Download - Session5 conversion optimization


The Role of Conversion in Sales


Online Presence

Audience Aggregation

Leads Sales SEO, Ads,

Email, Social Media…

Analytics (Metrics, Tools)

Conversion Optimization

You Are Always Converting

Ad to Visit

Facebook Post to Visit / Lead

Tweet to Visit

Email to Visit

Goes to Blog

Becomes Lead

Ad to Audience Aggregation

Visit to Audience Aggregation

Visit to Lead

Lead to Sale

Lead to Sale

Summary: You Are Always Converting


Online Presence

Audience Aggregation

Leads Sales SEO, Ads,

Email, Social Media…

Analytics (Metrics, Tools)

Conversion Optimization

Understanding Customer Psyche

Majority is not “ready to buy” yet

Ready to Buy


Never Buy

Majority is Risk Averse

Nobody Wants to Think

Don’t Make Me Work


People Don’t Read. They Scan.


Blocking Questions / Concerns

☐ What is it?

☐ Is it for me?

☐ What’s the risk?

☐ What does it cost?

☐ Free shipping?

☐ Refund Policy?

☐ …

Customer Psyche - Summary

• Majority is not “ready to buy” yet.

• Majority is “risk averse”.

• People don’t want to Think.

• People want friction-free experience.

• People don’t read. They scan.

• There are blocking questions / concerns in people’s head.

User Flow & Online Persuasion

Moving People from Entry Points (ads, email, landing page, blog post, home page etc) to Goals (sale, lead,

trial etc)

Mapping User Flow to a Funnel

Stacked Conversion Funnel

Email Lead Lead Generation CTA

Content Page Content Link CTA

Lead Generation CTA

Example: KISSmetrics User Flow

Entry Point: Blog

Flow #1

Flow #2

Flows #3 & #4

Flow #5

Everything Is A Landing Page (in spirit)

It’s About Persuasion. Moving People Forward with

Incremental Buy-ins & Commitments

KISSmetrics Post Trial Sign-up Flow

KISSmetrics Welcome Email

KISSmetrics Push Forward Email

KISSmetrics Evangelizing Email

KISSmetrics Evangelizing Email

KISSmetrics Relationship Email

KISSmetrics Relationship Email

Online Persuasion

Influencing Behavior – Dr BJ Fogg

Motivation +

Ability +



Influencing Behavior for Conversion

(Opportunity - Concerns) +

Readiness +

Call to Action


KISSmetrics Trigger

KISSmetrics Trigger

KISSmetrics Trigger

KISSmetrics Trigger

Conversion Game

• Move People Forward

– In incremental commitments

– By increasing motivation

• And reducing concerns

• And providing triggers – That are as per current ability

Patterns for Engaging Website Visitors

Top of the Page - Pattern #1

Top of the Page - Pattern #2

Top of the Page - Pattern #3

Top of the Page – Key Information

• Almost certain to get noticed

– Attention is short as the eye moves to more meaty areas on the Page

• New visitors are more likely to be converted off a separate page

• Better for Building Audience compared to Generating Lead

Popup Opt-in

Popup Opt-in Variation

Pros & Cons of Popup Opt-in

• Con: Poor User Experience

• Pro: More Opt-ins

– Social Media Examiner increased average daily opt-ins by 300%

– Famous Blogger got more than 400% boost

– Stay On Search got 300% better results

– Dragon Blogger got 17 opt-ins in a week compared to 2 in a week before


Popup Opt-ins “Work” but have a “Cost”

Parameters To Tune

• Delay in showing the Popup

– Let the visitor get comfortable

• Keep a gap of minimum # of Page Views

• Keep a gap of minimum # of days

Pop-under CTA

Pop-under CTA

Pop-under CTA

Inside Article CTA

Inside Article CTA

Sidebar CTA

Tools You Can Use

Be Innovative


Conversion Oriented Landing Page Design

Conversion Oriented Landing Entry Page Design

Common Questions to Address

• What is it?

• Is it for me?

• What does it cost?

• What’s the risk?

• What’s the next step?

Common Questions to Address

• What is it? (opportunity)

• Is it for me? (opportunity)

• What does it cost? (concerns)

• What’s the risk? (concerns)

• What’s the next step? (Readiness + CTA)

What is it?

• Value Proposition

• Product Explanation

• Screenshots / Videos

Value Proposition

• What problem does it solve?

• For who does it solve the problem?

• How is it different from others?

Crisp, Short, Loud – Attention Grabber

Instagram Value Proposition

MixPanel Value Proposition

Unbounce Value Proposition

Product Explanation

• Build upon the headline “value proposition”

• Create a more complete picture in visitor’s mind

Instagram Product Explanation

MixPanel Product Explanation

Unbounce Product Explanation

Video / Screenshot

• Brings the product visualization closer to sensory experiences

• Creates a more concrete picture

Instagram Screenshot

MixPanel (no visuals)

Unbounce Video

Go Extra Length When Needed

CrazyEgg got 510% improvement with long version


SEOMoz got 170% better Conversion with long format


PipeDrive got 300% increase with short version


Is it for me?

Speak the language of your visitors. Letting them see themselves in the


Using Customer Language

Using Customer’s World-View

Sample Customer Profiles

What does it Cost? It’s “What” not “How Much Money”.

What does it Cost?

• Money, of course

• Time

• Learning New Things

• Convincing Team Members

• Risk of Wrong Decision

• Data Import

• Integration

Being on an Email List is also a cost

Minimizing Risk Perception

• Address concerns on extra costs, refunds etc

• Create Familiarity

• Show Social Proof

Address Money Related Concerns

Create Familiarity

• Bring Closer to Senses

• Explain in familiar terms

Social Proof

Social Proof

Social Proof

Social Proof

What’s the Next Step?

Choose Next Step Based on Readiness


• What is it? (opportunity)

• Is it for me? (opportunity)

• What does it cost? (concerns)

• What’s the risk? (concerns)

• What’s the next step? (Readiness + CTA)