Download - Serenity Now problem and solution

  1. 1. The Problem Over the past few years there has been an increase of interest in healthier, organic lifestyle and alternative medicine. The problem for this market is that the locations that provide these types of services are few and far between. For this market most people who are interested in one area of this lifestyle usually will have an interest inthe others as well. I believe this market is open to not only people who are dedicated to a more healthier, alternative lifestyle, but also to people who are just looking to try something new and different. The current market in this area does not provide many locations that provide these products or services and those that do only touch on one area such as just food, or yoga classes, or alternative medicine, etc. There are not any places that provide everything in a central location with a focus on holistic wellness.
  2. 2. Serenity Now The unique solution my company will provide for this market is a wellness center that provides a well rounded variety of services to the target market. Serenity Now will provide people access to natural medicine, organic foods, health seminars, massage therapist, yoga and tai chi classes.I think this solution would appeal to the target market because this can become somewhere they can visit on a daily basis for one service or another and not have to worry about driving to several locations in opposite directions. Come experience serenity for yourbody, mind, and stomach .