Download - Serial Killer Eng

  • 7/31/2019 Serial Killer Eng



    Story by:

    Christian pepito

    Mark Andre Yapching

    Screenplay by:

    Mark Andre Yapching

  • 7/31/2019 Serial Killer Eng


    EPISODE 1:


    Darkness, and then it fades to show a room surrounded by completely white wallsdevoid of any life.


    Two people sit in front of each other... Both dressed in white, but one is wearing the

    lab coat of a doctor. The second one wears a white jacket, his hands handcuffed. A

    table sits in front of them separating the doctor from the white jacketed guy.

    View closes in on the doctors nameplate. Herrero. A psychiatrist. View then shifts to

    showing the two men, sitting face to face with each other. The room is an

    interrogation room. The white jacketed guy sits with his handcuffed hands on thetable, eyes set on HERRERO. Herrero shifts some papers in front of him. View shifts to

    his face, and he addresses the white jacketed guy.



    In five months, you have killed four people. What are your motives? What have you

    for a reason to kill them?

    RICK Tan remains staring at HERRERO, without saying a word. His eyes are devoid of

    expression, just staring at the psychiatrist.


    [pushes face closer to RICK]

    Why did you kill them? Lust, money...

    RICK interrupts, speaking for the first time.


    I want to know how theyd feel.

    Herrero stares back at RICK, whose eyes remain bored towards him. Herreros eyes

    are probing, wondering, trying to see a soul or an answer behind the cold,

    expressionless eyes that are looking at him. After a few moments, the psychiatrist



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    So you felt what they were feeling as you killed them? Is that it?

    RICK continues staring at herrero, his hands unmoving on the tabletop, his eyes still

    staring at the psychiatrist. Another spell of silence falls between the two of them. The

    two men look at each other, gauging each other. After some moments, RICKs mouth

    twitched into a smirk, slightly noticeable but still there. The face and the eyes,however, still show no emotion or expression.


    [sounds disappointed, but does not show it.]



    [offscreen, vo]

    Dont you feel any remorse for ending their lives needlessly?

    RICK shakes his head slowly. He tries to look sad but his eyes do not show anything

    genuine about the emotion. View shifts to herrero, who looks a bit surprised but

    maintains a level of scientific calm. He regards his patient with curiosity and some

    fear that he might do something but does not show it outwardly.


    I repeat, why did you kill them?

    Camera shifts back to RICK, and pans slowly to the right.


    I wanted to understand them. They have something that I lack within myself. I wanted

    to feel what they could feel so I could fulfill that void within myself that that

    deficiency has caused in me.

    Camera also shifts to herrero and pans to the right.


    And that is?

    Camera view shifts to show the two men on opposite sides of the screen. RICK stares

    momentarily at HERRERO, then lurches forward and slams hands on table.

    Camera shifts to RICK. RICK grins.

    View fades to black, but RICKs voiceover continues.

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    Ive lived in this world for so many years, but everything seem so empty. Days,

    months, years, they all pass me by like the wind or the rain.

    Screen fades to white then dissolves to a view of people. Random people. Seems to

    be in a park. A lot of people milling around. Lovers. Families. People who are happy to

    be together. People who need time for themselves. Time to be alone. In a bench,

    seated alone, was RICK.

    This is a flashback, a memory from RICKs past.

    Screen closes on RICK, who is staring at someone offscreen. His gaze is cold and

    intent, but there is no emotion in it. No expression. He simply watches people walkingby him. Camera pans across random people in the park as RICKs voiceover resumes

    once again.



    Man is a very simple being. Most of us dont even know the meaning of their own lives

    or how lucky they are of what they have. They take their own selves for granted, not

    until something happens for them to realize their own worth.

    Camera shifts to a person who is counting some bills. Next to him is someone who is

    arguing with a girl, most probably his girlfriend. All around them, people walk by as if

    nothing happened. Some stop to look, but they dont give a damn and walk on. A pair

    of lovers sit by the gutters, with the open sea right in front of them. The area is

    shadowed by the bulk of a tall bridge.



    People are always feeling, always seeking something. They always seek for the

    infinite. They always want something more.

    Screen shifts again to a group of young people. Young, rowdy and drunk. They have

    just ran out of drinks, and they were pressuring each to contribute so they could buy

    another one. One refuses vehemently, while the others pressure him.


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    Take drinking for example. Some people dont get satisfied with how much they are

    drinking. They still want more. Even if it sucks hard on their pockets, they still attempt

    to squeeze them so they can drink some more. People fail to understand the value of

    money in their desire to get something that they dont even need.

    Scene quickly shifts back to the current scene. RICK sits back and stares at Dr.

    HERRERO, his eyes staring at the psychiatrist. His voice, however, carries more

    conviction than it had in the beginning.


    People arent satisfied with what they have, right,doc? You yourself know how true it


    Screen changes to Dr. HERRERO, whose left hand is scratching his chin thoughtfully.

    Silence reigns once again, then the psychiatrist made some notes on his notebook.

    He looked at RICK again and speaks.


    So you killed those people because they were not satisfied with what they had? Is

    that what you meant?

    Screen shifts to RICK again. He leans back, and smiles. A dark smile. A smile devoid

    of anything, though it seems RICK is amused at his questioners inquires.

    Screen fades to black again. This time RICK is shown alone in the kitchen. He is slicing

    meat loaf. Hes preparing to fry them for lunch. A kettle is boiling hot water near him.

    As RICK prepares to slice the last piece of meat loaf, the kettle shrieks to life. RICK

    looks up, distracted, and cuts his finger.



    Oh shit.

    RICK holds up his finger. It was bleeding hard. He managed to avoid the bone, but the

    wound was bleeding profusely. Not enough to kill. RICK looks at his wounded finger

    with a curious look on his face instead of being in pain.

    RICKs voice-over commences while the camera shows the bleeding finger.


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    I should have felt hurt, but I wasnt. I didnt feel anything.

    Camera shifts to a puzzled RICK, still staring at his bleeding finger. He stares at it for

    a couple of seconds, then slowly blurs, and fades back to the original scene. RICK is

    seen holding the same posture again, staring at the hand with the same curious look

    he had that same time. Then he turns to look at HERRERO.


    So why is it that I wasnt able to feel any pain?

    RICK stares at HERRERO questioningly. Daring him to answer. Daring him to make

    clear the puzzle that was presented to him. Both men stared at each other again, but

    this time HERRERO sounded more excited than he was the previous time.


    Youre making this turn around in circles. What does it have to do with the fact that

    you have killed those people?

    Screen shifts to RICK. For the first time, RICK laughs. It was hollow. It was an

    amusement that stemmed inside the head rather than in the heart. His eyes

    remained stuck at HERRERO.



    View shifts to HERRERO.

    HERRERO stares at shocked silence. He does not understand what RICK is driving at.

    He looks at RICK for some time, then speaks again, his force of inquiry greater, more




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    RICK smiles again. Then he starts talking. His eyes are more animated now, more

    inspired. Screen blurs once more, and fades into another scene.

    The new scene shows RICK sitting at a bar. He accepts a bottle of red horse from the

    waiter off-screen.



    Everything began that day.

    Almost immediately he starts to drink from the bottle. It was in the middle of the

    afternoon. There was no one in the beer house, except him and the waiter. The

    videoke machine behind was playing an mp3. The entrance can be seen from RICKs


    RICK takes another sip from his Red Horse, then stares off at something off-screen.



    That day....?

    The entrance opens, and a girl enters. The camera zooms in on her. She breathes a

    heavy sigh, since its very hot outside. She fans herself with her hand. Then she starts

    moving towards the bar.



    Yes. The day I met her.




    The girl arrives at the bar, and sits right next to RICK. RICK eyes her from the corner

    of his eyes as she signaled to the bartender off-screen. The waiters hand appears,

    with a San Miguel Light held out towards the girl. She accepts it. The screen closes in

    on her as she takes a sip from the san miguel light.


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    Your first victim.

    KARLA JANE notices RICK, and turns to him with a smile.



    RICK smiles back but his eyes bore straight at her face, as if probing. Karla doesnt

    seem to mind, however.


    Hi. Isnt it too early in the day, miss....?

    KARLA JANE laughs. She points at RICKs red horse and another empty one, which had

    been off-screen in the earlier scenes. RICK smirks.


    You tell me. Anyway, Im just waiting for some of my friends to come over. And you...?

    What are you doing here.

    RICK opens his mouth to reply, but KARLA JANE interrupts.


    Except drinking of course.

    Both stare at each other for some time, then they both laugh.


    Well, I got nothing to do. Drinking a little wouldnt do much damage would it?

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    RICK holds out the bottle of Red Horse towards KARLA JANEs.



    KARLA JANE looks at RICK for awhile, grins, and moves her San Mig Light bottle

    towards RICKs beer. The screen closes up as the two bottles hit each other in slow


    Screen then shows a few minutes of animated conversation between KARLA JANE and

    RICK while RICKs voiceover and his conversation with HERRERO continues.



    You befriended her just to kill her? Is that it?


    No. Absolutely not. In fact, I liked her. Love at first sight, maybe?

    RICK chuckles hollowly.



    Scenes of RICK and KARLA JANE walking along the grounds of a school play out before

    the viewer as RICKs voiceover talks in the background. They seemed to have formed

    a very close friendship, trading a lot of banter together. Scenes also show RICK and

    KARLA JANE eating together at a carinderia.

    While the scenes outwardly show a sense of camaraderie between the two, there

    seems to be a hollow feeling emanating from RICKs expression. He laughs but his

    eyes look puzzled, as if he is wondering why he is doing that. Nevertheless, he keeps

    talking and laughing with KARLA JANE.

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    The scene shifts back to HERRERO and RICK. RICK seems to be smiling, but for the

    first time life shines through his eyes. He was enjoying the recollection.


    [stares at RICK pointedly]

    So why did you kill her? You two were getting along.

    RICKs expression became somber again. The light in his eyes disappears, replaced

    by impassiveness and a seeming darkness.


    I did what I had to do.


    And why is that?


    I wanted to know how she would feel.



    RICK looks at HERRERO coldly. He looks like he is wondering if his interrogator was

    either deaf, or simply dumb despite being a psychiatrist. He speaks a bit more

    forcefully now than before.


    When I hurt myself, I didnt feel anything. No, no pain at all. Just an irritating buzz and

    a warmth as the blood flowed out of me. An irritation, and a sense of wonder. Through

    these years, Ive noticed that I dont feel anything: no sense of real happiness, nor

    sadness, or even anger.

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    RICK falls silent. The view shifts to HERRERO, who continues staring at him, looking

    like he is about to speak but has decided against it. Once again, the camera shifts to

    RICK. He regards the psychiatrist for a while then he resumes talking. His voice

    becomes darker.


    She... she taught me what I didnt understand.

    Camera focuses on RICKs eyes and slowly fades into another flashback.

    RICK and KARLA JANE are now shown to be in a public park. This one seems to be an

    old fort from the 16th century. In this scene, the two of them are standing side by

    side behind an old yet preserved 16th century cannon. KARL A JANE was animatedly

    talking to RICK, who simply stared at her while she points at something. She was

    excited, but RICK was not. She turns to him, and he smiles back at her. When she

    turns away from him, RICKs smile disappears and he stares at her again.

    Slowly he puts his arm out and puts in on her shoulder. KARLA JANE turns abruply to

    him, her face shocked.

    Screen flashes back to the present scene.

    HERRERO looks at RICK and looks down to scribble a note on his journal. He then

    clasps his hands together and looks at RICK.


    So what happened next?

    This time, RICK and KARLA JANE stood at the edge of a low cliff facing the sea. Behind

    them was a thick covering of trees and grass. You could even see a seemingly

    ancient, yet incomplete structure made of blackened coral stones. RICK had his arm

    around KARLA JANE, who was talking animatedly as always. RICKs eyes seemed to be

    contemplative this time, and appear dark or moody. Every once in a while his hand

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    twitches slightly to grip KARLA JANEs shoulder blade, then relaxes. His eyes kept

    turning to her and then forward.

    KARLA JANE notices and turns to him.


    Hey, RICK. Are you okay?


    [appears surprised]

    Huh? Y-yeah... Im okay.

    RICK smiles to reassure her. KARLA JANE stares at him, then shrugs. She continues

    talking. View of the sea in front of them is shown on the screen as KARLA JANE



    Its so nice here, isnt it? The air is so fresh. So unlike the city, where the air is so

    polluted. Dont you think so, RICK?

    RICK makes no answer, as he was staring at the sea this time. KARLA JANE looks athim, pouts, and playfully slams herself into him to get his attention.



    Camera closes on KARLA JANES neck as she bumps against RICK. RICK was slightly

    thrown off balance, and his hand brushes on her neck. Camera then closes on his

    eyes. From a blank look, a sudden ferocity is seen in his eyes as a result of the

    impact. Screen rapidly fades out to white, and then view shifts to the two of them onthe foreground with the seascape on the background. RICK has both hands on KARLA

    JANEs neck.

    Close up on KARLA JANEs face. Her eyes were wide in horror and shock. Another

    close up on RICKs face. His eyes look hungry, manic but his face is expressionless on

    the surface. He keeps on choking KARLA JANE, who resists him to the best of her

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    ability but he is too strong for her. Scene of the murder continues to unfold as

    voiceover between RICK and HERRERO resumes.


    You killed her just like that?


    [flat tone]

    Because of her pulse.

    Camera closes on RICKs hands. His grip on her neck continues to tighten. Shot

    widens to show KARLA JANEs hands slapping on RICKs arms trying to get him to let

    go of her neck, but as time passed the resistance grows weaker and weaker.


    I felt curious. Would the pulse slow down or remain the same as a person is being

    killed? Ive been thinking about it since the day we went to that park.

    CAMERA closes on RICKs face. The same emotionless expression remains on his face

    as KARLA JANE slowly dies from suffocation. The punches and slaps continue, but they

    were weaker than they were at the beginning. KARLA JANE is dying, and RICK lets her

    do so slowly. After a while, KARLA JANE grows limp as she dies.


    [V.O and chuckling]

    It did slow down.

    The next scene shows RICK standing by the edge, looking horrified. View cuts to

    KARLA JANEs body, which he has thrown into a big rock below them. Blood flowed

    from her head. View again closes on RICK, who remains staring at the body then turnsaround and runs away from it. Next scenes show RICK running far from the scene of

    the murder. Voiceover continues.


    You killed her just like that?

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    Like I said earlier, I did what I felt like I needed doing.

    RICK reaches a pair of individuals. He approaches them, talks to them excitedly, andthen all three of them run back to the place where KARLA JANE was strangled by

    RICK. Screen flashes again to the next scene where people have now swarmed and

    helped bring KARLA JANEs body back up. As they did so, RICK is seen observing them

    closely. Camera zooms in on his eyes, holds for a moment, then fades back to current



    Those people were so easy to fool.

    Screen fades back to RICK. Camera pans to his eyes. Screen fades to credits.