Download - Session 5 - Scientific Programming in Python · Managing your environment •Some good things about Python •lots of modules from many sources •ongoing development of Python and

Page 1: Session 5 - Scientific Programming in Python · Managing your environment •Some good things about Python •lots of modules from many sources •ongoing development of Python and

Session 5:Extreme Python

An introduction to scientific programming with

Page 2: Session 5 - Scientific Programming in Python · Managing your environment •Some good things about Python •lots of modules from many sources •ongoing development of Python and


• Managing your environment

• Efficiently handling large datasets

• Optimising your code

• Squeezing out extra speed

• Writing neat and robust code

• Graphical interfaces

Page 3: Session 5 - Scientific Programming in Python · Managing your environment •Some good things about Python •lots of modules from many sources •ongoing development of Python and

Managing your environment

Page 4: Session 5 - Scientific Programming in Python · Managing your environment •Some good things about Python •lots of modules from many sources •ongoing development of Python and

Managing your environment

• Some good things about Python• lots of modules from many sources

• ongoing development of Python and modules

• Some bad things about Python• lots of modules from many sources

• ongoing development of Python and modules

• A solution• Maintain (or have option to create) separate environments

(or manifests) for different projects

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Managing your environment

• virtualenv• general Python solution –

• modules are installed with pip –

$ pip install virtualenv # install virtualenv

$ virtualenv ENV1 # create a new environment ENV1

$ source ENV/bin/activate # set PATH to our environment

(ENV1)$ pip install emcee # install modules into ENV1

(ENV1)$ pip install numpy==1.8.2 # install specific version

(ENV1)$ python # use our custom environment

(ENV1)$ deactivate # return our PATH to normal

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Managing your environment

• virtualenv• can record current state of modules to a 'requirements' file

• using that file can always recreate the same environment

(ENV1)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt

$ cat requirements.txt



$ deactivate

$ virtualenv ENV2

$ sourceENV2/bin/activate

(ENV2)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

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Managing your environment

• conda –

• specific to the Anaconda Python distribution

• similar to 'pip', but can install binaries (not just python)

• can use pip within a conda environment

$ conda create -n ENV1 # create a new environment ENV1

$ source activate ENV1 # set PATH to our environment

$ conda install numpy # install modules into ENV1

$ conda install -c thebamf emcee # install from channel

$ source deactivate # return our PATH to normal

$ conda list –n ENV1 -e > requirements.txt # clone ENV1

$ conda create -n ENV2 --file requirements.txt # to ENV2

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Managing your environment

• Updating packages

$ conda update --all

$ conda update scipy emcee


$ pip install --upgrade

$ pip install --upgrade scipy emcee

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Efficiently handling large datasets

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• Python has tools for accessing most (all?) databases

• e.g. MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Postgres, …

• Allow one to work with huge datasets

• Data can be at remote locations

• However, most databases are designed for webserver use

• Not optimised for data analysis

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• For creating, storing and analysing datasets

• from simple, small tables to complex, huge datasets

• standard HDF5 file format

• incredibly fast – even faster with indexing

• uses on the fly block compression

• designed for modern systems

• fast multi-code CPU; large, slow memory

• "in-kernel" – data and algorithm are sent to CPU in optimal way

• "out-of-core" – avoids loading whole dataset into memory

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>>> from tables import *

>>> h5file = openFile("test.h5", mode = "w")

>>> x = h5file.createArray("/", "x", arange(1000))

>>> y = h5file.createArray("/", "y", sqrt(arange(1000)))>>> h5file.close()

• Can store many things in one HDF5 file (like FITS)

• Tree structure

• Everything in a group (starting with root group, '/')

• Data stored in leaves

• Arrays (e.g. n-dimensional images)

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>>> class MyTable(IsDescription):

z = Float32Col()

>>> table = h5file.createTable("/", "mytable", MyTable)

>>> row = table.row

>>> for i in xrange(1000):

row["z"] = i**(3.0/2.0)


>>> table.flush()>>> z = table.cols.z

• Tables (columns with different formats)

• described by a class

• accessed by a row iterator

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PyTables Expr

>>> r = h5file.createArray("/", "r", np.zeros(1000))

>>> xyz = Expr("x*y*z")

>>> xyz.setOutput(r)

>>> xyz.eval()

/r (Array(1000,)) ''

atom := Float64Atom(shape=(), dflt=0.0)maindim := 0

flavor := 'numpy'

byteorder := 'little'

chunkshape := None

>>>, 10)array([ 0. , 1. , 7.99999986, 26.9999989 ,

64. , 124.99999917, 216.00000085, 343.00001259,

511.99999124, 729. ])

• Expr enables in-kernel & out-of-core operations

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PyTables Expr

>>> r_bigish = [ row['z'] for row in

table.where('(z > 1000) & (z <= 2000)' ]

>>> for big in table.where('z > 10000;'):

... print('A big z is {}'.format(big['z'])

• where enables in-kernel selections

• There is also a where in Expr

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• Python Data Analysis Library•

• Easy-to-use data structures• DataFrame (more friendly recarray)• Handles missing data (more friendly masked array)• read and write various data formats• data-alignment

• tries to be helpful, though not always intuitive• Easy to combine data tables• Surprisingly fast!

Notebook demo…

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Graphical interfaces

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• Give your scientific code a friendly face!• easy configuration• monitor progress• particularly for public code, cloud computing, HPC

• Many modules to construct GUIs in Python

• PyJs (used to be PyJamas) – browser based

• Kivy – modern and cross-platform

• Tkinter – built-in

• Qt – C++

• wx – C++

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wxpython is popular – recently updated to Python 3: Project Pheonix


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For simple GUI, especially if output is a plot…

matplotlib widgets are very useful

• layout controls on a canvas

• functionality implemented using callback functions:

• every time a control is activated it will call the function

• function then examines the event and takes action

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Python web frameworks

Djangoa high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

and many others, e.g. Zope (massive), web2py (light), …

(and PyJs)

• An (unscientific) example

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Optimising your code

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Testing performance

timeit – use in interpreter, script or command line


-s S, --setup=S

statement to be executed once initially (default pass)

-n N, --number=N

how many times to execute 'statement' (default: take ~0.2 sec total)

-r N, --repeat=N

how many times to repeat the timer (default 3)

iPython magic version

python -m timeit [-n N] [-r N] [-s S] [statement ...]

%timeit # one line%%timeit # whole notebook cell

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Testing performance

# fastest way to calculate x**5?

$ python -m timeit -s 'from math import pow; x = 1.23' 'x*x*x*x*x'

10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.161 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s 'from math import pow; x = 1.23' 'x**5'

10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.111 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s 'from math import pow; x = 1.23' 'pow(x, 5)'

1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.184 usec per loop

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• Understand which parts of your code limit its execution time

• print summary to screen, or save file for detailed analysis

From shell

From iPython

Lots of functionality… see docs

$ python -m cProfile –o

%prun -D my_function()

%%prun # profile an entire notebook cell

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Nice visualisation with snakeviz –

In iPython:

$ conda install snakeviz


$ pip install snakeviz

%load_ext snakeviz

%snakeviz my_function()

%%snakeviz # profile entire cell

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Extremely neat Python

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Coding Guidlines

• PEP8•

• several tools to test compliance – search ‘pep8’

• 4 spaces for indentation

• 79 characters maximum line length (72 for docstrings)

• use blank lines sparingly, but always around functions, etc.

• whitespace

• one space around operators (except = in function args)

• after commas

• ClassNames and function_names

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Writing robust code

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• Unit tests• test individual units of code

• specific units

• e.g. a single function or interaction between functions

• tested as generally as possible

• Functional tests• test the whole programme under a variety of inputs

• Regression tests• check for inconsistent behaviour between consecutive versions

• detect new bugs, ensure old bugs do not reoccur

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• Several testing frameworks

• unittest is the main Python module

• doctest enables tests in documentation strings

• nose is a third-party module that nicely automates testing

• pytest is preferred by astropy

• but generally all interoperable

• Review docs, but basically just name any tests test_*

• astropy has detailed testing guidelines:


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• Online testing (continuous integration) services

• Integrate with GitHub

• Free for public open source projects

• Travis CI:

• Test coverage reports

• Coveralls:

• astropy affiliated package template

• guides you through setup of these services


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Squeezing out extra speed

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• Python includes modules for writing "parallel" programs:

• threaded – limited by the Global Interpreter Lock

• multiprocessing – generally more useful

from multiprocessing import Pool

def f(x):return x*x

pool = Pool(processes=4) # start 4 worker processes

z = range(10)print, z) # apply f to each element of z in parallel

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from multiprocessing import Processfrom time import sleep

def f(name):print('Hello {}, I am going to sleep now'.format(name))sleep(3)print('OK, finished sleeping')

if __name__ == '__main__':p = Process(target=f, args=(lock, 'Steven'))p.start() # start additional processsleep(1) # carry on doing stuffprint 'Wow, how lazy is that function!'p.join() # wait for process to complete

$ python thinking.pyHello Steven, I am going to sleep nowWow, how lazy is that function!OK, finished sleeping

(Really, should use a lock to avoid writing output to screen at same time)

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Mixing Python and C – fast and flexible

Cython is used for compiling Python-like code to machine-code• supports a big subset of the Python language• conditions and loops run 2-8x faster, overall 30% faster for plain Python

code• add types for speedups (hundreds of times)• easily use native libraries (C/C++/Fortran) directly

• Cython code is turned into C code• uses the CPython API and runtime

• Coding in Cython is like coding in Python and C at the same time!

Some material borrowed from Dag Sverre Seljebotn (University of Oslo) EuroSciPy 2010 presentation

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Use cases:

• Performance-critical code• which does not translate to array-based approach (numpy / pytables)• existing Python code à optimise critical parts

• Wrapping existing C/C++ libraries• particularly higher-level Pythonised wrapper• for one-to-one wrapping other tools might be better suited

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Cython code must be compiled.

Two stages:

• A .pyx file is compiled by Cython to a .c file, containing the code of a Python extension module

• The .c file is compiled by a C compiler• Generated C code can be built without Cython installed• Cython is a developer dependency, not a build-time dependency• Generated C code works with Python 2.3+• The result is a .so file (or .pyd on Windows) which can be imported

directly into a Python session

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Ways of building Cython code:

• Run cython command-line utility and compile the resulting C file• use favourite build tool• for cross-system operation you need to query Python for the C build

options to use

• Use pyximport to importing Cython .pyx files as if they were .py files; building on the fly (recommended to start).• things get complicated if you must link to native libraries• larger projects tend to need a build phase anyway

• Write a distutils• standard way of distributing, building and installing Python modules

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• Cython supports most of normal Python

• Most standard Python code can be used directly with Cython• typical speedups of (very roughly) a factor of two• should not ever slow down code – safe to try• name file .pyx or use pyimport = True

>>> import pyximport

>>> pyximport.install()

>>> import mypyxmodule # converts and compiles on the fly

>>> pyximport.install(pyimport = True)

>>> import mypymodule # converts and compiles on the fly# should fall back to Python if fails

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• Big speedup from defining types of key variables

• Use native C-types (int, double, char *, etc.)

• Use Python C-types (Py_int_t, Py_float_t, etc.)

• Use cdef to declare variable types

• Also use cdef to declare C-only functions (with return type)• can also use cpdef to declare functions which are automatically treated

as C or Python depending on usage

• Don't forget function arguments (but note cdef not used here)

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Cython – primes example

• Efficient algorithm to find first N prime numbers

def primes(kmax):p = []k = 0n = 2while k < kmax:

i = 0while i < k and n % p[i] != 0:

i = i + 1if i == k:

k = k + 1p.append(n)

n = n + 1return p

$ python -m timeit -s 'import primes as p' 'p.primes(100)'1000 loops, best of 3: 1.35 msec per loop

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Cython – primes example

$ python -m timeit -s 'import pyximport; pyximport.install(); import cprimes as p' 'p.primes(100)'

1000 loops, best of 3: 731 usec per loop1.8x speedup

def primes(kmax):p = []k = 0n = 2while k < kmax:

i = 0while i < k and n % p[i] != 0:

i = i + 1if i == k:

k = k + 1p.append(n)

n = n + 1return p


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Cython – primes example

def primes(int kmax): # declare types of parameterscdef int n, k, i # declare types of variablescdef int p[1000] # including arraysresult = [] # can still use normal Python typesif kmax > 1000: # in this case need to hardcode limit

kmax = 1000k = 0n = 2while k < kmax:

i = 0while i < k and n % p[i] != 0:

i = i + 1if i == k:

p[k] = nk = k + 1result.append(n)

n = n + 1return result # return Python object


40.8 usec per loop

33x speedup

contains only C-code

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Cython and Numpy

• Cython provides a way to quickly access Numpy arrays with specified types and dimensionality

à for implementing fast specific algorithms

• Also provides way to create generalized Ufuncs

• Can be useful, but often using functions provided by numpy, scipy, numexpr or pytables will be easier and faster

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• JIT: just in time compilation of Python functions

• Compilation for both CPU and GPU hardware

from numba import jit

@jitdef sum2d(arr):

M, N = arr.shaperesult = 0.0for i in range(M):

for j in range(N):result += arr[i,j]

return result

a = np.arange(10000).reshape(1000,10)%timeit sum2d(a)1000 loops, best of 3: 334 µs per loop%timeit sum2d(a) # without @jit1 loops, best of 3: 2.15 µs per loop

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• JIT: just in time compilation of Python functions

• Compilation for both CPU and GPU hardware

from numbapro import vectorize, float32

# MULTITHREADED UFUNC @vectorize([float32(float32, float32)], target=’parallel’)def sum(a, b):

return a + b

# CUDA ACCELERATED UFUNC @vectorize([float32(float32, float32)], target=’gpu’)def sum(a, b):

return a + b

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Anaconda Accelerate and IOPro

• Accelerate• Optimised versions of numpy, numexpr, scipy, scikit-learn, etc.• NumbaPro: extends and speeds up Numba

• IOPro• loads very large NumPy arrays (and Pandas DataFrames) efficiently• from files, SQL databases, and NoSQL stores• drop-in replacement for NumPy loadtxt() and genfromtxt()

• Free for academics:•

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The End

An introduction to scientific programming with