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Admete, the daughter of Eurystheus wanted her father to get her the Amazonian queen Hippolyta’s magical girdle. Queen Hippolyta’s magical girdle was given her by her father Ares, the god of war as a gift. Whoever had this girdle would be the best warrior. Eurystheus ordered Hercules to bring him the magical girdle of Hippolyte.

The Amazons were the daughters of the God Ares and Harmonia. The land of theserace of savage woman warriors was the city of Themiskyra on the coast of Pontos Euksinos (the Blacksea Region) and near the mouth of the Thermodon (modern Terme River). These women warriors overran the cities and earned their living by the spoils of war. Men were either their slaves or servants. They just met them to get pregnant. If the baby was a girl she was brought up and trained as warrior.

If it was a boy, it would be killed or mutilated. These women could combat very well both on foot and on the horse. Amazons had their right breast cut off in order to shoot arrows well. Indeed the word amazon was derived from the word „mazos” (μαζός) which means "without breast". Hercules arrived the city of Amazons with his friends and they were hosted very well. The queen of Amazons, Hippolyta agreed to give him the girdle when she learned why he came there.

Yet Hera who had been following Hercules since childhood and got jealous of his successes ruined everything. She claimed that Hercules came there to kidnapped their queen. So a fight started between the Amazons and Hercules’s friends. In the end Hercules killed Hippolyte unintentionally. Alternatively it is said that Hercules kidnapped Hippolyte and brought her as wife to Theseus.

Hercules accomplished this labour and brought the magic girdle of Hippolyte to Admete.

Source: Tanrıların Öyküsü : Derman Bayladı

ERASMUS+ KA2 Searching for the Labours of Hercules2014-1-TR01-KA201-012990

Turkey – Obtain the Magical Girdle of Hippolyte