Download - September 2008 Ecobon Newsletter Hilton Head Island Audubon Society

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E  cobonNewsletter of the Hilton Head Island Audubon Society

Audubon Refuge Keepers

september programTuesday, September, 2008, 7:30 pm at the Seabrook

September 9 marks the resumption of our Audubon meetings after being

off for the summer. Patrick Moore, the South Coast Director for the Coasta

Conservation League in Beaufort, will address the proposal to deepen the Sa

vannah River all the way to Garden City. This proposal would bring saltwater

into the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge and change the refuge from an

internationally signicant freshwater center of bird and wildlife diversity into a

saltwater tolerant monotype habitat. The refuge and its bird populations wouldbe changed forever. There is also a proposal to put a port on the Jasper County

side of the Savannah River. The Coastal Conservation League and other con-

servation groups are working to insure the best possible design for the port in

order to protect endangered wildlife. And what about the quality of our drink

ing water from the Savannah River?

Patrick Moore earned his law degree from the University of South Carolina

School of Law in 2005 and his Masters in Environmental Law that same year.

He has worked for CCL for 3 years in the areas of Land Use, Water Quality,

River Restoration, and Legislative Affairs. He enjoys being outside with his

wife Beth and weiner dog mutt Walter.

To learn more about the various interests in the deepening of the SavannahRiver and how is can affect humans, wildlife and habitat, come to this meet-

ing on Tuesday, September 9, WITH A FRIEND, at 7:30 p.m. program at the

Seabrook, 300 Woodhaven Drive, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. And wel-

come back to this great group with a full year of learning and activities ahead!

September 2008:

No. 293

presIDent's message By Bill Nicol 



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Syout thmtings ndbringfrind.

Swallow-tailed Kites

Photos courtesy

of Howard Costa

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HHI AudubonBd f Dcs:President Bill Nicol 671-4721

Vice President Ken Neitzke 705-3970

TreasurerKaren McGinty 681-8498Fran Baer 686-6348

 Recording Secretary

Steve White 837-4597Corresponding Secretary Sherman Baker 342-6596

 Members‑at‑LargeHoward Costa 842-9447Jim Currie 681-8525Marianne Currie 681-8525Clem Dietze 837-2612Barry Lowes 671-3537Nan Lloyd 363-2092Betty Walter 842-7147Joan Wilson 837-2874

Cmm Csns:  Adopt‑A‑Refuge (Pinckney)Clem Dietze 837-2612Karen McGinty 681-8498

 Audubon Newhall PreserveJoan Shulman 842-9246

 Bird Walks/Field Trips OPEN

 Bird House ConstructionJim Collins 671-1240

 Bird Seed SaleEd Nash 681-5725

Christmas Bird Count Barry Lowes 671-3537

 EducationMary Jane Major 342-5804



Thea Luba 785-3214 LegislationKay Hodnett 342-7485

 MembershipThea Luba 785-3214

 Newsletter CirculationMarianne Currie 681-8525Helen Cartmill 342-9086

 Newsletter EditorJoan Wilson 837-2874

ProgramsCharlotte White 837-4597

Publicity & Public RelationsClem Dietze 837-2612

Sales TableOPEN 686-6406

Shorebirds/ConservationHoward Costa 842-9447

Special ProjectsRichard Shulman 842-9246

Sun City RepresentativeKevin Cahill 705-3570

Wetlands/ConservationSally Krebs H: 757-2973 O: 341-4690


The Ecobon is a monthly publication (September through May) of 

the Hilton Head Island Audubon Society. Subscription is a benet

of membership. Direct inquiries to P.O. Box 6185, Hilton Head

Island, South Carolina 29938 or call one of the above ofcers

or chairpersons.

Pg2 Sptmbr2008

ecobon proFILe by Betty Walter 

 Fran & Denny Baer 

Retired? Not exactly!

Having lived and worked in

Atlanta for 28 years and vaca-

tioned here often, they moved

here to relax. Fran worked

for Coca-Cola and Denny for

Ralston Purina, both in quality

assurance areas.

They worked hard all those

years. Who knew they would

soon be insuring quality in their

new community. Fran would

become co-treasurer of our

Audubon Chapter and sit on the

board. They knew they would

be birding. A friend got them into that in Atlanta but they didn't know they would betransporting injured raptors as volunteers for Dr. Ben Parker to various Raptor Cen-

ters, perhaps picking up injured birds with a net and heavy gloves and driving many

miles to places where birds of prey can be cared for. They knew that they liked to take

pictures but had no idea that one of Fran's photos taken (of birds, of course) would be

published in the Island Packet and that as a result they would join the Camera Club and

become very active. They didn't know that this Chapter's eld trips would give them

opportunities to photograph birds seen on those trips and that they could study them at


Fran says Denny is a wonderful spotter of birds in the eld as well as a music lover

and guitar player. They both like kayaking and work for their Property Owner's As-

sociation.Do you think they have retired?

 Photo courtesy

of Howard Costa


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recent area bIrD sIghtIngsby Jack Colcolough

E-MAIL Reminder

Have you sent your E-mail address in to Nan?

If not, please send it to Nan

at [email protected].

Our fall migration is off to a good start and it’s a great time

to venture outdoors for some pleasant birding with hints of

fall in the air. Some of our wintering shorebirds are already

showing up on our beaches. 

Early rst-of the-season migrants already sighted in earlyAugust include: Prairie, Black& White and Yellow Warblers

and American Restart (four reports already). 

Good birds reported over the summer were: rare Reddish

Egret at Turtle Island, uncommon Swallow-tailed & Mississippi

Kites, rst breeding Black-necked Stilts at Savannah NWR, rare

Black-bellied Whistling Duck in Savannah, Purple Gallinule

Least Bittern, Glossy Ibis, Loggerhead Shrike, Orchard Oriole

and Painted Bunting. 

Late spring reports (no Ecobon during the summer months)

included: rare Bachman’s Sparrow, rare Roseate Spoonbill inHilton Head Plantation, uncommon Rose-breasted & Blue

Grosbeaks, migrating Bobolinks, uncommon Swainson’s

Thrush, Eastern Wood Pewee, Red-headed Woodpecker

American Redstart (only one), a rare American Golden Plo-

ver at Tybee Beach, rare Hooded & Prothonotary Warblers

rare Scarlet & Summer Tanagers, Spotted Sandpiper, Indigo

Bunting, rare Yellow-breasted Chat and uncommon Baltimore


Two out-of-season birds were reported: a very late Yellow

rumped Warbler in mid June and an American Robin in late

July. Also a rst ever known parasitic Brown-headed Cowbirdchick being fed and mothered by a Painted Bunting. 

Thanks for the many enthusiastic reports by: Peter Zach-

mann, Howard Costa, Doris McCullough, Judy Lundin, Royce

Hough, Clem Dietze, Annette Hausman, Hank Swift, Diane

Faucette, Richard Shulman, Doris Stoner, Barry Lowes, Jim

Grove, Dottie Bass, Fran/Denny Baer, et al. 

To report a rare, unusual or rst-of-the-year or -season bird

sighting in our area, please e-mail [email protected]

call 843-689-3455 or send a blank e-mail to: Birding Friends-

[email protected] to join our birding group and

report the bird. 

Good birding to all!


notes From the neWhaLL preserVeby Joan Shulman

WANTED: Volunteers to be Trail Monitors in the Preserve in

November, December, and January. Please call me at 842-9246 if 

you can help out.

Despite the high temperatures and thunderstorms, a substantial

number of people toured the Preserve over the summer. Only a fewsigned the visitor’s book, but the supply of Trail Guides had to be

replenished each week, so we know there were lots of visitors.

The Beauty Berry bushes on the edges of the parking lot should

be spectacular by October or earlier. The berries are abundant and

are beginning to show color.

A fairly large tree has fallen over the entrance to the pine at-

woods area. As soon as we can, we will have it taken down to un-

block the path. Trees have also fallen over a couple of the trails,

but they can easily be stepped over or gotten around. They will be

cut up soon and the pieces carted away.Several area garden clubs have asked for guided tours of the

Preserve this fall. Thank goodness for walk leaders Betty Treen

and Mary Alice Walker. We try to accommodate any group that

would like a tour of the Preserve to learn about the plants and

ecological systems in it.

Thanks to Fran and Denny Baer for monitoring the trails in


~ Photo above courtesy of Denny Baer

Loggerhead Strike

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PleaSeNOTe: Currntmmbrsrncourgdtousthismmbrshipformtosignupfrinds,rtivs,ndnighborssnwmmbrs.OurChptrbntssignicntyfrom“rturnofdus”fromNtionifourocformisusdfornwmmbrships 

NatioNal auDuBoN SoCiety Chapter membershIp Form nw  1 Yr. - $20 2 Yrs. - $30

neW members onLY  si 1 Yr. - $15 2 Yrs. - $30

Jui 1 Yr. - $15 2 Yrs. - $30Name ______________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

City ___________________________________________State__________ Zip ________________

Phone__________________________ Preferred First Name(s) ___________________________

Full Year Resident ______ Part Year Resident ______ I/We rst joined Audubon in _______________

Mail a check payable to NAtIoNAl AuduboN SocIety

National Audubon Society, Chapter Membership Data Center, P.O. Box 51001, Boulder, CO 80322-1001

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Georgia’s Colonial Coast

Birding and Nature Festival

October 9 – 13, 2008











[email protected]




Many of you know that veterinarian Dr. Benjamin Parker of Bluffton treat

injured birds. On occasion his ofce has a requirement to transport injure

birds, mostly raptors, to the Raptor Center in Charleston. The injured bird

are secured in transportation containers that will t in most cars. The Rapto

Center people will usually meet you halfway. If you can help in the trans

portation effort, please call Ashley Fallis in Dr. Parker’s ofce at 757-1112

and have her put you on the list of people to call when they have an injured

bird transportation requirement.

~ Photo above courtesy of Howard Costa

Bachman’s Sparrow, taken at Webb Wildlife Management Area.

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Sptmbr2008 Pg5

FstivCntrtIndigoPrk 45PmbrokDr.,Suit130HitonHdIsnd,SC29926843-681-4461

• Binocurs&SpottingScops• FidGuids• NturBooks• NturGifts

• CustomSdBnds• BirdFdrs&Houss• BirdBths&Fountins• WtrGrdningSuppis

We Bring People And Nature Together ® 

Visit us at

J-2 Village at Wexford • Hilton Head Island • 785-4311

Nikon, Bushnell,

Brunton & Meade Optics

Audubon Society Members

always 10% discount storewide!

Feeders, Nest Boxes,

Seed, Field Guides,

Bird Baths, Gifts,

Toys & Much More


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Nw in assiain wih Isan tra

 Island Packet's winner - Favorite Travel Agency

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beAutIful HoMeS deSeRvebeAutIful lANdScAPING.

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Mn.-fri.8:30 A.M.-5 P.M.

Sara9 A.M.-4:30 P.M.

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Your source for plants that will attract birdsand butteries to your garden!

the greenery, inc.®








OUR MISSION  is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds,

other wildlife, and their habitats for the benet of humanity

and the earth's biological diversity.







 Place your ad here!

Call Clem Dietze for more information

O: 681-3033

H: 837-2612

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september ~ october 2008 cld


Thurs. Sept. 4 board Meeting at the Seabrook ......................... 2:00 pm

Tues. Sept. 9 Monthly Meeting at the Seabrook ..................... 7:30 pm


Thurs. Oct. 9 board Meeting at the Seabrook ......................... 2:00 pm

Thurs. Oct. 14 Monthly Meeting at the Seabrook ..................... 7:30 pm

b e Q U e s t s

If you wish to honor a family

member or friend with a memorial

gift, or remember the Audubon Ne-

whall Preserve or the Hilton Head

Island Audubon Society in your will,

your gift may be in the form of secu-

rities, cash, life insurance, real estate,

or other property.

Contact your own estate planneror our Audubon Chapter at P.O. Box

6185, Hilton Head Island, South

Carolina 29938.

Sharing your estate with Audubon

not only reduces the taxes on your

estate but will help protect birds,

wildlife, and their habitat in the years

to come.


Monthly meetings of the Hilton Head Island Audubon Society are regularly scheduled

at 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month, September through May, in the

Auditorium at the Seabrook, 300 Woodhaven Drive. Members and guests welcome!