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Seven Vital Keys for Boosting Your Vitality and Relieving

Your Own Pain

By Darren Starwynn, O.M.D.

Ph: 415.888.3891 [email protected]

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved

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Seven Vital Keys for Boosting Your Vitality and Relieving Your Own Pain

Let’s start with a famous quote from Thomas Edison:

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the

human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

The spirit of this quote goes way back before Edison’s time. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

has long promoted the superiority of doctors who help people prevent disease over those who treat it after it happens.

The roots of TCM are in the teachings of Tao. Tao is the source of all. Advanced Tao practitioners

have learned how to live in accord with the cycles of the Earth and its seasons, and with cosmic laws of energy movement. As a result many have lived much longer than most people, with radiant health and high levels of energy and inner power.

These possibilities are not only for ancient practitioners. You can benefit from some of the same practices they used. In this e-book I will explain the causes of disease and practical methods you can use to unwind chronic pain or health disorders you may be experiencing.

It can be of great help to consult with a doctor, acupuncturist or healer to get remedial treatments. But the true healing will always be within you. You have the power to choose your destiny – whether it be decline in your energy and health or a re-awakening of your vitality, mental clarity and

joyful inspiration. I am honored to share some ancient secrets, wisdom and practical methods with you to help you choose a healthier and pain-free path forward.

The Causes of Disease

Pain and disease are due to blockages in the free flow of energy and blood in our bodies, or imbalances in our emotions. The three types of health blockages are:

Matter Blockages

Energy/Mind Blockages

Soul Blockages

Let’s take a look at each of these.

Matter blockages are those that are recognized and treated by Western medicine. They include gallstones, broken bones, clogged arteries, inflamed tonsils and much more. Matter blockages may originate from traumatic injuries, improper diet, hereditary patterns or toxic chemicals affecting our

bodies. If you are experiencing traumatic injuries or a life-threatening disease it is best to seek medical care right away, as they are the experts on saving lives with these kinds of issues.

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Western medicine becomes less useful for dealing with the root causes of matter blockages. In my experience most chronic pain and disease conditions can be traced back to some combination of

emotional shocks and trauma, toxins and soul blockages. If your medical doctor has not been able to help you, or help you enough, it is well worth getting an energetic evaluation from a qualified natural doctor or practitioner.

Energy and mind blockages are caused by repetitive habits of negative thinking, beliefs, mindsets and attitudes. Most of us know how powerful the mind is, but we may not understand just how deep

the rabbit hole goes. All of us are creators and we are creating our lives anew every second. We are doing that by what we are thinking, doing and believing. Life is an input/output system – we are inputting with our thoughts, words and actions. Life gives back to us accordingly.

I really like this phrase:

“Whether you believe you can or you can’t, the Universe will agree with you”

Therefore it is of great importance to practice mindfulness in being aware of what we are inputting

into the consciousness system. More about this later.

Energy blockages and imbalances can be well treated through skilled acupuncture and vibrational medicine. The key is to treat the “root” (causative factors) along with the “branch” (symptoms).

This ancient Oriental teaching states that the most effective treatments are those that relieve distressing symptoms as well as healing the deeper root causes of the pain or disease.

This is a major focus of my clinical practice – to do the “detective work” needed to discover the

underlying, internal causes of my patient’s complaints. I commonly see people’s pain reduce significantly after treating the Root imbalanced organs or chakras, before doing any direct treatment on the painful area.

Ongoing resolution of these root issues then becomes a partnership between the patient and me. In addition to clinical treatments I support them in doing what it takes to be free to live a more fulfilling, pain-free life long-term. This brings us to the next cause of disease…

Soul blockages are probably the least understood of the causes of disease. The clearest expression of the importance of soul blockages is the one-sentence secret

“Heal the soul first, then healing of the body and mind will follow.”

This quote from Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is very clear. It is tell us that the reason so many people do not get satisfactory results with medical, or even alternative medical care is that the

treatments were aimed at relieving symptoms in the body and mind. For many modern people the Root blockage was really on the soul level. When the soul is not being healed first people may spend much of their life searching through new medical treatments, psychiatry, New Age practices

and more without finding a clear and lasting resolution.

Soul blockages originate from the law of Cause and Effect, or karma. While karma may sound like an esoteric word it is about a fundamental truth most people grasp – “what goes around comes

around” or the Golden Rule – “Do onto others as you would have others do onto you.”

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For people with heavy soul blockages it could take many years or decades of dedicated spiritual practices to lift the blockages. Fortunately there are much more rapid methods available now to

help clear these deep, pervasive imbalances.

Soul healing brings Divine and Tao blessings to greatly accelerate the healing process. Soul healing includes Divine love, forgiveness, compassion and light. Love melts all blockages and

restores all life. Forgiveness brings inner peace and inner joy. Compassion boosts energy, vitality and stamina. Light heals, prevents sickness, purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind and body and transforms relationships, finances and all aspects of life.

The Seven Keys

As I mentioned above true healing is a partnership between patient and practitioner. I offer information to my patients to help empower them to take charge of their own health and life fulfillment. I would like to share with you seven simple, yet very powerful practices you can do to

boost your own energy and relieve your own pain. These effects of these practices will go a long way. If you do choose to seek treatment with me or another professional you will gain greater and longer-lasting results if you are also using these methods in between office visits.

You can find helpful videos of me guiding you through many of these practices on my website

Most of these practices are based on the Four Power Technique™. The Four Powers are Body

Power, Mind Power, Soul Power and Sound Power. Some words of explanation:

Body Power: Hand positions on the body. Where you place your hands is where you will receive the benefits for healing and rejuvenation.

Mind Power: Creative visualization. Where you place your mind is where you will receive the benefits for healing, rejuvenation and transformation of relationships and finances.

Soul Power: Saying hello to internal and external souls, to request their help for your healing, rejuvenation and transformation.

Internal souls are the conscious essence within your organs, body systems and energy centers. External souls are spiritual beings such as the Divine, angels, saints, spiritual Guides, Masters and

the souls of mountains, rivers, stars and galaxies.

Sound Power: Healing tones and sacred phrases chanted silently or out loud. Sound Power is based on the truth “what you chant is what you become”. This shows the great importance of only

speaking (and thinking) those things you want to experience. Sound power practices can offset the effects of negative thinking.

Method #1: Learn how to breathe

When I observe my chronic pain patients I usually notice that they are mostly breathing in and out of their chest. This breathing pattern reflects a life of chronic stress and energy blockages referred

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to earlier. Chest breathing makes people more prone to chronic pain, and helps perpetuate the pain loops in our nervous systems, making it harder to recover.

Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that there are two methods for producing energy in the body – through the spleen by digesting nutrients from food, and in the lungs through breathing. The kidneys are also involved in breathing by “grasping the Qi”, pulling it down into the lower abdomen

from the breath. Because or the close circulatory connection between the lungs and the heart, your heart health is also intimately connected to how you breathe. Breathing in a shallow way can weaken all of these vital organs, and conversely weakness or disease in any of them can reduce

available energy. So it is well worth taking the time to learn to energize yourself with your breath.

Another Tao and TCM teaching is that our internal organs have their own soul essence. That soul essence can be healthy or sick. You will learn below how to enlist the help of the soul of your

breathing organs to help you energize yourself.

While it takes practice to learn to breathe properly it is actually quite simple. Try this method from the Four Power Technique to deepen your breathing and boost your available energy:

1. Lie on your back in a comfortable position, with a pillow under your knees and your head well supported. If lying on your back is uncomfortable you can do this sitting up straight as well.

2. Place the palms of your hands over the Lower Tan Tian energy center. This is in your lower

abdomen, about 1.5 inches under your belly button. This hand position is your body power.

3. Do a soul power invocation for your organs of respiration. Say something like this:

“Dear soul, mind and body of my Lungs, Heart and Kidneys: I love you. You have the power to

heal yourself. You have the power to heal me with deep, energizing breathing. Do a good job! Thank you.”

By doing this invocation you are tapping into the power of soul within.

4. Visualize a golden ball of light underneath your hands in the Lower Tan Tian energy center. The exact location of the Lower Tan Tian is 1.5” below your navel, and 2.5 “ inside the body behind that. Imagine that this ball of light is about the size of your own fist.

5. Breathe deeply and direct your breath into the lower abdomen. What you are aiming for is for your breath to raise your hands up without you trying to flex your abdominal muscles.

If at first you don’t see any movement of your hands it means that you have been a chest breather

for a long time. Don’t get discouraged! Just keep practicing and you will be able to transform your breathing pattern.

Trying using mind power – the power of creative visualization. Imagine that your belly is moving up

and down as you breathe in and out. Energy follows the mind. So as you visualize it it will become a reality.

As you learn abdominal breathing try to do it throughout the day – while driving, brushing your

teeth, during business meetings, and especially during confrontive or stressful situations. Put your hands on your belly as you are going to sleep at night and end your day with deep, centered breathing. This will promote peaceful sleep.

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Method #2: Boost your Lower Tan Tian

This method is similar to #1, but is more active and powerful for rapidly boosting energy, vitality and

immunity. This is an ancient Tao practice that is easy to practice. It also uses the Four Power Technique.

Location of the Lower Dan Tian is 1.5 cun (a cun is a Chinese measurement that is used to

gauge distance in and on the body relative to the size of the person) below the navel and 2.5 cun inside your body. This will be about 1/3 of the way into the body from the front. The Lower Tan Tian is roughly the size of your fist.

Most children are highly energetic and exuberant. Adults often get worn out trying to keep up with them! That is because healthy children are born with a full tank of the Three Treasures of

Qi, Jing and Shen. Qi is vital energy Jing is the essence and power behind matter Shen is soul, or spirit

As we age and encounter the manifold stresses of life continually drain these treasures in most

of us. That is where we may start depending on stimulants like coffee, tobacco and TV to flag our energies.

From this perspective growing up and getting more drained is like having a bank savings account that you keep drawing money out of, or a credit card that you max out. If you keep taking from your reserves without replenishing them you will get a negative balance and many

unpleasant consequences will occur. Boosting your Lower Tan Tian is like putting plenty of money back into your bank account to

make sure you have a positive balance. This is most advisable for having a healthy, happy and inspiring life! Here is how to do it:

BODY POWER: You may sit or stand to do this practice. If standing, stand with your feet shoulder length apart. If sitting keep your feet flat on the floor. Grip your left thumb with your right palm, using 80% of your maximum strength. Close both palms-this is called the Yin Yang

Palm Position. Place on your lower abdomen in front of your Lower Dan Tian energy center. Tapping on the belly can create vibration to increase the power of the practice.

SOUL POWER: Use the Say Hello invocation as follows: Dear soul, mind and body of my Lower Dan Tian, I love you! Please boost my energy, stamina, vitality and immunity. Thank you.

MIND POWER: Visualize a golden light ball the size of your fist in the Lower Tan Tian. Imagine the brightest golden light from the universe pouring into it to form a powerful, bright,

concentrated light ball. SOUND POWER: Chant “jui” (pronounced “joe”), the number 9 in Chinese which vibrates the

Lower Dan Tian area. Practice for 3-5 minutes. When finished say:

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Hao, Hao, Hao, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

PRACTICE 5 – 15 minutes at a time, the more the better.

The benefits of this practice are many, and include: Increased vitality

Better mental clarity Greater emotional balance Stronger immune system to prevent getting sick

Better digestion Tends to reduce many kinds of pain in the body

Method #3: Boost your Kundalini Power

This practice is similar to Method #2, but energizes a different vital energy center. This one is in your lower back, and is referred to as the Kundalini center.

Other terms you may be familiar with that describe the Snow Mountain Area, which is a Buddhist term are:

1. Golden Urn (Taoist)

2. Ming Men or Life Gate (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

3. Kundalini (Yoga)

The Snow Mountain Area is a key energy center that needs to be developed to help prevent illness, maintain good health and prolong life.

The location of the Snow Mountain Area:

Imagine a straight line connecting your navel to your back. Divide this line into 3 equal parts. Then imagine one third of the way inside your body starting from your back-from

this point go down about 2.5 cun (a cun is a Chinese measurement that is used to gauge distance in and on the body relative to the size of the person). This is the Snow Mountain Area and it is roughly the size of your fist.

The Snow Mountain Area is a very important:

1. It is the energy center for prenatal Qi or energy. This is the energy connection to your parents and ancestors energy that is passed on.

2. Key to the quality of long life.

3. The energy source of the kidneys.

4. Energy food for the brain and Third Eye

5. Starting point of 4 major ancestral meridians in the body: Du, Dai, Ren and Chong.

To develop this area you can use the 4 power technique:

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BODY POWER: You may sit or stand to do this practice. If standing, stand with your feet shoulder length apart. If sitting keep your feet flat on the floor. Clasp your hands

together behind you and hold them at the Snow Mountain Area. You can use the Yin-Yang palm position described above for the Lower Tan Tian practice.

SOUL POWER: Say hello to the soul of this vital energy center. You can also invoke

an outer soul that can more quickly boost its energy. In this example we are invoking the soul of the Sun, a source of fire and strength.

Dear Soul Mind and Body of my Snow Mountain Area and the Sun, I love you. You have

the power to develop the power of my Snow Mountain Area and strengthen my kidneys and adrenals. You have the power to strengthen my bones and stabilize my spine. You have the power to augment and balance my ancestral meridians. Thank you.

MIND POWER: Visualize a mountain of snow in the base of your body with the Sun shining down from above in the Snow Mountain area. The warmth of the sun is meeting the snow. As the snow melts and turns to water. Steam rise and nourishes your entire


SOUND POWER: Chant: Sunlight, Sunlight, Sunlight, Sunlight, Jiu or other mantra for 3 - 5 minutes then Hao, Hao, Hao Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

PRACTICE 5 – 15 minutes at a time, the more the better. Kundalini practice is highly beneficial for increasing energy and vitality, increasing sexual

energy, helping heal menstrual and reproductive issues, strengthening the bones, increasing mind intelligence and helping relieve lower back pain. It is also a vital method to increase intuition and open the Third Eye.

Method #4: Sun Salutations

If you are already taking regular yoga classes you have this one covered. With my very busy schedule I usually do my own yoga in the mornings at home. The simplest, and probably one of the most beneficial yoga practices is usually called Sun Salutations. I have been doing at least

one set of these movements every morning for years. I am sure that doing this helps me prevent back and neck pain, and keep my body flexible. It can do the same for you.

Get a yoga mat if possible for this, or at least do it on a soft carpet. If you have had chronic pain or stiffness in your body ease into these movements slowly and carefully. Never push or force any movement. As you practice Sun Salutations your body will gradually loosen up.

If you have significant chronic pain consider working with a qualified yoga instructor for individual guidance.


1. From standing position reach your hands as high above your head as you can. 2. Put your palms together and briefly touch the crown of your head, visualizing bright light

there. Then move this prayer position in front of your brow (Third Eye) and visualize a ball of bright light in the center of your brain. Then move your hands down in front of each chakra,

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visualizing light in the core of your body at each level. Breathe deeply into each chakra as you focus on it. When you get to the level of the Root chakra try to move down into a kneeling

position. If that is hard for you you can move into a sitting position. 3. When you have completed this put your right knee forward on your mat and your left leg

going back behind your body. Put your hands on the mat with your fingers forward and your thumbs back. Hold this position for 20 – 60 seconds while breathing deeply into your lower abdomen. This is a great release for your hips joints and sacro-iliac joint.

4. Move into a Downward Dog – palms down on the mat and feet as flat on the mat as you can get, your butt up in the air. Hold this for 20 – 30 seconds, continuing to breathe deeply into your

lower abdomen. 5. Lower your belly down on the mat and move into Cobra position. Place your palms down in

front of your shoulders, and slowly push your upper body up, leaving your hips and legs flat on the mat. Go very gently the first few times doing this. Try to hold your upper body up for 10 – 30 seconds with your lower back and hips relaxed. Then slowly lower your upper body back

onto the mat. This movement counter-balances the stresses on your lower back and prevent many kinds of

back pain. If you feel any pain upon doing Cobra stop immediately. You probably need some professional treatments.

5. Repeat Downward Dog position, as in 4. above. 6. Move into the opposite of position 3 – put your left knee forward and your right leg backward,

with your hands on the mat as stated. Hold this for 20 – 60 minutes. 7. Come up into kneeling position. Put your hands back into prayer position in front of the Root

chakra and visualize light in the perineal area. Then move your hands in prayer position up the chakras, visualizing bright light at each level. When you get to the Heart chakra move up into standing position if you can. After you get to the head, put your hands as high above you head

as you can comfortably go. 8. Complete by putting your palms on your Lower Tan Tian and breathing into this vital energy

center. Benefits of the practice are numerous. It can help relieve pain, prevent back or hip pain, boost

the abdominal energy centers for vitality, boost stamina, balance your emotions and open the flow of vital energy throughout your body. It can help heal a myriad of diseases.

Method #5: Your Body is Your Temple – Clean Up Your Diet

I remember when I was a teenager it seemed that I had a “cast iron stomach” – I could put just

about anything into my body and rarely felt any negative consequences. By the time I was in my 20’s that changed and I became aware of how my body reacted to various foods and drinks. It was clear that my energy levels, sleep, mental clarity and body weight were all closely dependant on

what I put into my body.

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A complete or even introductory training in nutrition is beyond the scope of this e-book. But I will share some simple guidelines that work for me and my patients. Following these can make a big

difference and help you boost your energy and relieve much of your own pain.

1. Sugar is your enemy – Sure, a sweet treat once in a while is a good indulgence and can help you celebrate many of life’s events. But our American diet is FULL of sugars – way more than our

body can process well. Even table salt has sugar in it! (read the ingredient list and you will see dextrose listed). Over-consumption of sugars is the #1 way to zap your energy levels and drag down your organs.

Sugar is not only in desserts, it is also loaded into salad dressings, breads and rolls, pasta, prepared foods and drinks, barbeque sauce and loads more. If you want to maintain high energy, keep your waistline trim and prevent diabetes it is necessary to eat much less processed food and

read your labels. Learn the many names for sugars – glucose, sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, dextrose and more.

I would even suggest going easy on fruit juice, and even fresh fruit, if you have any tendency

toward hypoglycemia, or if diabetes runs in your family. Tropical fruits tend to be more imbalancing to blood sugar levels than pears, apples and peaches.

2. Eat organic as much as you can. It is worth paying the 10 – 20% premium to avoid loading

your body with chemicals, hormones and antibiotics. Organic fruits and veggies are often more colorful and nutritious because of the way they are grown.

3. Reduce simple carbs such as white flour products, pastas and sugars. These burn quickly and

can lead to energy lows regularly.

4. Eat as much natural, unprocessed food as possible. Learn to tune into your body to hear what it is wanting. Your body knows, and can guide you in your food choices.

5. Take nutritional supplements and herbs as needed. Many of our health issues are due to deficiencies in some of the metabolic pathways in the body. Taking needed nutrients can help re-connect these pathways. Consult with a good holistic nutritionist if you need help. The best

nutritionists are those that will look at your blood tests for guidance to determine your individual needs.

6. Drink the right amount of water. Pure water is essential for all phases of good health. Most

people drink too little water. This leads to sluggish digestion, constipation, thick blood and poor organ function. Some people slurp too much water – due to misguided information that the more water the better. Remember, your kidneys have to work hard to process your water so don’t

overwork them. Drink more water in hot weather and when doing heavy physical exertion. Drink less in cooler weather and when more sedentary. But make sure you drink at least 6 glasses of water a day total.

It is best to drink most of your water in between or before meals rather than after. Drinking too much with or right after meals can dilute your stomach acids necessary for complete digestion.

7. Alkalize. Ph means Powers of Hydrogen, and is a measure of the balance of acidity and

alkalinity. There are simple saliva and urine tests available to learn the ph of your body. You can get those at any pharmacy. An ideal ph for good health is slightly alkaline: 7.3 – 7.45. If your ph is a number lower than this it means that your body is on the acid side – the lower the number the

more acid. An acid body promotes greater pain and inflammation, less energy production and more tendency toward degenerative diseases. So, alkalize!

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I will not put a complete list of acid and alkaline foods in this e-book because this information is easily available online or in books. A good example is this website:

In general fruits and vegetables are alkalizing to various degrees, while meat, sugars, coffee, processed foods and alcoholic beverages are acid-forming. Please read study the chart at the

above link or other resources to learn how you can adapt your diet to create a more alkaline body.

This one step can help you reduce a lot of your own pain. This, combined with the breathing and energy boosting exercises described above, can give you a whole new lease on life!

8. When in doubt, try this: Do you have chronic allergies, cough, asthma, mucus congestion, bad breath and other similar symptoms? If so try the 21 day complete detox elimination diet. Remove all the common foods that may be stressing your body for that amount of time. See if you

feel much better. If you do consider keeping all of these substances out of your diet permanently. If you are not ready to do that try gradually re-introducing them one at a time so you can more clearly see their effect on you.

Here is what to eliminate for 21 days:

� Gluten, dairy, soy, corn, peanuts, oranges

� Processed foods-sugar, trans-fats

� Alcohol, caffeine, coffee, chocolate

During this time mostly eat healing, alkalizing foods, and eat organic as much as possible. If you eat meat you can continue to do so during this process as long as you buy organic meats free of

added hormones and antibiotics, eat small amounts, and watch what you put on your meat from the above list.

During this elimination period and after, be aware of food combining. You can get good information

about this online as well.

You may feel so good after eliminating those foods you may not want to go back to most of them afterwards (with the possible exception of good, dark chocolate).

Method #6: Consider Detox

The amount of toxic chemicals in our food, water and air is shocking. The prevalence of toxins is

much greater in the USA than Europe due to less government regulation of food and agriculture businesses. If you have chronic pain or feel chronically tired, this may be part of the reason.

According to Mark Hyman, M.D., Americans are exposed to 6 million pounds of mercury and 2.5

billion pounds of other toxic chemicals each year. Eighty thousand toxic chemicals have been released into our environment since the 1800’s, and few have been tested for their long-term effect on human health.

According to the nonprofit organization Environmental Working Group, the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood.

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I can provide you with a questionnaire that will help you determine the amount of toxic load in your body. If you find that you have a high score on it, the following program can help you reduce the

load so you can feel better:

1. Nutrition – adjust your diet to reduce acid-forming, pro-inflammatory foods and increase health-giving, alkalizing ones.

2. Herbal supplements – there are many good ones with a proven track record of supporting your liver, kidneys and other detoxification pathways in your body to work at optimal levels.

3. Clay – Clay has been used for external beautifying and internal cleansing for thousands of

years. Consider clay baths, foot soaks and internal ingestion of some forms of clay used for that purpose. All can pull toxins out of your body.

4. Exercise – Anyone can exercise, regardless of physical condition. For those of us who are gym

rats and mountain climbers – don’t skimp on putting exercise into your busy schedule. For people who are partially disabled, you can still exercise using a rebounder device, even from a sitting position. Make sure you exercise at least 5 times a week. Doing the Sun Saluations described

above daily will help even more.

My favorite exercise is hiking out in nature. This seems to me to be the perfect activity. If you walk on uphill trails it strengthens your entire cardio-vascular system, you tend to breathe more pure air

into your lungs, your eyes and brain see natural beauty all around you, and you tend to meet really cool people who also value these experiences. If you are not a hiker yet, I suggest that you get a good pair of hiking boots, a water bottle and join one of your local hiking clubs. You can find them

on for your area.

5. Acupuncture – Acupuncture is a proven method to accelerate the healing and strengthening of your body. Ask me about ways acupuncture can help your organs of elimination be healthier and

happier. If they are, you will be also!

6. Vibrational Medicine – I offer treatments with microcurrent and color light therapy. These methods work on the principle of frequency resonance – if you can resonate, or vibrate with

something you can strongly affect it. There are microcurrent frequencies and colors of light for supporting and strengthening your organs of elimination – and the psychologic/emotional issues that may have brought out the imbalance and weakening of those organs to begin with.

7. Mindfulness – This, the subject of Method #7 below, is crucial. Toxins do not just originate from physical substances we put in our bodies – they also originate from our negative thinking and speaking. Read and follow the last Method below and free yourself from one of the greatest

toxifying factors so you can feel great and improve your health, relationships and finances.

Method #7: Mindfulness

As I wrote above, we are continually creating our reality through our thoughts, spoken words and actions. This is what John Lennon was talking about when he wrote the song with the line “Instant karma is going to get you”.

It is true as stated above that we may be adversely affected by exposure to toxic chemicals from our environment. Yet the most insidious source of toxicity is the negative and sometimes hidden

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aspects of our own minds. Mindfulness is the practice of watching your thoughts and words from a higher consciousness perspective. Anyone can learn to do this.

Is there someone you know who really “pushes your buttons”? If so, that person can offer you a great blessing by giving you the opportunity to practice mindfulness. The next time you see a confrontation with him coming on, set your intention to be mindful and present. You may be able to

see your own ego wanting to lash out at that person, argue, feel hurt or want to withdraw, depending on your own emotional patterns. If you are mindful and consciously present you can stop yourself before reflexively responding, and more carefully choose how you want to respond.

If you can connect with your heart before speaking you may be able to see that this person is speaking from their own pain and woundedness, and that you really don’t need to take anything they say or imply personally. You can then respond from a place of compassion and presence

rather than defense or self-justification.

This is just one example of practicing mindfulness. One of the best ways to raise your consciousness and expand your capacity to be consciously present is meditation. The simplest

meditation is sitting quietly and watching your breath move in and out of your body. Please see my website for guided meditation videos, or request personal instruction in meditation.

My teacher Dr. and Master Sha tells us to “keep our mind in our Zhong”. The Zhong is the area of the lower body below the navel, and in the rear half of the lower abdomen. Dr. Sha teaches that keeping our mental focus there as much of the time as possible will bring many powerful benefits.

One of these benefits is to keep us very well grounded so that our minds are not controlling us. I suggest that you try this practice out for yourself. Even a little goes a long way!

Every experience of life and every encounter gives is a chance to be conscious and practice

mindfulness. To me the greatest fruit of staying conscious is that I better feel my connection with the Divine. I know that I am never alone. I feel the amazing love and support that is always there for me. It is the same for you as well. Every problem, every seeming limitation, struggle and issue

of life contains the seed of its own solution. That solution is to consciously affirm and connect with the source of all good, healing, abundance and love that is available to us 24-7.

In writing this I am not advocating any particular religion or spiritual path. I honor whatever yours

may be. Just as in the saying “All roads lead to Rome” I believe that all true religions and spiritual paths lead to the same truth – that what we most need for self-healing and a successful, effective life are within us.

Mother Earth does not seem to be the Club Med of the universe. All of us have to do our work of learning, healing and evolving, and sometimes it is painful and and rigorous. The best way to ease your pain and boost your own consciousness is to stay conscious and help others to heal and grow.

This creates positive karma that will bless every aspect of your life.

Thank you for reading this e-book. I would be happy to serve you with the best of what I have

learned in my 40+ years of healthcare practice, research and personal development. May you be blessed on your life path.

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About the author:

I was born in Long Branch, New Jersey. As I grew up I always seemed to know that there was a

reality greater and different than what my parents, relatives and peers talked about. As early as 8th grade I wrote school papers and newsletter articles about consciousness themes. I journeyed to India in 1971 to study with a spiritual Master, and spent much of my 20’s involved in spiritual

community and meditation practice in Colorado, Texas, New York and Florida.

By age 30 I had been doing a lot of construction and cabinet making work, and had started several natural food stores and a distribution business. In my 30th year I developed severe chronic fatigue

after working around toxic chemicals in an aircraft design shop in Miami. I was unable to work and eventually was led to an acupuncturist named Steve Miller who introduced me to Chinese Medicine.

I felt a great connection with the work, and soon was studying acupuncture and Chinese herbology

at several Miami area schools. I later connected with a brilliant naturopath and acupuncturist named Charles McWilliams who introduced me to the work of the German doctor Voll who had invented microcurrent acupuncture.

I was married and we had my daughter Sonya soon after, and my new family moved up to Connecticut where I was able to get full time work in my new field. During the late 1980’s I experimented with microcurrent devices for non-needle, frequency-based acupuncture and

experienced remarkable results. Many of the patient responses were much better than what I had experiences with needle acupuncture alone.

I found some very talented engineers in New Haven and worked with them to create my own

microcurrent device. The new Acutron systems we created had advanced features that I wanted that were not available in any other devices. These devices also worked well for facial lifting and rejuvenation.

This led to the creation of a series of businesses for designing and manufacturing microcurrent and light therapy devices. I kept my acupuncture practice going part time, as one of my greatest loves has always been to directly help others to be happier and healthier. Since 1991 I have taught

hundreds of seminars world-wide about microcurrent and vibrational medicine to other health and beauty professionals, written two books, recorded a CD of original guitar and vocal music and developed several new healing inventions.

After 22 years in the desert of Phoenix, Arizona I moved to Marin County, California in the summer of 2013. After decades of spending most of my time on inventing, teaching and entrepreneurialism I am now drawn to dedicate most of my time to patient care and community service.

Contact Information:

Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., Dipl. Ac., Lic. Ac.

Ph: 415.888.3891

Email: [email protected]

Main practice website:

Soul Healing resources: