Download - September 2015 NewsNotes

Page 1: September 2015 NewsNotes

As part of its energy performance contract, the Weedsport Central School District upgraded all of its lighting to LED lights for the 2015-16 school year. It is the first of the seven districts in the county to switch to all LED lights.

The energy performance contract – through Trane U.S., Inc. – includes improvements to both school buildings’ interior and exterior lighting infrastructure, and upgrades to heating, ventilation, heating controls, windows, and insulation

throughout the entire district. It also includes the installation of a remote-operated pool cover.

The contract guarantees the district will save about $1.8 million in energy expenses over an 18-year period, which translates into an annual average of $98,475.

“The LED lighting provides a better environment for learning by providing controllable lighting levels in a cost effective way,” said Superintendent Shaun A. O’Connor.

“This project essentially generates revenue for our district and reduces the maintenance costs associated with sustaining dated equipment.”

When the work is completed this year, the district can also apply for energy improvement grants of up to $120,000 from New York State Electric and Gas.

Weedsport becomes first county district to switch to all LED lights

September 2015


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Preparation. When I think of that one word, I real-

ize that as an educator, it’s at the center of what I do. A large part of my job is to make sure all of our students are prepared for higher education opportu-nities and the modern, competitive and unpredictable job market.

When I was in school, many edu-cators may not have known that so

much of our present world would be reliant on computers and technology. And students – even those who didn’t have a diploma – had plenty of fallback options where they could find work in factories, industrial plants, and other fields. This isn’t the case anymore.

The job market is changing more rapidly than we could have imagined and the nation and the world require

more highly skilled workers than at any time in the past. Sure, there are low-skill jobs out there, but most of the fastest-growing and highest-earning jobs require more education and train-ing. To compete in the 21st century, our students need to learn newer and different skills and attain higher levels of knowledge than ever before.

Weedsport continues to prepare students for future college and career endeavors

Continued on page 14

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Page 2: September 2015 NewsNotes

Weedsport C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T


Cayuga-Onondaga School Board Association (COSBA) Recognition

Outstanding Student

Hunter Bowden, son of Michael and Julie Bowden and older brother to Reilly Bowden, has dedicated his time throughout high school to

hard work in each of his pursuits. Hunter excels in the classroom, in athletics, and as a model for peers. Academically, he challenges himself at every opportunity and sets a high standard for himself and those around him.

His academic accomplishments as the salutatorian of the Weedsport Class of 2015 speak for themselves.

Hunter describes himself as determined and he hopes to be remembered for his hard work and ability to make others smile. His teachers describe him as reliable, responsible, hardworking, and a person with strong moral fiber.

Hunter’s strength of will has been clearly on display as he gracefully supported each of his varsity teams through his senior year while he had to cheer them from the sideline with a torn ACL.

Prior to his injury, Hunter was the quarterback on the football team, a strong power forward on the basketball team, and center fielder for the baseball team.

Clearly a leader in each of his pursuits, Hunter’s integrity, determination, and especially his kindness to others will be greatly missed in the halls and on the playing fields at Weedsport.

Hunter BowdenKathy Vella Jamie Carr

Outstanding Support Staff (Instructional)

Weedsport teacher aide Kathy Vella was recognized as the Outstanding Support Staff (Instructional) member by the Cayuga- Onondaga School Board

Association for the 2014-15 school year. Her biography states that she has excelled in her position as Teacher Aide for more than 25 years.

“During these years, her attitude has always been positive and her support for students in all grade levels has been unmatched. To watch her interact with students, one instantly recognizes that she cares about each individual child by the way she listens and gives individual attention,” her bio stated.

“Kathy is also very clear with her expectations when she works with groups or individuals.

She implements the plans of the teacher that she is working with and expresses the goal of that work to the students.

Simply, she knows the students and they in turn appreciate the time they get to spend with her. A generation of children in Weedsport have benefited from her patient guidance and basked in the light of her smile.”

Outstanding Support Staff (Supervisor)

Jamie Carr was hired by the Weedsport Central School District as a mathematics teacher in 2001. Over the course of his work in the building, he established

positive and supportive relationships with students and colleagues, making him a natural choice when the district initiated the role of Dean of Students.

His compassion, patience, and respect for others fuel the many contributions he has made to the Jr.- Sr. High School and to the school district.

He works to engage students in positive school behaviors and he is influential in maintaining clear and high academic and social expectations.

In his role as the DASA Coordinator, Jamie’s understanding, insight, and impartiality combine with his genuine interest in helping others to assist in working toward a positive and supportive climate in the building. His work as the athletic director has resulted in a well-run and highly respected athletic program.

He has been an athletic coach and a mentor to students and to his colleagues.

Jamie is one of those rare individuals who are successful in each of his endeavors, as demonstrated by his accomplishments in each of the roles he fulfills in the Weedsport Central School District.

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Jeanne Burnham28 years

Carrie Widrick10 years

Richard English33 years

Frank Yorio37.5 years

Marybeth Galka29 years

Chris James22 years

JoAnne O’Connor35 years

Nancy Perfield 20 years

Kathy Vella30 years

Michele Muldoon 15 years

Cathy Mucedola23 years

Best wishes to our retiring staff

Recipients of the Norma Metroka Award

Theresa Leonardi (“TL”)has been teaching in our school district since 1988; however, she will proudly tell you that she has been a member of our school community since entering kindergarten. Her dedication and commitment to our school and community is unparalleled. She works tire-lessly to provide a multitude of

activities and events to engage both students and adults. Without TL there would be no USO Show or Memorial Day Parade. The annual trip for juniors and seniors would probably also be a thing of the past. Through her work with the Lion’s Club, numerous students have benefitted with new glasses and scholarships for study beyond the walls of Weedsport. It is difficult to consider who would take on the task of publishing the yearbook each year without the knowledge and direction TL provides. Too numerous to mention everything, suffice it to say that TL’s influence truly permeates the fabric of Weedsport. TL, thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of the students and the community.

Sara Mullen started her career with Weedsport as a teacher assigned to the 8:1+1 classroom where she sup-ported students from multiple districts, including Weedsport, for five years. In addition to teaching the students, Sara supported the teachers to ensure success for all. Those same skills transferred seam-

lessly when she became a Weedsport teacher in 2013. Sara is deeply committed to the success of each of her students and she will do absolutely anything to ensure that each individual has the best opportunity possible. Like Norma Metroka, Sara is ethical, dedicated, and car-ing. She has completed seven years in the building and each year she is more firmly established, as evidenced by the achievements of her students. We are fortunate that Sara made the decision to transition to the district special education program and our children will benefit for many years to come.Yvonne Matijas

15 years

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Weedsport C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T


Grades K-12 Student Registration

The student registration office is locat-ed in the High School Guidance Office.

Any resident child who will be 5 years old on or before December 1 of that school year is eligible for admission to kindergarten.

Registration for kindergarten is held in the spring of the year prior to entrance Parents of children not registered for kindergarten before March preceding the school year should contact the Elemen-tary School Principal by phone as soon as possible.

Registration of new pupils is handled in the High School Guidance Office. Parents are urged to call the Guidance in advance at 834-6652.

The information will be reviewed and families will be contacted with start-up details. Appointments should be made and parents must accompany the new pupil. Information required at registra-tion includes birth certificate, health records, proof of residency, any custody paperwork if applicable, and previous school grades (report cards).

Emergency Closing of School

Decisions about closing school are made by the Superintendent of Schools after receiving reports from the trans-portation supervisor and town highway superintendents.

Local radio and television stations will announce cancellations, delays, or clos-ings. The Weedsport District website, as well as various others, will also provide these same announcements.

Our phone messaging system also pro-vides alerts about closures. In addition to watching local television stations, parents should check these websites:

• Weedsport Central School:

• Auburn Citizen:• www.auburnpub.comPlease do not phone TV/radio stations

or the school, as this only ties up phone lines.

On days when school is in session, please notify the nurse’s or receptionist’s office if your child is unable to attend due to impassable road conditions. It is of extreme importance that you instruct your child immediately and thoroughly of what he/ she is to do if school is dis-missed BEFORE the regular hour for any type of emergency.

Absences & TardinessParents are responsible under the

School Attendance Laws of New York State for their children’s regular atten-dance and punctuality.

A written excuse is required for each absence or tardy. The note should include reasons for the absence and the dates covered.

The excuse must be signed by the par-ent or guardian. Parents are requested to phone the nurse on the day of an absence with the reason. For multiple day absences please call the first day with the anticipated duration. Attendance can affect high school course credit. See the Attendance Policy in the student handbook.

When a child is late to school, we request that the parent or guardian notify the school in writing, giving the reason for the tardiness. A note should be sent to the nurse’s office the next day if tardi-ness is for a valid reason.

Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security

The Weedsport Central School Dis-

trict is committed to ensuring student privacy in accordance with local, state and federal regulations as well as District policies. To this end and pursuant to U.S. Department of Education regulations, the District is providing the following Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security:

• A student’s personally identifiable information cannot be sold or released for any commercial purposes.

• Parents have the right to inspect and review the complete contents of their child’s education record.

• State and federal laws protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information. Safeguards associated with industry standards and best practices, including but not limited to, encryption, firewalls and password protection, are in place for student data which is stored and/or when such student data is trans-ferred.

• A complete list of all student data elements collected by the State will be available for public review both online and via regular mail from the New York State Department of Education (SED). The website and mailing address will be made public when the information is made available by SED.

• Parents have the right to submit complaints about possible breaches of student data. Any such complaint should be submitted, in writing, to: Shaun A. O’Connor Superintendent of Schools 2821 East Brutus Street Weedsport, New York, 13166 315-834-6637

This bill of rights is subject to change based on regulations of the Commis-sioner of Education and the SED Chief Privacy Officer. Changes/additions are also possible pending the release of fur-ther guidance documents by SED.

District News

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Notification of Teacher and Principal Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)

The Weedsport Central School District’s plans for the Annual Profes-sional Performance Review (APPR) of its teachers and principals met the criteria outlined in Education Law and were ap-proved by the New York State Education Department. The APPR is designed to measure teacher and principal effective-ness based on performance, student achievement, and student growth. Teachers and principals will be evalu-ated and given a number grade at the end of every year that represents their effectiveness rating. While the Annual Professional Performance Review is a state governed process that determines the standards for these ratings and the process for assessing teachers’ and principals’ effectiveness, the details of the evaluation process were determined locally. The teacher and principal APPR plans are available on the District’s web-site at

Disclosure Process for APPR Scores

In accordance with Section 3012-c of the Education Law, regarding the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)of teachers and princi-pals, the District is obligated to release the individual composite effectiveness scores and final ratings of teachers and principals. Parents/legal guardians may request such information for the prin-cipal of the school building and teach-ers to which the student is assigned for the current school year. Only final data will be disclosed. Parents/ legal guard-ians wishing to obtain such data must make a verbal or written request to the

appointed school official. The identify of parents/legal guardians will be verified at a scheduled face-to-face meeting and the appointed school official will only communicate the data verbally. Please direct all written or verbal requests for APPR data to: Linda Simmons, District Clerk, Weedsport Jr.-Sr. High School, 2821 E. Brutus Street, Weedsport, New York, 13166 or 315-834-6637.

School Visitors Community members are welcome

at school. Visitors must report to the receptionist’s office at the high school or to the main office at the elementary school upon arrival to sign in and state their business. It is a Class B misde-meanor to remain unlawfully in a public school building or to refuse to leave the premises when personally asked by an administrator or other staff member. assessing teachers’ and principals’ ef-fectiveness, the details of the evaluation process were determined locally. The teacher and principal APPR plans are available on the District’s website at

School SecurityOn behalf of the Weedsport Central

School District, thank you for your co-operation in complying with our security measures. These measures will continue to be in place. If you experience difficul-ties with building access, please contact the District Office at 834-6637.

NYS Sex Offender Registry

You can go online to find out if any sexual offenders live near you.

The New York State Sex Offender Reg-istry is available at

School Tax Information

• First installment due: Oct, 2, 2015• Second installment due: Nov. 2,

2015• Last day the collector will accept

taxes: Nov. 13, 2015Questions about your bill? Call 315-

834-6637 and ask for Doug Tomandl or Stacie McNabb. You can also look up your bill online at: www. (Tax Glance).

Income Tax ReturnsThe Weedsport Central School

District’s annual state aid allotment is partially based upon the income of our community residents. This aid can be substantial for our school district.

For us to receive proper credit, the school district code number must be placed on your state income tax form. The Weedsport District code is 681. Your attention to this detail is appreci-ated.

Fall Walking Track Hours 6-8 a.m. and 4-8 p.m.

District News

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Weedsport C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T


Free and Reduced Lunch/BreakfastDoes your child qualify for free or reduced lunch/breakfast? Proper nutrition is important to a child’s development both physi-

cally and mentally and we would like to encourage you to take advantage of the free and reduced meal programs if you qualify. This is a federally funded program to assist families and by reviewing the Eligibility Income Chart below you can determine if your family qualifies. If you do, we encourage you to complete the application, which was sent home with the student mailing, and return it to the school as soon as possible. If you need assistance or need another application, please contact the High School Office at 834-6652, or the Elementary School Office at 834-6685.

Note: If your household income is at, or less than, the amounts indicated below, your child(ren) qualify for either free or reduced meals.

REDUCED PRICE ELIGIBILITY INCOME CHART - Effective from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016

Lunch Prices

Elementary School: Breakfast $1.00 Lunch $2.00 Milk $ .75 Ice Cream $ .90

Middle School/High School: Breakfast $1.00 Lunch $2.00 A la Carte varies Milk $ .75

Menu Information

A breakfast menu is provided along with the lunch menu.

A hot breakfast is provided each day along with cereal as an alternate.

Breakfast and lunch menus are available on the District website at

Breakfast and Lunch Menu Information

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Initial Pesticide NotificationNew York State Education Law Section 409-H, effective July 1, 2001, requires all public and non-public elementary and sec-

ondary schools to provide written notification to all persons in parental relation, faculty, and staff regarding the potential use of pesticides throughout the school year on an annual basis.

The Weedsport Central School District is required to maintain a list of persons in parental relation, faculty, and staff who wish to receive 48-hour notification of certain pesticide applications. The following pesticide applications are not subject to prior notification requirements:

• A school remains unoccupied for a continuous 72 hours following application;• Anti-microbial products;• Nonvolatile rodenticides in tamper resistant bait stations in areas accessible to children;• Nonvolatile insecticidal baits in tamper resistant bait stations in areas inaccessible to children;• Boric acid and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate;• The application of EPA designated biopesticides;• The application of EPA designated exempt materials under 40CFR 152.25;• The use of aerosol products with a directed spray in containers of 18 fluid ounces or less when used to protect individuals

from an imminent threat from stinging and biting insects including venomous spiders, bees, wasps, and hornets.

Chuck Roach

Director of Operations & Technology Infrastructure Weedsport Central School District

2821 East Brutus Street Weedsport, New York 13166

Weedsport Central School DistrictAnnual Request for Pesticide Application Notification

Building: _________________________________________________________________________________________(Please specify the District Buildings: Elementary School, Jr.-Sr. High School, Transportation Facility)

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ______________________________________ (Day) _________________________________ (Evening)

Cell No.:_______________________________________ Email: _________________________________________

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Weedsport C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T


Code of Conduct Summary - First Section

The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and orderly school environment where students may re-ceive and district personnel may deliver quality educational services without disruption or interference.

Responsible behavior by students, teachers, other District personnel, par-ents and visitors is essential to achieving this goal.

The district has a long-standing set of expectations for conduct on school property and at school functions.

These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, tolerance, honesty, and integrity.

The Board recognizes the need to clearly define these expectations for acceptable conduct on school property, to identify the possible consequences of unacceptable conduct, and to ensure that discipline when necessary is admin-istered promptly and fairly. To this end, the Board has adopted a code of conduct (“code”).

What follows is a brief summary of the code. Students, teachers, other district personnel, parents and visitors are encouraged to consult the unabridged version of the code for a more complete understanding of the rights and respon-sibilities of individuals who come into contact with the district.

Unless otherwise indicated, this code applies to all students, school person-nel, parents, and other visitors when on school property or attending a school function.

A complete copy of the district’s code may be reviewed on the district’s website at or a complete copy may be requested from the District Office. Student Rights and Respon-sibilities — All district students have the right to: take part in all district activities on an equal basis regardless of race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex; access school rules and, when nec-

essary, receive an explanation of those rules from school personnel; be free from discrimination and harassment.

All district students have the responsi-bility to contribute to maintaining a safe and orderly school environment that is conducive to learning through respect-ing others and abiding by the code and all relevant district policies. Prohibited Student Conduct —

Students may be subject to disciplin-ary action when they violate the school’s dress code, engage in misconduct on the school bus, engage in academic misconduct, or engage in conduct that is disorderly, insubordinate, violent, or endangers the safety, morals, health or welfare of others. Bullying, harass-ment, and discrimination of any kind are strictly prohibited by the district and may result in disciplinary action. Bul-lying, harassment, and discrimination include, but are not limited to, hostile conduct based on an individual’s actual perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. Reporting Violations — All stu-dent are expected to promptly report violations of the code of conduct to a teacher, guidance counselor, the building principal, or his or her designee. All dis-trict staff who are authorized to impose disciplinary sanctions are expected to do so in a prompt, fair and lawful manner.

District staff who are not authorized to impose disciplinary sanctions are ex-pected to promptly report violations of the code of conduct to their supervisor, who shall in turn impose an appropriate disciplinary sanction, if so authorized, or refer the matter to a staff member who is authorized to impose an appropriate sanction.

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Code of Conduct Summary - Second SectionThe district will act to

promptly investigate all com-plaints, verbal or written, formal or informal, of allegations of discrimination, harassment and bullying; and will promptly take appropriate action to protect in-dividuals from further discrimi-nation, harassment and bullying.

All complaints of alleged ha-rassing, bullying and/or retalia-tory conduct shall be:

1. promptly investigated in accordance with the terms of District policy;

2. forwarded to the school building’s Dignity Act Coordina-tor for monitoring; and

3. treated as confidential and private to the extent possible within legal constraints.

The district’s designated Dignity Act Coordinators are:

• Lisa Dates, Elementary School: 834-6685

• Jeanette Rosenberg, Elementary School: 834-6685

• Jamie Carr, Jr.-Sr. High School: 834-6652 Disciplinary Interventions or Consequences, Procedures and Referrals — Students who are found to have violated the District’s code of conduct may be subject to certain interventions.

Such consequences include but are not limited to: warnings, written notification to parents, restricted study hall, detention, suspen-sion from extracurricular activities, suspension of other privileges, in-school suspension, removal from the classroom, and out-of school suspension.

The school personnel authorized to

impose the penalty must inform the student of the alleged misconduct and must investigate, to the extent neces-sary, the facts surrounding the alleged misconduct.

All students will have an opportunity to present their version of the facts to the school personnel imposing the dis-ciplinary penalty in connection with the imposition of the penalty. Remedial Responses to Viola-tions of Code of Conduct— Stu-dents who violate the code may also be subject to remedial action as the facts may warrant, including but not limited to: peer support groups, corrective instruction, supportive intervention, be-havioral assessment, behavioral manage-ment plans, and counseling.

Visitors to the Schools and Public Conduct on School Property — Anyone who is not a regular staff member or student of the school will be considered a visitor.

All visitors to the school must report

to the building reception window/office upon arrival except for school functions open to the public.

Guests who wish to visit a classroom while school is in session are required to arrange such visits in advance with the classroom teachers

Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the princi-pal and may be asked to leave. The police may be called if the situation warrants

All visitors are expected to abide by the rules for public conduct on school property contained in the District’s code.

All persons on school property or at-tending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner.

Persons who violate the code shall be subject to penalties as provided in the code.

The building principal or his or her designee shall be responsible for enforc-ing the conduct required by the code.

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Weedsport C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T


Transportation Information The Weedsport Central School Dis-

trict, through Board of Education policy, transports all students who live outside the village limits. The village limits, on average, is only a mile or so from either building. Bus routes have been estab-lished to accommodate transportation to all students outside the village, which are listed on page 11.

New York State Education Law requires school districts to transport students in grades K-8 if they live beyond two miles from their respec-tive school building. Students in grades 9-12 only need to be transported if they live beyond three miles from the school building. Village kindergarten students are transported, unless they reside in the area which is north of the center of E. Brutus Street, and east of the center of N. Seneca Street. The Weedsport Central School District can also estab-lish other stops on the “outskirts of the village”, in which students in grades K-6 can have access to transportation


At this time, the school district has es-

tablished the following additional stops:1. Catholic Church Parking Lot2. Bell Street/South Street3. Liberty Street/South Street4. Mechanic Street/South Street5. Sharon Street/Hooper Street6. Oakland Street/Oakland Park/Earl

Street7. Horton Street/Jefferson StreetThese seven stops will only be avail-

able for students in grades K-6 for the morning pick up and afternoon drop off. Since space on the bus is limited, priority will be given to grades K-3.

Students should be ready for the bus ten minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time. School bus routes have been arranged so students are waiting at the pickup point at the designated time.

Riding the bus is a privilege and ap-propriate behavior is expected to ensure a safe ride for the students and the driver. Students will be disciplined for inappropriate and dangerous behaviors. Certain behaviors may result in revoking the privilege of riding the bus.

During the year, if you have any ques-tions or concerns regarding your child’s transportation, please contact: Carol Hawk, Transportation Supervisor, at 834-9760.

Doors Open Tuesday, September 8

School Attendance Hours

Grades K-6: 8:30 a.m. 1st bell 8:45 a.m. 2nd bell

Dismissal: 3:20 p.m.Elementary School students attending the breakfast program may enter the building at 8:20 a.m.

Grades 7-12: 7:40 a.m. 1st bell 7:47 a.m. 2nd bell

1st Dismissal: 2:26 p.m.2nd Dismissal: 3:10 p.m.

MS/HS students attending the breakfast program may enter the building at 7:15 a.m. Breakfast ends at 7:40 a.m. when the first bell rings.

Jackson Street Parking Time Restrictions

The village has reminded us that park-ing across the street from the school on Jackson Street is not permitted dur-ing the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. when school is in session. Please remember to use the parking areas at the Elementary School.

Parking Stickers Parking stickers are available for high school students who wish to drive a ve-hicle to school. Stickers may be obtained by filling out an application that must be signed by a parent.

Applications are available in the Jr.-Sr. High School office.

Notification Pursuant to the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)This act requires that school districts make annual notification of the “avail-ability” of the asbestos management plan. As such, please be aware that:

Notice is hereby given that the asbestos management plan for the Weedsport Central School District is available for review at the district office during regu-lar working hours.

Interested parties should contact the district office if they wish to review the plan.

Smoking Policy This notice is a reminder that smoking

is prohibited in all buildings, facilities, and motor vehicles of the Weedsport Central School District at all times Smoking is also prohibited on the grounds and property of the Weedsport Central School District during all school and community related activities (e.g. football games). We appreciate your co-operation in following this school policy.

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2015-16 Bus Routes* All routes subject to change

Bus 1 - Ron MorsdorfAM BOCES, W. Brutus St., Oakland

St., Earl St. and Village stopsBus 4 - Bob WarePM BOCES, W. Brutus St., Oakland

St., Earl St. and Village stopsBus 7 - Rose CorsoState Rt. 34 North, Emerson Rd.,

Townline Rd., Lemon School Rd., Di-etzel Rd., Spookwoods Rd., O’Neil Rd., Aldrich Rd., River Rd., Trombley Rd., Stickles Rd., Stein Rd., Village stops

Bus 11 - Gerry FredetteState Rt. 34, Ditmar Rd., Powers

Rd., Joroleman Rd., Bonta Bridge Rd., Blumer Rd., Dunn Rd., W. Brutus St.,

Oakland St., Earl St., Oakland Rd., Den-man Rd., Compton Rd., Hewitt Lane., Day Rd.

Bus 12 - Tim KennedyE. Brutus St. Jericho Rd., State Rt. 5

(Grant Ave.), Depot Rd., Freeman St., Miller Rd., Cherry St., Parcell Rd., Cen-ter St., Chestnut Ridge Rd., Gates Rd.

Bus 13 - Lisa UtterbackVillage stops, Towpath Rd., Route 31,

Lippoldt Rd., Clinton Rd., Putnam Rd., Cottle Rd., Jericho Rd. Ext., E. Brutus St., Bibbens Rd., Cooper Rd., Pump Rd., Bonta Bridge Rd., Pierce Rd., Chamber-lin Rd.

Bus 14 - Veronica ThomasState Rt. 31, Centerport Rd., Ball Rd.,

Mills Rd., Bentley School Rd., State Rt. 34, Downs Rd., Hoyt Rd., Tanner Rd., Weedsport-Sennett Rd., Ryan Rd.

Bus 15 - Lori SponableState Rt. 34, North St. Rd., Sittser Rd.,

Manrow Rd., Turnpike Rd., Potter Rd., Horton St., Bell St., Village stops

Bus 16 - Roger PhillipsE. Brutus St., Shepherd Rd., Weed-

sport-Sennett Rd., Turnpike Rd., Route 5 (Grant Ave.), Mutton Hill Rd., County House Rd., Healy Rd., Ryan Rd., Ross Dr., Village stops

Important APT Dates 1st APT Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the Jr.-Sr. High School BOE Room

APT Fundraiser Thursday, Sept. 25 - Wednesday, Oct. 8The APT’s biggest fundraiser of the year and all proceeds go back to the students. Flyers will be available at the Elementary School Open House on Thursday, Oct. 1 APT Dance Registration Saturday, Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. to noon

Sparks Yearbook

Sparks 2016 Yearbook on sale Oct. 1 - Jan. 15. $50 + tax each Students will receive order forms or you can go online at

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Weedsport C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T


Brett Fingland, Jr.-Sr. High School Principal Dear Families:Please allow me the opportunity to

introduce myself: My name is Brett Fingland, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to return to the Weedsport Central School District as Jr.- Sr. High Principal. I was previously employed as the high school principal from 2008-2011. I feel very fortunate that two chapters of my administrative career will be titled “Weedsport.” I have always held the belief that Weedsport is a special place where our students have unique opportunities to learn and grow. I am eager to begin the journey that is the 2015-2016 school year.

There will be some new faces joining our building this year. Rachel Dentinger joins our fine arts department as a vocal music teacher. Rachel will also be utilized at the elementary level as well. Also joining the Jr.-Sr. High School staff

will be: Jessica Bradtke as the school counselor for grades 9-12; and teacher aides Lisa Fulkerson, Heather Fowler and Susan Rude who will be providing student support in varying capacities. Please join me in welcoming these professionals to our school community!

A special good-bye to Carolyn Widrick, Richard English, Yvonne Matijas and Frank Yorio.

Mrs. Widrick retired at the end of the summer after having served 10 years as an administrator at Weedsport. Mr. English served as the Weedsport High School band director for 33 years. Mr. Yorio served as a school counselor for nearly four decades, and Mrs. Matijas retired at the end of the summer in 2015.

Their expertise and passion will be truly missed by all our students.

Meanwhile, we will remain steadfast in our commitment to provide a wide variety of learning opportunities for our students including online offerings in collaboration with Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES. As we progress through the new school year we will continue to listen to our students, staff, and community in order to provide a first-class 21st century learning experience. These experiences will prepare all Weedsport graduates for the world around them no matter what path they choose to take.

In closing, I would be remiss if I did not thank our custodial and maintenance staff for all of their hard work during the summer. Indeed our buildings and grounds are ready for a new journey to begin!

Welcome Back Everyone!

Our Valedictorian of the Class of 2015 was Hannah Roden. Han-nah was a member of the National Honor Society, the Math League team that earned a second place fin-ish in the Onondaga Math League, and the Weedsport Envirothon team that competed at the state level in the 2014–2015 school year. She participated in Odyssey of the Mind throughout school and tired her hand at field hockey and track.

Hannah was a contributing member of the fine arts program throughout high school as a member of the Wind Ensemble, the Chorus, Jazz Band, Jazz Chorus, and the Pit Band as well as participating in multiple art courses where she demon-strated outstanding skills in visual arts. She is compassionate, hard-working, and generous as evidenced by her future career. Hannah is attending the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Her future career plans focus on breeding and rehabilitating endangered and injured animals and monitoring animal populations. Hannah’s inquisi-tiveness and questions that made everyone think beyond the obvious are characteristics for which she will be remembered.

Hunter Bowden represented the Class of 2015 as the Salutatorian. Hunter was actively involved in the National Honor Society and the Johnny Green staff. He served as a class officer for three years and participated in Boys’ State in his junior year. He joined the Math League in his senior year, helping the team to a second place finish competing against teams in the Onondaga Math League.

Throughout high school Hunter was well known for his athletic contributions.

He was the quarterback on the football team, a strong power forward on the basketball team, and center fielder for the baseball team.

Hunter is attending the University of Rochester where he is studying mechanical engineering and playing football.

He will be remembered at Weedsport for is his diligence, dedication, and commitment to everything that he does on the field and in the classroom.

Valedictorian & Salutatorian

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JoAnne O’Connor served the Weedsport Central School District with distinction for over 33 years. During this time she taught primarily at the 5th grade level with her academic focus being on science. Mrs. O’Connor’s instructional expertise allowed her students to grow in ways that they may have not thought possible.

While she has supported and guided students in their learning for the last three decades, the students were also the direct beneficiaries of her caring and warmth that they saw on a daily basis. Central to her success as a teacher was her ability to communicate. Students knew and understood her expectations and goals for each of them. Parents were informed consistently and she would do it in a manner that was both endearing and comforting depending on the situation.

Amongst the staff, she was known as an excellent teammate, co-worker, and resource for all. In every regard, Mrs. O’Connor was a teacher that had the respect and admiration of both the Weedsport Elementary School and the larger educational community.

JoAnne O’Connor - Recipient of the Nellie Kinney Award

Jr.-Sr. High School Events and Opportunities

Please refer to the Weedsport Central School District Calendar and the monthly news briefs for a full listing of interesting and exciting opportunities available throughout the school year. Getting us started for the fall:

• Emergency Responder Recognition at the Sept. 11, 2015, football game is an opportunity to thank all of those individuals who put their lives on the line to ensure our safety on a daily basis.

• Open House at the Jr. -Sr. High School will provide parents the opportunity to follow the daily schedule established for their student and to learn about the expectations in each of the classes. This takes place on Sep. 22, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Watch for additional information.

• Homecoming on Oct. 9, 2015 will serve as the culmination of the Spirit Week activities taking place from October 5–9. The annual Homecoming Dance follows the final regular season, home football game.

• The annual Cross Country Invitational held at Weedsport is scheduled for Oct. 17, 2015.• The National Junior Honor Society Induction takes place on Oct. 21, 2015.• A highlight of the fall is the 19th Annual Performing Arts Hall of Fame Concert, scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 2, 2015.• Veterans’ Day recognitions and the highly entertaining USO Show for veterans will take place on Nov. 10, 2015. Any veterans

interested in participating are encouraged to contact the Jr. -Sr. High School Office.• An important opportunity for parents and teachers to collaborate occurs during the Parent/Teacher Conferences, which take

place on Nov. 23, 2015 from noon to 7:30 p.m. Information will be mailed with the five-week progress reports concerning how to request a conference.

• Weedsport musicians often play a significant role in the All-County Music Festivals. The fall festival concert takes place on Nov. 20, 2015 at WCS.

• The annual middle school musical will be performed December 4-5.• The Jr.-Sr High School holiday concert takes place on December 14.

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Health OfficesRight To Know Forms

If you would like to be called when your child is absent from school, please request and complete a Right to Know form. As a courtesy, if you are keeping your child home due to illness, appointment, etc., please notify the school:

• Elementary call 834-6685• Grades 7-9 call 834-9290, Mrs. McNabb• Grades 10-12 call 834-9347, Ms. KnappRight to Know forms must be requested and completed an-

nually and are available in the Health Offices.

New Immunization requirements for students in 2015

Below is a summary of changes to the School Immunization Requirements for the 2015-16 school year based on New York State Department of Health amended regulations. The require-ments - issued to school administrators by the New York State Education Department - go into effect Sept. 1.

MMR (grades K-12): 2 doses of measles and mumps vaccines and 1 dose of rubella vaccine (MMR) - Required for school entry. For the 2nd dose, obtaining in age range of 4 through 6 years is no longer permitted

DTaP (grades K-12, except 8-12 as noted (see website for details): 5 doses of diphtheria and tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) - Required for school entry. For the 5th dose, obtaining in age range of 4 through 6 years is no longer permitted - If 4th dose received at 4 years of age or older, only 4 doses required

Polio (grades K, 1, 6 and 7 only): 4 doses of poliomyelitis vac-cine (IPV) - Required for school entry. For the 4th dose, obtaining in age range of 4 through 6 years is no longer permitted - If 3rd dose received at 4 years of age or older, only 3 doses required

Polio (grades 2-5, 8-12): 3 doses

That is why we are going beyond the status quo at Weed-sport. We are adding to our already strong program with more technology based course offerings, and we continuing to expand E-learning opportunities for students. We provided a summer learning academy program at the elementary-school level with a project learning focus and we are arranging for professional learning development opportunities for select staff to infuse their instructional approach with project based learning oppor-tunities for middle school students. We are also adding a library media specialist at the elementary school, so that each of our buildings is staffed with a technology savvy instructor focused on enriching our students’ learning experiences.

In addition to embracing technology, Weedsport continues to implement a balanced and strategic plan to implement the Common Core Learning Standards, and our concentration lies steadfastly on providing students with an education focused on: problem solving, thinking critically, deriving conclusions from analysis of information, collaborating with a team, deeper levels of thought, and effective technological and communication skills.

Not all of these skills are new, but they are still important as ever in a global economy. Critical thinking and problem solving has been a vital facet of human progress throughout history, and strong communication skills will help students land job interviews, get a job, do his/her job well and advance in a career.

Our teachers know our students need these skills, and Weed-sport is full of noble and dedicated professionals devoted to the cause of educating today’s youth for the future. They take the time to help prepare our students succeed every day, and I am very proud of their work.

But they can’t do it alone. You also play a large part in grooming our students from the

time they open that first book in kindergarten to when they become in-depth thinkers who make informed decisions about complex issues.

Preparation starts in the home and continues at school, so I ask that all of our parents, students, staff, community members and stakeholders remain supportive, patient, and committed to giving our students the most successful future possible.

Superintendent of SchoolsShaun A. O’Connor


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School Medication

A. All medicines, including non-prescription drugs, given in school shall be prescribed by a licensed prescriber on an individual basis as determined by the child’s health status.

1. A written order must contain the following:

~ student’s name and d.o.b.~ diagnosis~ name of medication~ prescribed dosage, frequency and

route of administration~ time to be taken during school

hours~ duration of treatment~ possible side effects~ for medications to be provided “as

necessary”, list the conditions for which it is to be given.

2. Medication orders must be renewed annually or when there is a change in medication dosage.

3. A pharmacy label does not constitute a written order.

B. A written statement from the parent or guardian requesting administration of the medication in school is required. A form for a parent request is at the top of the school medication form.

C. The parent or guardian must assume responsibility to have the medication delivered to the nurse’s office.

The medication must be in a pharmacy-labeled container with only the amount needed to be given in school.

Over-the-counter medications must be in the original manufacturer’s container, with the student’s name on it.

D. No medications will be transported

daily back and forth. Please send the amount needed to be given.

Ask your pharmacist for two containers, one for home and one for school.

If you have any questions, please contact the nurse in your child’s building. Thank you for your cooperation.

Student Physicals

Physical examinations are required by NYS Education Law. School nurses and the athletic director have detailed requirements.All students shall have a periodic physical exam by the school physician at district expense, conducted in accordance with all legal requirements.

Exams may be conducted by a private physician at the expense of the parent/guardian, using forms provided by the district.

Physical exams are required for all newly enrolled students and students in kindergarten and grades 2, 4, 7, and 10.

Students participating in school sports must be cleared by the school physician. All private physicals for sports need to be approved by the school physician.

A voluntary dental health certificate is also requested for students entering kindergarten and grades 2, 4, 7, and 10.


It is very important that the Health Office be aware of any allergies your child may have. We are especially concerned with food and bee-sting allergies.

If your child has either food or bee-sting allergies, please notify the Health Office at the beginning of the school year or when diagnosed.

An explanation of your child’s reaction is also important. If your child requires medication for allergies,

please remember we need a written doctor’s order, written parent/guardian permission and the medication to be brought in to school by an adult.

Nurses cannot give emergency medication without orders.

Student Accident Insurance

Children in the Weedsport Central School District are covered under a school-time accidental injury insurance plan.

Your child is covered while:• Attending school during school

hours, including summer academic classes;

• Traveling directly to and from school for regular school classes;

• Attending school-sponsored activities during the school term.

This policy is on an excess-coverage basis, which means the District insurance, based on a schedule of allowances, will be valid for the portion of costs not covered by the parents’ other insurance company.

Questions regarding this insurance plan can be answered by the business office or the school nurse.

Health Offices

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Athletic Department

The fall 2015 sports season brings tremendous excitement around our interscholastic athletic teams. Our student-athletes have been training hard over the summer to prepare for many victories this fall! Our defending sectional champion field hockey team will once again be led by Theresa Leonardi, Kathy Holden, and Danielle Bichard. Katie McCabe takes the helm of our varsity cross country program and she will be assisted by John Lawler at the modified level. WCS alum Corinne Maltese will be at the helm of our cheerleading team.

The football program is led by Greg Michaels with his assistants Jon Sgarlata and Christian Mahar at the varsity level. The modified staff includes Ted Kush, Roger Jordan, and Brian Gates. The upcoming season is shaping up to be an exciting one for Weedsport.

Pre-season meetings were held with coaching staff and parents to review the Athletic Handbook and expectations for student-athletes for the upcoming season. These meetings give parents and guardians the opportunity to meet our

coaching staff and ask questions about the participation of their children in interscholastic athletics.

In addition, presentations were held that provided parents and guardians with valuable information about concussion protocols and hazing.

Here are some key dates for the fall season for each of our programs:

Cross Country• Sept. 23, vs. FH and SAS

4:30 p.m. (home)• Oct. 17, Weedsport Invitational 9:30


Football• Sept. 11, vs. J-E

7 p.m. First Responder Recognition• Oct. 9, vs. Bishop Grimes 7 p.m.


Field Hockey• Sep. 8, vs. ESM 4:30 p.m. • Sept. 25, vs. Port Byron 4:30 p.m.

Homecoming T-Shirts

It’s time once again to order your great looking homecoming t-shirts!

All shirts will be $10. The order deadline is Wednesday, Sept. 24. Order forms will be distributed at the Jr.-Sr. High School and at the Elementary School.

If you do not receive an order form, or if you would like more information, please call the high school office at 834-6652 or visit the school website for more details. Order yours today!

Golden Pass

To encourage involvement in the schools, passes for senior citizens are available for all seniors who reside within the Weedsport Central School District.

The passes permit them to attend athletic events free of charge. Passes may be requested from the District Office at 834-6637.

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Welcome Back!It is with great excitement that we

welcome everyone back to the 2015-2016 school year! A new school year brings new opportunities for connecting and learning experiences that may inspire our students to accomplish great things. The staff at Weedsport Elementary is eager to engage in the process of forging such connections and providing wonderful learning experiences for our students.

The Elementary School says goodbye to Mrs. Galka, Mrs. O’Connor, Mrs. Perfield, Mrs. Vella, and Mrs. Burnham. We wish them well and will miss their experience. These teachers and support staff made many memorable connections with our students and community during their time at Weedsport.

The custodial and maintenance staff have worked hard over the summer to ensure our buildings and grounds are crisp and clean for the start of the school year. We thank them for their efforts in providing an optimal learning environment for our students.

Weedsport Elementary Continues to Focus on Better Communication with Families

As a result of the efforts of the elementary shared decision making committee, the C.A.R.E. Team, our A.P.T. is once again providing Take Home Folders for every student. These folders should come home every night and be returned every morning. Completed work and homework assignments will be kept in these folders. Parents continue to share with us that these folders can be very helpful tools to develop responsibility in our students. The folders can also be a way for teachers and parents to communicate with one another. These are one more way we try to help keep our parents up

to date on all the wonderful happenings at the elementary building.

All fourth, fifth, and sixth graders will be given a homework planner to keep track of all homework assignments. Parents will be able to check these each night to find out what homework needs to be done. There is also room for parents to write a note to the teacher. Using the homework planner will help our students prepare for the middle school since they will use the same kind of homework planner when they move on to seventh grade.

The first report cards will be handed to parents on Parent Conference Day, Monday, Nov. 23, between noon and 7:30 p.m. We encourage parents to call anytime there is a question or concern or to set up a parent conference. These can often clear up miscommunications quickly.

Volunteer PolicyEach year parents volunteer their

services at school. We are fortunate to have so many people who are willing to help out in our classrooms, the library, and working on other special projects. If you would like to volunteer, the process goes as follows:

• The first sign up to volunteer is at open house on Oct. 1 from 6:30-8 p.m. If the volunteer does not sign up then, they may talk to the teacher later in the school year and the same process is followed.

• The classroom teacher submits the volunteer’s name to the main office.

• Administration then reviews the list of names, approves or disapproves individual names on the list, and keeps the names of volunteers on file. Only volunteers who are disapproved will be contacted.

• Classroom and approved school volunteers will be allowed to start each

year on Oct. 1 or the first school day thereafter.

• After this date, the classroom teacher and approved volunteer may work together to have that person come in at a mutually agreeable time.

While helping in the school, volunteers are expected to follow the guidelines below:

• Sign in at the main office and wear a visitor badge

• Maintain a child-centered (warm, caring, understanding, helpful) attitude

• Abide by the rules set forth in the Weedsport Code of Conduct, including the dress code

• Will not discipline or administer first aid to any children while in school

• Maintain confidentiality in all matters pertaining to staff and students

• Respect students, staff, and other parents while at school

Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in the termination of volunteer privileges as determined by the discretion of school administration.

Meal Charge PolicyEach student has an account and a

PIN number in which he/she can access any money that has been placed in that account. When a student is running low on the account, the student will be notified verbally and/or with a note home.

Students may charge up to three meals as we do not want to deny a meal to any student. After the third charge, students will be given a cheese sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and milk until their charges are caught up.

A full description of this district policy can be requested in the main office or be found on the website.

Elementary School

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Electronic Devices PolicyStudents do not need cellular

phones or communication devices at school as they can use the phone in the main office with the permission of their teacher in between lessons. If a parent does want his/her child to have a communication device, it must be off and stored out of sight during school hours (8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.). The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items of any kind. If a student is using the communication device, it will be confiscated by the school official and returned to the parent. If there are continued violations of this policy, the student will be subject to further consequences beyond confiscation. Thank you in advance for keeping the cell phones at home.

Six Day Rotating ScheduleThis year, the school will again run on

a six day rotating schedule. One of the advantages of this is that when we have a holiday or a snow day, the students do not miss that day of specials. The days will be called Day One through Day Six. For example, the first day of school, which is a Tuesday will be Day One. Wednesday would be Day Two, Thursday would be Day Three, and

Friday would be Day Four. Day Five would be the following Monday and Day Six the following Tuesday. Then the process starts once again with Day One on that Wednesday. If school is closed on Day Three, which in this example is a Thursday, Friday would become Day Three.

This may be confusing at first but everyone will catch on quickly. Over the six days of specials, each student will have three days of PE, one day of art, one day of music, and one day of computers or library (which is covered below). There are many reasons for going to this type of schedule, but the largest reason is that we now have many staff who are shared across the two buildings and the six day schedule aligns with the A/B day schedule in the other building.

Our students benefit from this through computer instruction, more P.E. time, and the continuation of our excellent art and music programs at the levels they were in the past.

New York State AssessmentsThe New York State Department

of Education has designated specific dates for English Language Arts and Mathematics assessments. On these dates, students in grades 3-8 across

New York State are assessed on their abilities in the subject areas. This information is then used in the following school year for possible placement in Academic Intervention Services (AIS). Please do not schedule doctor or dentist appointments on these days. Students are most ready to take the tests with their peers on the scheduled days. If students do miss these days, they will need to make up the tests later that week or the next and this interferes with their typical daily schedule.

The dates of these assessments are below:• NYS ELA Assessments 3-8, April 5-7,

2016• NYS Mathematics Assessments 3-8,

April 13-15, 2016• NYS Science Performance Assessment

for fourth grade, May 25-June 3, 2016• NYS Science Written Assessment for

fourth grade, June 6, 2016

Families Invited to Elementary Open House Thursday, Oct. 1

Mark your calendar for Thursday, Oct. 1. The annual Open House begins at 6:30 p.m. Your family will have a chance to meet your children’s teachers, tour classrooms to learn more about what children are learning, tour the building, talk with CHAD instructors and visit the A.P.T. Book Fair. If you are able to be a parent volunteer, be sure to sign up with teachers during Open House. Be sure to sign up this night for your November 23rd parent conference when the first report cards will be handed to parents. Please help us teach children to be re-sponsible by insisting that they stay with an adult during Open House.

Students Being Picked Up at the End of School Day

In the afternoon, students will leave the building from three points, de-

Elementary School

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pending on how they are going home. Walkers and students in the immedi-ate neighborhood will go out the front door on Jackson Street and bus students will be brought down to the buses while walkers are being dismissed. Finally, once the buses leave the bus circle, the stu-dents who are being picked up will then be brought out the back of the building (by the first grade wing) and then parents may get out of their cars and walk over to retrieve their students. There will be a reserved area (nearest to Science Hill) by the pick-up point for parents to wait so that you do not need to walk great distances across the parking lot.

There is a designated parent wait-ing area so that staff can easily monitor students going to the buses by the play-ground. Staff will not bring students to parents in cars and students will not be brought out until the buses have pulled away. Also, we encourage you to hold your child’s hand in the parking lot as other cars may be moving.

Arranging for Your Child to be Picked Up

There are times when students need to be picked up during the school day for medical appointments and the like. The school encourages parents to make these appointments before and after school when possible. The simplest way to do this is to write a note to the child’s teach-er and put it in the homework folder. The note is then given to the teacher and the teacher can then send the note to the office. This way the student can be ready in the office when the appointment time comes.

We do ask that you be specific as to who is picking up your child when you send in a note. Parents can also call the main office to make these arrangements, but we need these calls at least one hour before the appointment to make sure the child is ready to be picked up.

If you need to pick your child up at the end of the school day, students are sent

out the back of the building at dismissal time.

Again, the simplest way to do this is to write a note to the student’s teacher. Parents may also call, but these calls need to be made before 2:30 p.m. It is difficult to ensure that a child will be sent to the pickup point if calls are made late in the school day due to the fact that hundreds of students are preparing for dismissal at the same time.

If there is a true emergency, the school will do its best to get the child to the needed departure point in a timely man-ner. It also is important that parents do not show up as the students are getting on the bus and gather their students. The school needs to be sure where all stu-dents are at dismissal and that is why we have parents send notes or sign students out. Simply put, we need parents’ help to make sure that all students leave the building where they are supposed to at dismissal.

Elementary School

Girl Scout Registration

• Tuesday, Sept. 22, from 6-7:30 at Port Byron Elementary cafeteria

• Wednesday, Sept. 23, from 6-7:30 at the Weedsport High School cafeteria

Patriot Day/Emergency Responders Recognition Ceremony

We will be holding our annual Patriot Day/Emergency Responders Recognition Ceremony observance on

Friday, Sept.11, during halftime of theWeedsport vs. Jordan-Elbridge football

game. We will have a brief Patriot Day/September 11th observance followed by a

special ceremony to recognize and honor our local emergency responders.

Members of the Weedsport Fire Department and Police Department, as well as the Cayuga County Sheriff ’s Department, New York State Police, Cayuga County Emergency Management office, and other mutual aid fire departments and rescue squads will be represented. Please join us for this very important ceremony to honor our local heroes!

Special Event & Veterans’ Day/USO Show

• Tuesday, Nov. 10, from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

WWII—Present Day Amazing Artifacts Display

Command Sgt. Major Robert Good will bring his very impressive collection of artifacts to our high school BOE room You won’t want to miss it!!

• Tuesday, Nov. 10 Veterans’ Day/USO Show

9 a.m. - Elementary School Gymnasium 10 a.m. - High School Gymnasium 7 p.m. - High School Gymnasium

CCYO Basketball Registration

• Wednesday, Sept. 30, from 6-8 p.m at the Weedsport Free Library

Community Information Save these dates

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Weedsport C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T


2821 E. BRUTUS ST. WEEDSPORT, NEW YORK 13166315-834-6637

For the latest news, information, announcements and schedules, please visit us at

BOARD OF EDUCATIONEric Zizza, President

Colleen Battalino, Vice President

Martha Baker

Matthew Stark

Norman Chirco

Weedsport Jr.-Sr. High School 2821 E. Brutus Street, Weedsport, New York 13166 Weedsport District Office

Shaun A. O'Connor, Superintendent of Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6637

Douglas M. Tomandl, Assistant Superintendent for Business & Finance . . 834-6637

District Office Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6637 Weedsport Junior-Senior High School Offices

Brett Fingland, Jr.-Sr. High School Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6652

Ann M. DeFazio, Director of Special Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6652

Jessica Bradtke, Gr. 9-12 Counselor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6652

Jeanette Rosenberg, Gr. 7-8 Counselor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6652

Kenneth Rakowski, School Psychologist, K-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6652

Terrie Knapp, LPN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-9347

Brett Fingland, Administrator for Interscholastic Athletics . . . . . . . . . 834-6652

Reception Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-9290

Weedsport Elementary School 8954 Jackson Street, Weedsport, New York 13166 Weedsport Elementary School Office

TBD, Elementary School Principal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6685

Jeanette Rosenberg, Gr. 5-6 Counselor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6685

Sarah Mercier, Gr. K-4 Counselor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6685

Kenneth Rakowski, School Psychologist, K-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6685

Lisa Dates, School Psychologist, K-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6685

Linda Gentilcore, RN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6685

Elementary School Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6712 Weedsport Transportation Facility 2110 Towpath Road, Weedsport, New York 13166 Weedsport Transportation Facility Office

Carol Hawk, Transportation Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-9760

Transportation Department Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-6765

District Directory

Weedsport is encouraging parents to sign up for Parent Today, a monthly e-newsletter and blog that provides tools and informa-tion to encourage parents to be even more engaged in their children’s education.

Parent Today is an opt-in e-mail newslet-ter delivered to subscribers’ inboxes once a month. It features easy-to-read, blog-style posts talking about what matters most for

families. Parent Today addresses important, age-appropriate topics and gives accessible, easy-to-implement strategies. It also provides information to help families understand the dramatic changes taking place in school cur-riculum and public education.

Subscribers can access the Parent Today blog for ongoing information and support in dealing with the challenges of raising an educated child. Parent Today is provided free of charge to families in Weedsport. Subscrib-ers must have Internet access and an e-mail address to receive Parent Today.

Sign up at

The I.D. number for the Weedsport Central School District is 13166

Subscribe to Parent Today: A tool to help parents in today’s educational environment

Board of Education agendas and minutes can be found in the BOE section of the Weedsport Central

School District website: