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Servitors and Egregores

By Frater Veos

Table of Contents:Introduction1. Theory:-General misconceptions. Defining “servitor” and “egregore”-The different levels of servitors and egregores-unintelligent creations-dependant servitors-Independent creations: elementals and elementaries-Concerning Egregores and their creation

2. Practice:-Prerequisites of the practitioner-Formula of The Watcher-Formulas of the Servitor-The Golem



I believe that there is at least one article on Servitors and egregores on Veritas, but I was asked several weeks ago if I could write my own. As such, I thought that it would perhaps be more beneficial to some of the Aspiring magicians here at Veritas if I provided the magickal approach to Servitors and egregores that has been passed down among Mystery Schools for hundreds of years among the inner order, until it was deemed reasonable that the world should know how to construct them, and various works started to be written about them within this past century or two.

This “releasing” of information to the public was primarily about servitors and the various types of magickal creations that usually fall (sometimes incorrectly) into the same category. The teachings of Egregores has still been more or less veiled from the public, and I will not break this veil. Why not? Because everytime an initiate publishes anything into the world, he takes on the Karma of everyone who learns that technique and how they use it. Thus, If I were to reveal some of the more secretive teachings on Egregores and one of you used it to harm another, then I would also take on much of the Karma of such a devilish act. This concept of Karma and knowledge can help bring to light why many initiates will so closely guard the so-called “secrets”. It is an act of self preservation as well as

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an act of concern for humanity. So then, in the article that follows I will provide some of the basic magickal practices and teachings on servitor creation and theory, along with an explanation of elementals and elementary creations. I will also explain some of the basic concepts and theory behind Egregores, but will not give the actual methods of properly creating and upholding one. You will quickly see that the magickal definition and function of an egregore is considerably different than the usual concepts held by other paths. It is not that other paths are wrong, but simply that the Occult “egregore” contains a slightly different value.

Section I: Theory

The first process in any explanatory subject is to make sure that the terminology of the writer and the reader are the same, or at least that the reader understands what is meant by certain words that the writer uses, so that they can both progress along the same lines of thought. Now, since the words “servitor” and “egregore” have been taken abroad from their original homeland of the Mystery Schools, different concepts have been applied to them and they denote different things in the minds of different people now. It is not that the usual definitions of these words are wrong, but that they are not quite the same on certain points as the traditional Occult meanings. As such, I will provide you with what is traditionally meant among Mystery Schools of today that have followed the tradition of their teachings as close as possible, so that we may have an idea as to what the closest “occult” definition of these things are, and what exactly they are composed of.

For the sake of simplicity, even though a servitor is as much a mental creation as it is an astral creation, I will refer it to as a spiritual creature or creation, due to its usual plane of operation. This being said, we can make a broad division of creatures in the astral realm into two classes: Intellectual and non-intellectual beings. These two classes can further be specified as Dependant and non-dependant beings.

Once again so that the reader can understand what exactly is meant by the writer, I will try to define these classes as best as possible to convey a general idea of what is meant. By “Intellectual” being, I am referring to those thing on the Astral Realm that seem to have their own sense of individuality accompanied by a distinct intelligence that allows them to “think” and form their own opinions and ideas abut things, while being able to act on their own motives. By “non-intellectual” beings, I am referring to those things which operate according to impulse or instinct, or a predetermined course of action. Now each of these two classes, as said above, is further divided into two sub-classes: dependant and independent. A dependant being is a being who relies on something else for its existence especially if that “something else” can only be provided by its creator or “given” it from another being. This sub-class contains most types of servitors. An independent being is a being that can carry on its own life process without the direct need of an outside source that it can’t acquire on its own. Thus a Dependant being will always have to rely on a source that it can’t acquire on its own, and thus only lives as long as that outside force lives, while an independent being can live quite on its own.

Having given a general explanation of these classes and subclasses, I can now give some examples of different Astral Beings and where they fall in respect to these classes. The reason for focusing so

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much on what is meant by these different classes is because the magician is quite capable of making any being that can apply to any of these two major classes and their sub-classes. As such, an understanding of them is imperative for the correct creation of such beings.

In the first class of “Intellectual beings”, we have many of the wonderful inhabitants of the astral realms. To this class are given such beings as the elementals, the so-called “fairy folk”, elementaries, specially prepared servitors, and any other such creature that seems to have a definite intellect of its own. Of these, the ones that are “dependant” are mainly intelligent servitors who haven’t been given their own individuality outside of their creator. As such, they still rely on their creator to exist and have their being. Other types of beings in this class are such things as phantasms and other forms of “intelligent” leeches, who are usually bound to a specific person to feed from. It can readily be seen that some classes of beings such as certain phantasms and ghosts are considerably harder to distinct between dependant and independent, and this relies on where you personally draw the line between the two. The other sub-class of independent intelligent beings are those given above such as the elementals, or operate under the jurisdiction of other beings and who may only be able to move within a certain element, but nonetheless they only rely on themselves to sustain their existence.

The second class is what I have labeled as “Non-Intellectual” beings. Of these beings are specifically those servitors who were created for some sort of immediate purpose or for one distinct purpose alone, and have been constructed in a manner so that they act more like an automaton than an actual separate being. We also have a large amount of the astral creatures usually referred to as leaches, ghosts (in the case of unintelligent or residual hauntings), shells, and other such things that either act on some base impulse. Now there are of course further sub-classes of leeches, phantasms, etc… that don’t necessarily fall into this class of “non-intelligent” beings, but the majority does at least. If we were to relate it to the physical world, they act much like insects, who seem on the outside to operate with their own individual means, but in reality operate according to nerves and other such things. A poor analogy, but it still conveys a general idea. A leech doesn’t intelligently pick out a host, but simply drifts along and attaches to whichever energy sources it happens to pass by and be in the proximity of. The “dependant” sub-class composes most of the entire group, since the majority of them rely on outside energy source that is finite for their existence. In the “independent” sub-class, we have such beings as shells and certain types of phantasms, who are the astral counterpart that has been left behind by an intellectual being, and this counterpart looks, acts, and seemingly “thinks” like the actual original being, but it is not and only appears to be due to its own mimicry of the things which it itself may not even realize it isn’t. To further clarify, a shell may be a shell without even realizing it is a shell! This is because it is not an intellectual being, but operates only according to certain predetermined impulses.

Needless to say, the lines between some of the classes become slightly blurred, and it is up to the personal experience and investigations of the reader to verify these things and examine them.

ServitorsAll of that being said, we can now finally examine Servitors. Egregores will be covered separately as we shall see they are indeed quite separate from any of the classes given above, sometimes

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appearing to be all of them at once, but only due to their higher plane of operation. A Servitor is either an Intelligent or unintelligent being that has been created by the magician (I will use this title for simplicity’s sake in the article), and is either dependant on the magician or independent of the magician. The former (dependant) is the safest and most commonly used type of servitor, while the latter is considerably harder to make and can be dangerous or altogether useless for the magician.

Here is a list of the Servitors divided into their classes and subclasses in order from easiest to hardest to create. (1=easiest, 4 equals hardest) 1) Unintelligent/Dependant2) Unintelligent/independent3) Intelligent/Dependant4) Intelligent/Independent

Of these four, the most reliable servitor to accomplish any serious and prolonged and continuous task is the Intelligent/Dependant one, while the Servitor that is the most reliable to accomplish a quick and short-lived task is the Unintelligent/Dependant. These two have one thing in common; the servitor has to rely upon the creator for its own existence, and thus has to acknowledge the creator’s will in order to maintain its existence. In the case of the Intelligent/Dependant servitor, the magician may even have to display his dominance over his creation and possibly even threaten it to remind it of its dependability on him. In the case of an unintelligent/dependant servitor, the magician need not worry about such a thing, as it lacks the capacity to argue or consider other modes of existence. It literally “lives and dies” for its creator.

Now what I have called an “Unintelligent/dependant” servitor is what the term “servitor” usually used to denote, while what I have called an “Intelligent/Dependable” servitor is what is usually called an Egregore. This is not the case in Traditional Occult teachings. According the definition given above, it can be seen that the magician can create a servitor that belongs to any of the 4 given groups. Now as the name itself suggest, a servitor is primarily created for the sole purpose of “serving”, especially its creator. So then, I have given two of the most common types of servitors above as both being Dependant upon the creator. What of independent servitors? How are they still “servitors” if they can exist separately outside of the magician and thus leave him as soon as it is created? The best analogy to this is our own lives; if our parents are loving and firm, then the majority of people will stay with their parents until their “coming of age”, and even once they have left their parents they will still readily return to them and help them when asked upon to do so. In the case of abusive or negligent parents the child will be much more prone to run away at an early age, and once gone will usually not return even if called upon. Thus with this analogy we see that the actual success of the Servitor also depends on the character and quality of the magician! Of course the option is always open to bind the servitor and make it a slave, but as an independent and intellectual being it will usually try to corroborate your downfall with the help of other spirits. Now I have neglected here the Unintelligent/Independent being mainly because such beings are useless as servitors, especially since any task given them can always be done better by one of the other 3 types. So then, I will elaborate a little more on the other three types of servitors by providing a quick and easy reference chart about their uses, pros, and cons

Unintelligent/dependent Servitor (commonly known as a servitor):

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Uses: Performing quick or one-pointed tasks such as the enhancement of a certain skill or faculty, or the achieving of a certain possession such as money, job, etc…

Pros: Easily created, easily checked on, easily destroyed upon success of mission

Cons: can’t adapt to new situations as is. No real relationship with magician. Can’t use any critical thinking skills to carry out a mission if plans deviate. Can only become as powerful as the magician is.

Intelligent/Dependant Servitor (usually confused with an Egregore):

Uses: Carrying out multiple and/or complex assignments. Especially carrying out one prolonged continuous task such as giving it the role of “guardian” over a friend or yourself. Even if you treat it harshly, it will not rebel on you unless it wishes to be destroyed, but this does not mean you should not treat it with respect. They can make as good of friends as familiars if given the chance. Some magicians have constructed this type of Servitor, and used it for years to do a wide variety of tasks.

Pros: Multiple or complex missions can be done. Can think for itself. Can adapt to situations as necessary. Ultimately can’t deny the will of its creator and still survive. Can become a good friend.

Cons: Can only reach a maximum strength as the one who made it. Expires when the magician expires. Can rebel (but is usually terminated if does).

Intelligent/Independent Servitor, also called an elementary in Hermetics:

Uses: Anything the Intelligent/Dependant servitor can do. Aside from this, it can also work apart from its creator (even against his creator’s will) to work with other spirits, do other tasks of its own, and grow in power completely independent of the magician. Thus it can be used for different missions depending on how it develops or is guided to develop by the magician. Though it may be able to sustain itself separate from its creator, if treated with respect and love (but also with a firm hand) it can become a great familiar and dear friend. Unlike the Intelligent/Dependant servitor, it can live once its creator dies, and it is not uncommon for such a servitor to actually stay with the family or descendants of the magician for generations! Thus it becomes a “guardian angel” of sorts. Aside from this, it may still work with its creator even after his death.

Pros: Sustains itself and thus doesn’t deplete the energy of the magician. Can corroborate with other spirits and even ally with them to carry out an assigned mission. Can learn its own skills (such as healing, alchemy, etc) without the magician, and thus can help the magician with these things when called upon. Can be bound to a sigil for when it is needed.

Cons: Can rebel against its creator. Can surpass the power of the magician and thus become out of his control if the magician does not have the proper spiritual authority (Ultimately no Servitor could ever rise above the authority of a True Adept). Is very hard to destroy once it has been created. The magician assumes the Karma of ANYTHING that spirit does, even if it does so against the will of the Magician!

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This last point is particularly important. The magician is of course responsible for anything his servitor may do as he willed the servitor to do it. However in the case of the Intelligent/Independent servitor, he is karmically responsible for everything done by that Servitor, as it wouldn’t have been done had he not created it in the first place! So then we see the importance of treating such a servitor with respect and using it to perform good things.


Now we come to what is traditionally meant in Occultism by “Egregore”. It is almost impossible to talk about an Egregore without also mentioning Mystery Schools, as the two work so close together. So then, we need a general definition: “An Egregore is a massive reservoir of energy that is created and continually sustained by a group or mass of people.” This is what I will mean for the remainder of the paper when I say “Egregore”.

The Mass effect:The usual method in which an egregore comes into being is as the result of a mass of people all continually dedicating energy to a certain idea or image. This image is made in the mental and astral realms, and receives whatever energy is put into it. In many cases, an Egregore itself will actually have its own symbolic image that represents the energy within it. Now this does not mean that the Egregore actually is that image, but that this image is usually seen when an Initiate examines an egregore because it represents the archetypal and astral forces at play within it. The “mass effect” is one possible explanation for the creation of demi-gods and other Gods of various religions, in which an image was made, then worshiped, and eventually gathered enough energy to become an “intelligent” force that receives its energy from its worshipers. Such a force would be able to actually influence the physical world to a certain degree so as to demand obedience from its worshipers, depending on its own power.

Now we have stumbled into a grey area concerning Egregores; what type of being is it? In a way it is indeed intelligible, in a way it is not. Some egregores can actually be contained by the group as staying unintelligent, which is always the best course of action in creating and maintaining an egregore. If an Egregore was intentionally made to be an intelligent being, it could cause serious damage due to its large amount of acquired power. Now, because an egregore needs the energy of its contributors or worshipers to exist, it is definitely dependable. However, what if such an egregore reached a power high enough to sustain itself and thus become an intelligent and independent demi-god? Obviously the results could be either good or bad depending on the nature of it. Aside from this, an Egregore could also be an unintelligent, dependant unconscious reservoir of energy, which is also a smart choice as far as practicality goes. Where as this class of being was the least useful in the case of servitors, we shall see that it is the most useful in the case of Servitors.

Due to the shear size of a well established Egregore, it is always the safest and most practical route to establish it as an unintelligent/dependable force that can’t think on its own and thus is at the will of its contributors. It is this type of Egregore that many mystery schools utilize, and this will be examined closer later.

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Natural Egregores:Now by the term “natural” I don’t mean that this type of egregore simply exist as a random being in the Universe. A “natural egregore” is an egregore that was not composed by artificial means. These are always the most powerful Egregores, and brings us to a new definition, seeing as how the artificial egregore and the natural egregore are considerably different. Thus, a natural egregore can be defined as “any group of spiritual beings that occur naturally in the universe and work together for a common cause and who share the same goal and purpose”. By “occur naturally in the universe”, I am referring to those spiritual beings such as humans, angels, archangels, elementals, planetary spirits, etc…, that are the result of the natural order of creation and are not artificially made. These beings are always intelligent/independent beings. This type of egregore will usually choose a particular group of people on Earth to use as a channel and representative of their teachings and work. The most well-known case of a natural Egregore is the True and Invisible Rosicrucian Brotherhood on the inner planes, which has as a physical conduit the Rosicrucian Order, and some other lesser known Orders.

What makes such a group to be considered as an Egregore is that the group itself represents a very specific powerhouse of force that only its members have access to. This is particularly the case of its physical representative. To use the example of the Rosicrucian Order, any member of this order has access to the energies of the Egregore that is the heart and soul of the Order, and this energy pervades their Astral body and lights them up with the Sign and Seal of the Egregore (Order). In the case of an artificial Egregore, the seal or sign that invokes the force of that egregore is engraved on the aura of the Initiate, and he uses this seal to invoke its energies. As we did before in the case of Servitors, for reference I will give a quick chart of the two different types of Egregores with their Pros and Cons.

Artificial Egregores:Use: Establishing an inner-plane reservoir of energy and force that the bodies of a group can have access to. It can be used for multiple purposes, but is particularly important in that it can last for hundreds of years if properly maintained and will grow in force and size, providing an intense amount of spiritual energy to those who can access it. It is used as a focus in Initiation rituals into the Order.

Pros: At the Will of those who created and maintain it. Allows for group Telepathy with one another. Can be given various symbols as a conduit, and channeled by its members for various activities which require a certain surge of energy. A powerful artificial Egregore will usually attract a large amount of spiritual beings who share a similar interest with the group that established it, and thus it can occur that a natural egregore can form around an artificial egregore.

Cons: Generally not as powerful as a natural egregore. Can be manipulated by others in the group and cause harm.

Natural Egregores:Use: Establishing an Inner Plane Hierarchy that can last for hundreds of years to serve a certain purpose. It is also used for initiation, in which case one of the actual beings that is a part of the

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Egregore will usually reside over the Initiation Ceremony. It can also be used as a means to contact other egregores and work in harmony with multiple physical and astral groups and egregores.

Pros: Usually stronger than an artificial egregore. Much more enjoyable for the initiates of the Egregore, due to the interaction with the beings that compose it. Acts as a “governing body” to the physical Order, and helps immensely with spreading its teachings. Allows for its initiates to work closely with other spiritual beings to investigate the Universe on the Inner Planes.

Cons: It is not under the Will of any physical group or counterpart, and thus acts with its own volition. It may even disband its physical counterpart and create a new one with new members if needed.

Now, these are by no means all of the uses, pros, and cons of the two types of Egregore, but the few examples given should provide a basic idea to the reader as to the nature of them and their general differences. Enough now has been said about Egregores and Servitors, and there are many things left unsaid for a good reason. In the following pages, We shall concern ourselves with the Practice itself, and no more theory. I will give some of the basic methods of creating a Servitor and maintaining it. The method of creating the highest type of Servitor (Intelligent/Independent) will not be given as it is a very complex ritual known in some circles as the infamous “Creation of a Golem” and involves actually creating a being with all of its proper components. If not done properly, the results can be….unpleasant. However for those clever minds out there, I may perhaps provide a riddle of some sorts, or a code, which could provide a hint.

Aside from this, the Full and True method of constructing a working Artificial Egregore will not be given here. It will probably take close to a year to master full servitor creation as it is, and the techniques given in the following sections should satisfy both the casual and active readers. This being said, lets get straight to the practice!

Section II: Practice

Prerequisites of the practitioner:There are several skills that are very important in the creation of a servitor, and I will be writing this practical portion of the article presuming that anyone who would attempt the following techniques has at least these prerequisites: 1) Control of the thoughts2) Plastic visualization. That is, the practitioner should be able to visualize something WITH HIS EYES OPEN so vividly that it appears to actually be right there in front of him.3) Elemental Equilibrium. The practitioner should have surpassed most of his or her “flaws of character” and overcome such lower desires as uncontrolled lust, anger, jealousy, revenge, etc… In an Apprentice it would be commanded that the student have completely overcome these things, but for the sake of ease for the readers it will be good enough that a basic sense of control over these things is had. This is to ensure that the energies impregnated in the Servitor are safe and perfectly

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controlled. To do otherwise would cause harm to the creator4) Control of the Vital Force. The practitioner should be able to direct the Vital Force at will, impregnate it with any desire, banish it at will, and fill his body with it at any time. For the bare minimum requirements to make a servitor, it is not required that this control of the Vital Force be carried to such a skill as to be able to breath it in and out through the pores of the skin. 5) Control of the elements. This is not necessary for the sole creation of a basic servitor, but for the creation of an elemental (which will be given in this article) it is an absolute must. The practitioner must be able to accumulate the elements and project them into a condensed image. This is the minimum for such an elemental creation, and complete mastery of Step V in IIH isn’t needed for simple elemental or servitor creation. 6) Basic Telepathy to keep in contact with the creation.

Now then, of these skills the most important for basic servitor creation is control of the Vital Force and the ability to impregnate it with a desire or idea. As can be seen quite plainly, the above given prerequisites are based on Franz Bardon’s “Initiation into Hermetics.” In his book, the creation of servitors and elementals is given in Step 6, which requires that EVERYTHING in steps I-V have been mastered. Now, seeing as how this takes about a years and a half, it would not be practical to demand such a thing. Since this is a general public article given for both those who are interested in the practice, and those who just want a good read, I have stripped many of the requirements down to bare-bone basic necessity. Now, all of these skills are of course not needed to create a functioning servitor which can be readily done on the mental plane by a trained Psionic. With the Hermetic method however, which is what I am teaching, these things are required, and I will be giving the formula for their creation as if I took for granted the practitioner was capable of these things. It is not my place here to say that any one method is better than the other, so I will leave it up to practitioner to determine such a thing. What I will say however is that the more work that is put into it, the more work that is gotten out of it. What follows will be a series of “Formula” which are given in a step-by-step instruction with no commentary if possible. They are straight forward instructions. We will start with a basic servitor that is actually part of the creator, which is called “The Watcher”, and this formula is taught in the Ogdoadic Mystery Schools. A short explanation of what it is will follow the instruction.

Formula I: The WatcherPart One: The sending1. Stand straight up or sit in God-Posture2. Start to calm the mind with Rythmic breathing3. Fill your Body with the Vital Force and focus on it interpenetrating the 7 chakras4. Become aware of your Astral Body and its energy currents5. Focus on the Solar Plexus Chakra and start to condense the Vital Force of the Astral Body around this Chakra. Know that this astral material is part of you6. Project the Vital Force out of the Solar Plexus Chakra to a space about 4-6 feet in front of you. The visualization should be that of a stream of silver mist shooting from the Chakra and then expanding into a rather large ball of mist once it is far enough away. Visualize a silver chord attaching you to this ball of Astral Material

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7. Impregnate this ball of your own Astral Material (which is now about 6 feet in front of you) with the desire for a certain location8. Turn towards the general direction of the location and project this sphere of Astral Material towards the Horizon in that direction

Part Two: The Return1. Resume your posture and face the direction it was sent towards2. Calm the Mind as before with deep rhythmic breathing3. Connect with The Watcher either Telepathically or Astrally and Will its return4. Visualize it returning from the direction it was sent and bring it back 6 feet in front of you.5. Draw The Watcher back into your body through the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)6. Calm the Mind and make it receptive.7. Receive the impressions from the Watcher8. Re-establish the Aura and Astral Body by either a Chakra Exercise or the Vital Force. Vibrating a God-Name or just the word “Om” can also help in this process.

Thus is the Formula of The Watcher. It is more-or-less the same as taught in the Ordo Aurum Solice, with a few personal changes here and there. There are several things to note about the Watcher before moving on to the next formula. It is imperative that you keep in mind throughout the whole exercise that the watcher is a PART of you, and is not separate. It is your own Astral Material, and you are connected to it by the silver chord that connects the physical body to any projected astral mass. It is considered as an Unintelligent/dependant servitor. As such, it is primarily useful for observing places and/or people. Being solely made of astral material, it can only perceive and observe desires, emotions, etc…, and is more or less like a sponge that absorbs its surroundings. When it returns to you and you re-absorb it, any of the impressions it has received will run through your mind, and you will feel them to. It is particularly useful in watching over a loved one who is sick or other such circumstances where you can’t be there physically yourself due to other things. If you don’t know much about the Chakras, you need merely to look, as plenty of material can be found about them.

Servitor FormulasHere follows the Servitor Formulas. Before actually performing the formulas, you must have already determined the purpose of the servitor, constructed a name and sign for it, and determined an image or shape for it.

Formulas I & II: unintelligent/dependable and Intelligent/Dependable servitor:1. Take up any comfortable Asana2. Calm the mind with some rhythmic breathing3. Impregnate the Vital Force around you with a pre-determined thought or desire4. Accumulate the Vital Force into the body either through the nostrils (easier) or through the pores of the skin (advanced). 5. Gather the Vital Force into the Solar Plexus and project it out of the body6. Condense the Vital Force into a ball of brilliant light. Know that this is the Akasa (source/origin

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point) of the Servitor.7a (unintelligent) Engrave the name of the servitor into this sphere of Vital Force along with its sigil7b (Intelligent) Project your consciousness into the Akasa principle of the sphere. Immerse yourself in it and examine it from the inside out. From its Akasa principle focus on the concept of a mind, particularly the air element associated with it and project this concept and interpenetrate the Akasa principle with it. When finished transfer back to your body. 8. Condense the Vital Force into the image of the servitor. If possible vibrate its name while performing this. 9. Visualize the servitor completely formed in front of you so vividly that it appears to be real. 10. Give it a basic command that symbolizes “coming to life”, such as the command “Live!” or something along those lines. 11a (unintelligent) Once you have affirmed the life of the servitor, give it its mission and send it on its way. You need only to call it by name and employ its sigil to call it back. 11b (intelligent) explain to the new servitor who you are, what it is, and what its name is. Introduce it to its sigil and explain to it the reason why it was made. The method of destroying it is more or less the reverse of the above formula. If it is unintelligent, it actually doesn’t need to be told its name or mission, because it will know them intuitively. It is also possible to program it to live a certain amount of time and then dissolve back into the universe by impressing this upon the “akasa” of it in step 7. You will notice that there are two formulas presented above, one for the Unintelligent creation and one for the intelligent creation. They are close enough to the same formula that I provided them together, with two options for steps 7 and 11. While this slight difference is not completely correct, it will fulfill the purpose nonetheless. With practice you will be able to determine for yourself more things that need to be done for the creation of an intelligent servitor. I have provided the bones, you provide the flesh.

Concerning Elementals:

I will not elaborate too much on this because Franz Bardon has given the method so perfectly in his Initiation into Hermetics, and anyone who has worked up to Step 6 will be able to successfully create one. Those who haven’t will be fooled into thinking they can create one. The method is very similar to the above given servitor Formulas, but it requires a considerably higher amount of skill because the elements themselves have to be condensed instead of something as simple as the Vital Force. Elementals are always intelligent and independent beings who can make quite good friends. There is no need to elaborate on them any more since so much has been written about them elsewhere that the reader can readily find out as much as he wants about them.

The Perfect Servitor: The GolemWalk in a field of four colorsSpeaking as a square.The square comprehends not the circle,But it must inscribe the circle in the mud.

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Sink to the bottom of the Ocean,For there are hidden the gates.Take the sand and bind it to the waterTo make the mud.Engrave the letters in the mudAnd cast them with fire.Blow upon the engravings to see them dance.

But how do you make them dance?By making them kings, all with oneAnd one with all. Bind the Kings to the bodyAnd fill it with the wind.Behold, the Ox must be tamed firstand then the House must be built.Finish the house with the doorAnd complete the action with a Cross.Thus bring the Souls with you out of Haram.


I hope you enjoy the article, as it was quite laborious to write. I have briefly given some of the traditional methods of creating a servitor, and I have explained the distinctions between the different classes of Servitors and their difference from an Egregore. These teachings will seem quite different from what many are used to, and you of course do not have to even read them let alone practice them. However if I may be so bold, these techniques work and they work powerfully. Unfortunately Chaos Magick seem to claim servitors as their own creations, but these teachings date back very long before Austin Osman Spare wrote such things. But this must be a disclaimer of sorts: none of these techniques will work if you have not at least met the prerequisites, which takes about 1-2 years of steady occult training on a daily basis! There will be results nonetheless of course, but only the full experience really does these techniques any justice.

As I have made obvious on several occasions, I have not provided some of the more complex servitor formulas, especially with the more complex servitors. The formulas I have given are relatively simple while still remaining effective. There are much more complex formulas that involve a great deal of ritual work and I have restrained myself from giving these for two reasons: 1) Most members of Veritas seem to shy away from Ritual work, and 2) The ritual methods of creation are immensely more powerful and effective than the formulas given. As such, the potential damage that can be done with them is much more, and I would be taking quite a Karmic risk in providing such things. If you wish to learn them, most authentic mystery schools teach those methods in some of the Higher Grades.

Page 13: Servitors and Egregores

I have also not given the Ritual of the Egregore for similar reasons. It must be said that it is not that I don’t trust any of you, but simply that such gifts are the result of several years of intense training and I would be giving a loaded gun to a bunch of children if I did such a thing. With enough Occult training you will be able to deduce for yourself the main guidelines of the Egregore Ritual, so if you wish to learn it, then train hard. I realize that many people hate “secrets”, especially since we Hermetic magicians love them so much. However, we should all be grateful for what has been published in this past hundred years on magick and its formerly secret teachings, and many of us should be very thankful for the few things that have been made public into this world about Magick. The advent of the Internet alone now allows people at a very young age to start their magickal training when it would have been impossible to do so not more than 20 years ago. More of the “secrets” of magick will be revealed as mankind evolves and is ready for them, but until then those of us who are not afforded the Luxury of formal Occult training or the time for intense self training need to be grateful for what has been revealed. Secrets are secrets for a reason, and very good one at that. Once again, I hope you have enjoyed the article. Practice Practice Practice!
