Download - Seven themes

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seven themeskey elements in communicatingthe Middlesex University brand

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differencemakesthe difference

theme one


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difference makes the difference

Middlesex’s diverse make-up means thatstudents, faculty and staff are constantlyencountering challenging differences:differences of culture, background, values,disciplines and outlook.

This experience of difference may notalways be comfortable but it enriches allof our activities.


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living withcontradiction

theme two


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living with contradiction

There is never only one right answer. And wherethere are many different points of view we needto be able to work with all of them.

Middlesex has always been very good at livingwith contradiction. It’s not something to beashamed of, but is instead an effective way ofdealing with complex situations and a valuablelife skill in the world today.


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creative fermenttheme three


“We’ve still got a couple of yearsbefore we’re ready for the moon.”

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creative ferment

It’s not possible to be both highly creativeand highly organised at the same time:innovation thrives on the ‘edge of chaos’.

Middlesex has a reputation for being acreative place with a slightly chaoticculture that provides a great environmentfor innovation. Sometimes, however,this can look like ‘muddlesex’!


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transformation,not transfer

theme four


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transformation, not transfer

There is more to education than just thetransfer of knowledge and skills.

Middlesex helps people to do somethingremarkable – to transform their expectations,their opportunities and their lives. This mayinvolve acquiring new knowledge and skills,but these are only a part of it.


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a caravan of learningtheme five


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a caravan of learning

One of our greatest strengths is helpingless qualified students achieve their potential.But we also have some highly talentedstudents who are achieving great things.

The secret of the what happens at Middlesexis that everyone is on a journey together – each ishelped to reach his or her destination (whatever it is)by the experience of ‘travelling’ with others.


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rooted in the restless spirittheme six

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rooted in the restless spirit

If there is one thing that links the various placeswhere we are based, it is that they all have diversecommunities trying to make their way in the modernworld and to get along with each other.

In the future, Middlesex may be spread across an evenwider range of places. So our ‘home’ can’t be a location –instead, it is everywhere that people believe questionsare more important than answers.


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mirror to a strangenew world

theme seven

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mirror to a strange new world

The world of tomorrow looks set to be chaotic,diverse, fluid, dangerous, wonderful – full ofopportunities, uncertainties, contradictions.

Middlesex is a mirror to this world, and ourgraduates are more than usually equipped tofunction, flourish and contribute in it.