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Understanding Social Media Notes from Topics 1-10 in Perspectives on Social Media Marketing

Social Media and the Evolution of Marketing and PR Notes from Topics 11 in Perspectives on Social Media Marketing Notes from excerpts in The New Rules of Marketing and PR (In Slideshow)

Page 3: SESSION OVERVIEW. SESSION OVERVIEW Understanding Social Media Notes from Topics 1-10 in Perspectives on Social Media Marketing Social Media and the Evolution.


Page 4: SESSION OVERVIEW. SESSION OVERVIEW Understanding Social Media Notes from Topics 1-10 in Perspectives on Social Media Marketing Social Media and the Evolution.


Topic 1: How would you define social media?

Social Media is a verb describing “the act of creating and posting content” in an online, mobile, or virtual environment.

“Social Media is also a medium.”

Represents a medium for the people which allows us to “create and use communication channels” within our own abilities

Let's take a look at this link:What Social Media Does Best By Chris Brogan

Topic 2: Why does social media have such a powerful impact?

Intersection of the personal and the public

Non-linear Communication

Ease of Use and Speed of Information Dissemination

Open Content Revolution

WYSIWYG platform

Social Media was/is a catalyst for “behavioral transformation”

Simplicity changes behavior

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Topic 3: How has social media changed general marketing strategy?

We now have “the ability to both consume and publish [our] views, creating a totally new dynamic for marketers

Marketers have to understand the NEW media consumption behavior trends

Social Media broadens the way companies develop strategy

Shift from impressions to connections

Topic 4: Does branding still matter? Has the definition of “brand” changed?

Branding now matters more because it has gone from a macro, or large, corporate scale, to a micro, or small, individualized scale

Brands are cashing in on the concept “everyone is a brand” Watch This!

Strong branding creates an emotional connection between brand and consumer. You need a strong brand to “cut through the clutter.”

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Topic 5: Can small companies and entrepreneurs take advantage of social media? Or is it mostly for large players?

Social Media is a true celebration of the individual

Social Media is easier to execute through individuals and smaller organizations, it has most definitely entered the enterprise.

“Social Media is for any company—big, small, start-up, you name it.”

There is potential to fit social media into any size business.

Topic 6: What is personal branding and how important is it?

Personal Branding is a Product [Example: Nikki Minaj]

Personal Branding is “the act of packaging yourself in a way that presents a clear image and a message to an audience.”

Personal Branding is important because it represents a “level playing field”

Within organizations, personal brands are beneficial because they are business extensions.

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Be human.

Add value.

Don't reveal confidential information

Be professional.

Be aware of your responsibility.

Check your facts and credit your sources.

Disclose who you are.

Understand and implement your client's policies.

Know who you're linking to.

Pretend it's a party.

______________________________________Topic 7: Should companies allow executives

or other employees to develop personal brands as representatives of the company? YES!!!

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Social Media is the magical bullet for all of digital.

Social Media has an owner in the organization.

Social Media is just another channel.

Social Media lives only online

Social Media alone is a big idea

Social Media is either earned or paid

Social Media is just about pitching blogs.

Social Media is cheap

Wish Social Media, instead of going big, you should go small, go real, and go deep

______________________________________Topic 8: What are some of the

popular misconceptions many marketers have about social media?

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Topic 9: Should traditional marketing efforts be relegated to a museum? Or do they still hold value?

Traditional Marketing still holds value because the marketing is about “how the message is conveyed.”

A combination of “traditional marketing” efforts and “new media” marketing efforts gives companies a broader reach.

The term “traditional” is what stifles the growth of marketing by placing boundaries on a limitless field based on innovation and creativity.

Topic 10: How (if at all) has social media altered the consumer buying cycle?

Social media has changed the steps from basic to detail oriented.

Deeper Product/Service Research

Post Purchase Review/Sharing

Broader platform for Product/Service Awareness

Interest peaks with “collective crowd” trends

Consideration is changed by access to consumer stories

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Topic 11: Is Social Media an Evolution of Marketing or an Evolution of Public Relations? How has Social Media changed PR?

“... social media doesn't slant toward any one particular discipline: it's a tool that can be used by all.”

XHTML brought media to life

Social media is constantly evolving, making it hard to categorize or how to “characterize that evolution”

Social Media is on of many drivers for Search Engine Optimization or SEO and Search Engine Marketing or SEM

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“OLD RULES OF MARKETING” From The New Rules of Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott

The Old Rules of Marketing Are: Generic Company Driven and Impersonal

1. In the old formula, Marketing = Advertising + Branding 2. Advertising was done on a massive/*macro scale 3. Disruptive/Distracting attention getting strategies 4. One way message: Company -> Consumers 5. Strictly sales oriented 6. Constrained Campaigns – Limited Life 7. Creative Content Concentration 8. Advertising for Accomplishment 9. Advertising and PR were *divergent

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“NEW RULES OF MARKETING” From The New Rules of Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott

The New Rules of Marketing Are: Focused Client Driven Personal

1. Marketing = Advertising + New Media Strategies 2. PR targets on a macro AND micro scale 3. You are what you publish. 4. Be Authentic! 5. Be Interactive! 6. Need based content delivery 7. Serve the underserved. 8. Web based PR 9. Win business, not awards. 10. Return of Public PR 11. Purchase Driven Content 12. Direct Communication wBuyer/Client(Individualized) 13. Advertising and PR *convergent

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SOURCESPerspectives on Social Media


The New Rules of Marketing & PR