Download - Session 5: Lion tamers and horse whisperers – shaping workplace cultures Presented by: Dr Paul CollingsQueensland Crime and Misconduct Commission.


Session 5: Lion tamers and horse whisperers – shaping workplace cultures

Presented by:• Dr Paul Collings Queensland Crime and

Misconduct Commission

Lion Tamers and Horse

WhisperersShaping Workplace Cultures

Paul CollingsSenior Prevention AdviserResearch and Prevention

Crime and Misconduct Commission

Culture“the climate and practices that organisations develop

around their handling of people, or … the espoused values and credo of an organisation” [Schein 7]

“Culture is to a group what personality or character is to an individual. We can see the behaviour that results, but often we cannot see the forces underneath that cause certain types of behaviour.” [Schein 8]

Edgar H. Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership. 3rd Edition. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass: 2004.

How are cultures formed?

“a group’s culture is the result of that group’s accumulated learning … once a group has a culture, it will pass elements of this culture on to new generations of group members.” [Schein 18]

Edgar H. Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership. 3rd Edition. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass: 2004.


“individuals will be more likely to share in ethical reasoning and moral intent with members of their own functional group (in-group) than with members of other functional groups (out-group).”

Neil A. Granitz and James C. Ward. “Actual and perceived sharing of ethical reasoning and moral inent among in-group and out-group members.” Journal of Business Ethics 33 (4) 299-322, October 2001. p.299

Underlying Assumptions

Positive Negative

Old-fashioned work ethic Work-evasion ethic

We are working to a common goal

Our team has to stick together for protection

We are at the cutting edge

We are a neglected back-water












2001 2003 2005 2007 2009

Observed fact


Reliable Report

Never believeanything

[Source: http:/phoneegraphs.con]

Response to Surveys: Managers’ trust in information sources – percentage.

What to do? Recommendation 8“That the Department of Transport

establish a corporate culture that values, and is inclusive of, all staff and operational areas.”

Western Australia’s Corruption & Crime Commission.Report on the investigation of alleged public sector misconduct by employees of the Department for Planning and Infrastructure in relation to the inspection, licensing and registration of motor vehicles. 16 September 2010

SystemsPrevention tools Risk Management plans

Corporate plans

Codes of conduct

Policies and procedures

Internal reporting

Internal auditing


Performance management

Continuous improvement



Implementation Communication

New technologies

Learn from complaints

Avoid patchwork

Leadership Integrity



Shaping CulturesSymptoms Complaints


Work environments


Underlying assumptions

Organisational approach

Strategies Key people

Shedding light






Dr Paul Collings

Crime and Misconduct Commission

(07) 3360 6381 [email protected]

Case studyAllegation: misappropriation of private sector grant funds.

In 2008 the University received a grant for specified research purposes from the Perfectly Upright Corporation (PU Corp). It is alleged that Professor Julius Flitwick illegally (or inappropriately) used the money to:

Buy two new laptops, one for his home and the other to use at work

Employ a research assistant who “just turned up one day” and who was later overheard to mention that her mother is one of the Directors of PU Corp

Case studyBackground information:

The Professor refuses to submit costings for the research project through the usual university processes and has explained to the finance section that he does not need to because he is personally contracted to the project rather than through the university

The Professor uses University resources to carry out the research project

The website for PU Corp includes a press release that states that the Professor has a part ownership in the intellectual capital for the finished project


Tenure and ossification

Academic vs. Administration

Research funding and ethics