same. Compare your lists and

decide from there. My advice... FOCUS on your experience away and continue to enjoy your

youth. You will have plenty of time to date.


Create a "Sevenly" Day!


Nathan "Seven" Scott

Professional & Personal Life Coach

Committed to Entrepreneurs & Women's Empowerment


Visit me online:


What’s The T? The Entertainment Report WAS TYRA BANKS REALLY CANCELLED? More gossip surrounds sudden announce-

ment of talk show ending this season.

Gossip maven Janet Charlton is reporting that Tyra Banks didn't just

up and decide she would end her talk show when the current season wraps,

as she expressed in a press release this week. Rather, the network decided

to pull the plug because it was getting too expensive to keep.

"An insider told us the show was cancelled simply because it cost too

much – it never recovered financially from the move from LA to NY that

Tyra insisted on, plus Tyra’s salary was huge," Charlton wrote Thurs-


The blogger went on to echo sources quoted Tuesday in the New

York Daily News who claimed Banks was mean to her employees and

didn't bother to inform them about the show ending until the last min-


"Tyra does NOT treat her employees well like Oprah does - they were the last to know,"

Charlton wrote. "She’s always given them chintzy Christmas gifts and this year they got pink

slips. She told everyone to get their resumes together."

GUNS DRAWN IN NBA LOCKER ROOM: Arenas and Crittenton go at each other on

Christmas Eve.

Remember that report we ran last week about Gilbert Arenas of the Washington Wizards stor-

ing his guns in his locker? Well there's more to it. Lot's more.

It seems that Arenas and teammate Javaris Crittenton drew guns on

each other during a Christmas Eve locker room argument over a gambling

debt, according to The New York Post.

The dispute stemmed from an unspecified disagreement, sources told

Yahoo! Sports.

Citing an anonymous source, the Post reported in Friday's edition, how-

ever, that the standoff was sparked when Crittenton became angry at Arenas for refusing to make

good on a gambling debt.

That prompted Arenas to draw on Crittenton, who then also grabbed for a gun, league security

sources told the Post.

Asked by the newspaper about the confrontation, Arenas denied pulling a gun on Crittenton.


Javaris Crittenton

The Wizards on Friday afternoon released a

statement regarding the alleged confrontation:

"The Washington Wizards take this situation

and the ongoing investigation very seriously.

We are continuing to cooperate fully with the

proper authorities and the NBA and will have

no further comment at this time."

"This is unprecedented in the history of

sports," Billy Hunter, executive director of the

NBA players' association, told the Post. "I've

never heard of players pulling guns on each

other in a locker room."

On Dec. 24, the Wizards had issued a state-

ment addressing Arenas' storage of unloaded

firearms in a container in his locker at the arena

and that the NBA was looking into the situation.

On Tuesday, Washington, D.C. police said

they were investigating a report that weapons

were found inside a locker room at the Verizon


Now, the federal government is also in-

volved. Ben Friedman, a spokesman for the U.S.

Attorney's Office in Washington, D.C., told the

Post "we're working with the Metropolitan Po-

lice Department on the investigation."

This gives shooting guard a whole new



CELL: 'Precious' star contributes to 1,000

hours of pedaling needed to power portion of

Times Square Ball drop.

Golden Globe nomi-

nee Gabourey Sidibe, star

of the film "Precious," got

herself a nice little side

hustle promoting a new

initiative from battery-

maker Duracell.

The actress visited

Duracell Smart Power

Lab this week to mark the

meeting of the "power

generation" goal to light

the 2010 numerals during the New Year's Eve

Ball drop ceremony in Times Square.

In a statement released before the Ball drop,

Sidibe said: "Being a native New Yorker, I've

always loved how everyone embraced Times

Square as the headquarters for New Year's Eve.

This year, watching the Ball drop and the nu-

merals light up will be even more exciting

knowing that 2010 couldn't happen without


Since late November, Duracell has hosted a

variety of special guests at the Smart Power

Lab, where VIPs participated in pedaling one of

six Duracell Power Rovers to contribute to the

almost 1,000 pedaling hours needed to power

the 2010 numerals.

Sidibe was the final VIP pedaler at the

Smart Power Lab, joining celebrities such as

"The Twilight Saga: New Moon" stars Chaske

Spencer and Peter Facinelli, actors Katrina

Bowden, Judah Friedlander and Anika Noni

Rose, dancers Kym Johnson and Maksim

Chmerkovskiy, and many others.


'There's a time for celebration and a time for

not,' she said backstage at People's Choice.

After winning Favorite R&B artist at the

People's Choice Awards Wednesday night,


Mariah Carey went backstage and attempted to explain to the press her bizarre behavior from the

night before.

The songstress made national headlines for appearing to be drunk during her rambling Break-

through Award acceptance speech at the Palm Springs Film Festival Tuesday night.

In another rambling, albeit less spacey speech to the media at the People's Choice Awards,

Carey blamed her behavior on too much fun with her "Precious" director Lee Daniels.

"Me and Lee hadn't seen each other in a long time, and Lee was presenting my award," she

began. "So he starts off immediately with all these inside jokes…and I was

like, 'Okay.' …We'd been sitting there celebrating this whole time, having

little splashes. I hadn't eaten. I pulled up -- I didn't want to be late, so I

rushed in. And, um, that's what it was.

"We were really celebrating for the movie and everything that's going

on with it. There's so much exciting stuff going on with 'Precious,' and for

the award I was winning. So, you know, there's a time for celebration and

a time for not."

"But really, technically, it's kinda like a party atmosphere [at the Palm Springs event]. So

they trick you, you know what I mean?" she said, breaking into a laugh. "No, it was fun. If peo-

ple don't understand me and think I'm just like this girl who stands by a microphone and sings

'Hero,' then they're definitely not gonna get me.

"But, if people knew me better, they would understand I have a sense of humor and basically

that's what gets me through life. We had splashes of champagne, and, I love Lee, but he's a bad


In other Mimi news, the singer reportedly had Paris Hilton fired from a music video.

According to the Daily Star newspaper, Carey was upset that the celebutante had been asked

to join her for an appearance in a video for Prince Azim of Brunei - so she demanded he chose

between the two of them.

The billionaire playboy - who is the son of the Sultan of Brunei - had originally wanted to

improve the track's chances of success by having both beauties join him for the video. But after

Mariah made her demands, the 40-year-old pop star is now due to appear in 27-year-old Azim's

upcoming solo single alone.


to Cavaliers player Boobie Gibson.

A rep for Keyshia Cole has officially confirmed the singer's pregnancy

and announced she is engaged to the baby's father, Cleveland Cavaliers

player Daniel "Boobie" Gibson.

"I can confirm she is engaged and has an incredible ring," her rep tells

Us Magazine.


Cole's publicist said Gibson popped the question on New Year's Eve, adding it was "an ab-

solute surprise. When he asked her to marry him, she was flabbergasted. He presented her with

the ring and her mouth dropped in amazement. It's too beautiful for words."

The 28-year-old artist is set to release her fourth album later this year.

GARY COLEMAN SUFFERED 'SEIZURE ACTIVITY': Agent said he became dizzy and

physically ill before being rushed to hospital.

Gary Coleman is out of a Los Angeles hospital and talking about what

may have sent him there early Wednesday. He's calling the ailment, "a lit-

tle seizure activity."

Gary told TMZ Thursday there's "nothing wrong with my head" and

added he's doing "the best I can with what I've got."

According to his agent, Robert Malcolm, the "Diff'rent Strokes" star

began feeling "fuzzy" and vomited while resting at a hotel. Malcolm says

Coleman appeared to be fine minutes later, and a CAT scan at the hospital

showed no problems.

He said Wednesday that Coleman — who has had two failed kidney transplants — will re-

ceive dialysis and remain hospitalized overnight.

Malcolm says Coleman was at the hotel to meet with producers of his latest film about re-

moving a brief scene of frontal nudity that Coleman says was unauthorized.




Certainly one of the most romantic gay films ever, Redwoods tells the story of a man in a sexless rela-

tionship who meets and falls in love with a writer (played by Matthew Montgomery) passing through

his small Northern California town. Shot in the gay Russian River resort town of Guerneville, David

Lewis' new film is leagues more polished than his debut feature, Rock Haven and it's got even more

soul, if that's possible. Redwoods will suck you into its warm cinematic womb and won't let go.

Glee Volume One: Road to Sectionals

Infectiously fun and completely addictive, this Fox series is set in a high school where the Glee Club

is giving the cheerleaders and football team a run for their money. During each episode expect several

fully choreographed musical numbers, lots of laughs and compelling characters/drama.



Thanks for the Memories: A

Year in Being SGL


January 2009 3LW TV makes its debut on YouTube Officially.


February 2009 was a great month for us when Dustin Lance Black won the Oscar for Best

Screenplay for Milk. I jumped up and had a hallelujah moment. “Oh my God. This was, um,

this was not an easy film to make. First off, I have to thank Cleve Jones and Anne Kronen-

berg and all the real-life people who shared their stories with me. And, um, Gus Van Sant,

Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin, James Franco and our entire cast, my producers Dan

Jinks and Bruce Cohen, everyone at Groundswell and Focus for taking on the challenge of

telling this life-saving story. When I was 13 years old, my beautiful mother and my father

moved me from a conservative Mormon home in San Antonio, Texas to California, and I

heard the story of Harvey Milk. And it gave me hope. It gave me the hope to live my life. It

gave me the hope one day I could live my life openly as who I am and then maybe even I

could even fall in love and one day get married.

I wanna thank my mom, who has always loved me for who I am even when there was pres-

sure not to. But most of all, if Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he'd

want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told that

they are less than by their churches, by the government or by their families, that you are

beautiful, wonderful creatures of value and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does

love you and that very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights federally, across this

great nation of ours. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you, God, for giving us Harvey

Milk.”—Dustin Lance Black


March 2009 The launch of SGL Weekly magazine. God came to me in a dream about providing

a vehicle showcasing the best and brightest in our community and I am over joy by it every

week. Every week it is a challenge with producing it alone but the letters and emails are so re-

warding that it make up for it.

April 2009 Iowa Supreme Court rules 7-0 that the state constitution guarantees same-sex couples

the right to marry. (Apr. 3)

Vermont Legislature overrides veto by Republican Gov. Jim Douglas, enacting law that legalizes

same-sex marriage. The first-in the-nation statute replaces an existing civil union law, effective

Sept. 1. (Apr. 7)

May 2009 Maine Gov. John Baldacci (D) signs legislation legalizing same-sex marriage. The

law takes effect on or about Sept. 16. (May 6)

California Supreme Court upholds Proposition 8, a voter-approved constitutional amendment

that overturned the same court’s 2008 ruling in favor of gay marriage and amended the state con-

stitution to prohibit it. (May 26)

Nevada legislature overrides veto by Republican Gov. Jim Gibbons, enacting a domestic partner-

ship law for both same-sex and different-sex couples. (May 31)

June 2009 New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D) signs legislation legalizing same-sex marriage.

The law takes effect Jan. 1, 2010. (June 3)

July 2009 Was a sad month for our community because we lost the biggest treasure in our com-

munity Everett Lynn Harris

October 2009 The B. Scott Show Debuts on YouTube


November 2009 Director Lee Daniels film Precious made it’s world debut to critical acclaim in


National Equality March in Washington DC

Wanda Sykes Debuts her new Talkshow on Fox Channel

December 2009 These three issue’s are our highest selling issue of 2009

D.C. Mayor Sign SGL Marriage Bill



Rachel  Maddow, the smart, openly gay geeky-funny opinion-ator at MSNBC, teamed up with

The Family author Jeff Sharlet to crack the Religious Right congressional fortress known as ―C

Street‖ with their sleazy sexual ethics and worldwide domination movement, starting with

Uganda. This year’s ―biggest loser‖ was weepy Fox News creep Glenn Beck, the darling of the

loony tea-baggers.

Thank you to all of the bloggers out there that have blogged or supported us in 2009 let do it

again in 2010.

The Finding Me: The Truth Blog

Living Out Loud with Darian Aaron

Andres Flava

Lonnell Williams

Basu Source Newsletter

Da Doo Dirty Show with DJ Baker

Xem Van Adams

Ryan B Drake

Nathan Seven

Scott and the Future Forward


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and bring a friend.