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  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    MN5006 Serving Customers in Global Markets

    Marketing CommunicationAnalysis Report:T e !se o" Consumer#e aviour in A$vertising

    Student Name:Mirza Yilmaz

    Student Number:13011164

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    Table o" Contents

    Table of Contents.......................................................................................................... 2

    Introdu tion................................................................................................................... 4

    !d"ertisement C#oi e................................................................................................... 4

    $%IC& 'izard (allard )it# *arren (uffett........................................................... 4

    +i,ure &ne: $%IC& !d"ert - Still &ne.................................................. ......

    +i,ure T)o: $%IC& !d"ert - Still T)o..................................... ......... ......... .

    +i,ure T#ree: $%IC& !d"ert - Still T#ree................................................... 6

    /isa: sain (olt 2014 +I+! *orld Cu ................................................... ......... .... 6

    +i,ure +our: /IS! !d"ert - Still &ne..................................................... ......

    +i,ure +i"e: /IS! !d"ert - Still T)o....................................................... .....

    +i,ure Si : /IS! !d"ert - Still T#ree................................................... ........

    Consumer (e#a"iour and (usinesses.........................................................................

    +i,ure Se"en: Si Cate,ories of %5Communi ations Tools or Media

    C#annels.................................................................................................... 10

    !ttention 'earnin, Memor7 and Moti"ation..................................................... ......... 11

    +i,ure %i,#t: ! Model of Consumer (e#a"iour......................................... 11

    +i,ure Nine: T#e 87ramid of Consumer (e#a"iour.................................. 12

    9efinition of Terms............................................................................................. 13

    +i,ure Ten: T#e Memor7 8ro ess............................................................. 1

    +i,ure %le"en: !n &"er"ie) of Main T#eories of *or Moti"ation.......... . 16

    !nal7sis.......................................................................................................... .... 16

    8a,e ; 2

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    Table &ne: !nal7sis of !d"ertisements sin, !ttention 'earnin, Memor7

    and Moti"ation........................................................................................... 1

    8ersonalit7 and !ttitudes............................................................................................ 1

    9efinition of Terms............................................................................................. 1

    Table T)o: %ffe t of 8ersonalit7 C#ara teristi s on Consumer (e#a"iour

    Criteria....................................................................................................... 1You

    Tube 2010?. T#e ad"ert fo uses on t#e @ualit7 of t#e ustomer ser"i e ro"ided b7

    t#e om an7 to t#ose ur #asin, t#eir insuran e or ma in, a laim on a oli 7.

    +i,ures &ne to T#ree s#o) stills from t#is "ideo )#i # lasts t)o minutes and t)ent7

    t#ree se onds >)#i # )ould ma e t#e ad"ert rat#er lon, )#en om ared to ot#ers?.

    8a,e ; 4

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  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    +i,ure T#ree:$%IC& !d"ert - Still T#ree

    >You Tube 2010?

    /isa: sain (olt 2014 +I+! *orld Cu

    T#is ad"ert s#o)s t#e at#lete sain (olt tra"ellin, from Aamai a to (razil usin, #is

    onta tless /isa a7ment ard )#i # allo)s #im to ur #ase "arious items almost

    instantl7 to assist #im on #is Bourne7 )#ile #an,in, from an at#lete to a footballer

    >You Tube 2014?. It follo)s on from an ad"ert in 2012 )#en (olt )as s#o)n losin,

    #is lu,,a,e at > resumabl7? eat#ro) !ir ort and t#en ra in, a ross 'ondon

    ur #asin, t#e t#in,s #e needs to ,et #im to t#e 'ondon 2012 &l7m i Stadium

    )#ere #e is due to run a ra e >You Tube 2012?. T#e 2012 ad"ert is lon,er t#an t#e

    2014 one at one minute t#irt7 se onds om ared to one minute. +i,ures +our to Si

    are stills from t#e 2014 ad"ert.

    8a,e ; 6

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    +i,ure +our: /IS! !d"ert - Still &ne

    >You Tube 2014?

    +i,ure +i"e: /IS! !d"ert - Still T)o

    >You Tube 2014?

    8a,e ;

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    +i,ure Si : /IS! !d"ert - Still T#ree

    >You Tube 2014?

    Consumer #e aviour an$ #usinesses

    Consumer be#a"iour is:

    Dt#e stud7 of onsumersE a tions durin, sear #in, for ur #asin, usin,

    e"aluatin, and dis osin, of rodu ts and ser"i es t#at t#e7 e e t )ill

    satisf7 t#eir needs.F

    >S #iffman and *isenblit 201 .4 6?

    It affe ts #o) businesses intera t )it# t#eir ustomers indi atin, it is a subBe t about

    )#i # businesses and more s e ifi all7 t#eir mar etin, ersonnel need to no).

    Gno)led,e of onsumer be#a"iour affe ts su # t#in,s as mar et se,mentation

    8a,e ;

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    effe ti"e tar,etin, and rodu tHser"i e ositionin, >S #iffman and *isenblit 201

    . 4?. ! ordin, to S #iffman and *isenblit:

    Deffe ti"el7 aterin, to t#e distin t needs of onsumers b7 offerin, t#em

    learl7 differentiated rodu ts is si,nifi antl7 more rofitable t#an mass

    mar etin, in s ite of t#e mu # #i,#er resear # rodu tion ad"ertisin,

    and distribution osts t#at a om an7 se,mentation and strate,i


    >S #iffman and *isenblit 201 . 4?

    9ifferent media "e#i les tar,et different se,ments based on audien e #ara teristi s

    >S #iffman and *isenblit 201 . 4?. T#is su,,ests ad"erts usin, traditional

    >offline? media )ill be different to t#ose usin, so ial media and di,ital media >see

    +i,ure Se"en? based on t#e tar,et audien e for t#at arti ular medium. If

    businesses are to rofitabl7 ser"e onsumer needs no)led,e of onsumer

    be#a"iour is essential.

    8a,e ;

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    +i,ure Se"en: Si Cate,ories of %5Communi ations Tools or Media C#annels

    >C#affe7 and %llis5C#ad)i 2012 .30?

    8a,e ; 10

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    Attention& 'earning& Memory an$ Motivation

    !ttention learnin, and memor7 fall )it#in t#e s7 #olo,i al ore of o7er et al. Es

    model of onsumer be#a"iour >see +i,ure %i,#t?.

    +i,ure %i,#t: ! Model of Consumer (e#a"iour

    >based on o7er et al. 201052013 .10?

    8a,e ; 11

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    !lternati"el7 t#e7 an be situated to)ards t#e mi ro onsumer be#a"iours of

    SolomonEs >2013? 7ramid of onsumer be#a"iour >+i,ure Nine? re resentin, an

    indi"idual fo us su ortin, S #iffman and *isenblitEs >201 ? idea of fo usin, on

    differentiated rodu tsHser"i es for indi"iduals and small tar,et se,ments.

    +i,ure Nine: T#e 87ramid of Consumer (e#a"iour

    >Solomon 2013 . 6?

    T#ese four terms )ill first be defined and t#en a lied to t#e ad"erts sele ted.

    8a,e ; 12

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    9efinition of Terms

    Attention is defined as:

    D#o) mu # mental a ti"it7 a onsumer de"otes to a stimulus.F

    > o7er et al. 2010H2013 . 6?

    !ttention #as t#ree e7 #ara teristi s:

    It is limited - onsumers ma7 miss some stimuli es e iall7 )#en in unfamiliar


    It is sele ti"e - onsumers de ide )#at to fo us on at an7 one time #oosin,

    not to fo us on or mentall7 ro ess ot#er stimuli.

    It an be di"ided - onsumers an allo ate some attention to one tas and

    some to a different tas .

    > o7er et al. 2010H2013 . 65 ?

    'earning refers to:

    Da relati"el7 ermanent #an,e in be#a"iour )#i # omes )it#

    e erien e.F

    >Solomon et al., 2013 .261?

    It an ta e t#e form of be#a"ioural learnin,. Su # t#eories:

    8a,e ; 13

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    Dassume t#at learnin, ta es la e as t#e result of res onses to e ternal


    >Solomon et al., 2013 .261?

    *it#in t#is area are lassi al onditionin, )#i #:

    Do urs )#en a stimulus t#at eli its a res onse is aired )it# anot#er

    stimulus t#at initiall7 does not eli it a res onse on its o)n. &"er time t#is

    se ond stimulus auses a similar res onse be ause it is asso iated )it#

    t#e first stimulus.F

    >Solomon et al., 2013 .262?

    and o erantHinstrumental onditionin, )#i #:

    Do urs as t#e indi"idual learns to erform be#a"iours t#at rodu e

    ositi"e out omes and to a"oid t#ose t#at 7ield ne,ati"e out omes.F

    >Solomon et al., 2013 .264?

    Memory in"ol"es:

    Da ro ess of a @uirin, information and storin, it o"er time so t#at it )ill be

    a"ailable )#en needed.F

    >Solomon et al., 2013 .2 2?

    T#e memor7 ro ess an be re resented dia,rammati all7 >see +i,ure Ten?.

    8a,e ; 14

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    +i,ure Ten: T#e Memor7 8ro ess

    >Solomon et al. 2013 .2 2?

    &r,anisations an determine #o) memorable t#eir ad"ertisin, is b7 assessin,

    re o,nition "ersus re all to see )#et#er onsumers remember t#e ad"ert after

    #a"in, been s#o)n it or )#et#er t#e7 s ontaneousl7 re all t#e ad"ert )it#out an7

    rom tin, >Solomon et al. 2013 .2 3?.

    Motivation an be defined as:

    Dt#e ro esses t#at ause eo le to be#a"e as t#e7 do.F

    >Solomon et al. 2013 .1 ?

    Consumer be#a"iour onsiders bot# ro ess and ontent t#eories >see +i,ure

    %le"en? )#en anal7sin, )#7 onsumers bu7Hdo not bu7 different rodu ts and

    ser"i es. In addition ot#er as e ts of moti"ation are rele"ant to t#e stud7 of

    onsumer be#a"iour in ludin, moti"ation and dire tion moti"ation and stren,t#

    moti"ation and emotion and moti"ational onfli ts >Solomon et al. 2013 .1

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    +i,ure %le"en: !n &"er"ie) of Main T#eories of *or Moti"ation

    >Mullins and C#rist7 2013 .2 2?


    T#e t)o ad"erts )ill no) be anal7sed based on t#e riteria of attention learnin,

    memor7 and moti"ation.

    8a,e ; 16

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    G(%C) *+0,0- .%SA *+0,/-

    Message$%IC& ro"ides e e tional ustomer ser"i e to itsustomers.

    D+lo) faster )it# /isaF is t#e at # #rase su,,estin, t#atfor t#ose in a #urr7 usin, t#e onta tless /isa ard )ill #elt#em ,et )#ere t#e7 )ant )#en t#e7 )ant.


    as no"elt7 "alue )it# a tual staff ma in, t#e ad"ert and)it# t#e a earan e of *arren (uffett one of t#e ri #estmen in t#e )orld. T#is is li el7 to su ort t#e )at #in, of )#at is a lon, ad"ert for an insuran e om an7 li el7 to be

    seen as a borin, subBe t.

    +orms one of a series of ad"erts so li el7 to at # t#eattention of t#ose )#o are a)are of t#is. T#e lin to t#e*orld Cu )ill also ,ain t#e attention of t#ose interested int#e football tournament. T#e ad"ert is relati"el7 s#ort so

    li el7 to ee t#e attention of t#ose )at #in,.


    9e ends on t#e onsumerEs ast e erien e of insuran erodu ts and om anies in ,eneral and $%IC& inarti ular. T#e name of t#e rodu t.H om an7 is not

    mentioned at all durin, t#e ad"ert but left as a sin,le flas#to)ards t#e end.

    /isa is a ,lobal brand no)n to an7one )#o #as a redit or debit ard in t#e G. T#e fo us of t#e ad"ert is toen oura,e onsumers to ma e t#eir ur #ases usin, t#eir onta tless /isa ard )innin, mar et s#are from



    T#e ad"ert is li el7 to be memorable due to its no"elt7"alue #o)e"er )#et#er t#e onsumer remembers t#at t#eom an7 ad"ertisin, is $%IC& is diffi ult to sa7 unless t#eonsumer no)s of *arren (uffettEs in"ol"ement )it#

    $%IC& or is @ui enou,# to at # t#e sin,le flas# of t#eser"i e name and number.

    T#e ad"ert is li el7 to be memorable due to t#e in"ol"ementof sain (olt and b7 t#e )a7 t#e ad"ert tra es #istransformation into a football la7er from bein, a )orld lassat#lete. T#ere is onstant mo"ement and #an,e in t#ead"ert li el7 to #old t#e attention and reate ne) ima,esasso iated )it# t#e ser"i e.


    Insuran e is mandator7 in ertain instan es su # as motor "e#i le insuran e. Consumers t#erefore #a"e little #oi e int#e matter of ur #asin, su # insuran e. &t#er insuran e iso tional and )ill de end on t#e onsumerEs feelin,sto)ards rote tin, ro ert7 andHor life.

    *#et#er onsumers refer to use onta tless ards or touse #i and in )#i # mi,#t feel more se ure is diffi ult to

    Bud,e. !ttem tin, to en oura,e onsumers to ma e t#ismo"e is li el7 to more t#an an ad"ertisin, am ai,n e"enone t#at is sustained o"er 7ears.

    Table &ne: !nal7sis of !d"ertisements sin, !ttention 'earnin, Memor7 and Moti"ation

    8a,e ; 1

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    ersonality an$ Attitu$es

    9efinition of Terms

    ersonality an be defined as eit#er:

    Da ersonEs uni@ue s7 #olo,i al ma eu )#i # onsistentl7 influen es

    t#e )a7 t#e erson res onds to #is or #er en"ironment.F

    >Solomon et al. 2013 .6 3?


    D onsist in,J of t#e distin ti"e atterns of be#a"iours tenden ies @ualities

    or ersonal dis ositions t#at ma e one indi"idual different from anot#er

    and lead to a onsistent res onse to en"ironmental stimulus. T#ese

    atterns are internal #ara teristi s t#at onsumersJ are born )it# or t#at

    result from t#e )a7 onsumersJ #a"e been raised.F

    > o7er et al. 2010H2013 .3 o7er et al. 2010H2013


  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    (""ect o" ersonality C aracteristics on Consumer #e aviour Criteria

    & timal stimulation le"el


    Need for uni@ueness


    Need for o,nition

    Sus e tibilit7 to influen e


    Self5monitorin, be#a"iour

    National #ara ter

    Com etiti"eness.

    Table T)o: %ffe t of 8ersonalit7 C#ara teristi s on Consumer (e#a"iour Criteria

    > o7er et al. 2010H2013 .3< 5401?

    Attitu$e is defined as:

    Da lastin, ,eneral e"aluation of eo le >in ludin, oneself? obBe ts or


    >Solomon et al. 2013 .643?

    !ttitudes #a"e t#e follo)in, #ara teristi s:


    !ttitude a essibilit7

    !ttitude onfiden e

    8ersisten e

    =esistan e

    !mbi"alen e.

    > o7er et al. 2010H2013 .12 512

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    G(%C) *+0,0- .%SA *+0,/-


    !s mentioned re"iousl7 #o) a onsumer rea ts to t#ead"ert is based on #o) t#e7 feel about insuran e. If t#e7are for e am le stable ersonalities t#e7 are li el7 to seeinsuran e as a need to #a"e rodu t so )ill ta e an interestin t#e ad"ert )#en it a ears. If on t#e ot#er #and aonsumer is eit#er unstable andHor e tro"ert t#e7 ma7 ta ea different attitude on different da7s de endin, on t#een"ironment )it#in )#i # t#e7 e ist at t#at arti ular time. If

    a onsumer is an o timist t#e7 are not li el7 to seeinsuran e as an essential unless it is re@uired b7 la). !ssu # attem tin, to #an,e someoneEs ersonalit7 su # t#att#e7 "ie) t#e rodu t or ser"i e fa"ourabl7 is ointless.

    +or /isa t#e nature of a onsumerEs ersonalit7 ma7 )elldetermine )#et#er t#e7 are li el7 to #an,e #o) t#e7 s endt#eir mone7 from sa7 as# to onta tless. nderstandin,t#e t7 e of erson )#o )ould be #a 7 to s)it # toonta tless a7ments )ould seem to be essential. T#ereare e ternal influen es on t#e use of onta tless a7ments.In 'ondon for e am le )#en usin, ubli trans ort t#eo tion of usin, onta tless #as been introdu ed. +or buses

    as# is no lon,er a e ted )#i # ould us# onsumersinto usin, onta tless a7ments )#et#er t#e7 li e it or not.T#is mi,#t ,enerate resistan e to t#e #an,e ausin,onsumers to a"oid usin, onta tless sim l7 be ause t#e7an rat#er t#an it bein, a rational de ision.


    !s mentioned earlier t#e ast #istor7 of a onsumer )it#insuran e rodu ts in ,eneral and $ei o in arti ular )illaffe t t#eir rea tion to t#e ad"ertisement. T#is e erien e)ill also affe t #o) @ui l7 a onsumer an re all t#isattitude )#en seein, t#e ad"ertisement. 8ast e erien ema7 ause an e treme rea tion to insuran e )it# t#eonsumer a ti"el7 a"oidin, t#e ad"ert if t#at e erien e isne,ati"e. Su # an e erien e is li el7 to be ersistentma in, t#e Bob of on"ertin, t#e onsumer to t#e $ei o

    brand e tremel7 diffi ult if not im ossible. If t#eir urrentinsuran e ro"ider #as ro"ided a ,ood ser"i e t#eonsumer ma7 not be )illin, to #an,e. T#e attitudes of friends and relati"es ma7 #a"e a si,nifi ant im a t on aonsumerEs rea tion to a s e ifi brand.

    Most onsumers do not asso iate )it# eit#er /isa or MasterCard instead seein, t#eir reditHdebit ards as bein,from t#eir ban . T#is is li el7 to affe t t#e attitude of onsumers to)ards /isa as an or,anisation seein, it as ase arate or,anisation. T#ere is also an issue based on)#et#er a arti ular ban uses /isa or MasterCard toro ess t#eir ard a7ments. If a ban #as de ided to use/isa a onsumer is stu )it# /isa )#et#er t#e7 li e it or not. $i"en t#e oor ser"i e asso iated )it# ban s

    onsumers ma7 sim l7 transfer t#eir e erien e of t#eir ban to /isa )#i # )or s a,ainst #an,in, ur #asin,be#a"iour. &"erall /isa are li el7 to #a"e an u #ill tason"ertin, eo le to usin, onta tless ards based on t#easso iation )it# ban s.

    Table T#ree: !nal7sis of !d"ertisements (ased on 8ersonalit7 and !ttitude

    8a,e ; 20

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  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment



    C#affe7 9. and %llis5C#ad)i +. >2012? Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation

    and Practice > t# %dn.? 8earson 'earnin, arlo)

    o7er *. 9. Ma Innis 9. A. and 8eters =. >2010H2013? Consumer Behaviour

    (International dition! >6t# edn.? Cen,a,e Sout#5*estern Mason & .

    Mullins '. A. and C#rist7 $. >2013? Management and "rganisational Behaviour

    >10t# %dn.? 8earson %du ation arlo)

    S #iffman '. $. and *isenblit A. '. >201 ? Consumer Behaviour (#lo$al dition!

    >11t# %dn.? 8earson 'earnin, arlo)

    Solomon M. =. >2013? Consumer Behaviour: Buying, %aving, and Being >$lobal

    %dition? >10t# %dn.? 8earson 'earnin, arlo)

    Solomon M. =. (amoss7 $. A. !s e,aard S. T. and o,, M. G. >2013?

    Consumer Behaviour: & uropean Perspective > t# %dn.? 8earson 'earnin, arlo)

    You Tube >2010? # IC" 'i ard Ballad )ith *arren Bu++et a"ailable online at

    #tt s:HH))).7outube. omH)at #K"LitS

  • 8/10/2019 Serving Customers in Global Markets Assignment


    You Tube >2014? isa: -sain Bolt. /01 2I2& *orld Cup3. 4amaica to Bra il +rom

    athlete to +oot$aller 5 6/s a"ailable online at #tt s:HH))).7outube. omH)at #K

    "L N+3