Download - SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT Dan Haarstad’s 1951 … CLATTER 3 This August Evie and I made a trip to Europe to be a part of a conference and

Page 1: SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT Dan Haarstad’s 1951 … CLATTER 3 This August Evie and I made a trip to Europe to be a part of a conference and

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September 27th Program

September meeting program: BBQ\Potluck at Darbys, 6:30 PM, Bellevue, see page 7�

Dan Haarstad’s 1951 Styleline Deluxe

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Page 2: SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT Dan Haarstad’s 1951 … CLATTER 3 This August Evie and I made a trip to Europe to be a part of a conference and

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Puget Sound Region VCCA

2 T A P P E T C L A T T E R �

The Puget Sound Region of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (PS-VCCA) is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, fun and enjoyment of vintage Chevrolet cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. PS-VCCA chapter membership is open to all Chevrolet enthusiasts who are members of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA). All Chevys from 1911 through 1979 may be registered with the region. General meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at Tillicum Middle School in Bellevue . Meetings in September through May are from 7:30PM to 9:30PM. June and August meetings are announced in this publication. No meetings are held in July or December. You can learn more about the club by visiting the website. You can see color photos of previous tours, parts for sale, wanted, etc. and there is a link to view our Monthly Newsletter “Tappet Clatter.” You can find the PS-VCCA website on the World Wide Web @

Wanted Reward! We are still seeking “Spotlights” of club member’s cars for 2004 & 2005 Tappet Clatters. Please take the time to write up the history of your car and include two pictures and send them to Dave Haddock. Do it the way that suits you the best, but if you can do as an attachment to an e-mail that helps Dave put it together. See the past ones in 2003/2004 as examples. Reward? – You will get a professionally-printed, color copy of your edition and help us produce an interesting monthly publication. THANKS.

��������Directors Asst. Director Rod Schein Steve Grissom

[email protected] [email protected]

Jerry Brownell Secretaries [email protected] Tom & Sharon


Activities Coordinators Olga Eadie

Don Comstock

[email protected]

Treasurer Historian Sallie Comstock Bob Helgeson

[email protected] [email protected]

Editors Membership Jim Martoza John Strampher

[email protected] [email protected]

Dave Haddock Donna Onat

[email protected] [email protected]

Club Store Ana Maria & George Haley

[email protected]

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This August Evie and I made a trip to Europe to be a part of a conference and to visit a lit-tle of Alsace France, a slice of Austria, and some of the Martin Luther and Johann Hermann Schein historical sites in Germany. We did not have a detailed itinerary and so we drove and stayed as we found things. We were not in areas where there were English speakers and so we were language challenged, especially since I never thought of taking an English/German dictionary with us. Our rental car turned out to be a Volvo V50 which is a wagon, one size smaller than the V 60 & V70 wagons imported to the USA. It was quite able on the small roads and parking places and could stretch its legs with ease at 130 to 150 kph (80 to 90 mph), which is the average speed on the autobahns. Notice I said aver-age!!! The range of speed is what makes it difficult to drive as some vehicles are traveling at 40 to 50 mph in the right hand lane, while other swish by at 100 to 150 mph even though the posted speed limit is 80 mph! So driving at 80 mph, which is my comfort zone, meant I had to be able to pass slow vehicles without being run over by the race car drivers. One spends as much time looking in the rear view mirror as through the windshield. A plus is that the roads in Austria and Germany are very smooth and accommodate these speeds quite well. However, the wide range of driving speeds makes the traffic flow anything but smooth. Cruise control is out of the question. Also, you only pass on the left of a vehicle. As we approach the Fall of 2004 with time on it’s own “cruise setting”, we need to think about volunteers to serve as officers in our club. Please take a moment to look over the list of officers in your directory or in the Tappet Clatter. Pick out one or two that might fit what you like to do. As I have said, this most likely would not be a perfect fit, but some-what of a fit. Also, think of it as a place of slight challenge to which you would feel positive about responding. You would not be serving alone, but rather as a part of an executive team that I have found to be very supportive and helpful that is alongside me. The nomi-nating committee this year is chaired by Dave Roberts, and joined by Jim Martoza and my-self. Any one of us would appreciate your response to this request. Nominations will be opened at our October meeting and the elections will take place at our November meeting.

In the Relay with you, Rod

New Contact Information for Lee and Carol Folsom New phone number (previously 425 - 481 - 0903) is now: 360 - 668 - 4016. Their new e - mail address is:�[email protected]

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October Celebrations


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Richard & Audrey Clyde 10-12 George & Ana Maria Haley 10-28

Roberta Martoza 10-7 Lila Jacobs 10-10 Larry Dykes 10-10 Carol Folsom 10-14 Nancy Wang 10-21 Mike Currie 10-25 George Haley 10-27 Jerry Brownell 10-29 Sharon Lauderback 10-30 Jon Hartog 10-31

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Dan Haarstad’s 1951 Styleline Deluxe (cont. from p. 1) -���8��)��4���+�� ��=�� �+����!��� �+�����+�������"��������"� ���������� ���������

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WEDNESDAY GARAGE NITE Dick Olson is continuing an informal Wednesday garage night. We will meet once a month at someone’s garage (alternating each month). When: Second Wed. of the month 7:00 PM. Informal get together, guy stuff, guests welcome! Kick tires; Network with other car nuts; Meet new people; Learn new things; An excuse to drive your old car? Host will provide soft drinks or bring your own? Check out garage projects!! Call Dick to volunteer your garage!! Where: Don Comstock’s Garage. Sumner, WA. Begin at 7 PM. (Early arrivals welcome.) Call for directions. Schedule: Probably no additional Garage Nites this fall or winter unless someone volunteers their garage. August Garage Nite at Bill Barker’s Garage Thanks to Dick Olson

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2004 Club Meetings & Auto Events Calendar

��� 16 Seattle, WA. CLUB BOARD MEETING, Haddock’s 7 PM. � 17-19 Ocean Shores, WA. Sea Cruz II, 360-491-0988 � 19 Sumner, WA. Classy Chassis Car Show, 253-863-1900 � 25-26 Chehalis, WA. Harvest Swap Meet, 360-273-6961 � 26 Western Washington VCCA Club’s Picnic, 1 PM. (See page 7) � 27 General Meeting: BBQ\Potluck at Darbys, 6:30 PM. (See page 7)

� �� 2 Arlington, WA. October Hunt Swap Meet, 360-435-2777 � 2 Goldendale, WA. Concours d’Maryhill Open Show, 800-573-3793 � 3 Goldendale, WA. Maryhill Loops Hill Climb, 800-573-3793 � 9-10 Monroe, WA. Monroe Swap Meet, 360-366-0188 � 13 Garage Night (Don Comstock’s Garage– see p. 5) � 16-17 Portland, OR. NW Collector Car Show & Swap Meet, 503-694-6922 � 25 General Meeting: @Tillicum @ 7:30 PM.

���� 6-7 Bremerton, WA. 36th Automotive Swap Meet, 360-876-4954 � 10 Garage Night (Location to be announced) � 14 Bellingham, WA. 4th Corner Elites Project Santa Claus, 360-380-2733 � 22 General Meeting: @Tillicum @ 7:30 PM. � 28 Puyallup, WA. Graffitti Vintage Christmas Bash, 253-531-8821

6 T A P P E T C L A T T E R �

AUGUST MEETING at the XXX Drive In Photos by Ana Maria Haley

Welcome to New Members Say “hello” to new members Jay and Nancy Wang (Seattle- 1948 Fleetmaster Town Sedan) and Darryl and Sheila Davis (Seattle- 1967 Impala)

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The September club meeting is a BBQ / Potluck at Jim and Gail Darby’s house (20 158th Pl NE, Bellevue, 425-746-1750). Meet at 6:30 PM (We started earlier so people do not starve). I assume you all know the way but if needed call for directions, it is just north of the school where we regularly meet. The club will provide hotdogs, drinks, plates, silverware, napkins etc. Please bring a salad or dessert dish. We will have our short business por-tion of the meeting as we eat, and discuss where we are with the 2005 NW meet. We may also discuss nominations for officer’s positions but mostly this is just a social event. Come and join us for some good talk and good eats.

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Meeting was held at the XXX Drive In in Issaquah. No formal meeting and no minutes.

2004 Northwest Meet in Kelso

Everyone had a grand time in July at the NW Meet sponsored by the Columbia River Region of VCCA (see photos below). We were well attended and came home with the “Highest Attendance-by percentage of members present” Award. In addition, Don and Lynn Boltz won the “Best of Show- 8 cylinder era”, a 1st Junior Award, and the coveted “GM of Canada” Award for the Best of Show as voted by meet attendees. Historical Preservation of Chevrolet Features (HPOCF) awards went to Bill and Sis Barker (1938 Coupe), Dick and Gisela Jones (1938 Business Coupe), Phyllis and George Kowats (1965 Corvair), and James and Lila Jacobs (1967 Chevelle Malibu). Other awards to Puget Sound members included a 1st Senior to Bob and Florence Helgeson (1964 Corvette), Preservation Mini to George and Anita Warren (1963 Impala Convertible), Preservation Mini to Jerry and Lynne Jacobs (1966 Impala SS), and a 1st Junior to Dave and Diane Haddock (1955 210).

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From the Glove Box

1 0 T A P P E T C L A T T E R

Question from Donna Onat

about her 1954 210

�Question: The horn on my '54 210 Powerglide has been working intermittently, and lately it is not working at all. When you press on the ring, you do hear the relay click and the horn makes a quiet "punk" sound, but does not blow. So there seems to be no problem in the horn ring. Here's what I know from some checks Larry has done:

• When the horn rim is pressed with the horns connected, the ammeter goes completely negative.

• When the horns are disconnected, the relay makes its noise, and shows only a slight draw.

• Direct connection from the battery to the terminal on the horn produces the same "punk" sound as happens when power is provided through the relay.

It appears that there may be a dead short in the horns. Is this a possibility? Or, could there be a problem on the load side of the horn relay? Any other ideas? Also, I was driving my Chevy last week and dropped an earring (metal one) on the floor beneath my feet. (The carpet has been taken out so we could assess the water leak prob-lems.) When I later picked it up it was noticeably hot. I put my hand down on the metal floorpan to find I couldn't even touch it, it was so hot. Is this normal?

Who can help Donna and Larry out with some ideas on how to fix this horn? Catch Donna at the September meeting and we will publish the solutions next month.

New questions or questions & answers are always welcome. You can email me at [email protected]. Thanks.

Jim Farris-Custodian of the Glove Box

Message From Roger Orness Hi All, I had a great time at the Federal Way Parade today. Thanks to Ana for setting it up, and the preferred parking was nice. On the way home I stopped and looked at a 1928 Chevy Coupe for sale. Not running but looked 85% com-plete. Wood needs replacing, but sheet metal was good with only a few rust outs. Asking price is $3500. The car is in Milton and if anyone is interested in taking a look, I have the number. Roger Orness 253-922-7516

Page 11: SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT Dan Haarstad’s 1951 … CLATTER 3 This August Evie and I made a trip to Europe to be a part of a conference and

���������������Classifieds FOR SALE

‘65 Chevelle 396 engine, Pat @425-373-1688 Set of 8 lug Chev wheels w/good 16.5 tires, $75 Jim Farris (206) 937-5636 or [email protected] 1987 Pontiac Trans AM GTA configuration, T-tops, ex-cellent mechanics & driver $2750 OBO Walt Blair (206) 249-6745 or [email protected] ‘59 Convertible, 80K miles, Bruce Nickelson (425) 771-8475 ‘56 265 CID engine, less than 20k on rebuild, 3 spd tran. & rear end, 370?, Wally Martin, (425) 743-6858 ‘50 216 Engine-complete, Dick Olson, (425) 222-5798, [email protected] ‘37 Rebuilt Engine, ‘47 &’ 48 builder engines, ‘53 Cadil-lac V-8, ‘33 engines, Don Comstock, (253) 863-0420, [email protected] ‘41 Chev. Club Coupe, Grey over blue, A nice car, $11,500, Don Brown, (425) 231-0208 ‘82 Era Test Equip, Snap-on Diagnostic Center mounted on rolling cabinet, Jim Seiber, (425) 392-7865, [email protected] 1936 1/2 ton PU project, 30 yr collection of parts. $4000.00 or trade. Dick Olson 425-222-5798 1951 Chevrolet Convertible. Nearly $50,000 spent on full restoration Car is in Post Falls, ID restoration shop. Call Glenn Vaughn for full details on restoration work. 208-773-3525. ( Best offer. [email protected]

‘60s to ‘70s 1/2 or 3/4 ton pickup sideracks, home-made but works to extend load, Jim Seiber, (425) 392-7865 ‘36 Chev Parts, wheels, radiator and shroud, hood, John Aryes 425 870-4086 ‘36 Chev 2-dr front seat, $100; ‘53 235 60,000 orig. mi., $350; ‘31 Chev truck 4-spd, 2 for $75; Chev 350 Turbo 350, $525; Misc. 53/54 Chev parts; Con-tact Mike Smith (253) 640-0337 or (253) 476-0741 �

‘64 Impala SS hubcap, Need 1 very good hubcap/would buy more if needed more, only need one, Steve Grissom, (425) 228-3670, [email protected]. Good 3 speed manual transmission, for '53 Chev Bel Air Sedan. A '54 transmission would work too. Contact: Dale Hicks, at 425-481-9787 ‘55-56, 1/2 ton, short-bed PU, Prefer 235 but V8 Ok, David White, (206) 999-8138, [email protected]

‘38 Chev Radio, Bill Barker, (425) 643-0698, bill@barkerville.

‘55 210 Wheel Bearing Dust Caps, Dave Haddock, (206) 985-6987, [email protected]

1918 490 Touring, one inside door handle plate Terry Shegrud, contact Jim Martoza.


1936–1950 Passenger and 1/2 Ton Brake Shoe Cores. Also, 9 inch ‘38 to ‘53 clutch discs. Bring to any meeting. We will forward them to

990 South Second Street Lebanon, OR 97355

TO ORDER: INFORMATION: (800) 841-6622 (541) 258-2114 FAX: (541) 258-6968 or

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 1 1 ����


‘54 6 CYL. 235 engine, Rebuilt .030 over, 0 miles, $1,800 ‘54 Power Glide Tranny, Rebuilt 0 miles, $650 ‘52 235 CI and PG, $25 V8 Truck, Bell housing, $20 ‘65 6 CYL 230 CI & PG, $50 ‘50 PU Diff, $10 ‘37-’38 Coupe Doors, L&R, $5 ea. ‘59 Frt. Bumper, $20 ‘59 Impala, wheel covers, (4), $10 ea. ‘62 SS, wheel covers, (4), $15 ea. ‘50 PU, door, RH, $20 ‘68 ALL-SYNCRO, 3-spd, $40 ‘58 3-spd, $20 ‘56 PU, 4-spd, $20 ‘57 Bel Air, LH Front Fender Mldg, $20 ‘57 Bel Air, N.O.S. LH Front Fender Mldg, $40 ‘39, N.O.S. Running Board Mldg, $80 ‘39, Running Board Rubber, LH $40 ‘53 or ’54, steering wheel, $50��� �+����,����-,.���/&�������.���%�0


Page 12: SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT Dan Haarstad’s 1951 … CLATTER 3 This August Evie and I made a trip to Europe to be a part of a conference and

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