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Monthly Report No 4 October, 2010

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs

PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

Website: E-Mail: [email protected]

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Monthly Report 2010

Dear friends and donors,

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs have

finally registered in the state of Illinois in United

States by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity

organization Serbs for Serbs is currently in the

process of applying for a 501(c)3 non-profit

organization status. We registered organization in

Jun 2010 and we have already started working and

began raising donations.

Since this is our fresh start in the United States

please excuse us for any difficulties and mistakes

that we make in the beginning.

About Us

The mission of Charity organization Serbs for

Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,

Serbs and their friends through planned

projects, social and humanitarian activities in

order to develop and foster better society for

future generations and provide aid for

underprivileged families in need.

Although there are many humanitarian

organizations and associations, help often doesn't

reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary

administration, missing information and slow

decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late

to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and

embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000

children daily die around the world because of

starvation and malnutrition. There, among us, the

blind and deaf.

We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation

of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing

number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of

the population and generally bad economic

condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of

Srpska and Montenegro and other countries in the


An average couple has "fallen" on one child.

Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in

its own country in the following century if the

nation, individuals and government don't wake up

from the nescient in which they've fallen!

On the other hand, nobody is talking about the

families with many children which grieve by living

in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday

struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their

desire for implementing rights which belong to

them. Their life stories, fears and problems are

identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order

to gain the attention of the public, media and even

state. That's why the idea of the Charity

organization Serbs for Serbs arose. Organization

was formed by a group of young and trustful

people, who are united by the common vision of

helping families blessed by many children and who

are aware of the fact that even a small help means a

lot for those who don't live in a material excess.

We are united by the humane idea to help the

poorest part of the Serbian nation.

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to

revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora

which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian

heritage as well as all good people throughout the

world with minimal, but constant monthly


We hope and believe that there is also a grain of

doing good and that you will join us in the endless

struggle against poverty.

God bless and save all Serbian families with many

children and our honored donors who participate in

the noble effort to return smile on children faces.


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Monthly Report 2010


The mission of Charity organization Serbs for

Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian

people through our projects and humanitarian

activities, in order to develop better society for

future generations.

Why Serbs for Serbs?

We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian

people in togetherness and brotherhood help

through humanitarian work and social aid.

Who do we help?

We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans,

have five or more children and live in terrible


How do we define “terrible poverty”?

Under terrible poverty we define absence of one or

more basic factors required for living: food,

clothes, shoes, and safe space for living.

Why do we help?

We believe that there is a basic need for one

human (or a group) to help others in distress. A

help is not only human virtue but also a Christian

responsibility. By focusing our help on families

with many children, we directly affect on their

stirring toward becoming independent from social-

dependable government programs. Indirectly, we

want to affect on birth rate of Serbian people that

has been in great decline in last 20 years.

What are our long term goals?

- family is ready to support itself daily and manage

to pay all required expenses and bills

- their children are encouraged to continue with

school and raising their own family

- our donors are satisfied with the activities and

they are ready to help other families

- our organization is satisfied with the results

- family is ready in the future to become our donor

and if necessary help other families that are in

need of help

Who do we need in organization?

We need members and donors that will secure

financial stability through supporting our

programs and activities in the future. Donors may

join our daily activities within the organization in

order to coordinate our work better. We also need

volunteers ready to donate several hours per week

for actual work within the organization. Activities

of volunteers and their specific tasks would be

determined by the required projects and their

personal interest. From that group of volunteers

we would look for future leaders of organization.

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Monthly Report 2010

Jointly we are building a house for Trišić


Report: Predrag Marinkovic, Serbia/ PHOTO / /


Today's visit (10.02.10.) Trišić family from the village

of Orahovac municipality of Zvornik, humanitarian

organization Serbs for Serbs joined the big home-

building project carried out by our brothers HO

Nemanjići-Ticino. The aim of this major project which

is very brave and daring started by our friend is a

complete construction of the house to the family of

Andrej Trišić disabled veteran. Our organization has

participated on this occasion from 500.00 € (Euro) to

help with the purchase of necessary construction


Friends of the humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs

in Belgrade have developed a new series of shirts that

will be sold in order to collect funds for the planned

actions to help the Serbian people in Kosovo and

Metohija, which will carry out our organization in

September of this year and January 2011

Collecting money for the tractor

Humanitarian organizations Serbs for Serbs continues to

collect the funds needed to purchase tractor for family

Ekmecic from Prebilovci village in Herzegovina. With the

new 300 euro this month as we separated the ''Fund for

tractor'' currently we come to the sum of 1,500 Euros.

Patiently we continue with this project in the hope that we will

in due course to collect the necessary sum for purchase of


SFS for the first time in Old Serbia

Report: Predrag Marikovic, Serbia / PHOTO / / ACCOUNTS /

Representatives of humanitarian organizations Serbs for Serbs

over the weekend visited the area of the South (Old) Serbia

and carried out another in a series of large humanitarian


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Monthly Report 2010

For the first time during our many years of charity work we

managed to plan and carry out the work visit and deliver

assistance to the Serbian people living in the territory of South

Serbia (now FYROM). This time we visited and helped six

Serbian families and delivered aid worth around 1,200 €.

Delivered assistance consisted of: 2 washing machines, a

stove, an electric. Stove, a freezer and hygiene parcels and

basic foods.

Full Report Serbian

Stove Smederevac for Family Filipovic from


Irina (4 months), Svetlana (8 yrs.), Mihailo(10 yrs.) Danica

(13 yrs.), Djordje (18 yrs.), Mother Maria and father Srdjan

Filipovic can finally relax a bit. This modest family, live in

town Nis, in an old house and in difficult conditions with

only 20,000 dinars per month,this family received from our

organization stove "smederevac " because there stove was in

condition of falling apart. With the help of God and the great

efforts these family manage to cope with the difficult material

conditions in which it is located.

The biggest problem for this family are old and worn-out

things that are easy to break down, and because of low

income this family is not able to fix these things. The current

problem was stove "smederevac". That's why we decided to

help them and buy a new stove. As parents say this was a big

hit, now the temperature in the house is at a normal level,

which is certainly the most important thing. ( in such a small

area (27 squares) they live with five children. )

Stove ''Smederevac'' for Family Filipovic from Nis

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Monthly Report 2010

SFS helped family Milic in


Milic refugee family from Kosovo and Metohija is still in the

camp near Podgorica

Representatives of humanitarian organizations Serbs for

Serbs from Montenegro were in another visit to family Milic

inhabited near Podgorica /Ribnicka Vrela where we delivered

food and hygiene aid.

Thanks to the church community in Podgorica that brings

food in this refugee village, family Milic daily get three

breads and one cooked meal, and it is really the most valuable

form of assistance. We also took money, which they traded

food in a shop, and collected some clothes. We hope that

better days are coming for this family…

We helped the family Zmiric from


Report: Milos Jovanovic, Austria / Diocese Dalmatian /


The Austrian humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs

conducted on October 23 another humanitarian action in

Serbian Krajina. They visited the village Miranje Gornje in

the Benkovac municipality, and helped the Žmirić family.

The Austrian humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs

conducted on October 23 another humanitarian action in

Serbian Krajina. They visited the village Miranje Gornje in

the Benkovac municipality, and helped the Žmirić family.

The family had exiled from their homeland, and went to

Prizren. However, after the begining of a new war, they had

to run again, and they found themselves in the „promised

land“, in the U.S. state of Arizona. At first, all of them were

employed, but the economic crisis has left them without their

jobs. Thus they have managed to collect enough money to

come back home. However, the situation is difficult. Dušan

married the American Samantha, and now they have five

children, , Kasandra (7), Kristina (6), Dijana (5), Dušan (3)

and Aleksandar (1), and twins on the way. Dušan’s parents

also live with them.

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The house where they live is in a very bad condition, because

they are virtually roofless. Thus all the help SFS managed to

collect, 825 euro, was spent for the construction material. Our

association managed to get 300 euro, another 425 was

provided by the donors from Vienna, and an anonymous

donor gave another 100 euro. The help was very much

needed, since the family Žmirić has not yet managed to get

the so-called guaranteed rights for the returnees – health and

social insurance, and the renovation of the refugee houses is

being done selectively – the elderly without progeny are the

first to get it, while Dušan and his family have to wait. They

are the only Serbian family that live in Miranje Gornje, which

is divided into two distinct parts – an old village, distanced

from the road, and a new settlement along the highway.

Dušan plans to cultivate the land and get the financial

stability for his family. The soil is very fertile, and there are

potentials to grow organic food. Some people from Australia

gave him the tiller for the cultivation of land, and Dušan

himself dug the pool for the irrigation of land. It is worth

mentioning that Dušan and his father are renovating the house

on their own.

The SFS organization plans to help this family during the

next visits to Krajina. Apart from money, we gave them the

books “Children's Gospel” and “Holy Prince Lazar and the

Kosovo pledge”, clothing and footwear, sweets and fruits,

toys, and a package of sanitary supplies.

How many more need to be silent?

Representatives of humanitarian organizations Serbs for

Serbs visited on 28 October notorious Ustasha camp

Jasenovac on their way to help families in the Republic of

Srpska. Based on the place where hundreds of thousands of

Serbs, Serbian mothers and children, today there's only a

stone monument, broke up a wooden path leading up to it,

the remains of the railway, which has worked to ''transport

people and goods'' in only one direction, and based of the

camp, which is now converted into a training center.

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Monthly Report 2010

Deafening silence of death awaited us at the blood-soaked

Serbian land.

We pray to God that the Serbian people never again find in

a brick oven or on the edges of Ustasha knives. We pray to

God to never make any camp in which the Serbian people

continue to disappear at an accelerated procedure. We pray

to God that the Serbian people never forget their suffering,

persecution and pogroms.

Jasenovac Video

SFS in Prijedor and Obudovac

Report: Igor Rasula ,Serbia (Photos ,Accounts)

Representatives of humanitarian organizations Serbs for

Serbs from the Serbian Republic, Serbia and Switzerland

have visited and helped the two multi-member Serbian

families in the Republic of Srpska , family Marijanović with

nine and Pavlovic with four children. We provided

emergency aid for purchase of food, hygiene (value of 600

Euros), and for the youngest ones we provide some candys.

After we visited camp Jasenovac in the early hours, we

continued to the Krajina town of Prijedor, where we were

welcome by friends and donors of our organization.

In the village of Petrovo selo lives family Marijanovic . When

we entered their yard, from the house started to come out

little children who are curious about us and their mother Mira

welcome and invited us to enter their home. The house is in

very poor condition. Relatively recently painted walls could

not hide their dilapidation and partly bad construction. The

house is warm thanks to God.

We learn that the family Marijanović fled during the war

from Kljuc Herzegovina to today’s Petrovo village where

they live. Family other than parents makes nine children:

Dragana (1993), Suzana (1996), Marko (1998), Zeljka

(2000), Jelena (2001), Dragan (2002), Zeljko (2004), Predrag

(2007) and the youngest Svetlana has only six months.

Our action in the Republic of Srpska ends up with our visit to

Pavlovic family in the village Obudovac, near the border with

Serbia. Although we reach the deep dark, we were greeted by

the youngest Pavlović children with joy in there warm home.

Our plan was to provide basic supplies of food for the winter.

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While part of our team stayed with the children and father

Zeljko, the mother Mitra with two of our representatives went

to a nearby shop where we supply food, toiletries and

clothing for Pavlovic family in the amount of 320KM. Of the

remaining 40KM how much money we have left the mother

will be provided flour.

Our visit to family Pavlovic marked the first year of

cooperation and assistance of our organization. Until just a

year ago Pavlović family had a house that was leaked, terribly

difficult material and social situation. Today however things

have improved for the better. The house is completely

renovated, painted, installed insulation and the interior has

been raised, the upper floor will remain provisional until

further notice while stripped to raise funds for its expansion

and completion.

This time we will invite the Serbian people to awaken from

the lethargy in which was pushed and help these and other

Serbian families who just need a little help to keep and

strengthen the St. Sava’s way, which we all want to go.

With faith in God,

Igor Rašula

October in USA

Film: Srbi,Narod koji nestaje!

Few representatives of humanitarian organizations Serbs for

Serbs attended the premiere showing of the documentary film:

Serbs, the people who are disappearing! In the hall of the

Serbian National Defense in Chicago. (10/01/2010 @7pm)

The film was screened in the evening dedicated to newspaper

Liberty that is held every Friday in the hall of SND.

There was a great interest in the film, especially among the

Serbian youth and the hall was too small to receive all


The film was attended by one of the speakers in the movie

Father Milos Vesin, after the movie he started discussion on

the film subject.


Option 1 , Option 2

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Monthly Report 2010

Nikola's Message

Zdravo, Hello, How are you doing?

My name is Nikola and I have been given the unique

opportunity to share this message on behalf of all of the

children in Serbia.

Yes, a beautiful country indeed, with rich culture and genuine

hospitality everywhere you turn; however, this isn't the case

for everybody.

Do you know what it would be like to live in a country

containing more people over the age of 65 than under the age

of 15? Or to not have a brother or sister to love and share life

with because your parents are just financially unable to afford

another child, not to mention the constant daily struggle with

hunger and starvation?

Children are brought to this earth to explore and learn. They're

here to make positive changes in the world, but how can they

do that if they don't have the basic conditions necessary for

life itself?

Here is something you might not realize. For the price of one

missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every

day for 5 years.

Malnourishment has a serious negative effect on the brain and

its cognitive abilities, so how can we expect our children to

learn if they're not receiving the proper requirements for


Its time that we bring an end to hatred and war, in order for us

to start to focus on what is important. Our future.

Children are our future. Please, if you can, head over to to help support our children today.

On behalf of all of them, the Serb for Serb organization, and


Thank you.

Click here for VIDEO LINK

Support our organization.

We want to inform all donors and friends of

humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs

that live in the United States that we have

new Pay Pal account so you can send your

donation via email to:

[email protected]

(Pay Pal account [email protected] is

still active for donations from Europe)

Thank you,


Деца су наша будућност!

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Monthly Report 2010


Donors in October


1.B.K. - $15.00 - $50.00

3.Milos - $42.00

4.Dejan Petrovic - $15.00

5.Milutinovic Family - $15.00

6.Igor Glisic - $50.00 - $25.00

8.Mateja Stojkovic-$25.00

9.A.S. - $100.00

10.Zeljka K. - $25.00

11.Sinisa K. - $25.00

12.A.D. - $25.00

13.BBRS - $15.00

14.Aleksandar Krsmanovic - $50.00

15.Zelimir L.- $40.00

Total: $517.00


+ Donor from USA still using Serbs for Serbs Austria Pay Pal

5. Вук са Дрине /САД/ - 21.5 €

12. Милош В. /САД/ - 10 €

15. MjCook /САД/ - 7 €

18. Dragana W. /САД/ - 20 €

21. Симке /САД/ - 15 €

37. Емина С. /САД/ - 35 €

63. Недељко П. /САД/ - 20 €

= 128.5 Euros

We want to inform all donors and friends of

humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs that live in the

United States that we have new Pay Pal account so you

can send your donation via email to:

[email protected]

Note: If you wish to have initials, a nickname or to be

an anonymous donor instead of having your full

name in the donors list, with or without stating the

state where you are, please email us:

[email protected]

Be a Volunteer or Donor, support

our charity.










Number of Donors (13) August 01 - August 31

Number of Donors (13) August 01 -August 31









July AugustSeptemberOctober

Donations in August ($580.00)

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Monthly Report 2010


[email protected]