Download - Sfc ccw talk 2 - the character of humility

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April 13, 2013

Christian Character Weekend:

Talk #1: The Character of Humility

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1. Communicate the meaning of true Christian humility 2. Help participants see themselves as God’s children,

blessed to bless others 3. Inspire participants to take on a grateful posture of



True humility lies in recognizing my worth in the eyes of the Lord and putting myself at the service of others.

I have my greatest example of humility in Jesus, who through His perfect example of servant hood and suffering and dying on the cross, has redeemed all mankind.

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Learn to Unite our Will to God’s Will

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To allow GOD to form our CHARACTER.


1. We think we know what’s best for us and we are unwilling to trust God completely.

2. We find it hard to believe that God actually has beautiful and grand plans for us.

3. We are afraid of what it will entail and how our lives might turn out if we did so.

Submitting Our Will to the Father

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Through humility...

We might do the following:

1. Seek to do God’s will even if that may be the more difficult path or “not according to our plans.”

2. Believe that God has a plan for us despite our unfaithfulness and sinfulness.

3. Trust that God will be with us to sustain us through whatever difficulties we might encounter when we choose to do His will.

Building up on the Character of Humility

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Let’s begin…

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From Catholic Encyclopedia:

"A quality by which a person considering his own defects has a lowly opinion of himself and willingly submits

himself to God and to others for God’s sake."


DEATH is the last “humblest event” in our life.

DIE TO OURSELVES Spirit over flesh. “ Die now, death later.”

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Philippians 2:1-4

“If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but [also] everyone for those of others.” (NAB)

Serve others… Help Souls

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Humility is not: Denying the gifts and graces given to us by God Considering everyone better than yourself Having low self-esteem and feeling bad about yourself

The problem with this approach is:A. You don’t actually believe yourself to be such a wretched

person.B. You see people who are obviously not better than you.C. You waste too much time comparing yourself with others.


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False humility may lead to emotional problems: lack of self-respect, lack of self-worth and lack of self-confidence

Often this is the root of certain problems such as weight problems (e.g., when anxious or sad, one eats a lot), personality conflicts, sexual problems)


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Some manifestations of the emotional problems:a. aggressive striving for approval (“yes” even

overburdened)b. depression; self-pityc. defensiveness; difficulty in receiving correctiond. inability to receive praise and encouragemente. self-condemnation


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“Having a lowly opinion of self” means:

1. Acknowledging our own faults and weaknesses as well as the gifts God has given us

2. Acknowledging that others are also blessed by God with special gifts and talents

3. Considering others as more important than ourselves4. Entrusting ourselves and our lives completely to

God who is greater than we are5. Putting ourselves in the service of others to glorify God


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“God loves and values us. (Ephesians 1:4; Genesis 1:26; Psalms 8)

1. We are creatures created in God’s own image and likeness.

2. We have been redeemed and made a part of God’s people.

3. Each of us has gifts and abilities to be used to serve God and brethren.


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“God loves us no matter what...

1. We rely upon God for everything.2. Only God’s resources of wisdom and power

can genuinely change lives.3. Everything that we have is a gift from God.

We are dependent CREATURES

True Christian humility asks that we put ourselves in the service of others. It is to be at the disposal of our brothers

and sisters. Thus the truly humble man is one who is willing to take the lowest position, that of a servant.

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1 Rivalry or selfishness - in Greek “eriqeia” (eritheia), is self-seeking or selfish ambition. It is striving for position and power with personal aggrandizement as a primary motive.

2 Conceit or empty glory - is the acting out of a desire for one’s reputation so that others will admire, honor, and pay attention.

Opposite of HUMILITY


1 Pride and ambition. 2 Insecurity and feelings of low self-worth

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overcoming problems of self-imageAcknowledge the problem1

Ask for forgiveness2

Accept the truth about ourselves3

Receive encouragement4

Be humble and Be patient5


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Who is Our Model?

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Jesus Christ 30 years of OBEDIENCE3 years of TEACHING3 days of REDEEMING

Mama Mary She preferred not in the scenes…Last words… “Do whatever He says”



Disobedient ADAM

Proud EVE


Obedient JESUS

Humble MARY


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Eternal Exchange of LOVE from TRINITY


We unite ourselves with the Trinity—that we may be Christ to others.

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Jesus ChristGod

Holy Spirit

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1. Am I more prone to think too highly of myself or to degrade myself? How did I come to consider myself this way? How does this affect the way I relate with God and with others?

2. What concrete steps can I take to make myself available to serve my family and mycommunity?


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33 DAY PREPARATION for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary


Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

TOTAL CONSECRATION is a RENEWAL of our BAPTISMBy Total Consecration, I renew my baptism where I renounce Satan and slavery to sin. I become a slave of love to Jesus thru Mary. I allow the Holy Spirit to make me die to myself (forget myself) and live only to make Jesus happy. I will live my Faith thru Love because I will become an instrument to renew the face of the earth into the Kingdom of God: the New Earth of Love Peace and Joy.

Will you join?

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Free Ebooks

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"Do not be afraid to love the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her enough. And Jesus will be very happy, because the Blessed Virgin is His Mother."

- Saint Therese of Lisieux. (1873 - 1897) +++

" To go to Jesus through Mary is truly to honor Jesus Christ. It indicates that we do not esteem ourselves worthy of approaching His infinite holiness directly, that we need Mary to be our Mediatrix with Him, our Mediator." 

- Saint Louis Marie de Montfort  (1673 - 1716)

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God LOVES YouNo matter what!

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Thank you!

Love from Jesus, fill us!Holy Spirit, guide us!God the Father,your will be done! AMEN