Download - Sessions by Time - HEUG


Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 10:00-11:00 am

TU2 10249 Lessons Learned on an Upgrade from a Purchasing Perspective

Financials PTP - Tips & Tricks 319 8.4

I plan to share our experiences of crash prototyping with consultants and then months of testing and documenting on our own until go live in. We tested, planned the vendor clean-up, the training strategy and also decided to go as vanilla as possible. Workflow, approval and security requirements were also addressed.

Lori Begarek, University of OklahomaTU2 10678 Processing Accounts Payables for

Nonresident AliensFinancials PTP - Vendor 103 8.8

A discussion on the unique regulations as they relate to dealing with the myriad of accounts payable issues for nonresident aliens. Problems and their solutions will be addressed.

Gary Singer, Windstar Technologies, Inc.TU2 10113 How to make Oracle Workflow work with

PeopleSoftGeneral Interest - Case Study 313/316 7.5

This session will be an overview of New York University’s first Oracle Workflow application. This application replaced the paper-based system that involved filling out forms, forwarding them to various levels for review and approval, and waiting up to three weeks for the process to be completed. It makes the process of moving funds from one account to another in the PeopleSoft Financials, considerably faster and easier.

Manish Devjani, New York UniversityTU2 10671 I really want to look at my project

management informationGrants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.4

The Ohio State University Research Foundation provides research management information through its PI Portal. We will discuss how implementing PeopleSoft Grants has enabled us to integrate information from PS Financials and HR to provide up to date financial and administrative award/project information, thereby increasing the Portal’s value to end users.

Anne Moffat, Annie Pagura, & Jim Lemon, Ohio State University Research FoundationTU2 10342 Benefits Administration and e-Benefits in only

18 months!HRMS - Case Study 104/105 8.0

Come hear how the University of Minnesota finessed Ben Admin eligibility for multiple jobs. We’ll walk through the basics then show how we conquered our biggest eligibility challenges: designating appointments as eligible/ineligible based on type of job and status, summing hours across eligible appointments, and maintaining grandfathered plans.

Michael McNaughton, University of MinnesotaBetty McClellan, Softlink Solutions Inc

TU2 10748 PeopleSoft CRM: Leveraging CRM to Enhance Faculty and Student Lives

On Campus - Case Study 108 8.8

Leading edge CRM in the college classroom and tenure issues. Barry Floyd, California Polytechnic Institution, San Luis Obispo

TU2 10592 Harvard’s Issue Resolution Model Project Mgmt - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.0 Harvard went from a large project team organized under one director to operational support organized

under three distinct reporting lines. This presentation will discuss how focusing on operational needs drove the management of issues and goals. We will present our Issue Resolution Model, Release Cycle, and the step-by-step check lists.

Deanna Dement Myers, Harvard UniversityTU2 10614 Appropriating Appropriations Appropriately

- PO RolloverPublic Sector - Tips & Tricks 301/302 8.4

This session will include an overview of Purchasing practices at the NYS Teachers’ Retirement System and the effect of encumbrance accounting in Commitment Control. As a governmental agency, the retirement system encumbers purchase orders and commits appropriations in accordance with GASB. We will demonstrate our fiscal year-end receipt accrual and PO rollover process and it’s effect on budgetary reporting.

Erin Hamlin & Melissa Jefferies, NYS Teachers Retirement System

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 10:00-11:00 am

TU2 10539 Jumpstart Implementation Experience: HR and Finance Warehouse

Reporting and Analysis - Case Study

312/317 8.8

Review the implementation, and use of Peoplesoft JumpStart and Cognos BI tools for implementing Univ of Florida’s Enterprise Warehouse. Review tactics, results and provide live demonstration of our progress.

Warren Curry, University of FloridaTU2 10801 PeopleSoft’s focus on Security Security - PeopleSoft Vision 311 8.0

PeopleSoft’s focus on Security. Robert Armstrong, PeopleSoft

TU2 10289 Getting to Know the SF Data Structures Stdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 310 8.0 We’ll cover the data structures and basic relationships of SF tables: ITEM_SF, ITEM_LINE_SF, ITEM_

XREF, ITEM_DUE_SF, PAYMENT_TBL, REFUND_HDR/DTL, and BI_BILL tables. Betty Thompson & Michelle Thoma, Univ of WI - Whitewater

TU2 10395 Hold on For Scheduling Stdnt Records - Case Study 309 8.0 West Chester University incorporated PeopleSoft’s delivered Service Indicator functionality with

custom add-on pages to satisfy our business needs. Our University policy requires that each undergraduate degree seeking student meet with their advisor prior to scheduling. An advisor needs to easily add or remove a service indicator for one or more advisees.

Mark Bacastow & Lynn MacElroy, West Chester UniversityTU2 10787 What’s New for PeopleTools Technical - PeopleSoft Vision 314/315 8.9

This session will provide a high level review of what is new in the PeopleSoft (Oracle) technology world. Hear about new PeopleTools releases and how PeopleTools will evolve going forward into the future.

Chris Heller, PeopleSoftTU2 10585 HelpDesk and Training: Hand in Hand

(instead of Fist to Fist)Training - Case Study 101/102 8.4

HelpDesk calls provide priceless insight into where to focus our PeopleSoft training dollars; if only we could get the HelpDesk to believe one system could accommodate both our needs. Working with the HelpDesk, we revamped how calls were recorded and created a better system for everyone.

Candie Halstead, Cal State San Marcos

Tuesday 11:15-12:15 pmTU3 10624 Expanded Uses of the Academic Advisement

ReportAcad Advisement - Panel Discussion

106/107 8.0

Academic Advisement can be used for more than graduation requirement checking. Come hear this panel discussion describing the way some institutions are developing AA for other processes such as NCAA tracking and Phi Beta Kappa identification.

Rita Freiburger, University of Wisconsin - MilwaukeeTU3 10486 Orientation Students Check-In and Check-Out

ProcessAdmissions - Case Study 109/110 8.0

Come learn how Southern Miss tracks progression of students throughout the orientation process. This will cover check-in and check-out processes and how, in real time, students are populated into small groups for event management. We will discuss our business process, reports designed for student tracking, and future plans.

Stephanie Brady & Sherrye Gatlin, University of Southern MississippiTU3 10771 Online Admissions Application - Eliminating

Manual Application Entry & PaymentAdmissions - Vendor 103 8.0

Brandeis University with Academe Solutions, Inc. developed a custom online Admissions Application for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Darren Yocum, Academe Solutions, Inc.

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 11:15-12:15 pm

TU3 10511 Auditing PS with SQL Audit - Tips & Tricks 308 8.4 Do you plan to audit PeopleSoft using ACL, Microsoft Access or PS Query? In this session you will

learn how to find the data or the table. In addition, you will receive a list of the PS security tables and learn some tips and tricks when querying these tables.

W. Brad Hamilton, City of TallahasseeTU3 10643 PeopleSoft Enterprise Business Planning and

Budgeting: Looking ForwardBudget - PeopleSoft Vision 318 8.9

Learn how you can improve future visibility and drive value with the collaborative capabilities of PeopleSoft Enterprise (PSE) Business Planning and Budgeting. This session will give an overview of the most current release as well as provide a glimpse into future vision for the solution.

Dane Roberts, PeopleSoftTU3 10620 The New and Improved Search/Match for 8.9 Campus Cmty - PeopleSoft

Vision124 8.9

This session will provide a look at all the new features of Search/Match in release 8.9 Marjolaine Fontaine & Curt Dejean, PeopleSoft

TU3 10451 Prospect Manager - Making it Work for You Contr Relations - Panel Discussion

111 8.0

Prospect Manager is a powerful part of Contributor Relations that can help you plan, organize, and track fundraiser activity. Learn how different schools mold the setup and usage of common Prospect Manager functionality to best meet their business processes and organization requirements.

Tamara Duffy, University of PennsylvanieCorina Cervantes, Southern Methodist University

TU3 10168 Adapting Non Credit Programs to PeopleSoft Enrollment Svcs - Tips & Tricks 112 8.0 Syracuse University offers six non-credit programs, four of which result in a certificate upon

completion. We have developed a structure within PeopleSoft to accommodate these programs that include the following modules: Student Records, Student Financials, and Campus Community. We intend to present the following key topics: set-up of non-credit courses and classes, program/plans, tuition and fees, billing, enrollment, grading, and transcripts.

Anne Barker & Prudy Tompkins, Syracuse UniversityTU3 10800 Ensuring Address Data Integrity Enrollment Svcs - Vendor 303 8.0

This session examines how a large California University has used QuickAddress to drastically reduce the costs associated with inaccurate address data. We’ll examine how Alumni, Admissions, HR and Finance are impacted by inaccurate address information. QAS will demonstrate QuickAddress and outline how address verification can be a simple way to leverage the value of your existing IT infrastructure.

David Page, QASTU3 10387 Using Automation to get your Students Ready

to PackageFinancial Aid - Case Study 123 8.0

This presentation will review two modifications that California State University has designed. These modifications allow a federal financial aid application (ISIR) to be analyzed, request required documents from students and after all requirements are fulfilled to set the Ready to Package Flag on Packaging Summary page.

Judy Hahn & April Grommo, California State UniversityTU3 10487 Non-technical Way to “Auto-Magically” Award

Scholarships Using Restricted AidFinancial Aid - Tips & Tricks 113 8.0

Demonstrations will include how to setup the restricted aid tables, how our academic departments use restricted aid to enter scholarships and how to incorporate restricted aid variables into the mass packaging formulas. We will also demonstrate how to develop roll-over programs to copy scholarships from year to year.

David Williamson & Charlett Hollomon, University of Southern Mississippi

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 11:15-12:15 pm

TU3 10733 The Ride of Your Life: Implementing Travel & Expenses 8.4 with Commitment Control

Financials GL - Case Study 320 8.4

The presentation will include an overview of Florida State University’s implementation of the Travel and Expense module (8.4), its integration with commitment control, and lessons learned.

Andrea McPherson & Nora Loyd, Florida State UniversityTU3 10244 Reconciling and Reporting Commitment

Control ACTIVITIES without Controlled Budgets

Financials PTP - Case Study 319 8.4

The CSU implemented 8.4 Commitment Control in order to track Encumbrance and Actuals entries using the delivered control option of Track without Budget. This configuration simplifies budget maintenance while still recording transactions. This session will cover Reporting and Reconciliation procedures for PO and AP activities in the Commitment Control Ledger.

Sabria Kumagai & Jason Pischer, California State UniversityTU3 10120 The Art of Balancing Change - Successful

Change is More Than Rolling the DiceGeneral Interest - Vendor 108 8.8

During change, we often forget some important concepts-change originates with people, people possess typical reactions & feelings about change, & people need to understand the impacts. When leading a transformation, it is important to know that success is not based on a gamble, or roll of the dice, it is based on understanding human behavior, the art of balancing change, and renewing your organization through knowledge and skills.

Kelly Wagner, Empower SolutionsTU3 10250 HEUG Board Listens General Interest - Panel

Discussion313/316 8.0

During HEUG ‘04 the board held two listening sessions. We invited our membership to tell us what they would like the organization to do, where they would like the board to focus, and to tell where we were doing well or needed improvement. From those sessions came, among other things, the quarterly newsletter. Please come again this year and talk with us. We want to hear from you directly.

Thomas Scott, UW-MadisonTU3 10328 Capital Projects for Universities General Interest - Case Study 309 8.4

For universities, it is very important to build, to remodel, and to maintain their facilities. These activities are very expensive, and for some university, it is one of the highest costs in their annual budgets. Universities use different funding sources such as appropriations, donations and bond issues to acquire, to build, or to improve the long-term assets. Finally the accounting principles require measure the cost of the added assets and properly report them.

Alvaro Bernal, Florida State UniversityTU3 10090 The Ultimate Proposal Workflow at Florida

State UniversityGrants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.4

FSU’s experience in development and implementation of a complex proposal workflow program. Highlights: 4 levels, 19 rules, roles for all related chairs/deans, dynamic workflow security, workflow forecasting, ad hoc approvers, multiple alternate approvers.

Diana Key, Florida State UniversityDoug Tilgman, Huron Consulting GroupDoug Butts, Independent Contractor

TU3 10388 Paying Adjunct The Contracted Rate HRMS - Case Study 121 8.0 Calculating faculty pay automatically based on a set of criteria, not a set rate. Adjunct faculty always

seem to have their own set of payroll rules. Is the class paid per student, over the norm by a flat amount or percentage, starts and ends off norm, or spans multiple pay periods & never a match to simple rules. National University’s innovative approach to fitting the aberration into PeopleSoft’s norm.

Becky Gilbert & Jane Sawyer, National University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 11:15-12:15 pm

TU3 10776 8.9 Person Model and Flexible Security Overview

HRMS - PeopleSoft Vision 118 8.9

This session provides feature and architecture overviews of the new Person Model and the new Flexible Security. Total workforce management, new row-level security options, and upgrade considerations will be a few of the topics covered.

Melanie Lougee, PeopleSoftTU3 10363 A Short Course in Capital Budgeting using

PeopleSoft Financial ManagementOn Campus - Case Study 117 8.8

I propose to develop and deliver a set of generic curriculum materials that can be adopted by faculty members for use in finance and accounting. The faculty member would not have to attend PeopleSoft training classes in order to use the course, although I continue to recommend PS face-to-face classes highly.

Joel N. Morse, University of BaltimoreTU3 10257 Implementing PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal at

a Small InstitutionProject Mgmt - Case Study 116 8.8

I will describe our approach to the Portal implementation project, our technical environment, and some tips-and-tricks. I will include a description of the implementation team, the committees that were involved, and will show our portal (including tabs, pagelets, and integration with our student administration system).

Jim Rink & Ilya Yakoviev, University of Wisconsin-SuperiorTU3 10124 England relies on Big Ben, NYSTRS uses

PeopleSoftPublic Sector - Case Study 301/302 8.0

There is much discussion among PeopleSoft users about Time and Labor, and how that module is used. If you need to use it for time reporting rather than time and labor, you should come and hear how we developed a solution to handle earning of accruals, tracking the usage of accruals, capturing supervisor approvals for usage, wrapped up with an interface to PeopleSoft Payroll. We have numerous rules for leave credits, and overtime pay, and this solution addresses them all.

Corinne Blacker & Beth Bonacquist, NYS Teachers’ RetirementTU3 10093 SR Ad hoc Reporting DataMart Strategy - The

Implementation of a DatabaseReporting and Analysis - Case Study

310 8.0

UAlbany implemented an SR reporting database that denormalizes the data from over 40 PeopleSoft tables into seven tables. More than 70 queries are available to departments to use to obtain the lists/reports that they need. Come hear about our implementation!

Marybeth Salmon & Shahnaz Sadeghi, University at AlbanyTU3 10318 Reporting/Analytics from the new EPM 8.9

HCM WarehouseReporting and Analysis - PeopleSoft Vision

312/317 8.9

Come to this session to learn about the new EPM 8.9 HCM Warehouse. It has been completely redesigned to support both operational reporting and analytics. Expanded by more than 300%, this new warehouse contains detailed data on more than 2,000 attributes. An interactive demo will be included.

Henry Stewart, PeopleSoftTU3 10415 Distributed Security Model at UNT: Part I -

Policy, Design and DemoSecurity - Case Study 311 8.0

The ACE (Access Control Executive) System is UNT’s solution to distributed security. The security administration group identifies ACEs (users) and allows them to manage security in accordance with our policies. This session is part one of two in which we describe our policies and design, and demonstrate the ACE system.

Vicky Walker-Brooks & Ginny Richards, University of North TexasTU3 10773 Payment Application Process Stdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 115 8.0

This presentation will detail the process of applying credits in Student Financials. Dan Naujokas, Peoplesoft

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 11:15-12:15 pm

TU3 10623 Lessons Learned from Repeat Processing Stdnt Records - Tips & Tricks 120 8.0 See how one University uses delivered PeopleSoft Repeat COBOL functionality for its undergraduate

repeat policy which limits a student in both number of overall repeats (5) and number of repeats for any one course (3). Included will be overview of set up, data conversion, automated processing, and reporting.

Carol Clark & Linda MacElroy, West Chester University of PennsylvaniaTU3 10258 Reducing Disk Utilization After an Oracle

Database CopyTechnical - Tips & Tricks 104/105 8.0

The presentation will show how to relocate PeopleSoft tables/indexes into targeted Oracle tablespaces for the purpose of data truncation during database copy operations. This allows for the resizing of the database files associated with these tablespaces thereby reducing the disk space requirements needed to support development.

Craig Olson & George Mansoor, California State University - Office of the ChancellorTU3 10435 Application Tuning Techniques Technical - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.0

This presentation from the University of Oklahoma team will focus on performance tuning of applications. Using examples from OU experiences we will present techniques for identifying problem areas and finding solutions.

Glenn Crouch & Kevin Boydstun, University of OklahomaTU3 10789 PeopleSoft 8 Integration Technologies Technical - PeopleSoft Vision 314/315 8.9

PeopleSoft 8 provides extensive integration capabilities. This session will provide a broad overview of how these work and the value that they provide. We’ll look at examples of integration via Web Services, Java, and Flat files. We’ll also discuss some emerging trends around Business Process Management and composite applications.

Chris Heller, PeopleSoftTU3 10400 Themed Training - Beyond Adult Learning

Theories - We Just Want to have Fun!Training - Tips & Tricks 101/102 8.4

This session deals with applying themes to training, to increase user response and stimulate learning. You’ll discover the hows and whys, dos and don’ts, as well as the who and whens of such presentations. Capture and hold attention, show enthusiasm, involve the audience. These are all strategies straight out of Train the Trainer 101 --- and they work! Attend this session and be exposed to all kind of ideas to make your next PS training session a little more fun and successful.

Sheila Sheldon, Madison Area Tech College/Southern Wisconsin Consortium

Tuesday 1:00-2:00 pmTU4 10605 Using the Special Requirement Usages

EffectivelyAcad Advisement - Case Study 106/107 8.0

How can an advisor track student progress toward non-degree requirements? The special requirement usage in the advising module will pull only those specific requirements into the advising transcript. This presentation will give a case scenario where this has been implemented for our Honors College students.

Debby Hill, University of Southern MissTU4 10144 Self-Service Prospects and Applications -

Prospective Students Do the Data EntryAdmissions - Case Study 109/110 8.0

This presentation will cover Boise State University’s customization of the self-service prospect and creation of a self-service application where prospective students log into PeopleSoft as guests entering their own prospect/application information. This session will cover the successes and challenges from search match to actual save of the prospect or application.

Susan Dennis, Boise State UniversityTU4 10071 FERPA and HIPAA legal compliance (What you

need to know)Audit - Tips & Tricks 308 8.0

This presentation will cover the different audits and give a brief overview of what needs to be done to come into compliance with FERPA and HIPAA requirements.

Michael Curtis, Grand Rapids Community College

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 1:00-2:00 pm

TU4 10042 Budgeting 8.8 - Using Delivered System Functions

Budget - Case Study 318 8.8

Covers using the PeopleSoft delivered functionality for Budgeting 8.8. Covers tree setups. Looks at BAM model setups and features to do our Budget. Looks at the issues we had and resolution. Covers processes that are run to move budget information over to financial system. Looks at the benefits that derived from using Budgeting 8.8 this year, and how we will be using the product in the future.

Richard Trudel, Brandeis UniversityTU4 10555 So Many Duplicates, So Little Time... Campus Cmty - Case Study 124 8.0

San Jose State University has developed a web-based tool to help track duplicate ID information and move data between IDs inside PeopleSoft. Come see what we did, why it works and how it’s getting done behind the scenes.

Heidi Dunkle & Marilyn Radisch, San Jose State UniversityTU4 10048 Using Mass Change for Communication

ProcessingContr Relations - Tips & Tricks 111 8.0

How do we use the communication functionality for all of our Contributor Relations communications? Further, how do we do so while steering clear of extensive customization and avoiding use of another specialized product? Mass Change is the answer! We use 25 homemade Mass Change Group programs to ensure we create the correct communications records. And it works just fine for us!

Nicolas Laplante, Universite LavalChris Couture, Ciber

TU4 10712 UMass Lowell’s Project FUND: A Vanilla Conversion from JSI Millennium in Six Months

Contr Relations - Tips & Tricks 104/105 8.0

The Future of University Development, named Project FUND, was a six-month vanilla conversion that successfully converted 71,067 records from Millennium to Contributor Relations 8.0. Learn from recent survivors what to expect when you are converting!

Patricia Kelleher & Maria Panagakis, UMass LowellStephen Monahan, Accenture

TU4 10386 Automation of Transfer Credit Articulation Enrollment Svcs - Case Study 112 8.0 Has your institution experienced problems with articulation of transfer credits for prerequisite

screening? If so, SB has a solution. We have automated their articulation, reduced the data entry burden, and improved the accuracy of posted credits. The application’s simplicity has allowed users outside of the transfer office to articulate credits.

Cleveland Levi, Jr., SUNY at Stony BrookElizabeth Conklin, Stony Brook University

TU4 10040 Self Service in the Real World Financial Aid - Panel Discussion 123 8.0 Come experience how Butler University and University of Wisconsin-Madison put PeopleSoft Financial

Aid Self-Service into use. This session will include challenges, lessons learned, modifications and an on line demonstration.

Melissa Brandenburg, Butler UniversityMary Hillstrom, University of Wisconsin - Madison

TU4 10046 Alternative Loan Setup/Processing A to Z Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 113 8.0 The session will cover the setup required for all levels of alternative loan processing, from the minimum

required for processing paper checks to that required for full-blown electronic processing. Jessica Shisler, DePaul University

TU4 10206 Tips & Tricks: Asset Management Implementation

Financials GL - Panel Discussion

320 8.4

Are you considering implementing Asset Management at your institution? Come hear, see and learn from Universities who are successfully utilizing AM.

Meri Perryman, Texas Christian University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 1:00-2:00 pm

TU4 10653 PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables: Payment and Voucher Best Practices

Financials PTP - PeopleSoft Vision

319 8.8

Join this discussion of best practices for accounts payable. Learn how PeopleSoft Payables and eSettlements can help you to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. Take home some best practices that you can put to use in your organization

Cynthia Pavana, PeopleSoftJohn L. Moser, Answerthink

TU4 10404 Credit Cards: The Convenience Minus the Charge

General Interest - Case Study 309 8.0

Learn how Southern Methodist University gives their constituents the convenient services of a PeopleSoft integrated online billing, near real-time account activity and online Automated Clearing House (ACH) and credit card payment service - all while not charging a fee for ACH, but recouping the credit card service charge for credit cards. How is that possible with the tough credit card regulations today? Attend and find out!

Pat Woods, Southern Methodist UniversityHarvey Gannon, infiNET

TU4 10599 Test Automation: The Next Step to Efficiency and Productivity

General Interest - Tips & Tricks 313/316 8.0

Cut the time needed to test your enterprise system static tests exponentially while testing a larger percentage of the system. If you have good requirements and detailed test cases, you are almost there. Next step: Automation: the ultimate in accuracy and efficiency. Baseline testing will never be the same!

James Stutz & Michele Johnson, University of MinnesotaTU4 10775 Performance Management of Peoplesoft

ApplicationsGeneral Interest - Vendor 303 8.8

Peoplesoft often consolidates many processes and applications into a single vendor solution. SQS will show how performance management solutions for Peoplesoft can greatly reduce the chaos and fingerpointing often associated with Peoplesoft deployments.

Steven Antonucci & Sean McDonald, SQSTU4 10795 Innovative Technology Solutions for Today’s

CampusesGeneral Interest - Vendor 108 8.0

EPOS solutions are designed to provide more efficient customer service to campus administrators, faculty and staff, and students. From paying tuition and fees via the phone or Internet to voice-enabled automated password reset, EPOS has supplied leading edge technology solutions to campuses across the United States for nearly 20 years. In this session, you will learn how to integrate these solutions into your PeopleSoft campus.

Peter Drew, EPOS CorporationTU4 10439 Surviving Commitment Control for Grants Grants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.4

This presentation will describe our experience with Commitment Control and Grants at the University of South Florida. There will be discussion of budget definition setup, handling cost share budgets, maintenance issues, troubleshooting, management and correction of budget checking errors, and description of an add-on to easily update projects information on the budget definitions.

Gregory Baker, University of South FloridaSusan Conrad, The Ohio State University

TU4 10227 Payroll Adjustment Processing at Indiana University

HRMS - Tips & Tricks 121 8.0

This presentation will demonstrate the customizations made to PeopleSoft pages to facilitate efficient payroll adjustment processing. Indiana University has modified existing PS pages and added new pages to allow for decentralized entry of the adjustments, to incorporate an electronic approval step, and to dispense with paper forms.

Marci Taylor & Aaron Neal, Indiana University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 1:00-2:00 pm

TU4 10743 PeopleSoft HRMS Self Service - An 8.0 to 8.9 Overview

HRMS - PeopleSoft Vision 118 8.8

In this session, we will provide an overview of the changes to self service capabilities in PeopleSoft HRMS from version 8.0 to 8.9 including navigation, home pages, usability, and design philosophy. We will also talk about adoption rates by customers and the challenges and successes they encountered.

Don Chun, PeopleSoftTU4 10538 Teaching PeopleSoft Application Development

using PeopleTools in a Hosted EnvironmentOn Campus - Case Study 117 8.4

This session will share materials that have been developed over the past years for teaching PeopleSoft Applications development in a University setting. Methods and ideas will be shared on to teach Application Development using a hosted environment. Ideas for labs, quizzes, exams and syllabi will be shared.

Tom Farrell, Dakota State UniversityTU4 10186 Business Process Management Inside

and Outside the PeopleSoft Box (Breaking Process Bottlenecks)

Project Mgmt - Tips & Tricks 116 8.4

Workflow or Business Process Management begins with an understanding of current business/enterprise processes, identifying process improvement opportunities and optimizing results. This cannot be isolated simply within any single application but must encompass the entire operation of the enterprise from manual processes to full integration of existing and new technologies.

Warren Shreve, OUHSCTU4 10714 Aim, Ready, Fire: Organization Readiness for

a PeopleSoft ImplementationProject Mgmt - Case Study 119 8.0

This presentation will discuss the importance of organizational readiness prior to embarking on a PeopleSoft implementation. We will discuss the relationship between campus post-implementation problems and their relationship to the project-planning phase. We will discuss some of the problems and issues experienced by Cal Poly Pomona and their traceability to the project planning phases of their SA implementation.

Carol Heins-Gonzales, Cal Poly PomonaVicki Cleary, PMP The Cedar Group,

TU4 10074 Accounting under the ‘Big Sky’ Public Sector - Case Study 122 8.4 See the State of Montana’s (‘Big Sky Country’) chart of account structure, how they use commitment

accounting with 52 separate GL Business Units, how they are using delivered and customized speedchart functionality across all modules, and showcase their modified ‘interunit journal’ process for doing business between the various State agencies.

Nyla Johnson & Terry Atwood, State of MontanaTU4 10438 A pragmatic view on reporting and

datawarehouseReporting and Analysis - Case Study

310 8.8

Session covers modeling and building a datawarehouse application that provides Web based reporting. Keywords are: maximum flexibility, multiple database connectivity and component-based interfacing.

Gerd Smilde, ROC van TwenteTU4 10646 The Reporting Revolution: Push Button

DeliveryReporting and Analysis - Case Study

312/317 8.0

Budgets and staffing resources are tight; expectations of the HR function are growing; end users need to incorporate data into their business process management. We will describe an approach taken by Cornell University to meet these needs by developing an end user report/data delivery tool. We’ll highlight our objective to promote more efficient HR management and business process. We’ll talk about our strategy, the path we’ve taken, and we’ll give a demonstration.

Greg Ruocco & Lyman Flahive, Cornell University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 1:00-2:00 pm

TU4 10689 How AMX IQ BI helped “jump start” business performance management and reporting processes

Reporting and Analysis - Vendor

103 8.0

AHA reveals how a breakthrough business intelligence solution and rapid implementation methodology enabled the company to increase productivity and improve cost-efficiencies.

Jace Davis, AMX InternationalTU4 10184 External Authentication at Cal Poly - Single

Signon is Not a FantasySecurity - Case Study 311 8.4

Cal Poly State University is using external authentication for its Human Resources and Financials applications. We will discuss PeopleSoft authentication that includes Central Authentication Services (a Java based authentication service developed by Yale), uPortal (an open source portal framework developed by the JA-SIG), and LDAP using Oracle Internet Directory.

Terry Vahey & Darren Kraker, Cal Poly State UniversityTU4 10207 Understanding Student Financials Accounting

EntriesStdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 115 8.0

This session examines how PeopleSoft generates accounting entries from the various transactions in Student Financials. We will then follow the process through to the General Ledger side, explaining the processing that happens in Financials. Recommendations for troubleshooting and reconciling the two systems will also be provided.

Candice Smith, Jones County Junior CollegeTU4 10075 Appointments in 8.9 - Redesigned. Stdnt Records - Tips & Tricks 120 8.9

Come take a look at the newly redesigned appointments feature for Release 8.9. If you didn’t use appointments before, you’ll want to now!

Susan Luckhurst, PeopleSoftTU4 10326 PSE Change Assistant for Software Updates:

What Is It and What Does It Do?Technical - PeopleSoft Vision 314/315 8.9

We will cover what’s new in PeopleTools 8.44 with respect to applying updates and fixes from Customer Connection. We will talk about Uploading Environment information, new Customer Connection search criteria for Updates & Fixes, Downloading Change Packages, and Applying Change Packages. In addition; we will briefly discuss the Environment Management Framework and how it interacts with Change Assistant.

Steve Thorsen, PeopleSoftTU4 10658 Crunch - Managing Peak System Usage

During Student Registration PeriodsTechnical - Case Study 306/307 8.0

Come learn how the University of Michigan successfully administered their PeopleSoft systems during peak usage. During student registration periods UM’s HE PeopleSoft systems achieve usage rates of triple the norm. Session covers UM’s approach for predicting system capacity, scaling the architecture, creating infrastructure contingency plans, and planning technical resources.

Terry Houser & Brian McRae, University of MichiganTU4 10717 Demonstrated Use Of PeopleSoft’s Delivered

Web Service WSDL InterfaceTechnical - Tips & Tricks 301/302 8.8

Demonstrate building a web application and component interface to be accessed thru PeopleSoft’s delivered Web Services WSDL interface using a GUI web application programming environment.

Corey Pedersen & Tim Richardson, University of UtahTU4 10360 Change Management and Lessons Learned at

Florida State UniversityTraining - Case Study 101/102 8.4

Florida State University took a very non-traditional approach to enterprise resource planning and implementation of PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials 8.4 (July 2004) and HR/Payroll (December 2004). This non-traditional approach included the staffing of a change management team a full two years prior to implementation of the first applications and six additional fulltime employees added to the team to begin planning end user training.

Sharon Ryals, Florida State University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 2:15-3:15 pm

TU5 10690 Effective Dating, What is That?!?!?: An Academic Advising Nightmare

Acad Advisement - Vendor 108 8.0

eArmyU provides online educational opportunities to enlisted soldiers through 29 Colleges and Universities. In the last year we overhauled degree requirement setup; coordinated interests of the schools, the US Army Education Office and SOC; and worked to perfect a custom SQR that produces a Student Agreement (a specialized advisement report).

Erika Ogedegbe & Stacey Slipakoff, IBM (eArmyU)TU5 10050 Tips for Auditing PeopleSoft Security Audit - Tips & Tricks 308 8.4

Come discover tips for auditing PeopleSoft security. Reviewing PeopleSoft security is not as easy as obtaining a list of groups and users. Instead, PeopleSoft security is built around permission lists and menus. Come discover how to trace menu items\actions back to the user. In addition, come learn about the other controls sitting with PeopleSoft security, including correction mode, allpages access, and operator preferences.

Patricia Odonnell, Boston CollegeTU5 10278 Commitment Control as a Budgeting Tool Budget - Tips & Tricks 318 7.6

Upgrading from 7.5 to 8.8? How can Commitment Control help us control expenses and monitor our budgets? All of this without the Budget Module.

Karen Gundrum, University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeTina Parman, University of Wisconsin - System

TU5 10060 Implications of Exposing Prospect & Applicant Bio/Demo Data

Campus Cmty - Case Study 124 8.0

In preparation for the implementation of Student Administration for the Undergraduate College and Undergraduate Admissions at Princeton University, we conducted an extensive study of the impact of exposing prospect and applicant bio/demo data via search and search/match. We examined options for securing this information, cost-justified each option, and picked a solution.

Colin Currie & Ashutosh (Ash) Hadap, Princeton UniversityTU5 10303 Making Lemonade with the Mass Load

Process: Automating Payroll Deductions and Monthly Bank Drafts

Contr Relations - Tips & Tricks 111 8.0

The University of Southern Mississippi will share the design and implementation of an automated monthly pledge payment process for payroll deductions and bank drafts by incorporating the delivered Mass Load Process.

Richard Craig, University of Southern MississippiPeter Ho, Crestone International

TU5 10494 Affiliated University Foundation Implementation

Contr Relations - Tips & Tricks 106/107 8.0

In this session, we will cover issues incurred for conversion to Contributor Relations by a University Foundation that is a separate legal entity. Issues include set up considerations within a shared database, conversion from multiple legacy systems, and blending business processes established for different systems into a coherent whole.

Rhonda Livingston, Salisbury UniversityTeresa Mallott, CIBER, Inc

TU5 10543 Improving the student experience: a ‘lifecycle’ and web services approach to improving student administrative services

Enrollment Svcs - Case Study 112 7.6

Presents an overview of UNSWs project to implement integrated web services, within a portal framework, for online applications and acceptances, enrollment and general student services, and an integrated catalog. The project won strong student endorsement by providing a cohesive user experience and simplifying tasks through workflows and rules engines.

Robert Morrell, The University of New South Wales

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 2:15-3:15 pm

TU5 10167 COD and Pell Payment - Right Out of the Box Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 113 8.0 An overview of COD Full Participant Pell Payment processing will be presented. We will discuss

set up requirements and options, delivered processing steps, delivered and customized reports and reconciliation. All of this delivered from an institution that generally uses the software as delivered and has made no modifications to these processes.

Jill Nutt & Beverly Daily, Grand Rapids Community CollegeTU5 10209 Email: The Changing Nature of Financial Aid

CommunicationsFinancial Aid - Case Study 123 8.0

Improving the delivery of financial aid by sending communications via email. Presentation will include how-to, benefits, drawbacks, examples of messages, campus email policies, and the ESign Act requirement.

Mary Hillstrom, University of Wisconsin-MadisonPat Arauz, University of Louisville

TU5 10665 Asset Inventory Made Easy Financials GL - Case Study 320 8.4 This presentation will summarize how Asset Advantage interfaces with the PeopleSoft 8.4 Asset

Management module. Learn the flow of data between Asset Management and HighJump’s Asset Advantage software. Discover how enhancements performed by HighJump Software eliminated the costly retagging of assets and locations at the University of Central Florida.

Rebecca Vilsack & Kristal Jackson, University of Central FloridaTU5 10098 Matching in release 8.9 Financials PTP - Panel

Discussion319 8.9

Match will be re-written in release 8.9 to provide Header level message, a more flexible receipt aware criteria and a Match Workbench which will provide one-stop shopping to review and handle match exceptions.

Lu-ann England, Peoplesoft IncTU5 10061 HEUG.Online Training and Updates General Interest - Tips & Tricks 313/316 7.5

One of two sessions we are submitting to ensure that members have an opportunity to be updated and learn more about how to use HEUG.Online as a tool.

Lew Conner & Scott Balthazor, Socious, Inc. (HEUG.Online)TU5 10463 It’s Live - Now What???? General Interest - Tips & Tricks 309 8.0

This presentation will give you tips on how to prepare for the critical post-go live period. This will include, Team preparation, skills development, tools selection, documentation needs and overall group organization. This talk will cover the lessons learned by the Ohio State University after 7 years and two system upgrades in production.

Michael Boyle, The Ohio State UniversityTU5 10708 Enhancing the Negotiate Award functionality

in the Grants moduleGrants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.4

UCSF has enhanced the delivered PeopleSoft Negotiate Award functionality to support the processes executed between the time of proposal submission and award generation. Negotiation process events supported by this enhancement include handling sponsor requests for additional information, processing Just-In-Time (JIT) documents, adjusting budgets, updating human and animal subject certifications, and tracking terms, conditions, and required documents.

Ned Hamilton, Univ of California, San FranciscoTU5 10089 Going together like Peas and Carrots: Ben

Admin and QueryHRMS - Tips & Tricks 119 8.0

I propose a presentation of tips and tricks I have found while running Ben Admin using Query. I plan to show the before and after efforts of daily maintenance with several queries I created. Also I plan to show other reports that I use for the easement of benefit specialist functional use of PS 8.

Stephanie May, KCTCS

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 2:15-3:15 pm

TU5 10109 What’s New in PeopleSoft Recruiting 8.9 and Beyond

HRMS - PeopleSoft Vision 118 8.9

In this session, we will present exciting changes coming to PeopleSoft Recruiting release 8.9. See new functionality designed to meet Recruiters’ core needs. Learn about the new architecture, designed to support better configurability and componentization. And, experience the new user interaction design, built to meet best practices in user experience.

Gretchen Alarcon, PeopleSoftTU5 10358 Check Modeling HRMS - Tips & Tricks 121 8.0

The Check Modeling application displays payroll records of Federal, State, and Deductions that are currently active. Information can be changed on this page, but does not update the employee record. Once the employee has entered all the changes, they can calculate an estimated check.

Mark Boyd & Susan Apgar, University of Maine SystemTU5 10528 Accelerated OnCampus With a Tight Budget On Campus - Tips & Tricks 117 8.4

A presentation on the process of fast tracking the On Campus program by using MIS student talent in every aspect of the project. This approach provides MIS students with real life experience and will help you keep you costs down.

Joanne Wallingford, Zachary Smith, & Jenny Gagne, University of Maine at Presque IsleTU5 10162 Automate Testing, Data Loads, Security

Management, & Training ScenariosProject Mgmt - Case Study 116 8.0

Faster and better & our testing time has been cut by 20%, the module leads enter mass data in minutes, the security team assigns roles and permission lists with ease. The training team uses the same scenarios for every class taught. This is because of Quick Test Professional’s seamless integration with PeopleSoft.

Jo Ann Tupper, Stephen Forrest, & Alyce Anderson, Southern Methodist UniversityTU5 10434 Project Retrospectives: The Forgotten Facet

of Project ManagementProject Mgmt - Case Study 301/302 8.0

Syracuse University conducted project retrospective sessions during its project to upgrade from Peoplesoft v7.6 to v8.0. This presentation discusses the methodology used, actual lessons learned, improvements that were made, and successes recognized. Participants can use SU’s process as a template for their own projects and benefit from our lessons learned.

Linda Saul, Syracuse UniversityTU5 10180 How Strategic Sourcing/eSupplier Connect

Streamlines Supply Chain ManagementPublic Sector - Case Study 122 8.4

Strategic Sourcing reduces steps in establishing Vendor’s pricing in the Contract file or on a Purchase Order, and eliminates errors when uploading Vendor pricing. eSupplier Connect provides Vendors with secure access to their purchasing and accounts payable data. Learn how Detroit Public Schools successfully implemented and is using both modules.

Arthur Hanby, Detroit Public SchoolsMarian Almida, PeopleSoft

TU5 10357 Before You Jump into JumpStart Reporting and Analysis - Case Study

310 8.0

The University of Missouri is developing its decision support/reporting solution and used PeopleSoft’s JumpStart services. While JumpStart was an important piece of the solution, it was not the complete solution. The session covers University of Missouri’s experience with JumpStart and the process used to build a decision support system.

Cindy Martin & Bob Mullen, University of MissouriTU5 10756 Generating ESIS Reports for Statistics Canada Reporting and Analysis - Tips &

Tricks312/317 8.0

An overview of how Nova Scotia Community College used PeopleSoft provided ESIS reporting functionality to submit three years of ESIS reports to Statistics Canada. Beginning with setup and mapping, loading student list, processing, verifying data, and, finally, submitting to Statistics Canada. Also explain challenges encountered and how they were overcome.

Michael Eastwood, Nova Scotia Community College

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 2:15-3:15 pm

TU5 10341 Security Upgrade to 8.9 - Things to Consider Security - Tips & Tricks 311 8.4 Security changes, modifications, additions, etc. that we identified to be considered and documented for

a successful upgrade from PeopleTools 8.20.11 to 8.4. Diana Rogers & Stefan Wahe, University of Wisconsin-Madison

TU5 10280 Tracking Cash Transactions Stdnt Financials - Case Study 115 8.0 This presentation will go over the interface between Student Financials Cash Data to Financials Cash

Management System Paula Sullivan & Larry Bilderback, Heald College

TU5 10461 Classroom and Events Scheduling Stdnt Records - Panel Discussion

120 8.0

This presentation will cover how several institutions are scheduling classrooms and events. The session will highlight the pros and cons of each. There will be discussion and examples of:--using the delivered PeopleSoft functionality with customizations--purchasing another product--building your own interface--centralized vs. decentralized scheduling

Bonnie Morris, Metropolitan Community CollegesKane Gillespie, Stony Brook UniversityPatrick Miller, Texas Christian University

TU5 10245 Implementing Oracle Data Guard In A Peoplesoft 8 Environment

Technical - Case Study 306/307 8.4

Oracle Data Guard can make your primary Peoplesoft8 Oracle databases redundant with realtime updates to a standby database. Increases in uptime, data protection, and recoverability were TCUs goals in our implementation.

Craig Carlson & Jon Eidson, Texas Christian UniversityTU5 10305 New Tools For Upgrades To 8.9 Technical - PeopleSoft Vision 314/315 8.9

This session will focus on the technology behind the new upgrade process for 8.9 applications. Visual Compare tools, Change Assistant, and data conversion with Ascential will be demonstrated.

Ray Mohrman, PeopleSoftTU5 10499 Lowering the Total Cost of Ownership with the

N1 GridTechnical - Vendor 303 8.8

We will present the integration of Sun’s N1 Grid with PeopleSoft, which enables customers to create and manage their environments dynamically according to computing needs. Thus the integration lowers the Total Cost of Ownership and improves the Total Ownership Experience.

Joachim Rahmfeld, Sun MicrosystemsTU5 10769 BEA Tuxedo and WebLogic/PIA Tuning &

ConfigurationTechnical - Vendor 103 8.9

Back by popular demand, this encore presentation is a technical session dedicated to exploring some of the parameter changes necessary to properly tune and configure the Tuxedo and WebLogic/PIA layers of the PeopleSoft Architecture to improve overall system performance and overcome bottlenecks.

Noelle Sue Chalfant, Aurora Information Systems, Inc.TU5 10560 Faculty are People, Too! Training - Tips & Tricks 104/105 8.0

Developing training for faculty requires a different frame of reference than for other functional users. The functions utilized within PeopleSoft by faculty do not have as broad a scope; therefore, the same training offered to functional users is usually not appropriate for faculty. In this presentation, you will learn the strategies that make for successful training for this unique group of end users.

Cathy Gonzalez, University of North TexasTU5 10670 Power to the People: How Your Get the Most

Out of the Web-based Query ToolTraining - Case Study 101/102 8.0

This presentation will outline USF’s philosophies and training techniques pertaining to end user-query development. In addition to running public queries and reports, our end users are granted permissions and trained on how to create their own queries and/or modify public queries in the production environment!

Sherry House & Robin Jones, University of South Florida

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 3:30-4:30 pm

TU6 10283 Managing Credit-Restricted Courses Acad Advisement - Tips & Tricks

106/107 8.0

We will discuss how the University of Connecticut identifies credit-restricted courses, runs an automated process for reducing credits without effecting GPA calculations and requirement fulfillment, and alerts students to course registration problems.

Kimberly Page, University of ConnecticutThomas Cote, Thomas Cote Consulting

TU6 10253 Admissions Checklist Design with Batch Processing in Mind

Admissions - Tips & Tricks 109/110 8.0

While preparing to implement CollegeNet on-line applications, GRCC redesigned the degree-seeking checklist to facilitate batch processing. This presentation will discuss the current design and explain how the PeopleSoft delivered processes are used to assign checklists, update the items and matriculate students.

Sue Merizon, Grand Rapids Community CollegeTU6 10431 Custom Tree Based Reporting for

Commitment ControlBudget - Tips & Tricks 318 8.4

UMBC develop an online tool that allows the user to view results of operation. It uses data from commitment control. The inquiry is driven off of selection a chart fields in the budget definition and chart field trees. The user can drill down through tree levels to view results.

Robert Preston & Tom Vogler, UMBCJason Jacobs, Crestone

TU6 10648 Campus Community PAG Update Campus Cmty - Birds of a Feather

124 8.0

This presentation will highlight activities of the Campus Community PAG. The CC PAG expects to focus much attention over the next year to the new version 8.9 Person Model. This session will help CC enthusiasts to make the best use of the Issues Tracker to identify specific 8.9 upgrade issues and resolutions, and to communicate with PeopleSoft on strategic enhancements for version 8.9 and beyond.

Liz Salley, University of MichiganTU6 10033 Testing, testing, testing... best practices! Contr Relations - Tips & Tricks 111 8.0

Testing is critical to maintaining a quality system! Whether you are implementing, upgrading, or applying updates and fixes from PeopleSoft or customizations you have developed yourself, you can never underestimate the amount of testing necessary. This session will explore various approaches to testing.

John Ley, SMUTU6 10251 Tips for Completing the FISAP Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 113 8.0

This sessions will cover tips for completing the annual FISAP report using the delivered PeopleSoft SQR

Pat Arauz, University of LouisvilleTU6 10447 Satisfactory Academic Progress Solutions Financial Aid - Panel Discussion 123 8.0

University of Minnesota and University of Houston will present a panel on the Satisfactory Academic Progress solutions they have implemented on their campuses. Both campuses will discuss the goals of their projects; discuss the challenges of their SAP policies, the setup, and pages created to support the SAP solutions.

Julie Pingue, Holly Johnson, & Deb Pusari, University of MinnesotaTU6 10091 Going paperless - Alternatives to Workflow Financials GL - Case Study 112 8.4

Presentation on how medium and smaller sized schools can go paperless without using workflow or customization. This presentation will cover the process by which end users directly enter journals and requisitions into PeopleSoft Financials and use the Notify button to accomplish workflow.

Todd Hurley & Mansfield Matthewson, Grand Rapids Community College

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 3:30-4:30 pm

TU6 10094 Cash Receipting within the GL Financials GL - Tips & Tricks 320 8.4 No hassles cash receipting within the general ledger. A simple easy solution for decentralized

departmental cash receipt entry. Scott Stuart & Sherry Glover, Univ of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

TU6 10515 Using Procurement Cards in Peoplesoft Financials PTP - Tips & Tricks 319 8.8 In this session you will get an overview of Peoplesoft Procument Card functionality in release 8.8 as

well as a look forward at release 8.9 John Geasa, Peoplesoft

TU6 10837 Global Collaboration: The Future of Learning with Oracle Collaboration Tools

General Interest - Vendor 119 8.9

See how integrated communications and learning tools are being implemented on campus and how the Collaboration Suite products enable immediate wireless, mobile distribution of and access to information, learning materials, teaching tools, and real-time classroom instruction. Speakers will discuss how this collaboration environment complements the PeopleSoft applications at this university.

Tbd Tbd, State UniversityTU6 10693 Grants 8.9 Sneak Preview Grants and Billing - PeopleSoft

Vision304/305 8.9

The purpose of this presentation will be to highlight the new functionality being introduced in Grants 8.9.

Barry Hickson, PeopleSoftTU6 10355 HR Birds of a Feather HRMS - Birds of a Feather 118 8.0

Birds of a Feather discussion.

Jill Brewington, University of Southern MississippiDonna Bartman, University of Louisville

TU6 10686 Payments to Foreign Nationals - The Windstar PeopleSoft Integrated Solution

HRMS - Vendor 303 8.8

Windstar’s Tax Navigator completes the NRA withholding and reporting processes with PeopleSoft. Implementation includes foreign national self-service screens, interfaces, and new screens in PeopleSoft.

Gary Singer, Windstar Technologies, Inc.Andy Beecham, LogicGate, LLC

TU6 10737 ERP Training Strategy Development On Campus - Case Study 117 8.0 This presentation discusses a major determinant of successful ERP implementation, end-user training.

Specifically, this presentation explores end-user qualities and training strategies that may impact the effective use of these complex systems.

Tony Coulson, Cal State University San BernardinoTU6 10333 Project Management, Templates and Lessons

Learned from The Ohio State University - Financials

Project Mgmt - Tips & Tricks 116 8.4

We will cover the scope of our project, our management and control approach, deliverable templates we used throughout the project and share our lessons learned from the project team members and our customers/sponsors

Dave Kieffer & Darryl Jordan, The Ohio State UniversityTU6 10361 Generating a Benefit Statement in PeopleSoft Public Sector - Tips & Tricks 122 8.0

The presentation will show how to generate a compensation Benefit Statement through PeopleSoft HRMS. This will include the SQL code, and the logic of building the query, building the Crystal Report and then sending it to Crystal Reports. We will look at inner joins, outer joins, expressions, grouping, and Decode.

Hosea Battles, City of Tallahassee

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 3:30-4:30 pm

TU6 10553 Meet the Reporting PAG Reporting and Analysis - Panel Discussion

312/317 7.6

During the Meet the Reporting PAG session the PAG will present their findings of the last year and their goals for the coming. The session wants to be a discussion forum for all reporting-issues in the user community.

Frank Sierhuis, NoorderpoortcollegeTU6 10819 How to Implement a Student Data Warehouse

in Less Than One WeekReporting and Analysis - Vendor

103 8.0

This session will present iStrategy’s student data warehouse solution, HigherEd Analyzer. This out-of-the-box packaged data warehouse has pre-build integration to PeopleSoft and can be implemented in days, not months (or years). The pre-build reporting template includes admissions, enrollment, class schedule, class registration, faculty and student financials.

Mark Max, iStrategy ConsultingTU6 10191 Security Issues…Beyond PeopleSoft Security - Tips & Tricks 311 8.0

Securing your PeopleSoft applications goes way beyond users, roles, and permission lists. This session will look at how the increase in computer viruses, security alerts, OS vulnerabilities, and incidence of identity theft as well as how recent legislation should impact your approach to securing your PeopleSoft apps.

Stephen Schultz, California State UniversityTU6 10262 Integration Broker for Real Time user setup

across applicationsSecurity - Vendor 309 8.8

When an employee or contractor is hired into the HCM system, SDCS uses Integration Broker to automatically set up employees’ security for employee self-service in PeopleSoft HRMS, a base Portal user in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal and as a PeopleSoft Financials user without roles.

Eric Warshower & Cameron Armbruster, Empower SolutionsTU6 10284 1098T Functionality for Self Service Stdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 115 8.0

Review of a self-service modification that allows students access to their current and historical 1098T data. This modification also allows the ability for students to indicate their preferred mailing option and prints based on this option to a 1098T template.

Nicole Louie & Khanh Ly, California State University-Chancellor’s OfficeTU6 10655 Enrollment Enhancements External to the

EngineStdnt Records - Tips & Tricks 120 8.0

This presentation will describe several enhancements connected with the enrollment process that we have implemented without tinkering with the Enrollment Engine itself, such as Permission Number refinements, conditional registration, repeat indicators, and restrictions on athletes.

Greg Lewis & Steve Grantham, Boise State UniversityTU6 10797 Why higher ed is adopting Advanced

Timetabling SolutionsStdnt Records - Vendor 108 8.9

Colleges and universities invest extensive resources and planning in the success of their programs. Effectively timetabling these activities has become increasingly important due to the growing and diverse needs of students, the variety of programs, budget constraints, changes in curriculum and increased demand on space.

Philippe Melis, InfosilemTU6 10129 Inside Excel to Component Interface Technical - Case Study 306/307 8.4

The University of Central Florida used Component Interface in PeopleSoft Purchasing 8.4 to recreate purchase orders for the new fiscal year. Learn what process is necessary to determine if Component Interface is right for your application. Discover some advantages and disadvantages of using Excel to CI as well as tips for a successful data interface.

Kristal Jackson & Dorann Mullins, University of Central Florida

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 3:30-4:30 pm

TU6 10393 Advanced Workflow Techniques Technical - Tips & Tricks 301/302 8.4 Workflow provides a number of features being under utilized in the industry today, forecasting, virtual

approver, administration tools, getapprovers, approval rulesets, etc, we will be presenting not just applications used at Florida State University but other areas to increase productivity, tips, tricks, traps, new workflow administrative tools.

Doug Butts & Todd Vause, Florida State UniversityTU6 10595 Version Control Made Simple Technical - Case Study 121 8.4

The Ohio State University utilizes a simple combination of procedures and tools that allow for the efficient version control of PeopleSoft and related third party objects. The purpose of this session is to demonstrate how the Configuration Management Team provides versioning support for the various PeopleSoft systems.

Leo Boyle, The Ohio State UniversityTU6 10662 Setting up XML File Layouts: Lessons

LearnedTechnical - Case Study 308 8.0

PeopleSoft includes the ability to read and write XML files (a key integration technology) using FileLayout objects. This presentation reviews the challenges of matching an XML document with a FileLayout, especially one that also works with PeopleSoft buffer structures like rowsets. We also review an example of a working solution.

David Thompson-Hall, University of Wisconsin SystemTU6 10788 PeopleSoft Performance Monitor Technical - PeopleSoft Vision 314/315 8.9

PeopleTools 8.44 introduced a new PeopleSoft Performance Monitor, which is included as part of PeopleTools. This session will show how best to use Performance Monitor in your environment. Some basic knowledge of Performance Monitor will be assumed.

Chris Heller, PeopleSoftTU6 10246 Tools and Techniques for Developing a

Training ToolkitTraining - Tips & Tricks 104/105 8.4

A good training toolkit includes the templates, resources, standards documents, and tracking tools for you to create materials consistent, high-quality materials. We will review examples of planning documents, writing and technical standards, resources, staff training, and will provide templates and materials for getting you started.

Katharine Keune, The Ohio State UniversityTU6 10682 Trainers and Technical Staff, Partners in

TrainingTraining - Tips & Tricks 101/102 8.0

The session will address how trainers are PeopleSoft and Business Process experts, and how to create an invaluable link between technical staff and your end-users via the HelpDesk, in the training lab and in meetings across campus. Trainers’ instructional skills facilitate problem solving and phone tutoring as well as providing a link between technical staff and end users. Discussion will include how this relationship between technical and training staff can be strengthened

Gary Andersen, University of Minnesota

Tuesday 4:30-5:30 pmTU7 10222 Developing a Concise Academic Advising

WorksheetAcad Advisement - Case Study 106/107 8.0

See how TCU created a student and advisor-friendly requirement worksheet using the AA analysis database R_ tables and the requirement (RQ_) tables. This color-coded, self-service Crystal report displays the university core requirements on one page, plan requirements on another, and general residency and GPA requirements on a third: yes, three pages, that’s it!

Timothy Davis, TCUTU7 10656 Tweaking Transfer Credit Processing Admissions - Case Study 109/110 8.0

The California State University is building a modification to transfer credit processing to better handle multiple equivalencies, transfer GPA calculation and requirement designation overrides.

David Cartwright, California State University, Chancellor’s Office

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 4:30-5:30 pm

TU7 10838 CRM for Higher Education: Strategies with Oracle/PeopleSoft Solutions

Admissions - Vendor 119 8.9

Peer institutions will discuss how CRM strategies and tools are increasing their enrolments and attracting students who are successful and stay through graduation. They will demonstrate the strategies and tools they use to track and measure success.

Cheryl Crawford, OracleTU7 10241 Georgia Tech’s Total Budgeting Solution Budget - Case Study 318 8.8

Georgia Institute of Technology has designed the total solution to budget development and maintenance by utilizing a web-based budget application, Internet Budgeting Solution (IBS), interfaced with PeopleSoft HRMS 8.8.

Steve Head, Richard Tanner, & Frederick Winn, Georgia TechTU7 10846 Campus Community Birds of a Feather Campus Cmty - Birds of a

Feather124 8.0

This session follows the Campus Community PAG Update. The Birds of a Feather session will provide a forum for questions, answers, and discussion. Attendees should prepare for this session by reviewing the CC Issue List on HEUG Online prior to the conference. Be sure to: 1) register your vote on existing issues by clicking ‘Add to My Issues’; 2) add your comments on existing issues; and 3) submit new issues prior to HEUG 05 so others will have time to comment.

Liz Salley, University of MichiganTU7 10143 Contributor Relations Birds of a Feather Contr Relations - Birds of a

Feather111 7.6

Participate in a facilitated session that allows Contributor Relations users to discuss common issues, training needs, problem solving, and information sharing.

Drew Martin, University of Western OntarioTU7 10028 Promissory Note Processing Financial Aid - Case Study 123 8.0

The University of Minnesota has developed a single Application Engine process to assign and complete loan promissory notes. This process runs both online and in batch and works for all loan programs, including those with Master Promissory Notes.

Ian Lasics, University of MinnesotaTU7 10479 The ABC’s of Packaging Using Packaging

VariablesFinancial Aid - Tips & Tricks 113 8.0

This presentation will demonstrate the many ways that packaging variables can be used. Examples will include using packaging variables to 1) store VA amounts to use in packaging equations, 2) use in reporting special values to state agencies, and 3) provide institutional specific information for awarding and advising.

Charlett Hollomon & David Williamson, University of Southern MississippiTU7 10768 PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management Financials GL - PeopleSoft

Vision320 8.8

This session is an introduction to the processes and functionality supported by PeopleSoft Treasury Cash Management and Deal Management.

Vimal Singh, PeopleSoftTU7 10374 Timing, Timing, Timing &. AP/PO/EX Year End

ProcessesFinancials PTP - Case Study 319 8.4

We need to do what & by when & ??? You have got to be kidding. Performing a year end close in a distributed environment requires perfect timing. Hear how Boston College managed end-users and closed the modules of Accounts Payable, Expenses and Purchasing in a Commitment Control Environment. Our presentation will focus on our timing of communications to the campus community, timing of cutoffs and timing of processes to meet strict deadlines set by senior management.

Janice Daly & Jerri Cole Lauziere, Boston CollegePatricia J. Duffy, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 4:30-5:30 pm

TU7 10148 It works. Now make it usable! General Interest - Tips & Tricks 309 8.8 So the Enterprise Portal’s what? A successful portal implementation doesn’t end with the go

live. Make your portal usable by understanding how to categorize your content, label your links and make best use of graphics. Applicable to administrators of the 8.4 and 8.8 portals.

Douglas Clark, Butler UniversityTU7 10627 Curriculum Design Evolution - From Cryptic to

Clear-CutGeneral Interest - Birds of a Feather

313/316 8.8

Training starts next week. Where’s the curriculum? When under an intense deadline for go-live, much of the training material is written just a few days (hours) prior. All to often it does not adhere to curriculum design concepts and latest development trends we all desire. See how better than nothing emerged to beyond belief.

Sheila Sheldon, Madison Area Tech College/Southern Wisconsin ConsortiumTU7 10802 Best Practices in Campus Commerce General Interest - Vendor 303 8.0

Unification of campus commerce systems is a critical step in elevating campus service levels while avoiding increased overhead and security risks. Learn about campus commerce integration strategies and best practices at this HEUG 2005 presentation by TouchNet Information Systems.

John Murphy, TouchNet Information SystemsTU7 10589 Grants, Contracts, and AR/Billing Upgrade

from 7.52 to 8.8Grants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.8

Wake Forest University Health Sciences just completed an upgrade from 7.52 to 8.8. We will be discussing issues and lessons learned for Grants, Contracts, and AR/Billing. We also will discuss lost functionality from 7.5 and how we managed that.

Debra Smith, Wake Forest Univ Health SciencesDoug Tilghman, Huron Consulting Group

TU7 10355 HR Birds of a Feather HRMS - Birds of a Feather 118 8.0 Birds of a Feather discussion.

Jill Brewington, University of Southern MississippiDonna Bartman, University of Louisville

TU7 10558 Introducing HRIS into an MBA Curriculum: A Case Study

On Campus - Case Study 117 8.8

Using PeopleSoft’s HRMS 8.8 in the classroom can result in valuable learning for MBA HR students and often leads to great job offers. This presentation describes how to use PeopleSoft 8.8 in an MBA class and will cover three topics: Faculty training, Class syllabus, & Projects.

Janet Marler, University at AlbanyTU7 10774 Birds of a Feather Project Mgmt - Birds of a

Feather116 8.8

Discuss Project Management and Lifecycle concerns. Tba Tda, University System of Georgia

TU7 10367 Time & Labor vs. Leave Accrual...The Compleave Balance

Public Sector - Tips & Tricks 122 8.0

OPS Problem was: TL Quantity calculations allowing Time Reporters to input leave time greater than employee balance OPS Solution was: Modification of TL quantity to prevent any negative balances.

Kari Meisenbach, Kelly Ramm, & Neena Kovuru, Omaha Public SchoolsTU7 10391 eProcurement and Strategic Sourcing in the

Public SectorPublic Sector - Vendor 108 8.4

This presentation will be given by the State of Indiana and Jefferson County, CO, Public Schools. Topics will include eProcurement and Strategic Sourcing planning, implementation, risk and change management, and lessons learned.

Blake Hornbuckle, MAXIMUS, Inc.

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerTuesday 4:30-5:30 pm

TU7 10598 Meet the Experts Reporting and Analysis - Panel Discussion

312/317 8.0

Meet the Experts - This is a panel discussion with members of the Reporting PAG. This session gives the audience-participants an opportunity to ask questions of the panel and of each other, and to give feedback to the Reporting PAG on the reporting issues they want brought to PeopleSoft’s attention during the next year.

Donna Furon, Trustees, CSUTU7 10457 Advanced Techniques in PeopleSoft Security

8.4Security - Tips & Tricks 311 8.4

Discuss and distribute tools nd techniques for managing large amounts of PeopleSoft security data. Processes to facilitate initial user loads, role management strategies, and permission list page definition tools will be covered.

Patrick O’Connor & Brian O’Brien, The Ohio State UnversityTU7 10238 SF Birds of a Feather Stdnt Financials - Birds of a

Feather115 8.0

This is a session for audience sharing of SF issues/problems in search of solutions from other participants. It is monitored by the SF PAG.

Debbie Messer, University of LouisvilleTU7 10044 Expanding Your Campus ePayment Solutions Stdnt Financials - Vendor 103 8.0

Join us to learn more about how to enhance you campus e-payment solutions for maximum efficiency and improved student service. This session will focus on the ease of implementation as well as new e-payment types.

Doug Isom, CyberSource CorporationTU7 10782 Student Records Birds of a Feather Stdnt Records - Birds of a

Feather120 8.0

Discussion of Student Records topics Steve Grantham, Boise State University

TU7 10419 Greasin’ the Pig: Tuning Latency in the Portal Login

Technical - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.4

The login process into our Campus Web Portal was slow. This session will discuss the tools we used to measure system performance (from ipcs to glance and top), parameters to tune (such as PSQCKSRV, number of APPSERVS per server, SpawnThreshold, and RecycleCount, the importance of JSH and JSLs, and server spawning). We will also discuss our test simulations and review the performance improvements achieved.

Ron Heeb & Michael Lazar, California State University, NorthridgeTU7 10786 Technical/Security Meet the Experts Technical - Panel Discussion 314/315 8.0

Technical / Security Birds of Feather session. Tina Thorstenson, Northern Arizona University

TU7 10097 Oh, By the Way, We Need This TOMORROW! Training - Birds of a Feather 101/102 8.8 Every trainer’s dilemma: everyone saves training for the last step and wants it completed tomorrow!

This presentation will present the common problems experienced with training development schedules and how to deal with them effectively. We will present all of the steps and strategies trainers can take for course development, and strategies for successful implementation.

Michelle Piekutowski, Clemson UniversityTU7 10381 Conditioning the Workplace for PeopleSoft

TrainingTraining - Case Study 104/105 8.8

Institutional programs for training the workplace to accept and assimilate PeopleSoft applications is challenging for even the most capable of training managers. PeopleSoft training programs must include efforts to ensure three essential conditions exist prior to starting classroom or online training: adequate resources to develop and conduct training; an institution-wide change management system; and an effective employee communication program.

Gloria Taylor & Patrick Bauer, Florida A&M University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 8:30-9:30 am

W1 10779 Customization, Production, and Maintenance of the AA Transcript

Acad Advisement - Panel Discussion

106/107 8.0

Panel members will discuss: (a) how their schools have customized the AA transcript to better meet their needs; (b) methods of production (self-service, batch, e.g.); (c) different styles of functional and technical maintenance/update procedures; (d) various usages of the AA report in the university environment.

Michele Thomas, University of MichiganW1 10593 Graduate Student Recruiting Using CRM Admissions - Case Study 109/110 8.9

Learn how DePaul University leveraged PeopleSoft CRM technology to improve recruiting and admissions in one of its Graduate Schools. This presentation focuses on process mapping and data flow automation using CRM tools and applications such as Online Marketing.

Andrew Drefahl & Robert Ryan, DePaul UniversityW1 10335 How do I get started in an audit and what do I

need to know?Audit - Tips & Tricks 308 8.8

How do I get started in an audit and what do I need to know before doing the audit? General understanding of PeopleSoft Security What tables you should be reviewing? Identify tools that non-techie and techies can use. Queries, odbc connections; etc. Identify tools that will help in identifying and determining Separation of Duties and Roles: Demonstrate the tools in C and D.

Sam Wimpfheimer, Brigham Young UniversityW1 10663 How the University of Missouri Handled

Commitment Control in PS88Budget - Case Study 318 7.5

This session will focus on the development and conversion aspects of upgrading from PS Financials 7.5 to 8.8 as it relates to budgets in the general ledger. We will show how the University of Missouri handles the new Commitment Control and share our experiences, processes, and lessons learned.

Ann Chen & Darold Buescher, University of MissouriW1 10628 An Automatic way to Keep SEVIS Master in

Synch with SEVIS RTICampus Cmty - Tips & Tricks 124 8.0

The Master Synch process is an automatic way to keep the SEVIS Master tables in synch with SEVIS RTI without manual intervention.

Karen Kuffner & Jeanne Horvath, University of MichiganW1 10087 CR Address Preference Tracking Contr Relations - Case Study 111 8.4

This presentation will describe the unique experience of a conversion from Raiser’s Edge database application to CR. A custom solution that was created will be examined and its impact discussed.

Anna Weltman & Krish Lakshmin, Gemological Institute of AmericaW1 10271 Is the Batch Up Yet? San Jose State

University’s PASS ImplementationEnrollment Svcs - Tips & Tricks 112 8.0

This presentation will focus on San Jose State University’s implementation of PASS. The presentation will highlight and examine the unique and not so unique features of the PASS implementation process at SJSU.

Paul Hofmann & Chuck Wu, San Jose State UniversityW1 10530 Financial Aid Packaging and NSLDS: The

Aggregate Aid StoryFinancial Aid - PeopleSoft Vision

113 8.9

This session will detail PeopleSoft’s new approach with respect to using NSLDS Aggregate Aid data in the FA Packaging process as of the 8.9 release. The presenters will explain how this new process will work, upgrade considerations, as well as other initiatives for post-8.9.

Gary Allen & Dean Ylagan, PeopleSoftW1 10546 Financial Aid Data Dictionary Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 114 8.0

This presentation will discuss various FA records, what they are used for, how they get populated and include some best practice tips for using query to get at FA info.

Tom Johnson, Duke University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 8:30-9:30 am

W1 10102 HEUG.Online with a Financial’s Twist Financials GL - Tips & Tricks 320 8.4 This presentation is an overview of HEUG.Online from a Financials perspective with special emphasis

on the Issue Tracker functionality and the “how to’s” of uploading files to the File Repository. It’s everything you’ve wanted to know about navigating through the website and enjoying the many benefits available to HEUG members.

Karen Burns, University of St. ThomasW1 10378 Automated Sponsor Billing without using

GrantsFinancials GL - Case Study 209/210 7.5

The University of Michigan performs automated sponsor billing in the Billing module without using Grants. A custom frontend interface extracts project budget/expenditure data from GL, computes the billed amount, and loads bill data into the Billing Interface. The custom interface handles budget overruns, prior period unbilled activity, and items in dispute.

Mary Byrkit, University of MichiganW1 10362 Overview of Supply Contract Management Financials PTP - PeopleSoft

Vision319 8.9

In FSCM 8.9, PeopleSoft plans to introduce a new module focused on buy-side contract management. Supply Contract Management will feature contract authoring, SLA and compliance management, and contract life-cycle management with close integration with PeopleSoft Purchasing. Come hear about this exciting new addition to the procure-to-pay solution suite.

Mike O’Connor, PeopleSoft, Inc.W1 10722 Lessons Learned Using Integration Broker General Interest - Case Study 313/316 8.0

The California State University system has implemented Integration Broker for HRSA 8.0 SP1 and FIS 8.4. This presentation will cover the lessons learned and the impact of integration on the business process at CSU.

Doyen Dinh & Christine Speak, California State UniversityW1 10731 Integration with Enterprise Portal 8.8 General Interest - Tips & Tricks 301/302 8.8

Lessons learned from the University of Florida’s experience at launching a fully integrated Enterprise portal environment with Financials, HRMS and legacy applications.

David Gruber, University of FloridaW1 10839 Learning and Content Management - the

Future Direction for Education Software Applications with Oracle

General Interest - Vendor 123 8.9

This session will focus on the strategic technology and software solution directions that will make it possible for institutions to integrate and manage hybrid learning and content environments with a homogeneous look, feel, and experience. Discussion topics will include how iLearning, open source (SAKAI for example) and the combined Oracle/PeopleSoft infrastructure and applications will change the content management landscape for education.

State UniversityW1 10533 Grants and Billing Birds of a Feather Grants and Billing - Birds of a

Feather304/305 8.8

PAG Sponsored Grants and Billing Birds of a Feather

Mary Aycock, Florida State UniversityPhyllis Gale, University of California, Lawrence Berkely National LaboratoryTodd Neese, Kansas University

W1 10216 Large-scale Data Loading with Component Interface

HRMS - Case Study 118 8.0

Introduction of PeopleSoft Component Interface and its application in large-scale data loading for the annual salary increase process for the University of Missouri, Columbia. Detailed presentation of how the utility was implemented. Briefly introduce the new design of web-enabled data entry with the technology of Component Interface Java API and J2EE.

Paul Xiong & Lisa Angell, University of Missouri, Columbia

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 8:30-9:30 am

W1 10346 How many jobs can one person have? HRMS - Panel Discussion 121 8.0 The number of jobs one person can hold in higher ed seems to be unlimited. Come join a panel of

campus representatives in a discussion about how multiple job scenarios are handled. This is a group participation session and we expect attendees to bring their issues and solutions as well.

Glenn Warfle, University of MichiganDonna Bartman, University of LouisvilleMichele Johnson, University of Minnesota

W1 10745 PeopleSoft HelpDesk for HR HRMS - PeopleSoft Vision 119 8.9 This session will provide an overview of the PeopleSoft HelpDesk for HR release 8.9 as well as

customer success stories in Higher Education. Ligia Zamora, PeopleSoft, Inc

W1 10751 Workshop on Learning Goals and ERP, Part II On Campus - Case Study 117 8.8 Part two of this workshop Stephane Gagnon, New Jersey Institute of Technology

W1 10424 Taking Charge of the Patch/Fix Calendar Project Mgmt - Tips & Tricks 116 8.0 In this session, we’ll discuss how UB created and standardized the patch/fix cycle, implemented a

technical migration path and user test plan that is replicated during each cycle, consolidated Financials and Learning Solutions into a single patch cycle, and created a calendar that university executive staff adopted and supported.

Judith Wood, University of BaltimoreGloria Kunik, CIBER Enterprise Solutions

W1 10507 Interfacing the LibertyNET Document Imaging Solution with PeopleSoft

Public Sector - Vendor 108 8.8

San Diego City Schools has successfully interfaced the LibertyNET document management solution with their PeopleSoft HCM and Financials applications. We’ll review both technical and functional challenges such as enabling single sign-on, automatically indexing scanned images, estimating storage requirements, and improving business processes overall.

Douglas Stockel, Empower SolutionsToren Allen, San Diego City Schools

W1 10452 HR/Payroll Reporting: Decentralizing Reporting and Automating Routine Analysis/Reconciliations

Reporting and Analysis - Tips & Tricks

310 8.0

Reporting is not just for Student Administration or General Ledger. With the use of reporting tools, Human Resources/Payroll data can be analyzed between instances, databases, or even external vendors.

Richard Brown, University of LouisvilleW1 10710 Integrating a Student Data Warehouse into

EPMReporting and Analysis - Case Study

312/317 8.8

Describes the process Case Western Reserve University (Case) used to develop a Student Data Warehouse from scratch and integrated it into the PeopleSoft EPM Data Warehouse. Topics covered will include project startup, design and development, business intelligence tool selection, integration with EPM, implementation and benefits of integration.

James Prince & Colleen Nagy, Case Western Reserve UniversityW1 10783 Query Security- To see or not to see Security - Tips & Tricks 311 8.0

Let’s discuss unanswered questions about Query Security. This is a presentation on how to create a role that will allow the user to see a specific set of queries created, very useful when auditing query security and also an easy way to decentralize queries without having to worry about unauthorized access. The user will only be able to see the queries he/she has been assigned to under a specific role, rather than any other queries that might be sharing the same record.

Kamyar Marashi & Mercedes Alvarez, San Francisco State University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 8:30-9:30 am

W1 10047 Taking the Mystery out of Table Validation Stdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 115 8.0 Table Validation is a process everyone should run, however most people do not fully understand

what it does. We will discuss and interpret the various reports, explaining what they fix and why it is important to fix the data.

Michelle Thoma Gray, University of Wisconsin - WhitewaterSteve Perkins, Soft Link Solutions

W1 10267 To Build Structure from the Ground Up Is an Art!

Stdnt Records - Case Study 120 8.0

For months the Academic Structure Design Team did embarkTo bring light to the implementation darkThe talk sent heads reelingIssues mundane yet revealingTo build structure from the ground up is an artWe will cover history, process, issues, suspicions, and conclusions of the Academic Structure Design Team.

Elizabeth Branch & Cassandra Heavrin, University of Houston SystemW1 10156 Technical Considerations for your Peoplesoft

Application InfrastructureTechnical - Vendor 303 8.4

Come to this presentation to hear about technical considerations for your Peoplesoft application infrastructure. You’ll hear about integration with directory and security infrastructures namely the Java Enterprise System Directory and Identity Server. You’ll also hear about user provisioning, enhanced security and content filtering using webserver proxies, as well as specific advances in the operating environment platform.

Rohit Gupta & Johnny Guo, Sun MicrosystemsW1 10172 Dynamic Self Service Role Allocation Technical - Tips & Tricks 122 8.0

We will discuss UW developed table-based software to dynamically assign and remove self-service roles for applicants, students, alumni, instructors and advisors. Capabilities include: role eligibility and other rules managed as setup tables (including automatic expiry); override capabilities; single process managing assignment / removal of roles; interfaces to authentication directories.

Eric Michniewicz & Chris Voutsis, University of WaterlooW1 10469 Usability Driven Interface Design Technical - Case Study 207/208 8.8

The College of New Jersey’s Portal Graphical User Interface design is driven by a comprehensive usability strategy that places our end users at the center of the design process. Our goal is to continually streamline business processes by improving usability to key transactions and other intranet resources. This presentation will focus on the design process we followed in implementing the PeopleSoft HRMS portal.

Matthew Winkel, The College of New JerseyMauricio Prado, B2E Services

W1 10509 How To Help U&F Stand For ‘Update And Fix’ Technical - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.0 Updates and Fixes are a significant maintenance burden. They are persistent, time-consuming, highly

complex, and prone to error and oversight. This session introduces a U&F master processing template and associated procedures created at Northern Arizona University to provide a reliable and repeatable methodology to ease the burden and gain control of the process.

Rob Dutton & Leslie Mathews, Northern Arizona UniversityW1 10562 LDAP User Management with PeopleSoft

Campus Directory InterfaceTechnical - Tips & Tricks 309 8.0

This presentation will detail the use of Campus Directory Interface at The Catholic University of America to manage Active Directory Server. The Campus Directory Interface is on Learning Solutions 8.0 SP1 with PeopleTools 8.20. We have Microsoft Active Directory LDAP-enabled directory server.

Suman Rustagi & Carol Schaffer, The Catholic University of AmericaW1 10790 Portal Technologies: PeopleSoft Portals and

Interoperability with Other PortalsTechnical - PeopleSoft Vision 314/315 8.9

Portal Technologies: PeopleSoft Portals and Interoperability with Other Portals Chris Heller, PeopleSoft

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 8:30-9:30 am

W1 10798 ABC’s Of Troubleshooting The Tuxedo And Weblogic/PIA Layers

Technical - Vendor 103 8.9

Do you want to learn the ABC’s of Troubleshooting the Tuxedo and WebLogic/PIA layers of the PeopleSoft Architecture? If so, come join us for this technical presentation that will discuss everything from the troubleshooting checklist to interpreting those ‘Greek’ logfile messages!

Noelle Sue Chalfant, Aurora Information Systems, Inc.W1 10274 PeopleSpeak 101: Helping Users Learn

PeopleSoft’s LanguageTraining - Tips & Tricks 101/102 8.0

This presentation will explain why learning ‘PeopleSpeak’ is so important for end-user training before, during, and after a PeopleSoft implementation. PeopleSoft presents users with a great deal of new terminology. Learning these new terms AND new PS processes can be frustrating and confusing for users. We will show you how to build, test, and distribute informative PeopleSpeak glossaries for your training materials, technical documentation, and websites.

Sharon Beltaine, Cornell UniversityW1 10669 The Blended Learning Approach at the

University of MichiganTraining - Case Study 104/105 8.0

The University of Michigan has implemented a blended approach to training end users on PeopleSoft (M-Pathways) transactions. We will discuss and demonstrate the combination of instructor-led and Web-based delivery methods that provide end users with the training and information they need to perform their jobs.

Mary Locey & Diane Pearson, University of Michigan

Wednesday 10:00-11:00 amW2 10204 Problems and Solutions: Degree Progress

ReportsAcad Advisement - Tips & Tricks

106/107 8.0

The purpose of this session is to share the problems encountered and solutions devised at Salisbury University while implementing and maintaining the Degree Progress Report. The presentation covers a range of topics such as repeating courses, printing the DPR, creating student exceptions, and releasing the DPR to the campus community.

Charlene Creese & Ross Leisten, Salisbury UniversityW2 10176 It’s Here! Creating Prospects from Test Score

Loads and BeyondAdmissions - Tips & Tricks 109/110 8.9

Join us for an overview of the three new ways to create prospects from external test score loads or existing data in PeopleSoft Student Administration 8.9. Topics include: Setup, query usage and processing.

Shane Manning & Kay Anderson, PeopleSoftW2 10139 Minimum Internal control considerations to

enable web access for remote usersAudit - Birds of a Feather 308 8.8

Enumerate the risks associated with web access to major Institute Data from remote devices. Why is spyware a greater and greater risk? Which safeguards can be employed to protect the remote user and the Institute? Which power users should not have web-enabled access?

Terry Nolan, Georgia Institute of TechnologyW2 10672 Behind the Scenes in Commitment Control 8.4 Budget - Tips & Tricks 318 8.4

A functional overview of the Commitment Control tables and the processes that update them in 8.4. We’ll discuss how KK is supposed to work, reporting off the KK tables, and some of the KK challenges we encountered in our installation including Purchasing, Travel, AP, AR, Projects and Grants.

Nora Loyd & Andrea McPherson, Florida State University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 10:00-11:00 am

W2 10437 Access a Problem? A Dynamite Approach: Disabilities and Accommodations in PeopleSoft

Campus Cmty - Tips & Tricks 124 8.0

See how the Metropolitan Community Colleges (MCC) tracks student disabilities and accommodations using the delivered functionality of checklists and communications. Then add a few reports for communicating with instructors, a new page for testing offices to access directly for up-to-date data, and several simple queries.

Leawna Parker & Debra Thompson, Metropolitan Community CollegesW2 10527 Managing Alumni Association Membership Contr Relations - Case Study 111 8.0

Learn how to set up and use the Manage Memberships component of Contributor Relations for Alumni Association membership. We will review how to create the member organization structure to accommodate the primary member organization as well as regional chapters and constituencies.

Nicolas Laplante, Universite LavalTeresa Mallott, Ciber Inc

W2 10586 Adding to Your SR and Advising Bag of Tricks Enrollment Svcs - Tips & Tricks 112 8.0 A year of production experience tends to uncovered conversion errors, the realization that initial setup

decisions do not always work as expected, and identification of those “nice to have” functions that are really important. In this presentation we will talk about a few of our favorite problems and solutions.

Cheryl Holden-Duffy, University of Maryland Eastern ShoreKenneth Epstein, The Cedar Group

W2 10810 Student Services Automation with Imaging and Workflow

Enrollment Svcs - Vendor 303 8.0

Mona Loft, Associate Director of Admissions at Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI), will discuss and demonstrate the system that IUPUI has implemented to provide

Mona Loft, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI)Jennifer Tysse, Matrix Imaging

W2 10493 Automating and posting FA awards from an outside source in SA 8.0.

Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 114 8.0

Many financial aid offices receive awards for students from an outside source, such as a state entity, a private scholarship entity, or from another office on their campus. This session will look at different methods of processing batches of awards.

Edith Bevan, Frostburg State UniversityJill Palla & Kevin McRae, The Cedar Group

W2 10532 Common Record CommonLine Functionality in Release 8.9.

Financial Aid - PeopleSoft Vision

113 8.9

The development team will present PeopleSoft’s support for the new Common Record CommonLine loan processing protocol in release 8.9 and how schools will transition from CL 4 to CRC.

Dean Ylagan & Ki Ha, PeopleSoftW2 10770 PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials Looking

ForwardFinancials GL - PeopleSoft Vision

320 8.9

This session will focus on release themes for PeopleSoft Enterprise release 8.9. Topics will include discussion of the 8.9 Statement of Direction for core financial applications and introducing new applications in the Asset Life Cycle Management (ALM) solution.

Suzanne Miller, PeopleSoftW2 10520 PO and REQ RECON 101 Financials PTP - Tips & Tricks 319 8.8

Review of the purchasing and requisition reconciliation process. All the criteria necessary for these docs to close, and information on the new Reconciliation workbench features, and the Reopen process.

Linda Harmon, PeopleSoft, Inc

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 10:00-11:00 am

W2 10259 STAFF EXCHANGE: Upgrade & Development Assistance with Fringe Benefits

General Interest - Panel Discussion

301/302 8.8

Santa Clara University and USQ (Australia) present how a Staff Exchange arrangement has provided consultancy-like V8.8 Upgrade Assistance to USQ, and exposed valuable staff members at both institutions to new functionality and business processes in GL, Budgeting, Workflow and Purchasing, with the added benefit of staff training and cross-cultural experiences.

Peta Jones, University of Southern Queensland/ Santa Clara UniversityKelley Eiselen, Santa Clara University/USQAlan Davis, University of Southern Qld

W2 10596 Campus Solutions Roadmap and How You can be Involved

General Interest - PeopleSoft Vision

313/316 8.9

Attend this presentation to hear a synopsis of the newest Campus Solutions offerings as well as the plans for the future of the product line. We’ll also share our vision for how YOU can contribute to product direction.

Susan Beidler & Mark Armstrong, PeopleSoftW2 10115 Post Award Express page - Simplifying the

ProcessGrants and Billing - Case Study 309 8.4

How do you get through all the pages to set up an award in the post award module? We have developed an express page that populates the many pages.

Fred Cantrell & Dana Rechsteiner, University of FloridaW2 10291 Tracking Research Compliance with

PeopleSoft GrantsGrants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.8

We will show how we have utilized existing and customized elements in the 7.52 and 8.8 environments to track compliance with research training and conflict of interest.

Karen Schultz & Allison Ratterman, University of LouisvilleW2 10099 Tracking Absence History - Now Under

Employee ControlHRMS - Case Study 118 8.8

This presentation will review how CU uses the PeopleSoft leave accrual and a customized Absence History to track and post leave usage. My focus will be on recent CU enhancements of viewing and entering leave requests by employees with an approval process that is not a maintenance nightmare.

Daphne Nessler, Clemson UniversityW2 10382 Tracking Your Workforce: Time and Labor &

Absence Management 8.9HRMS - PeopleSoft Vision 121 8.9

This session will provide an overview of the enhancements to PeopleSoft Enterprise (PSE) Time and Labor 8.9 and the new Absence Management Product now available for North American customers. Amy Wilson & Sherri Bartels, PeopleSoft

W2 10698 Payments to Foreign Nationals - The Windstar PeopleSoft Integrated Solution

HRMS - Vendor 103 8.8

Windstar’s Tax Navigator completes the NRA withholding and reporting processes with PeopleSoft. Implementation includes foreign national self-service screens, interfaces, and new screens in PeopleSoft.

Gary Singer, Windstar Technologies, Inc.Andy Beecham, LogicGate, LLC

W2 10746 Teaching PeopleSoft to Audiences with Non-technical Backgrounds

On Campus - Case Study 117 8.4

A primary challenge facing instructors on university campuses is how to teach PeopleSoft skills to individuals who have limited or no technical background. This session provides an overview of relevant learning theories and approaches that have proven effective in teaching PeopleSoft skills to students and end-users with limited technical background.

James Dulebohn, Michigan State University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 10:00-11:00 am

W2 10214 Managing Cultural Change And Supporting Daily Life After You Turn The Key

Project Mgmt - Case Study 123 8.0

You spent months/years preparing to go live. You thought that getting the data converted, setup completed, accounts created, and user training behind you was the tough stuff. You never really thought about the cultural changes that your campus would experience, both in the back offices and larger campus community. This session will focus on the post go-live issues encountered by changing the way everybody on your campus does business every day.

Jerry Waldron & Ken Kundell, Salisbury UniversityW2 10692 IT Governance- Alignment with Enterprise

PrioritiesProject Mgmt - Case Study 116 8.0

If your IT project requests exceed your IT resources, learn how SU implemented a new governance structure which required an annual planning effort, a formal submission of requests, and a structured review and scoring process. We identified the most valuable projects to the campus and improved our functional/technical working relationship.

June Winckelmann & Don Saleh, Syracuse UniversityW2 10482 Managing Encumbrances using Enterprise

OnePublic Sector - Case Study 119 8.9

How encumbrances work in EnterpriseOne Programs and transactions involved Files and fields involved Existing Problems with Encumbrances Methods to fix problems with Encumbrances

Patrick Conlon, Allegheny CountyW2 10490 Grant Utilization By the City of Kansas City,

MissouriPublic Sector - Panel Discussion

122 8.4

Grants Utilization By the City of Kansas City, Missouri. The issues and benefits of the PeopleSoft Grants Module.

Vickie Watson, Kansas City, Missouri Police DepartmentW2 10541 Enrollment Planning: Reporting to Identify

Course Supply and Student DemandReporting and Analysis - Case Study

310 8.0

Cross-topic: Student Records - Scheduling and Enrollment Presentation of a several reports designed at Stony Brook University that provide bases for reaction to student demand and planning for necessary course supply. Discussion of what works well and what could work better.

Kane Gillespie, Stony Brook UniversityW2 10700 Implementing the RDS Reporting and Analysis - Tips &

Tricks312/317 8.4

This presentation will focus on what it takes to set up a data warehouse environment utilizing Indiana University’s Student Information Systems PeopleSoft project as an example. We will discuss the technical issues with the deployment of PeopleSoft’s Reporting Database Service (RDS) and its integration into our preexisting web-based reporting environment.

Julie Parmenter & Dana Voss, Indiana UniversityW2 10416 Distributed Security Model at UNT: Part II -

The Technical SolutionSecurity - Case Study 311 8.0

UNT’s ACE System, our solution to distributed security, enables the security administration group to identify ACEs (users) who can then manage security in accordance with our policies. This session is part two of two and describes technical solutions required to implement the system for both PeopleSoft components and non-PeopleSoft applications.

Ginny Richards & Vicky Walker-Brooks, University of North TexasW2 10131 Refund Me NOW!!! Student Self-Service Stdnt Financials - Case Study 115 8.0

Northwestern University’s add-on self-service web solution for Student Refund Request. Covers (1) Current Refund Procedures, (2) new Self Service Student Refund Request Requirements, (3) Project Research & Development, (4) Implementation, Timeline and Development hurdles, (5) Testing, Security and Production.

Amir Khan & Maureen Knight-Burrell, Northwestern University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 10:00-11:00 am

W2 10106 The Agony & the Ecstasy: Decentralizing Your Schedule of Classes

Stdnt Records - Tips & Tricks 120 8.0

This presentation will outline how the implementation teams at Cal State Northridge and Cal State Channel Islands confronted the unique setup, training, maintenance and security challenges related to decentralizing the PeopleSoft Schedule of Classes.

Patty Lord, Angela Stockman, & Rich McGowan, Cal State NorthridgeW2 10615 Graduating Students Stdnt Records - Case Study 207/208 8.0

SMU tracks graduating students from the time they make application to graduate up through degree conferral. Part of our tracking includes diploma ordering, graduation attendance, and commencement brochure as well as providing our faculty with the ability to enter and post partial grades for the candidates.

Susan Evans, Southern Methodist UniversityW2 10285 Application Server Cache Management: A New

ApproachTechnical - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.4

Application Server cache can dramatically affect the user experience. If cache is not handled properly, users may experience poor performance or mysterious errors. We review options for cache management, and describe the custom solution built at OSU - an automated process for preloading cache on selected components. Code will be shared.

Kenneth Clubok & Bk Reddy, The Ohio State UniversityW2 10495 Architecting Web Services For Use In PS

Enterprise PortalTechnical - Case Study 209/210 8.8

DePaul University has integrated numerous Net Web services into the PS Enterprise portal using PeopleCode, Iscript and SOAP, tied together through Integration Broker. This combination offered an excellent value in terms of security, performance and functional integration. Coding hotspots, decision points and three case examples will be highlighted.

Richard Ashwell III, DePaul UniversityW2 10765 Streamlining Patching and Upgrades through

Change ManagementTechnical - Vendor 108 8.0

Learn how to reduce the risk associated with complex patching and upgrades to PeopleSoft environments. This informative presentation discusses the types of PeopleSoft patches and customizations, and provides ways to automate and simplify management of patches and upgrades.

Tim Steward, Quest Software, IncW2 10791 What’s New for Reporting Technical - PeopleSoft Vision 314/315 8.9

What’s New for Reporting: Crystal Enterprise, BAM (Analytic Calc Engine), Process Scheduler Chris Heller, PeopleSoft

W2 10210 How to Develop Multiple Types of Training Materials from One Source

Training - Tips & Tricks 104/105 8.0

In this presentation you will learn how to use RoboDemo® software to save time developing multiple types of training materials (printable manuals, online documents, video demonstrations, and more). In addition to saving time, the workflow will improve the consistency of training materials across media. In this presentation we will offer an explanation of the workflow, a demonstration of the process, suggestions on best practices, and useful resources.

Rubén Vásquez, Northern Arizona UniversityW2 10445 Can You Hear Me Now? Conveying Messages

ClearlyTraining - Case Study 101/102 8.4

The Ohio State University Research Foundation just completed a 2.5-year, full-scale upgrade/implementation of its Financials System (v8.4) and utilized a comprehensive communications plan to send messages to key audiences. Highlights of this session will include: an overview of communications planning process, examples of verbal, written, and visual methods and products.

Pennella Donahue & Jeff Agnoli, The Ohio State University Research Foundation

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 11:15-12:15 pm

W3 10473 Share and Not Share Alike: Course Share Sets & Restrictions

Acad Advisement - Tips & Tricks

106/107 8.0

We will show you when to use Course Share Sets and Restrictions in Advisement, how they are set up, and explain how they influence the sharing between Requirement Groups.

Kelly Wilker-Draves & Nancy Pariag, University of WaterlooW3 10298 Using PeopleSoft Events Admissions - Tips & Tricks 109/110 8.0

Will show tips and tricks on how to use PeopleSoft events to successfully track your on-campus admissions events.

Jennie Bayless, University of Missouri-RollaW3 10476 Two Lead Auditors/Two Different Universities Audit - Case Study 308 8.8

The University of Florida and The Florida State University share their audit program approaches and lessons learned from PS Financials and HRMS go-lives, start to finish.

Kitty Aggelis, Florida State UniversityAnne Burt, University of Florida

W3 10264 University Budgeting Using a Custom Developed System in HRMS

Budget - Case Study 318 8.0

This presentation provides an overview of the requirements, design, development and functionality of the Wesleyan Budget Management and Planning System (B-MAPS). B-MAPS is a cross-system application developed in PeopleTools over a short timeframe with minimal resources.

Ellen Milstone & Edwin Below, Wesleyan UniversityJan Jerabek, LogicGate, LLC

W3 10193 Making Tracks With Your Services: Leveraging the 3C’s

Campus Cmty - Tips & Tricks 124 8.0

Join us to learn how to utilize the vanilla 3C’s communication functionality to track services your personnel provide to individuals. You can better coordinate service delivery by sharing contact information with other authorized staff. Ultimately, this data can be utilized to assess the impact of your services on student success.

Anastasia Metros & Lori Sebranek, Madison Area Technical CollegeW3 10815 Student Self-Service Applications for Housing

OperationsCampus Cmty - Vendor 303 8.0

In this session, Adirondack Solutions will demonstrate their self-service products and how they can help the Peoplesoft client. Via the web, students are able to apply for housing, select roommates and rooms, view their waiting list spot, order or change dining plans and even request work-orders on-line.

David Kritz, Adirondack Solutions, IncW3 10397 Making the Most of PS Query for Contributor

RelationsContr Relations - Tips & Tricks 111 8.0

For institutions without a separate reporting tool, the PeopleSoft query tool can be used to satisfy most reporting needs for Contributor Relations. This session covers the basics of query writing and advanced tricks that can be used to overcome some of its shortcomings.

Corina Cervantes, Southern Methodist UniversityW3 10142 From Catalog to Grading How We Made Self

Service Work for UsEnrollment Svcs - Tips & Tricks 112 8.0

At Brandeis we made several big bang for a small buck modifications to help make the self service portion of the PS SA more user friendly. From suppressing room information on the Schedule of Classes view, to altering enrollment error messages we have a list of small things you can do to make self-service more user friendly.

Ami Scull & Mark Hewitt, Brandeis UniversityW3 10187 Incorporating the eSignature Process into

your PeopleSoft SystemFinancial Aid - Case Study 114 8.0

This presentation will review all of the components of the electronic Perkins Promissory Note process at the University of Michigan. The automated process significantly reduced manual intervention by UM staff, improved communication and service to students, while ensuring full electronic commerce compliance for ePerkins transactions.

Erin Kassa, University of Michigan

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 11:15-12:15 pm

W3 10523 Packaging Unwrapped Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 113 8.0 Beyond the documentation, identification of limitations, troubleshooting equations, creative use of

packaging equations, plans, and variables. Corina McDaniel & Rik Clausen, California State University, Fresno

W3 10275 Making the Most from Combo Edit Rules Financials GL - Tips & Tricks 320 7.6 Design and implement combination edit rules that incorporate all of your business rules and make it

easy for your users to do the right thing.

Tina Parman, University of Wisconsin-SystemKaren Gundrum, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

W3 10443 eProcurement in 8.8 Financials PTP - Tips & Tricks 319 7.5 Req to Check processing in 8.8. Upgrading from 7.5 Purchasing to 8.8 eProcurement. Enter

requisitions, build PO’s. Setup, processing and reporting and requisition punch out. Tonya Barga, Donna McKee, & Amber Coley, Wake Forest University Health Sciences

W3 10502 Redesigning Your Intranet General Interest - Case Study 301/302 8.0 Your Intranet site impossible to use? Redesign it using a proven methodology focused on the needs

of you the user. Once it’s been designed, build it with an eye towards ease of maintenance. This presentation will review the methodology used, the simple technology leveraged, and the lessons learned.

James Malayang, University of Michigan Administrative Information ServicesW3 10601 Understanding the 8.9 Architecture General Interest - PeopleSoft

Vision313/316 8.9

This session will present the concepts of the 8.9 architecture, the Person Data Model, and the interfaces used within the Campus Solution products.

Andrew Marmor & Mario Constantino, PeopleSoftW3 10830 Maximizing Your Investment with On Demand

Infrastructure from IBMGeneral Interest - Vendor 207/208 8.9

Join IBM as we discuss proven ways to maximize your PeopleSoft investment and lower your Total Cost of Ownership with an infrastructure of IBM servers and storage. Hear about Higher Ed institutions that have lowered their costs through increased system utilization, server consolidation, and a flexible On Demand operating environment.

Paul Munch & Mark Palombo, IBMW3 10215 We have to convert the data too? Grants and Billing - Case Study 309 8.4

The Ohio State University Research Foundation just completed a 2.5-year, full-scale implementation of the Grants suite, including the conversion of historical data for over 4,700 Awards. We’ll discuss our approach, mapping, data cleanup, programs, validation, and lessons learned throughout. Everything will be covered: from addresses to AR, and anything in-between!

Richard Bradbury & Ed Gardner, The Ohio State University Research FoundationRyan McDaniel, Huron Consulting Group, LLC

W3 10414 Award Close Out and Exception Reporting Grants and Billing - Tips & Tricks

304/305 8.4

This workshop is intended to demonstrate the business process at FAMU for monitoring Grant/Contract exceptions, including those that relate to Closing out an award. The session will cover reports used to identify contract exceptions, limit grant spending as its End Date approaches and the final reports to the sponsors.

Barbara Clayton, Florida A & M UniversityJoseph Todd & Herman Pinto, Huron Consulting Group

W3 10242 Self Service Online W2 HRMS - Tips & Tricks 121 8.0 Learn how to build a pure Self Service W2 Re-Print online application. This application does not

involve payroll and the employee can print to his or her own printer or save the W2 information. Mark Boyd & Susan Apgar, University of Maine System

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 11:15-12:15 pm

W3 10777 HCM 8.9 and Beyond HRMS - PeopleSoft Vision 118 8.9 This presentation provides an overview of the new features and enhancements delivered across the

PeopleSoft HCM product family in 8.9. Highlights include the new Absence Management module, Union Management, Person Model, and Flexible Security.

Melanie Lougee, PeopleSoftW3 10688 Systems Integration in an ERP World On Campus - Case Study 117 7.5

Organizations are struggling with how to source and integrate functionality from various applications software vendors. This presentation will introduce different integration approaches ranging from data-oriented integration through process-based integration techniques and web services. Additionally, it will explore how ERP vendors are modifying their products to enable easier integration.

Julie Smith David, Arizona State UniversityW3 10119 Why Gamble on a Successful ERP

Implementation?Project Mgmt - Vendor 119 8.8

When leading a team through transformational times, why gamble with the results of your ERP implementation? Use a comprehensive change management roadmap that assesses your barriers to changes and incorporates solutions that provide tangible results, to ensure a successful implementation. Our Presentation focuses on common barriers to change, business reasons for change, a Change Management Roadmap, Solutions, Impacts on your organization, Frequently Asked Questions.

Kelly Wagner, Empower SolutionsW3 10316 Corporate Systems Development

Methodology in a Rapidly Changing Higher Education Sector

Project Mgmt - Case Study 116 7.6

Student systems development methodologies need continual reassessment to keep in step with current rapidly changing higher education business requirements. This presentation covers areas such as developer communication skills, iterative prototyping, development of user requirements using desk top applications for prototype development and simplified project management techniques.

Malcolm Bullock, University of NewcastleW3 10604 Procure to Pay - A Sure Bet Public Sector - Tips & Tricks 122 8.4

Procure to pay overview from Requisition through payment. Topics include Requisitions, RFQ, Purchase Orders, Shipments, PO Vouchers, Payments, Approval workflow, and using the item catalog. Discussion will include AES/PHEAA’s setup, customizations, and tips and tricks for success.

Gina Dzanko & Don Bennett, AES/PHEAAW3 10694 Engaging Faculty in Faculty Events Reporting and Analysis - Case

Study310 8.0

What do institutions need to know about faculty beyond appointment data, career trajectory, and teaching activities? In response to this question, College of the Holy Cross has developed an events tracking module within SA to track faculty activities. It features an intuitive self-service application that encourages faculty to enter and maintain their own faculty file data as well as generate annual and cumulative reports.

Margaret Freije & Debbie Neal, College of the Holy CrossSam Williamson, The Cedar Group

W3 10736 Building a Reporting Metadata Explorer Reporting and Analysis - Case Study

312/317 8.0

Santa Clara University is using RDS and Cognos ReportNet for reporting and analysis. We have built a Web-based Reporting Metadata Explorer (RME) that documents the data sources and table joins. It enables users to request changes to RDS/Cognos and manages the review process. We will demonstrate RME and discuss its development and planned enhancements.

Rod Myers, Santa Clara UniversityW3 10368 Security For Test/Development Databases. Security - Case Study 311 8.0

Southern Methodist University has 8 test/development databases for the PeopleSoft Higher Education application. This seminar will explain how SMU HE Security Admin keeps a handle on access to test/development databases.

Stephen Forrest, Southern Methodist University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 11:15-12:15 pm

W3 10268 Reporting Financial Aid Payments & Returns: Bridging The Gap Between FA & SF

Stdnt Financials - Case Study 115 8.0

The University at Albany has developed an FA data mart to hold journal entries for all FA disbursements to student accounts. Discusses the reporting gap between FA and SF and how data mart fills void. Focuses on data mart structure, timing of loads, and logic for generating entries.

Jane Kadish, University at AlbanyW3 10135 Using PeopleSoft to facilitate on-line student

elections on self serviceStdnt Records - Case Study 123 8.0

Find out how University of Cambridge developed an add-on module to PeopleSoft Learning Solutions to support student and faculty board elections.

Andrew Cox, University of CambridgeSanjeev Chitkara & Amir Razzaghi, CIBER Enterprise Solutions

W3 10456 Adding Student Photos to Self-Service Class Rosters

Stdnt Records - Case Study 120 8.0

Faculty wanted photos on class rosters to aid in identifying students. We customized the Self-Service class roster to include photos. Instructors can now view each photo individually, or view and print the roster with all photos. Topics: FERPA issues, implementation, system hardware/stability, loading and maintaining photos, and unexpected rewards.

Matt Wilson, Michael Maysilles, & Barry Chiu, Northwestern UniversityW3 10190 Developing a PeopleSoft Modification and

Migration Management SystemTechnical - Case Study 306/307 8.0

Tracking projects, modifications, and migration of PeopleSoft objects and batch programs can be an exhaustive effort. To efficiently manage customizations, UM has implemented a paperless modification and migration request tracking PeopleSoft application. Topics: Tracking Modifications, Tracking Migrations of PeopleSoft, Objects and Batch Programs, Reporting/Summarizing Modifications and Migrations

Grant Scott, University of Missouri - SystemW3 10459 Peoplesoft Integration With Third Party

ApplicationsTechnical - Case Study 209/210 8.4

XML Web Services are important paradigms in the eBusiness market. In this session three XML-based alternatives will be presented: SOAPTOCI message, iWay SOAPswitch, and BizTalk Server 2004. A brief technical introduction to the XML/Web Service framework will be followed by descriptions of how each of the alternatives are structured and implemented.

Masoud Jalili, BCITW3 10500 Stretching the PS Portal From Internal to

External useTechnical - Case Study 314/315 8.8

In this presentation I elaborate on how ROC van Twente has ‘repositioned’ the PS Portal from a mainly internally oriented PS-related service platform to ‘the corporate information environment’. Offering services, information and application access for both external and internal users.

Dennis Deursen, ROC van TwenteW3 10807 Affordable Scalability: Running Peoplesoft

Applications on SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition

Technical - Vendor 103 8.0

This session will explore how SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition provides an affordable and scalable platform for institutions running PeopleSoft applications, with examples taken from current customers.

Rob Curtin, Microsoft CorporationW3 10630 Training the Masses Training - Case Study 104/105 8.4

The Univ of Central Florida used WebCT Campus Edition Version 4.1 to train over 1,000 end-users on PeopleSoft Financials 8.4. Facing limited funding which precluded hiring full-time trainers, our implementation team found a cost effective alternative in WebCT. Learn how our team used this e-learning tool to efficiently and effectively deliver training to a diverse staff population.

Rebecca Vilsack & Monica Rodriguez, University of Central Florida

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 11:15-12:15 pm

W3 10676 Two Solutions for Upgrade Training and Communication on a Limited Budget

Training - Tips & Tricks 101/102 8.0

The Univ of Michigan faced an upgrade without additional funds for training and communications. In this presentation, the UM team will discuss how they effectively met this challenge by implementing a frequently-updated training Web site and an innovative ‘Overview of Changes’ document.

Laurel Barnes & Diane Pearson, University of Michigan, MAIS division

Wednesday 1:00-2:00 pmW4 10668 Communicating With Intended Graduates Via

ChecklistsAcad Advisement - Case Study 106/107 8.0

Tired of communicating with students using snail mail? This session will provide information on how to communicate with your students applying for graduation via the To Do List function in self-service.

Elizabeth Hall & Uriel Hernandez, Central Washington UniversityW4 10584 Developing and Using Communication Codes Admissions - Case Study 109/110 8.0

This presentation will go over the process for developing new communication codes, and using those codes to track what letters are being sent to prospects and students.Chuck Martin & Marc Broering, University of Louisville

W4 10072 Those pesky PS security tables Audit - Tips & Tricks 308 8.0 This presentation will cover the tables you must know as a security administrator in PeopleSoft. Plus

we will cover how to audit your system. Michael Curtis, Grand Rapids Community Colllege

W4 10126 Batch Assignment of Individuals to Events Using the Application Engine

Campus Cmty - Case Study 124 8.0

Using Application Engine to invite applicants to Event Meetings not only transforms a manual process into a mass assignment process, but also provides advantages over more common development contexts such as SQRs. It reduces maintenance time and expense, simplifies run controls, and pushes the functionality and ongoing development out to the functional users.

Jane Dané & Lillian Mason, Salisbury UniversitySusan Allan, The Cedar Group

W4 10501 CR In 90 days: A Vanilla Conversion from SCT Contr Relations - Panel Discussion

111 8.0

The panel will discuss the RAPID 90-day conversion of a Vanilla PeopleSoft Contributor Relations module from SCT’s Alumni Development System (ADS). The BSU team and efforts have prevailed in what we called the hurricane effect, it was fast, it tore up the existing ADS system and built up the much stronger PeopleSoft system. And the team did it all VANILLA. Truly, vanilla can be your flavor.

Rosalind Muchiri & Shaquette Gorman, Bowie State UniversityW4 10540 PeopleSoft Online Services Initiatives for

Continuing EducationEnrollment Svcs - PeopleSoft Vision

112 8.0

Brandeis University created a unique platform to meet the requirements of the Division of Continuing Studies online student services initiatives. Students can inquire, apply for admissions, receive user id/password, term activate, enroll in classes and pay fees via credit card in one session, with no intervention by the University.

Sarah Hanlon & Amy Christian, Brandeis UniversityCary Ward, Academe Solutions, Inc.

W4 10330 Equation Engine and Loan Edits Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 114 8.0 Basic use of equation engine in modifying or writing loan equation edits. How to use a current edit as a

model for a new edit (to keep functionally more basic), and how to use a sql call in the edit. A couple of generally useful edits will be demonstrated.

Shawn Trauntvein, University of UtahW4 10632 Making your MIL life easier Financial Aid - Case Study 113 8.0

SMU has created a very user-friendly customized Missing Information Letter checklist/communication SQR that uses delivered 3C engine functionality.

Sharla Roderick & Sherry Reinwald, Southern Methodist University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 1:00-2:00 pm

W4 10211 V8 Workflow for GL and Purchasing Approvals - using delivered functionality

Financials GL - Tips & Tricks 320 8.8

V8 Workflow Configuration is not necessarily a technical task! The session will discuss several of the delivered workflow processes including journal and requisition approval. It will cover how setup decisions were made at the University of Southern Queensland, and how small configuration changes can achieve maximum functionality with minimal customization.

Kelley Eiselen, University of Southern Queensland/Santa Clara UniversityW4 10829 A Complete Budgeting Solution: Line item,

budget centers and position budgetsFinancials GL - Vendor 207/208 8.8

A Complete Budgeting Solution tailored to the needs of Education Institutions and Government Entities. Addresses the implementation of budgeting functionality within PeopleSoft Financials and HCM environments. Functionality includes budgetary loading, line-item budgeting, position budgeting with multiple funding sources, reconciliation, reporting, budget routing and integrating final budgets into commitment control process.

Scott Butterfield & Scot Kenyon, Crestone InternationalTeresa Deis, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

W4 10436 Implementing Matching in 8.8 Financials PTP - Tips & Tricks 319 7.5 Implementing the match rules with a PO tolerance in 8.8 using one match rule. Compare vouchers

to purchase orders and receipts for validation before payment. Resolve exceptions between AP and Purchasing department. Run exception reports and override match exceptions. Run matching and perform maintenance on matched vouchers.

Amber Coley, Tonya Barga, & Donna McKee, Wake Forest University Health SciencesW4 10524 Getting 80,000 to Adapt, Prepare, and

Embrace Change--Mission Impossible?General Interest - Case Study 301/302 8.8

In June 2004, UF implemented HRMS and Finance resulting in the largest single change to its business practices ever. Learn how we communicated to the campus community before, during and after go-live through a wide variety of techniques - Web site, portal, weekly emails, alerts, suggestion box, discussion forums, and more!

Diane Craig, University of FloridaW4 10613 Campus Solutions 8.9: A Panel Discussion

with PeopleSoft Product Strategy General Interest - PeopleSoft Vision

313/316 8.9

Come join the Campus Solutions Product Strategy team in a discussion about the features and functionality included in the new 8.9 release of Campus Solutions. In addition, the team will give a brief overview of what else is on the immediate horizon.

Larry Borgione, Paula Brower, & Gary Allen, PeopleSoftW4 10808 The Enhanced Learning Experience: mobile

solutions and relationship-based technologiesGeneral Interest - Vendor 103 8.0

This session will explore the power of “high-touch” mobile technologies and the role they play in enhancing the learning experience for students, faculty, and staff.

Rob Curtin, Microsoft CorporationW4 10843 Oracle and PeopleSoft Student Systems--

Strategic DirectionsGeneral Interest - Vendor 312/317 8.9

This session will discuss the strategic direction and roadmap for the Student Administration products for the combined businesses.

Doug Renert, OracleW4 10640 End User Acceptance Testing as an Agent for

Accepting ChangeGrants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.8

The biggest challenge for the Grants Management implementation was the change over from paper to entering data into an enterprise database; and the acceptance of this change across distributed and centralized personnel. An open invitation to all potential users to participate in testing was successful in gaining acceptance of the change.

Phyllis M. Housel Gale, The University of California/Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 1:00-2:00 pm

W4 10383 Reducing paperflow with eProfile Manager HRMS - Case Study 118 8.0 Ever feel that you are drowning in a sea of personnel action forms? PeopleSoft’s eProfile Manager

is reducing the amount of paperwork and review work necessary to process terminations, salary adjustments, transfers, etc. through online entry by individual departments. This presentation will walk through the eProfile process as well as the decisions made and workflow used in implementing eProfile at the University of Utah.

Clay Bake, University of UtahW4 10410 Implementing Retro Pay and Benefits HRMS - Case Study 121 8.0

The University of Waterloo successfully implemented mass retro pay and benefits in a six-week timeframe, after being faced with two mass retroactive requests for 1200 employees. This presentation will cover the gaps found, the cases reported, the customizations and fixes required and what remains to be done.

Sandra Hurlburt, Human ResourcesConnie Van Oostveen, University of Waterloo

W4 10840 Human Resource Management: Managing PeopleResources in a Flexible, Mobile Environment with Oracle/PeopleSoft

HRMS - Vendor 318 8.9

This session will outline the product roadmap and plans for the HRMS products and demonstrate the customer’s experience with a flexible HR system that enables management of a dynamic workforce that includes student, part time, temporary, contract, adjunct, and other worker categories within the learning environment.

State UniversityW4 10683 Teaching Undergraduate Business Students

Enterprise System Business Concepts Using PeopleSoft

On Campus - Birds of a Feather 117 8.8

The presentation will cover how PeopleSoft and its supporting materials are used in an undergraduate business class, BADM 435 - Management of Technology & Innovation, to assist students in learning Enterprise System (ES) business concepts.

John Webster, Dakota State UniversityW4 10034 Staffing your project- Project Mgmt - Tips & Tricks 116 8.0

Through several implementations and upgrades, Princeton has tried several methods of supplementing staff; including, consultants, Term Employees, FTE’s and implementation partners. All of these have met with varying degrees of success and or problems which we would like to share.

Russell Wells & Shachi Gawande, Princeton UniversityW4 10551 PeopleSoft Parallels Life&Or Maybe It’s Life

Parallels PeopleSoftProject Mgmt - Case Study 119 8.4

The experience of implementing PeopleSoft is much like the experience of life. At first we learn to respect through the implementation, then trust in the period after go-live, and ultimately take the strategic actions that move us towards personal or in this instance institutional transformation.

Prasad Doddanna, Coppin State UniversityArthur Fridrich, The Cedar Group

W4 10814 Holding It All Together Post Go Live Project Mgmt - Vendor 108 8.0 Balancing on going support with new enhancement requests. Options for supporting your system post

go live - what works, what doesn’t work. Louise Upton, Deloitte

W4 10412 Jeffco’s Vision for PeopleSoft CRM in Public Education

Public Sector - PeopleSoft Vision

122 8.8

Don Jenkins, Executive Director of IT for Jefferson County Public Schools will present the District long-term vision for the use of PeopleSoft’s CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software at the District.

Donald Jenkins, Jefferson County Public Schools

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 1:00-2:00 pm

W4 10513 Effective Dates and Action Dates in Queryland Reporting and Analysis - Tips & Tricks

310 8.0

Effective dated tables play an important role in PeopleSoft, but they do present some complexity; especially, for tables that also involve effective sequences and action dates. Hence querying such tables accurately can be tricky. This presentation will present some tips and examples for doing so.

Steve Grantham, Boise State UniversityW4 10478 PS Security Centralized/Decentralized

ManagementSecurity - Case Study 311 8.0

The presentation will cover how Syracuse University handles Peoplesoft security. Responsibilities of the central security team along with how we have decentralized certain portions of security and incorporated the help of various end users. The topic will cover from creation of permission lists and roles to the process of requesting and granting access to Peoplesoft applications.

Peter Giovinazzo, Syracuse UniversityW4 10152 Application Messaging in the Real World Stdnt Financials - Case Study 115 8.0

How to setup application messaging in Student Administration and Finance for A/P Refunding. Includes the modifications required for splitting the refunds between two bank accounts. Discussion of tips, techniques, troubleshooting and experiences.

Tina Nightingale & Mike Sheetz, Frostburg State UniversityKevin McRae, Cedar Consulting

W4 10835 Seamless Integration of Electronic Payment Processing

Stdnt Financials - Vendor 209/210 8.0

Two case studies will be presented on the seamless integration of Sallie Mae’s electronic payment gateway with PeopleSoft’s Student Financial Credit Card Processing system. Also, other electronic payment options will be discussed for non-student payments.

Nazih Hamade, Sallie Mae Inc.W4 10256 Taming the Wild Beast: Getting Faculty on

Board with On-Line Grade EntryStdnt Records - Case Study 120 8.0

They said it couldn’t be done, but in its first experience with on-line grade entry, Gallaudet University achieved 100 percent participation by faculty - including the most skeptical and the most computer-shy. This remarkable accomplishment was due to a unique, symbiotic collaboration between the university registrar and office of information technology.

Nancy Carroll, Jean Cibuzar, & Robert Weinstock, Gallaudet UniversityW4 10441 Singing a Different Tune-Scaling up

with MilestonesStdnt Records - Tips & Tricks 123 8.0

Come see how West Chester University is using PeopleSoft’s milestone functionality in various ways. For example, we utilize the delivered functionality to track probationary admissions, pre and co-requisites, and acceptance into teacher’s education programs. This is a valuable tool in tracking and monitoring a student’s progress.

Linda MacElroy, West Chester UniversityW4 10157 Giving the Keys to the Parents (Peoplesoft

Access for Relatives)Technical - Case Study 309 8.8

The portal gave students full access to their University information on-line, but shortly after giving students access we were asked, “What about their parents?” This case study will discuss our Relative Access solution that allows students to setup accounts for their relatives and give selective access to their data. We will address our specifications and our use of integration technologies between our PeopleSoft Portal 8.8 and SA/HRMS 8.0 systems.

Joshua Harmon, TCUW4 10716 Simple PeopleSoft Infrastructure Monitor:

(Poor Man’s PeopleSoft System Monitor)Technical - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.8

By using these simple Java programs, PeopleSoft delivered utilities and any web server you can create a system status web page which will show your IT staff, Help Desk or Users the availability of your PeopleSoft systems.

Tim Richardson & Corey Pedersen, University of Utah

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 1:00-2:00 pm

W4 10792 Advanced Tips and Techniques for Developers

Technical - Tips & Tricks 314/315 8.9

This session will focus on some hands on tips and techniques to increase developer productivity. You’re guaranteed to learn some developer tricks here that will save you time.

Chris Heller, PeopleSoftW4 10816 Application Automation with AppWorx Technical - Vendor 303 8.9

AppWorx is an application automation and enterprise scheduling tool that is used by over 90 Colleges and Universities. AppWorx can assist your organization in meeting the enterprise application management needs in your College or University.

Matthew Busch, AppWorx CorporationW4 10529 Training Is An On-Going Conversation Training - Tips & Tricks 104/105 8.0

It’s time to upgrade your PeopleSoft system. Come learn from experiences at Cornell University about using an iterative training approach; preparing users for change before AND after the upgrade; and techniques to accommodate the inevitable adjustments that occur after implementing any new process. We’ll cover strategies to gracefully prepare for and accommodate these post-implementation changes. These lessons can also be applied to initial implementations of PeopleSoft.

Sara Sullivan, Cornell UniversityW4 10610 Tips, Tools and Techniques for the Training

Project ManagerTraining - Tips & Tricks 101/102 8.4

This session focuses on tips, tools and techniques for managing a training project, which begins with a well-documented strategy and workplan. We’ll share tips and tools for creating and managing your plan. Lessons learned from our most recent project will be shared, including building relationships with other project teams, sponsors and users. Attendees will be provided with examples of management tools and templates.

Julia Snyder, The Ohio State University

Wednesday 2:15-3:15 pmW5 10806 How to Create Reports Using the Analysis

Database and QueryAcad Advisement - Tips & Tricks

106/107 8.0

At past HEUG conferences, PeopleSoft developer Chuck Studler described the types of information stored in the Analysis Database and how that data could be manipulated via the PS Query tool. Now, Chuck will take us further by giving a step-by-step demonstration of query building using the Analysis Db tables to create useful reports.

Chuck Studler, PeopleSoftW5 10464 Time is Money: Speeding Up Application Entry Admissions - Tips & Tricks 109/110 8.0

Does data entry take a large chunk of time for your staff? By hard-coding some required fields with default values, designing the layout of fields based on the paper application, and only having one component for data entry, this customization saves valuable data entry time for staff members. The design, functionality and technical aspects of a application data entry template will be discussed.

Robyn Moore, University of Arkansas - FayettevilleJesus Chanlatte, Ciber

W5 10348 Advanced Query for Auditors Audit - Tips & Tricks 308 8.8 A demonstration of the power of Advanced Query usage and how it can improve Auditor efficiency and

accuracy, as well as help them make their workpapers more meaningful. Mary Weight, University of Utah

W5 10489 Setting Up Item Types and Designation Funds Contr Relations - Tips & Tricks 111 8.0 This session will cover the Item Type and Designation setup used by the Salisbury University

Foundation, Inc. Discussion will include considerations for communicating effectively with the Financials office about the CR chart of accounts, helpful terminology, and the timing of setup tasks during implementation.

Rhonda Livingston, Salisbury University FoundationTeresa Mallott, CIBER, Inc

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 2:15-3:15 pm

W5 10312 Transfer Credit Processing in PS Enrollment Svcs - Case Study 112 8.0 Join us to see the Marquette University model for Credit Transfer in PS.

Kris Homan, Marquette UniversityNatalie Johnston, Marquette UniversityPatrick Dworning, CIBER Enterprise Solutions

W5 10817 ImageNow for Enrollment Services Enrollment Svcs - Vendor 303 8.4 Document Imaging can be much more than an electronic filing cabinet. This session will review the

potential scope of document imaging and workflow for Admissions, Registrar, and Financial Aid. Karl Kiefer, Perceptive Software, Inc.

W5 10192 Making the Common Line Loan System Work for You

Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 114 8.0

The Common Line Loan system as implemented by PeopleSoft is complex and difficult to manage. We will present the entire flow of loans thru the system and highlight where problems can occur. We will also share modifications that Indiana chose to implement to better manage this process.

Eric Lynch & Julie Parmenter, Indiana UniveristyW5 10633 ISIR Review and C Flag Resolution

Using Equation EnginesFinancial Aid - Case Study 113 8.0

This presentation will discuss the use of App Engine and Equation Engine Equations to perform ISIR Review and C Flag resolution and initiate checklists. This process is also capable of updating the checklist item status using equations.

Tara O’Neil & Faye Scheil, Marquette UniversityW5 10847 Upgrading to Financials 8.4/8.8 Financials GL - Panel

Discussion320 8.8

Upgrading to Financials 8.4 or 8.8 can be an overwhelming experience. Representatives from several institutions will share their experiences in upgrading to Financials 8.4 and 8.8. Discussion will include specific information about upgrade philosophy, schedule, training, system integration, reporting, and the actual experience. Representatives will also share ‘lessons learned’ and post-upgrade results.

David Baugh, University of LouisvilleW5 10070 When PO Rollover Won’t Roll - An Alternative

with Component InterfaceFinancials PTP - Case Study 319 8.4

Learn how the University of Central Florida used Component Interface in PeopleSoft Purchasing 8.4 to recreate purchase orders for the new fiscal year when the PO Rollover functionality was not an option. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of using CI to rollover Purchase Orders for a new fiscal year.

Dorann Mullins & Kristal Jackson, University of Central FloridaW5 10061 HEUG.Online Training and Updates General Interest - Tips & Tricks 301/302 7.5

One of two sessions we are submitting to ensure that members have an opportunity to be updated and learn more about how to use HEUG.Online as a tool.

Lew Conner, Socious, Inc. (HEUG.Online)Scott Balthazor, Socious, Inc. (HEUG.Online)

W5 10602 Understanding Campus Solutions Self Service General Interest - PeopleSoft Vision

313/316 8.9

Attend this session to see a demonstration of the new Campus Solutions self-service offering as well as hear about the configurability of the solution.

David Smith & Paz Centeno, PeopleSoftW5 10818 Student Relationship Management General Interest - PeopleSoft

Vision309 8.9

PeopleSoft’s CRM for Higher Education is a comprehensive solution that enables higher education institutions to maximize budgets while developing successful high-value, life-long student relationships while concurrently delivering superior service to academic, administrative, and external constituents. Topics include integration with Student Administration and a demonstration of the Student Lifecycle Marketing solution.

Sandra Dorenfeld, PeopleSoft

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 2:15-3:15 pm

W5 10836 Online Admission and Recruiting Tools from Xap

General Interest - Vendor 209/210 8.9

Learn how higher education institutions are using online admissions and recruiting tools that seamlessly integrate with PeopleSoft’s Student Administration solution. Hear from your peers who have partnered with Xap to simplify their application process and focus on recruiting. More than two million students have applied online using Xap’s admission application solution.

Liz Dietz, Xap CorporationDavid Cartwright, California State SystemJospeh Moreau, MiraCosta College

W5 10841 Public Sector Financial: Insight and Intelligence with Oracle/PeopleSoft

General Interest - Vendor 119 8.9

The key to meeting accountability requirements of governing and granting organizations without adding administrative costs lies in the ability to access and report information. Leaders will address the capabilities of Daily Business Intelligence, Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, and other solutions that help institutions meet new governance and reporting requirements.

Tbd Tbd, State UniversityW5 10533 Grants and Billing Birds of a Feather Grants and Billing - Birds of a

Feather304/305 8.8

PAG Sponsored Grants and Billing Birds of a Feather

Mary Aycock, Florida State UniversityPhyllis Gale, University of California, Lawrence Berkely National LaboratoryTodd Neese, Kansas University

W5 10831 Innovative Solutions Grants and Billing - Vendor 207/208 8.4 Solutions to data collection and integrity issues using component interface design techniques. Lisa Moore, MIS, Inc.

W5 10429 All the way with UPK HRMS - Tips & Tricks 118 7.6 Participate in a session with Griffith University and examine the HR/Payroll templates, design and

documents published using the features of the PeopleSoft User Productivity Kit (UPK). The UPK can record business processes, which can then be published in multiple customized formats such as web based training simulations, job aids, test scripts and user documentation.

Meryl Kerrison, Griffith UniversityW5 10726 Have You Used Your Secured Payline Lately? HRMS - Case Study 121 8.0

University of Louisville created a decentralized time entry process by doing a few customizations to the secured payline panel. This process enables departments to submit their time without developing either a front-in system or requiring us to implement the Time & Labor product.

Kim Noltemeyer & Donna Bartman, University of LouisvilleW5 10037 Using PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal in an ERP

ClassOn Campus - Case Study 117 8.8

The presentation will include a discussion of PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal (how it applies as a hands-on tool in an ERP class), the syllabus used, and will mention the PeopleSoft On Campus program.

Ilya Yakovlev, University of Wisconsin-SuperiorJohn Webster, CRESH

W5 10081 Thank you, Sir! May I have another? When upgrading isn’t enough: How to manage an upgrade and implementation in Financials

Project Mgmt - Case Study 116 8.8

This session will discuss the successes, challenges, and potential solutions for project teams facing an upgrade and implementation simultaneously. We will present the history surrounding the decision to do both, the preparation for managing them, the challenges that managing the projects together presented, and how we successfully met those challenges. Attendees should leave with some clear ideas about managing a single or multiple projects to a successful conclusion.

Jodi Pettazzoni & Tina Martin, The University of Southern Mississippi

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 2:15-3:15 pm

W5 10294 Implementing Workflow in the Budget Transfer Process

Public Sector - Case Study 122 8.4

At the City of Boston, we implemented a Budget Journal Transfer workflow for the Boston Public Schools. This is a vast improvement from the previous paper based process.

David Nero, City of BostonW5 10117 PS Data Structures using Business

ObjectsReporting and Analysis - Tips & Tricks

310 8.4

This is a continuation of our successful presentation last year on EPM and Business Objects. Focus this year is more on the structure of Financial data (BO universes) which may be useful for non-BusObjs users too.

Scott Copeland, Florida State UniversityW5 10496 Securing the RDS with VPD/FGAC

(A Recipe for Alphabet Soup)Reporting and Analysis - Case Study

312/317 8.0

Princeton uses PeopleSoft HR/SA security tables to secure RDS data in the data warehouse. These include HR Fast Security, student secondary security and application center security. These are joined with Oracle’s Virtual Private Database capability, implementing fine-grained access control and limiting the row-level access of each user.

Suzanne Coletti & Ted Bross, Princeton UniversityW5 10809 Data-Driven Decision Making in a Real-Time

WorldReporting and Analysis - Vendor

103 8.0

This session will discuss the importance of providing an integrated infrastructure that enables real-time decision-making.

Robert Curtin, Microsoft CorporationW5 10390 PeopleSoft Oracle Security Triggers, Reports,

and AuditingSecurity - Tips & Tricks 311 8.0

This Presentation will cover the following: The Problem and/or Requirements. The development standards; how this affect decisions regarding development and auditing functionality. The required Oracle database triggers, what they do, how they do it and so forth. The on-line pages that support running the reports. The reports, an overview of each one.

Kim Marcinkowski, CSU SonomaAlex Harwood, CSU Chancellor’s Office

W5 10535 Collections Demystified! Stdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 115 8.0 Our presentation will start with an overview of credit history and collections and then drill down to

the mechanisms within. We will cover common issues and examine how to correct them. We will conclude with a COBOL trace to analyze a problem.

Nigel Woods, PeopleSoft IncW5 10103 University of Cambridge: Getting the Most

from a Third Party Scheduling PackageStdnt Records - Tips & Tricks 120 8.0

Functional view on interfacing a third-party scheduling package, Scientia’s Syllabus Plus, with PeopleSoft

Mark Smith & Andrew Cox, University of CambridgeMichiel Reuters, Ciber

W5 10359 Enroll First Year Students In Classes Before They Arrive

Stdnt Records - Case Study 123 8.0

Our first year students take specific courses based on major. By use of a “bolt-on” PeopleSoft module to capture student course assignments (modifiable for AP credit) and Infosilem’s TPHi Sectioner to assign students to class sections, all students are assigned efficiently to appropriate classes via Mass Enrollment.

Lynn Brown & Karen Burkum, Clarkson University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 2:15-3:15 pm

W5 10036 Admission Applications interfaces made easy with Component Interfaces

Technical - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.0

Designed and implemented an easy to use one page application for the admissions staff. This presentation will cover the back-end interfaces created with component interfaces to load all of the application data into PeopleSoft.

Greg Wendt & Amanda Sanchez, Texas Christian UniversityW5 10417 Automating The Creation Of Centralized

Authentication To SA/Portal/ExchangeTechnical - Case Study 318 8.0

The development of an environment where centralized authentication for access to network services, portal, email and student administration has meant using a variety of technologies to produce automated feeds to Active Directory. This presentation will explore Marquette’s role-based, life cycle model and outline the processes that make it work.

Jan Judziewicz, Quentin Hart-Slater, & Robert Ferguson, Marquette UniversityW5 10619 Interfacing Data With XML From PeopleSoft

SA to NCAA Compliance AssistantTechnical - Case Study 314/315 8.0

Butler University and Texas Christian University have implemented XML interfaces between PeopleSoft and the NCAA Compliance Assistant system. This presentation will focus on a technical explanation of how each school implemented the interface.

Patti Shea, Butler UniversityCindy McPherson, Texas Christian University

W5 10766 Peak Performance and End User Response Time

Technical - Vendor 108 8.0

Keep your PeopleSoft end-users happy by implementing a formal performance management strategy. This lively session presents a framework for proactively detecting and resolving performance issues, covering many common sources of performance pain associated with PeopleSoft.

Sunil Shenoy, Quest Software, IncW5 10352 Can Self-Directed Learning Make Your

Upgrade Training a Success?Training - Tips & Tricks 101/102 8.0

Will your upgrade be more successful with classroom/lecture or self-directed learning (SDL) modules? Learn about our success using 100% SDL training. Topics include: review of the program outline; examples of training modules, curriculum and content; resources to build an SDL training program; and survey results of users’ learning experience, learner outcomes, and performance successes and failures.

E. J. Warren, Univ of Okla Health Sciences CtrW5 10455 Grand Central Registration Training - Tips & Tricks 104/105 8.0

Do you have to send and receive massive numbers of back-and-forth e-mails to schedule training sessions with your users? Hop on board to learn how the Univ of Southern Mississippi has simplified this process by creating a Grand Central Registration destination. This session explores how we have created one central location for users to register for training classes and for trainers to view class rosters. Choo choo!

Marlissa Fillingane & Lance Blackwell, The University of Southern Mississippi

Wednesday 3:30-4:30 pmW6 10557 AA Birds of a Feather Acad Advisement - Birds of a

Feather106/107 8.4

The purpose of this session is to provide users of the Academic Advisement module with the opportunity to meet to exchange information, share ideas, and discuss issues. The AA Product Advisory Group (PAG) will review the progress made on the AA task list developed at last year’s Birds session, and attendees will update the agenda for the upcoming year.

Michele Thibodeau, Butler University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 3:30-4:30 pm

W6 10308 Admissions/Campus Community Jeopardy Admissions - Tips & Tricks 109/110 8.0 Using the format of the popular game show, Jeopardy, this session will provide useful information

about setup and functionality in the Admissions and Campus Community modules of PS 8.0.

Debbie Littlefield & Jeffrey Lochowicz, Marquette UniversityMark Jacque, Towson University

W6 10845 Birds of a Feather Budget - Birds of a Feather 104/105 8.9 Birds of a Feather Vickie Lynn, PeopleSoft

W6 10154 If You Spec It, We Can Build It Campus Cmty - Case Study 124 8.0 When moving from the mainframe to PeopleSoft, the Police Department needed something to replace

their mainframe system. Since our University Police Department and Parking Office process payments through the Student Financials system, we decided that purchasing an outside product would not be beneficial and instead, created custom pages to meet the needs of the Police Department.

Alyce Anderson & Jo Ann Tupper, Southern Methodist UniversityW6 10600 Simplifying Security and Permission

Roles in Contributor Relations 8.0Contr Relations - Case Study 111 8.0

Establishing a finite set of user roles at a university can be a daunting task. Everyone insists that his or her job is unique and requires a special set of permissions to work within PeopleSoft Contributor Relations 8.0. Cornell University has been able to create and maintain a security matrix that allows for over 300 users to get the exact security access they need without creating dozens of specialized roles.

Tilly Garnett, Cornell UniversityTim Gerlach, PeopleSoft

W6 10544 TEST_ADMIN, the dutch version. What can it do for you?

Enrollment Svcs - Case Study 112 8.9

In this presentation we will show you all specific features of the dutch version TEST_ADMIN. We will show you how to assess and evaluate student progress and the specific country enchangements in dutch education. We will show you the way we use treemanager. Is there any comparison for example with Gradebook and in what way could the dutch version be supplemental?

André Feenstra, ROC van TwenteW6 10626 FA Birds of a Feather Part 1 Financial Aid - Birds of a

Feather113 8.0

The Birds of a Feather session will provide an open forum for discussion of financial aid related issues with the Financial Aid Product Advisory Group.

Julie Churchill, University of Wisconsin-WhitewaterW6 10384 Birds of a Feather Financials GL - Birds of a

Feather320 8.8

Birds of a Feather Jill McGregor, Butler University

W6 10133 Sweep TIN’s under cover and other vendor clean up

Financials PTP - Tips & Tricks 319 7.5

We will share steps to go from using TIN/SSN as VendorIDs to using system assigned NEXT numbers. Including cleanup of 5+ years of vendor information. The project updated VendorIDs on historical transactions and adjusted reports to hide TIN. Our final challenge was user acceptance and searching for that elusive VendorID.

Jennifer Hanson & Claire Bays, University of KansasW6 10634 Getting Ready to Upgrade to 8.9 General Interest - PeopleSoft

Vision313/316 8.9

Come hear and learn about the new methodology for upgrading in release 8.9 called Accelerated Upgrade.

Humair Ghauri & Mark Armstrong, PeopleSoft

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 3:30-4:30 pm

W6 10799 How Major Institutions Harnessed the Power of PeopleSoft 8

General Interest - Vendor 103 8.8

Public sector and higher education institutions always do more with less. Learn how you can follow the lead of best in class organizations that have used PeopleSoft 8.x to reengineer work practices, automate approvals and eliminate duplicate and manual entry. Improve operational efficiency and provide greater internal control and transparency.

Madeline Osit, Beacon Application ServicesW6 10832 Leveraging Imaging & Business Process

Management Integrated with PeopleSoftGeneral Interest - Vendor 308 8.9

In this session, learn how to improve your institution’s ability to serve students by enabling more efficient capture, management, processing, and retrieval of important documents and information.

Dave Bull, Stellent, Inc.W6 10842 Oracle Portfolio: Strategies for Life-long

Relationships with Students, Faculty and the Community

General Interest - Vendor 114 8.9

This session will discuss the strategic value and benefits of this application for colleges and universities and the policies for managing these portfolios as part of the mission of an educational institution.

Bill Hollowsky & Greg Anderson, OracleW6 10261 Unlock the Power of Employee Demographic

Data IntegrationGrants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.4

The University of Delaware created a user-friendly web-layer to aid administrative staff with the integration of demographic data between HR and Financial Grants Modules through an on-line tool that allows users to update demographic data. Attendees may find useful ways to manage this data collection and optimize the integration tools.

Anna Bloch & Christine Cook, University of Delaware, University of Delaware

W6 10319 Start to Finish - Managing a Large Scale Grants Suite Implementation

Grants and Billing - Tips & Tricks


The Ohio State University Research Foundation just completed a 2.5 year, full-scale implementation of the Grants suite. We planned, we staffed, we fitted and gapped, modified, tested, and finally rolled the suite out on a red carpet. Along the way, we managed through a host of successes and bumps. We’ll cover a wide range of lessons learned from structuring the team to managing knowledge transfer at the end.

Darryl Jordan, The Ohio State UniversityJoy Walton & Laura Zimmermann, Huron Consulting Group

W6 10218 Implementing PeopleSoft Position Management for a Multi-University System

HRMS - Case Study 118 8.0

This session presents a study of implementing position management that meets the diverse business requirements of HR processes, user input, communication, training, and deployment in a multi-university environment.

Ann Gravelle, University of Maine SystemJan Jerabek, LogicGate, LLC

W6 10356 Payroll Birds of a Feather HRMS - Birds of a Feather 121 8.0 Birds of a Feather discussion, focusing on payroll topics.

Joe Carrus, Kentucky Comm. & Tech SysCarrie Medders, San Jose State University

W6 10825 Emory’s Payroll Testing Best Practices for Speed and Accuracy

HRMS - Vendor 303 8.0

Emory reduced the time required to test the Payroll and TL applications after each tax update or system update. Testing time was reduced from 6 person-weeks to 3 person-days, and at the same time our confidence in the results is much higher!

Kelly Bray & Richard Westrick, Emory UniversityTodd Murphy, SkyBridge Global

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 3:30-4:30 pm

W6 10820 Developing a classroom database On Campus - Case Study 117 8.8 This session will discuss the development of a database specific to academic use. Peter Morgan, British Columbia Institute of Technology

W6 10418 What the Fit/Gap Didn’t Tell Us Project Mgmt - Case Study 119 8.0 A fit/gap analysis is frequently an early step for determining how well a software system will meet

an institution’s current and future needs. However, a fit/gap doesn’t paint the full picture of what lies ahead with the implementation. Learn what one institution experienced and more importantly “didn’t learn” from their fit/gap analysis.

Nancy Rohland, National UniversityTodd McElroy, Cedar Consulting

W6 10607 Leadership is Essential Project Mgmt - Case Study 116 8.0 This session will present the elements for not only an essential implementation but also a successful

ongoing environment. Discussion topics will include leadership principles, the importance of leadership, guiding principles, governance structures, and communication essentials. This session will focus in on the need for effective leadership. Expect to enjoy this session and to interact.

Gard Meserve, Clarkson UniversityW6 10821 Rapid Return on Investment Project Mgmt - Vendor 108 8.8

BearingPoint and Westchester Community College successfully partnered to achieve a rapid return on investment for the implementation of PeopleSoft Financials 8.8. The project start-to-finish time of less than three months required innovative approaches to project management and sponsorship, design, development, testing and training. The BearingPoint and WCC team will discuss the approaches taken to achieve the rapid timeline without compromising on quality.

Tami Perriello, BearingPoint, Inc.W6 10442 How eProcurement Direct Connect Has

Become an Essential Business PracticePublic Sector - Case Study 122 8.4

Direct Connect allows Requesters to shop Catalogs for goods containing prices established by your Contracts, automatically create Requisitions, and then dispatch Purchase Orders directly into your Suppliers’ order entry systems, thereby eliminating Purchase Order errors and providing faster delivery of goods. See a live example of this amazing functionality.

Arthur Hanby, Detroit Public SchoolsW6 10664 Not _Just_Reporting_ Any More Reporting and Analysis - Tips &

Tricks310 8.0

In the beginning, we were told to go away and implement the PS RDS by ourselves because “they” had a transactional system to implement and we were “just reporting.” Three years later, we have pushed our way into “their” world and learned how to turn data into information. We are not “Just Reporting” anymore.

Lucy Sullivan, Northern Arizona UniversityW6 10691 What’s new with Crystal Reporting and Analysis -

PeopleSoft Vision312/317 8.4

We will introduce the new Crystal products shipping with Tools 8.46. These include Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Reports Explorer and Live Office.

Larry Grey, PeopleSoftTeresa Lyon, Northern Arizona University

W6 10481 Hardening Solaris for Peoplesoft Security - Case Study 311 8.0 Solaris hardening: services and ports, services that can be eliminated, services required, limited

routing, firewalls Reginald E Quinton, University of Waterloo

W6 10631 Billing: Spin Til You Win! Stdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 115 8.0 Each institution uses the PeopleSoft billing process in its own way. We have implemented several

enhancements and customizations into the billing process since it was originally delivered in version 7.0. We will describe all of our various changes and the businessdrivers that lead to them.

Joli Roehl & David Imdieke, University of Minnesota

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 3:30-4:30 pm

W6 10379 What You See is What You Get: Securing Self - Service Transactions

Stdnt Records - Case Study 120 8.0

Many institutions struggle with providing a self-service enrolment process that restricts access to only those courses within the student’s program of study. Sheridan Institute has modified the self-service registration process to dynamically display only those classes for which the student is eligible by leveraging the student and course block configuration.

Sophia Holness, Sheridan InstituteLee Ann Wentzell, Deloitte

W6 10582 Tracking Attendance through Self Service Stdnt Records - Case Study 123 8.0 During this session we will explain how we helped faculty members to record attendance, as well as

the topic taught in class by using the Self Service application. We will also show how this tool has helped course administrators to control absence limits and automatically assign a failing grade to those students who exceed such limit.

Alejandro Garcia Torres A & Laura Katgiri, Universidad panamericanaW6 10080 Load Testing Panel Discussion Technical - Panel Discussion 318 8.0

Panelists from the University at Albany, California State University and the University of Akron will discuss performance testing and their experiences using open source tools, Mercury LoadRunner and a grid based web testing system.

Thomas Jones & Jeff Goodwin, University at AlbanyW6 10146 How to Implement a Portal Without the Portal Technical - Tips & Tricks 306/307

Learn how to provide direct access (without traversing confusing menus) to student functions via a separate signon page accessible from the Internet. At the same time, provide a separate signon for staff that is only accessible from within your secure LAN. How is this done without the Portal? Come find out!

Kris Backus & Joe Carrasco, Los Rios Community College DistrictW6 10793 PeopleSoft and Apple Technical - PeopleSoft Vision 314/315 8.9

PeopleTools 8.45 and PeopleTools 8.21 brought certification for Apple’s Safari web browser. This session will cover the use of Safari with PeopleSoft applications. Tips and techniques will be presented, with lots of demonstration.

Chris Heller, PeopleSoftW6 10336 Training Track: Birds-of-a-Feather (Part I) Training - Birds of a Feather 101/102 8.0

This is the Birds of a Feather session (Part 1 of 2) for the Training Track. We will meet during W6/W7 from 3:30 - 5:30 pm to discuss common issues, training needs, problem solving, information sharing, etc. This has always been a great session for all involved, and everyone interested in training issues is encouraged to attend this fun and informative session. You should also bring ideas for what issues need to be explored further by HEUG. This session continues into W7.

Karen Jennings, University of ArkansasLiz Medvetz, University at AlbanyRichard Pike, Georgetown University

Wednesday 4:30-5:30 pmW7 10778 AA Birds of a Feather Acad Advisement - Birds of a

Feather106/107 8.0

This session is a continuation of the Birds of a Feather session, during which AA members can share ideas, exchange information, and get answers to their questions concerning AA setup.

Valerie Konczal, Duke UniversityW7 10603 Who Are They? Suspense Table

ResolutionAdmissions - Tips & Tricks 109/110 8.0

How long does it take your staff to resolve potential matches that are suspended when loading external data? This presentation focuses on a custom report that takes the pain and frustration out of resolving those matches. The design and functionality of the report will be demonstrated along with some unexpected benefits.

Robyn Moore, University of Arkansas - FayettevilleJesus Chanlatte & Dan Croce, Ciber

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 4:30-5:30 pm

W7 10548 Customized Budget Process Budget - Tips & Tricks 318 8.4 This session will introduce the custom budget module created by Ohio State University, with a focus on

the Permanent and Recurring budget processes. It will also include a look at the Earnings and Plan budgets used by the University, and they how they differ from the permanent budget.

Megan Smith & Holly Ross, Ohio State UniversityW7 10313 It’s as Easy as 1-2-3C Campus Cmty - Tips & Tricks 124 8.0

Marquette University is proud to say we use the 3Cs to track all contacts with prospects and applicants and generate all related letters. Join us to find out how we made the 3Cs easy.

Janice Radetski & Kris Homa, Marquette UniversityMargaret Kennedy, CIBER Enterprise Solutions

W7 10803 Let’s Create Contributor Relations! Contr Relations - Panel Discussion

111 8.0

PeopleSoft Contributor Relations representatives will listen to an organized discussion of client’s customizations made that should be built into the product!

John Ley, SMUW7 10430 International Recruitment using Portal

TechnologyEnrollment Svcs - Case Study 112 8.8

This project was established to implement an on-line portal to facilitate recruitment of international. The presentation looks at business drivers and ROI, functionality and the wins and challenges from a business and technology aspect will be considered. Developed in PeopleTools and using Enterprise Portal technology, a successful implementation was achieved.

Bruce Callow, Griffith UniversityW7 10784 FA Birds of a Feather Part 2 Financial Aid - Birds of a

Feather113 8.0

The Birds of a Feather session will provide a forum for networking and discussion of financial aid related issues with the Financial Aid Product Advisory Group and your fellow HEUG Conference Attendees.

Elaine Nowak, University of MichiganW7 10384 Birds of a Feather Financials GL - Birds of a

Feather320 8.8

Birds of a Feather Jill McGregor, Butler University

W7 10063 Just Web It - Taking the paper out of Purchasing, AP and Accounting

Financials PTP - Case Study 319 8.4

Learn how San Jose State University developed a front-end finance web component for purchasing, accounts payable and accounting functions. We will demonstrate and discuss how our web component interfaces with PeopleSoft and why we chose this method of delivering financial functionality to our departments.

Shawn Bibb, San Jose State UniversityW7 10466 Campus Solutions 8.9 Customer Programs General Interest - Panel

Discussion313/316 8.9

PeopleSoft and selected customers will provide an update on the status of the Campus Solutions 8.9 Customer Programs, i.e. Hosted beta and Early Success programs for Campus Solutions 8.9

Alice Harkin & Rebekah Jackson, PeopleSoftW7 10565 PeopleSoft and Third Party Products -

Managing Software and Data InterfacesGeneral Interest - Panel Discussion

301/302 8.0

Duke University’s student information system interfaces with numerous third party systems and data feeds. A Third Party Product Management policy has been created to facilitate communication before products are in a production environment and to define expectations of existing product maintenance and support.

Wayne Thompson, Sue Jarrell, & Bertie Belvin, Duke University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 4:30-5:30 pm

W7 10822 Helping Universities Manage Uncertainty General Interest - Vendor 103 8.8 Universities are being challenged to do more with less, cost-effectively, all in a highly charged,

competitive and uncertain environment. Universities looking to manage uncertainty with their PeopleSoft applications can learn how IBM can help achieve cost predictability, cost reduction, service stability and deployment of new functionality, all in today’s environment.

Bruce Hillier, IBM Business Consulting ServicesW7 10576 Managing the Total Grant - Proposal to

ReportingGrants and Billing - Case Study 304/305 8.4

Financial Users of the system have a single page to review the entire Awards or projects including demographics, project funding, and available balances. They have drilldown capabilities to review details, link to HRMS data and manage the total value of the award.

Jennifer Adams, Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteW7 10340 Time and Labor - Keeping it Simple at DePaul HRMS - Case Study 308 8.0

DePaul University implemented PeopleSoft Time and Labor in 20 weeks using delivered functionality.

Geri Foskett & Kent Verhage, DePaul UniversityAndy Beecham, LogicGate, LLC

W7 10356 Payroll Birds of a Feather HRMS - Birds of a Feather 121 8.0 Birds of a Feather discussion, focusing on payroll topics.

Joe Carrus, Kentucky Comm. & Tech SysCarrie Medders, San Jose State University

W7 10498 On Campus Curriculum Repository On Campus - Birds of a Feather 117 8.8 The presentation will cover an overview of the curriculum repository, content and the acceptable

use policy. In addition there will also be a live demonstration emphasizing logging in, ease of use, navigation and content. Attendees will learn more about the Curriculum Repository and how they can benefit in their teaching from using the service

John Larson, Dakota State UniversityW7 10552 The 7.x to 8.x Upgrade Experience Project Mgmt - Panel

Discussion116 8.4

This panel will discuss the planning and execution, high-level functionality changes, issues and obstacles facing the upgrades from 7.x to 8.4 upgrades. Specific issues will be brought to the session by each participant, and plenty of open floor discussion time will be available.

David Kieffer, The Ohio State UniversityW7 10823 How much does that customization

really cost?Project Mgmt - Vendor 108 8.8

Everybody knows that there is a cost associated with customizing your PeopleSoft applications. The initial cost is only a small part. How do we calculate the ongoing maintenance costs? The presenter will demonstrate the process he developed to accurately calculate the total cost of customizations.

Ismail Kaya, SkyBridge GlobalW7 10833 The Merger - What’s Next for Me? Examining

the OptionsProject Mgmt - Vendor 303 8.0

The merger of two companies can lead to confusing and stressful times for customers. With the recent acquisition of PeopleSoft, questions such as -what should I do next?, -should I upgrade to the newest version of the software?, -should I look for a new vendor? may be keeping you awake at night. This presentation will look at the some of the most common questions customers have been asking implementation partners and discuss the various scenarios/options.

Louise Upton & Wayne Boyle, DeloitteW7 10039 Public Sector Birds of a Feather Public Sector - Birds of a

Feather122 8.4

Public Sector birds of a feather facilitated customer-to-customer discussion. Diane Jensen, Port of Seattle

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerWednesday 4:30-5:30 pm

W7 10121 Institutional Research Birds of a Feather Reporting and Analysis - Birds of a Feather

310 8.0

Institutional Researchers have increasingly been looked upon as researchers as well as data managers, data warehouse experts, and institutional reporters. This Birds of a Feather discussion will allow the seasoned as well as novice to share their reporting and warehousing experiences, and learn from each other what worked and why.

Robert Mullen, University of Missouri SystemW7 10226 Reaping the Fruits of a Data Warehouse Reporting and Analysis - Tips &

Tricks312/317 8.0

In January 2004 the University of Missouri implemented PeopleSoft-SA on the Rolla campus. Utilizing the existing data warehouse, the Rolla campus successfully retained the long established reporting capabilities and the dependent applications. This was accomplished by retaining existing table and column names and translating PeopleSoft data where appropriate.

Art Brooks, University of Missouri - RollaW7 10470 Security with Bells, Whistles, and More Security - Tips & Tricks 311 8.0

TCU has implemented a single-signon PeopleSoft Portal/SA/HR/Finance security system using web-based user creation, LDAP authentication, significant signon PeopleCode enhancements, real-time dynamic roles, role synchronization across databases, student worker access, and more. Our presentation includes an overview of our security model with a look at specific details, tips, tricks and traps.

Richard Yantis, Barbara Savak, & Josh Harmon, Texas Christian UniversityW7 10321 1098-T Panel: Varied Approaches to

Tax ReportingStdnt Financials - Panel Discussion

115 8.0

The 1098-T process is complex and requires careful setup and testing. Due to somewhat vague regulations, schools have many decisions. Panel includes three institutions (community college system, private and public university) with different processes, setup, reporting methods, form delivery options. Will discuss prior year adjustments. Time for questions, group discussion.

Carolee Cohen, University of MinnesotaBuddy Combs, Kentucky Community and Technical College SystemTom Vincent, Emory University

W7 10755 Waitlisting in PeopleSoft Stdnt Records - Tips & Tricks 120 8.0 Duke has used the PeopleSoft delivered waitlist functionality since we went live in 2000. This

presentation will discuss our experiences with waitlisting and give examples of how we monitor and maintain the functionality.

John Campbell, Peggy Lankford, & Wayne Thompson, Duke UniversityW7 10711 Application Messaging Integration in

FinancialsTechnical - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.4

The University of Central Florida used Application Messaging in PeopleSoft Financials 8.4 for key integration points with SA/HR 8.0. Learn the Enterprise Integration Points used to successfully integrate GL chartfield & combination data, vendor information, student refund vouchers, and accounting line tables. Discover troubleshooting tips and pitfalls to avoid.

Kristal Jackson, Dorann Mullins, & Varsha Das, University of Central FloridaW7 10785 Technical/Security Birds of Feather Technical - Birds of a Feather 314/315 8.0

Technical / Security Birds of Feather session. Steve Lewis, Gettysburg College

W7 10337 Training Track: Birds-of-a-Feather (Part II)

Training - Birds of a Feather 101/102 8.0

This is the Birds of a Feather session (Part 2 of 2) for the Training Track. We will meet during W6/W7 from 3:30 - 5:30 pm to discuss common issues, training needs, problem solving, information sharing, etc. You should also bring ideas for what we can do using the Training listserv, as well as what new topic areas you would like to see developed for future conferences. This session continues from the W6 time slot.

Kaye Orten, University of ColoradoRichard Pike, Georgetown University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerThursday 9:45-10:45 am

TH1 10225 Building Partnerships through Academic Advisement

Acad Advisement - Case Study 106/107 8.0

Building Academic Advisement requires participation from many offices, especially those responsible for the curricular program. We will share our approach at Princeton University for integrating the academic departments into the process early without overburdening them. Maintaining this contact throughout the implementation has resulted in overwhelmingly positive feedback about the application.

Kim Hoeritz, Princeton UniversityAnne Brodie, The Cedar Group

TH1 10301 Get Personal and Comment on your Application

Admissions - Tips & Tricks 109/110 8.0

At Salisbury University we found a unique and beneficial way to use the Personal Comment feature in PS. From our on-line applications, data such as essays, current college courses, alumni information and self-reported test scores are loaded into Personal Comments. Through 3C security other departments can access the comments in PeopleSoft, saving time and paper.

Jane Dané, Salisbury UniversityTH1 10194 How to Audit Access Security Audit - Tips & Tricks 308 8.4

Access security is a significant control in PS Financials. This session provides practical audit steps with queries and workpaper spreadsheets for reviewing access security. The audit process includes review of users who can change key pages and analysis of separation of duties for major functional users.

Barbara Ratti, University of Central FloridaTH1 10579 Customized Commitments and Salary

EncumbrancesBudget - Birds of a Feather 318 7.5

Managers require the ability to record, track and report on unit defined commitments (UDC) before capturing them in the financial system. The University of Michigan developed a business process to give departments the ability to record and track UDC. We also developed payroll estimates to calculate the salary encumbrance for the UDC.

John Lindner, The University of MichiganTH1 10173 SEVIS Update: What’s up with PASS? Campus Cmty - Tips & Tricks 209/210 8.0

Join us for an overview of the PeopleSoft PASS functionality to support the SEVIS 5.0 release. Presentation will include changes to the existing functionality, new batch events and enhancements. Consider attending the PeopleSoft Patriot Act SEVIS Solution Workshop for a more detailed discussion.

Paula Brower, Kay Anderson, & Shane Manning, PeopleSoftTH1 10377 Custom solutions to gift communications Contr Relations - Case Study 111 8.0

Simon Fraser University required a more donor centered gift acknowledgement process than is available in the delivered system. This presentation will cover modifications to allow gift processing staff to specify gift acknowledgements for distinct gifts and a customized pledge reminder process.

Ivana Plesnivy, Simon Fraser UniversityChris Couture, CIBER

TH1 10282 Self-Service Quick Admit for Extended Education Students

Enrollment Svcs - Tips & Tricks 112 8.0

The CSU Common Management System project team designed a Self-Service Quick Admit add-on modification that allows students, via Self-Service, to Admit and Term Activate themselves into a Program/Plan designed specifically for Extended Education students. This presentation will cover the configuration of new Tables and Setup, Security Requirements and Functionality.

Natalie Alarcon & Kai Markowitz, California State UniversityTH1 10826 Automating the capture of hard copy student

transcript data into PeopleSoftEnrollment Svcs - Vendor 303 8.0

Automate the capture and management of hard copy transcript data into PeopleSoft. Learn how many of the California State University campuses are using OCR and document imaging technology to not only capture transcript data but also check for duplicate and supplemental transcripts, and automate the transfer credit evaluation workflow processes.

Larry Shiohama, Hershey Systems, Inc

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerThursday 9:45-10:45 am

TH1 10674 Learning to use the Query tool in Financial Aid

Financial Aid - Tips & Tricks 113 8.0

This basic how-to session will be an introduction to the query tool. We will define query terminology, show the steps to create a basic query, demonstrate a basic query and give tips on how to use this tool in Financial Aid.

Jeramy Berry, University of UtahTH1 10647 PeopleSoft’s Internal Controls Framework:

Using Internal Controls Enforcer to Document and Enforce Internal Controls

Financials GL - PeopleSoft Vision

320 8.8

The session will introduce PeopleSoft Enterprise (PSE) Internal Controls Enforcer, a new PeopleSoft solution. You’ll see how this solution can streamline documentation, drive down accountability, and enforce internal controls. We will also share our plans for what’s coming in future releases.

Robyn McGhee, PeopleSoftTH1 10762 Birds of a Feather Financials PTP - Birds of a

Feather319 8.4

Purchasing & Accounts Payable David Chiang, California State University

TH1 10250 HEUG Board Listens General Interest - Panel Discussion

313/316 8.0

During HEUG ‘04 the board held two listening sessions. We invited our membership to tell us what they would like the organization to do, where they would like the board to focus, and to tell where we were doing well or needed improvement. From those sessions came, among other things, the quarterly newsletter. Please come again this year and talk with us. We want to hear from you directly.

Thomas Scott, UW-MadisonTH1 10344 Preparing a Fiscal Office for a PeopleSoft Go-

LiveGrants and Billing - Tips & Tricks

304/305 8.4

The Ohio State University Research Foundation spent a considerable amount of time preparing its fiscal office to be ready on day one of its PeopleSoft go-live. We would like to share our experience getting ready for this transition which included completing training, modifying business procedures, establishing the shared ownership of the Contracts module, and opening appropriate communication lines within the RF.

Bob Scher, The Ohio State UniversityErika Wingate, Huron Consulting Group

TH1 10741 PAFs Gone Paperless: Using Workflow for Distributed Electronic Hire Requests

HRMS - Case Study 104/105 8.8

Brigham Young University’s yForms product replaces paper processes with electronic forms. These forms are easy to use and built upon delivered workflow functionality. It puts power in the hands of departments across campus without the complexity of delivered hire components. It is the heart of our distributed hiring process at BYU.

Alisha Steere & Paul Taylor, Brigham Young UniversityTH1 10820 Developing a classroom database On Campus - Case Study 207/208 8.8

This session will discuss the development of a database specific to academic use. Peter Morgan, British Columbia Institute of Technology

TH1 10083 Controlled Chaos - The Reality after Implementation

Project Mgmt - Tips & Tricks 306/307 8.0

After the initial implementation or a major upgrade, all areas are faced with many work initiatives, so it becomes critical to prevent a chaotic environment with no focus. The presentation will address how to prioritize, how to control limited resources, the need for campus communications, and the challenges faced.

Kathleen Wilkey, Butler University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerThursday 9:45-10:45 am

TH1 10695 Business Integration at New York State Public Sector - Tips & Tricks 301/302 8.0 How New York State utilized delivered PeopleSoft integration tools to modernize an outdated business

process. Tools used included Business Interlinks, Application Messaging and Component Interfaces. This presentation will also cover the infrastructure hurdles of incorporating these tools into a highly secure, multi-tier infrastructure.

Michael Maybee, New York State Office of the State ComptrollerTH1 10195 Creating a Campus-Wide Reporting

Environment: A strategic approach to an operational problem.

Reporting and Analysis - Case Study

312/317 8.0

Princeton University has supported numerous reporting tools during the past 10 years. None of them have become a university standard. A strategic project was proposed, and subsequently funded, that would provide Princeton with both a fully web-enabled reporting tool and an enterprise delivery environment for report distribution and management.

Ted Bross & Suzanne Coletti, Princeton UniversityAmy Hunt, COGNOS Corporation

TH1 10508 Give’n it to em - the way they want it. An excursion in PS Security, process scheduling, and report distribution.

Security - Tips & Tricks 311 8.0

Using PS delivered functionality, plus NAU creativity, we have given users access to the right reports and files on the right schedule and in the right format. We will cover NAU’s security architecture in granting access to reports, processes and input/output files. We will also cover how we use scheduling, error notification and email distribution.

Leslie Pearson & Tina Thorstenson, Northern Arizona UniversityTH1 10373 Advanced Tuition Calculation Setup Stdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 310 8.0

How to use advanced tuition calculation setup to achieve appropriate tuition charges on nonstandard class enrollment. How to set up unique location at class level enabling institution to charge fees based on location versus career, primary academic program, or residency as is used by term fees charged through tuition groups.

Aaron Apel, University of Wisconsin - MadisonMyrna Fitzpatrick, PeopleSoft Global Support Center

TH1 10641 Integration of an open source Course Management System

Stdnt Records - Case Study 309 8.0

This presentation will demonstrate the features of the University of Michigan’s CourseTools (Sakai) system, how it is currently integrated with PeopleSoft, and future directions for integration.

David Perhne, University of MichiganTH1 10824 Smart Scheduling”: Delivering better Student

Service and Generating Cost Savings through Scheduling

Stdnt Records - Vendor 108 8.9

Colleges and universities can no longer afford to guess how many classes to offer, instructors to hire, or physical resources to create in order to accommodate increasing enrollments - and now you don’t have to. Astra Schedule solutions are focused on efficiency and cost saving opportunities. Comprehensive demand and trend analysis provides you with the data needed to make informed decisions.

Sarah Collins, Ad Astra Information SystemsTH1 10642 Supportability Tools in Campus

Solutions 8.9Technical - Tips & Tricks 314/315 8.9

Campus Solutions is delivering some new diagnostic tools in Campus Solutions 8.9. These diagnostic queries were developed with the help of Global Support and will help speed up resolution to common issues in the software.

Ken Lyman, PeopleSoft

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerThursday 9:45-10:45 am

TH1 10696 Automating Oracle Database Operations and PeopleSoft Configuration Processes

Technical - Tips & Tricks 114 8.4

We will share various technical strategies used at Ohio State University to automate Oracle database and PeopleSoft configuration administration. Topics will include: Monitoring and problem notification, PeopleSoft application server cache refresh, database cloning, disaster recovery, usage of Oracle’s StatsPack to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, reducing project’s go-live window, and more.

Balakrishna Reddy Nallanagulagari & Danny Williams, The Ohio State UniversityTH1 10816 Application Automation with AppWorx Technical - Vendor 103 8.9

AppWorx is an application automation and enterprise scheduling tool that is used by over 90 Colleges and Universities. AppWorx can assist your organization in meeting the enterprise application management needs in your College or University.

Matthew Busch, AppWorx CorporationTH1 10484 All Roads Lead to End User Training &

Support - Life after the Big BangTraining - Case Study 101/102 8.0

This presentation will take a brief look at some of the functions and roles that the End User Training & Support Team provides at the University at Albany to make the trip down the Information Highway as smooth as possible for our End Users.

Liz Medvetz, University at AlbanyThursday 11:00-12:00 pm

TH2 10667 From Practice to Performance: Delivering the Student Degree Progress Data to Support Academics

Acad Advisement - Tips & Tricks

106/107 8.0

Academic advising is more than degree progress reports. Indiana University uses Learning Management to reduce security and training overhead for over 2,000 users. Automated transfer credit processing and hundreds of rebuilt degree progress reports are important members of the large advising cast. Gather key performance and communication tips.

Carla Boyd, Indiana UniversityTH2 10110 Data Entry Solutions in PS 8.0 and up or You

do not have to hire more staff!Admissions - Case Study 109/110 8.0

We will take a look at all the possibilities to make the Data-Entry less complicated and therefore less time intensive for the End-User. At SMU we are using Expert-Entry, a Custom Data-Entry Page and SQR and a Custom Evaluation Page in order to stream line all our Data-Entry.

Dagmar Mueller & Sunny Koduvath, SMUTH2 10051 Auditing Peoplesoft Roundtable Audit - Panel Discussion 308 8.8

Discussion of topics in PeopleSoft Auditing. Will also include a wrap up of the current conference and what is needed for future years.

Edward Nieskes, UW MilwaukeeTH2 10231 How to Set up Security for Budget Entry

& Transfer and Requisition EntriesBudget - Case Study 318 8.4

This session will show you how to set up security authorizations through a menu and apply the authorizations to budget entry and transfer and to requisition entry.

Carolina Iglesias, Florida International UniversityTH2 10273 The Trouble with Email: Creative

Messaging via the PortalCampus Cmty - Case Study 209/210 8.0

Filtered Out. Returned. Addressee Unknown. We receive these messages too many times when attempting to email applicants and students important information about their records. But how do we get the messages out? Come see our solution that uses the PeopleSoft portal to deliver targeted messages to applicants and students.

Carrie Medders, San Jose State UniversityRavi Madhok & Elton Wong, Jo Consulting

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerThursday 11:00-12:00 pm

TH2 10300 Enhancing a Matching Gifts Program with HEP’s GiftPlus

Contr Relations - Case Study 111 8.0

We will discuss the implementation of HEP’s GiftPlus program for downloading corporate matching gift criteria into Contributor Relations. Examples of reports for communications to expand a matching gifts program in relation to Annual Giving will be provided.

Judith Bowen, Trinity CollegeArthur Wharton, Ciber

TH2 10220 Let your Students Package Themselves Online in Real Time

Financial Aid - Case Study 113 8.0

Manually processing FAANs eats up counselor time right when there’s none to spare. We enhanced our web application to let students repackage their loans correctly online after declining need-based aid. No more loan adjustments requiring a counselor’s time! Let us tell you how we did it!

Ken Kiehm, M.E.G Schmidtbauer, & Grace Lindberg, University of MinnesotaTH2 10108 Financial Reporting using nVision Financials GL - Case Study 320 8.4

1. GASB requirements of Financial Reporting2. Overall design of our approach using trees3. Tips on NACUBO operating expenses, Research and Public Services, three accounts having their own lines and Fund Balances4. Validation of reports5. Comments from outside auditors

Joseph Sun, New Jersey City UniversityTH2 10763 Birds of a Feather Financials PTP - Birds of a

Feather319 7.5

Accounts Payable & Purchasing Jayne Bray, St. Petersburg College

TH2 10536 Residence Life Management Solutions in PeopleSoft Student Administration

General Interest - Case Study 313/316 8.0

Brandeis University created a solution for Residence Life that manages Quads, Buildings, Facilities, Housing Assignments Contracts, and Fees in PeopleSoft Student Administration. Our solution leverages delivered components to manage and track housing contracts, room assignments, gender checking, capacity checking, room changes, automated charges and charge adjustments for changes and withdrawals.

Brian Walton & Maggie Balch, Brandeis UniversityDarren Yocum, Academe Solutions, Inc.

TH2 10827 Campus Wide Integrated Content Management: Acceptance and Deployment

General Interest - Vendor 103 8.4

The University of Louisville will discuss how they have worked with seven departments to analyze their needs and implement OnBase both as a stand alone solution and integrated with their PeopleSoft system. They will share the next several departments that are considering the technology to improve efficiency. Included in the discussion will be Graduate Admissions, Financial Aid, HR, Development Alumni, Controllers office, VP’s, and Risk Management & Contracts.

Mitzie O’ Rourke, University of LouisvilleTH2 10834 Benefits From Re-Hosting Your PeopleSoft

Solutions To A Windows MainframeGeneral Interest - Vendor 303 8.4

This presentation will discuss the benefits of re-hosting a PeopleSoft solutions to a Windows Mainframe. The benefits include significantly reduced infrastructure cost, simplified operations and reduced operations cost, and improved systems performance. Included in the presentation will be a review of recent studies by several consulting groups including Meta, Gartner and IDC and several case study examples.

Robert Taylor, Unisys Corporation

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerThursday 11:00-12:00 pm

TH2 10510 Grants Implementation - Pre and Post Award Grants and Billing - Birds of a Feather

304/305 8.4

This presentation will cover how both pre-award and post-award functionality of the Grants module in PeopleSoft 8.4 were implemented. This presentation will include legacy issues, resolutions, grants integration and past/present challenges.

Janice Schwartz & Carolyn Newton, University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyJason Jacobs, Crestone International

TH2 10828 The Ins and Outs of F&A Processing Grants and Billing - Vendor 108 8.4 F&A set-up and processing can be a challenge. But don’t let it scare you. We will look at approaches

to set-up F&A rules to achieve the results you want. Tamara Eriksen, Crestone International, Inc.

TH2 10221 Data Integrity Strategies - What would Tolkien Say?

HRMS - Case Study 104/105 8.0

With limited resources how do we maintain quality in our large Human Resources databases? I will explore the strategies that have been developed at the University of Minnesota that is a large institution with decentralized entry directly into the HRMS database.

Cheryl Madsen, University of MinnesotaTH2 10448 Confessions of a College Graduate On Campus - Case Study 207/208 8.8

Using PeopleSoft in the classroom has produced great students ready for the workplace. I am a product of these classes and have been successful in my career. While these courses teach great skills, there are some ideas that need be adjusted, changed or created.

Dan Iverson, Empower SolutionsTH2 10715 From Traditional Purchasing to eProcurement

Catalogs and PunchoutsPublic Sector - Case Study 301/302 8.4

This session will discuss how Kansas City, Missouri is moving from traditional purchasing of goods and services to electronic procurement with online catalogs and punchouts. You will learn the transition from ordering by description to establishment of online catalogs and punchout vendor catalogs. Business decisions, software issues, and enabling technologies will be covered.

E. Ray Burnett & Lee Hinkle, Kansas City MissouriJon Tugade, MAXIMUS, Inc

TH2 10286 4 RDSs - 12 Weeks - No Problem!! Reporting and Analysis - Case Study

312/317 8.4

This case study is about UNT’s experience in implementing all 4 modules of RDS - Student, Finance, Human Resources (HR) and Contributor Relations (CR) in 12 short weeks to obtain a comprehensive view of its operations. This study is about the business, technical, and management implications of such an implementation.

Debasish Mukherjee, University of North TexasTH2 10405 Using automation tools in the access/security

processSecurity - Case Study 311 8.0

The University of Michigan utilizes several automation tools and technical infrastructure components to streamline and facilitate the process of granting access. This case study will discuss the access/security process and the various tools used.

Dale Robertson, University of MichiganTH2 10844 Security: Oracle Strategies for Securing the IT

EnvironmentSecurity - Vendor 112 8.9

This session will inform on best practices and future directions for increasing security over the systems that you and your student population use. Issues to be discussed will include both sides of the spectrum: data security and data privacy.

State University

Sessions by Time


Time No Title Track/Session Type Room VerThursday 11:00-12:00 pm

TH2 10534 Waiving, Not Drowning! Stdnt Financials - Tips & Tricks 310 8.0 Have waivers got you spooked? Do not work how you want? Our presentation will explore what

waivers actually are and how they are used in Student Financials. We will review common issues and will conclude with a COBOL trace to analyze a problem.

Nigel Woods, PeopleSoft IncTH2 10413 Co-curricular Transcript Stdnt Records - Case Study 309 8.0

UW-Madison developed a process for students to report leadership activities, have the activities verified, and print a Leadership report to accompany an academic transcript.

Marilyn Mcintyre, UW-MadisonTH2 10350 Experiences With Peoplesoft And Custom

Single Sign-On At UBCTechnical - Tips & Tricks 314/315 8.8

An in-depth technical look at the technologies used and challenges faced by the University of British Columbia’s implementation of single sign-on from the University’s custom directory authentication service to Enterprise Portal, from the Enterprise Portal to other PeopleSoft applications, and from the Enterprise Portal to other custom web applications.

Daniel Yoo, University of British ColumbiaTH2 10732 Building Adaptable Business Processes with

Electronic Forms: Decentralized HiringTechnical - Case Study 114 8.8

Brigham Young University’s yForms framework replaces paper processes with electronic forms that are easy to use, workflow-enabled, and customizable. Built with native PeopleTools, yForms uses integration technology, component interfaces and workflow tools to move business processes across the enterprise. It is the heart of our distributed hiring process at BYU.

Paul Taylor & Alisha Steere, Brigham Young UniversityTH2 10031 Fresh Mix of Media: PeopleSoft Training

RevisitedTraining - Tips & Tricks 101/102 8.0

An overview of lessons learned from our initial PeopleSoft implementation and how we incorporated that information into improving our training for version 8. This includes the addition of web-based training, surveys for both online and instructor-led training, redesign of manuals and tracking manual versions, and HelpDesk training.Susan McKibben, The University of Akron