Download - Sept 16 HY Newsletter - Juneau


Don’t  Wait,  Communicate.

O2en  we  talk  about  the  

importance  of  communica;on  in  

wellness  as  it  relates  to  our  

emo;onal  health  skills  and  values  

in  the  7  Habits  of  Highly  Effec;ve  

People  training,  Character  Day  (p.  

2),  and  the  upcoming  Paren;ng  

with  Love  and  Logic  Class  (p.  6).  This  month  we  have  yet  another  reason  to  refine  our  

communica;on  skills;  September  is  Disaster  Preparedness  Month,  and  the  slogan  is  

“Don’t  wait,  communicate.”  

Communica;on  networks,  such  as  mobile  phones  and  computers,  could  be  unreliable  

during  disasters,  and  electricity  could  be  

disrupted.  Planning  in  advance  will  help  

ensure  that  all  the  members  of  your  

household—including  children  and  people  

with  disabili;es  and  others  with  access  and  

func;onal  needs,  as  well  as  outside  

caregivers—know  how  to  reach  each  other  

and  where  to  meet  up  in  an  emergency.  

Planning  starts  with  three  easy  steps:  

1.  Collect-­‐  create  a  paper  copy  

of  contact  informa;on  for  your  

family  and  other  important  

people  and  offices.  (see  p.  4  or  

visit  for  more  info)

2.  Share-­‐  make  sure  everyone  

in  your  family  carries  a  copy  of  

your  plan  in  their  wallet  or  


3.  Prac,ce-­‐  Have  regular  

household  mee;ngs  to  

revise  and  revisit  your  plan.

See  p.  4  to  start  your  plan!


In this issue:Take the Stairs.................Page 2

Character Day.................Page 2

Microbiomes Rejoice.......Page 3

Your Financial Future......Page 3

Safety Page.....................Page 4

HY Recipe.........................Page 5


YourselfSeasonal Produce of the month: ZucchiniThis veggie does so much more than bread! High in vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6, and manganese- which is essential for strong bones and connective tissues, Try it....• in baked fritters with spices,

and chicken sausage or egg.• under tomato sauce and

mozzarella in mini pizza bites

• sliced into wedges, coated in panko and parmesan and baked as ‘fries’

• spiralized under pasta, pesto, or pad thai sauce (ask Jess to try a spiralizer!)

Mobile App of the Month: StartIf you’re suffering from depression, it

can take months to find the right medicine or pharmaceutical ‘cocktail’ for you. ‘Start’ aims to make that process a whole lot easier. The app includes a depression test, as well as programs to track your progress and the side effects of your medication—all helpful information to share with the medical professional treating you.

In July we had 57 employees complete the LeBron vs Curry

Challenge. Check out their stats:

·∙ 29 opted to complete the contract in week 1 to nail down goals; 27 of them met the goals they committed to in the contract.·∙ All 57 employees had no problem making ‘free throws’ by figuring out how to do 1 thing to improve their wellbeing each week. ·∙ About half of the participants had trouble meeting the strength training

goals for the challenge. Remember muscle strength is what will

get you off the toilet on your own as you age to keep

you independent for longer!  ·3 couples completed

the challenge together. • The department with the most

outstanding participation was JPD with 12 employees!


PAGE 2 HEALTHPage 2 Yourself

On  September  22,  2016,  join  hundreds  of  thousands  of  people  around  the  globe  for  the  third  annual  Character  Day  —  a  free  

day  and  global  ini;a;ve  where  school  districts,  organiza;ons,  families,  congrega;ons  of  all  sizes  screen  films  on  the  science  

of  character  development  from  different  perspec;ves,  dive  into  free  printed  discussion  materials  catered  to  different  ages,  

and  join  an  online  global  conversa;on  around  the  importance  of  developing  character  strengths  (resilience,  grit,  empathy,  

courage,  kindness)–all  rooted  in  evidence-­‐based  research.  Learn  more  here.

Join  Health  Yourself  in  celebra,ng  Character  Day  on  9/22...

Ask  your  Health  Yourself  building  representa;ve  if  your  department  is  doing  anything  special.

Join  the  discussion  at  the  9/22  Bartled  5.3.1.  session-­‐  star;ng  at  noon  in  the  Medita;on  room.

Join  the  discussion  and  catch  the  films  at  the  end  of  your  workday  at  the  downtown  library  from  4-­‐5:30.

This  month  we  are  joining  thousands  of  firefighters  across  the  country  to  honor  those  who  lost  their  lives  

on  September  11th,  specifically,  the  firefighters  who  climbed  110  flights  of  stairs  in  the  Twin  Towers.  

In  their  honor  and  in  honor  of  incorpora;ng  healthier  habits  into  our  lives,  Health  Yourself  is  

taking  the  stairs  in  September-­‐  aiming  for  110  flights  (or  more)  over  the  course  of  the  month.

For  those  wan;ng  to  do  something  a  lidle  extra  special,  join  us  for  a  hike  to  the  Tram  

on  9/11-­‐  mee;ng  at  the  Roberts  trailhead  on  Basin  Rd  at  10  AM.

Register  and  receive  a  log  for  this  challenge  by  emailing  [email protected]  Par;cipa;ng  will  earn  you  5-­‐20  points.

PAGE 3HEALTH Page 3YourselfIn  June’s  Newsleder,  we  talked  about  the  

importance  of  the  healthy  bacteria  in  your  gut.  

Today,  microbiomes  across  the  na;on  can  

rejoice-­‐  the  FDA  has  now  banned  the  sale  of  

consumer  soaps  containing  certain  an;bacterial  

chemicals,  as  these  products  have  proved  to  do  

more  harm  than  good  in  the  general  popula;on.  

The  ban  is  against  19  different  chemicals  and  

will  allow  the  soap  industry  one  year  to  make  

the  switch.  

Currently,  about  40%  of  soaps  contain  the  

banned  chemicals.  Triclosan  and  triclocarban  

are  the  most  common  ones.  While  these  

an;bacterial  agents  are  necessary  in  certain  

medical  environments,  their  appeal  to  

consumers  has  led  to  a  market  saturated  in  

unnecessary  chemicals  that  risk  hormone  

deregula;on  and  promote  drug-­‐resistant  

infec;ons.  The  CDC  has  found  these  chemicals  

in  the  urine  of  three-­‐quarters  of  Americans.

What  do  hormones  have  to  do  with  your  

health?  A  lot.  Hormone  disrup;on  is  related  to  

early  puberty,  poor  sperm  quality,  infer;lity,  

obesity,  cancer,  impaired  learning  and  memory,  

exacerbated  allergies,  and  weakened  muscle  

func;on.  The  impacts  of  prolonged  exposure  

during  fetal  development,  infancy,  and  

childhood  can  be  par;cularly  severe,  resul;ng  in  

permanent  damage.

NO-­‐  it’s  cold  season  for  goodness  sake!  This  just  

means  that  an;bacterial  soaps  aren’t  any  more  

effec;ve  than  regular  soap  and  water,  and  that  

not  all  bacteria  are  bad.  Need  a  refresher  on  

hand  hygiene?  See  the  diagram  above.

Hum ‘Happy Birthday’ two times to make sure you are washing long enough to protect yourself and others from getting sick.




YourselfSafety Page


Health Yourself Recipe

         Green  Scene  brought  to  you  by  CBJ’s  Green  Team  

Wherever  you  are  right  now,  look  up  to  the  mountainside-­‐  see  all  of  those  lush  green  leaves?  Like  it  or  not,  soon  they  will  be  falling  all  over  town.  Now  imagine  how  many  garbage  bags  it  would  take  to  dispose  of  all  of  those  leaves...  and  the  ones  in  your  neighbors’  yard,  and  the  ones  across  town.  Yowza!

Now  consider  this:  •There’s  limited  space  in  our  local  dump•We  know  that  using  plas;c  is  bad  for  the  environment-­‐  the  produc;on,  the  breakdown,  and  how  it  and  its  byproducts  end  up  in  our  seas,  fish,  birds,  and  yes,  even  human  organ  ;ssues•Transpor;ng  bags  of  leaves  to  a  dump  facility  releases  even  more  carbon  dioxide•You  can  actually  save  your  leaves  to  use  as  mulch  or  compost  (so  you  can  then  save  $$$  on  these  products  next  spring!)

New  to  compos;ng?  Try  the  ‘pile’  method.  Just  create  a  designated  space  -­‐about  32  by  3  2-­‐  for  organic  materials;  leaves  sawdust,  grass,  etc,  and  simply  turn  the  pile  every  couple  weeks.  Avoid  food  scraps  if  your  neighborhood  is  prone  to  bear  visitors.  Or  try  the  quick  mulch  method-­‐  put  them  in  a  big  trash  can  and  then  shred  them  with  a  weed  whacker  to  break  them  down  into  a  finer  mulch.  And  don’t  forget:  you  can  be  green,  save  green,  and  get  exercise  if  you  use  a  rake  over  a  leaf  blower.

Do you feel like you’ve had salmon every way possible, but there’s still more in your fridge to eat up? You’ve GOT to try this new twist on your favorite fish! It’s simple enough to whip up on a weeknight, but also wows and delights enough for guests. Adapted from

Ingredients: (to serve 4)

• 1cup quinoa• 1cup coconut milk• 1cup water• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt• 1/3 cup coconut oil, melted• 1teaspoon toasted sesame oil• 2 tablespoons Braggs liquid aminos (or

Tamari or soy sauce)• 1tablespoon Sriracha• 3 sweet potatoes, cubed• 1teaspoon paprika• 1tablespoon coconut oil, melted• 1bunch lacinato kale, ribs removed and

sliced into strips• 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes• 1 to 1 1/2 pounds salmon, sliced into 4


1. Rinse quinoa in cold water and drain. Place in a saucepan with coconut milk, water, and salt. Bring to a boil and stir. Reduce to the lowest heat, cover, and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes, or until ready to serve (it will stay warm for up to an hour).

2. While the quinoa is cooking, heat oven to 400° F. In a lidded jar, combine the melted coconut oil, sesame oil, liquid aminos, and Sriracha. Seal the jar and shake it, shake it!

3. Place the sweet potatoes on a baking sheet. Drizzle with a tablespoon of melted coconut oil and sprinkle with paprika. Toss to coat. Bake for 30 minutes or until tender.

4. Place kale and coconut flakes on a baking sheet. Drizzle with about 2/3 of the dressing. Toss until well coated.

5. Drizzle salmon with 1 to 2 tablespoons of the remaining dressing. Bake the salmon and coconut kale mixture during the last 15 minutes of the sweet potato's baking time, or until cooked through, being careful not to let the kale burn.

6. Remove sweet potatoes, salmon, and kale from oven. Serve over fluffed quinoa with an extra drizzle of dressing.



Take the Stairs in September challenge: 9/1-9/30; Choose to climb a few flights every day, or a larger challenge-perhaps 110 floors- on 9/11.  Register and receive your stair log by emailing [email protected] . Earn 5,

15 or 20 HY points from participating.

•Join us on 9/11 at 10am @ the Mt. Roberts Basin Rd. trailhead to hike up to the tram to simulate the 110 flights that firefighters across the country will be climbing to honor the lives lost on 9/11.

5.3.1.: Mondays & Wednesdays 3:15-3:30, downstairs from HR. Take a quick break from your workday to unwind and refresh yourself with meditation, gratitude, and acts of kindness. You’ll be amazed at what 15 minutes can do. Attending 5 in one month will earn you 10 HY points.

Family and Friend Turf for tots: Friday 9/16 5-6:30 at the Dimond Park Field House. CBJ & BRH employees can bring kiddos and friends to come and play! We’ll have all sorts of toys, games, and open space to run free. Attending will earn you 5 HY points.

Booty Aerobics with local legend, Ericka Lee: Saturdays 9/24-10/15 at the Rockwell Ballroom from 10-11. Join us for some fun tunes and funky moves. No experience/coordination required. Cost is $10 per class or $32 for all 4! Register by emailing [email protected]

Character Day: Thursday, 9/22 join in discussions across the organization (let me know if you’d like to host one in your worksite) or drop in to join in one at noon in the BRH meditation room or from 4-5:30 at the downtown library. Attending will earn you 5 HY points.

Join hundreds of thousands of people around the globe for Character Day — a day and global initiative where school districts, organizations, families, congregations of all sizes screen films on the science of character development from different perspectives, dive into free printed discussion materials catered to different ages, and join an online global conversation around the importance of developing character strengths (resilience, grit, empathy, courage, kindness)–all rooted in evidence-based research.

Family and Friend Skate: Saturday 9/24, 1-2:30 @ Treadwell Arena. CBJ & BRH employees can bring family or a friend to come and skate for free! Bring your own skates/ helmet or borrow theirs. 5 HY points.




Parenting with Love and Logic: Round 3This fall we are excited to bring back our Parenting with Love and Logic class! This 6- session class will teach you how to avoid un-winnable power-struggles and arguments, stay calm when your kids do incredibly upsetting things, set enforceable limits, avoid enabling and begin empowering, help your kids learn from mistakes rather than repeating them, raise kids who are family members rather than dictators... and best of all- give you skills that you can use immediately.

Classes will be held on Thursdays, 10/20- 12/1 (except Thanksgiving) from 6-8pm @ Zach Gordon Youth Center. Childcare and dinner will be provided. Cost is $175 for an individual or $200 for a couple- cost includes $100 deposit that will be returned upon completion of all 6 classes. Register at to reserve your spot.