Download - SEPTEMBER, · Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beckwith, Roni Doo-lin, Mary Beth Glass, Susan Martin, Alan and Lynn Nesaw, and Rhonda

Page 1: SEPTEMBER, · Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beckwith, Roni Doo-lin, Mary Beth Glass, Susan Martin, Alan and Lynn Nesaw, and Rhonda

NEWSLETTER STAFF: Mary Lou Pennell, Editor Phone: 746-8538 [email protected] Linda & Chuck Connors CHURCH INFORMATION: R. Spencer Broce, Pastor Lisa Beckwith, Youth Minister Linda Kennedy, Choir Director Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant

Worship Services; 9:00 am and 11:00 am Sunday School: 10:00 am

Church Office: 746-0980 Pastor’s Home: 550-2734 Lebanon UMC 8492 Peaks Road Hanover, VA 23069


Wednesday Night Act iv it ies A lso Resume. . . .

Begin n ing September 21st , we wi l l resume ou r Wed nesday n ight fel lowsh ip and fa ith ac t iv it ies . Each week the meal beg ins at 6 pm and the s t udy beg ins at 6:45 in the chapel for adu lt s . For some 6 pm may be too ea rly to get here, so Cathy Fet t y and her fa ith f u l g roup in the k itchen ser ve the meal up u nt i l 6:30 or so i f you can’t get here u nt i l t hat t ime. The nu rser y is avai lable f rom 6 to 8 , and du r ing the s t udy t ime there a re of fe r ings for ch i ld ren and midd le schooler s and h igh schooler s as wel l .

On the f i r s t of these n ight s we wi l l beg in with a mission fa i r cente red a rou nd ou r Ch r is t ian response to pover t y. Th is wi l l beg in at 6:30 in the Fel lowsh ip Hal l . Joe Maslan ka has a r ranged for the g uest speakers to help us th in k more deeply about th is subject . Bishop Dar r yl Husband , Sen ior Pastor of Mou nt Ol ivet Chu rch in R ich mond , wi l l speak on the spi r i t ua l nat u re of ou r com mit ment to the poor coming f rom h is exper ience in Chu rch Hi l l se r v ing those in pover t y. We wi l l a lso be hea r ing f rom t wo per sons with the Un ited Way as they speak on the impact of pover t y in t he G reate r R ich mond Met ro a rea , Cara Cardot t i , THR I V E Col laborat ive Manager as wel l a s Kat ina Wil l iams, Di rector of Com mu nit y Impact: I ncome. A nd las t ly, Dave Cooper, the CEO of Ci rcles Ash land , wi l l speak on the organ izat ion’s goals to pu l l people out of generat ional pover t y local ly. The fol lowing week , Sept . 28th , we wi l l beg in the s t udy, “The Wesleyan Way”. I n th is excit i ng and inspi r ing new st udy, Bishop Scot t J. Jones helps seekers and bel ievers to env ision and pract ice d isciplesh ip as a way of l i fe. P resent ing Ch r is t ian it y f rom a Wesleyan perspect ive, Jones inv ites pa r t ic ipant s i nto a deeper, more thought f u l , more act ive com mit ment to Ch r is t . Th is 8 -session s t udy helps pa r t ic ipant s focus on how, th rough d isciplesh ip with Jesus Ch r is t , we become pa r t of God’s work in t rans- for ming the world .

See you Wed nesdays th is fa l l!

We wil l resume ou r reg ula r worsh ip schedule on Sunday, Sept . 18 with contemporar y worsh ip at 9 am, Sunday School at 10 am, and t rad it ional worsh ip at 11 am.

We wi l l resume ou r reg u la r Worsh ip Ser v ices’ schedule on Su nday, Sept . 18 with contempora r y worsh ip at 9 am, Su nday School a t 10 am, and t rad it ional worsh ip at 11 am.

Page 2: SEPTEMBER, · Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beckwith, Roni Doo-lin, Mary Beth Glass, Susan Martin, Alan and Lynn Nesaw, and Rhonda

We wi l l be celebrat ing ou r las t ON E worsh ip se r-v ice of the sum mer on September 11 with a chu rch-wide meal af te r wards. Fr ied ch icken , d r in ks , and paper product s wi l l be f u r n ished. You a re asked to br ing a side d ish , sa lad , or desser t to sha re.

You a re i nv ited to join The Hanover Ch r is t ian Fi re -wood Min is t r y for thei r an nual picn ic on Su nday, Sept . 25, 1 to 3 pm. Th is event wi l l be held at Hi l lc res t Bapt is t Chu rch at 11342 Hi l lc res t Road.Ever yone is welcome and the cost i s f ree. You a re asked to br ing a side d ish or desser t to sha re. RSV P to ea rlygo2@hot mai l .com or by ca l l i ng 281-4360 by Monday, Sept . 12.

Than ks to ever yone for pa r t ic ipat ing in ou r pic to -r ia l d i rec tor y. I f you pu rchased photos , you should have received those a long with you r compl imenta r y 8x10 photo. I f you d id n’t pu rchase photos , you r compl imenta r y photo was del ivered with others to the chu rch of f ice. As of th is date , there a re s t i l l a few remain ing to be picked up in the chu rch of-f ice. We expect the d i rector ies to be avai lable for d is t r ibut ion in the Fal l . I f you have any quest ions , please contact Susan Mar t in at 804 -363-7990 or [email protected].

Ou r Charge Conference date (an nual meet ing with ou r Dis t r ic t Supt .) has been set for Su nday, Oct . 23 at 4 pm. Please put th is date on you r ca lendar.

Than ks so much to a l l t he pa rent sand youth who at tended ou r Youth or ient at ion meet ing Aug. 28. I f you were not able to at tend , please contact Lisa at Youth@LebanonU to have you r i n for mat ion added for the youth news emai ls . Su nday Night youth resumes Sept . 11 at 6:30 pm. Ou r Wed nesday n ight smal l g roups resume s t a r t i ng Sept . 14 at 6:45 pm.

The Chancel Choi r has re - sumed pract ice on Thu rsday n ight s a t 7:15 pm. There a re s t i l l some empt y seat s jus t wait i ng for you to come help s i ng a joy f u l noise u nto theLord! Contact Linda Ken nedy at l ken nedy385@g mai l .com or 730 - 4655 for more in for mat ion.

“Poor K ids” - Show ing of documentar y Fr iday, Sept . 23 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Ashland Theater

Free and open to the publ ic wi l l be a showing or Poor K ids , a Front l i ne Documenta r y about g rowing up poor i n A mer ica ( pover t y th rough the eyes of a ch i ld). The f i lm wi l l be show n f rom 6:30 - 7:30.

Af te r the f i lm wi l l be a panel d iscussion with

- T had Wi l l iamson , Author of Mak ing a Place for Com-mu n it y, for merly Di rec tor of t he R ich mond Wealth Bu i ld ing (ant i -pover t y) i n i t ia t ive & U of R professor - Dr. Sa rah Cr ibbs , P rofessor of Sociolog y & A nth ro -polog y at Randolph Macon Col lege - Jay Brow n, Di rec tor, Div ision of Housing Ser v ices , Com monwealth Cathol ic Cha r i t ies - Rev. Ben Campbel l , Author of R ich mond’s Un healed His tor y, for mer Pas tora l Di rec tor of R ich mond Hi l l - A nd Ash land Ci rcle Leader s who completed t r a in ing i n the prog ram - Moderator, Dave Cooper (Ci rcles Ash land Execut ive Di rec tor)

Th is event i s hosted by Ci rcles Ash land (Ci rcles--ash land-va .org) Ref resh ments wi l l be for sa le to benef it t he Ash land Theate r.

Page 3: SEPTEMBER, · Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beckwith, Roni Doo-lin, Mary Beth Glass, Susan Martin, Alan and Lynn Nesaw, and Rhonda

Joe Maslanka met with the R ich mond Dist r ic t Com mit tee on Ordained Min is t r y in Aug ust and has been accepted as a cer t i f ied cand idate for Li-censed Local Pastor.

Paul and Taylor Sher wood welcomed Al ice Jean Sher wood on Ju ly 12 , weigh ing 6 pou nds and 4 ou nces. P roud g randparent s a re Br yan and Tam-my Ramsey.

Andrew and Amber Wi l l iams welcomed Alec Ste -ven Wil l iams on Aug ust 7 weigh ing 9 lb., 10 oz . P roud g randparent s a re Hol ly and Joe Maslan ka .

To Dor is Tignor and her fami ly as they g r ieve the loss of her brother, Mon roe Loving Sr., who passed away Aug ust 5.

The R ighteous Out laws have t aped another fea-t u re of Chan nel 8 i n R ich mond. They have been spot l ighted again for work in the com mu nit y. They wi l l be play ing at O’Ban ks on Sept . 9 to ra ise money for Ci rcles Ash land , then wi l l ap -pea r the ver y next day at Haley Buick on Mid lo -th ian Tu r npike f rom 12 noon to 2 pm for an event hosted by thei r good f r iend and ow ner of Haley Buick , Bar r y Moore. It i s Bar r y who has got ten the R ighteous Out laws on Chan nel 8 and he a lso hosted the Bat t le of the Bands in 2014, wh ich was won by the R ighteous Out laws.

Speak ing of win n ing, the R ighteous Out laws have been recog n ized again as one of R ich mond’s Top 5; please cast you r votes and help them win and generate more exposu re for cha r it ies i n need a rou nd R ich mond. Go to the Times Dispatch web-site for vot ing ins t r uct ions.

W hy do we have a com mu nit y rela- t ions com mit tee or t eam? W hat do t hey do? A nd who a re they?

T he Lebanon Com mu nit y Relat ions Team (“Team”) promotes event s that suppor t the Lebanon fami ly as wel l a s br ing aware -ness i n the su r rou nd ing neighborhoods to the of-fe r ings of Lebanon United Method is t Chu rch.

Th is yea r the Team sponsored an in for mat ional t ent a t the St rawber r y Fai re. Members of the chu rch as wel l a s the Team t a l ked with members of the com mu nit y and prov ided in for mat ion about the of fe r ings of Lebanon. They a lso handed out red reusable g rocer y bags with ou r contact i n for-mat ion.

The Team organ ized and suppor ted the recent up -date to Lebanon’s pic tor ia l d i rec tor y. Th is up -dated d i rector y prov ides a moment i n h is tor y for Lebanon and prov ides a usef u l tool for new mem-bers .

LebWear was of fe red th rough the Team and wi l l be of fe red again . LebWear a l lows us to sha re ou r Chu rch wherever we go.

A nd of cou rse, there is LebFest! Mark you r ca len-da rs for October 22! A t ime of f u n for a l l! Come and sha re i n the f u n and inv ite fami ly and f r iends to ou r fes t ival that of fe r s food , music, shopping, games and an imals .

W ho is on the Team? YOU A R E!

“Each of you should use whatever g i f t you have received to ser ve others , as fa i thful s tewads of God’s g race in i t s var ious forms.” 1 Pete r 4:10

Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beck with , Ron i Doo-l in , Mar y Beth Glass , Susan Mar t in , Alan and Ly n n Nesaw, and R honda Ut te rback welcome you a l l to ou r plan n ing meet ings. We a lso want to than k you for you r cont inued suppor t and pa r t ic i-pat ion.

& Yard Sale Oct . 22 , 2016

Contacts: Leb Fest - Roni Dool in dool in11486@comcast .net Yard Sale - Mar y Lou Pennel l mlpennel l@comcast .net

Page 4: SEPTEMBER, · Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beckwith, Roni Doo-lin, Mary Beth Glass, Susan Martin, Alan and Lynn Nesaw, and Rhonda

It seems that ever y sum mer has i t ’s song, whether i t was “I’m Sor r y” by Brenda Lee back in 1960, “One Of These Night s” by the Eagles i n 1975, “Shout ” by Tea rs For Fea rs 1985, “Water fa l l s” by TLC 1995, or 2015’s “Cheerleader” by OMI. 2016 seems to s t i l l be work ing i t sel f out . I want to k now, what about the Fal l . Come on! Doesn’t the Fal l have a sou ndt rack? Winter has some of i t s ow n music, and there a re even a few devoted to Spr ing, but Fal l? Nope. It jus t doesn’t seem to inspi re song- w r ite r s to come up with good , sol id music to br ing in the Fal l .

So le t ’s see i f I can br ing some inspi rat ion to you r Fal l… Nope, noth ing, nada , z i lch , z ip…

Oh wait , except W E SERV E A N AW ESOME GOD W HO K NOWS US A N D WA NTS US TO K NOW HIM!!! I th in k when we cente r ou r l ives on that piece of i n for mat ion , and ever y th ing that goes a long with i t , we f ind ou rselves open to being inspi red by the d iv ine spi r i t Himsel f .

Do you ever have a ho -hum day, week , month , yea r, e tc? I’m not t a l k ing any th ing cl in ica l , but the blahs? It seems to come when we lose a sense of pu r pose, a lack of g rou nd ing and we need to be red i rected . Fal l can be a t ime for those th ings. There’s a w r ite r I fol low, by the name of Jon Acuf f , who encou rages us to see fa l l a s a t ime to renewal and ref resh ment , even a reboot . He w rote th is…

It happens at the end of ever y sum mer. K ids ever y where get a f resh s t a r t whether they l i ke i t or not (usual ly not) i n the for m of going back to school .

Remember that feel ing? You were 95% su re you d id n’t want sum mer vacat ion to end , but there was a lways a smal l pa r t of you that was excited for the coming school yea r.

New clothes. New classes. New hai rcut . New teachers .

It was a reset but ton that you might not have wanted , but you k new you needed. A f resh s t a r t that marked another yea r of g row th and an oppor t u n it y to be bet te r. I f you’re headed back to school th is month , you k now exact ly what I’m t a l k ing about . I hope you’re excited about i t , and I hope you make the most of the chal lenges ahead of you.

But what about the res t of us? We have to wait for ou r chance at a f resh s t a r t when New Year’s Day rol ls a rou nd , r ight? Wrong.

He goes on f rom there to g ive an inspi rat ional l i t t le d iscou rse on how one might go about doing that , and i f you’d l i ke to read i t you can f ind i t here, ht t p: //acuf f .me/2016/08/3-ways-boost-goals -using-momen-t um-new-school-yea r/.

But what I would l i ke to encou rage you to do is to f i nd that place, that th ing, that cente r that wi l l help you to recon nect , or con nect more deeply with the k nowledge that the a l l -k nowing, a l l -power f u l , a l l -present God , who created a l l t hat i s seen and u nseen , f rom the vast ness of the u n iverse to the int r icacies of the atom, loves you and cla ims you and inv ites you to do the same with Him. May you be inspi red (which l i t e ra l ly means f i l led with spi r i t) by the Holy Spi r i t to love God , to se r ve God , to sha re God in a l l t hat you say do and th in k .

Bless ings upon you dur ing th is v ibrant season,

Pastor Spencer

Page 5: SEPTEMBER, · Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beckwith, Roni Doo-lin, Mary Beth Glass, Susan Martin, Alan and Lynn Nesaw, and Rhonda

Three Ways to Help Lebanon f inancial ly with

“no addit ional cost to you!”

1. Amazon Smi les

Lebanon is now reg istered with AmazonSmiles and wi l l receive .5% of any pu rchases that you would nor mal ly make f rom . Simply go to and on you r f i r s t v isit , select “Change Your Char it able Organ izat ion” as there wi l l a l ready be another organ izat ion automat ical ly appear ing there. Ty pe in Lebanon United Methodist Church , select the Hanover locat ion and Lebanon wi l l then automat ical ly appear as you r char it able choice each t ime you v isit the website. You can use the same account that you al ready have set up for

2 . K roger

K roger cont inues to donate a percentage of you r pu rchases to Lebanon but it is “necessar y for you to re -reg ister on an annual basis .” K roger is now not ing on the bot tom of you r cash reg is -te r receipt when it is t ime for you to re -reg ister. You can also v isit the K roger website and cl ick on “Com munit y” and then “Com munit y Rewards” to see i f you a re s t i l l reg is tered and i f not , you can quick ly do so. You can also see the ind iv idual amount that K roger has donated to Lebanon on you r behal f for the last quar ter. I f you have never reg istered , please consider doing so. Lebanon received $2 ,638 f rom th is prog ram in 2015!

3. Food Lion

You can pu rchase Food Lion g rocer y ca rds in denominat ions of $25, $50, or $100 each week in the Gather ing A rea af te r each worsh ip ser v ice. Food Lion al lows Lebanon to pu rchase the ca rds at 95% of thei r face value thus g iv ing the chu rch a 5% prof it when you pu rchase the ca rds at f u l l face value.

I f you have any quest ions on these prog rams, contact you r t reasu rer, Mar y Lou Pen nel l , at mlpen-nel l@comcast .net or you r f inancial secret a r y, Susan Mar t in , at [email protected].

Page 6: SEPTEMBER, · Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beckwith, Roni Doo-lin, Mary Beth Glass, Susan Martin, Alan and Lynn Nesaw, and Rhonda

Operat ing Budget Data* Beg inning Balance 01/01/2016 $ 1, 588

Add: Of fer ings & Other Receipts including e -g iv ing $ 275,472 Value of Grocer y Cards on hand 3,725 Total to be added $ 279,197

Subt ract: Expenses/Al locat ions to Capit al Improvement Accts. $ 262,077 Funds “Rest r icted” for specif ic projects 5,692Total to be subt racted $ 267,769

Avai lable Operat ing Fund Balance 09/04/2016 $13,016

Year-To-Date Budgeted Need $278,785Year-To-Date Act ual Receipts $275,472

Total Grocer y Card Revenue $ 1,645Total Amazon Smiles Revenue $ 30

*Fig u res do not include other chu rch f unds , i .e., Missions , Capit a l Improvements , Chapel , Cemeter y, Pastor Discret ionar y.

Ful l t reasu rer’s repor t s avai lable at a l l Counci l meet ings where a l l a re welcome to at tend.Quest ions? Contact you r t reasu rer, Mar y Lou Pen nel l , mlpen nel l@comcast .net or 746 -8538.

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Sept . 4 Wes Ladd 11 Jim Dore 18 Jim Dore & Lynda Hawk ins 25 Lynda Hawk ins & Judy Ladd Oct . 2 Judy & Wes Ladd FlowersPlease put a note in Bonnie’s mai lbox (Adm. Asst .) , leave a message on the church of f ice answer ing machine or send emai l to of f [email protected] i f you would l ike to designate your f lowers in honor or in memor y of someone.

Sept . 4 Bennet t Fami ly 11 Nesaw Fami ly 18 Mary Lou & Danny Pennel l 29 Linda & Emory Clot felter Oct . 2 Cathy Whitener

Col lect ion Count ing Teams

Sept . Team Captain: Randy Eye Par t icipant: Carolyn Lane

Oct . Team Captain: Donna Timmerman Par t icipant: Mary Ford

Nursery (Serv ing with our Nursery Associate , Meredith Vogel)

Sept . 4 - 10 am - Judy Ladd 11 - 10 am - Open

9 am 11 am

Sept . 18 Open Open 25 Cathy Fet t y Open Oct . 2 Judy Ladd Open

Lay Reader - 10 & 11 am

Robin Bruce


Page 8: SEPTEMBER, · Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beckwith, Roni Doo-lin, Mary Beth Glass, Susan Martin, Alan and Lynn Nesaw, and Rhonda

Lebanon United Methodist Church8492 Peaks RoadHanover, VA 23069

Please note the fol lowing in for mat ion regard ing Lebanon’s WiFi: Name: “LebU MC”. Password: “ join lebumc”

Please use responsibly.

Ashland Har vest Run & Pumpk in WalkSaturday, Oct . 15 , 2016

The GFWC Ashcake Women’s Club & Hanover Safe Place a re hav ing a 5K /10K Ash land Har vest Ru n , feat u r ing the 1 mi le Fami ly Pumpk in Wal k . Th is yea r proceeds wi l l suppor t Hanover Safe Place, Wings of Hope Ranch & Ci rcles Ash land. P r ices to r u n a re $20 - $25 and wi l l i ncrease af te r 9/30.

Cor porate ads a re avai lable. Visit Ash land Har vestRu for more in for mat ion

* * * * * * * * * * * * Below i s a thank you note rece ived in response to a love g i f t f rom Lebanon of $766: Dea r Lebanon U MC,

Than k you so much for the out pou r ing of love you have bestowed upon us as we have g row n up in the chu rch. You r ca re for us and suppor t for ou r min is t r y in ou r t r ansit ion is a lways wel l appreciated . You r love of fe r ing has helped im mensely in the move. Than k you and God bless you.

Randy and Stephan ie Tim mer man