Download - September2013 - MOVEIN








Welcome to the HUB Community Association (HCA), residents new and old! As a resident of HUB, you are also part of this assocation. The HCA is governed by the HLT - HUB Leadership Team - a student run group at the University of Alberta, which composes of elected officials, PEAs, and RAs. We as the HLT exist to run the services and events that make your experience in HUB an enjoyable and memorable one. We run social, recreational, educational programs, provide services, offer vol-unteer and leadership opportunities and foster leadership development.



There are perks and reasons to be involved, one of them is personal development. You’ll never have a better chance, besides within your classes, to meet people from such diverse places and backgrounds. Education levels vary from first years up to graduate students, with students from Arts to Sciences. There are also a lot of international students, some who move across the world to just to live here. Did you know the longest resident lived in HUB for (citation needed) 10 years?

Even if you have lived here for a while now, there are always new ways to meet people and be engaged. If you are ever confused about anything, go to which is our official website. Also like our Face-book page,, and our Twitter, All of our events and happenings are advertised on there first, so stay connected.

Have a fun year and let’s hope to meet some time!

Bertie | VP [email protected] | [email protected]

* Last year’s HLT Team


MOVE IN DAYMoving is stressful, hectic, and isn’t meant to be as inefficient as it always turns out to be. The insanity and livelihood of school compounds on this. Then you also realise that within HUB roams its residents, students, other school officials and anyone else who wants to pop in at some point in their day. You’ll get used to climbing stairs, walking up and down its 700m long corridor, and you’ll notice its charms, its windows and the lovely LED lights that show at night time.

If you haven’t already looked at it, Residence Services has created a move-in specific Welcome Booklet, read it below. It contains every detail of moving in, from keys and parking to how to write your HUB address. Take a look below.

After living in HUB for almost a year, I can offer some extra tips:

1. Lock your doors. There are signs on everybody’s door that serves as an extra reminder of this. While there are police officers that do patrol at night, the extra precaution is always worth it and your safety is worth the extra bit of time taken to turn the lock on that door.

2. Know that your bedroom doors are locked the first time. This is specific to those in shared units and is important for new residents, not so much for past or experienced residents. Once you move in, go to your bedroom door and unlock it for the time being, then relock it to get an idea. A common problem for new res-idents is leaving their keys inside their bedroom, and then closing their bedroom door. Should that happen, you will have to call the RA on call (1-780-619-6244), and then wait for them to come to your unit and unlock it for you. There is also paperwork to be filled. Doing so more than once also costs you an extra $30 on your next month’s rent. Get in the habit of taking your keys everywhere!


3. Carry your Onecard and keys together. You can go to the InfoLink office (located in HUB Mall) to buy a plastic Onecard holder for $1, or you may already have a plastic cardholder. Having your Onecard accessi-ble is convenient and saves time. You use it for transit, buying food and drink, printing, and within HUB you use it for laundry and Vault access.

4. Explore. HUB connects to the University LRT station, Fine Arts Building (FAB), Rutherford Library, Hu-manities Center and the Business building. Beyond that, there’s a whole campus to explore, so make sure you do that. In the winter when it’s always -30, you may have classes across campus. Figure out pedways and the best ways to get from building to building, along with any secret spaces. Beyond campus, there’s the Edmonton area such as Whyte Avenue and the River Valley. Learn what events happen in Edmonton, especially the amount of festivals that happen every summer, because there’s a lot to see outside the 10km radius of the University of Alberta.

5. Clean. HUB is not a forgiving place if you don’t have good cleaning habits. If you have roommates, make a cleaning schedule and promise each other to clean up always. Make a pact to clean out leftover food from old roommates when you first move in. There is also a fantastic vacuum rental service down in the Vault. For everyone, make a trip to any grocery or household item store and buy some towels, toilet paper (seriously, toilet paper), dish soap, regular soap, sponges, mop, etc. There are no cleaning ladies that come by once in a while, it is up to the resident to look after their own space. And if you don’t clean up once in a while, anoth-er thing to know is that Residence Services has a unit inspection every month, so having an unclean unit will cost you.

MOVE IN DAYcontinued


Time for some pictures of HUB. Not every shop or facility has been shown, only the highlights. These pic-tures go from the LRT end of HUB (south end) up to the north end, then down to the Vault.


Here is the LRT Station that connects everyone taking transit to HUB! The first time you go down to trains, you realise how deep underground the station is. Below is what you see on your left. Keep your things safe!


Above is the HUB Lockers and Lounge, for students to store their things. There is also a little study area. Below is the laundry room, accessible by Onecard swipe. Washing machines are $1.25, driers are $1.50, and laundry bags, detergent, etc are not provided. Since space is limited, take your clothes out of the ma-chines as soon as they are done instead of leaving them there, as people will take your laundry out for you if the machine is not in use. There is an adjoining sitting area, bring a book or homework to pass time!



Across from the Rutherford Library, you will see this hallway. Contained in this hallway: public washrooms, mailboxes, Residence Life Office and the garbage disposal. The bottom picture is me checking my mail-box, your mailbox number is written on the envelope your keys were in. A problem last year was residents throwing their garbage in the public garbage bins, this is not allowed. Take your garbage out to the proper disposal area at the end of the hallway. Email your RA for alternate locations if this is too far.



There are a few of these walkways that lead up to study lounges in HUB. They are open during school hours, but close at different times at night. Anyone can utilise the lounges when they are open, so it pro-vides a good space for study groups or socialising. The one shown in these pictures is the Riverside Lounge, it is at the far north side of HUB. When you see the lounge in person, you’ll understand the name, it refers to the view of the River Valley from this lounge. (You can’t see this scenic view in the below photo.)



Hey, that’s the end of HUB! But then you notice something different here at Stairwell 9114... It’s pointing down to the “HUB Community Center”, commonly known as The Vault. The Vault, along with the laundry room, is a space accessible to residents only. The space itself is at the bottom of that stairwell. When you reach the entrance, you’ll see locked doors and a Onecard swipe. Non-residents are allowed in if accompa-nied by residents, see next page for what you can do in the Vault.





There’s lots to do at the Vault, and a lot of events are hosted there. It’s a social place to meet other HUB residents, and a quiet place without people roaming the halls. You are also able to volunteer - the left bottom photo on the previous page is the entry way to the Volunteer Office. Want to volunteer? Send an email to [email protected] to ask. There is always an office volunteer inside during evenings, consult for a specific schedule. Provided below is a list of the services you can find down in the Vault:

1. DVD and vacuum rentals, and pool sticks/ping pong paddle rental. This happens inside the volunteer office, and is what the volunteer is there to assist with. For renting any of these, have your Onecard and a refundable cash deposit ready. A list of DVDs can be seen online at If you borrow a vacuum, try to use it right away and return it because they are in high demand. Playing pool or ping-pong is the same idea, but residents are welcome to buy their own as we only have one set. These services are for everyone, so please return what you borrow on time to be fair to everyone else, or else face late fees.

2. Bigscreen TV. There is a Netflix account, and your association fees pay for basic cable service. Under the TV is a DVD player, with the option to hook up your gaming system or laptop to the TV. You can vague-ly see the photo on the top left photo, it’s a great corner to watch some TV at night. It is also where Movie Nights are hosted (see Events).

3. Free ice cream. This refers to our weekly event, Sunday Sundae! Consult Events for more information.

4. Dance room with treadmills and elipticals, fitness room with weights and lifts, study room with a HUB library, ping pong room. These are easy to find if you go to the Vault in person. The fitness and dance room equipment are suitable for working out, and the equipment is replaced every few years. With the study room’s library, you take a book or leave a book. The library relies on self-regulation and sometimes people leave old textbooks that might be useful, or you may find something interesting to read.

5. Free long distance telephone. This is located at the far end of the Vault, it is easy to see because it is a white telephone on a table with a stool to sit on. People don’t know about this service as much as the other Vault services, but this phone is long distance to anywhere in the world.

6. Private washrooms. Again, this is not well known or advertised, but if you walk down to the end of the Vault through another set of doors past the study room, you’ll see some washrooms to your left. They are a bit spooky, but feel cleaner than the public washrooms upstairs, and they also lead to another exit out of the Vault. Remember to take your Onecard if you do plan to use these washrooms, the doors are locked in the same fashion as the main entrance.

THE VAULTcontinued


EVENTSSchool starting means a turnover of new students and most importantly, a lot of events that are going on. The welcome related events will be listed first, then some ongoing events.

1. Move in day. Even if you’ve lived in HUB in the past or are still living there, we still have events that would be beneficial to any resident. For more details on any of these, there will be a table in front of the mailboxes on the day to provide more details, or email [email protected].

- Need furniture? We have a HUB Ikea shuttle car that will drive back and forth from Ikea. September 1st is when an agreement is made with Ikea to have free furniture shipping back to HUB. Take advan tage! Meet at the Vault between 1:30PM and 3:00PM on September 1st.

- Tour of HUB, at every hour between 1PM and 5PM. Simple straight and forward, attend for fun and potentially learn something new about the residence.

- Free BBQ! Happening outside the Vault from 12:30PM to 4:00PM. FREE. FOOD.

2. First Zone Meeting. Keep an eye on your inboxes for your zone meeting on September 1st or 2nd. Your RA should email you about this, this is a great chance to meet everyone in your stairwell/zone.

3. Campus wide ‘Can I Kiss You’ program. September 5th at 7:30pm at the Garneau Theater (off campus past East Campus village). Attend this presentation that focuses on dating and sexual assault.

4. Hawrelak Park Trip. This is an event open to any resident on the first Friday after school starts. It is quite straight forward, meet at Vault at 3:30PM on September 7th, 2013, then make your way down to Hawrelak Park for an evening of snacks and games. Meet your HLT members, and other HUB residents!



5. Textbook Exchange. Sunday September 8th, come down to the Vault between 6PM and 7PM with either cash or textbooks to buy/trade/sell from other HUB residents! This is great because you can meet other resi-dents, and potentially save a lot of money on textbooks. Sunday Sundae right after.

6. East Campus ‘Community Action Day’ program. September 14th, email [email protected] for more details.

7. HUB Involvement Fair. September 21st from 3PM to 6PM, meet at Riverside Lounge (the ramp at the north end of HUB) to see ways to get involved in HUB and around the school! A lot of major campus groups will be there, as well as some Edmonton groups. Members from the HLT will be present, not to mention free food and refreshments, and a draw for an iPad mini.

8. [WEEKLY] Sunday Sundae. This is a long running HUB event, where we give out free ice cream every Sunday at 7PM-7:30PM. Just bring your own bowls and plates and come down to the Vault, because free ice cream is free ice cream!

9. [BI-WEEKLY] Movie Nights. 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. Come down to the Vault at 6PM on those Saturdays for an HLT picked movie. Food provided, bring your own bowls and utensils. | | |


*BYO bowls&spoons


INVOLVEMENTTo be a citizen of the community is to help out and give back. How can you do that within HUB? The easiest way is to be a Vault office volunteer. Do you teach anything else as well such as piano, art, yoga, a lan-guage? Email [email protected] to learn about any of these opportunities. We are always looking for new ways to engage our residents and provide them with an enriching experience.

There are also a variety of clubs and groups on campus. Consult below:

One example of an organisation would be AISEC. An old executive member of the HCA is now a member of this organisation, and it is something worth checking out.

AIESEC is a student non profit organizations that facilitates international exchanges for students would wish to gain vol-unteer or work experi-ence abroad. It’s a great way to go abroad, or for those who want to join as a local member, de-velop their leadership potential by helping expand our organization by raising work oppor-tunities to bring intern in from other countries and recruiting potential interns from Edmonton to go abroad. For those interested, its a great way meet new people locally and from abroad, join in the community and just have fun!!


911 - (Call 9-1-1; 24 hours) for Fire, Ambulance or Police Assistance (fire and life emergencies) Protective Services - (Call 780-492-5050; 24 hr) for help with safety/security issues, such as reporting suspi cious persons and other emergencies HUB RA On-Call - (Call 780-619-6244; 4pm to 8am on weekdays; 24 hours on weekends & holidays) for general help in HUB (lockouts, noise issues, etc) Community Wellness – Need someone to talk to (confidentially) about life changes and challenges? See here for more information and contact Natassha to have a great chat ([email protected]). Maintenance / Repairs - For repairs in your unit, light bulb replacements, etc., please submit a Maintenance Request online: HUB RC - Call the Residence Coordinator (8am-4pm weekdays) at 780-492-4634. For personal help, transfer requests, ongoing issues and for any difficult situation you are unsure of how to deal with. E-mail lhuxley@ HCA – Contact the HUB Community Association to get involved, learn about exciting events and activities taking place in HUB, borrow movies or a vacuum or to have your concern heard by your official student’s asso ciation - visit



Wondering who to contact for what? Get an idea of who your HLT members are! This page is the HCA Exec-utives, with their contact information.

GOVERNANCEVP Communications: [email protected]

VP Programming: [email protected]

VP Volunteers: [email protected]

VP Operations: [email protected]

VP Finance & Admin: [email protected]

President: [email protected]

For questions about the HCA’s finances, including where your association fees go.

For questions about volunteering with-in HUB and volun-teer office inquiries.

For questions about the Vault and anything inside the Vault, such as equip-ment, etc.

For questions about current and upcoming events, and any sugges-tions and feedback.

For general inquiries and concerns within the HCA overall that can’t be an-swered by other execs.

For questions or feedback on media, i.e. newsletter, posters, website, Face-book and Twitter page.



This page is the RAs and PEAs. Photos are not available at the time, but if you want to meet any of these people, mail your RA or attend any of the events we host.

RAs:Arenna - Konnichiwa Zone | [email protected] Cheng - Namaste | [email protected] Grewal - Hola | [email protected] Hwang - Ni Hao | [email protected] Malik - Kia Ora | [email protected] Mazo - Jambo | [email protected] Peak - Selam | [email protected] Santos - Bonjour | [email protected] Xue - Aloha | [email protected] Yan - Guten Tag | [email protected] Bennett - SRA | [email protected]

PEAs:Denis LaplanteNaiwen Candace XuChun GongZhang Ru YuanYongqin HuRabib AlamNick BattyKa Yee Carmen WongRuiqi WangXiaofei Cecilia Wang